cake 1690 ## d@belah {deb-ay-law'}; from an unused root (akin to
2082) probably meaning to press together; a cake of pressed figs:
-- {cake} (lump) of figs. [ql

cake 2471 ## challah {khal-law'}; from 2490; a cake (as usually
punctured): -- {cake}. [ql

cake 3561 ## kavvan {kav-vawn'}; from 3559; something prepared,

cake 3834 ## labiybah {law-bee-baw'}; or rather l@bibah {leb-ee-
baw'}; from 3823 in its original sense of fatness (or perhaps of
folding); a cake (either as fried or turned): -- {cake}. [ql

cake 4580 ## ma (with 3934 a table-buffoon, i.e. parasite): -- {cake}, feast.[ql

cake 4682 ## matstsah {mats-tsaw'}; from 4711 in the sense of
greedily devouring for sweetness; properly, sweetness;
concretely, sweet (i.e. not soured or bittered with yeast);
specifically, an unfermented cake or loaf, or (elliptically) the
festival of Passover (because no leaven was then used): --
unleaved (bread, {cake}), without leaven.[ql

cake 5692 ## round): -- {cake} (upon the hearth).[ql

cake 6742 ## ts@luwl {tsel-ool'}; from 6749 in the sense of
rolling; a (round or flattened) cake: -- {cake}.[ql

cake 7550 ## raqiyq {raw-keek'}; from, 7556 in its original
sense; a thin cake; -- {cake}, wafer.[ql

cakes 3823 ## labab {law-bab'}; a primitive root; properly, to
be enclosed (as if with fat); by implication (as denominative
from 3824) to unheart, i.e . (in a good sense) transport (with
love), or (in a bad sense) stultify; also (as denominative from
3834) to make cakes: -- make {cakes}, ravish, be wise. [ql
