David Psa_142_01 /^{David /A Prayer when he
was in the cave .>> I cried unto the LORD with my voice ; with
my voice unto the LORD did I make my supplication .

David Eze_34_24 /^{David /a prince among them;
I the LORD have spoken it.

David Jer_23_05 /^{David /a righteous Branch ,
and a King shall reign and prosper , and shall execute judgment
and justice in the earth .

David Luk_02_11 /${David /a Saviour , which is
Christ the Lord .

David 1Ki_05_07 /^{David /a wise son over this
great people .

David 1Sa_22_05 /^{David /Abide not in the
hold ; depart , and get thee into the land of Judah . Then David
departed , and came into the forest of Hareth .

David 1Sa_26_03 /^{David /abode in the
wilderness , and he saw that Saul came after him into the
wilderness .

David 1Sa_23_14 /^{David /abode in the
wilderness in strong holds , and remained in a mountain in the
wilderness of Ziph . And Saul sought him every day , but God
delivered him not into his hand .

David 1Sa_23_18 /^{David /abode in the wood ,
and Jonathan went to his house .

David 1Sa_25_13 /^{David /about four hundred
men ; and two hundred abode by the stuff .

David Rom_01_03 /${David /according to the
flesh ;

David 2Sa_24_19 /^{David /according to the
saying of Gad , went up as the LORD commanded .

David Act_13_36 /${David /after he had served
his own generation by the will of God , fell on sleep , and was
laid unto his fathers , and saw corruption :

David 1Ch_12_21 /^{David /against the band of
the rovers: for they were all mighty men of valour , and were
captains in the host .

David 2Sa_24_01 /^{David /against them to say ,
Go , number Israel and Judah .

David 2Sa_11_22 /^{David /all that Joab had
sent him for.

David 2Sa_11_18 /^{David /all the things
concerning the war ;

David Heb_11_32 /${David /also , and Samuel ,
and of the prophets :

David 1Sa_24_08 /^{David /also arose afterward,
and went out of the cave , and cried after Saul , saying , My
lord the king . And when Saul looked behind him, David stooped
with his face to the earth , and bowed himself.

David 1Ch_22_17 /^{David /also commanded all
the princes of Israel to help Solomon his son , saying,

David Rom_04_06 /${David /also describeth the
blessedness of the man , unto whom God imputeth righteousness
without works ,

David 1Sa_25_13 /^{David /also girded on his
sword : and there went up after David about four hundred men ;
and two hundred abode by the stuff .

David 1Ch_15_27 /^{David /also had upon him an
ephod of linen .

David Psa_78_70 /^{David /also his servant ,
and took him from the sheepfolds :

David 1Ch_18_04 /^{David /also houghed all the
chariot horses, but reserved of them an hundred chariots .

David 1Sa_25_43 /^{David /also took Ahinoam of
Jezreel ; and they were also both of them his wives .

David 1Sa_17_43 /^{David /Am I a dog , that
thou comest to me with staves ? And the Philistine cursed David
by his gods .

David 2Ch_24_16 /^{David /among the kings ,
because he had done good in Israel , both toward God , and
toward his house .

David 2Sa_05_11 /^{David /an house .

David 1Sa_20_35 /^{David /and a little lad
with him.

David 2Ch_12_16 /^{David /and Abijah his son
reigned in his stead.

David 1Sa_26_07 /^{David /and Abishai came to
the people by night : and, behold, Saul lay sleeping within the
trench , and his spear stuck in the ground at his bolster : but
Abner and the people lay round about him.

David 2Sa_18_09 /^{David /And Absalom rode upon
a mule , and the mule went under the thick boughs of a great oak
, and his head caught hold of the oak , and he was taken up
between the heaven and the earth ; and the mule that was under
him went away .

David 2Ch_27_09 /^{David /and Ahaz his son
reigned in his stead.

David 2Ki_08_24 /^{David /and Ahaziah his son
reigned in his stead.

David Psa_132_01 /^{David /and all his
afflictions :

David 1Ch_13_08 /^{David /and all Israel
played before God with all their might , and with singing , and
with harps , and with psalteries , and with timbrels , and with
cymbals , and with trumpets .

David 1Ch_11_04 /^{David /and all Israel went
to Jerusalem , which is Jebus ; where the Jebusites were, the
inhabitants of the land .

David 2Ch_32_33 /^{David /and all Judah and the
inhabitants of Jerusalem did him honour at his death . And
Manasseh his son reigned in his stead.

David 2Sa_06_15 /^{David /and all the house of
Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouting , and with
the sound of the trumpet .

David 2Sa_06_05 /^{David /and all the house of
Israel played before the LORD on all manner of instruments made
of fir wood , even on harps , and on psalteries , and on
timbrels , and on cornets , and on cymbals .

David 2Sa_16_06 /^{David /and all the people
and all the mighty men were on his right hand and on his left .

David 1Ch_20_03 /^{David /and all the people
returned to Jerusalem .

David 2Sa_12_31 /^{David /and all the people
returned unto Jerusalem .

David 1Ch_21_05 /^{David /And all they of
Israel were a thousand thousand and an hundred thousand men that
drew sword : and Judah was four hundred threescore and ten
thousand men that drew sword .

David 2Ki_12_21 /^{David /and Amaziah his son
reigned in his stead.

David 2Ch_21_07 /^{David /and as he promised to
give a light to him and to his sons for ever .

David 1Ki_15_08 /^{David /and Asa his son
reigned in his stead.

David 2Ch_14_01 /^{David /and Asa his son
reigned in his stead. In his days the land was quiet ten years .

David 2Ch_35_15 /^{David /and Asaph , and Heman
, and Jeduthun the king's seer ; and the porters waited at every
gate ; they might not depart from their service ; for their
brethren the Levites prepared for them.

David Neh_12_46 /^{David /and Asaph of old
there were chief of the singers , and songs of praise and
thanksgiving unto God .

David 2Sa_16_06 /^{David /and at all the
servants of king David : and all the people and all the mighty
men were on his right hand and on his left .

David 1Ch_19_19 /^{David /and became his
servants : neither would the Syrians help the children of Ammon
any more.

David 1Sa_25_42 /^{David /and became his wife .

David 1Sa_22_17 /^{David /and because they
knew when he fled , and did not shew it to me. But the servants
of the king would not put forth their hand to fall upon the
priests of the LORD .

David 2Sa_08_06 /^{David /and brought gifts .
And the LORD preserved David whithersoever he went .

David 1Ch_20_08 /^{David /and by the hand of
his servants .

David 2Sa_21_22 /^{David /and by the hand of
his servants .

David 1Sa_25_09 /^{David /and ceased .

David 2Sa_05_11 /^{David /and cedar trees , and
carpenters , and masons : and they built David an house .

David 2Sa_05_09 /^{David /And David built round
about from Millo and inward .

David 2Sa_05_17 /^{David /and David heard of it,
and went down to the hold .

David 1Ch_14_08 /^{David /And David heard of
it, and went out against them.

David 1Sa_26_17 /^{David /And David said , It
is my voice , my lord , O king .

David 1Sa_18_23 /^{David /And David said ,
Seemeth it to you a light thing to be a king's son in law ,
seeing that I am a poor man , and lightly esteemed ?

David 2Sa_20_02 /^{David /and followed Sheba
the son of Bichri : but the men of Judah clave unto their king ,
from Jordan even to Jerusalem .

David 2Sa_17_29 /^{David /and for the people
that were with him, to eat : for they said , The people is
hungry , and weary , and thirsty , in the wilderness .

David 2Sa_10_17 /^{David /and fought with him.

David 1Sa_30_11 /^{David /and gave him bread ,
and he did eat ; and they made him drink water ;

David 1Ki_14_08 /^{David /and gave it thee:
and yet thou hast not been as my servant David , who kept my
commandments , and who followed me with all his heart , to do
that only which was right in mine eyes ;

David 2Sa_12_01 /^{David /And he came unto him,
and said unto him, There were two men in one city ; the one rich
, and the other poor .

David 1Ch_19_17 /^{David /and he gathered all
Israel , and passed over Jordan , and came upon them, and set
the battle in array against them. So when David had put the
battle in array against the Syrians , they fought with him.

David 1Sa_17_28 /^{David /and he said , Why
camest thou down hither? and with whom hast thou left those few
sheep in the wilderness ? I know thy pride , and the naughtiness
of thine heart ; for thou art come down that thou mightest see
the battle .

David Jer_33_15 /^{David /and he shall execute
judgment and righteousness in the land .

David 2Ki_16_20 /^{David /and Hezekiah his son
reigned in his stead.

David 2Ch_32_30 /^{David /And Hezekiah
prospered in all his works .

David Jer_36_30 /^{David /and his dead body
shall be cast out in the day to the heat , and in the night to
the frost .

David 1Sa_18_04 /^{David /and his garments ,
even to his sword , and to his bow , and to his girdle .

David 1Sa_23_13 /^{David /and his men , which
were about six hundred , arose and departed out of Keilah , and
went whithersoever they could go . And it was told Saul that
David was escaped from Keilah ; and he forbare to go forth .

David 1Sa_23_08 /^{David /and his men .

David 2Sa_05_21 /^{David /and his men burned

David 1Sa_25_20 /^{David /and his men came
down against her; and she met them.

David 1Sa_30_03 /^{David /and his men came to
the city , and, behold, it was burned with fire ; and their
wives , and their sons , and their daughters , were taken
captives .

David 1Sa_24_22 /^{David /and his men gat them
up unto the hold .

David 1Sa_23_26 /^{David /and his men on that
side of the mountain : and David made haste to get away for fear
of Saul ; for Saul and his men compassed David and his men round
about to take them.

David 1Sa_29_02 /^{David /and his men passed
on in the rereward with Achish .

David 1Sa_24_03 /^{David /and his men remained
in the sides of the cave .

David 1Sa_29_11 /^{David /and his men rose up
early to depart in the morning , to return into the land of the
Philistines . And the Philistines went up to Jezreel .

David 1Sa_23_26 /^{David /and his men round
about to take them.

David 1Sa_24_02 /^{David /and his men upon the
rocks of the wild goats .

David 2Sa_16_13 /^{David /and his men went by
the way , Shimei went along on the hill's side over against him,
and cursed as he went , and threw stones at him, and cast dust .

David 1Sa_23_05 /^{David /and his men went to
Keilah , and fought with the Philistines , and brought away
their cattle , and smote them with a great slaughter . So David
saved the inhabitants of Keilah .

David 1Sa_27_08 /^{David /and his men went up ,
and invaded the Geshurites , and the Gezrites , and the
Amalekites : for those nations were of old the inhabitants of
the land , as thou goest to Shur , even unto the land of Egypt .

David 1Sa_30_01 /^{David /and his men were
come to Ziklag on the third day , that the Amalekites had
invaded the south , and Ziklag , and smitten Ziklag , and burned
it with fire ;

David 1Sa_23_24 /^{David /and his men were in
the wilderness of Maon , in the plain on the south of Jeshimon .

David 1Ki_14_31 /^{David /And his mother's
name was Naamah an Ammonitess . And Abijam his son reigned in
his stead.

David 1Sa_20_12 /^{David /and I then send not
unto thee, and shew it thee;

David 2Sa_12_15 /^{David /and it was very sick .

David 2Ch_21_01 /^{David /And Jehoram his son
reigned in his stead.

David 2Sa_03_22 /^{David /and Joab came from
pursuing a troop , and brought in a great spoil with them: but
Abner was not with David in Hebron ; for he had sent him away ,
and he was gone in peace .

David 1Sa_18_01 /^{David /and Jonathan loved
him as his own soul .

David 1Sa_19_07 /^{David /and Jonathan shewed
him all those things . And Jonathan brought David to Saul , and
he was in his presence , as in times past .

David 2Sa_21_07 /^{David /and Jonathan the son
of Saul .

David 1Sa_19_02 /^{David /and Jonathan told
David , saying , Saul my father seeketh to kill thee: now
therefore, I pray thee, take heed to thyself until the morning ,
and abide in a secret place, and hide thyself:

David 2Ki_15_07 /^{David /and Jotham his son
reigned in his stead.

David 2Ch_16_14 /^{David /and laid him in the
bed which was filled with sweet odours and divers kinds of
spices prepared by the apothecaries art : and they made a very
great burning for him.

David 2Ch_32_05 /^{David /and made darts and
shields in abundance .

David Jer_29_16 /^{David /and of all the
people that dwelleth in this city , and of your brethren that
are not gone forth with you into captivity ;

David 2Ch_29_30 /^{David /and of Asaph the seer
. And they sang praises with gladness , and they bowed their
heads and worshipped .

David 2Ch_29_25 /^{David /and of Gad the king's
seer , and Nathan the prophet : for so was the commandment of
the LORD by his prophets .

David Neh_12_45 /^{David /and of Solomon his
son .

David 1Ch_12_18 /^{David /and on thy side,
thou son of Jesse : peace , peace be unto thee, and peace be to
thine helpers ; for thy God helpeth thee. Then David received
them, and made them captains of the band .

David 1Sa_19_22 /^{David /And one said ,
Behold, they be at Naioth in Ramah .

David Joh_07_42 /${David /and out of the town
of Bethlehem , where David was ?

David 1Ch_15_01 /^{David /and prepared a place
for the ark of God , and pitched for it a tent .

David Jer_22_30 /^{David /and ruling any more
in Judah .

David 1Sa_30_22 /^{David /and said , Because
they went not with us, we will not give them ought of the spoil
that we have recovered , save to every man his wife and his
children , that they may lead them away , and depart .

David 2Sa_06_20 /^{David /and said , How
glorious was the king of Israel to day , who uncovered himself
to day in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants , as one of
the vain fellows shamelessly uncovereth himself!

David 2Sa_11_05 /^{David /and said , I am with
child .

David 2Sa_12_27 /^{David /and said , I have
fought against Rabbah , and have taken the city of waters .

David 1Sa_21_04 /^{David /and said , There is
no common bread under mine hand , but there is hallowed bread ;
if the young men have kept themselves at least from women .

David 1Sa_26_06 /^{David /and said to
Ahimelech the Hittite , and to Abishai the son of Zeruiah ,
brother to Joab , saying , Who will go down with me to Saul to
the camp ? And Abishai said , I will go down with thee.

David 2Sa_17_21 /^{David /and said unto David ,
Arise , and pass quickly over the water : for thus hath
Ahithophel counselled against you.

David 2Sa_24_18 /^{David /and said unto him, Go
up , rear an altar unto the LORD in the threshingfloor of
Araunah the Jebusite .

David 1Sa_29_06 /^{David /and said unto him,
Surely, as the LORD liveth , thou hast been upright , and thy
going out and thy coming in with me in the host is good in my
sight : for I have not found evil in thee since the day of thy
coming unto me unto this day : nevertheless the lords favour
thee not .

David 1Ch_21_11 /^{David /and said unto him,
Thus saith the LORD , Choose thee

David 1Sa_21_01 /^{David /and said unto him,
Why art thou alone, and no man with thee?

David 1Ch_09_22 /^{David /and Samuel the seer
did ordain in their set office .

David 1Sa_18_29 /^{David /and Saul became
David's enemy continually .

David 1Sa_24_16 /^{David /And Saul lifted up
his voice , and wept .

David 1Ki_01_13 /^{David /and say unto him,
Didst not thou, my lord , O king , swear unto thine handmaid ,
saying , Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he
shall sit upon my throne ? why then doth Adonijah reign ?

David 1Sa_27_11 /^{David /and so will be his
manner all the while he dwelleth in the country of the
Philistines .

David 2Ch_11_17 /^{David /and Solomon .

David 2Ch_17_03 /^{David /and sought not unto
Baalim ;

David 1Sa_18_28 /^{David /and that Michal
Saul's daughter loved him.

David Rev_22_16 /${David /and the bright and
morning star .

David 1Ch_25_01 /^{David /and the captains of
the host separated to the service of the sons of Asaph , and of
Heman , and of Jeduthun , who should prophesy with harps , with
psalteries , and with cymbals : and the number of the workmen
according to their service was:

David 1Ch_15_25 /^{David /and the elders of
Israel , and the captains over thousands , went to bring up the
ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the house of Obededom
with joy .

David 1Ch_21_16 /^{David /and the elders of
Israel, who were clothed in sackcloth , fell upon their faces .

David Zec_12_07 /^{David /and the glory of the
inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah

David Zec_12_08 /^{David /and the house of
David shall be as God , as the angel of the LORD before them.

David 1Sa_17_41 /^{David /and the man that
bare the shield went before him.

David 1Sa_30_04 /^{David /and the people that
were with him lifted up their voice and wept , until they had no
more power to weep .

David 2Ch_29_26 /^{David /and the priests with
the trumpets .

David Ezr_08_20 /^{David /and the princes had
appointed for the service of the Levites , two hundred and
twenty Nethinims : all of them were expressed by name .

David Luk_01_27 /${David /and the virgin's
name was Mary .

David 2Sa_18_07 /^{David /and there was there a
great slaughter that day of twenty thousand men.

David 2Ki_17_21 /^{David /and they made
Jeroboam the son of Nebat king : and Jeroboam drave Israel from
following the LORD , and made them sin a great sin .

