* despising , 2706 kataphroneo ,


despising -2706 despise, despisest, {despising},




despising ......... despising 2706 -kataphroneo->




despising 012 002 Heb /${despising /the shame ,
and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God .


despising 1 -


despising , HEB , 12:2



despising Interlinear Index Study

despising HEB 012 002 Looking <0872 -aphorao -> unto Jesus <2424
-Iesous -> the author <0747 -archegos -> and finisher <5047 -
teleiotes -> of [ our ] faith <4102 -pistis -> ; who <3739 -hos -
> for the joy <5479 -chara -> that was set <4295 -prokeimai ->
before <4295 -prokeimai -> him endured <5278 -hupomeno -> the
cross <4716 -stauros -> , {despising} <2706 -kataphroneo -> the
shame <0152 -aischune -> , and is set <2523 -kathizo -> down
<2523 -kathizo -> at <1722 -en -> the right <1188 -dexios ->
hand of the throne <2362 -thronos -> of God <2316 -theos -> .


despising Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher

our] faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the

cross, {despising} the shame, and is set down at the right hand

the throne of God.
