darkness Job_38_09 /^{darkness /a swaddlingband
for it,

darkness Psa_82_05 /^{darkness /all the
foundations of the earth are out of course .

darkness Jer_13_16 /^{darkness /and before your
feet stumble upon the dark mountains , and, while ye look for
light , he turn it into the shadow of death , and make it gross
darkness .

darkness Job_12_22 /^{darkness /and bringeth out
to light the shadow of death .

darkness Job_18_18 /^{darkness /and chased out of
the world .

darkness Zep_01_15 /^{darkness /and gloominess ,
a day of clouds and thick darkness ,

darkness Gen_01_18 /^{darkness /and God saw that
it was good .

darkness Isa_50_10 /^{darkness /and hath no light
? let him trust in the name of the LORD , and stay upon his God .

darkness Col_01_13 /${darkness /and hath
translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son :

darkness Ecc_05_17 /^{darkness /and he hath much
sorrow and wrath with his sickness .

darkness Job_15_22 /^{darkness /and he is waited
for of the sword .

darkness Act_13_11 /${darkness /and he went about
seeking some to lead him by the hand .

darkness Isa_45_03 /^{darkness /and hidden riches
of secret places , that thou mayest know that I, the LORD ,
which call thee by thy name , am the God of Israel .

darkness Ecc_06_04 /^{darkness /and his name
shall be covered with darkness .

darkness Ecc_02_14 /^{darkness /and I myself
perceived also that one event happeneth to them all.

darkness Psa_107_10 /^{darkness /and in the
shadow of death , being bound in affliction and iron ;

darkness Luk_01_79 /${darkness /and in the shadow
of death , to guide our feet into the way of peace .

darkness Psa_104_20 /^{darkness /and it is night :
wherein all the beasts of the forest do creep forth.

darkness 1Jo_02_11 /${darkness /and knoweth not
whither he goeth , because that darkness hath blinded his eyes .

darkness Rom_13_12 /${darkness /and let us put on
the armour of light .

darkness Psa_105_28 /^{darkness /and made it dark
; and they rebelled not against his word .

darkness Amo_05_18 /^{darkness /and not light .

darkness Amo_05_20 /^{darkness /and not light ?
even very dark , and no brightness in it?

darkness Joe_02_02 /^{darkness /and of gloominess
, a day of clouds and of thick darkness , as the morning spread
upon the mountains : a great people and a strong ; there hath
not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even
to the years of many generations .

darkness Job_28_03 /^{darkness /and searcheth out
all perfection : the stones of darkness , and the shadow of
death .

darkness Isa_05_30 /^{darkness /and sorrow , and
the light is darkened in the heavens thereof.

darkness Heb_12_18 /${darkness /and tempest ,

darkness Joh_01_05 /${darkness /and the darkness
comprehended it not .

darkness Psa_139_12 /^{darkness /and the light
are both alike to thee.

darkness Dan_02_22 /^{darkness /and the light
dwelleth with him .

darkness Act_02_20 /${darkness /and the moon into
blood , before that great and notable day of the Lord come :

darkness Joe_02_31 /^{darkness /and the moon into
blood , before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come .

darkness Psa_107_14 /^{darkness /and the shadow
of death , and brake their bands in sunder .

darkness Job_28_03 /^{darkness /and the shadow of
death .

darkness Job_10_21 /^{darkness /and the shadow of
death ;

darkness Job_03_05 /^{darkness /and the shadow of
death stain it; let a cloud dwell upon it; let the blackness of
the day terrify it.

darkness Rev_16_10 /${darkness /and they gnawed
their tongues for pain ,

darkness Deu_28_29 /^{darkness /and thou shalt
not prosper in thy ways : and thou shalt be only oppressed and
spoiled evermore , and no man shall save thee.

darkness Amo_04_13 /^{darkness /and treadeth upon
the high places of the earth , The LORD , The God of hosts , is
his name .

darkness 1Jo_02_11 /${darkness /and walketh in
darkness , and knoweth not whither he goeth , because that
darkness hath blinded his eyes .

darkness 1Co_04_05 /${darkness /and will make
manifest the counsels of the hearts : and then shall every man
have praise of God .

darkness Psa_97_02 /^{darkness /are round about
him: righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne

darkness Job_10_22 /^{darkness /as darkness
itself; and of the shadow of death , without any order , and
where the light is as darkness .

darkness Joe_02_02 /^{darkness /as the morning
spread upon the mountains : a great people and a strong ; there
hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it,
even to the years of many generations .

darkness Psa_143_03 /^{darkness /as those that
have been long dead .

darkness 1Jo_01_05 /${darkness /at all .

darkness Isa_58_10 /^{darkness /be as the noonday

darkness 027 007 Jos /^{darkness /between you and
the Egyptians , and brought the sea upon them, and covered them;
and your eyes have seen what I have done in Egypt : and ye dwelt
in the wilderness a long season .

darkness Lam_03_02 /^{darkness /but not into
light .

darkness Eph_05_08 /${darkness /but now are ye
light in the Lord : walk as children of light :

darkness Eph_05_11 /${darkness /but rather
reprove them.

darkness Joh_08_12 /${darkness /but shall have
the light of life .

darkness Deu_04_11 /^{darkness /clouds , and
thick darkness .

darkness Joh_12_35 /${darkness /come upon you :
for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth .

darkness Joh_01_05 /${darkness /comprehended it
not .

darkness Isa_08_22 /^{darkness /dimness of
anguish ; and they shall be driven to darkness .

darkness 1Jo_02_09 /${darkness /even until now .

darkness Gen_15_12 /^{darkness /fell upon him.

darkness 1Sa_02_09 /^{darkness /for by strength
shall no man prevail .

darkness 001 013 Jud /${darkness /for ever .

darkness Isa_05_20 /^{darkness /for light , and
light for darkness ; that put bitter for sweet , and sweet for
bitter !

darkness Ecc_11_08 /^{darkness /for they shall be
many . All that cometh is vanity .

darkness Job_23_17 /^{darkness /from my face .

darkness 1Jo_02_11 /${darkness /hath blinded his
eyes .

darkness 2Co_04_06 /${darkness /hath shined in our
hearts , to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God
in the face of Jesus Christ .

darkness Isa_09_02 /^{darkness /have seen a great
light : they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death ,
upon them hath the light shined .

darkness Gen_01_05 /^{darkness /he called Night .
And the evening and the morning were the first day .

darkness Psa_112_04 /^{darkness /he is gracious ,
and full of compassion , and righteous .

darkness Psa_139_12 /^{darkness /hideth not from
thee; but the night shineth as the day : the darkness and the
light are both alike to thee.

darkness Psa_18_11 /^{darkness /his secret place ;
his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds
of the skies .

darkness Mat_06_23 /${darkness /how great is that
darkness !

darkness Isa_45_07 /^{darkness /I make peace ,
and create evil : I the LORD do all these things.

darkness Mat_06_23 /${darkness /If therefore the
light that is in thee be darkness , how great is that darkness !

darkness Exo_10_22 /^{darkness /in all the land
of Egypt three days :

darkness Job_19_08 /^{darkness /in my paths .

darkness Job_05_14 /^{darkness /in the daytime ,
and grope in the noonday as in the night .

darkness Psa_88_06 /^{darkness /in the deeps .

darkness 1Pe_02_09 /${darkness /into his
marvellous light :

darkness 1Jo_02_08 /${darkness /is past , and the
true light now shineth .

darkness Job_15_23 /^{darkness /is ready at his
hand .

darkness 2Pe_02_17 /${darkness /is reserved for
ever .

darkness Job_10_22 /^{darkness /itself; and of
the shadow of death , without any order , and where the light is
as darkness .

darkness Joh_12_35 /${darkness /knoweth not
whither he goeth .

darkness Job_03_04 /^{darkness /let not God
regard it from above , neither let the light shine upon it.

darkness Isa_42_16 /^{darkness /light before them,
and crooked things straight . These things will I do unto them,
and not forsake them.

darkness Job_23_17 /^{darkness /neither hath he
covered the darkness from my face .

darkness Psa_91_06 /^{darkness /nor for the
destruction that wasteth at noonday .

darkness Job_34_22 /^{darkness /nor shadow of
death , where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.

darkness Isa_47_05 /^{darkness /O daughter of the
Chaldeans : for thou shalt no more be called , The lady of
kingdoms .

