Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
cross ^ 46_1CO_01_17 For <1063> Christ <5547> sent <0649> (5656) me <3165> not <3756> to baptize <0907> (5721), but <0235> to preach the gospel <2097> (5733): not <3756> with <1722> wisdom <4678> of words <3056>, lest <3363> the {cross} <4716> of Christ <5547> should be made of none effect <2758> (5686).

cross ^ 46_1CO_01_18 For <1063> the preaching <3056> of the {cross} <4716> is <2076> (5748) to them <3303> that perish <0622> (5730) foolishness <3472>; but <1161> unto us <2254> which are saved <4982> (5746) it is <2076> (5748) the power <1411> of God <2316>.

cross ^ 51_COL_01_20 And <2532>, having made peace <1517> (5660) through <1223> the blood <0129> of his <0846> {cross} <4716>, by <1223> him <0846> to reconcile <0604> (5658) all things <3956> unto <1519> himself <0846>; by <1223> him <0846>, I say, whether <1535> they be things in <1909> earth <1093>, or <1535> things in <1722> heaven <3772>.

cross ^ 51_COL_02_14 Blotting out <1813> (5660) the handwriting <5498> of ordinances <1378> that was against <2596> us <2257>, which <3739> was <2258> (5713) contrary <5227> to us <2254>, and <2532> took <0142> (5758) it <0846> out of <1537> the way <3319>, nailing <4338> (5660) it <0846> to his {cross} <4716>;

cross ^ 49_EPH_02_16 And <2532> that he might reconcile <0604> (5661) both <0297> unto God <2316> in <1722> one <1520> body <4983> by <1223> the {cross} <4716>, having slain <0615> (5660) the enmity <2189> thereby <1722> <0846>:

cross ^ 48_GAL_05_11 And <1161> I <1473>, brethren <0080>, if <1487> I <2784> <0> yet <2089> preach <2784> (5719) circumcision <4061>, why <5101> do I <1377> <0> yet <2089> suffer persecution <1377> (5743)? then <0686> is <2673> <0> the offence <4625> of the {cross} <4716> ceased <2673> (5769).

cross ^ 48_GAL_06_12 As many as <3745> desire <2309> (5719) to make a fair shew <2146> (5658) in <1722> the flesh <4561>, they <3778> constrain <0315> (5719) you <5209> to be circumcised <4059> (5745); only <3440> lest <3363> they should suffer persecution <1377> (5747) for the {cross} <4716> of Christ <5547>.

cross ^ 48_GAL_06_14 But <1161> God forbid <3361> <1096> (5636) that I <1698> should glory <2744> (5738), save <1508> in <1722> the {cross} <4716> of our <2257> Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, by <1223> whom <3739> the world <2889> is crucified <4717> (5769) unto me <1698>, and I <2504> unto the world <2889>.

cross ^ 58_HEB_12_02 Looking <0872> (5723) unto <1519> Jesus <2424> the author <0747> and <2532> finisher <5051> of our faith <4102>; who <3739> for <0473> the joy <5479> that was set before <4295> (5740) him <0846> endured <5278> (5656) the {cross} <4716>, despising <2706> (5660) the shame <0152>, and <5037> is set down <2523> (5656) at <1722> the right hand <1188> of the throne <2362> of God <2316>.

cross ^ 43_JOH_19_25 Now <1161> there stood <2476> (5715) by <3844> the {cross} <4716> of Jesus <2424> his <0846> mother <3384>, and <2532> his <0846> mother's <3384> sister <0079>, Mary <3137> the wife <3588> of Cleophas <2832>, and <2532> Mary <3137> Magdalene <3094>.

cross ^ 43_JOH_19_31 The Jews <2453> therefore <3767>, because <1893> it was <2258> (5713) (5625) <2258> (5713) the preparation <3904>, that <3363> <0> the bodies <4983> should <3306> <0> not <3363> remain <3306> (5661) upon <1909> the {cross} <4716> on <1722> the sabbath day <4521>, (for <1063> that <1565> sabbath day <4521> was <2258> (5713) an high <3173> day <2250>,) besought <2065> (5656) Pilate <4091> that <2443> their <0846> legs <4628> might be broken <2608> (5652), and <2532> that they might be taken away <0142> (5686).

cross ^ 43_JOH_19_19 And <1161> <2532> Pilate <4091> wrote <1125> (5656) a title <5102>, and <2532> put <5087> (5656) it on <1909> the {cross} <4716>. And <1161> the writing <1125> (5772) was <2258> (5713), JESUS <2424> OF NAZARETH <3480> THE KING <0935> OF THE JEWS <2453>.

cross ^ 43_JOH_19_17 And <2532> he bearing <0941> (5723) his <0846> {cross} <4716> went forth <1831> (5627) into <1519> a place <5117> called <3004> (5746) the place of a skull <2898>, which <3739> is called <3004> (5743) in the Hebrew <1447> Golgotha <1115>:

cross ^ 42_LUK_09_23 And <1161> he said <3004> (5707) to <4314> them all <3956>, If any man <1536> will <2309> (5719) come <2064> (5629) after <3694> me <3450>, let him deny <0533> (5663) himself <1438>, and <2532> take up <0142> (5657) his <0846> {cross} <4716> daily <2250> <2596>, and <2532> follow <0190> (5720) me <3427>.

