afterward when david heard <2SA3 -:28 >

appeared unto david his father <2CH3 -:1 >

as david came <1CH21 -:21 >

as david my servant did <1KI11 -:38 >

as david returned from <1SA17 -:57 >

as david thy father walked <1KI9 -:4 >

as david thy father walked <2CH7 -:17 >

as soon as david had made an end <2SA6 -:18 >

as thou didst deal with david my father <2CH2 -:3 >

as thy father david did walk <1KI3 -:14 >

because david did <1KI15 -:5 >

besiege david <1SA23 -:8 >

between david <2SA21 -:7 >

bless our lord king david <1KI1 -:47 >

brought david very much brass <1CH18 -:8 >

but david <1SA23 -:24 >

but david <1SA24 -:22 >

but david <1SA29 -:2 >

but david abode <1SA26 -:3 >

but david carried it aside into <2SA6 -:10 >

but david could not go before it <1CH21 -:30 >

but david encouraged himself <1SA30 -:6 >

but david knew <2SA3 -:26 >

but david pursued <1SA30 -:10 >

but david tarried at jerusalem <1CH20 -:1 >

but david tarried stil <2SA11 -:1 >

but david took not <1CH27 -:23 >

but david waxed stronger <2SA3 -:1 >

but david went <1SA17 -:15 >

but david would not drink <1CH11 -:18 >

but upon david <1KI2 -:33 >

but when david saw <2SA12 -:19 >

but when king david heard <2SA13 -:21 >

by david his son unto saul <1SA16 -:20 >

by david king <2CH29 -:27 >

commune with david secretly <1SA18 -:22 >

david abode <1SA23 -:14 >

david abode <1SA23 -:18 >

david according

david also <1CH15 -:27 >

david also

david also arose afterward <1SA24 -:8 >

david also commanded all <1CH22 -:17 >

david also girded on his sword <1SA25 -:13 >

david also hocked all <1CH18 -:4 >

david also took ahinoam <1SA25 -:43 >

david among <2CH24 -:16 >

david answered <1SA17 -:58 >

david answered <1SA21 -:5 >

david answered <1SA26 -:22 >

david answered rechab <2SA4 -:9 >

david apart

david arose <1SA21 -:10 >

david arose <1SA25 -:1 >

david arose <1SA26 -:5 >

david arose <1SA27 -:2 >

david arose from off his bed <2SA11 -:2 >

david arose out <1SA20 -:41 >

david assembled <1CH15 -:4 >

david assembled all <1CH28 -:1 >

david avoided out <1SA18 -:11 >

david begat more sons <1CH14 -:3 >

david behaved himself more wisely than all <1SA18 -:30 >

david behaved himself wisely <1SA18 -:14 >

david beheld <1SA26 -:5 >

david brought their foreskins <1SA18 -:27 >

david builded for an armoury

david built round about from millo <2SA5 -:9 >

david built there an altar unto <2SA24 -:25 >

david built there an altar unto <1CH21 -:26 >

david called for zadok <1CH15 -:11 >

david called one <2SA1 -:15 >

david came <1SA16 -:21 >

david came <1SA30 -:21 >

david came <2SA20 -:3 >

david came <2SA5 -:20 >

david came into <1CH19 -:2 >

david cannot come <2SA5 -:6 >

david comforted bathsheba his wife <2SA12 -:24 >

david commanded <1CH22 -:2 >

david commanded his young men <2SA4 -:12 >

david consulted with <1CH13 -:1 >

david cried <1SA26 -:14 >

david danced before <2SA6 -:14 >

david demanded <2SA11 -:7 >

david did so <2SA5 -:25 >

david distributed them <1CH24 -:3 >

david divided them into courses among <1CH23 -:6 >

david doth honour thy father <2SA10 -:3 >

david doth honour thy father <1CH19 -:3 >

david drew nigh <1KI2 -:1 >

david dwelt <1CH11 -:7 >

david dwelt

david dwelt with achish at gath <1SA27 -:3 >

david earnestly asked <1SA20 -:6 >

