cured , JER , 46:11

cured , JOH , 5:10

cured , LU , 7:21

cured , MT , 17:18

procured , JER , 2:17 , JER , 4:18



cured Interlinear Index Study

cured JER 046 011 Go <05927 + up into Gilead <01568
+Gil , and take <03947 +laqach > balm <06875 +ts@riy > , O
virgin <01330 +b@thuwlah > , the daughter <01323 +bath > of
Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > : in vain <07723 +shav> > shalt thou
use many <07235 +rabah > medicines <07499 +r@phu>ah > ; [ for ]
thou shalt not be {cured} <08585 +t@ .

cured MAT 017 018 And Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> rebuked <2008 -
epitimao -> the devil <1140 -daimonion -> ; and he departed
<1831 -exerchomai -> out of him : and the child <3816 -pais ->
was {cured} <2323 -therapeuo -> from that very <1565 -ekeinos ->
hour <5610 -hora -> .

cured LUK 007 021 And in that same LUK 0846 -autos - hour 5610 -
hora - he {cured} 2323 -therapeuo - many 4183 -polus - of [
their ] infirmities 3554 -nosos - and plagues 3148 -mastix - ,
and of evil 4190 -poneros - spirits 4151 -pneuma - ; and unto
many 4183 -polus - [ that were ] blind 5185 -tuphlos - he gave
5483 -charizomai - sight LUK 0991 -blepo - .

cured JOH 005 010 The Jews <2453 -Ioudaios -> therefore <3767 -
oun -> said <3004 -lego -> unto him that was {cured} <2323 -
therapeuo -> , It is the sabbath <4521 -sabbaton -> day : it is
not lawful <1832 -exesti -> for thee to carry <0142 -airo -> [
thy ] bed <2895 -krabbatos -> .

procured JER 002 017 Hast thou not {procured} <06213 +
this <02063 +zo>th > unto thyself , in that thou hast forsaken
<05800 + the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430
+>elohiym > , when <06256 + he led <03212 +yalak > thee by
the way <01870 +derek > ?

procured JER 004 018 Thy way <01870 +derek > and thy doings
<04611 +ma have {procured} <06213 + these <00428
+>el - leh > [ things ] unto thee ; this <02063 +zo>th > [ is ]
thy wickedness <07451 +ra< > , because <03588 +kiy > it is
bitter <04751 +mar > , because <03588 +kiy > it reacheth <05060
+naga< > unto thine heart <03820 +leb > .


child was cured from

hast thou not procured this unto thyself

same hour he cured many

thou shalt not be cured

thy doings have procured these

was cured

* cured , 2323 ,

- cured , 8585 ,

- procured , 6213 ,

* cured , 2323 therapeuo ,


cured -2323 cure, {cured}, heal, healed, healing, worshipped,


cured -8585 conduit , {cured} , healing , little , rivers ,
trench , watercourse ,

procured -6213 pare , pass , peace , perform , performed ,
practise , practised , prepare , prepared , preparest ,
preparing , procure , {procured} , provide , provided , put ,
requite , sacrifice , sacrificed , served , set , shew , shewed ,
shewest , sheweth , shewing , sinneth , spendeth , take , taken
, the , trimmed , undo , unto , used , work , workers , worketh ,
working , wrought , wroughtest , yeild , yeilding ,


cured 8585 -- t@\alah -- conduit, {cured}, healing, little
river, trench, watercourse.


cured ......... he cured 2323 -therapeuo->

cured ......... unto him that was cured 2323 -therapeuo->

cured ......... was cured 2323 -therapeuo->



cured 8585 ## t@ which water is raised for irrigation); also a bandage or plaster
(as placed upon a wound): -- conduit, {cured}, healing, little
river, trench, watercourse.[ql


cured 017 018 Mat /${cured /from that very
hour .

cured 005 010 Joh /${cured /It is the sabbath
day : it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed .

cured 007 021 Luk /${cured /many of their
infirmities and plagues , and of evil spirits ; and unto many
that were blind he gave sight .

procured 004 018 Jer /^{procured /these things
unto thee; this is thy wickedness , because it is bitter ,
because it reacheth unto thine heart .

procured 002 017 Jer /^{procured /this unto
thyself, in that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God , when he
led thee by the way ?


cured 4 -

procured 2 -