cross ^ 42_LUK_23_26 And <2532> as <5613> they led <0520> <0> him <0846> away <0520> (5627), they laid hold upon <1949> (5637) one <5100> Simon <4613>, a Cyrenian <2956>, coming <2064> (5740) out of <0575> the country <0068>, and on <2007> <0> him <0846> they laid <2007> (5656) the {cross} <4716>, that he might bear <5342> (5721) it after <3693> Jesus <2424>.

cross ^ 42_LUK_14_27 And <2532> whosoever <3748> doth <0941> <0> not <3756> bear <0941> (5719) his <0846> {cross} <4716>, and <2532> come <2064> (5736) after <3694> me <3450>, cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) be <1511> (5750) my <3450> disciple <3101>.

cross ^ 40_MAT_27_32 And <1161> as they came out <1831> (5740), they found <2147> (5627) a man <0444> of Cyrene <2956>, Simon <4613> by name <3686>: him <5126> they compelled <0029> (5656) to <2443> bear <0142> (5661) his <0846> {cross} <4716>.

cross ^ 41_MAR_15_32 Let <2597> <0> Christ <5547> the King <0935> of Israel <2474> descend <2597> (5628) now <3568> from <0575> the {cross} <4716>, that <2443> we may see <1492> (5632) and <2532> believe <4100> (5661). And <2532> they that were crucified <4957> (5772) with him <0846> reviled <3679> (5707) him <0846>.

cross ^ 41_MAR_15_30 Save <4982> (5657) thyself <4572>, and <2532> come down <2597> (5628) from <0575> the {cross} <4716>.

cross ^ 40_MAT_10_38 And <2532> he <3739> that taketh <2983> (5719) not <3756> his <0846> {cross} <4716>, and <2532> followeth <0190> (5719) after <3694> me <3450>, is <2076> (5748) not <3756> worthy <0514> of me <3450>.

cross ^ 40_MAT_16_24 Then <5119> said <2036> (5627) Jesus <2424> unto his <0846> disciples <3101>, If any <1536> man will <2309> (5719) come <2064> (5629) after <3694> me <3450>, let him deny <0533> (5663) himself <1438>, and <2532> take up <0142> (5657) his <0846> {cross} <4716>, and <2532> follow <0190> (5720) me <3427>.

cross ^ 40_MAT_27_40 And <2532> saying <3004> (5723), Thou that destroyest <2647> (5723) the temple <3485>, and <2532> buildest <3618> (5723) it in <1722> three <5140> days <2250>, save <4982> (5657) thyself <4572>. If <1487> thou be <1488> (5748) the Son <5207> of God <2316>, come down <2597> (5628) from <0575> the {cross} <4716>.

cross ^ 41_MAR_10_21 Then <1161> Jesus <2424> beholding <1689> (5660) him <0846> loved <0025> (5656) him <0846>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, One thing <1520> thou <4671> lackest <5302> (5719): go thy way <5217> (5720), sell <4453> (5657) whatsoever <3745> thou hast <2192> (5719), and <2532> give <1325> (5628) to the poor <4434>, and <2532> thou shalt have <2192> (5692) treasure <2344> in <1722> heaven <3772>: and <2532> come <1204> (5773), take up <0142> (5660) the {cross} <4716>, and follow <0190> (5720) me <3427>.

cross ^ 40_MAT_27_42 He saved <4982> (5656) others <0243>; himself <1438> he cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) save <4982> (5658). If <1487> he be <2076> (5748) the King <0935> of Israel <2474>, let him <2597> <0> now <3568> come down <2597> (5628) from <0575> the {cross} <4716>, and <2532> we will believe <4100> (5692) him <0846>.

cross ^ 41_MAR_08_34 And <2532> when he had called <4341> (5666) the people <3793> unto him with <4862> his <0846> disciples <3101> also, he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Whosoever <3748> will <2309> (5719) come <2064> (5629) after <3694> me <3450>, let him deny <0533> (5663) himself <1438>, and <2532> take up <0142> (5657) his <0846> {cross} <4716>, and <2532> follow <0190> (5720) me <3427>.

cross ^ 41_MAR_15_21 And <2532> they compel <0029> (5719) one <5100> Simon <4613> a Cyrenian <2956>, who passed by <3855> (5723), coming <2064> (5740) out of <0575> the country <0068>, the father <3962> of Alexander <0223> and <2532> Rufus <4504>, to <2443> bear <0142> (5661) his <0846> {cross} <4716>.

cross ^ 50_PHP_02_08 And <2532> being found <2147> (5685) in fashion <4976> as <5613> a man <0444>, he humbled <5013> (5656) himself <1438>, and became <1096> (5637) obedient <5255> unto <3360> death <2288>, even <1161> the death <2288> of the {cross} <4716>.

cross ^ 50_PHP_03_18 (For <1063> many <4183> walk <4043> (5719), of whom <3739> I have told <3004> (5707) you <5213> often <4178>, and <1161> now <3568> tell <3004> (5719) you even <2532> weeping <2799> (5723), that they are the enemies <2190> of the {cross} <4716> of Christ <5547>: