bull Job_21_10 /^{bull /gendereth , and
faileth not; their cow calveth , and casteth not her calf .

bull Isa_51_20 /^{bull /in a net : they are
full of the fury of the LORD , the rebuke of thy God .

bullock Num_15_09 /^{bullock /a meat offering of
three tenth deals of flour mingled with half an hin of oil .

bullock Eze_43_21 /^{bullock /also of the sin
offering , and he shall burn it in the appointed place of the
house , without the sanctuary .

bullock Num_23_04 /^{bullock /and a ram .

bullock Num_23_02 /^{bullock /and a ram .

bullock Lev_09_04 /^{bullock /and a ram for
peace offerings , to sacrifice before the LORD ; and a meat
offering mingled with oil : for to day the LORD will appear unto

bullock Num_23_30 /^{bullock /and a ram on every
altar .

bullock Num_23_14 /^{bullock /and a ram on every
altar .

bullock Eze_43_25 /^{bullock /and a ram out of
the flock , without blemish .

bullock Lev_04_11 /^{bullock /and all his flesh ,
with his head , and with his legs , and his inwards , and his
dung ,

bullock Eze_45_24 /^{bullock /and an ephah for a
ram , and an hin of oil for an ephah .

bullock Eze_46_07 /^{bullock /and an ephah for a
ram , and for the lambs according as his hand shall attain unto,
and an hin of oil to an ephah .

bullock Eze_46_11 /^{bullock /and an ephah to a
ram , and to the lambs as he is able to give , and an hin of oil
to an ephah .

bullock 1Sa_01_25 /^{bullock /and brought the
child to Eli .

bullock Isa_65_25 /^{bullock /and dust shall be
the serpent's meat . They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my
holy mountain , saith the LORD .

bullock Lev_08_17 /^{bullock /and his hide , his
flesh , and his dung , he burnt with fire without the camp ; as
the LORD commanded Moses .

bullock Deu_33_17 /^{bullock /and his horns are
like the horns of unicorns : with them he shall push the people
together to the ends of the earth : and they are the ten
thousands of Ephraim , and they are the thousands of Manasseh .

bullock Exo_29_14 /^{bullock /and his skin , and
his dung , shalt thou burn with fire without the camp : it is a
sin offering .

bullock 1Ki_18_23 /^{bullock /and lay it on wood
, and put no fire under:

bullock Lev_16_18 /^{bullock /and of the blood
of the goat , and put it upon the horns of the altar round about

bullock Lev_09_19 /^{bullock /and of the ram ,
the rump , and that which covereth the inwards, and the kidneys ,
and the caul above the liver :

bullock Jud_06_26 /^{bullock /and offer a burnt
sacrifice with the wood of the grove which thou shalt cut down .

bullock Exo_29_12 /^{bullock /and put it upon
the horns of the altar with thy finger , and pour all the blood
beside the bottom of the altar .

bullock 2Ch_13_09 /^{bullock /and seven rams ,
the same may be a priest of them that are no gods .

bullock Lev_16_15 /^{bullock /and sprinkle it
upon the mercy seat , and before the mercy seat :

bullock Lev_16_14 /^{bullock /and sprinkle it
with his finger upon the mercy seat eastward ; and before the
mercy seat shall he sprinkle of the blood with his finger seven
times .

bullock Lev_09_18 /^{bullock /and the ram for a
sacrifice of peace offerings , which was for the people : and
Aaron's sons presented unto him the blood , which he sprinkled
upon the altar round about ,

bullock Num_28_14 /^{bullock /and the third part
of an hin unto a ram , and a fourth part of an hin unto a lamb :
this is the burnt offering of every month throughout the months
of the year .

bullock Exo_29_03 /^{bullock /and the two rams .

bullock Lev_23_18 /^{bullock /and two rams :
they shall be for a burnt offering unto the LORD , with their
meat offering , and their drink offerings , even an offering
made by fire , of sweet savour unto the LORD .

