Calling Isa_46_11 /^{Calling /a ravenous bird
from the east , the man that executeth my counsel from a far
country : yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I
have purposed it, I will also do it.

calling 2Pe_01_10 /${calling /and election sure :
for if ye do these things , ye shall never fall :

calling 2Th_01_11 /${calling /and fulfil all the
good pleasure of his goodness , and the work of faith with power

calling Eph_01_18 /${calling /and what the
riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints ,

calling 1Co_01_26 /${calling /brethren , how
that not many wise men after the flesh , not many mighty , not
many noble , are called:

calling Heb_03_01 /${calling /consider the
Apostle and High Priest of our profession , Christ Jesus ;

calling Mar_03_31 /${calling /him .

calling 1Pe_03_06 /${calling /him lord : whose
daughters ye are , as long as ye do well , and are not afraid
with any amazement .

calling 2Ti_01_09 /${calling /not according to
our works , but according to his own purpose and grace , which
was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began ,

calling Isa_01_13 /^{calling /of assemblies , I
cannot away with ; it is iniquity , even the solemn meeting .

calling Rom_11_29 /${calling /of God are without
repentance .

calling Php_03_14 /${calling /of God in Christ
Jesus .

calling Num_10_02 /^{calling /of the assembly ,
and for the journeying of the camps .

calling Act_22_16 /${calling /on the name of the
Lord .

calling Luk_07_32 /${calling /one to another ,
and saying , We have piped unto you , and ye have not danced ;
we have mourned to you , and ye have not wept .

calling Isa_41_04 /^{calling /the generations
from the beginning ? I the LORD , the first , and with the last ;
I am he.

calling Mar_11_21 /${calling /to remembrance
saith unto him , Master , behold , the fig tree which thou
cursedst is withered away .

calling Eze_23_19 /^{calling /to remembrance the
days of her youth , wherein she had played the harlot in the
land of Egypt .

calling Mar_15_44 /${calling /unto him the
centurion , he asked him whether he had been any while dead .

calling Luk_07_19 /${calling /unto him two of
his disciples sent them to Jesus , saying , Art thou he that
should come ? or look we for another ?

calling Mat_11_16 /${calling /unto their fellows

calling Act_07_59 /${calling /upon God, and
saying , Lord Jesus , receive my spirit .

calling 1Co_07_20 /${calling /wherein he was
called .