david earnestly asked <1SA20 -:28 >

david every one from <1SA20 -:15 >

david executed judgment <2SA8 -:15 >

david fasted <2SA12 -:16 >

david feared <2SA12 -:18 >

david fled <1SA19 -:10 >

david fled from naioth <1SA20 -:1 >

david for ever <2CH13 -:5 >

david gat <2SA8 -:13 >

david gathered all <2SA12 -:29 >

david gathered all israel together <1CH15 -:3 >

david gathered together all <2SA6 -:1 >

david gave <1CH14 -:12 >

david girded his sword upon his armour <1SA17 -:39 >

david had abode two days <2SA1 -:1 >

david had done displeased <2SA11 -:27 >

david had pitched for it <1CH16 -:1 >

david had pitched for it <2SA6 -:17 >

david had prepared <2CH3 -:1 >

david had prepared for it <2CH1 -:4 >

david had smitten <2SA2 -:31 >

david had smitten all <2SA8 -:9 >

david hasted <1SA17 -:48 >

david heard <1CH14 -:8 >

david heard <1SA17 -:23 >

david heard <1SA25 -:4 >

david heard <2SA5 -:17 >

david himself saith

david his father <1CH29 -:23 >

david his father <1KI11 -:4 >

david his father <1KI11 -:6 >

david his father <1KI11 -:43 >

david his father <1KI11 -:27 >

david his father <1KI15 -:11 >

david his father <1KI15 -:3 >

david his father <1KI15 -:24 >

david his father <1KI2 -:12 >

david his father <1KI22 -:50 >

david his father <1KI3 -:3 >

david his father <2CH34 -:2 >

david his father <2CH34 -:3 >

david his father <2CH8 -:14 >

david his father <2CH9 -:31 >

david his father <2KI15 -:38 >

david his father <2KI22 -:2 >

david his father did <2KI18 -:3 >

david his father had dedicated <2CH5 -:1 >

david his father had done <2CH29 -:2 >

david his ten thousands <1SA18 -:7 >

david his ten thousands <1SA21 -:11 >

david his ten thousands <1SA29 -:5 >

david hocked all <2SA8 -:4 >

david inquired <1CH14 -:10 >

david inquired <2SA2 -:1 >

david inquired <2SA21 -:1 >

david inquired <2SA5 -:19 >

david inquired at <1SA30 -:8 >

david is come

david king <1CH29 -:22 >

david king <2CH30 -:26 >

david king <2CH35 -:3 >

david king <2CH35 -:4 >

david king <2CH8 -:11 >

david king

david knew <1SA20 -:39 >

david knew <1SA23 -:9 >

david laid up these words <1SA21 -:12 >

david lamented with this lamentation over saul <2SA1 -:17 >

david left his carriage <1SA17 -:22 >

david lifted up his eyes <1CH21 -:16 >

david longed <1CH11 -:17 >

david longed <2SA23 -:15 >

david loved her <2SA13 -:1 >

david made <1CH11 -:3 >

david made <1SA18 -:3 >

david made abner <2SA3 -:20 >

david made haste <1SA23 -:26 >

david my father <1KI2 -:24 >

david my father <1KI2 -:44 >

david my father <1KI3 -:7 >

david my father <1KI8 -:17 >

david my father <1KI8 -:20 >

david my father <2CH6 -:10 >

david my father <2CH6 -:7 >

david my father <2CH6 -:8 >

david my father could not build an house unto <1KI5 -:3 >

david my servant

david my servant

david my servant

david my servant may have <1KI11 -:36 >

david numbered <2SA18 -:1 >

david offered burnt offerings <2SA6 -:17 >

david on his behalf <2SA3 -:12 >

david our lord knoweth <1KI1 -:11 >

david over israel <2SA3 -:10 >

david perceived <1CH14 -:2 >

david perceived <2SA12 -:19 >

david perceived <2SA5 -:12 >

david played with <1SA19 -:9 >

david played with his hand <1SA18 -:10 >

david prepared iron <1CH22 -:3 >

david put his hand <1SA17 -:49 >

david put them off him <1SA17 -:39 >

