calleth Interlinear Index Study
calleth 1KI 008 043 Hear <08085 +shama< > thou in heaven <08064
+shamayim > thy dwelling <03427 +yashab > place <04349 +makown >
, and do <06213 + according to all <03605 +kol > that the
stranger <05237 +nokriy > {calleth} <07121 +qara> > to thee for :
that all <03605 +kol > people <05971 + of the earth <00776
+>erets > may know <03045 +yada< > thy name <08034 +shem > , to
fear <03372 +yare> > thee , as [ do ] thy people <05971 +
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ; and that they may know <03045 +yada<
> that this <02088 +zeh > house <01004 +bayith > , which <00834
+>aher > I have builded <01129 +banah > , is called <07121
+qara> > by thy name <08034 +shem > .
calleth 2CH 006 033 Then hear <08085 +shama< > thou from the
heavens <08064 +shamayim > , [ even ] from thy dwelling <03427
+yashab > place <04349 +makown > , and do <06213 +
according to all <03605 +kol > that the stranger <05237 +nokriy
> {calleth} <07121 +qara> > to thee for ; that all <03605 +kol >
people <05971 + of the earth <00776 +>erets > may know
<03045 +yada< > thy name <08034 +shem > , and fear <03372 +yare>
> thee , as [ doth ] thy people <05971 + Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , and may know <03045 +yada< > that this <02088 +zeh
> house <01004 +bayith > which <00834 +>aher > I have built
<01129 +banah > is called <07121 +qara> > by thy name <08034
+shem > .
calleth JOB 012 004 I am [ as ] one mocked <07832 +sachaq > of
his neighbour <07453 +rea< > , who {calleth} <07121 +qara> >
upon God <00433 +>elowahh > , and he answereth <06030 +
him : the just <06662 +tsaddiyq > upright <08549 +tamiym > [ man
is ] laughed <07832 +sachaq > to scorn .
calleth PSA 042 007 Deep <08415 +t@howm > {calleth} <07121
+qara> > unto deep <08415 +t@howm > at the noise <06963 +qowl >
of thy waterspouts <06794 +tsinnuwr > : all <03605 +kol > thy
waves <04867 +mishbar > and thy billows <01530 +gal > are gone
<05674 + over <05921 + me .
calleth PSA 147 004 He telleth <04487 +manah > the number <04557
+micpar > of the stars <03556 +kowkab > ; he {calleth} <07121
+qara> > them all <03605 +kol > by [ their ] names <08034 +shem
> .
calleth PRO 018 006 . A fool s <03684 +k@ciyl > lips <08193
+saphah > enter <00935 +bow> > into contention <07379 +riyb > ,
and his mouth <06310 +peh > {calleth} <07121 +qara> > for
strokes <04112 +mahalummah > .
calleth ISA 021 011 . The burden <04853 +massa> > of Dumah
<01746 +Duwmah > . He {calleth} <07121 +qara> > to me out of
Seir <08165 +Se , Watchman <08104 +shamar > , what <04100
+mah > of the night <03915 +layil > ? Watchman <08104 +shamar > ,
what <04100 +mah > of the night <03915 +layil > ?
calleth ISA 040 026 Lift <05375 +nasa> > up your eyes <05869
+ on high <04791 +marowm > , and behold <07200 +ra>ah >
who <04310 +miy > hath created <01254 +bara> > these <00428 +>el
- leh > [ things ] , that bringeth <03318 +yatsa> > out their
host <06635 +tsaba> > by number <04557 +micpar > : he {calleth}
<07121 +qara> > them all <03605 +kol > by names <08034 +shem >
by the greatness <07230 +rob > of his might <00202 +>own > , for
that [ he is ] strong <00533 +>ammiyts > in power <03581 +koach
> ; not one <00376 +>iysh > faileth <05737 + .
calleth ISA 059 004 None <00369 +>ayin > {calleth} <07121 +qara>
> for justice <06664 +tsedeq > , nor <00369 +>ayin > [ any ]
pleadeth <08199 +shaphat > for truth <00530 +>emuwnah > : they
trust <00982 +batach > in vanity <08414 +tohuw > , and speak
<01696 +dabar > lies <07723 +shav> > ; they conceive <02029
+harah > mischief <05999 + , and bring <03205 +yalad >
forth <03205 +yalad > iniquity <00205 +>aven > .
calleth ISA 064 007 And [ there is ] none <00369 +>ayin > that
{calleth} <07121 +qara> > upon thy name <08034 +shem > , that
stirreth <05782 + up himself to take <02388 +chazaq > hold
<02388 +chazaq > of thee : for thou hast hid <05641 +cathar >
thy face <06440 +paniym > from us , and hast consumed <04127
+muwg > us , because <03027 +yad > of our iniquities <05771
+ .
