cases , 1CO , 7:15

I 1473 # ego {ego'}; a primary pronoun of the first person I
(only expressed when emphatic): -- {I}, me. For the other cases
and the plural see 1691, 1698, 1700, 2248, 2249, 2254, 2257, etc.

Jupiter 2203 # Zeus {dzyooce}; of uncertain affinity; in the
oblique cases there is used instead of it a (probably cognate)
name Dis {deece}, which is otherwise obsolete; Zeus or Dis
(among the Latins, Jupiter or Jove), the supreme deity of the
Greeks: -- {Jupiter}.[ql

a 3689 # ontos {on'toce}; adverb of the oblique cases of 5607;
really: -- certainly, clean, indeed, of {a} truth, verily.[ql

certainly 3689 # ontos {on'-toce}; adverb of the oblique cases
of 5607; really: -- {certainly}, clean, indeed, of a truth,

clean 3689 # ontos {on'-toce}; adverb of the oblique cases of
5607; really: -- certainly, {clean}, indeed, of a truth, verily.

indeed 3689 # ontos {on'-toce}; adverb of the oblique cases of
5607; really: -- certainly, clean, {indeed}, of a truth, verily.

me 1473 # ego {ego'}; a primary pronoun of the first person I
(only expressed when emphatic): -- I, {me}. For the other cases
and the plural see 1691, 1698, 1700, 2248, 2249, 2254, 2257, etc.

me 1699 # emos {emos'}; from the oblique cases of 1473 (1698,
1700, 1691); my: -- of {me}, mine (own), my.[ql

mine 1699 # emos {em-os'}; from the oblique cases of 1473 (1698,
1700, 1691); my: -- of me, {mine} (own), my.[ql

my 1699 # emos {emos'}; from the oblique cases of 1473 (1698,
1700, 1691); my: -- of me, mine (own), {my}.[ql

of 1699 # emos {emos'}; from the oblique cases of 1473 (1698,
1700, 1691); my: -- {of} me, mine (own), my.[ql

of 3689 # ontos {on'-toce}; adverb of the oblique cases of 5607;
really: -- certainly, clean, indeed, {of} a truth, verily.[ql

own 1699 # emos {emos'}; from the oblique cases of 1473 (1698,
1700, 1691); my: -- of me, mine ({own}), my.[ql

truth 3689 # ontos {on'-toce}; adverb of the oblique cases of
5607; really: -- certainly, clean, indeed, of a {truth}, verily.

verily 3689 # ontos {on'-toce}; adverb of the oblique cases of
5607; really: -- certainly, clean, indeed, of a truth, {verily}.


cases Interlinear Index Study

cases 1CO 007 015 But if <1487 -ei -> the unbelieving <0571 -
apistos -> depart <5562 -choreo -> , let him depart <5562 -
choreo -> . A brother <0080 -adephos -> or <2228 -e -> a sister
<0079 -adelphe -> is not under bondage <1402 -douloo -> in such
<5108 -toioutos -> [ {cases} ] : but God <2316 -theos -> hath
called <2564 -kaleo -> us to peace <1515 -eirene -> .


but ye shall have their carcases

cast your carcases upon

their carcases

their carcases

their carcases shall be meat for

their carcases will

until your carcases be wasted

whose carcases fell

your carcases shall fall

* carcases , 2966 ,

- carcases , 5038 , 6297 ,

carcases GEN 015 011 And when the fowls <05861 + came
<03381 +yarad > down <03381 +yarad > upon the {carcases}
<06297 +peger > , Abram <87> drove <05380 +nashab > them away

carcases LEV 011 011 They shall be even an abomination <08263
+sheqets > unto you ; ye shall not eat <00398 +>akal > of
their flesh <01320 +basar > , but ye shall have their
{carcases} <05038 +n@belah > in abomination <08262 +shaqats > .

carcases LEV 011 026 [ The {carcases} <06297 +peger > ] of
every <03605 +kol > beast <00929 +b@hemah > which <00834
+>aher > divideth <06536 +parac > the hoof <06541 +parcah > ,
and [ is ] not clovenfooted , nor <00369 +>ayin > cheweth
<05927 + the cud <01625 +gerah > , [ are ] unclean
<02931 +tame> > unto you : every <03605 +kol > one <00259
+>echad > that toucheth <05060 +naga< > them shall be unclean
<02930 +tame> > .

carcases LEV 026 030 And I will destroy <08045 +shamad > your
high <01116 +bamah > places , and cut <03772 +karath > down
your images <02553 +chamman > , and cast <05414 +nathan >
your carcases <06297 +peger > upon the {carcases} <06297
+peger > of your idols <01544 +gilluwl > , and my soul <05315
+nephesh > shall abhor <01602 +ga you .

