brought Act_05_02 /${brought /a certain part ,
and laid it at the apostles feet .

brought 1Ki_20_39 /^{brought /a man unto me, and
said , Keep this man : if by any means he be missing , then
shall thy life be for his life , or else thou shalt pay a talent
of silver .

brought Joh_19_39 /${brought /a mixture of myrrh
and aloes , about an hundred pound weight.

brought 1Ki_03_24 /^{brought /a sword before the
king .

brought Psa_80_08 /^{brought /a vine out of
Egypt : thou hast cast out the heathen , and planted it.

brought Exo_35_29 /^{brought /a willing offering
unto the LORD , every man and woman , whose heart made them
willing to bring for all manner of work , which the LORD had
commanded to be made by the hand of Moses .

brought Lev_08_06 /^{brought /Aaron and his sons
, and washed them with water .

brought Lev_08_24 /^{brought /Aaron's sons , and
Moses put of the blood upon the tip of their right ear , and
upon the thumbs of their right hands , and upon the great toes
of their right feet : and Moses sprinkled the blood upon the
altar round about .

brought Lev_08_13 /^{brought /Aaron's sons , and
put coats upon them, and girded them with girdles , and put
bonnets upon them; as the LORD commanded Moses .

brought 1Sa_05_10 /^{brought /about the ark of
the God of Israel to us, to slay us and our people .

brought 2Sa_14_23 /^{brought /Absalom to
Jerusalem .

brought Jos_07_14 /^{brought /according to your
tribes : and it shall be, that the tribe which the LORD taketh
shall come according to the families thereof; and the family
which the LORD shall take shall come by households ; and the
household which the LORD shall take shall come man by man .

brought 1Sa_15_20 /^{brought /Agag the king of
Amalek , and have utterly destroyed the Amalekites .

brought Jer_27_16 /^{brought /again from Babylon
: for they prophesy a lie unto you.

brought Jer_41_16 /^{brought /again from Gibeon :

brought Heb_13_20 /${brought /again from the
dead our Lord Jesus , that great shepherd of the sheep , through
the blood of the everlasting covenant ,

brought Gen_14_16 /^{brought /again his brother
Lot , and his goods , and the women also, and the people .

brought Gen_43_12 /^{brought /again in the mouth
of your sacks , carry it again in your hand ; peradventure it
was an oversight :

brought Eze_34_04 /^{brought /again that which
was driven away , neither have ye sought that which was lost ;
but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them.

brought 1Sa_06_21 /^{brought /again the ark of
the LORD ; come ye down , and fetch it up to you.

brought Mat_27_03 /${brought /again the thirty
pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders ,

brought Exo_15_19 /^{brought /again the waters
of the sea upon them; but the children of Israel went on dry
land in the midst of the sea .

brought Exo_10_08 /^{brought /again unto Pharaoh
: and he said unto them, Go , serve the LORD your God : but who
are they that shall go ?

brought Ezr_06_05 /^{brought /again unto the
temple which is at Jerusalem , every one to his place , and
place them in the house of God .

brought Gen_44_08 /^{brought /again unto thee
out of the land of Canaan : how then should we steal out of thy
lord's house silver or gold ?

brought Exo_08_12 /^{brought /against Pharaoh .

brought 2Ch_09_10 /^{brought /algum trees and
precious stones .

brought Neh_13_12 /^{brought /all Judah the
tithe of the corn and the new wine and the oil unto the
treasuries .

brought 2Ki_23_08 /^{brought /all the priests out
of the cities of Judah , and defiled the high places where the
priests had burned incense , from Geba to Beersheba , and brake
down the high places of the gates that were in the entering in
of the gate of Joshua the governor of the city , which were on a
man's left hand at the gate of the city .

brought 2Ch_07_22 /^{brought /all this evil upon

brought Jer_32_42 /^{brought /all this great
evil upon this people , so will I bring upon them all the good
that I have promised them.

brought 1Ch_20_02 /^{brought /also exceeding
much spoil out of the city .

brought 2Ki_16_14 /^{brought /also the brasen
altar , which was before the LORD , from the forefront of the
house , from between the altar and the house of the LORD , and
put it on the north side of the altar .

brought Est_02_08 /^{brought /also unto the
king's house , to the custody of Hegai , keeper of the women .

brought Luk_07_37 /${brought /an alabaster box
of ointment ,

brought Exo_10_13 /^{brought /an east wind upon
the land all that day , and all that night ; and when it was
morning , the east wind brought the locusts .