calleth HOS 007 007 They are all <03605 +kol > hot <02552
+chamam > as an oven <08574 +tannuwr > , and have devoured
<00398 +>akal > their judges <08199 +shaphat > ; all <03605 +kol
> their kings <04428 +melek > are fallen <05307 +naphal > : [
there is ] none <00369 +>ayin > among them that {calleth} <07121
+qara> > unto me .
calleth AMO 005 008 [ Seek him ] that maketh <06213 + the
seven <03598 +Kiymah > stars <03598 +Kiymah > and Orion <03685
+K@ciyl > , and turneth <02015 +haphak > the shadow <06757
+tsalmaveth > of death <06757 +tsalmaveth > into the morning
<01242 +boqer > , and maketh the day <03117 +yowm > dark <02821
+chashak > with night <03915 +layil > : that {calleth} <07121
+qara> > for the waters <04325 +mayim > of the sea <03220 +yam >
, and poureth <08210 +shaphak > them out upon the face <06440
+paniym > of the earth <00776 +>erets > : The LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > [ is ] his name <08034 +shem > :
calleth AMO 009 006 [ It is ] he that buildeth <01129 +banah >
his stories <04609 +ma in the heaven <08064 +shamayim > ,
and hath founded <03245 +yacad > his troop <92> in the earth
<00776 +>erets > ; he that {calleth} <07121 +qara> > for the
waters <04325 +mayim > of the sea <03220 +yam > , and poureth
<08210 +shaphak > them out upon the face <06440 +paniym > of the
earth <00776 +>erets > : The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > [ is ] his
name <08034 +shem > .
calleth MAT 027 047 Some <5100 -tis -> of them that stood <2476 -
histemi -> there <1563 -ekei -> , when they heard <0191 -akouo -
> [ that ] , said <3004 -lego -> , This <3778 -houtos -> [ man ]
{calleth} <5455 -phoneo -> for Elias <2243 -Helias -> .
calleth MAR 003 013 . And he goeth <0305 -anabaino -> up into
<1519 -eis -> a mountain <3735 -oros -> , and {calleth} <4341 -
proskaleomai -> [ unto him ] whom <3739 -hos -> he would <2309 -
thelo -> : and they came <0565 -aperchomai -> unto him .
calleth MAR 010 049 And Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> stood <2476 -
histemi -> still <2476 -histemi -> , and commanded <2036 -epo ->
him to be called <5455 -phoneo -> . And they call <5455 -phoneo -
> the blind <5185 -tuphlos -> man , saying <3004 -lego -> unto
him , Be of good comfort <2293 -tharseo -> , rise <1453 -egeiro -
> ; he {calleth} <5455 -phoneo -> thee .
calleth MAR 012 037 David <1138 -Dabid -> therefore <3767 -oun -
> himself <0846 -autos -> {calleth} <3004 -lego -> him Lord
<2962 -kurios -> ; and whence <4159 -pothen -> is he [ then ]
his son <5207 -huios -> ? And the common <4183 -polus -> people
<3793 -ochlos -> heard <0191 -akouo -> him gladly <2234 -hedeos -
> .
calleth MAR 015 035 And some <5100 -tis -> of them that stood
<3936 -paristemi -> by , when they heard <0191 -akouo -> [ it ] ,
said <3004 -lego -> , Behold <2400 -idou -> , he {calleth}
<5455 -phoneo -> Elias <2243 -Helias -> .
calleth LUK 015 006 And when he cometh 2064 -erchomai - home
3624 -oikos - , he {calleth} 4779 -sugkaleo - together 4779 -
sugkaleo - [ his ] friends 5384 -philos - and neighbours 1069 -
geiton - , saying 3004 -lego - unto them , Rejoice 4796 -
sugchairo - with me ; for I have found 2147 -heurisko - my sheep
4263 -probaton - which 3588 -ho - was lost 0622 -apollumi - .
calleth LUK 015 009 And when she hath found 2147 -heurisko - [
it ] , she {calleth} 4779 -sugkaleo - [ her ] friends 5384 -
philos - and [ her ] neighbours 1069 -geiton - together 4779 -
sugkaleo - , saying 3004 -lego - , Rejoice 4796 -sugchairo -
with me ; for I have found 2147 -heurisko - the piece 1406 -
drachme - which 3739 -hos - I had lost LUK 0622 -apollumi - .