David 1Sa_18_20 /^{David /and they told Saul ,
and the thing pleased him.

David 1Ch_14_01 /^{David /and timber of cedars
, with masons and carpenters , to build him an house .

David 2Sa_22_51 /^{David /and to his seed for
evermore .

David Psa_18_50 /^{David /and to his seed for
evermore .

David 1Sa_30_21 /^{David /and to meet the
people that were with him: and when David came near to the
people , he saluted them.

David 2Ch_07_10 /^{David /and to Solomon , and
to Israel his people .

David 2Ch_33_07 /^{David /and to Solomon his
son , In this house , and in Jerusalem , which I have chosen
before all the tribes of Israel , will I put my name for ever :

David 2Ki_21_07 /^{David /and to Solomon his
son , In this house , and in Jerusalem , which I have chosen out
of all tribes of Israel , will I put my name for ever :

David Zec_13_01 /^{David /and to the
inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness .

David Neh_03_16 /^{David /and to the pool that
was made , and unto the house of the mighty .

David 2Sa_24_13 /^{David /and told him, and
said unto him, Shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy
land ? or wilt thou flee three months before thine enemies ,
while they pursue thee? or that there be three days pestilence
in thy land ? now advise , and see what answer I shall return to
him that sent me.

David Isa_09_07 /^{David /and upon his kingdom
, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with
justice from henceforth even for ever . The zeal of the LORD of
hosts will perform this.

David 1Ki_02_33 /^{David /and upon his seed ,
and upon his house , and upon his throne , shall there be peace
for ever from the LORD .

David Zec_12_10 /^{David /and upon the
inhabitants of Jerusalem , the spirit of grace and of
supplications : and they shall look upon me whom they have
pierced , and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his
only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in
bitterness for his firstborn .

David 2Sa_11_17 /^{David /and Uriah the Hittite
died also.

David 2Ch_10_16 /^{David /and we have none
inheritance in the son of Jesse : every man to your tents , O
Israel : and now, David , see to thine own house . So all Israel
went to their tents .

David 1Sa_23_28 /^{David /and went against the
Philistines : therefore they called that place Selahammahlekoth .

David 1Ch_21_21 /^{David /and went out of the
threshingfloor , and bowed himself to David with his face to the
ground .

David 1Sa_19_20 /^{David /and when they saw
the company of the prophets prophesying , and Samuel standing as
appointed over them, the Spirit of God was upon the messengers
of Saul , and they also prophesied .

David 1Sa_25_10 /^{David /and who is the son
of Jesse ? there be many servants now a days that break away
every man from his master .

David 1Ki_11_38 /^{David /and will give Israel
unto thee.

David 2Sa_16_23 /^{David /and with Absalom .

David 2Ch_13_08 /^{David /and ye be a great
multitude , and there are with you golden calves , which
Jeroboam made you for gods .

David 1Sa_17_58 /^{David /answered , I am the
son of thy servant Jesse the Bethlehemite .

David 1Sa_26_22 /^{David /answered and said ,
Behold the king's spear ! and let one of the young men come over
and fetch it.

David 1Ki_01_28 /^{David /answered and said ,
Call me Bathsheba . And she came into the king's presence , and
stood before the king .

David 2Sa_04_09 /^{David /answered Rechab and
Baanah his brother , the sons of Rimmon the Beerothite , and
said unto them, As the LORD liveth , who hath redeemed my soul
out of all adversity ,

David 1Sa_21_05 /^{David /answered the priest ,
and said unto him, Of a truth women have been kept from us
about these three days , since I came out , and the vessels of
the young men are holy , and the bread is in a manner common ,
yea, though it were sanctified this day in the vessel .

David Zec_12_12 /^{David /apart, and their
wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their
wives apart;

David Mat_01_17 /${David /are fourteen
generations ; and from David until the carrying away into
Babylon are fourteen generations ; and from the carrying away
into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations .

David 2Sa_17_21 /^{David /Arise , and pass
quickly over the water : for thus hath Ahithophel counselled
against you.

David 2Sa_17_22 /^{David /arose , and all the
people that were with him, and they passed over Jordan : by the
morning light there lacked not one of them that was not gone
over Jordan .

David 1Sa_26_05 /^{David /arose , and came to
the place where Saul had pitched : and David beheld the place
where Saul lay , and Abner the son of Ner , the captain of his
host : and Saul lay in the trench , and the people pitched round
about him.

David 1Sa_24_04 /^{David /arose , and cut off
the skirt of Saul's robe privily .

David 1Sa_21_10 /^{David /arose , and fled
that day for fear of Saul , and went to Achish the king of Gath .

David 1Sa_27_02 /^{David /arose , and he
passed over with the six hundred men that were with him unto
Achish , the son of Maoch , king of Gath .

David 1Sa_25_01 /^{David /arose , and went
down to the wilderness of Paran .

David 2Sa_06_02 /^{David /arose , and went with
all the people that were with him from Baale of Judah , to bring
up from thence the ark of God , whose name is called by the name
of the LORD of hosts that dwelleth between the cherubims .

David 1Sa_18_27 /^{David /arose and went , he
and his men , and slew of the Philistines two hundred men ; and
David brought their foreskins , and they gave them in full tale
to the king , that he might be the king's son in law . And Saul
gave him Michal his daughter to wife .

David 2Sa_11_02 /^{David /arose from off his
bed , and walked upon the roof of the king's house : and from
the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very
beautiful to look upon .

David 2Sa_12_20 /^{David /arose from the earth ,
and washed , and anointed himself, and changed his apparel ,
and came into the house of the LORD , and worshipped : then he
came to his own house ; and when he required , they set bread
before him, and he did eat .

David 1Sa_20_41 /^{David /arose out of a place
toward the south , and fell on his face to the ground , and
bowed himself three times : and they kissed one another , and
wept one with another , until David exceeded .

David 1Ch_28_01 /^{David /assembled all the
princes of Israel , the princes of the tribes , and the captains
of the companies that ministered to the king by course , and the
captains over the thousands , and captains over the hundreds ,
and the stewards over all the substance and possession of the
king , and of his sons , with the officers , and with the mighty
men , and with all the valiant men , unto Jerusalem .

David 1Ch_15_04 /^{David /assembled the
children of Aaron , and the Levites :

David 1Ch_11_13 /^{David /at Pasdammim , and
there the Philistines were gathered together to battle , where
was a parcel of ground full of barley ; and the people fled from
before the Philistines .

David Neh_12_37 /^{David /at the going up of
the wall , above the house of David , even unto the water gate
eastward .

David 1Sa_18_11 /^{David /avoided out of his
presence twice .

David 2Sa_07_26 /^{David /be established before

David 1Sa_19_04 /^{David /because he hath not
sinned against thee, and because his works have been to thee-
ward very good :

David 1Sa_18_16 /^{David /because he went out
and came in before them.

David 1Sa_20_34 /^{David /because his father
had done him shame .

David 2Ch_21_07 /^{David /because of the
covenant that he had made with David , and as he promised to
give a light to him and to his sons for ever .

David 1Sa_18_12 /^{David /because the LORD was
with him, and was departed from Saul .

David 1Ch_14_03 /^{David /begat more sons and
daughters .

David 1Sa_18_30 /^{David /behaved himself more
wisely than all the servants of Saul ; so that his name was much
set by .

David 1Sa_18_14 /^{David /behaved himself
wisely in all his ways ; and the LORD was with him.

David 1Sa_26_05 /^{David /beheld the place
where Saul lay , and Abner the son of Ner , the captain of his
host : and Saul lay in the trench , and the people pitched round
about him.

David 1Sa_18_17 /^{David /Behold my elder
daughter Merab , her will I give thee to wife : only be thou
valiant for me, and fight the LORD'S battles . For Saul said ,
Let not mine hand be upon him, but let the hand of the
Philistines be upon him.

David Psa_133_01 /^{David /Behold, how good
and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity !

David 1Ch_03_09 /^{David /beside the sons of
the concubines , and Tamar their sister .

David Psa_103_01 /^{David /Bless the LORD , O
my soul : and all that is within me, bless his holy name .

David Psa_144_01 /^{David /Blessed be the LORD
my strength , which teacheth my hands to war , and my fingers to
fight :

David 1Sa_26_25 /^{David /Blessed be thou, my
son David : thou shalt both do great things, and also shalt
still prevail . So David went on his way , and Saul returned to
his place .

David Mat_21_09 /${David /Blessed is he that
cometh in the name of the Lord ; Hosanna in the highest .

David Psa_41_01 /^{David /Blessed is he that
considereth the poor : the LORD will deliver him in time of
trouble .

David 1Ch_29_10 /^{David /blessed the LORD
before all the congregation : and David said , Blessed be thou,
LORD God of Israel our father , for ever and ever .

David 2Sa_24_24 /^{David /bought the
threshingfloor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver .

David Psa_86_01 /^{David /Bow down thine ear ,
O LORD , hear me: for I am poor and needy .

David 2Sa_02_03 /^{David /bring up , every man
with his household : and they dwelt in the cities of Hebron .

David 1Ch_13_13 /^{David /brought not the ark
home to himself to the city of David , but carried it aside into
the house of Obededom the Gittite .

David 1Sa_18_27 /^{David /brought their
foreskins , and they gave them in full tale to the king , that
he might be the king's son in law . And Saul gave him Michal his
daughter to wife .

David 2Ch_01_04 /^{David /brought up from
Kirjathjearim to the place which David had prepared for it: for
he had pitched a tent for it at Jerusalem .

David Son_04_04 /^{David /builded for an
armoury , whereon there hang a thousand bucklers , all shields
of mighty men .

David 2Sa_05_09 /^{David /built round about
from Millo and inward .

David 1Ch_21_26 /^{David /built there an altar
unto the LORD , and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings ,
and called upon the LORD ; and he answered him from heaven by
fire upon the altar of burnt offering .

David 2Sa_24_25 /^{David /built there an altar
unto the LORD , and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings .
So the LORD was intreated for the land , and the plague was
stayed from Israel .

David 1Ch_13_13 /^{David /but carried it aside
into the house of Obededom the Gittite .

David 2Sa_06_10 /^{David /but David carried it
aside into the house of Obededom the Gittite .

David 2Sa_03_01 /^{David /but David waxed
stronger and stronger , and the house of Saul waxed weaker and
weaker .

David 1Ch_11_18 /^{David /but David would not
drink of it, but poured it out to the LORD ,

David 1Ki_11_39 /^{David /but not for ever .

David 2Ch_21_20 /^{David /but not in the
sepulchres of the kings .

David 1Ki_12_20 /^{David /but the tribe of
Judah only.

David 2Ch_24_25 /^{David /but they buried him
not in the sepulchres of the kings .

David 1Sa_17_43 /^{David /by his gods .

David 1Ch_15_11 /^{David /called for Zadok and
Abiathar the priests , and for the Levites , for Uriel , Asaiah ,
and Joel , Shemaiah , and Eliel , and Amminadab ,

David 2Sa_01_15 /^{David /called one of the
young men , and said , Go near , and fall upon him. And he smote
him that he died .

David 1Ch_19_02 /^{David /came into the land
of the children of Ammon to Hanun , to comfort him.

David 1Sa_30_21 /^{David /came near to the
people , he saluted them.

David 2Sa_05_20 /^{David /came to Baalperazim ,
and David smote them there, and said , The LORD hath broken
forth upon mine enemies before me, as the breach of waters .
Therefore he called the name of that place Baalperazim .

David 2Sa_16_05 /^{David /came to Bahurim ,
behold, thence came out a man of the family of the house of Saul
, whose name was Shimei , the son of Gera : he came forth , and
cursed still as he came .

David 2Sa_20_03 /^{David /came to his house at
Jerusalem ; and the king took the ten women his concubines ,
whom he had left to keep the house , and put them in ward , and
fed them, but went not in unto them. So they were shut up unto
the day of their death , living in widowhood .

David 2Sa_17_24 /^{David /came to Mahanaim .
And Absalom passed over Jordan , he and all the men of Israel
with him.

David 1Ch_21_21 /^{David /came to Ornan ,
Ornan looked and saw David , and went out of the threshingfloor ,
and bowed himself to David with his face to the ground .

David 1Sa_16_21 /^{David /came to Saul , and
stood before him: and he loved him greatly ; and he became his
armourbearer .

David 1Sa_30_21 /^{David /came to the two
hundred men , which were so faint that they could not follow
David , whom they had made also to abide at the brook Besor :
and they went forth to meet David , and to meet the people that
were with him: and when David came near to the people , he
saluted them.

David 1Sa_30_26 /^{David /came to Ziklag , he
sent of the spoil unto the elders of Judah , even to his friends
, saying , Behold a present for you of the spoil of the enemies
of the LORD ;

David 2Sa_05_06 /^{David /cannot come in hither.

David 2Sa_06_10 /^{David /carried it aside into
the house of Obededom the Gittite .

David 1Sa_20_11 /^{David /Come , and let us go
out into the field . And they went out both of them into the
field .

David 1Sa_17_44 /^{David /Come to me, and I
will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air , and to the
beasts of the field .

David 2Sa_12_24 /^{David /comforted Bathsheba
his wife , and went in unto her, and lay with her: and she bare
a son , and he called his name Solomon : and the LORD loved him.

David 2Sa_04_12 /^{David /commanded his young
men , and they slew them, and cut off their hands and their feet
, and hanged them up over the pool in Hebron . But they took the
head of Ishbosheth , and buried it in the sepulchre of Abner in
Hebron .

David 1Ch_22_02 /^{David /commanded to gather
together the strangers that were in the land of Israel ; and he
set masons to hew wrought stones to build the house of God .

David 1Ch_13_01 /^{David /consulted with the
captains of thousands and hundreds , and with every leader .

David 1Ch_21_30 /^{David /could not go before
it to enquire of God : for he was afraid because of the sword of
the angel of the LORD .

David 1Sa_26_14 /^{David /cried to the people ,
and to Abner the son of Ner , saying , Answerest thou not,
Abner ? Then Abner answered and said , Who art thou that criest
to the king ?

David 2Sa_06_14 /^{David /danced before the
LORD with all his might ; and David was girded with a linen
ephod .

David 1Ch_15_29 /^{David /dancing and playing :
and she despised him in her heart .

David 2Sa_23_01 /^{David /David the son of
Jesse said , and the man who was raised up on high , the
anointed of the God of Jacob , and the sweet psalmist of Israel ,
said ,

David 1Ch_18_11 /^{David /dedicated unto the
LORD , with the silver and the gold that he brought from all
these nations ; from Edom , and from Moab , and from the
children of Ammon , and from the Philistines , and from Amalek .

David 2Sa_20_21 /^{David /deliver him only, and
I will depart from the city . And the woman said unto Joab ,
Behold, his head shall be thrown to thee over the wall .

David Psa_140_01 /^{David /Deliver me, O LORD ,
from the evil man : preserve me from the violent man ;

David 1Ch_16_07 /^{David /delivered first this
psalm to thank the LORD into the hand of Asaph and his brethren .

David 2Sa_11_07 /^{David /demanded of him how
Joab did , and how the people did , and how the war prospered .

David 1Sa_22_05 /^{David /departed , and came
into the forest of Hareth .

David Mar_02_25 /${David /did , when he had
need , and was an hungred , he , and they that were with him ?

David Mat_12_03 /${David /did , when he was an
hungred , and they that were with him ;

David Luk_06_03 /${David /did , when himself
was an hungred , and they which were with him ;

David 2Sa_08_11 /^{David /did dedicate unto the
LORD , with the silver and gold that he had dedicated of all
nations which he subdued ;

David 2Sa_05_25 /^{David /did so , as the LORD
had commanded him; and smote the Philistines from Geba until
thou come to Gazer .

David 1Ki_15_05 /^{David /did that which was
right in the eyes of the LORD , and turned not aside from any
thing that he commanded him all the days of his life , save only
in the matter of Uriah the Hittite .

David 1Ki_03_14 /^{David /did walk , then I
will lengthen thy days .

David 1Ch_24_03 /^{David /distributed them,
both Zadok of the sons of Eleazar , and Ahimelech of the sons of
Ithamar , according to their offices in their service .

David 1Ch_23_06 /^{David /divided them into
courses among the sons of Levi , namely, Gershon , Kohath , and
Merari .

David 1Ch_17_02 /^{David /Do all that is in
thine heart ; for God is with thee.

David Psa_58_01 /^{David /Do ye indeed speak
righteousness , O congregation ? do ye judge uprightly , O ye
sons of men ?

David 1Ch_19_03 /^{David /doth honour thy
father , that he hath sent comforters unto thee? are not his
servants come unto thee for to search , and to overthrow , and
to spy out the land ?

David 2Sa_10_03 /^{David /doth honour thy
father , that he hath sent comforters unto thee? hath not David
rather sent his servants unto thee, to search the city , and to
spy it out , and to overthrow it?

David 1Sa_19_12 /^{David /down through a
window : and he went , and fled , and escaped .

