deviseth Interlinear Index Study

deviseth PSA 036 004 He {deviseth} <02803 +chashab > mischief
<00205 +>aven > upon his bed <04904 +mishkab > ; he setteth
<03320 +yatsab > himself in a way <01870 +derek > [ that is ]
not good <02896 +towb > ; he abhorreth <03988 +ma>ac > not evil
<07451 +ra< > .

deviseth PSA 052 002 Thy tongue <03956 +lashown > {deviseth}
<02803 +chashab > mischiefs <01942 +havvah > ; like a sharp
<03913 +latash > razor <08593 +ta , working <06213 +
deceitfully <07423 +r@miyah > .

deviseth PRO 006 014 Frowardness <08419 +tahpukah > [ is ] in
his heart <03820 +leb > , he {deviseth} <02790 +charash >
mischief <07451 +ra< > continually ; he soweth <07971 +shalach >
discord <04066 +madown > .

deviseth PRO 006 018 An heart <03820 +leb > that {deviseth}
<02790 +charash > wicked <00205 +>aven > imaginations <04284
+machashabah > , feet <07272 +regel > that be swift <04116
+mahar > in running <07323 +ruwts > to mischief <07451 +ra< > ,

deviseth PRO 016 009 . A man s <00120 +>adam > heart <03820 +leb
> {deviseth} <02803 +chashab > his way <01870 +derek > : but the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > directeth <03559 +kuwn > his steps <06806
+tsa .

deviseth PRO 024 008 He that {deviseth} <02803 +chashab > to do
evil <07489 +ra shall be called <07121 +qara> > a
mischievous <04209 +m@zimmah > person <01167 +ba .

deviseth ISA 032 007 The instruments <03627 +k@liy > also of the
churl <03596 +kiylay > [ are ] evil <07451 +ra< > : he
{deviseth} <03289 +ya wicked <02154 +zimmah > devices
<02154 +zimmah > to destroy <02254 +chabal > the poor with lying
<08267 +sheqer > words <00561 +>emer > , even when the needy
<34> speaketh <01696 +dabar > right <04941 +mishpat > .

deviseth ISA 032 008 But the liberal <05081 +nadiyb > {deviseth}
<03289 +ya liberal <05081 +nadiyb > things ; and by
liberal <05081 +nadiyb > things shall he stand <06965 +quwm > .