bullock Exo_29_01 /^{bullock /and two rams
without blemish ,

bullock Num_29_03 /^{bullock /and two tenth
deals for a ram ,

bullock Num_28_20 /^{bullock /and two tenth
deals for a ram ;

bullock Num_28_12 /^{bullock /and two tenth
deals of flour for a meat offering , mingled with oil , for one
ram ;

bullock Num_29_09 /^{bullock /and two tenth
deals to one ram ,

bullock Lev_04_20 /^{bullock /as he did with the
bullock for a sin offering , so shall he do with this: and the
priest shall make an atonement for them, and it shall be
forgiven them.

bullock Lev_04_07 /^{bullock /at the bottom of
the altar of the burnt offering , which is at the door of the
tabernacle of the congregation .

bullock Exo_29_11 /^{bullock /before the LORD ,
by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation .

bullock Lev_04_04 /^{bullock /before the LORD .

bullock Lev_04_15 /^{bullock /before the LORD :
and the bullock shall be killed before the LORD .

bullock Lev_01_05 /^{bullock /before the LORD :
and the priests , Aaron's sons , shall bring the blood , and
sprinkle the blood round about upon the altar that is by the
door of the tabernacle of the congregation .

bullock Jud_06_25 /^{bullock /even the second
bullock of seven years old , and throw down the altar of Baal
that thy father hath, and cut down the grove that is by it:

bullock Num_15_24 /^{bullock /for a burnt
offering , for a sweet savour unto the LORD , with his meat
offering , and his drink offering , according to the manner ,
and one kid of the goats for a sin offering .

bullock Num_15_08 /^{bullock /for a burnt
offering , or for a sacrifice in performing a vow , or peace
offerings unto the LORD :

bullock Lev_16_03 /^{bullock /for a sin offering
, and a ram for a burnt offering .

bullock Lev_04_20 /^{bullock /for a sin offering
, so shall he do with this: and the priest shall make an
atonement for them, and it shall be forgiven them.

bullock Eze_45_22 /^{bullock /for a sin offering

bullock Eze_43_19 /^{bullock /for a sin offering

bullock Exo_29_36 /^{bullock /for a sin offering
for atonement : and thou shalt cleanse the altar , when thou
hast made an atonement for it, and thou shalt anoint it, to
sanctify it.

bullock Num_29_37 /^{bullock /for the ram , and
for the lambs , shall be according to their number , after the
manner :

bullock Lev_04_14 /^{bullock /for the sin , and
bring him before the tabernacle of the congregation .

bullock Lev_16_27 /^{bullock /for the sin
offering , and the goat for the sin offering , whose blood was
brought in to make atonement in the holy place, shall one carry
forth without the camp ; and they shall burn in the fire their
skins , and their flesh , and their dung .

bullock Lev_08_02 /^{bullock /for the sin
offering , and two rams , and a basket of unleavened bread ;

bullock Lev_08_14 /^{bullock /for the sin
offering .

bullock Lev_08_14 /^{bullock /for the sin
offering : and Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon the head
of the bullock for the sin offering .

bullock Lev_04_08 /^{bullock /for the sin
offering ; the fat that covereth the inwards , and all the fat
that is upon the inwards ,

bullock 1Ki_18_23 /^{bullock /for themselves,
and cut it in pieces , and lay it on wood , and put no fire
under: and I will dress the other bullock , and lay it on wood ,
and put no fire under:

bullock 1Ki_18_25 /^{bullock /for yourselves,
and dress it first ; for ye are many ; and call on the name of
your gods , but put no fire under.

bullock 1Ki_18_33 /^{bullock /in pieces, and
laid him on the wood , and said , Fill four barrels with water ,
and pour it on the burnt sacrifice , and on the wood .

bullock Lev_04_21 /^{bullock /it is a sin
offering for the congregation .

bullock Deu_15_19 /^{bullock /nor shear the
firstling of thy sheep .

bullock Jud_06_25 /^{bullock /of seven years old
, and throw down the altar of Baal that thy father hath, and cut
down the grove that is by it:

bullock Lev_04_10 /^{bullock /of the sacrifice
of peace offerings : and the priest shall burn them upon the
altar of the burnt offering .