david recovered all <1SA30 -:19 >

david recovered all <1SA30 -:18 >

david reigned over all israel <2SA8 -:15 >

david reigned over israel <1KI2 -:11 >

david rescued his two wives <1SA30 -:18 >

david returned <1CH16 -:43 >

david rose up early <1SA17 -:20 >

david sai <1SA21 -:9 >

david said <1CH11 -:6 >

david said <1CH17 -:1 >

david said <1CH19 -:2 >

david said <1CH21 -:2 >

david said <1CH22 -:5 >

david said <1CH22 -:7 >

david said <1CH28 -:20 >

david said <1CH29 -:10 >

david said <1CH29 -:20 >

david said <1SA17 -:29 >

david said <1SA17 -:32 >

david said <1SA18 -:23 >

david said <1SA24 -:9 >

david said <1SA25 -:32 >

david said <1SA26 -:15 >

david said <1SA26 -:17 >

david said <1SA26 -:9 >

david said <1SA27 -:10 >

david said <1SA27 -:1 >

david said <1SA28 -:2 >

david said <1SA30 -:15 >

david said <1SA30 -:7 >

david said <2SA11 -:12 >

david said <2SA11 -:8 >

david said <2SA15 -:22 >

david said <2SA15 -:31 >

david said <2SA16 -:11 >

david said <2SA19 -:22 >

david said <2SA2 -:1 >

david said <2SA20 -:6 >

david said <2SA24 -:21 >

david said <2SA3 -:31 >

david said <2SA9 -:1 >

david said furthermore <1SA26 -:10 >

david said moreover <1SA17 -:37 >

david said on <2SA5 -:8 >

david said unto <1SA25 -:5 >

david said unto <2SA1 -:13 >

david said unto <2SA1 -:5 >

david said unto <2SA24 -:10 >

david said unto abiathar <1SA22 -:22 >

david said unto achish <1SA27 -:5 >

david said unto achish <1SA29 -:8 >

david said unto ahimelech <1SA21 -:2 >

david said unto ahimelech <1SA21 -:8 >

david said unto all <1CH13 -:2 >

david said unto all his servants <2SA15 -:14 >

david said unto gad <1CH21 -:13 >

david said unto gad <2SA24 -:14 >

david said unto god <1CH21 -:8 >

david said unto god <1CH21 -:17 >

david said unto him <1SA24 -:4 >

david said unto him <1SA30 -:13 >

david said unto him <2SA1 -:16 >

david said unto him <2SA1 -:14 >

david said unto him <2SA1 -:3 >

david said unto him <2SA1 -:4 >

david said unto him <2SA9 -:7 >

david said unto his men <1SA25 -:13 >

david said unto jonathan <1SA20 -:5 >

david said unto michal <2SA6 -:21 >

david said unto nathan <2SA12 -:13 >

david said unto saul <1SA17 -:39 >

david said unto saul <1SA17 -:34 >

david said unto saul <1SA18 -:18 >

david said unto uriah <2SA11 -:10 >

david saith

david sat between <2SA18 -:24 >

david saved neither man nor woman alive <1SA27 -:11 >

david saw <1SA23 -:15 >

david seeketh thy hurt <1SA24 -:9 >

david sent <2SA10 -:2 >

david sent <2SA11 -:3 >

david sent <2SA11 -:6 >

david sent <2SA11 -:27 >

david sent abner away <2SA3 -:21 >

david sent forth <2SA18 -:2 >

david sent joab <2SA11 -:1 >

david sent messengers <1CH19 -:2 >

david sent messengers <2SA11 -:4 >

david sent messengers <2SA3 -:14 >

david sent messengers out <1SA25 -:14 >

david sent messengers unto <2SA2 -:5 >

david sent out ten young men <1SA25 -:5 >

david sent us unto thee <1SA25 -:40 >

david set him over his guard <2SA23 -:23 >

david set him over his guard <1CH11 -:25 >

david shall be established before <1KI2 -:45 >

david shall never want

david should go up <1CH21 -:18 >

david slept with his fathers <1KI11 -:21 >

david slew <1CH18 -:5 >

david slew <1CH19 -:18 >

david slew <2SA10 -:18 >

david slew <2SA8 -:5 >