brought Num_31_50 /^{brought /an oblation for
the LORD , what every man hath gotten , of jewels of gold ,
chains , and bracelets , rings , earrings , and tablets , to
make an atonement for our souls before the LORD .

brought Mal_01_13 /^{brought /an offering :
should I accept this of your hand ? saith the LORD .

brought Lev_23_14 /^{brought /an offering unto
your God : it shall be a statute for ever throughout your
generations in all your dwellings .

brought 2Ch_09_14 /^{brought /And all the kings
of Arabia and governors of the country brought gold and silver
to Solomon .

brought Mar_06_27 /${brought /and he went and
beheaded him in the prison ,

brought Dan_06_17 /^{brought /and laid upon the
mouth of the den ; and the king sealed it with his own signet ,
and with the signet of his lords ; that the purpose might not be
changed concerning Daniel .

brought Isa_53_07 /^{brought /as a lamb to the
slaughter , and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb , so he
openeth not his mouth .

brought 2Ki_05_02 /^{brought /away captive out of
the land of Israel a little maid ; and she waited on Naaman's
wife .

brought Deu_26_13 /^{brought /away the hallowed
things out of mine house , and also have given them unto the
Levite , and unto the stranger , to the fatherless , and to the
widow , according to all thy commandments which thou hast
commanded me: I have not transgressed thy commandments , neither
have I forgotten them:

brought 1Sa_23_05 /^{brought /away their cattle ,
and smote them with a great slaughter . So David saved the
inhabitants of Keilah .

brought 1Ki_13_23 /^{brought /back .

brought Gen_14_16 /^{brought /back all the goods
, and also brought again his brother Lot , and his goods , and
the women also, and the people .

brought Eze_38_08 /^{brought /back from the
sword , and is gathered out of many people , against the
mountains of Israel , which have been always waste : but it is
brought forth out of the nations , and they shall dwell safely
all of them.

brought Psa_85_01 /^{brought /back the captivity
of Jacob .

brought Num_13_26 /^{brought /back word unto
them, and unto all the congregation , and shewed them the fruit
of the land .

brought Num_23_28 /^{brought /Balaam unto the
top of Peor , that looketh toward Jeshimon .

Brought 2Sa_17_28 /^{Brought /beds , and basons ,
and earthen vessels , and wheat , and barley , and flour , and
parched corn, and beans , and lentiles , and parched pulse,

brought Act_27_24 /${brought /before Caesar :
and , lo , God hath given thee all them that sail with thee .

brought Mat_10_18 /${brought /before governors
and kings for my sake , for a testimony against them and the
Gentiles .

brought Dan_06_18 /^{brought /before him: and
his sleep went from him .

brought Luk_21_12 /${brought /before kings and
rulers for my name's sake .

brought 2Ti_04_22 /${brought /before Nero the
second time .>>

brought Mar_13_09 /${brought /before rulers and
kings for my sake , for a testimony against them .

brought Est_09_11 /^{brought /before the king .

brought Exo_29_10 /^{brought /before the
tabernacle of the congregation : and Aaron and his sons shall
put their hands upon the head of the bullock .

brought Exo_35_22 /^{brought /bracelets , and
earrings , and rings , and tablets , all jewels of gold : and
every man that offered offered an offering of gold unto the LORD

brought 1Ch_12_40 /^{brought /bread on asses ,
and on camels , and on mules , and on oxen , and meat , meal ,
cakes of figs, and bunches of raisins , and wine , and oil , and
oxen , and sheep abundantly : for there was joy in Israel .

brought 2Ki_05_20 /^{brought /but, as the LORD
liveth , I will run after him, and take somewhat of him.

brought 2Ki_24_16 /^{brought /captive to Babylon .

brought Dan_06_16 /^{brought /Daniel , and cast
him into the den of lions . Now the king spake and said unto
Daniel , Thy God whom thou servest continually , he will deliver

brought Dan_01_09 /^{brought /Daniel into favour
and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs .

brought 1Sa_19_07 /^{brought /David to Saul ,
and he was in his presence , as in times past .

brought 1Ch_18_08 /^{brought /David very much
brass , wherewith Solomon made the brasen sea , and the pillars ,
and the vessels of brass .

brought Isa_29_04 /^{brought /down , and shalt
speak out of the ground , and thy speech shall be low out of the
dust , and thy voice shall be, as of one that hath a familiar
spirit , out of the ground , and thy speech shall whisper out of
the dust .

