despitefully Interlinear Index Study

despitefully MAT 005 044 But I say <3004 -lego -> unto you ,
Love <0025 -agapao -> your <5216 -humon -> enemies <2190 -
echthros -> , bless <2127 -eulogeo -> them that curse <2672 -
kataraomai -> you , do <4160 -poieo -> good <2573 -kalos -> to
them that hate <3404 -miseo -> you , and pray <4336 -
proseuchomai -> for them which <3588 -ho -> {despitefully} <1908
-epereazo -> use <1908 -epereazo -> you , and persecute <1377 -
dioko -> you ;

despitefully LUK 006 028 Bless 2127 -eulogeo - them that curse
2672 -kataraomai - you , and pray 4336 -proseuchomai - for them
which {despitefully} 1908 -epereazo - use 1908 -epereazo - you .

despitefully ACT 014 005 And when <5613 -hos -> there was an
assault <3730 -horme -> made <1096 -ginomai -> both <5037 -te ->
of the Gentiles <1484 -ethnos -> , and also of the Jews <2453 -
Ioudaios -> with their rulers <0758 -archon -> , to use <5195 -
hubrizo -> [ them ] {despitefully} <5195 -hubrizo -> , and to
stone <3036 -lithoboleo -> them ,