David 1Ki_02_01 /^{David /drew nigh that he
should die ; and he charged Solomon his son , saying ,

David Isa_29_01 /^{David /dwelt ! add ye year
to year ; let them kill sacrifices .

David 1Ch_11_07 /^{David /dwelt in the castle ;
therefore they called it the city of David .

David 1Sa_27_07 /^{David /dwelt in the country
of the Philistines was a full year and four months .

David 2Sa_05_09 /^{David /dwelt in the fort ,
and called it the city of David . And David built round about
from Millo and inward .

David 1Sa_27_03 /^{David /dwelt with Achish at
Gath , he and his men , every man with his household , even
David with his two wives , Ahinoam the Jezreelitess , and
Abigail the Carmelitess , Nabal's wife .

David 1Sa_20_06 /^{David /earnestly asked
leave of me that he might run to Bethlehem his city : for there
is a yearly sacrifice there for all the family .

David 1Sa_20_28 /^{David /earnestly asked
leave of me to go to Bethlehem :

David 1Sa_30_06 /^{David /encouraged himself
in the LORD his God .

David 1Ch_14_14 /^{David /enquired again of
God ; and God said unto him, Go not up after them; turn away
from them, and come upon them over against the mulberry trees .

David 1Sa_30_08 /^{David /enquired at the LORD
, saying , Shall I pursue after this troop ? shall I overtake
them? And he answered him, Pursue : for thou shalt surely
overtake them, and without fail recover all.

David 1Ch_14_10 /^{David /enquired of God ,
saying , Shall I go up against the Philistines ? and wilt thou
deliver them into mine hand ? And the LORD said unto him, Go up ;
for I will deliver them into thine hand .

David 2Sa_05_23 /^{David /enquired of the LORD ,
he said , Thou shalt not go up ; but fetch a compass behind
them, and come upon them over against the mulberry trees .

David 1Sa_23_02 /^{David /enquired of the LORD
, saying , Shall I go and smite these Philistines ? And the LORD
said unto David , Go , and smite the Philistines , and save
Keilah .

David 2Sa_02_01 /^{David /enquired of the LORD ,
saying , Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah ? And
the LORD said unto him, Go up . And David said , Whither shall I
go up ? And he said , Unto Hebron .

David 2Sa_05_19 /^{David /enquired of the LORD ,
saying , Shall I go up to the Philistines ? wilt thou deliver
them into mine hand ? And the LORD said unto David , Go up : for
I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into thine hand .

David 2Sa_21_01 /^{David /enquired of the LORD .
And the LORD answered , It is for Saul , and for his bloody
house , because he slew the Gibeonites .

David 1Sa_23_04 /^{David /enquired of the LORD
yet again . And the LORD answered him and said , Arise , go down
to Keilah ; for I will deliver the Philistines into thine hand .

David 2Sa_03_09 /^{David /even so I do to him;

David 1Sa_18_11 /^{David /even to the wall
with it. And David avoided out of his presence twice .

David 1Sa_19_10 /^{David /even to the wall
with the javelin ; but he slipped away out of Saul's presence ,
and he smote the javelin into the wall : and David fled , and
escaped that night .

David Neh_12_37 /^{David /even unto the water
gate eastward .

David 1Sa_20_15 /^{David /every one from the
face of the earth .

David 1Sa_20_41 /^{David /exceeded .

David 2Sa_08_15 /^{David /executed judgment and
justice unto all his people .

David 1Sa_18_25 /^{David /fall by the hand of
the Philistines .

David 2Sa_12_16 /^{David /fasted , and went in ,
and lay all night upon the earth .

David Mat_01_20 /${David /fear not to take
unto thee Mary thy wife : for that which is conceived in her is
of the Holy Ghost .

David 2Sa_12_18 /^{David /feared to tell him
that the child was dead : for they said , Behold, while the
child was yet alive , we spake unto him, and he would not
hearken unto our voice : how will he then vex himself , if we
tell him that the child is dead ?

David 1Sa_19_18 /^{David /fled , and escaped ,
and came to Samuel to Ramah , and told him all that Saul had
done to him. And he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth .

David 1Sa_19_10 /^{David /fled , and escaped
that night .

David 1Sa_20_01 /^{David /fled from Naioth in
Ramah , and came and said before Jonathan , What have I done ?
what is mine iniquity ? and what is my sin before thy father ,
that he seeketh my life ?

David 2Ch_13_05 /^{David /for ever , even to
him and to his sons by a covenant of salt ?

David 1Sa_26_21 /^{David /for I will no more
do thee harm , because my soul was precious in thine eyes this
day : behold, I have played the fool , and have erred
exceedingly .

David Psa_37_01 /^{David /Fret not thyself
because of evildoers , neither be thou envious against the
workers of iniquity .

David 1Sa_18_09 /^{David /from that day and
forward .

David 1Sa_16_13 /^{David /from that day
forward . So Samuel rose up , and went to Ramah .

David 2Sa_08_13 /^{David /gat him a name when
he returned from smiting of the Syrians in the valley of salt ,
being eighteen thousand men.

David 1Ch_13_05 /^{David /gathered all Israel
together , from Shihor of Egypt even unto the entering of Hemath
, to bring the ark of God from Kirjathjearim .

David 1Ch_15_03 /^{David /gathered all Israel
together to Jerusalem , to bring up the ark of the LORD unto his
place , which he had prepared for it.

David 2Sa_12_29 /^{David /gathered all the
people together , and went to Rabbah , and fought against it,
and took it.

David 2Sa_06_01 /^{David /gathered together all
the chosen men of Israel , thirty thousand .

David 1Ch_14_12 /^{David /gave a commandment ,
and they were burned with fire .

David 1Ch_21_25 /^{David /gave to Ornan for
the place six hundred shekels of gold by weight .

David 1Ch_28_11 /^{David /gave to Solomon his
son the pattern of the porch , and of the houses thereof, and of
the treasuries thereof, and of the upper chambers thereof, and
of the inner parlours thereof, and of the place of the mercy
seat ,

David 1Sa_17_39 /^{David /girded his sword
upon his armour , and he assayed to go ; for he had not proved
it. And David said unto Saul , I cannot go with these; for I
have not proved them. And David put them off him.

David Psa_55_01 /^{David /Give ear to my
prayer , O God ; and hide not thyself from my supplication .

David Psa_05_01 /^{David /Give ear to my words
, O LORD , consider my meditation .

David Psa_29_01 /^{David /Give unto the LORD ,
O ye mighty , give unto the LORD glory and strength .

David 1Sa_23_02 /^{David /Go , and smite the
Philistines , and save Keilah .

David 1Sa_17_37 /^{David /Go , and the LORD be
with thee.

David 1Sa_17_55 /^{David /go forth against the
Philistine , he said unto Abner , the captain of the host ,
Abner , whose son is this youth ? And Abner said , As thy soul
liveth , O king , I cannot tell .

David 1Sa_20_42 /^{David /Go in peace ,
forasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the name of the LORD ,
saying , The LORD be between me and thee, and between my seed
and thy seed for ever . And he arose and departed : and Jonathan
went into the city .

David 2Sa_05_19 /^{David /Go up : for I will
doubtless deliver the Philistines into thine hand .

David 1Sa_26_08 /^{David /God hath delivered
thine enemy into thine hand this day : now therefore let me
smite him, I pray thee, with the spear even to the earth at once
, and I will not smite him the second time .

David 2Sa_13_01 /^{David /had a fair sister ,
whose name was Tamar ; and Amnon the son of David loved her.

David 2Sa_01_01 /^{David /had abode two days in
Ziklag ;

David 2Sa_11_13 /^{David /had called him, he
did eat and drink before him; and he made him drunk : and at
even he went out to lie on his bed with the servants of his lord
, but went not down to his house .

David 2Ch_23_18 /^{David /had distributed in
the house of the LORD , to offer the burnt offerings of the LORD
, as it is written in the law of Moses , with rejoicing and with
singing , as it was ordained by David .

David 2Sa_11_27 /^{David /had done displeased
the LORD .

David 2Sa_06_18 /^{David /had made an end of
offering burnt offerings and peace offerings , he blessed the
people in the name of the LORD of hosts .

David 1Ch_16_02 /^{David /had made an end of
offering the burnt offerings and the peace offerings , he
blessed the people in the name of the LORD .

David 1Sa_24_16 /^{David /had made an end of
speaking these words unto Saul , that Saul said , Is this thy
voice , my son David ? And Saul lifted up his voice , and wept .

David 2Sa_06_17 /^{David /had pitched for it:
and David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the

David 1Ch_16_01 /^{David /had pitched for it:
and they offered burnt sacrifices and peace offerings before God

David 2Ch_01_04 /^{David /had prepared for it:
for he had pitched a tent for it at Jerusalem .

David 2Ch_02_01 /^{David /had prepared in the
threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite .

David 1Ch_19_17 /^{David /had put the battle
in array against the Syrians , they fought with him.

David 1Sa_25_21 /^{David /had said , Surely in
vain have I kept all that this fellow hath in the wilderness ,
so that nothing was missed of all that pertained unto him: and
he hath requited me evil for good .

David 2Sa_08_09 /^{David /had smitten all the
host of Hadadezer ,

David 1Ch_18_09 /^{David /had smitten all the
host of Hadarezer king of Zobah ;

David 2Sa_02_31 /^{David /had smitten of
Benjamin , and of Abner's men , so that three hundred and
threescore men died .

David 1Ch_11_10 /^{David /had, who
strengthened themselves with him in his kingdom , and with all
Israel , to make him king , according to the word of the LORD
concerning Israel .

David 2Sa_23_08 /^{David /had: The Tachmonite
that sat in the seat , chief among the captains ; the same was
Adino the Eznite : he lift up his spear against eight hundred ,
whom he slew at one time .

David 1Ch_11_11 /^{David /had; Jashobeam , an
Hachmonite , the chief of the captains : he lifted up his spear
against three hundred slain by him at one time .

David 1Ch_19_06 /^{David /Hanun and the
children of Ammon sent a thousand talents of silver to hire them
chariots and horsemen out of Mesopotamia , and out of
Syriamaachah , and out of Zobah .

David Act_04_25 /${David /hast said , Why did
the heathen rage , and the people imagine vain things ?

David 1Sa_17_48 /^{David /hasted , and ran
toward the army to meet the Philistine .

David 1Ki_01_43 /^{David /hath made Solomon
king .

David Rev_05_05 /${David /hath prevailed to
open the book , and to loose the seven seals thereof .

David Ezr_08_02 /^{David /Hattush .

David Luk_18_39 /${David /have mercy on me .

David Mar_10_47 /${David /have mercy on me .

David Mar_10_48 /${David /have mercy on me .

David Luk_18_38 /${David /have mercy on me .

David Mat_09_27 /${David /have mercy on us .

David 1Sa_17_42 /^{David /he disdained him:
for he was but a youth , and ruddy , and of a fair countenance .

David 2Sa_09_06 /^{David /he fell on his face ,
and did reverence . And David said , Mephibosheth . And he
answered , Behold thy servant !

David 2Sa_10_17 /^{David /he gathered all
Israel together , and passed over Jordan , and came to Helam .
And the Syrians set themselves in array against David , and
fought with him.

David 2Sa_03_26 /^{David /he sent messengers
after Abner , which brought him again from the well of Sirah :
but David knew it not.

David 2Sa_10_05 /^{David /he sent to meet them,
because the men were greatly ashamed : and the king said , Tarry
at Jericho until your beards be grown , and then return .

David Eze_34_23 /^{David /he shall feed them,
and he shall be their shepherd .

David Rev_03_07 /${David /he that openeth ,
and no man shutteth ; and shutteth , and no man openeth ;

David Psa_132_11 /^{David /he will not turn
from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne .

David Psa_04_01 /^{David /Hear me when I call ,
O God of my righteousness : thou hast enlarged me when I was in
distress ; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer .

David Psa_61_01 /^{David /Hear my cry , O God ;
attend unto my prayer .

David Psa_143_01 /^{David /Hear my prayer , O
LORD , give ear to my supplications : in thy faithfulness answer
me, and in thy righteousness .

David Psa_64_01 /^{David /Hear my voice , O
God , in my prayer : preserve my life from fear of the enemy .

David Psa_17_01 /^{David /Hear the right , O
LORD , attend unto my cry , give ear unto my prayer , that goeth
not out of feigned lips .

David 1Sa_25_04 /^{David /heard in the
wilderness that Nabal did shear his sheep .

David 2Sa_03_28 /^{David /heard it, he said , I
and my kingdom are guiltless before the LORD for ever from the
blood of Abner the son of Ner :

David 2Sa_13_21 /^{David /heard of all these
things , he was very wroth .

David 2Sa_05_17 /^{David /heard of it, and went
down to the hold .

David 1Ch_14_08 /^{David /heard of it, and
went out against them.

David 2Sa_10_07 /^{David /heard of it, he sent
Joab , and all the host of the mighty men .

David 1Ch_19_08 /^{David /heard of it, he sent
Joab , and all the host of the mighty men .

David 1Sa_25_39 /^{David /heard that Nabal was
dead , he said , Blessed be the LORD , that hath pleaded the
cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal , and hath kept his
servant from evil : for the LORD hath returned the wickedness of
Nabal upon his own head . And David sent and communed with
Abigail , to take her to him to wife .

David 1Sa_17_23 /^{David /heard them.

David Psa_12_01 /^{David /Help , LORD ; for
the godly man ceaseth ; for the faithful fail from among the
children of men .

David 1Sa_20_24 /^{David /hid himself in the
field : and when the new moon was come, the king sat him down to
eat meat .

David 1Sa_26_01 /^{David /hide himself in the
hill of Hachilah , which is before Jeshimon ?

David 1Sa_23_19 /^{David /hide himself with us
in strong holds in the wood , in the hill of Hachilah , which is
on the south of Jeshimon ?

David Psa_54_01 /^{David /hide himself with
us?>> Save me, O God , by thy name , and judge me by thy
strength .

David 1Sa_30_31 /^{David /himself and his men
were wont to haunt .

David 2Sa_03_31 /^{David /himself followed the
bier .

David Mar_12_36 /${David /himself said by the
Holy Ghost , The LORD said to my Lord , Sit thou on my right
hand , till I make thine enemies thy footstool .

David Luk_20_42 /${David /himself saith in the
book of Psalms , The LORD said unto my Lord , Sit thou on my
right hand ,

David 2Ch_34_02 /^{David /his father , and
declined neither to the right hand , nor to the left .

David 1Ch_29_23 /^{David /his father , and
prospered ; and all Israel obeyed him.

David 2Ki_22_02 /^{David /his father , and
turned not aside to the right hand or to the left .

David 2Ch_02_01 /^{David /his father , in the
place that David had prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan the
Jebusite .

David 2Ch_08_14 /^{David /his father , the
courses of the priests to their service , and the Levites to
their charges , to praise and minister before the priests , as
the duty of every day required : the porters also by their
courses at every gate : for so had David the man of God
commanded .

David 1Ki_11_04 /^{David /his father .

David 1Ki_15_11 /^{David /his father .

David 1Ki_11_06 /^{David /his father .

David 1Ki_15_03 /^{David /his father .

David 1Ki_11_27 /^{David /his father .

David 1Ki_11_33 /^{David /his father .

David 2Ki_16_02 /^{David /his father .

David 2Ch_28_01 /^{David /his father :

David 2Ki_15_38 /^{David /his father : and Ahaz
his son reigned in his stead.

David 2Ch_34_03 /^{David /his father : and in
the twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the
high places , and the groves , and the carved images , and the
molten images .

David 1Ki_22_50 /^{David /his father : and
Jehoram his son reigned in his stead.

David 1Ki_15_24 /^{David /his father : and
Jehoshaphat his son reigned in his stead.

David 1Ki_11_43 /^{David /his father : and
Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead.

David 2Ch_09_31 /^{David /his father : and
Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead.

David 2Ki_14_03 /^{David /his father : he did
according to all things as Joash his father did .

David 1Ki_03_03 /^{David /his father : only he
sacrificed and burnt incense in high places .

David 1Ki_02_12 /^{David /his father ; and his
kingdom was established greatly .

David 2Ki_18_03 /^{David /his father did .

David 2Ch_05_01 /^{David /his father had
dedicated ; and the silver , and the gold , and all the
instruments , put he among the treasures of the house of God .

David 1Ki_07_51 /^{David /his father had
dedicated ; even the silver , and the gold , and the vessels ,
did he put among the treasures of the house of the LORD .

David 2Ch_29_02 /^{David /his father had done .

David 2Ch_02_17 /^{David /his father had
numbered them; and they were found an hundred and fifty thousand
and three thousand and six hundred .

David 1Ki_08_66 /^{David /his servant , and
for Israel his people .

David Psa_144_10 /^{David /his servant from
the hurtful sword .

David 2Ki_08_19 /^{David /his servant's sake,
as he promised him to give him alway a light , and to his
children .

David 1Sa_17_17 /^{David /his son , Take now
for thy brethren an ephah of this parched corn, and these ten
loaves , and run to the camp to thy brethren ;

David 1Sa_16_20 /^{David /his son unto Saul .

David 1Sa_18_07 /^{David /his ten thousands .