brought Isa_05_15 /^{brought /down , and the
mighty man shall be humbled , and the eyes of the lofty shall be
humbled :

brought Zec_10_11 /^{brought /down , and the
sceptre of Egypt shall depart away .

brought Isa_43_14 /^{brought /down all their
nobles , and the Chaldeans , whose cry is in the ships .

brought Psa_20_08 /^{brought /down and fallen :
but we are risen , and stand upright .

brought Gen_43_22 /^{brought /down in our hands
to buy food : we cannot tell who put our money in our sacks .

brought Eze_17_24 /^{brought /down the high tree
, have exalted the low tree , have dried up the green tree , and
have made the dry tree to flourish : I the LORD have spoken and
have done it.

brought 2Ki_11_19 /^{brought /down the king from
the house of the LORD , and came by the way of the gate of the
guard to the king's house . And he sat on the throne of the
kings .

brought 2Ch_23_20 /^{brought /down the king from
the house of the LORD : and they came through the high gate into
the king's house , and set the king upon the throne of the
kingdom .

brought Jud_07_05 /^{brought /down the people
unto the water : and the LORD said unto Gideon , Every one that
lappeth of the water with his tongue , as a dog lappeth , him
shalt thou set by himself; likewise every one that boweth down
upon his knees to drink .

brought Psa_107_12 /^{brought /down their heart
with labour ; they fell down , and there was none to help .

brought Gen_39_01 /^{brought /down to Egypt ;
and Potiphar , an officer of Pharaoh , captain of the guard , an
Egyptian , bought him of the hands of the Ishmeelites , which
had brought him down thither.

brought Isa_14_15 /^{brought /down to hell , to
the sides of the pit .

brought Mat_11_23 /${brought /down to hell : for
if the mighty works , which have been done in thee , had been
done in Sodom , it would have remained until this day .

brought Isa_14_11 /^{brought /down to the grave ,
and the noise of thy viols : the worm is spread under thee, and
the worms cover thee.

brought Eze_31_18 /^{brought /down with the
trees of Eden unto the nether parts of the earth : thou shalt
lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that be slain by
the sword . This is Pharaoh and all his multitude , saith the
Lord GOD .

brought 1Sa_14_34 /^{brought /every man his ox
with him that night , and slew them there.

brought 1Ki_10_25 /^{brought /every man his
present , vessels of silver , and vessels of gold , and garments
, and armour , and spices , horses , and mules , a rate year by
year .

brought 2Ch_09_24 /^{brought /every man his
present , vessels of silver , and vessels of gold , and raiment ,
harness , and spices , horses , and mules , a rate year by year

brought 1Ki_17_20 /^{brought /evil upon the
widow with whom I sojourn , by slaying her son ?

brought Neh_13_16 /^{brought /fish , and all
manner of ware , and sold on the sabbath unto the children of
Judah , and in Jerusalem .

brought Exo_36_03 /^{brought /for the work of
the service of the sanctuary , to make it withal. And they
brought yet unto him free offerings every morning .

brought Rut_02_18 /^{brought /forth , and gave
to her that she had reserved after she was sufficed .

brought Eze_14_22 /^{brought /forth , both sons
and daughters : behold, they shall come forth unto you, and ye
shall see their way and their doings : and ye shall be comforted
concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem , even
concerning all that I have brought upon it.

brought Mar_04_29 /${brought /forth ,
immediately he putteth in the sickle , because the harvest is
come .

brought Psa_90_02 /^{brought /forth , or ever
thou hadst formed the earth and the world , even from
everlasting to everlasting , thou art God .

brought Gen_38_25 /^{brought /forth , she sent
to her father in law , saying , By the man , whose these are, am
I with child : and she said , Discern , I pray thee, whose are
these, the signet , and bracelets , and staff .

brought Mar_04_08 /${brought /forth , some
thirty , and some sixty , and some an hundred .

brought Lev_22_27 /^{brought /forth , then it
shall be seven days under the dam ; and from the eighth day and
thenceforth it shall be accepted for an offering made by fire
unto the LORD .

brought Act_25_17 /${brought /forth .

brought Act_25_23 /${brought /forth .

brought Pro_08_25 /^{brought /forth :

brought Hag_02_19 /^{brought /forth : from this
day will I bless you.

brought Mic_05_03 /^{brought /forth : then the
remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel

brought Isa_66_07 /^{brought /forth ; before her
pain came , she was delivered of a man child .

brought Isa_51_18 /^{brought /forth ; neither is
there any that taketh her by the hand of all the sons that she
hath brought up .