david slew him <2SA21 -:21 >

david smote <1CH18 -:1 >

david smote <1SA27 -:9 >

david smote also hadadezer <2SA8 -:3 >

david smote hadarezer king <1CH18 -:3 >

david smote them from <1SA30 -:17 >

david smote them there <1CH14 -:11 >

david smote them there <2SA5 -:20 >

david spake <1CH15 -:16 >

david spake <1SA17 -:26 >

david spake before concerning judas

david spake unto <2SA22 -:1 >

david spake unto <2SA24 -:17 >

david stooped with his face <1SA24 -:8 >

david sware <2SA3 -:35 >

david sware moreover <1SA20 -:3 >

david sware unto him <2SA21 -:17 >

david sware unto saul <1SA24 -:22 >

david than ye <2SA19 -:43 >

david their king

david their king

david therefore besought god for <2SA12 -:16 >

david therefore calleth him lord

david therefore departed thence <1SA22 -:1 >

david therefore did as god commanded him <1CH14 -:16 >

david therefore himself calleth him lord

david therefore sent out spies <1SA26 -:4 >

david they were sought for <1CH26 -:31 >

david three years <2SA21 -:1 >

david thy father <1KI9 -:5 >

david thy father <2CH21 -:12 >

david thy father <2KI20 -:5 >

david thy father

david thy servant <1CH17 -:24 >

david thy servant <2CH6 -:42 >

david took <1CH18 -:7 >

david took <1CH20 -:2 >

david took <1SA17 -:54 >

david took <2SA5 -:13 >

david took <2SA8 -:7 >

david took all <1SA30 -:20 >

david took an harp <1SA16 -:23 >

david took from him <1CH18 -:4 >

david took from him <2SA8 -:4 >

david took methegammah out <2SA8 -:1 >

david took more wives at jerusalem <1CH14 -:3 >

david two <1CH7 -:2 >

david unto <2CH8 -:11 >

david unto hebron <1CH11 -:1 >

david unto hebron <2SA5 -:1 >

david unto her house which <1KI9 -:24 >

david unto saul his father <1SA19 -:4 >

david unto this day <1KI12 -:19 >

david unto this day <2CH10 -:19 >

david was <1SA22 -:4 >

david was afraid <1CH13 -:12 >

david was afraid <2SA6 -:9 >

david was anointed king over all israel <1CH14 -:8 >

david was come <1SA23 -:7 >

david was come <2SA15 -:32 >

david was discovered <1SA22 -:6 >

david was displeased <1CH13 -:11 >

david was displeased <2SA6 -:8 >

david was escaped from keilah <1SA23 -:13 >

david was fled <1SA27 -:4 >

david was greatly distressed <1SA30 -:6 >

david was king <2SA2 -:11 >

david was raised from <2TI2 -:8 >

david was strengthened <2CH1 -:1 >

david waxed faint <2SA21 -:15 >

david went <2SA21 -:12 >

david went down <2SA21 -:15 >

david went on <2SA5 -:10 >

david went out <1CH12 -:17 >

david went out <1SA19 -:8 >

david went out into all lands <1CH14 -:17 >

david went out whithersoever saul sent him <1SA18 -:5 >

david went thence <1SA22 -:3 >

david went up <1CH13 -:6 >

david went up at <1CH21 -:19 >

david went up by <2SA15 -:30 >

david went up from thence <1SA23 -:29 >

david were come <1SA25 -:40 >

david will

david with <1CH21 -:21 >

david with gl <2SA6 -:12 >

david with his two wives <1SA27 -:3 >

david wrote <2SA11 -:14 >

day david delivered first <1CH16 -:7 >

doth not david hide himself <1SA26 -:1 >

doth not david hide himself with us <1SA23 -:19 >

doth not david hide himself with us

eliab's anger was kindled against david <1SA17 -:28 >

even as david also describeth

even so dealt david with all <1CH20 -:3 >

faithful among all thy servants as david <1SA22 -:14 >

