Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

agreement 2374 ## chozeh {kho-zeh'}; active participle of 2372; a beholder in vision; also a compact (as looked upon with approval): -- {agreement}, prophet, see that, seer, [star-]gazer.

ate 1285 ## b@riyth {ber-eeth'}; from 1262 (in the sense of cutting [like 1254]); a compact (because made by passing between pieces of flesh): -- confederacy, [con-]feder[{-ate}], covenant, league.

bracelet 8285 ## sherah {shay-raw'}; from 8324 in its original sense of pressing; a wrist-band (as compact or clasping): -- {bracelet}.

compact 2266 ## chabar {khaw-bar'}; a primitive root; to join (literally or figuratively); specifically (by means of spells) to fascinate: -- charm(- er), be {compact}, couple (together), have fellowship with, heap up, join (self, together), league.

compact 4822 # sumbibazo {soom-bib-ad'-zo}; from 4862 and bibazo (to force; causative [by reduplication] of the base of 939); to drive together, i.e. unite (in association or affection), (mentally) to infer, show, teach: -- {compact}, assuredly gather, intrust, knit together, prove.

con-]feder 1285 ## b@riyth {ber-eeth'}; from 1262 (in the sense of cutting [like 1254]); a compact (because made by passing between pieces of flesh): -- confederacy, [{con-]feder}[-ate], covenant, league.

confederacy 1285 ## b@riyth {ber-eeth'}; from 1262 (in the sense of cutting [like 1254]); a compact (because made by passing between pieces of flesh): -- {confederacy}, [con-]feder[-ate], covenant, league.

covenant 1285 ## b@riyth {ber-eeth'}; from 1262 (in the sense of cutting [like 1254]); a compact (because made by passing between pieces of flesh): -- confederacy, [con-]feder[-ate], {covenant}, league.

league 1285 ## b@riyth {ber-eeth'}; from 1262 (in the sense of cutting [like 1254]); a compact (because made by passing between pieces of flesh): -- confederacy, [con-]feder[-ate], covenant, {league}.

prophet 2374 ## chozeh {kho-zeh'}; active participle of 2372; a beholder in vision; also a compact (as looked upon with approval): -- agreement, {prophet}, see that, seer, [star-]gazer.

see 2374 ## chozeh {kho-zeh'}; active participle of 2372; a beholder in vision; also a compact (as looked upon with approval): -- agreement, prophet, {see} that, seer, [star-]gazer.

seer 2374 ## chozeh {kho-zeh'}; active participle of 2372; a beholder in vision; also a compact (as looked upon with approval): -- agreement, prophet, see that, {seer}, [star-]gazer.

star-]gazer 2374 ## chozeh {kho-zeh'}; active participle of 2372; a beholder in vision; also a compact (as looked upon with approval): -- agreement, prophet, see that, seer, [{star-]gazer}.

that 2374 ## chozeh {kho-zeh'}; active participle of 2372; a beholder in vision; also a compact (as looked upon with approval): -- agreement, prophet, see {that}, seer, [star-]gazer.