David 1Sa_29_05 /^{David /his ten thousands ?

David 1Sa_21_11 /^{David /his ten thousands ?

David Psa_109_01 /^{David /Hold not thy peace ,
O God of my praise ;

David 2Sa_08_04 /^{David /houghed all the
chariot horses, but reserved of them for an hundred chariots .

David Psa_13_01 /^{David /How long wilt thou
forget me, O LORD ? for ever ? how long wilt thou hide thy face
from me?

David 1Ch_19_05 /^{David /how the men were
served. And he sent to meet them: for the men were greatly
ashamed . And the king said , Tarry at Jericho until your beards
be grown , and then return .

David 1Sa_29_09 /^{David /I know that thou art
good in my sight , as an angel of God : notwithstanding the
princes of the Philistines have said , He shall not go up with
us to the battle .

David 1Sa_16_22 /^{David /I pray thee, stand
before me; for he hath found favour in my sight .

David Psa_39_01 /^{David /I said , I will take
heed to my ways , that I sin not with my tongue : I will keep my
mouth with a bridle , while the wicked is before me.

David Psa_40_01 /^{David /I waited patiently
for the LORD ; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry .

David Psa_122_01 /^{David /I was glad when
they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD .

David 2Sa_03_21 /^{David /I will arise and go ,
and will gather all Israel unto my lord the king , that they may
make a league with thee, and that thou mayest reign over all
that thine heart desireth . And David sent Abner away ; and he
went in peace .

David Psa_30_01 /^{David /I will extol thee, O
LORD ; for thou hast lifted me up , and hast not made my foes to
rejoice over me.

David Psa_138_01 /^{David /I will praise thee
with my whole heart : before the gods will I sing praise unto

David Psa_09_01 /^{David /I will praise thee,
O LORD , with my whole heart ; I will shew forth all thy
marvellous works .

David 2Sa_03_18 /^{David /I will save my people
Israel out of the hand of the Philistines , and out of the hand
of all their enemies .

David 2Sa_10_02 /^{David /I will shew kindness
unto Hanun the son of Nahash , as his father shewed kindness
unto me. And David sent to comfort him by the hand of his
servants for his father . And David's servants came into the
land of the children of Ammon .

David Psa_101_01 /^{David /I will sing of
mercy and judgment : unto thee, O LORD , will I sing .

David 1Sa_25_22 /^{David /if I leave of all
that pertain to him by the morning light any that pisseth
against the wall .

David Psa_124_01 /^{David /If it had not been
the LORD who was on our side, now may Israel say ;

David 2Sa_03_05 /^{David /in Hebron .

David 2Sa_03_22 /^{David /in Hebron ; for he
had sent him away , and he was gone in peace .

David 2Sa_03_19 /^{David /in Hebron all that
seemed good to Israel , and that seemed good to the whole house
of Benjamin .

David Mat_22_43 /${David /in spirit call him
Lord , saying ,

David 2Sa_23_13 /^{David /in the harvest time
unto the cave of Adullam : and the troop of the Philistines
pitched in the valley of Rephaim .

David Psa_11_01 /^{David /In the LORD put I my
trust : how say ye to my soul , Flee as a bird to your mountain ?

David 1Sa_23_25 /^{David /in the wilderness of
Maon .

David 1Sa_26_02 /^{David /in the wilderness of
Ziph .

David Psa_31_01 /^{David /In thee, O LORD , do
I put my trust ; let me never be ashamed : deliver me in thy
righteousness .

David Psa_89_49 /^{David /in thy truth ?

David 2Sa_03_17 /^{David /in times past to be
king over you:

David 2Sa_07_18 /^{David /in, and sat before
the LORD , and he said , Who am I, O Lord GOD ? and what is my
house , that thou hast brought me hitherto ?

David 1Ch_11_15 /^{David /into the cave of
Adullam ; and the host of the Philistines encamped in the valley
of Rephaim .

David 1Ch_12_08 /^{David /into the hold to the
wilderness men of might , and men of war fit for the battle ,
that could handle shield and buckler , whose faces were like the
faces of lions , and were as swift as the roes upon the
mountains ;

David 1Sa_23_16 /^{David /into the wood , and
strengthened his hand in God .

David 1Sa_19_19 /^{David /is at Naioth in
Ramah .

David Psa_52_01 /^{David /is come to the house
of Ahimelech .>> Why boastest thou thyself in mischief , O
mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually .

David 1Sa_24_01 /^{David /is in the wilderness
of Engedi .

David Isa_07_13 /^{David /Is it a small thing
for you to weary men , but will ye weary my God also?

David Act_02_34 /${David /is not ascended into
the heavens : but he saith himself , The LORD said unto my Lord ,
Sit thou on my right hand ,

David 2Ch_13_06 /^{David /is risen up , and
hath rebelled against his lord .

David 1Ki_13_02 /^{David /Josiah by name ; and
upon thee shall he offer the priests of the high places that
burn incense upon thee, and men's bones shall be burnt upon thee.

David Psa_26_01 /^{David /Judge me, O LORD ;
for I have walked in mine integrity : I have trusted also in the
LORD ; therefore I shall not slide .

David Isa_16_05 /^{David /judging , and
seeking judgment , and hasting righteousness .

David 1Ch_12_31 /^{David /king .

David 1Ch_12_38 /^{David /king .

David Ecc_01_01 /^{David /king in Jerusalem .

David 2Ch_35_04 /^{David /king of Israel , and
according to the writing of Solomon his son .

David 2Ch_08_11 /^{David /king of Israel ,
because the places are holy , whereunto the ark of the LORD hath
come .

David Ezr_03_10 /^{David /king of Israel .

David 2Ch_29_27 /^{David /king of Israel .

David Pro_01_01 /^{David /king of Israel ;

David 2Ch_35_03 /^{David /king of Israel did
build ; it shall not be a burden upon your shoulders : serve now
the LORD your God , and his people Israel ,

David 2Ch_30_26 /^{David /king of Israel there
was not the like in Jerusalem .

David 1Ch_12_38 /^{David /king over all Israel
: and all the rest also of Israel were of one heart to make
David king .

David 1Ch_11_03 /^{David /king over Israel ,
according to the word of the LORD by Samuel .

David 2Sa_05_17 /^{David /king over Israel ,
all the Philistines came up to seek David ; and David heard of
it, and went down to the hold .

David 2Sa_05_03 /^{David /king over Israel .

David 2Sa_02_04 /^{David /king over the house
of Judah . And they told David , saying , That the men of
Jabeshgilead were they that buried Saul .

David 1Ch_29_22 /^{David /king the second time
, and anointed him unto the LORD to be the chief governor , and
Zadok to be priest .

David 2Sa_03_26 /^{David /knew it not.

David 1Sa_23_09 /^{David /knew that Saul
secretly practised mischief against him; and he said to Abiathar
the priest , Bring hither the ephod .

David 1Sa_20_39 /^{David /knew the matter .

David 1Sa_28_01 /^{David /Know thou assuredly ,
that thou shalt go out with me to battle , thou and thy men .

David 1Sa_21_12 /^{David /laid up these words
in his heart , and was sore afraid of Achish the king of Gath .

David 2Sa_01_17 /^{David /lamented with this
lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son :

David 2Sa_06_16 /^{David /leaping and dancing
before the LORD ; and she despised him in her heart .

David 1Sa_17_22 /^{David /left his carriage in
the hand of the keeper of the carriage , and ran into the army ,
and came and saluted his brethren .

David Psa_68_01 /^{David /Let God arise , let
his enemies be scattered : let them also that hate him flee
before him.

David 2Sa_20_11 /^{David /let him go after Joab

David 2Sa_24_22 /^{David /Let my lord the king
take and offer up what seemeth good unto him : behold , here be
oxen for burnt sacrifice , and threshing instruments and other
instruments of the oxen for wood .

David 1Ch_21_16 /^{David /lifted up his eyes ,
and saw the angel of the LORD stand between the earth and the
heaven , having a drawn sword in his hand stretched out over
Jerusalem . Then David and the elders of Israel, who were
clothed in sackcloth , fell upon their faces .

David 1Ki_01_31 /^{David /live for ever .

David 1Ch_11_17 /^{David /longed , and said ,
Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of
Bethlehem , that is at the gate !

David 2Sa_23_15 /^{David /longed , and said ,
Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of
Bethlehem , which is by the gate !

David 2Sa_13_39 /^{David /longed to go forth
unto Absalom : for he was comforted concerning Amnon , seeing he
was dead .

David Psa_141_01 /^{David /LORD , I cry unto
thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice , when I cry
unto thee.

David Psa_131_01 /^{David /LORD , my heart is
not haughty , nor mine eyes lofty : neither do I exercise myself
in great matters , or in things too high for me.

David Psa_15_01 /^{David /LORD , who shall
abide in thy tabernacle ? who shall dwell in thy holy hill ?

David 2Sa_13_01 /^{David /loved her.

David 1Sa_18_03 /^{David /made a covenant ,
because he loved him as his own soul .

David 1Ch_11_03 /^{David /made a covenant with
them in Hebron before the LORD ; and they anointed David king
over Israel , according to the word of the LORD by Samuel .

David 2Sa_05_03 /^{David /made a league with
them in Hebron before the LORD : and they anointed David king
over Israel .

David 2Sa_03_20 /^{David /made Abner and the
men that were with him a feast .

David 1Sa_23_26 /^{David /made haste to get
away for fear of Saul ; for Saul and his men compassed David and
his men round about to take them.

David 1Ch_15_01 /^{David /made him houses in
the city of David , and prepared a place for the ark of God ,
and pitched for it a tent .

David 1Ch_26_32 /^{David /made rulers over the
Reubenites , the Gadites , and the half tribe of Manasseh , for
every matter pertaining to God , and affairs of the king .

David Psa_32_01 /^{David /Maschil .>> Blessed
is he whose transgression is forgiven , whose sin is covered .

David 2Sa_06_16 /^{David /Michal Saul's
daughter looked through a window , and saw king David leaping
and dancing before the LORD ; and she despised him in her heart .

David 2Sa_13_37 /^{David /mourned for his son
every day .

David Mat_15_22 /${David /my daughter is
grievously vexed with a devil .

David 2Ch_06_10 /^{David /my father , and am
set on the throne of Israel , as the LORD promised , and have
built the house for the name of the LORD God of Israel .

David 1Ki_02_26 /^{David /my father , and
because thou hast been afflicted in all wherein my father was
afflicted .

David 2Ch_02_03 /^{David /my father , and didst
send him cedars to build him an house to dwell therein, even so
deal with me.

David 2Ch_01_08 /^{David /my father , and hast
made me to reign in his stead.

David 1Ki_08_15 /^{David /my father , and hath
with his hand fulfilled it, saying ,

David 1Ki_08_20 /^{David /my father , and sit
on the throne of Israel , as the LORD promised , and have built
an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel .

David 1Ki_02_24 /^{David /my father , and who
hath made me an house , as he promised , Adonijah shall be put
to death this day .

David 2Ch_06_08 /^{David /my father , Forasmuch
as it was in thine heart to build an house for my name , thou
didst well in that it was in thine heart :

David 1Ki_05_05 /^{David /my father , saying ,
Thy son , whom I will set upon thy throne in thy room, he shall
build an house unto my name .

David 1Ki_08_18 /^{David /my father , Whereas
it was in thine heart to build an house unto my name , thou
didst well that it was in thine heart .

David 1Ki_08_26 /^{David /my father .

David 1Ki_03_07 /^{David /my father : and I am
but a little child : I know not how to go out or come in .

David 1Ki_02_44 /^{David /my father :
therefore the LORD shall return thy wickedness upon thine own
head ;

David 2Ch_01_09 /^{David /my father be
established : for thou hast made me king over a people like the
dust of the earth in multitude .

David 1Ki_05_03 /^{David /my father could not
build an house unto the name of the LORD his God for the wars
which were about him on every side , until the LORD put them
under the soles of his feet .

David 2Ch_02_07 /^{David /my father did provide

David 1Ki_03_06 /^{David /my father great
mercy , according as he walked before thee in truth , and in
righteousness , and in uprightness of heart with thee; and thou
hast kept for him this great kindness , that thou hast given him
a son to sit on his throne , as it is this day .

David 1Ki_08_25 /^{David /my father that thou
promisedst him, saying , There shall not fail thee a man in my
sight to sit on the throne of Israel ; so that thy children take
heed to their way , that they walk before me as thou hast walked
before me.

David 1Ki_08_24 /^{David /my father that thou
promisedst him: thou spakest also with thy mouth , and hast
fulfilled it with thine hand , as it is this day .

David 2Ch_06_16 /^{David /my father that which
thou hast promised him, saying , There shall not fail thee a man
in my sight to sit upon the throne of Israel ; yet so that thy
children take heed to their way to walk in my law , as thou hast
walked before me.

David 2Ch_06_15 /^{David /my father that which
thou hast promised him; and spakest with thy mouth , and hast
fulfilled it with thine hand , as it is this day .

David 2Ch_06_07 /^{David /my father to build an
house for the name of the LORD God of Israel .

David 1Ki_08_17 /^{David /my father to build
an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel .

David Psa_22_01 /^{David /My God , my God ,
why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me,
and from the words of my roaring ?

David Psa_89_03 /^{David /my servant ,

David Jer_33_22 /^{David /my servant , and the
Levites that minister unto me.

David Jer_33_26 /^{David /my servant , so that
I will not take any of his seed to be rulers over the seed of
Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob : for I will cause their captivity
to return , and have mercy on them.

David Jer_33_21 /^{David /my servant , that he
should not have a son to reign upon his throne ; and with the
Levites the priests , my ministers .

David 1Ch_17_04 /^{David /my servant , Thus
saith the LORD , Thou shalt not build me an house to dwell in :

David Psa_89_20 /^{David /my servant ; with my
holy oil have I anointed him:

David 1Ki_11_38 /^{David /my servant did ;
that I will be with thee, and build thee a sure house , as I
built for David , and will give Israel unto thee.

David 1Ki_11_36 /^{David /my servant may have
a light alway before me in Jerusalem , the city which I have
chosen me to put my name there.

David Eze_37_24 /^{David /my servant shall be
king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd : they
shall also walk in my judgments , and observe my statutes , and
do them.

David 1Ki_11_13 /^{David /my servant's sake,
and for Jerusalem's sake which I have chosen .

David 1Ki_11_34 /^{David /my servant's sake,
whom I chose , because he kept my commandments and my statutes :

David 2Sa_20_01 /^{David /neither have we
inheritance in the son of Jesse : every man to his tents , O
Israel .

David 1Ki_12_16 /^{David /neither have we
inheritance in the son of Jesse : to your tents , O Israel : now
see to thine own house , David . So Israel departed unto their
tents .

David 2Sa_23_16 /^{David /nevertheless he would
not drink thereof, but poured it out unto the LORD .

David 1Ki_02_32 /^{David /not knowing thereof,
to wit, Abner the son of Ner , captain of the host of Israel ,
and Amasa the son of Jether , captain of the host of Judah .

David 2Sa_18_01 /^{David /numbered the people
that were with him, and set captains of thousands and captains
of hundreds over them.

David Psa_108_01 /^{David /O God , my heart is
fixed ; I will sing and give praise , even with my glory .

David Psa_06_01 /^{David /O LORD , rebuke me
not in thine anger , neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure .

David Psa_139_01 /^{David /O LORD , thou hast
searched me, and known me.

David 1Sa_23_10 /^{David /O LORD God of Israel
, thy servant hath certainly heard that Saul seeketh to come to
Keilah , to destroy the city for my sake.

David 1Sa_20_12 /^{David /O LORD God of Israel
, when I have sounded my father about to morrow any time , or
the third day, and, behold, if there be good toward David , and
I then send not unto thee, and shew it thee;

David Psa_08_01 /^{David /O LORD our Lord ,
how excellent is thy name in all the earth ! who hast set thy
glory above the heavens .

David 1Ch_27_18 /^{David /of Issachar , Omri
the son of Michael :

David 1Sa_29_05 /^{David /of whom they sang
one to another in dances , saying , Saul slew his thousands ,
and David his ten thousands ?

David 2Sa_06_17 /^{David /offered burnt
offerings and peace offerings before the LORD .

David 1Sa_25_23 /^{David /on her face , and
bowed herself to the ground ,

David 2Sa_03_12 /^{David /on his behalf, saying
, Whose is the land ? saying also, Make thy league with me, and,
behold, my hand shall be with thee, to bring about all Israel
unto thee.

David 2Ch_33_14 /^{David /on the west side of
Gihon , in the valley , even to the entering in at the fish gate
, and compassed about Ophel , and raised it up a very great
height , and put captains of war in all the fenced cities of
Judah .

David 1Ki_01_11 /^{David /our lord knoweth it

David 2Sa_03_10 /^{David /over Israel and over
Judah , from Dan even to Beersheba .

David 2Sa_12_19 /^{David /perceived that the
child was dead : therefore David said unto his servants , Is the
child dead ? And they said , He is dead .

David 1Ch_14_02 /^{David /perceived that the
LORD had confirmed him king over Israel , for his kingdom was
lifted up on high , because of his people Israel .