fell before david on her face <1SA25 -:23 >

for david himself said by

for david is not ascended into

for david said <1CH23 -:25 >

for david speaketh concerning him

for when david was up <2SA24 -:11 >

from david until

gadites there separated themselves unto david into <1CH12 -:8 >

god had david brought up from kirjathjearim <2CH1 -:4 >

hamath heard how david had smitten all <1CH18 -:9 >

have covenanted with david thy father <2CH7 -:18 >

have found david my servant

have sworn unto david my servant

have ye never read what david did

have ye not read what david did

he chose david also his servant

he moved david against them <2SA24 -:1 >

he was with david at pasdammim <1CH11 -:13 >

his life for david my servant's sake <1KI11 -:34 >

if david then call him lord

it pleased david well <1SA18 -:26 >

it was told david what rizpah <2SA21 -:11 >

jesse said unto david his son <1SA17 -:17 >

keep with thy servant david my father <1KI8 -:25 >

keep with thy servant david my father <2CH6 -:16 >

king david longed <2SA13 -:39 >

king david made <2SA5 -:3 >

king david said <1CH21 -:24 >

king david said <1KI1 -:32 >

king david sent <2SA19 -:11 >

king david took exceeding much brass <2SA8 -:8 >

let my lord king david live for ever <1KI1 -:31 >

let thy promise unto david my father be established <2CH1 -:9 >

like david his father <2CH28 -:1 >

like david his father <2KI16 -:2 >

lord came upon david from <1SA16 -:13 >

lord god before david my father <1KI2 -:26 >

lord had done for david his servant <1KI8 -:66 >

lord preserved david whithersoever he went <2SA8 -:14 >

lord preserved david whithersoever he went <2SA8 -:6 >

lord preserved david whithersoever he went <1CH18 -:6 >

lord preserved david whithersoever he went <1CH18 -:13 >

lord said unto david my father <1KI8 -:18 >

lord spake unto david my father <1KI5 -:5 >

lord would not destroy judah for david his servant's sake <2KI8
-:19 >

make david fall by <1SA18 -:25 >

make david king <1CH12 -:38 >

make david king <1CH12 -:31 >

make david king over all israel <1CH12 -:38 >

may also my covenant be broken with david my servant 21 >

mighty men whom david had <1CH11 -:10 >

mighty men whom david had <1CH11 -:11 >

mighty men whom david had <2SA23 -:8 >

my father david not knowing <1KI2 -:32 >

now david had said <1SA25 -:21 >

now king david was old <1KI1 -:1 >

now therefore so shalt thou say unto my servant david <2SA7 -:
8 >

now therefore thus shalt thou say unto my servant david <1CH17
-:7 >

numbering wherewith david his father had numbered them <2CH2 -:
17 >

places where david himself <1SA30 -:31 >

pursue after david this night <2SA17 -:1 >

saul armed david with his armour <1SA17 -:38 >

saul eyed david from <1SA18 -:9 >

saw king david leaping <2SA6 -:16 >

send me david thy son <1SA16 -:19 >

showed david all <2SA11 -:22 >

slay david <1SA20 -:33 >

slay david without <1SA19 -:5 >

smite david even <1SA19 -:10 >

so david <1CH15 -:25 >

so david <1SA23 -:5 >

so david <1SA26 -:7 >

so david <1SA29 -:11 >

so david <1SA30 -:3 >

so david <2SA12 -:31 >

so david <2SA6 -:15 >

so david bought <2SA24 -:24 >

so david brought not <1CH13 -:13 >

so david dwelt <2SA5 -:9 >

so david fled <1SA19 -:18 >

so david gathered all israel together <1CH13 -:5 >

so david gave <1CH21 -:25 >

