Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0888 + ye the unprofitable + We are unprofitable +/ . achreios {akh-ri'-os}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5534 + things ought +/ [compare 5532 + need + uses + need + needeth + ye need + business + to the use + And needed + to my wants + that we need + and they need + thing is needful + to the necessity + For ye have need + unto my necessity + in you and ye need + things and needest + unto my necessities + to him that needeth + unto them They need + us with such things as were necessary +/ ]; useless, i .e . (euphem .) unmeritorious: --unprofitable .

2398 + own + home + apart + in due + her own + at home + company + his own + business + privately + with your + him aside + their own + severally + his proper + in our own + in his own + for in due + of her own + by his own + to his own + of his own + was his own + for his own + not his own + of their own + with his own + with our own + to their own + and their own + him privately + other his own + but privately + into their own + things of your + to his several + man to his own + man in his own + but by his own + unto their own + away of his own + not for his own + But hath in due + in their proper + be to their own + her unto his own + that is in thine + him of their own + is of any private + unto him privately + of his acquaintance + us as though by our own + he not unto them and when they were alone +/ . idios {id'-ee-os}; of uncertain affinity; pertaining to self, i .e . one's own; by implication, private or separate: --X his acquaintance, when they were alone, apart, aside, due, his (own, proper, several), home, (her, our, thine, your) own (business), private(-ly), proper, severally, their (own) .

2399 + I be rude + and ignorant + one unlearned + of the unlearned + in those that are unlearned +/ . idiotes {id-ee-o'-tace}; from 2398 + own + home + apart + in due + her own + at home + company + his own + business + privately + with your + him aside + their own + severally + his proper + in our own + in his own + for in due + of her own + by his own + to his own + of his own + was his own + for his own + not his own + of their own + with his own + with our own + to their own + and their own + him privately + other his own + but privately + into their own + things of your + to his several + man to his own + man in his own + but by his own + unto their own + away of his own + not for his own + But hath in due + in their proper + be to their own + her unto his own + that is in thine + him of their own + is of any private + unto him privately + of his acquaintance + us as though by our own + he not unto them and when they were alone +/ ; a private person, i .e . (by implication) an ignoramus (compare "idiot"): --ignorant, rude, unlearned .

4229 + work + thing + things + matter + a matter + business + of things + in any matter + of the things +/ . pragma {prag'-mah}; from 4238 + do + Do + I do + doeth + to do + doest + and do + ye did + is done + that do + in me do + and to do + thou keep + which used + having done + ye shall do + of our deeds + and he doeth + not that I do + them which do + man hath done + have committed + in them that do + unto them Exact + them which commit + thing was not done + that they which do + upon him that doeth + they have committed + to that he hath done + I might have required + that he had committed + that they which commit + and they that have done +/ ; a deed; by implication, an affair; by extension, an object (material): --business, matter, thing, work .

4231 + unto them Occupy +/ . pragmateuomai {prag-mat-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 4229 + work + thing + things + matter + a matter + business + of things + in any matter + of the things +/ ; to busy oneself with, i .e . to trade: --occupy .

4704 + Do + Study + was forward + endeavoured + be diligent + Endeavouring + Let us labour + thy diligence + I will endeavour + things be diligent +/ . spoudazo {spoo-dad'-zo}; from 4710 + care + earnest + diligence + with haste + in business + carefulness + all diligence + give diligence + with diligence + but that our care + country with haste + of the forwardness +/ ; to use speed, i .e . to make effort, be prompt or earnest: --do (give) diligence, be diligent (forward), endeavour, labour, study .

4705 + diligent + him instantly +/ . spoudaios {spoo-dah'-yos}; from 4710 + care + earnest + diligence + with haste + in business + carefulness + all diligence + give diligence + with diligence + but that our care + country with haste + of the forwardness +/ ; prompt, energetic, earnest: --diligent .

4710 + care + earnest + diligence + with haste + in business + carefulness + all diligence + give diligence + with diligence + but that our care + country with haste + of the forwardness +/ . spoude {spoo-day'}; from 4692 + make + haste + with haste + And he made + unto me Make + for he hasted + for and hasting +/ ; "speed", i .e . (by implication) despatch, eagerness, earnestness: --business, (earnest) care(-fulness), diligence, forwardness, haste .

5532 + need + uses + need + needeth + ye need + business + to the use + And needed + to my wants + that we need + and they need + thing is needful + to the necessity + For ye have need + unto my necessity + in you and ye need + things and needest + unto my necessities + to him that needeth + unto them They need + us with such things as were necessary +/ . chreia {khri'-ah}; from the base of 5530 + use + we use + but use + did I use + entreated + up they used + I should use + But I have used + we have not used + And they that use +/ or 5534 + things ought +/ ; employment, i .e . an affair; also (by implication) occasion, demand, requirement or destitution: --business, lack, necessary(-ity), need(-ful), use, want .

5535 + need + as he needeth + she hath need + that ye have need +/ . chreizo {khrade'-zo}; from 5532 + need + uses + need + needeth + ye need + business + to the use + And needed + to my wants + that we need + and they need + thing is needful + to the necessity + For ye have need + unto my necessity + in you and ye need + things and needest + unto my necessities + to him that needeth + unto them They need + us with such things as were necessary +/ ; to make (i .e . have) necessity, i .e . be in want of: --(have) need .