carcases LEV 026 030 And I will destroy <08045 +shamad > your
high <01116 +bamah > places , and cut <03772 +karath > down
your images <02553 +chamman > , and cast <05414 +nathan >
your {carcases} <06297 +peger > upon the carcases <06297
+peger > of your idols <01544 +gilluwl > , and my soul <05315
+nephesh > shall abhor <01602 +ga you .

carcases NUM 014 029 Your {carcases} <06297 +peger > shall
fall <05307 +naphal > in this <02088 +zeh > wilderness <04057
+midbar > ; and all <03605 +kol > that were numbered <06485
+paqad > of you , according to your whole <03605 +kol > number
<04557 +micpar > , from twenty <06242 + years <08141
+shaneh > old <01121 +ben > and upward <04605 +ma ,
which <00834 +>aher > have murmured <03885 +luwn > against
<05921 + me ,

carcases NUM 014 032 But [ as for ] you , your {carcases}
<06297 +peger > , they shall fall <05307 +naphal > in this
<02088 +zeh > wilderness <04057 +midbar > .

carcases NUM 014 033 And your children <01121 +ben > shall
wander <07462 +ra in the wilderness <04057 +midbar >
forty <00705 +>arba years <08141 +shaneh > , and bear
<05375 +nasa> > your whoredoms <02184 +z@nuwth > , until
<05704 + your {carcases} <06297 +peger > be wasted <08552
+tamam > in the wilderness <04057 +midbar > .

* carcases , 2966 kolon ,


carcases -2966 {carcases},


carcases -5038 beast , bodies , body , carcase , {carcases} ,
dead , died , dieth ,

carcases -6297 bodies , carcase , {carcases} , corpses , dead ,



carcases ......... carcases 2966 -kolon->

cases ......... cases : but God 2316 -theos->




carcases 015 011 Gen /^{carcases /Abram drove
them away .

carcases 034 003 Isa /^{carcases /and the
mountains shall be melted with their blood .

carcases 003 003 Nah /^{carcases /and there is
none end of their corpses ; they stumble upon their corpses :

carcases 014 033 Num /^{carcases /be wasted in
the wilderness .

carcases 003 017 Heb /${carcases /fell in the
wilderness ?

carcases 011 011 Lev /^{carcases /in abomination .

carcases 011 026 Lev /^{carcases /of every beast
which divideth the hoof , and is not clovenfooted , nor cheweth
the cud , are unclean unto you: every one that toucheth them
shall be unclean .

carcases 009 022 Jer /^{carcases /of men shall
fall as dung upon the open field , and as the handful after the
harvestman , and none shall gather them.

carcases 006 005 Eze /^{carcases /of the children
of Israel before their idols ; and I will scatter your bones
round about your altars .

carcases 017 046 ISa /^{carcases /of the host of
the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air , and to the
wild beasts of the earth ; that all the earth may know that
there is a God in Israel .

carcases 066 024 Isa /^{carcases /of the men that
have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die ,
neither shall their fire be quenched ; and they shall be an
abhorring unto all flesh .

carcases 016 018 Jer /^{carcases /of their
detestable and abominable things .

carcases 043 009 Eze /^{carcases /of their kings ,
far from me, and I will dwell in the midst of them for ever .

carcases 043 007 Eze /^{carcases /of their kings
in their high places .

carcases 007 033 Jer /^{carcases /of this people
shall be meat for the fowls of the heaven , and for the beasts
of the earth ; and none shall fray them away .

carcases 026 030 Lev /^{carcases /of your idols ,
and my soul shall abhor you.

carcases 016 004 Jer /^{carcases /shall be meat
for the fowls of heaven , and for the beasts of the earth .

carcases 014 029 Num /^{carcases /shall fall in
this wilderness ; and all that were numbered of you, according
to your whole number , from twenty years old and upward , which
have murmured against me,

carcases 014 032 Num /^{carcases /they shall fall
in this wilderness .

carcases 026 030 Lev /^{carcases /upon the
carcases of your idols , and my soul shall abhor you.

carcases 005 025 Isa /^{carcases /were torn in
the midst of the streets . For all this his anger is not turned
away , but his hand is stretched out still.

carcases 019 007 Jer /^{carcases /will I give to
be meat for the fowls of the heaven , and for the beasts of the
earth .

cases 007 015 ICo /${cases /but God hath
called us to peace .


carcases 22 -