so david hid himself <1SA20 -:24 >

so david prep <1CH22 -:5 >

so david prevailed over <1SA17 -:50 >

so david received <1SA25 -:35 >

so david reigned over all israel <1CH18 -:14 >

so david saved <1SA23 -:5 >

so david slept with his fathers <1KI2 -:10 >

so david stayed his servants with these words <1SA24 -:7 >

so david took <1SA26 -:12 >

so david waxed greater <1CH11 -:9 >

so david went <1SA30 -:9 >

so david went <2SA6 -:12 >

so david went on his way <1SA26 -:25 >

so david went up thither <2SA2 -:2 >

so david would not remove <2SA6 -:10 >

so did david <1SA27 -:11 >

so did nathan speak unto david <2SA7 -:17 >

so did nathan speak unto david <1CH17 -:15 >

so michal let david down through <1SA19 -:12 >

so when david had put <1CH19 -:17 >

so when david was old <1CH23 -:1 >

spake unto david thy father <1KI6 -:12 >

take david <1SA19 -:14 >

take david <1SA19 -:20 >

tell david <1CH21 -:10 >

tell david <2SA17 -:16 >

tell david my servant <1CH17 -:4 >

tell my servant david <2SA7 -:5 >

them also king david dedicated unto <1CH18 -:11 >

then achish called david <1SA29 -:6 >

then answered david <1SA26 -:6 >

then came david <1SA21 -:1 >

then david <1CH21 -:16 >

then david <1CH28 -:2 >

then david <1SA23 -:13 >

then david <1SA30 -:4 >

then david arose <1SA24 -:4 >

then david arose <2SA17 -:22 >

then david arose from <2SA12 -:20 >

then david came <2SA17 -:24 >

then david departed <1SA22 -:5 >

then david gave <1CH28 -:11 >

then david inquired <1SA23 -:4 >

then david put <1CH18 -:6 >

then david put garrisons <2SA8 -:6 >

then david rece <1CH12 -:18 >

then david returned <2SA6 -:20 >

then david said <1CH14 -:11 >

then david said <1CH15 -:2 >

then david said <1CH21 -:22 >

then david said <1CH22 -:1 >

then david said unto <2SA11 -:25 >

then david sent home <2SA13 -:7 >

then david took hold on his clothes <2SA1 -:11 >

then david went over <1SA26 -:13 >

then king david answered <1KI1 -:28 >

then king david sent <2SA9 -:5 >

then nathan said unto david <1CH17 -:2 >

then said david <1SA17 -:45 >

then said david <1SA20 -:10 >

then said david <1SA23 -:10 >

then said david <1SA23 -:12 >

then said david <1SA30 -:23 >

then said david <2SA10 -:2 >

then said jonathan unto david <1SA20 -:4 >

then they told david <1SA23 -:1 >

then toi sent joram his son unto king david <2SA8 -:10 >

then went king david <2SA7 -:18 >

there they anointed david king over <2SA2 -:4 >

there they were with david three days <1CH12 -:39 >

there went up after david about four hundred men <1SA25 -:13 >

therefore david inquired <1SA23 -:2 >

therefore david inquired again <1CH14 -:14 >

therefore david ran <1SA17 -:51 >

therefore david said unto his servants <2SA12 -:19 >

they anointed david king over israel <2SA5 -:3 >

they anointed david king over israel <1CH11 -:3 >

they built david an house <2SA5 -:11 >

they could not follow david <1SA30 -:21 >

they had anointed david king over israel <2SA5 -:17 >

they have ascribed unto david ten thousands <1SA18 -:8 >

they helped david against <1CH12 -:21 >

they made peace with david <1CH19 -:19 >

they should kill david <1SA19 -:1 >

they stank before david <2SA10 -:6 >

they told david <1SA23 -:25 >

they told david <2SA2 -:4 >

things which david his father had dedicated <1KI7 -:51 >

