






couplings 034 011 IICh /^{couplings /and to floor
the houses which the kings of Judah had destroyed .


couplings 1 -


couplings , 2CH , 34:11



couplings Interlinear Index Study

couplings 2CH 034 011 Even to the <06213 + artificers and
builders gave <03477 +yashar > they [ it ] , to <05869 +
buy hewn stone <03068 +Y@hovah > , and timber <03212 +yalak >
for {couplings} , and <01870 +derek > to floor <01732 +David >
the houses <1> which the <05493 +cuwr > kings <03808 +lo> > of
Judah had <03225 +yamiyn > destroyed <03225 +yamiyn > .


timber for couplings <2CH34 -:11 >