Abidan 0027 -- /Abiydan -- {Abidan}.

abundance 1995 -- hamown -- {abundance}, company, many,
multitude, multiply, noise,riches, rumbling, sounding, store,

abundance 2123 -- ziyz -- {abundance}, wild beast.

abundance 3502 -- yithrah -- {abundance}, riches.

abundance 3527 -- kabar -- in {abundance}, multiply.

abundance 4342 -- makbiyr -- {abundance}.

abundance 4557 -- micpar -- + {abundance}, account, X all, X few,
[in-]finite,(certain) number(-ed), tale, telling, + time.

abundance 6109 -- \otsmah -- {abundance}, strength.

abundance 6283 -- \athereth -- {abundance}.

abundance 7230 rob -- -- {abundance}(-antly), all, X common
[sort], excellent,great(-ly, -ness, number), huge, be increased,
long, many, more in number,most, much, multitude, plenty(-
ifully), X very [age].

abundance 7235 rabah -- -- [bring in] {abundance} (X -antly), +
archer, be inauthority, bring up, X continue, enlarge, excel,
exceeding(-ly), be fullof, (be, make) great(-er, -ly, X -ness),
grow up, heap, increase, be long,(be, give, have, make, use)
many (a time), (any, be, give, give the, have)more (in number),
(ask, be, be so, gather, over, take, yield) much(greater, more),
(make to) multiply, nourish, plenty(-eous), X process [oftime],
sore, store, thoroughly, very.

abundance 7647 saba\ -- -- {abundance}, plenteous(-ness, -ly).

abundance 7962 shalvah -- -- {abundance}, peace(-ably),
prosperity, quietness.

abundance 8228 -- shepha\ -- {abundance}.

abundance 8229 -- shiph\ah -- {abundance}, company, multitude.

abundance 8317 -- sharats -- breed (bring forth, increase)
abundantly (in{abundance}), creep, move.

abundance 0100 ** hadrotes ** {abundance}.

abundance 1411 ** dunamis ** ability, {abundance}, meaning,
might(-ily, -y, -y deed),(worker of) miracle(-s), power,
strength,violence, mighty (wonderful) work.

abundance 4050 ** perisseia ** {abundance}(-ant, [-ly]),

abundance 4051 ** perisseuma ** {abundance}, that was left, over
and above.

abundance 4052 ** perisseuo ** (make, more) abound, (have, have
more) {abundance} (bemore) abundant, be the better, enough and
to spare, exceed, excel,increase, be left, redound, remain (over
and above).

abundance 5236 ** huperbole ** {abundance}, (far more) exceeding,
excellency, moreexcellent, beyond (out of) measure.

abundant 3499 -- yether -- + {abundant}, cord, exceeding,
excellancy(-ent), what theyleave, that hath left, plentifully,
remnant, residue, rest, string, with.

abundant 4052 ** perisseuo ** (make, more) abound, (have, have
more) abundance (be more){abundant}, be the better, enough and
to spare, exceed, excel, increase, beleft, redound, remain (over
and above).

abundant 4055 ** perissoteros ** more {abundant}, greater (much)
more, overmuch.

abundant 4056 ** perissoteros ** more {abundant}(-ly), X the
more earnest, (more)exceedingly, more frequent, much more, the

abundant 4121 ** pleonazo ** abound, {abundant}, make to
increase, have over.

abundant 4183 ** polus ** {abundant}, + altogether, common, +
far (passed, spent),(+ be of a) great (age, deal, -ly, while),
long, many, much, oft(-en[-times]), plenteous, sore, straitly.

abundant 5250 ** huperpleonazo ** be exceeding {abundant}.

abundantly 1519 ** eis ** [{abundant-]ly}, against, among, as,
at, [back-]ward,before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more
exceeding, for [intent,purpose], fore, + forth, in (among, at,
unto, -so much that, -to), to theintent that, + of one mind, +
never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at oneagain, (so) that,
therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end,-ward), (here-
)until(-to), ...ward, [where-]fore, with.

abundantly 1288 -- barak -- X {abundantly}, X altogether, X at
all, blaspheme,bless, congratulate, curse, X greatly, X indeed,
kneel (down), praise,salute, X still, thank.

abundantly 3381 -- yarad -- X {abundantly}, bring down, carry
down, cast down,(cause to) come(-ing) down, fall (down), get
down, go(-ing) down(-ward),hang down, X indeed, let down, light
(down), put down (off), (cause to,let) run down, sink, subdue,
take down.

abundantly 5042 -- naba\ -- belch out, flowing, pour out, send
forth, utter({abundantly}).

abundantly 6524 -- parach -- X abroad, X {abundantly}, blossom,
break forth (out),bud, flourish, make fly, grow, spread, spring

abundantly 7301 ravah -- -- bathe, make drunk, (take the) fill,
satiate,(abundantly) satisfy, soak, water ({abundantly}).

abundantly 7301 ravah -- -- bathe, make drunk, (take the) fill,
satiate,({abundantly}) satisfy, soak, water (abundantly).

abundantly 7937 shakar -- -- (be filled with) drink
({abundantly}), (be, make)drunk(-en), be merry.

abundantly 8317 -- sharats -- breed (bring forth, increase)
{abundantly} (inabundance), creep, move.

abundantly 1520 ** heis ** a(-n, -ny, certain), + {abundantly},
man, one (another),only, other, some.