David 2Sa_05_12 /^{David /perceived that the
LORD had established him king over Israel , and that he had
exalted his kingdom for his people Israel's sake.

David 1Sa_18_10 /^{David /played with his hand
, as at other times : and there was a javelin in Saul's hand .

David 1Sa_19_09 /^{David /played with his hand

David Psa_35_01 /^{David /Plead my cause, O
LORD , with them that strive with me: fight against them that
fight against me.

David Psa_65_01 /^{David /Praise waiteth for
thee, O God , in Sion : and unto thee shall the vow be performed

David 2Ch_07_06 /^{David /praised by their
ministry ; and the priests sounded trumpets before them, and all
Israel stood .

David 1Ch_22_05 /^{David /prepared abundantly
before his death .

David 1Ch_22_03 /^{David /prepared iron in
abundance for the nails for the doors of the gates , and for the
joinings ; and brass in abundance without weight ;

David Psa_16_01 /^{David /Preserve me, O God :
for in thee do I put my trust .

David 1Sa_17_50 /^{David /prevailed over the
Philistine with a sling and with a stone , and smote the
Philistine , and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of
David .

David 1Sa_30_10 /^{David /pursued , he and
four hundred men : for two hundred abode behind , which were so
faint that they could not go over the brook Besor .

David 2Sa_08_06 /^{David /put garrisons in
Syria of Damascus : and the Syrians became servants to David ,
and brought gifts . And the LORD preserved David whithersoever
he went .

David 1Ch_18_06 /^{David /put garrisons in
Syriadamascus ; and the Syrians became David's servants , and
brought gifts . Thus the LORD preserved David whithersoever he
went .

David 1Sa_17_49 /^{David /put his hand in his
bag , and took thence a stone , and slang it, and smote the
Philistine in his forehead , that the stone sunk into his
forehead ; and he fell upon his face to the earth .

David 1Sa_17_39 /^{David /put them off him.

David 1Sa_17_51 /^{David /ran , and stood upon
the Philistine , and took his sword , and drew it out of the
sheath thereof, and slew him, and cut off his head therewith.
And when the Philistines saw their champion was dead , they fled

David 2Sa_10_03 /^{David /rather sent his
servants unto thee, to search the city , and to spy it out , and
to overthrow it?

David 1Sa_25_35 /^{David /received of her hand
that which she had brought him, and said unto her, Go up in
peace to thine house ; see , I have hearkened to thy voice , and
have accepted thy person .

David 1Ch_12_18 /^{David /received them, and
made them captains of the band .

David 1Sa_30_18 /^{David /recovered all that
the Amalekites had carried away : and David rescued his two
wives .

David 1Sa_30_19 /^{David /recovered all.

David 1Ch_18_14 /^{David /reigned over all
Israel , and executed judgment and justice among all his people .

David 2Sa_08_15 /^{David /reigned over all
Israel ; and David executed judgment and justice unto all his
people .

David 1Ki_02_11 /^{David /reigned over Israel
were forty years : seven years reigned he in Hebron , and thirty
and three years reigned he in Jerusalem .

David 1Sa_30_18 /^{David /rescued his two
wives .

David 1Sa_17_57 /^{David /returned from the
slaughter of the Philistine , Abner took him, and brought him
before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his hand .

David 1Ch_16_43 /^{David /returned to bless
his house .

David 2Sa_06_20 /^{David /returned to bless his
household . And Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet
David , and said , How glorious was the king of Israel to day ,
who uncovered himself to day in the eyes of the handmaids of his
servants , as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovereth

David Jer_22_04 /^{David /riding in chariots
and on horses , he, and his servants , and his people .

David Jer_17_25 /^{David /riding in chariots
and on horses , they, and their princes , the men of Judah , and
the inhabitants of Jerusalem : and this city shall remain for
ever .

David 1Sa_17_20 /^{David /rose up early in the
morning , and left the sheep with a keeper , and took , and went
, as Jesse had commanded him; and he came to the trench , as the
host was going forth to the fight , and shouted for the battle .

David 1Sa_27_10 /^{David /said , Against the
south of Judah , and against the south of the Jerahmeelites ,
and against the south of the Kenites .

David 1Ch_29_10 /^{David /said , Blessed be
thou, LORD God of Israel our father , for ever and ever .

David 1Ki_01_32 /^{David /said , Call me Zadok
the priest , and Nathan the prophet , and Benaiah the son of
Jehoiada . And they came before the king .

David 1Ch_14_11 /^{David /said , God hath
broken in upon mine enemies by mine hand like the breaking forth
of waters : therefore they called the name of that place
Baalperazim .

David 1Ch_19_02 /^{David /said , I will shew
kindness unto Hanun the son of Nahash , because his father
shewed kindness to me. And David sent messengers to comfort him
concerning his father . So the servants of David came into the
land of the children of Ammon to Hanun , to comfort him.

David 2Sa_15_33 /^{David /said , If thou
passest on with me, then thou shalt be a burden unto me:

David 2Sa_09_01 /^{David /said , Is there yet
any that is left of the house of Saul , that I may shew him
kindness for Jonathan's sake?

David 1Sa_26_17 /^{David /said , It is my
voice , my lord , O king .

David 2Sa_09_06 /^{David /said , Mephibosheth .
And he answered , Behold thy servant !

David 1Ch_15_02 /^{David /said , None ought to
carry the ark of God but the Levites : for them hath the LORD
chosen to carry the ark of God , and to minister unto him for
ever .

David 2Sa_15_31 /^{David /said , O LORD , I
pray thee, turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness .

David 1Sa_18_23 /^{David /said , Seemeth it to
you a light thing to be a king's son in law , seeing that I am a
poor man , and lightly esteemed ?

David 1Ch_22_05 /^{David /said , Solomon my
son is young and tender , and the house that is to be builded
for the LORD must be exceeding magnifical , of fame and of glory
throughout all countries : I will therefore now make preparation
for it. So David prepared abundantly before his death .

David 1Ch_23_25 /^{David /said , The LORD God
of Israel hath given rest unto his people , that they may dwell
in Jerusalem for ever :

David 1Sa_21_09 /^{David /said , There is none
like that; give it me.

David 1Ch_22_01 /^{David /said , This is the
house of the LORD God , and this is the altar of the burnt
offering for Israel .

David 2Sa_24_21 /^{David /said , To buy the
threshingfloor of thee, to build an altar unto the LORD , that
the plague may be stayed from the people .

David 1Sa_17_29 /^{David /said , What have I
now done ? Is there not a cause ?

David 2Sa_19_22 /^{David /said , What have I to
do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah , that ye should this day be
adversaries unto me? shall there any man be put to death this
day in Israel ? for do not I know that I am this day king over
Israel ?

David 2Sa_02_01 /^{David /said , Whither shall
I go up ? And he said , Unto Hebron .

David 1Ch_11_06 /^{David /said , Whosoever
smiteth the Jebusites first shall be chief and captain . So Joab
the son of Zeruiah went first up , and was chief .

David 1Sa_26_10 /^{David /said furthermore, As
the LORD liveth , the LORD shall smite him; or his day shall
come to die ; or he shall descend into battle , and perish .

David 1Sa_27_01 /^{David /said in his heart ,
I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul : there is
nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into
the land of the Philistines ; and Saul shall despair of me, to
seek me any more in any coast of Israel : so shall I escape out
of his hand .

David 1Sa_17_37 /^{David /said moreover, The
LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion , and out of
the paw of the bear , he will deliver me out of the hand of this
Philistine . And Saul said unto David , Go , and the LORD be
with thee.

David 2Sa_05_08 /^{David /said on that day ,
Whosoever getteth up to the gutter , and smiteth the Jebusites ,
and the lame and the blind , that are hated of David's soul , he
shall be chief and captain. Wherefore they said , The blind and
the lame shall not come into the house .

David 1Sa_30_07 /^{David /said to Abiathar the
priest , Ahimelech's son , I pray thee, bring me hither the
ephod . And Abiathar brought thither the ephod to David .

David 1Sa_25_32 /^{David /said to Abigail ,
Blessed be the LORD God of Israel , which sent thee this day to
meet me:

David 2Sa_16_11 /^{David /said to Abishai , and
to all his servants , Behold, my son , which came forth of my
bowels , seeketh my life : how much more now may this Benjamite
do it? let him alone , and let him curse ; for the LORD hath
bidden him.

David 1Sa_26_09 /^{David /said to Abishai ,
Destroy him not: for who can stretch forth his hand against the
LORD'S anointed , and be guiltless ?

David 2Sa_20_06 /^{David /said to Abishai , Now
shall Sheba the son of Bichri do us more harm than did Absalom :
take thou thy lord's servants , and pursue after him, lest he
get him fenced cities , and escape us .

David 1Sa_26_15 /^{David /said to Abner , Art
not thou a valiant man ? and who is like to thee in Israel ?
wherefore then hast thou not kept thy lord the king ? for there
came one of the people in to destroy the king thy lord .

David 1Sa_28_02 /^{David /said to Achish ,
Surely thou shalt know what thy servant can do . And Achish said
to David , Therefore will I make thee keeper of mine head for
ever .

David 1Ch_29_20 /^{David /said to all the
congregation , Now bless the LORD your God . And all the
congregation blessed the LORD God of their fathers , and bowed
down their heads , and worshipped the LORD , and the king .

David 1Sa_30_15 /^{David /said to him, Canst
thou bring me down to this company ? And he said , Swear unto me
by God , that thou wilt neither kill me, nor deliver me into the
hands of my master , and I will bring thee down to this company .

David 2Sa_15_22 /^{David /said to Ittai , Go
and pass over . And Ittai the Gittite passed over , and all his
men , and all the little ones that were with him.

David 2Sa_03_31 /^{David /said to Joab , and to
all the people that were with him, Rend your clothes , and gird
you with sackcloth , and mourn before Abner . And king David
himself followed the bier .

David 1Ch_21_02 /^{David /said to Joab and to
the rulers of the people , Go , number Israel from Beersheba
even to Dan ; and bring the number of them to me, that I may
know it.

David 1Ch_17_01 /^{David /said to Nathan the
prophet , Lo, I dwell in an house of cedars , but the ark of the
covenant of the LORD remaineth under curtains .

David 1Ch_21_22 /^{David /said to Ornan ,
Grant me the place of this threshingfloor , that I may build an
altar therein unto the LORD : thou shalt grant it me for the
full price : that the plague may be stayed from the people .

David 1Ch_21_24 /^{David /said to Ornan , Nay;
but I will verily buy it for the full price : for I will not
take that which is thine for the LORD , nor offer burnt
offerings without cost .

David 1Sa_17_32 /^{David /said to Saul , Let
no man's heart fail because of him; thy servant will go and
fight with this Philistine .

David 1Sa_24_09 /^{David /said to Saul ,
Wherefore hearest thou men's words , saying , Behold, David
seeketh thy hurt ?

David 1Ch_22_07 /^{David /said to Solomon , My
son , as for me, it was in my mind to build an house unto the
name of the LORD my God :

David 1Ch_28_20 /^{David /said to Solomon his
son , Be strong and of good courage , and do it: fear not, nor
be dismayed : for the LORD God , even my God , will be with thee;
he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast
finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD .

David 2Sa_11_08 /^{David /said to Uriah , Go
down to thy house , and wash thy feet . And Uriah departed out
of the king's house , and there followed him a mess of meat from
the king .

David 2Sa_11_12 /^{David /said to Uriah , Tarry
here to day also, and to morrow I will let thee depart . So
Uriah abode in Jerusalem that day , and the morrow .

David 1Sa_22_22 /^{David /said unto Abiathar ,
I knew it that day , when Doeg the Edomite was there, that he
would surely tell Saul : I have occasioned the death of all the
persons of thy father's house .

David 1Sa_29_08 /^{David /said unto Achish ,
But what have I done ? and what hast thou found in thy servant
so long as I have been with thee unto this day , that I may not
go fight against the enemies of my lord the king ?

David 1Sa_27_05 /^{David /said unto Achish ,
If I have now found grace in thine eyes , let them give me a
place in some town in the country , that I may dwell there: for
why should thy servant dwell in the royal city with thee?

David 1Sa_21_08 /^{David /said unto Ahimelech ,
And is there not here under thine hand spear or sword ? for I
have neither brought my sword nor my weapons with me , because
the king's business required haste .

David 1Sa_21_02 /^{David /said unto Ahimelech
the priest , The king hath commanded me a business , and hath
said unto me, Let no man know any thing of the business
whereabout I send thee, and what I have commanded thee: and I
have appointed my servants to such and such a place .

David 2Sa_15_14 /^{David /said unto all his
servants that were with him at Jerusalem , Arise , and let us
flee ; for we shall not else escape from Absalom : make speed to
depart , lest he overtake us suddenly , and bring evil upon us,
and smite the city with the edge of the sword .

David 1Ch_13_02 /^{David /said unto all the
congregation of Israel , If it seem good unto you, and that it
be of the LORD our God , let us send abroad unto our brethren
every where, that are left in all the land of Israel , and with
them also to the priests and Levites which are in their cities
and suburbs , that they may gather themselves unto us:

David 1Ch_21_13 /^{David /said unto Gad , I am
in a great strait : let me fall now into the hand of the LORD ;
for very great are his mercies : but let me not fall into the
hand of man .

David 2Sa_24_14 /^{David /said unto Gad , I am
in a great strait : let us fall now into the hand of the LORD ;
for his mercies are great : and let me not fall into the hand of
man .

David 1Ch_21_08 /^{David /said unto God , I
have sinned greatly , because I have done this thing : but now,
I beseech thee, do away the iniquity of thy servant ; for I have
done very foolishly .

David 1Ch_21_17 /^{David /said unto God , Is
it not I that commanded the people to be numbered ? even I it is
that have sinned and done evil indeed ; but as for these sheep ,
what have they done ? let thine hand , I pray thee, O LORD my
God , be on me, and on my father's house ; but not on thy people
, that they should be plagued .

David 1Sa_24_04 /^{David /said unto him,
Behold the day of which the LORD said unto thee, Behold, I will
deliver thine enemy into thine hand , that thou mayest do to him
as it shall seem good unto thee . Then David arose , and cut off
the skirt of Saul's robe privily .

David 2Sa_09_07 /^{David /said unto him, Fear
not: for I will surely shew thee kindness for Jonathan thy
father's sake, and will restore thee all the land of Saul thy
father ; and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually .

David 2Sa_01_03 /^{David /said unto him, From
whence comest thou? And he said unto him, Out of the camp of
Israel am I escaped .

David 2Sa_01_14 /^{David /said unto him, How
wast thou not afraid to stretch forth thine hand to destroy the
LORD'S anointed ?

David 2Sa_01_04 /^{David /said unto him, How
went the matter ? I pray thee, tell me. And he answered , That
the people are fled from the battle , and many of the people
also are fallen and dead ; and Saul and Jonathan his son are
dead also.

David 2Sa_01_16 /^{David /said unto him, Thy
blood be upon thy head ; for thy mouth hath testified against
thee, saying , I have slain the LORD'S anointed .

David 1Sa_30_13 /^{David /said unto him, To
whom belongest thou? and whence art thou? And he said , I am a
young man of Egypt , servant to an Amalekite ; and my master
left me, because three days agone I fell sick .

David 1Sa_25_13 /^{David /said unto his men ,
Gird ye on every man his sword . And they girded on every man
his sword ; and David also girded on his sword : and there went
up after David about four hundred men ; and two hundred abode by
the stuff .

David 2Sa_12_19 /^{David /said unto his
servants , Is the child dead ? And they said , He is dead .

David 1Sa_20_05 /^{David /said unto Jonathan ,
Behold, to morrow is the new moon , and I should not fail to sit
with the king at meat : but let me go , that I may hide myself
in the field unto the third day at even .

David 2Sa_06_21 /^{David /said unto Michal , It
was before the LORD , which chose me before thy father , and
before all his house , to appoint me ruler over the people of
the LORD , over Israel : therefore will I play before the LORD .

David 2Sa_12_13 /^{David /said unto Nathan , I
have sinned against the LORD . And Nathan said unto David , The
LORD also hath put away thy sin ; thou shalt not die .

David 1Sa_17_39 /^{David /said unto Saul , I
cannot go with these; for I have not proved them. And David put
them off him.

David 1Sa_17_34 /^{David /said unto Saul , Thy
servant kept his father's sheep , and there came a lion , and a
bear , and took a lamb out of the flock :

David 1Sa_18_18 /^{David /said unto Saul , Who
am I? and what is my life , or my father's family in Israel ,
that I should be son in law to the king ?

David 2Sa_21_03 /^{David /said unto the
Gibeonites , What shall I do for you? and wherewith shall I make
the atonement , that ye may bless the inheritance of the LORD ?

David 2Sa_24_10 /^{David /said unto the LORD ,
I have sinned greatly in that I have done : and now, I beseech
thee, O LORD , take away the iniquity of thy servant ; for I
have done very foolishly .