bullock Lev_16_06 /^{bullock /of the sin
offering , which is for himself , and make an atonement for
himself, and for his house .

bullock Lev_16_11 /^{bullock /of the sin
offering , which is for himself, and shall make an atonement for
himself, and for his house , and shall kill the bullock of the
sin offering which is for himself:

bullock Lev_16_11 /^{bullock /of the sin
offering which is for himself:

bullock Num_29_14 /^{bullock /of the thirteen
bullocks , two tenth deals to each ram of the two rams ,

bullock Num_29_08 /^{bullock /one ram , and
seven lambs of the first year ; they shall be unto you without
blemish :

bullock Num_29_02 /^{bullock /one ram , and
seven lambs of the first year without blemish :

bullock Num_07_21 /^{bullock /one ram , one lamb
of the first year , for a burnt offering :

bullock Num_07_33 /^{bullock /one ram , one lamb
of the first year , for a burnt offering :

bullock Num_07_75 /^{bullock /one ram , one lamb
of the first year , for a burnt offering :

bullock Num_07_63 /^{bullock /one ram , one lamb
of the first year , for a burnt offering :

bullock Num_07_51 /^{bullock /one ram , one lamb
of the first year , for a burnt offering :

bullock Num_07_27 /^{bullock /one ram , one lamb
of the first year , for a burnt offering :

bullock Num_07_57 /^{bullock /one ram , one lamb
of the first year , for a burnt offering :

bullock Num_07_69 /^{bullock /one ram , one lamb
of the first year , for a burnt offering :

bullock Num_07_81 /^{bullock /one ram , one lamb
of the first year , for a burnt offering :

bullock Num_07_45 /^{bullock /one ram , one lamb
of the first year , for a burnt offering :

bullock Num_07_39 /^{bullock /one ram , one lamb
of the first year , for a burnt offering :

bullock Num_07_15 /^{bullock /one ram , one lamb
of the first year , for a burnt offering :

bullock Num_29_36 /^{bullock /one ram , seven
lambs of the first year without blemish :

bullock Lev_22_23 /^{bullock /or a lamb that
hath any thing superfluous or lacking in his parts , that mayest
thou offer for a freewill offering ; but for a vow it shall not
be accepted .

bullock Lev_22_27 /^{bullock /or a sheep , or a
goat , is brought forth , then it shall be seven days under the
dam ; and from the eighth day and thenceforth it shall be
accepted for an offering made by fire unto the LORD .

bullock Num_15_11 /^{bullock /or for one ram ,
or for a lamb , or a kid .

bullock Deu_17_01 /^{bullock /or sheep , wherein
is blemish , or any evilfavouredness : for that is an
abomination unto the LORD thy God .

bullock Psa_50_09 /^{bullock /out of thy house ,
nor he goats out of thy folds .

bullock Lev_04_15 /^{bullock /shall be killed
before the LORD .

bullock Lev_04_12 /^{bullock /shall he carry
forth without the camp unto a clean place , where the ashes are
poured out , and burn him on the wood with fire : where the
ashes are poured out shall he be burnt .

bullock Num_08_08 /^{bullock /shalt thou take
for a sin offering .

bullock Psa_69_31 /^{bullock /that hath horns
and hoofs .

bullock Exo_29_10 /^{bullock /to be brought
before the tabernacle of the congregation : and Aaron and his
sons shall put their hands upon the head of the bullock .

bullock Num_28_28 /^{bullock /two tenth deals
unto one ram ,

bullock Jer_31_18 /^{bullock /unaccustomed to
the yoke: turn thou me, and I shall be turned ; for thou art the
LORD my God .

bullock Lev_04_04 /^{bullock /unto the door of
the tabernacle of the congregation before the LORD ; and shall
lay his hand upon the bullock's head , and kill the bullock
before the LORD .

bullock Jud_06_28 /^{bullock /was offered upon
the altar that was built .

bullock 1Ki_18_26 /^{bullock /which was given
them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from
morning even until noon , saying , O Baal , hear us. But there
was no voice , nor any that answered . And they leaped upon the
altar which was made .