calleth LUK 020 037 Now 1161 -de - that the dead 3498 -nekros -
are raised 1453 -egeiro - , even 2532 -kai - Moses 3475 -Moseus -
shewed 3377 -menuo - at 1909 -epi - the bush LUK 0942 -batos - ,
when 5613 -hos - he {calleth} 3004 -lego - the Lord 2962 -
kurios - the God 2316 -theos - of Abraham 11 , and the God 2316 -
theos - of Isaac 2464 -Isaak - , and the God 2316 -theos - of
Jacob 2384 -Iakob - .
calleth LUK 020 044 David 1138 -Dabid - therefore {calleth} 2564
-kaleo - him Lord 2962 -kurios - , how 4459 -pos - is he then
2532 -kai - his son 5207 -huios - ?
calleth JOH 010 003 To him the porter <2377 -thuroros -> openeth
<0455 -anoigo -> ; and the sheep <4263 -probaton -> hear <0191 -
akouo -> his voice <5456 -phone -> : and he {calleth} <2564 -
kaleo -> his own <2398 -idios -> sheep <4263 -probaton -> by
name <3686 -onoma -> , and leadeth <1806 -exago -> them out .
calleth JOH 011 028 And when she had so <5023 -tauta -> said
<2036 -epo -> , she went <0565 -aperchomai -> her way , and
called <5455 -phoneo -> Mary <3137 -Maria -> her sister <0079 -
adelphe -> secretly <2977 -lathra -> , saying <2036 -epo -> ,
The Master <1320 -didaskalos -> is come <3918 -pareimi -> , and
{calleth} <5455 -phoneo -> for thee .
calleth ROM 004 017 . ( As it is written <1125 -grapho -> , I
have made <5087 -tithemi -> thee a father <3962 -pater -> of
many <4183 -polus -> nations <1484 -ethnos -> , ) before <2713 -
katenanti -> him whom <3739 -hos -> he believed <4100 -pisteuo -
> , [ even ] God <2316 -theos -> , who <3588 -ho -> quickeneth
<2227 -zoopoieo -> the dead <3498 -nekros -> , and {calleth}
<2564 -kaleo -> those <3588 -ho -> things which be not as though
they were .
calleth ROM 009 011 ( For [ the children ] being not yet <3380 -
mepo -> born <1080 -gennao -> , neither <3366 -mede -> having
done <4238 -prasso -> any <5100 -tis -> good <0018 -agathos ->
or <2228 -e -> evil <2556 -kakos -> , that the purpose <4286 -
prothesis -> of God <2316 -theos -> according <2596 -kata -> to
election <1589 -ekloge -> might stand <3306 -meno -> , not of
works <2041 -ergon -> , but of him that {calleth} <2564 -kaleo -
> ; )
calleth 1CO 012 003 Wherefore <1352 -dio -> I give you to
understand <1107 -gnorizo -> , that no <3762 -oudeis -> man
<3762 -oudeis -> speaking <2980 -laleo -> by the Spirit <4151 -
pneuma -> of God <2316 -theos -> {calleth} <3004 -lego -> Jesus
<2424 -Iesous -> accursed <0331 -anathema -> : and [ that ] no
<3762 -oudeis -> man <3762 -oudeis -> can <1410 -dunamai -> say
<2036 -epo -> that Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> is the Lord <2962 -
kurios -> , but by the Holy <0040 -hagios -> Ghost <4151 -pneuma
-> .
calleth GAL 005 008 This <3588 -ho -> persuasion <3988 -peismone
-> [ cometh ] not of him that {calleth} <2564 -kaleo -> you .
calleth 1TH 005 024 Faithful <4103 -pistos -> [ is ] he that
{calleth} <2564 -kaleo -> you , who <3739 -hos -> also <2532 -
kai -> will do <4160 -poieo -> [ it ] . : 25 Brethren <0080 -
adephos -> , pray <4336 -proseuchomai -> for us . : 26 Greet
<0782 -aspazomai -> all <3956 -pas -> the brethren <0080 -
adephos -> with an holy <0040 -hagios -> kiss <5370 -philema -> .
calleth REV 002 020 Notwithstanding <0235 -alla -> I have <2192 -
echo -> a few <3641 -oligos -> things against <2596 -kata ->
thee , because <3754 -hoti -> thou sufferest <1439 -eao -> that
woman <1135 -gune -> Jezebel <2403 -Iezabel -> , which <3588 -ho
-> {calleth} <3004 -lego -> herself <1438 -heautou -> a
prophetess <4398 -prophetis -> , to teach <1321 -didasko -> and
to seduce <4105 -planao -> my servants <1401 -doulos -> to
commit <4203 -porneuo -> fornication <4203 -porneuo -> , and to
eat <5315 -phago -> things sacrificed <1494 -eidolothuton ->
unto idols <1494 -eidolothuton -> .