David 2Sa_11_25 /^{David /said unto the
messenger , Thus shalt thou say unto Joab , Let not this thing
displease thee, for the sword devoureth one as well as another :
make thy battle more strong against the city , and overthrow it:
and encourage thou him.

David 2Sa_01_05 /^{David /said unto the young
man that told him, How knowest thou that Saul and Jonathan his
son be dead ?

David 2Sa_01_13 /^{David /said unto the young
man that told him, Whence art thou? And he answered , I am the
son of a stranger , an Amalekite .

David 1Sa_25_05 /^{David /said unto the young
men , Get you up to Carmel , and go to Nabal , and greet him in
my name :

David 2Sa_11_10 /^{David /said unto Uriah ,
Camest thou not from thy journey ? why then didst thou not go
down unto thine house ?

David Rom_11_09 /${David /saith , Let their
table be made a snare , and a trap , and a stumblingblock , and
a recompence unto them :

David 2Sa_18_24 /^{David /sat between the two
gates : and the watchman went up to the roof over the gate unto
the wall , and lifted up his eyes , and looked , and behold a
man running alone.

David 1Ch_17_01 /^{David /sat in his house ,
that David said to Nathan the prophet , Lo, I dwell in an house
of cedars , but the ark of the covenant of the LORD remaineth
under curtains .

David Psa_69_01 /^{David /Save me, O God ; for
the waters are come in unto my soul .

David 1Sa_27_11 /^{David /saved neither man
nor woman alive , to bring tidings to Gath , saying , Lest they
should tell on us, saying , So did David , and so will be his
manner all the while he dwelleth in the country of the
Philistines .

David 1Sa_23_05 /^{David /saved the
inhabitants of Keilah .

David 2Sa_12_19 /^{David /saw that his servants
whispered , David perceived that the child was dead : therefore
David said unto his servants , Is the child dead ? And they said
, He is dead .

David 1Sa_23_15 /^{David /saw that Saul was
come out to seek his life : and David was in the wilderness of
Ziph in a wood .

David 1Ch_21_28 /^{David /saw that the LORD
had answered him in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite ,
then he sacrificed there.

David 2Sa_07_20 /^{David /say more unto thee?
for thou, Lord GOD , knowest thy servant .

David 2Ch_06_04 /^{David /saying ,

David 2Sa_13_30 /^{David /saying , Absalom hath
slain all the king's sons , and there is not one of them left .

David 2Sa_15_31 /^{David /saying , Ahithophel
is among the conspirators with Absalom . And David said , O LORD
, I pray thee, turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness .

David 1Sa_23_01 /^{David /saying , Behold, the
Philistines fight against Keilah , and they rob the
threshingfloors .

David 1Sa_19_15 /^{David /saying , Bring him
up to me in the bed , that I may slay him.

David 2Sa_03_18 /^{David /saying , By the hand
of my servant David I will save my people Israel out of the hand
of the Philistines , and out of the hand of all their enemies .

David 2Sa_05_06 /^{David /saying , Except thou
take away the blind and the lame , thou shalt not come in hither:
thinking , David cannot come in hither.

David 1Ki_01_47 /^{David /saying , God make
the name of Solomon better than thy name , and make his throne
greater than thy throne . And the king bowed himself upon the
bed .

David 1Sa_27_12 /^{David /saying , He hath
made his people Israel utterly to abhor him; therefore he shall
be my servant for ever .

David 2Sa_17_16 /^{David /saying , Lodge not
this night in the plains of the wilderness , but speedily pass
over ; lest the king be swallowed up , and all the people that
are with him.

David 1Sa_19_02 /^{David /saying , Saul my
father seeketh to kill thee: now therefore, I pray thee, take
heed to thyself until the morning , and abide in a secret place,
and hide thyself:

David Isa_07_02 /^{David /saying , Syria is
confederate with Ephraim . And his heart was moved , and the
heart of his people , as the trees of the wood are moved with
the wind .

David 2Sa_02_04 /^{David /saying , That the men
of Jabeshgilead were they that buried Saul .

David 2Sa_15_13 /^{David /saying , The hearts
of the men of Israel are after Absalom .

David 2Sa_06_12 /^{David /saying , The LORD
hath blessed the house of Obededom , and all that pertaineth
unto him, because of the ark of God . So David went and brought
up the ark of God from the house of Obededom into the city of
David with gladness .

David 1Ch_21_10 /^{David /saying , Thus saith
the LORD , I offer thee three things: choose thee one of them ,
that I may do it unto thee.

David 2Sa_11_10 /^{David /saying , Uriah went
not down unto his house , David said unto Uriah , Camest thou
not from thy journey ? why then didst thou not go down unto
thine house ?

David 1Sa_20_16 /^{David /saying, Let the LORD
even require it at the hand of David's enemies .

David 1Sa_18_22 /^{David /secretly , and say ,
Behold, the king hath delight in thee, and all his servants love
thee: now therefore be the king's son in law .

David 2Ch_10_16 /^{David /see to thine own
house . So all Israel went to their tents .

David 1Sa_24_09 /^{David /seeketh thy hurt ?

David 2Sa_09_05 /^{David /sent , and fetched
him out of the house of Machir , the son of Ammiel , from
Lodebar .

David 2Sa_03_21 /^{David /sent Abner away ; and
he went in peace .

David 1Sa_25_39 /^{David /sent and communed
with Abigail , to take her to him to wife .

David 2Sa_11_03 /^{David /sent and enquired
after the woman . And one said , Is not this Bathsheba , the
daughter of Eliam , the wife of Uriah the Hittite ?

David 2Sa_11_27 /^{David /sent and fetched her
to his house , and she became his wife , and bare him a son .
But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD .

David 2Sa_18_02 /^{David /sent forth a third
part of the people under the hand of Joab , and a third part
under the hand of Abishai the son of Zeruiah , Joab's brother ,
and a third part under the hand of Ittai the Gittite . And the
king said unto the people , I will surely go forth with you
myself also.

David 2Sa_13_07 /^{David /sent home to Tamar ,
saying , Go now to thy brother Amnon's house , and dress him
meat .

David 2Sa_11_01 /^{David /sent Joab , and his
servants with him, and all Israel ; and they destroyed the
children of Ammon , and besieged Rabbah . But David tarried
still at Jerusalem .

David 2Sa_11_04 /^{David /sent messengers , and
took her; and she came in unto him, and he lay with her; for she
was purified from her uncleanness : and she returned unto her
house .

David 1Sa_25_14 /^{David /sent messengers out
of the wilderness to salute our master ; and he railed on them.

David 1Ch_19_02 /^{David /sent messengers to
comfort him concerning his father . So the servants of David
came into the land of the children of Ammon to Hanun , to
comfort him.

David 2Sa_03_14 /^{David /sent messengers to
Ishbosheth Saul's son , saying , Deliver me my wife Michal ,
which I espoused to me for an hundred foreskins of the
Philistines .

David 2Sa_02_05 /^{David /sent messengers unto
the men of Jabeshgilead , and said unto them, Blessed be ye of
the LORD , that ye have shewed this kindness unto your lord ,
even unto Saul , and have buried him.

David 1Sa_25_05 /^{David /sent out ten young
men , and David said unto the young men , Get you up to Carmel ,
and go to Nabal , and greet him in my name :

David 2Sa_10_02 /^{David /sent to comfort him
by the hand of his servants for his father . And David's
servants came into the land of the children of Ammon .

David 2Sa_11_06 /^{David /sent to Joab , saying,
Send me Uriah the Hittite . And Joab sent Uriah to David .

David 2Sa_19_11 /^{David /sent to Zadok and to
Abiathar the priests , saying , Speak unto the elders of Judah ,
saying , Why are ye the last to bring the king back to his house
? seeing the speech of all Israel is come to the king , even to
his house .

David 1Sa_25_40 /^{David /sent us unto thee,
to take thee to him to wife .

David 2Sa_23_23 /^{David /set him over his
guard .

David 1Ch_11_25 /^{David /set him over his
guard .

David 1Ch_06_31 /^{David /set over the service
of song in the house of the LORD , after that the ark had rest .

David Zec_12_08 /^{David /shall be as God , as
the angel of the LORD before them.

David 1Ki_02_45 /^{David /shall be established
before the LORD for ever .

David Eze_37_25 /^{David /shall be their
prince for ever .

David Jer_33_17 /^{David /shall never want a
man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel ;

David 1Sa_25_23 /^{David /she hasted , and
lighted off the ass , and fell before David on her face , and
bowed herself to the ground ,

David 1Sa_19_14 /^{David /she said , He is
sick .

David 1Ch_21_18 /^{David /should go up , and
set up an altar unto the LORD in the threshingfloor of Ornan the
Jebusite .

David 1Ki_11_21 /^{David /slept with his
fathers , and that Joab the captain of the host was dead , Hadad
said to Pharaoh , Let me depart , that I may go to mine own
country .

David 1Ki_02_10 /^{David /slept with his
fathers , and was buried in the city of David .

David 2Sa_21_21 /^{David /slew him.

David 1Ch_19_18 /^{David /slew of the Syrians
seven thousand men which fought in chariots , and forty thousand
footmen , and killed Shophach the captain of the host .

David 1Ch_18_05 /^{David /slew of the Syrians
two and twenty thousand men .

David 2Sa_08_05 /^{David /slew of the Syrians
two and twenty thousand men .

David 2Sa_10_18 /^{David /slew the men of seven
hundred chariots of the Syrians , and forty thousand horsemen ,
and smote Shobach the captain of their host , who died there.

David 1Ki_11_24 /^{David /slew them of Zobah:
and they went to Damascus , and dwelt therein, and reigned in
Damascus .

David 2Sa_08_03 /^{David /smote also Hadadezer ,
the son of Rehob , king of Zobah , as he went to recover his
border at the river Euphrates .

David 1Ch_18_03 /^{David /smote Hadarezer king
of Zobah unto Hamath , as he went to stablish his dominion by
the river Euphrates .

David 1Sa_27_09 /^{David /smote the land , and
left neither man nor woman alive , and took away the sheep , and
the oxen , and the asses , and the camels , and the apparel ,
and returned , and came to Achish .

David 1Ch_18_01 /^{David /smote the
Philistines , and subdued them, and took Gath and her towns out
of the hand of the Philistines .

David 2Sa_08_01 /^{David /smote the Philistines
, and subdued them: and David took Methegammah out of the hand
of the Philistines .

David 1Sa_30_17 /^{David /smote them from the
twilight even unto the evening of the next day : and there
escaped not a man of them, save four hundred young men , which
rode upon camels , and fled .

David 2Sa_05_20 /^{David /smote them there, and
said , The LORD hath broken forth upon mine enemies before me,
as the breach of waters . Therefore he called the name of that
place Baalperazim .

David 1Ch_14_11 /^{David /smote them there.
Then David said , God hath broken in upon mine enemies by mine
hand like the breaking forth of waters : therefore they called
the name of that place Baalperazim .

David 1Ki_12_16 /^{David /So Israel departed
unto their tents .

David 1Sa_17_31 /^{David /spake , they
rehearsed them before Saul : and he sent for him.

David Act_01_16 /${David /spake before
concerning Judas , which was guide to them that took Jesus .

David 1Ch_15_16 /^{David /spake to the chief
of the Levites to appoint their brethren to be the singers with
instruments of musick , psalteries and harps and cymbals ,
sounding , by lifting up the voice with joy .

David 1Sa_17_26 /^{David /spake to the men
that stood by him, saying , What shall be done to the man that
killeth this Philistine , and taketh away the reproach from
Israel ? for who is this uncircumcised Philistine , that he
should defy the armies of the living God ?

David 2Sa_22_01 /^{David /spake unto the LORD
the words of this song in the day that the LORD had delivered
him out of the hand of all his enemies , and out of the hand of
Saul :

David 2Sa_24_17 /^{David /spake unto the LORD
when he saw the angel that smote the people , and said , Lo, I
have sinned , and I have done wickedly : but these sheep , what
have they done ? let thine hand , I pray thee, be against me,
and against my father's house .

David 1Ch_17_18 /^{David /speak more to thee
for the honour of thy servant ? for thou knowest thy servant .

David Act_02_25 /${David /speaketh concerning
him , I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my
right hand , that I should not be moved :

David 1Sa_24_07 /^{David /stayed his servants
with these words , and suffered them not to rise against Saul .
But Saul rose up out of the cave , and went on his way .

David 1Sa_24_08 /^{David /stooped with his
face to the earth , and bowed himself.

David 1Ch_29_24 /^{David /submitted themselves
unto Solomon the king .

David 2Sa_11_23 /^{David /Surely the men
prevailed against us, and came out unto us into the field , and
we were upon them even unto the entering of the gate .

David 2Sa_03_35 /^{David /sware , saying , So
do God to me, and more also , if I taste bread , or ought else,
till the sun be down .

David 1Sa_20_03 /^{David /sware moreover, and
said , Thy father certainly knoweth that I have found grace in
thine eyes ; and he saith , Let not Jonathan know this, lest he
be grieved : but truly as the LORD liveth , and as thy soul
liveth , there is but a step between me and death .

David 2Sa_21_17 /^{David /sware unto him,
saying , Thou shalt go no more out with us to battle , that thou
quench not the light of Israel .

David 1Sa_24_22 /^{David /sware unto Saul .
And Saul went home ; but David and his men gat them up unto the
hold .

David 1Ch_21_23 /^{David /Take it to thee, and
let my lord the king do that which is good in his eyes : lo , I
give thee the oxen also for burnt offerings , and the threshing
instruments for wood , and the wheat for the meat offering ; I
give it all.

David 1Ch_20_01 /^{David /tarried at Jerusalem
. And Joab smote Rabbah , and destroyed it.

David 2Sa_11_01 /^{David /tarried still at
Jerusalem .

David 1Sa_18_08 /^{David /ten thousands , and
to me they have ascribed but thousands : and what can he have
more but the kingdom ?

David 2Sa_19_43 /^{David /than ye: why then did
ye despise us, that our advice should not be first had in
bringing back our king ? And the words of the men of Judah were
fiercer than the words of the men of Israel .

David 2Sa_03_06 /^{David /that Abner made
himself strong for the house of Saul .

David Mar_11_10 /${David /that cometh in the
name of the Lord : Hosanna in the highest .

David 1Sa_17_48 /^{David /that David hasted ,
and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine .

David 1Ch_21_18 /^{David /that David should go
up , and set up an altar unto the LORD in the threshingfloor of
Ornan the Jebusite .

David 2Sa_01_02 /^{David /that he fell to the
earth , and did obeisance .

David Act_02_29 /${David /that he is both dead
and buried , and his sepulchre is with us unto this day .

David Amo_09_11 /^{David /that is fallen , and
close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins ,
and I will build it as in the days of old :

David 1Ch_15_29 /^{David /that Michal the
daughter of Saul looking out at a window saw king David dancing
and playing : and she despised him in her heart .

David 1Sa_22_21 /^{David /that Saul had slain
the LORD'S priests .

David 1Sa_18_19 /^{David /that she was given
unto Adriel the Meholathite to wife .

David Isa_22_09 /^{David /that they are many :
and ye gathered together the waters of the lower pool .

David 2Sa_03_08 /^{David /that thou chargest me
to day with a fault concerning this woman ?

David 2Sa_11_11 /^{David /The ark , and Israel ,
and Judah , abide in tents ; and my lord Joab , and the
servants of my lord , are encamped in the open fields ; shall I
then go into mine house , to eat and to drink , and to lie with
my wife ? as thou livest , and as thy soul liveth , I will not
do this thing .

David 2Sa_10_06 /^{David /the children of Ammon
sent and hired the Syrians of Bethrehob , and the Syrians of
Zoba , twenty thousand footmen , and of king Maacah a thousand
men , and of Ishtob twelve thousand men .

David Psa_24_01 /^{David /The earth is the
LORD'S , and the fulness thereof; the world , and they that
dwell therein.

David Psa_53_01 /^{David /The fool hath said
in his heart , There is no God . Corrupt are they, and have done
abominable iniquity : there is none that doeth good .

David Psa_14_01 /^{David /The fool hath said
in his heart , There is no God . They are corrupt , they have
done abominable works , there is none that doeth good .

David Psa_19_01 /^{David /The heavens declare
the glory of God ; and the firmament sheweth his handywork .

David 1Ch_26_26 /^{David /the king , and the
chief fathers , the captains over thousands and hundreds , and
the captains of the host , had dedicated .

David 1Ch_24_31 /^{David /the king , and Zadok
, and Ahimelech , and the chief of the fathers of the priests
and Levites , even the principal fathers over against their
younger brethren .

David 1Ch_29_29 /^{David /the king , first and
last , behold, they are written in the book of Samuel the seer ,
and in the book of Nathan the prophet , and in the book of Gad
the seer ,

David Mat_01_06 /${David /the king ; and David
the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias ;

David 2Ch_02_12 /^{David /the king a wise son ,
endued with prudence and understanding , that might build an
house for the LORD , and an house for his kingdom .

David 1Ch_29_09 /^{David /the king also
rejoiced with great joy .

David Mat_01_06 /${David /the king begat
Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias ;

David 1Ch_17_16 /^{David /the king came and
sat before the LORD , and said , Who am I, O LORD God , and what
is mine house , that thou hast brought me hitherto ?