bullock Num_08_08 /^{bullock /with his meat
offering , even fine flour mingled with oil , and another young
bullock shalt thou take for a sin offering .

bullock Eze_43_23 /^{bullock /without blemish ,
and a ram out of the flock without blemish .

bullock Eze_45_18 /^{bullock /without blemish ,
and cleanse the sanctuary :

bullock Eze_46_06 /^{bullock /without blemish ,
and six lambs , and a ram : they shall be without blemish .

bullock Lev_04_03 /^{bullock /without blemish
unto the LORD for a sin offering .

bullock Lev_04_21 /^{bullock /without the camp ,
and burn him as he burned the first bullock : it is a sin
offering for the congregation .

bullock's Lev_04_05 /^{bullock's /blood , and
bring it to the tabernacle of the congregation :

bullock's Lev_04_16 /^{bullock's /blood to the
tabernacle of the congregation :

bullock's Lev_04_04 /^{bullock's /head , and kill
the bullock before the LORD .

bullocks 1Ch_29_21 /^{bullocks /a thousand rams ,
and a thousand lambs , with their drink offerings , and
sacrifices in abundance for all Israel :

bullocks Eze_39_18 /^{bullocks /all of them
fatlings of Bashan .

bullocks 2Ch_29_32 /^{bullocks /an hundred rams ,
and two hundred lambs : all these were for a burnt offering to
the LORD .

bullocks 1Ki_18_23 /^{bullocks /and let them
choose one bullock for themselves, and cut it in pieces , and
lay it on wood , and put no fire under: and I will dress the
other bullock , and lay it on wood , and put no fire under:

bullocks 1Sa_01_24 /^{bullocks /and one ephah of
flour , and a bottle of wine , and brought him unto the house of
the LORD in Shiloh : and the child was young .

bullocks Num_28_19 /^{bullocks /and one ram , and
seven lambs of the first year : they shall be unto you without
blemish :

bullocks Num_28_11 /^{bullocks /and one ram ,
seven lambs of the first year without spot ;

bullocks Ezr_06_09 /^{bullocks /and rams , and
lambs , for the burnt offerings of the God of heaven , wheat ,
salt , wine , and oil , according to the appointment of the
priests which are at Jerusalem , let it be given them day by day
without fail :

bullocks Job_42_08 /^{bullocks /and seven rams ,
and go to my servant Job , and offer up for yourselves a burnt
offering ; and my servant Job shall pray for you: for him will I
accept : lest I deal with you after your folly , in that ye have
not spoken of me the thing which is right , like my servant Job .

bullocks 2Ch_29_21 /^{bullocks /and seven rams ,
and seven lambs , and seven he goats , for a sin offering for
the kingdom , and for the sanctuary , and for Judah . And he
commanded the priests the sons of Aaron to offer them on the
altar of the LORD .

bullocks Num_23_29 /^{bullocks /and seven rams .

bullocks 1Ch_15_26 /^{bullocks /and seven rams .

bullocks Eze_45_23 /^{bullocks /and seven rams
without blemish daily the seven days ; and a kid of the goats
daily for a sin offering .

bullocks 2Ch_30_24 /^{bullocks /and seven thousand
sheep ; and the princes gave to the congregation a thousand
bullocks and ten thousand sheep : and a great number of priests
sanctified themselves.

bullocks 2Ch_30_24 /^{bullocks /and ten thousand
sheep : and a great number of priests sanctified themselves.

bullocks 2Ch_29_22 /^{bullocks /and the priests
received the blood , and sprinkled it on the altar : likewise,
when they had killed the rams , they sprinkled the blood upon
the altar : they killed also the lambs , and they sprinkled the
blood upon the altar .

bullocks Num_08_12 /^{bullocks /and thou shalt
offer the one for a sin offering , and the other for a burnt
offering , unto the LORD , to make an atonement for the Levites .