darkness Eph_06_12 /${darkness /of this world ,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.

darkness Isa_42_07 /^{darkness /out of the prison
house .

darkness Luk_23_44 /${darkness /over all the
earth until the ninth hour .

darkness Mat_27_45 /${darkness /over all the land
unto the ninth hour .

darkness Exo_10_21 /^{darkness /over the land of
Egypt , even darkness which may be felt .

darkness Mar_15_33 /${darkness /over the whole
land until the ninth hour .

darkness 2Sa_22_12 /^{darkness /pavilions round
about him, dark waters , and thick clouds of the skies .

darkness Joh_03_19 /${darkness /rather than light
, because their deeds were evil .

darkness Mat_04_16 /${darkness /saw great light ;
and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is
sprung up .

darkness Job_03_06 /^{darkness /seize upon it;
let it not be joined unto the days of the year , let it not come
into the number of the months .

darkness Luk_12_03 /${darkness /shall be heard in
the light ; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets
shall be proclaimed upon the housetops .

darkness Job_20_26 /^{darkness /shall be hid in
his secret places : a fire not blown shall consume him; it shall
go ill with him that is left in his tabernacle .

darkness Psa_139_11 /^{darkness /shall cover me;
even the night shall be light about me .

darkness Isa_60_02 /^{darkness /shall cover the
earth , and gross darkness the people : but the LORD shall arise
upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.

darkness Nah_01_08 /^{darkness /shall pursue his
enemies .

darkness Isa_49_09 /^{darkness /Shew yourselves.
They shall feed in the ways , and their pastures shall be in all
high places .

darkness Isa_05_20 /^{darkness /that put bitter
for sweet , and sweet for bitter !

darkness Mat_10_27 /${darkness /that speak ye in
light : and what ye hear in the ear , that preach ye upon the
housetops .

darkness 1Th_05_04 /${darkness /that that day
should overtake you as a thief .

darkness Job_22_11 /^{darkness /that thou canst
not see ; and abundance of waters cover thee.

darkness Job_15_30 /^{darkness /the flame shall
dry up his branches , and by the breath of his mouth shall he go
away .

darkness Mic_07_08 /^{darkness /the LORD shall be
a light unto me.

darkness Isa_60_02 /^{darkness /the people : but
the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon

darkness Mat_08_12 /${darkness /there shall be
weeping and gnashing of teeth .

darkness Mat_25_30 /${darkness /there shall be
weeping and gnashing of teeth .

darkness Mat_22_13 /${darkness /there shall be
weeping and gnashing of teeth .

darkness Pro_04_19 /^{darkness /they know not at
what they stumble .

darkness Jer_23_12 /^{darkness /they shall be
driven on , and fall therein: for I will bring evil upon them,
even the year of their visitation , saith the LORD .

darkness 2Pe_02_04 /${darkness /to be reserved
unto judgment ;

darkness Act_26_18 /${darkness /to light , and
from the power of Satan unto God , that they may receive
forgiveness of sins , and inheritance among them which are
sanctified by faith that is in me .

darkness Exo_14_20 /^{darkness /to them, but it
gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the
other all the night .

darkness 001 006 Jud /${darkness /unto the
judgment of the great day .

darkness Eze_32_08 /^{darkness /upon thy land ,
saith the Lord GOD .

darkness 2Sa_22_10 /^{darkness /was under his feet

darkness Psa_18_09 /^{darkness /was under his
feet .

darkness Gen_01_02 /^{darkness /was upon the face
of the deep . And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
waters .

darkness 1Jo_01_06 /${darkness /we lie , and do
not the truth :

darkness Exo_20_21 /^{darkness /where God was.

darkness Job_38_19 /^{darkness /where is the
place thereof,

darkness Jer_02_31 /^{darkness /wherefore say my
people , We are lords ; we will come no more unto thee?

darkness Exo_10_21 /^{darkness /which may be felt

darkness Deu_05_22 /^{darkness /with a great
voice : and he added no more . And he wrote them in two tables
of stone , and delivered them unto me.

darkness Deu_05_23 /^{darkness /with fire , that
ye came near unto me, even all the heads of your tribes , and
your elders ;