David 1Sa_18_25 /^{David /The king desireth
not any dowry , but an hundred foreskins of the Philistines , to
be avenged of the king's enemies . But Saul thought to make
David fall by the hand of the Philistines .

David 2Ch_07_06 /^{David /the king had made to
praise the LORD , because his mercy endureth for ever , when
David praised by their ministry ; and the priests sounded
trumpets before them, and all Israel stood .

David 1Sa_21_11 /^{David /the king of the land
? did they not sing one to another of him in dances , saying ,
Saul hath slain his thousands , and David his ten thousands ?

David 1Ch_29_01 /^{David /the king said unto
all the congregation , Solomon my son , whom alone God hath
chosen , is yet young and tender , and the work is great : for
the palace is not for man , but for the LORD God .

David 2Sa_09_02 /^{David /the king said unto
him, Art thou Ziba ? And he said , Thy servant is he.

David Psa_21_01 /^{David /The king shall joy
in thy strength , O LORD ; and in thy salvation how greatly
shall he rejoice !

David 1Ch_28_02 /^{David /the king stood up
upon his feet , and said , Hear me, my brethren , and my people :
As for me, I had in mine heart to build an house of rest for
the ark of the covenant of the LORD , and for the footstool of
our God , and had made ready for the building :

David 1Ch_23_27 /^{David /the Levites were
numbered from twenty years old and above :

David 2Sa_12_13 /^{David /The LORD also hath
put away thy sin ; thou shalt not die .

David Psa_20_01 /^{David /The LORD hear thee
in the day of trouble ; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee;

David Psa_27_01 /^{David /The LORD is my light
and my salvation ; whom shall I fear ? the LORD is the strength
of my life ; of whom shall I be afraid ?

David Psa_23_01 /^{David /The LORD is my
shepherd ; I shall not want .

David 1Ch_28_19 /^{David /the LORD made me
understand in writing by his hand upon me, even all the works of
this pattern .

David Psa_110_01 /^{David /The LORD said unto
my Lord , Sit thou at my right hand , until I make thine enemies
thy footstool .

David Neh_12_36 /^{David /the man of God , and
Ezra the scribe before them.

David Neh_12_24 /^{David /the man of God ,
ward over against ward .

David 2Ch_08_14 /^{David /the man of God
commanded .

David 1Sa_29_03 /^{David /the servant of Saul
the king of Israel , which hath been with me these days , or
these years , and I have found no fault in him since he fell
unto me unto this day ?

David Psa_18_01 /^{David /the servant of the
LORD , who spake unto the LORD the words of this song in the day
that the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies ,
and from the hand of Saul : And he said ,>> I will love thee, O
LORD , my strength .

David Psa_36_01 /^{David /the servant of the
LORD .>> The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart ,
that there is no fear of God before his eyes .

David 1Ch_02_15 /^{David /the seventh :

David Mat_01_01 /${David /the son of Abraham .

David Act_13_22 /${David /the son of Jesse , a
man after mine own heart , which shall fulfil all my will .

David 1Ch_10_14 /^{David /the son of Jesse .

David Psa_72_20 /^{David /the son of Jesse are
ended .

David 1Ch_29_26 /^{David /the son of Jesse
reigned over all Israel .

David 2Sa_23_01 /^{David /the son of Jesse said
, and the man who was raised up on high , the anointed of the
God of Jacob , and the sweet psalmist of Israel , said ,

David Jer_30_09 /^{David /their king , whom I
will raise up unto them.

David Hos_03_05 /^{David /their king ; and
shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days .

David Mat_22_45 /${David /then call him Lord ,
how is he his son ?

David 2Sa_12_16 /^{David /therefore besought
God for the child ; and David fasted , and went in , and lay all
night upon the earth .

David Luk_20_44 /${David /therefore calleth
him Lord , how is he then his son ?

David 1Sa_22_01 /^{David /therefore departed
thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam : and when his brethren
and all his father's house heard it, they went down thither to

David 1Ch_14_16 /^{David /therefore did as God
commanded him: and they smote the host of the Philistines from
Gibeon even to Gazer .

David Mar_12_37 /${David /therefore himself
calleth him Lord ; and whence is he then his son ? And the
common people heard him gladly .

David 1Sa_26_04 /^{David /therefore sent out
spies , and understood that Saul was come in very deed .

David 1Sa_28_02 /^{David /Therefore will I
make thee keeper of mine head for ever .

David 1Sa_18_26 /^{David /these words , it
pleased David well to be the king's son in law : and the days
were not expired .

David Mat_21_15 /${David /they were sore
displeased ,

David 1Ch_26_31 /^{David /they were sought for,
and there were found among them mighty men of valour at Jazer
of Gilead .

David 2Sa_17_01 /^{David /this night :

David 1Sa_24_17 /^{David /Thou art more
righteous than I: for thou hast rewarded me good , whereas I
have rewarded thee evil .

David 1Sa_17_33 /^{David /Thou art not able to
go against this Philistine to fight with him: for thou art but a
youth , and he a man of war from his youth .

David 2Sa_12_07 /^{David /Thou art the man .
Thus saith the LORD God of Israel , I anointed thee king over
Israel , and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul ;

David 1Sa_26_25 /^{David /thou shalt both do
great things, and also shalt still prevail . So David went on
his way , and Saul returned to his place .

David 1Ch_11_05 /^{David /Thou shalt not come
hither. Nevertheless David took the castle of Zion , which is
the city of David .

David 1Sa_18_21 /^{David /Thou shalt this day
be my son in law in the one of the twain .

David Jer_22_02 /^{David /thou, and thy
servants , and thy people that enter in by these gates :

David 1Ch_12_39 /^{David /three days , eating
and drinking : for their brethren had prepared for them.

David 2Sa_21_01 /^{David /three years , year
after year ; and David enquired of the LORD . And the LORD
answered , It is for Saul , and for his bloody house , because
he slew the Gibeonites .

David 2Sa_24_12 /^{David /Thus saith the LORD ,
I offer thee three things; choose thee one of them, that I may
do it unto thee .

David 2Sa_07_05 /^{David /Thus saith the LORD ,
Shalt thou build me an house for me to dwell in ?

David Jer_21_12 /^{David /thus saith the LORD ;
Execute judgment in the morning , and deliver him that is
spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor , lest my fury go out
like fire , and burn that none can quench it, because of the
evil of your doings .

David 1Ch_17_07 /^{David /Thus saith the LORD
of hosts , I took thee from the sheepcote , even from following
the sheep , that thou shouldest be ruler over my people Israel :

David 2Sa_07_08 /^{David /Thus saith the LORD
of hosts , I took thee from the sheepcote , from following the
sheep , to be ruler over my people , over Israel :

David 2Ch_21_12 /^{David /thy father , Because
thou hast not walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat thy father , nor
in the ways of Asa king of Judah ,

David Isa_38_05 /^{David /thy father , I have
heard thy prayer , I have seen thy tears : behold, I will add
unto thy days fifteen years .

David 2Ki_20_05 /^{David /thy father , I have
heard thy prayer , I have seen thy tears : behold, I will heal
thee: on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the

David 2Ch_07_18 /^{David /thy father , saying ,
There shall not fail thee a man to be ruler in Israel .

David 1Ki_09_05 /^{David /thy father , saying ,
There shall not fail thee a man upon the throne of Israel .

David 2Ch_02_14 /^{David /thy father .

David 1Ki_06_12 /^{David /thy father :

David 2Ch_07_17 /^{David /thy father walked ,
and do according to all that I have commanded thee, and shalt
observe my statutes and my judgments ;

David 1Ki_09_04 /^{David /thy father walked ,
in integrity of heart , and in uprightness , to do according to
all that I have commanded thee, and wilt keep my statutes and my
judgments :

David 1Ki_11_12 /^{David /thy father's sake:
but I will rend it out of the hand of thy son .

David 2Ch_06_42 /^{David /thy servant .

David 1Ch_17_24 /^{David /thy servant be
established before thee.

David 1Sa_16_19 /^{David /thy son , which is
with the sheep .

David 1Ki_08_16 /^{David /to be over my people
Israel .

David 2Ch_06_06 /^{David /to be over my people
Israel .

David Act_13_22 /${David /to be their king ;
to whom also he gave testimony , and said , I have found David
the son of Jesse , a man after mine own heart , which shall
fulfil all my will .

David Psa_70_01 /^{David /to bring to
remembrance .>> Make haste, O God , to deliver me; make haste to
help me, O LORD .

David Psa_38_01 /^{David /to bring to
remembrance .>> O LORD , rebuke me not in thy wrath : neither
chasten me in thy hot displeasure .

David Psa_132_17 /^{David /to bud : I have
ordained a lamp for mine anointed .

David Heb_04_07 /${David /To day , after so
long a time ; as it is said , To day if ye will hear his voice ,
harden not your hearts .

David 2Sa_03_35 /^{David /to eat meat while it
was yet day , David sware , saying , So do God to me, and more
also , if I taste bread , or ought else, till the sun be down .

David 1Ch_18_10 /^{David /to enquire of his
welfare , and to congratulate him, because he had fought against
Hadarezer , and smitten him; and with him all manner of vessels
of gold and silver and brass .

David 2Sa_04_08 /^{David /to Hebron , and said
to the king , Behold the head of Ishbosheth the son of Saul
thine enemy , which sought thy life ; and the LORD hath avenged
my lord the king this day of Saul , and of his seed .

David 2Sa_03_20 /^{David /to Hebron , and
twenty men with him. And David made Abner and the men that were
with him a feast .

David 1Ch_12_23 /^{David /to Hebron , to turn
the kingdom of Saul to him, according to the word of the LORD .

David 1Ch_12_22 /^{David /to help him, until
it was a great host , like the host of God .

David 1Sa_20_10 /^{David /to Jonathan , Who
shall tell me? or what if thy father answer thee roughly ?

David 1Sa_23_06 /^{David /to Keilah , that he
came down with an ephod in his hand .

David 1Sa_20_18 /^{David /To morrow is the new
moon : and thou shalt be missed , because thy seat will be empty

David 1Sa_21_01 /^{David /to Nob to Ahimelech
the priest : and Ahimelech was afraid at the meeting of David ,
and said unto him, Why art thou alone, and no man with thee?

David 1Ch_21_01 /^{David /to number Israel .

David 1Ch_23_05 /^{David /to praise therewith.

David 2Sa_08_10 /^{David /to salute him, and to
bless him, because he had fought against Hadadezer , and smitten
him: for Hadadezer had wars with Toi . And Joram brought with
him vessels of silver , and vessels of gold , and vessels of
brass :

David 1Sa_19_07 /^{David /to Saul , and he was
in his presence , as in times past .

David 1Sa_20_17 /^{David /to swear again ,
because he loved him: for he loved him as he loved his own soul .

David Psa_60_01 /^{David /to teach ; when he
strove with Aramnaharaim and with Aramzobah , when Joab returned
, and smote of Edom in the valley of salt twelve thousand .>> O
God , thou hast cast us off , thou hast scattered us, thou hast
been displeased ; O turn thyself to us again .

David 1Sa_17_45 /^{David /to the Philistine ,
Thou comest to me with a sword , and with a spear , and with a
shield : but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts ,
the God of the armies of Israel , whom thou hast defied .

David 2Ch_11_18 /^{David /to wife , and Abihail
the daughter of Eliab the son of Jesse ;

David 1Ch_12_01 /^{David /to Ziklag , while he
yet kept himself close because of Saul the son of Kish : and
they were among the mighty men , helpers of the war .

David 1Sa_30_20 /^{David /took all the flocks
and the herds , which they drave before those other cattle , and
said , This is David's spoil .

David 1Sa_16_23 /^{David /took an harp , and
played with his hand : so Saul was refreshed , and was well ,
and the evil spirit departed from him.

David 2Sa_08_08 /^{David /took exceeding much
brass .

David 1Ch_18_04 /^{David /took from him a
thousand chariots , and seven thousand horsemen , and twenty
thousand footmen : David also houghed all the chariot horses,
but reserved of them an hundred chariots .

David 2Sa_08_04 /^{David /took from him a
thousand chariots, and seven hundred horsemen , and twenty
thousand footmen : and David houghed all the chariot horses, but
reserved of them for an hundred chariots .

David 2Sa_05_13 /^{David /took him more
concubines and wives out of Jerusalem , after he was come from
Hebron : and there were yet sons and daughters born to David .

David 2Sa_01_11 /^{David /took hold on his
clothes , and rent them; and likewise all the men that were with

David 2Sa_08_01 /^{David /took Methegammah out
of the hand of the Philistines .

David 1Ch_14_03 /^{David /took more wives at
Jerusalem : and David begat more sons and daughters .

David 1Ch_27_23 /^{David /took not the number
of them from twenty years old and under : because the LORD had
said he would increase Israel like to the stars of the heavens .

David 1Ch_11_05 /^{David /took the castle of
Zion , which is the city of David .

David 1Ch_20_02 /^{David /took the crown of
their king from off his head , and found it to weigh a talent of
gold , and there were precious stones in it; and it was set upon
David's head : and he brought also exceeding much spoil out of
the city .

David 1Sa_17_54 /^{David /took the head of the
Philistine , and brought it to Jerusalem ; but he put his armour
in his tent .

David 2Sa_08_07 /^{David /took the shields of
gold that were on the servants of Hadadezer , and brought them
to Jerusalem .

David 1Ch_18_07 /^{David /took the shields of
gold that were on the servants of Hadarezer , and brought them
to Jerusalem .

David 1Sa_26_12 /^{David /took the spear and
the cruse of water from Saul's bolster ; and they gat them away ,
and no man saw it, nor knew it, neither awaked : for they were
all asleep ; because a deep sleep from the LORD was fallen upon

David 2Sa_05_07 /^{David /took the strong hold
of Zion : the same is the city of David .

David Psa_62_01 /^{David /Truly my soul
waiteth upon God : from him cometh my salvation .

David 1Ch_07_02 /^{David /two and twenty
thousand and six hundred .

David 1Ki_03_01 /^{David /until he had made an
end of building his own house , and the house of the LORD , and
the wall of Jerusalem round about .

David Mat_01_17 /${David /until the carrying
away into Babylon are fourteen generations ; and from the
carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations .

David 2Sa_05_01 /^{David /unto Hebron , and
spake , saying , Behold, we are thy bone and thy flesh .

David 1Ch_11_01 /^{David /unto Hebron , saying
, Behold, we are thy bone and thy flesh .

David 1Ki_09_24 /^{David /unto her house which
Solomon had built for her: then did he build Millo .

David 1Sa_19_04 /^{David /unto Saul his father
, and said unto him, Let not the king sin against his servant ,
against David ; because he hath not sinned against thee, and
because his works have been to thee-ward very good :

David 2Ch_08_11 /^{David /unto the house that
he had built for her: for he said , My wife shall not dwell in
the house of David king of Israel , because the places are holy ,
whereunto the ark of the LORD hath come .

David Psa_28_01 /^{David /Unto thee will I cry
, O LORD my rock ; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent
to me, I become like them that go down into the pit .

David Psa_25_01 /^{David /Unto thee, O LORD ,
do I lift up my soul .

David 1Ki_12_19 /^{David /unto this day .

David 2Ch_10_19 /^{David /unto this day .

David 1Ch_18_08 /^{David /very much brass ,
wherewith Solomon made the brasen sea , and the pillars , and
the vessels of brass .

David Joh_07_42 /${David /was ?

David 2Sa_16_01 /^{David /was a little past the
top of the hill, behold, Ziba the servant of Mephibosheth met
him, with a couple of asses saddled , and upon them two hundred
loaves of bread , and an hundred bunches of raisins , and an
hundred of summer fruits , and a bottle of wine .

David 1Ch_13_12 /^{David /was afraid of God
that day , saying , How shall I bring the ark of God home to me?

David 2Sa_06_09 /^{David /was afraid of the
LORD that day , and said , How shall the ark of the LORD come to

David 1Ch_14_08 /^{David /was anointed king
over all Israel , all the Philistines went up to seek David .
And David heard of it, and went out against them.

David 1Ch_15_27 /^{David /was clothed with a
robe of fine linen , and all the Levites that bare the ark , and
the singers , and Chenaniah the master of the song with the
singers : David also had upon him an ephod of linen .

David 1Sa_23_07 /^{David /was come to Keilah .
And Saul said , God hath delivered him into mine hand ; for he
is shut in , by entering into a town that hath gates and bars .

David 2Sa_17_27 /^{David /was come to Mahanaim ,
that Shobi the son of Nahash of Rabbah of the children of Ammon
, and Machir the son of Ammiel of Lodebar , and Barzillai the
Gileadite of Rogelim ,

David 2Sa_15_32 /^{David /was come to the top
of the mount, where he worshipped God , behold, Hushai the
Archite came to meet him with his coat rent , and earth upon his
head :

David 1Sa_22_06 /^{David /was discovered , and
the men that were with him, in Gibeah under a tree in Ramah ,
having his spear in his hand , and all his servants were
standing about him;

David 1Ch_13_11 /^{David /was displeased ,
because the LORD had made a breach upon Uzza : wherefore that
place is called Perezuzza to this day .

