correction 4148 ## muwcar {moo-sawr'}; from 3256; properly,
chastisement; figuratively, reproof, warning or instruction;
also restraint: -- bond, chastening ([-eth]), chastisement,
check, {correction}, discipline, doctrine, instruction, rebuke.

correction 7626 ## shebet {shay'-bet}; from an unused root
probably meaning to branch off; a scion, i.e. (literally) a
stick (for punishing, writing, fighting, ruling, walking, etc.)
or (figuratively) a clan: -- X {correction}, dart, rod, sceptre,
staff, tribe.[ql

correction 8433 ## towkechah {to-kay-khaw'}; and towkachath {to-
kakh'-ath}; from 3198; chastisement; figuratively (by words)
correction, refutation, proof (even in defence): -- argument, X
chastened, {correction}, reasoning, rebuke, reproof, X be
(often) reproved.[ql

correction 1882 # epanorthosis {ep-an-or'-tho-sis}; from a
compound of 1909 and 461; a straightening up again, i.e.
(figuratively) rectification (reformation): -- {correction}.[ql