thou hast not been as my servant david <1KI14 -:8 >

thou hast showed great mercy unto david my father <2CH1 -:8 >

thou hast showed unto thy servant david my father great mercy
<1KI3 -:6 >

thou swarest unto david

thou which hast kept with thy servant david my father <2CH6 -:
15 >

three mighty men with david <2SA23 -:9 >

thus david <1CH29 -:26 >

thy servant david be established before thee <2SA7 -:26 >

thy servant david hast said

thy son david <1SA25 -:8 >

thy son for david my servant's sake <1KI11 -:13 >

time appointed with david <1SA20 -:35 >

time when david saw <1CH21 -:28 >

told david <2SA11 -:5 >

told david <2SA15 -:31 >

told david all <2SA11 -:18 >

told david how <1CH19 -:5 >

told king david <2SA17 -:17 >

told king david <2SA17 -:21 >

truth unto david

until david exceeded <1SA20 -:41 >

unto david were sons born <2SA3 -:2 >

unto whom david said <2SA15 -:33 >

verily our lord king david hath made solomon king <1KI1 -:43 >

was come unto david <2SA9 -:6 >

went with david <1SA30 -:22 >

what can david <1CH17 -:18 >

what can david say more unto thee <2SA7 -:20 >

what david did

when abigail saw david <1SA25 -:23 >

when david cam <1SA30 -:21 >

when david came <1SA30 -:26 >

when david had called him <2SA11 -:13 >

when david had made an end <1CH16 -:2 >

when david had made an end <1SA24 -:16 >

when david heard <1CH19 -:8 >

when david heard <1SA25 -:39 >

when david heard <2SA10 -:7 >

when david inquired <2SA5 -:23 >

when david praised by their ministry <2CH7 -:6 >

when david slew them <1KI11 -:24 >

when david was <1KI11 -:15 >

when david was <2SA16 -:1 >

when david was come <2SA17 -:27 >

when david was returned from <1SA18 -:6 >

when david was returned from <2SA1 -:1 >

when his servants told david these words <1SA18 -:26 >

when it was told david <2SA10 -:17 >

when joab was come out from david <2SA3 -:26 >

when king david came <2SA16 -:5 >

when saul saw david go forth against <1SA17 -:55 >

when they had called him unto david <2SA9 -:2 >

when they had told david <2SA11 -:10 >

where david was

wherefore david arose <1SA18 -:27 >

wherefore david blessed <1CH29 -:10 >

wherefore david said unto <2SA21 -:3 >

wherefore saul returned from pursuing after david <1SA23 -:28 >

which also king david did dedicate unto <2SA8 -:11 >

which david <1CH26 -:26 >

which david <2CH7 -:6 >

which hath given unto david <1KI5 -:7 >

which spake unto david <2SA5 -:6 >

which spake with his mouth unto david my father <1KI8 -:15 >

which thou hast spoken unto thy servant david <2CH6 -:17 >

which thou spakest unto thy servant david my father <1KI8 -:26

who delivereth david his servant from

who hast kept with thy servant david my father <1KI8 -:24 >

whom david <1CH9 -:22 >

whom david

whom david had distributed <2CH23 -:18 >

whom david my fath <2CH2 -:7 >

whom david set over <1CH6 -:31 >

whom king david made rulers over <1CH26 -:32 >

will not do it for david thy father's sake <1KI11 -:12 >

will not lie unto david

will raise unto david

will smite david even <1SA18 -:11 >

window saw king david dancing <1CH15 -:29 >

with david <1SA18 -:28 >

with david <1SA22 -:17 >

with him did david bring up <2SA2 -:3 >

words were heard which david spake <1SA17 -:31 >

yet not like david his father <2KI14 -:3 >