David 2Sa_06_08 /^{David /was displeased ,
because the LORD had made a breach upon Uzzah : and he called
the name of the place Perezuzzah to this day .

David 1Sa_23_13 /^{David /was escaped from
Keilah ; and he forbare to go forth .

David 1Sa_27_04 /^{David /was fled to Gath :
and he sought no more again for him.

David 2Sa_06_14 /^{David /was girded with a
linen ephod .

David 1Sa_30_06 /^{David /was greatly
distressed ; for the people spake of stoning him, because the
soul of all the people was grieved , every man for his sons and
for his daughters : but David encouraged himself in the LORD his
God .

David 1Ki_11_15 /^{David /was in Edom , and
Joab the captain of the host was gone up to bury the slain ,
after he had smitten every male in Edom ;

David 1Sa_22_04 /^{David /was in the hold .

David 1Sa_23_15 /^{David /was in the
wilderness of Ziph in a wood .

David 2Sa_02_11 /^{David /was king in Hebron
over the house of Judah was seven years and six months .

David 1Ch_23_01 /^{David /was old and full of
days , he made Solomon his son king over Israel .

David 1Ki_01_01 /^{David /was old and stricken
in years ; and they covered him with clothes , but he gat no
heat .

David 2Ti_02_08 /${David /was raised from the
dead according to my gospel :

David 2Sa_01_01 /^{David /was returned from the
slaughter of the Amalekites , and David had abode two days in
Ziklag ;

David 1Sa_18_06 /^{David /was returned from
the slaughter of the Philistine , that the women came out of all
cities of Israel , singing and dancing , to meet king Saul ,
with tabrets , with joy , and with instruments of musick .

David 2Ch_01_01 /^{David /was strengthened in
his kingdom , and the LORD his God was with him, and magnified
him exceedingly .

David 1Sa_17_12 /^{David /was the son of that
Ephrathite of Bethlehemjudah , whose name was Jesse ; and he had
eight sons : and the man went among men for an old man in the
days of Saul .

David 1Sa_17_14 /^{David /was the youngest :
and the three eldest followed Saul .

David 2Sa_23_14 /^{David /was then in an hold ,
and the garrison of the Philistines was then in Bethlehem .

David 1Ch_11_16 /^{David /was then in the hold
, and the Philistines garrison was then at Bethlehem .

David 2Sa_05_04 /^{David /was thirty years old
when he began to reign , and he reigned forty years .

David 2Sa_24_11 /^{David /was up in the morning
, the word of the LORD came unto the prophet Gad , David's seer ,
saying ,

David 2Sa_21_15 /^{David /waxed faint .

David 1Ch_11_09 /^{David /waxed greater and
greater : for the LORD of hosts was with him.

David 2Sa_03_01 /^{David /waxed stronger and
stronger , and the house of Saul waxed weaker and weaker .

David 1Sa_18_26 /^{David /well to be the
king's son in law : and the days were not expired .

David 1Sa_30_09 /^{David /went , he and the
six hundred men that were with him, and came to the brook Besor ,
where those that were left behind stayed .

David 2Sa_06_12 /^{David /went and brought up
the ark of God from the house of Obededom into the city of David
with gladness .

David 1Sa_17_15 /^{David /went and returned
from Saul to feed his father's sheep at Bethlehem .

David 2Sa_21_12 /^{David /went and took the
bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son from the men of
Jabeshgilead , which had stolen them from the street of Bethshan
, where the Philistines had hanged them, when the Philistines
had slain Saul in Gilboa :

David 2Sa_21_15 /^{David /went down , and his
servants with him, and fought against the Philistines : and
David waxed faint .

David 2Sa_05_10 /^{David /went on , and grew
great , and the LORD God of hosts was with him.

David 1Sa_26_25 /^{David /went on his way ,
and Saul returned to his place .

David 1Sa_19_08 /^{David /went out , and
fought with the Philistines , and slew them with a great
slaughter ; and they fled from him.

David 2Sa_02_13 /^{David /went out , and met
together by the pool of Gibeon : and they sat down , the one on
the one side of the pool , and the other on the other side of
the pool .

David 1Ch_14_17 /^{David /went out into all
lands ; and the LORD brought the fear of him upon all nations .

David 1Ch_12_17 /^{David /went out to meet
them, and answered and said unto them, If ye be come peaceably
unto me to help me, mine heart shall be knit unto you: but if ye
be come to betray me to mine enemies , seeing there is no wrong
in mine hands , the God of our fathers look thereon, and rebuke

David 1Sa_18_05 /^{David /went out
whithersoever Saul sent him, and behaved himself wisely : and
Saul set him over the men of war , and he was accepted in the
sight of all the people , and also in the sight of Saul's
servants .

David 1Sa_26_13 /^{David /went over to the
other side , and stood on the top of an hill afar off ; a great
space being between them:

David 1Sa_22_03 /^{David /went thence to
Mizpeh of Moab : and he said unto the king of Moab , Let my
father and my mother , I pray thee, come forth , and be with you,
till I know what God will do for me.

David 1Ch_13_06 /^{David /went up , and all
Israel , to Baalah , that is, to Kirjathjearim , which belonged
to Judah , to bring up thence the ark of God the LORD , that
dwelleth between the cherubims , whose name is called on it.

David 1Ch_21_19 /^{David /went up at the
saying of Gad , which he spake in the name of the LORD .

David 2Sa_15_30 /^{David /went up by the ascent
of mount Olivet , and wept as he went up , and had his head
covered , and he went barefoot : and all the people that was
with him covered every man his head , and they went up , weeping
as they went up .

David 1Sa_23_29 /^{David /went up from thence,
and dwelt in strong holds at Engedi .

David 2Sa_02_02 /^{David /went up thither, and
his two wives also, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess , and Abigail
Nabal's wife the Carmelite .

David 1Ch_18_17 /^{David /were chief about the
king .

David 1Sa_25_40 /^{David /were come to Abigail
to Carmel , they spake unto her, saying , David sent us unto
thee, to take thee to him to wife .

David 1Ki_01_08 /^{David /were not with
Adonijah .

David 2Sa_03_02 /^{David /were sons born in
Hebron : and his firstborn was Amnon , of Ahinoam the
Jezreelitess ;

David 2Sa_21_11 /^{David /what Rizpah the
daughter of Aiah , the concubine of Saul , had done .

David 1Sa_20_04 /^{David /Whatsoever thy soul
desireth , I will even do it for thee.

David Psa_52_01 /^{David /when Doeg the
Edomite came and told Saul , and said unto him, David is come to
the house of Ahimelech .>> Why boastest thou thyself in mischief
, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually .

David 1Ch_12_19 /^{David /when he came with
the Philistines against Saul to battle : but they helped them
not: for the lords of the Philistines upon advisement sent him
away, saying , He will fall to his master Saul to the jeopardy
of our heads .

David Psa_34_01 /^{David /when he changed his
behaviour before Abimelech ; who drove him away , and he
departed .>> I will bless the LORD at all times : his praise
shall continually be in my mouth .

David Psa_03_01 /^{David /when he fled from
Absalom his son .>> LORD , how are they increased that trouble
me! many are they that rise up against me.

David Psa_57_01 /^{David /when he fled from
Saul in the cave .>> Be merciful unto me, O God , be merciful
unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy
wings will I make my refuge , until these calamities be overpast

David Psa_63_01 /^{David /when he was in the
wilderness of Judah .>> O God , thou art my God ; early will I
seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee
in a dry and thirsty land , where no water is;

David Psa_51_01 /^{David /when Nathan the
prophet came unto him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba .>>
Have mercy upon me, O God , according to thy lovingkindness :
according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my
transgressions .

David Psa_59_01 /^{David /when Saul sent , and
they watched the house to kill him .>> Deliver me from mine
enemies , O my God : defend me from them that rise up against me.

David Psa_56_01 /^{David /when the Philistines
took him in Gath .>> Be merciful unto me, O God : for man would
swallow me up ; he fighting daily oppresseth me.

David Psa_54_01 /^{David /when the Ziphims
came and said to Saul , Doth not David hide himself with us?>>
Save me, O God , by thy name , and judge me by thy strength .

David 2Sa_23_09 /^{David /when they defied the
Philistines that were there gathered together to battle , and
the men of Israel were gone away :

David 1Sa_23_25 /^{David /wherefore he came
down into a rock , and abode in the wilderness of Maon . And
when Saul heard that, he pursued after David in the wilderness
of Maon .

David Psa_07_01 /^{David /which he sang unto
the LORD , concerning the words of Cush the Benjamite .>> O LORD
my God , in thee do I put my trust : save me from all them that
persecute me, and deliver me:

David Luk_02_04 /${David /which is called
Bethlehem ; of the house and lineage of David :

David Act_15_16 /${David /which is fallen down
; and I will build again the ruins thereof , and I will set it
up :

David 1Sa_22_14 /^{David /which is the king's
son in law , and goeth at thy bidding , and is honourable in
thine house ?

David 1Ki_08_01 /^{David /which is Zion .

David 2Ch_05_02 /^{David /which is Zion .

David 1Ch_03_01 /^{David /which were born unto
him in Hebron ; the firstborn Amnon , of Ahinoam the
Jezreelitess ; the second Daniel , of Abigail the Carmelitess :

David 1Ch_18_13 /^{David /whithersoever he
went .

David 1Ch_18_06 /^{David /whithersoever he
went .

David 2Sa_08_14 /^{David /whithersoever he went

David 2Sa_08_06 /^{David /whithersoever he went

David 1Ki_14_08 /^{David /who kept my
commandments , and who followed me with all his heart , to do
that only which was right in mine eyes ;

David 2Sa_16_10 /^{David /Who shall then say ,
Wherefore hast thou done so ?

David 1Sa_30_21 /^{David /whom they had made
also to abide at the brook Besor : and they went forth to meet
David , and to meet the people that were with him: and when
David came near to the people , he saluted them.

David Isa_22_22 /^{David /will I lay upon his
shoulder ; so he shall open , and none shall shut ; and he shall
shut , and none shall open .

David 1Sa_23_12 /^{David /Will the men of
Keilah deliver me and my men into the hand of Saul ? And the
LORD said , They will deliver thee up .

David 1Ch_20_03 /^{David /with all the cities
of the children of Ammon . And David and all the people returned
to Jerusalem .

David 2Sa_06_12 /^{David /with gladness .

David 1Sa_17_38 /^{David /with his armour ,
and he put an helmet of brass upon his head ; also he armed him
with a coat of mail .

David 1Ch_21_21 /^{David /with his face to the
ground .

David 1Sa_27_03 /^{David /with his two wives ,
Ahinoam the Jezreelitess , and Abigail the Carmelitess , Nabal's
wife .

David 1Sa_19_05 /^{David /without a cause ?

David 1Ch_11_18 /^{David /would not drink of
it, but poured it out to the LORD ,

David 2Sa_06_10 /^{David /would not remove the
ark of the LORD unto him into the city of David : but David
carried it aside into the house of Obededom the Gittite .

David 2Sa_11_14 /^{David /wrote a letter to
Joab , and sent it by the hand of Uriah .

David 1Sa_30_23 /^{David /Ye shall not do so ,
my brethren , with that which the LORD hath given us, who hath
preserved us, and delivered the company that came against us
into our hand .

David's 2Sa_12_05 /^{David's /anger was greatly
kindled against the man ; and he said to Nathan , As the LORD
liveth , the man that hath done this thing shall surely die :

David's 2Sa_13_32 /^{David's /brother , answered
and said , Let not my lord suppose that they have slain all the
young men the king's sons ; for Amnon only is dead : for by the
appointment of Absalom this hath been determined from the day
that he forced his sister Tamar .

David's 2Sa_13_03 /^{David's /brother : and
Jonadab was a very subtil man .

David's 1Ch_20_07 /^{David's /brother slew him.

David's 2Sa_15_12 /^{David's /counsellor , from
his city , even from Giloh , while he offered sacrifices . And
the conspiracy was strong ; for the people increased continually
with Absalom .

David's 1Sa_20_16 /^{David's /enemies .

David's 1Sa_18_29 /^{David's /enemy continually .

David's 2Sa_16_16 /^{David's /friend , was come
unto Absalom , that Hushai said unto Absalom , God save the king
, God save the king .

David's 2Sa_15_37 /^{David's /friend came into
the city , and Absalom came into Jerusalem .

David's 2Sa_12_30 /^{David's /head . And he
brought forth the spoil of the city in great abundance .

David's 1Ch_20_02 /^{David's /head : and he
brought also exceeding much spoil out of the city .

David's 2Sa_24_10 /^{David's /heart smote him
after that he had numbered the people . And David said unto the
LORD , I have sinned greatly in that I have done : and now, I
beseech thee, O LORD , take away the iniquity of thy servant ;
for I have done very foolishly .

David's 1Sa_24_05 /^{David's /heart smote him,
because he had cut off Saul's skirt .

David's 1Sa_19_11 /^{David's /house , to watch
him, and to slay him in the morning : and Michal David's wife
told him, saying , If thou save not thy life to night , to
morrow thou shalt be slain .

David's 1Sa_23_03 /^{David's /men said unto him,
Behold, we be afraid here in Judah : how much more then if we
come to Keilah against the armies of the Philistines ?

David's 2Sa_19_41 /^{David's /men with him, over
Jordan ?

David's 1Ki_01_38 /^{David's /mule , and brought
him to Gihon .

David's 1Sa_20_25 /^{David's /place was empty .

David's 1Sa_20_27 /^{David's /place was empty :
and Saul said unto Jonathan his son , Wherefore cometh not the
son of Jesse to meat , neither yesterday , nor to day ?

David's Psa_145_01 /^{David's /Psalm of praise .
>> I will extol thee, my God , O king ; and I will bless thy
name for ever and ever .

David's 1Ki_15_04 /^{David's /sake did the LORD
his God give him a lamp in Jerusalem , to set up his son after
him, and to establish Jerusalem :

David's Psa_132_10 /^{David's /sake turn not
away the face of thine anointed .

David's 2Ki_19_34 /^{David's /sake.

David's Isa_37_35 /^{David's /sake.

David's 2Ki_20_06 /^{David's /sake.

David's 1Ch_21_09 /^{David's /seer , saying ,

David's 2Sa_24_11 /^{David's /seer , saying ,

David's 1Ch_18_02 /^{David's /servants , and
brought gifts .

David's 2Sa_08_02 /^{David's /servants , and
brought gifts .

David's 1Ch_18_06 /^{David's /servants , and
brought gifts . Thus the LORD preserved David whithersoever he
went .

David's 1Sa_25_10 /^{David's /servants , and
said , Who is David ? and who is the son of Jesse ? there be
many servants now a days that break away every man from his
master .

David's 2Sa_10_04 /^{David's /servants , and
shaved off the one half of their beards , and cut off their
garments in the middle , even to their buttocks , and sent them
away .

David's 1Ch_19_04 /^{David's /servants , and
shaved them, and cut off their garments in the midst hard by
their buttocks , and sent them away .

David's 2Sa_08_14 /^{David's /servants . And the
LORD preserved David whithersoever he went .

David's 1Ch_18_13 /^{David's /servants . Thus
the LORD preserved David whithersoever he went .

David's 2Sa_10_02 /^{David's /servants came into
the land of the children of Ammon .

David's 2Sa_02_30 /^{David's /servants nineteen
men and Asahel .

David's Luk_20_41 /${David's /son ?

David's 2Sa_08_18 /^{David's /sons were chief
rulers .

David's 2Sa_05_08 /^{David's /soul , he shall be
chief and captain. Wherefore they said , The blind and the lame
shall not come into the house .

David's 2Ki_11_10 /^{David's /spears and shields ,
that were in the temple of the LORD .

David's 1Sa_30_20 /^{David's /spoil .

David's Jer_13_13 /^{David's /throne , and the
priests , and the prophets , and all the inhabitants of
Jerusalem , with drunkenness .

David's 1Sa_30_05 /^{David's /two wives were
taken captives , Ahinoam the Jezreelitess , and Abigail the wife
of Nabal the Carmelite .

David's 1Ch_27_32 /^{David's /uncle was a
counsellor , a wise man , and a scribe : and Jehiel the son of
Hachmoni was with the king's sons :

David's 1Sa_26_17 /^{David's /voice , and said ,
Is this thy voice , my son David ? And David said , It is my
voice , my lord , O king .

David's 2Ch_23_09 /^{David's /which were in the
house of God .

David's 1Sa_25_44 /^{David's /wife , to Phalti
the son of Laish , which was of Gallim .

David's 2Sa_03_05 /^{David's /wife . These were
born to David in Hebron .

David's 1Sa_19_11 /^{David's /wife told him,
saying , If thou save not thy life to night , to morrow thou
shalt be slain .

David's 1Sa_25_09 /^{David's /young men came ,
they spake to Nabal according to all those words in the name of
David , and ceased .

David's 1Sa_25_12 /^{David's /young men turned
their way , and went again , and came and told him all those
sayings .