bullocks Ezr_08_35 /^{bullocks /for all Israel ,
ninety and six rams , seventy and seven lambs , twelve he goats
for a sin offering : all this was a burnt offering unto the LORD

bullocks Num_29_18 /^{bullocks /for the rams ,
and for the lambs , shall be according to their number , after
the manner :

bullocks Num_29_33 /^{bullocks /for the rams ,
and for the lambs , shall be according to their number , after
the manner :

bullocks Num_29_30 /^{bullocks /for the rams ,
and for the lambs , shall be according to their number , after
the manner :

bullocks Num_29_21 /^{bullocks /for the rams ,
and for the lambs , shall be according to their number , after
the manner :

bullocks Num_29_24 /^{bullocks /for the rams ,
and for the lambs , shall be according to their number , after
the manner :

bullocks Num_29_27 /^{bullocks /for the rams ,
and for the lambs , shall be according to their number , after
the manner :

bullocks Jer_46_21 /^{bullocks /for they also are
turned back , and are fled away together : they did not stand ,
because the day of their calamity was come upon them, and the
time of their visitation .

bullocks Hos_12_11 /^{bullocks /in Gilgal ; yea,
their altars are as heaps in the furrows of the fields .

bullocks Jer_50_27 /^{bullocks /let them go down
to the slaughter : woe unto them! for their day is come , the
time of their visitation .

bullocks Num_28_27 /^{bullocks /one ram , seven
lambs of the first year ;

bullocks Isa_01_11 /^{bullocks /or of lambs , or
of he goats .

bullocks Ezr_07_17 /^{bullocks /rams , lambs ,
with their meat offerings and their drink offerings , and offer
them upon the altar of the house of your God which is in
Jerusalem .

bullocks Num_07_88 /^{bullocks /the rams sixty ,
the he goats sixty , the lambs of the first year sixty . This
was the dedication of the altar , after that it was anointed .

bullocks Num_07_87 /^{bullocks /the rams twelve ,
the lambs of the first year twelve , with their meat offering :
and the kids of the goats for sin offering twelve .

bullocks 2Ch_35_07 /^{bullocks /these were of the
king's substance .

bullocks Ezr_06_17 /^{bullocks /two hundred rams ,
four hundred lambs ; and for a sin offering for all Israel ,
twelve he goats , according to the number of the tribes of
Israel .

bullocks Num_29_13 /^{bullocks /two rams , and
fourteen lambs of the first year ; they shall be without blemish

bullocks Num_29_23 /^{bullocks /two rams , and
fourteen lambs of the first year without blemish :

bullocks Num_29_32 /^{bullocks /two rams , and
fourteen lambs of the first year without blemish :

bullocks Num_29_29 /^{bullocks /two rams , and
fourteen lambs of the first year without blemish :

bullocks Num_29_26 /^{bullocks /two rams , and
fourteen lambs of the first year without spot :

bullocks Num_29_20 /^{bullocks /two rams ,
fourteen lambs of the first year without blemish ;

bullocks Num_29_17 /^{bullocks /two rams ,
fourteen lambs of the first year without spot :

bullocks Num_29_14 /^{bullocks /two tenth deals
to each ram of the two rams ,

bullocks Psa_51_19 /^{bullocks /upon thine altar .

bullocks Psa_66_15 /^{bullocks /with goats .
Selah .

bullocks Isa_34_07 /^{bullocks /with the bulls ;
and their land shall be soaked with blood , and their dust made
fat with fatness .

bulls Heb_09_13 /${bulls /and of goats , and
the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean , sanctifieth to
the purifying of the flesh :

bulls Heb_10_04 /${bulls /and of goats should
take away sins .

bulls Isa_34_07 /^{bulls /and their land shall
be soaked with blood , and their dust made fat with fatness .

bulls Psa_22_12 /^{bulls /have compassed me:
strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round .

bulls Psa_22_12 /^{bulls /of Bashan have beset
me round .

bulls Psa_50_13 /^{bulls /or drink the blood
of goats ?

bulls Jer_52_20 /^{bulls /that were under the
bases , which king Solomon had made in the house of the LORD :
the brass of all these vessels was without weight .

bulls Gen_32_15 /^{bulls /twenty she asses ,
and ten foals .

bulls Psa_68_30 /^{bulls /with the calves of
the people , till every one submit himself with pieces of silver
: scatter thou the people that delight in war .