abundantly 1537 ** ek ** after, among, X are, at, betwixt(-yond),
by (the meansof), exceedingly, (+ {abundantly} above), for(-th),
from (among, forth,up), + grudgingly, + heartily, X heavenly, X
hereby, + very highly, in,...ly, (because, by reason) of, off
(from), on, out among (from, of), over,since, X thenceforth,
through, X unto, X vehemently, with(-out).

abundantly 2164 ** euphoreo ** bring forth {abundantly}.

abundantly 4053 ** perissos ** exceeding abundantly above, more
{abundantly},advantage, exceedingly, very highly, beyond measure,
more, superfluous,vehement[-ly].

abundantly 4053 ** perissos ** exceeding {abundantly} above,
more abundantly,advantage, exceedingly, very highly, beyond
measure, more, superfluous,vehement[-ly].

abundantly 4054 ** perissoteron ** more {abundantly}, a great
deal, far more.

abundantly 4146 ** plousios ** {abundantly}, richly.

abundantly 5228 ** huper ** (+ exceeding, {abundantly}) above,
in (on) behalf of,beyond, by, + very chiefest, concerning,
exceeding (above, -ly), for, +very highly, more (than), of, over,
on the part of, for sake of, in stead,than, to(-ward), very.

Addan 0135 -- /Addan -- {Addan}.

attendance 4612 -- ma\amad -- {attendance}, office, place, state.

Baladan 1081 -- Bal/adan -- {Baladan}.

Bedan 0917 -- B@dan -- {Bedan}.

Berodach-baladan.Bir>iy 1255 -- B@ro/dak Bal/adan -- {Berodach-

Dan 1835 -- Dan -- {Dan}.

Dan 1839 -- Daniy -- Danites, of {Dan}.

Dan 2051 -- V@dan -- {Dan} also.

Dan-jaan 1842 -- Dan Ya\an -- {Dan-jaan}.

dance 2287 -- chagag -- celebrate, {dance}, (keep, hold) a
(solemn) feast (holiday),reel to and fro.

dance 2342 -- chuwl -- bear, (make to) bring forth, (make to)
calve, {dance}, driveaway, fall grievously (with pain), fear,
form, great, grieve, (be)grievous, hope, look, make, be in pain,
be much (sore) pained, rest, shake,shapen, (be) sorrow(-ful),
stay, tarry, travail (with pain), tremble,trust, wait carefully
(patiently), be wounded.

dance 3769 -- karar -- {dance}(-ing).

dance 4234 -- machowl -- {dance}(-cing).

dance 7540 raqad -- -- {dance}, jump, leap, skip.

dance 3738 ** orcheomai ** {dance}.

dances 4246 -- m@chowlah -- company, {dances}(-cing).

dancing 5525 ** choros ** {dancing}.

dandle 8173 -- sha\a\ -- cry (out) [by confusion with 7768
shava\ -- ], {dandle}, delight(self), play, shut.

danger 1777 ** enochos ** in {danger} of, guilty of, subject to.

danger 2793 ** kinduneuo ** be in {danger}, be (stand) in

dangerous 2000 ** episphales ** {dangerous}.

Daniel 1840 -- Daniye/l -- {Daniel}.

Daniel 1841 -- Daniye/l -- {Daniel}.

Daniel 1158 ** Daniel ** {Daniel}.

Danites 1839 -- Daniy -- {Danites}, of Dan.

Dannah 1837 -- Dannah -- {Dannah}.

Dedan 1719 -- D@dan -- {Dedan}.

Dedanim 1720 -- D@daniym -- {Dedanim}.

Dodanim 1721 -- Dodaniym -- {Dodanim}.

endanger 2325 -- chuwb -- make {endanger}.

endanger 5533 -- cakan -- {endanger}, impoverish.

Hasbadana 2806 -- Chashbaddanah -- {Hasbadana}.

Hemdan 2533 -- Chemdan -- {Hemdan}.

Jehoaddan 3086 -- Y@how\addiyn -- {Jehoaddan}.

Jordan 3383 -- Yarden -- {Jordan}.

Jordan 2446 ** Iordanes ** {Jordan}.

Laadan 3936 -- La\dan -- {Laadan}.

Mahanehdan 4265 -- Machaneh-Dan -- {Mahaneh-dan}.

Medan 4091 -- M@dan -- {Medan}.

Merodachbaladan 4757 -- M@ro/dak Bal/adan -- {Merodach-baladan}.

Nebuzaradan 5018 -- N@buwzaradan -- {Nebuzaradan}.

Padan 6307 -- Paddan -- {Padan}, Padan-aram.

Padanaram 6307 -- Paddan -- Padan, {Padan-aram}.

riddance 3615 -- kalah -- accomplish, cease, consume (away),
determine, destroy(utterly), be (when, were) done, (be an) end
(of), expire, (cause to) fail,faint, finish, fulfil, X fully, X
have, leave (off), long, bring to pass,wholly reap, make clean
{riddance}, spend, quite take away, waste.

riddance 3617 -- kalah -- altogether, (be, utterly) consume(-d),
consummation(-ption), was determined, (full, utter) end,

undance 7227 rab -- -- (in) abound({-undance}, -ant, -antly),
captain, elder,enough, exceedingly, full, great(-ly, man, one),
increase, long (enough,[time]), (do, have) many(-ifold, things,
a time), ([ship-])master, mighty,more, (too, very) much,
multiply(-tude), officer, often[-times], plenteous,populous,
prince, process [of time], suffice(-lent).
