busybodies Interlinear Index Study

busybodies 2TH 003 011 For we hear <0191 -akouo -> that there
are some <5100 -tis -> which walk <4043 -peripateo -> among
<1722 -en -> you disorderly <0814 -ataktos -> , working <2038 -
ergazomai -> not at <3367 -medeis -> all <3367 -medeis -> , but
are {busybodies} <4020 -periergazomai -> .

busybodies 1TI 005 013 And withal <0260 -hama -> they learn
<3129 -manthano -> [ to be ] idle <0692 -argos -> , wandering
<4022 -perierchomai -> about <4022 -perierchomai -> from house
<3614 -oikia -> to house <3614 -oikia -> ; and not only <3440 -
monon -> idle <0692 -argos -> , but tattlers <5397 -phluaros ->
also <2532 -kai -> and {busybodies} <4021 -periergos -> ,
speaking <2980 -laleo -> things which <3588 -ho -> they ought
<1163 -dei -> not .