brought Pro_08_24 /^{brought /forth ; when there
were no fountains abounding with water .

brought Isa_45_10 /^{brought /forth ?

brought Rev_12_05 /${brought /forth a man child ,
who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron : and her child
was caught up unto God , and to his throne .

brought Luk_01_57 /${brought /forth a son .

brought Gen_01_21 /^{brought /forth abundantly ,
after their kind , and every winged fowl after his kind : and
God saw that it was good .

brought Eze_17_06 /^{brought /forth branches ,
and shot forth sprigs .

brought Gen_14_18 /^{brought /forth bread and
wine : and he was the priest of the most high God .

brought Num_17_08 /^{brought /forth buds , and
bloomed blossoms , and yielded almonds .

brought Jud_05_25 /^{brought /forth butter in a
lordly dish .

brought Gen_41_47 /^{brought /forth by handfuls .

brought Deu_33_14 /^{brought /forth by the sun ,
and for the precious things put forth by the moon ,

brought Gen_30_39 /^{brought /forth cattle
ringstraked , speckled , and spotted .

brought Psa_07_14 /^{brought /forth falsehood .

brought Psa_105_30 /^{brought /forth frogs in
abundance , in the chambers of their kings .

brought Mat_13_08 /${brought /forth fruit , some
an hundredfold , some sixtyfold , some thirtyfold .

brought Mat_13_26 /${brought /forth fruit , then
appeared the tares also .

brought Gen_01_12 /^{brought /forth grass , and
herb yielding seed after his kind , and the tree yielding fruit ,
whose seed was in itself, after his kind : and God saw that it
was good .

brought Isa_66_08 /^{brought /forth her children

brought Luk_02_07 /${brought /forth her
firstborn son , and wrapped him in swaddling clothes , and laid
him in a manger ; because there was no room for them in the inn .

brought Mat_01_25 /${brought /forth her
firstborn son : and he called his name JESUS .

brought Jam_05_18 /${brought /forth her fruit .

brought Psa_105_43 /^{brought /forth his people
with joy , and his chosen with gladness :

brought Eze_47_08 /^{brought /forth into the sea
, the waters shall be healed .

brought Jer_20_03 /^{brought /forth Jeremiah out
of the stocks . Then said Jeremiah unto him, The LORD hath not
called thy name Pashur , but Magormissabib .

brought Gen_24_53 /^{brought /forth jewels of
silver , and jewels of gold , and raiment , and gave them to
Rebekah : he gave also to her brother and to her mother precious
things .

brought 1Ki_08_16 /^{brought /forth my people
Israel out of Egypt , I chose no city out of all the tribes of
Israel to build an house , that my name might be therein; but I
chose David to be over my people Israel .

brought 2Ch_06_05 /^{brought /forth my people out
of the land of Egypt I chose no city among all the tribes of
Israel to build an house in, that my name might be there;
neither chose I any man to be a ruler over my people Israel :

brought Eze_12_07 /^{brought /forth my stuff by
day , as stuff for captivity , and in the even I digged through
the wall with mine hand ; I brought it forth in the twilight ,
and I bare it upon my shoulder in their sight .

brought Jer_51_10 /^{brought /forth our
righteousness : come , and let us declare in Zion the work of
the LORD our God .

brought Exo_12_39 /^{brought /forth out of Egypt
, for it was not leavened ; because they were thrust out of
Egypt , and could not tarry , neither had they prepared for
themselves any victual .

brought 2Ch_01_17 /^{brought /forth out of Egypt
a chariot for six hundred shekels of silver , and an horse for
an hundred and fifty : and so brought they out horses for all
the kings of the Hittites , and for the kings of Syria , by
their means .

brought Deu_09_12 /^{brought /forth out of Egypt
have corrupted themselves; they are quickly turned aside out of
the way which I commanded them; they have made them a molten
image .

brought Deu_09_26 /^{brought /forth out of Egypt
with a mighty hand .

brought Ezr_01_07 /^{brought /forth out of
Jerusalem , and had put them in the house of his gods ;

brought Lev_25_55 /^{brought /forth out of the
land of Egypt : I am the LORD your God .

brought Lev_25_42 /^{brought /forth out of the
land of Egypt : they shall not be sold as bondmen .

brought Lev_26_45 /^{brought /forth out of the
land of Egypt in the sight of the heathen , that I might be
their God : I am the LORD .

brought Exo_32_11 /^{brought /forth out of the
land of Egypt with great power , and with a mighty hand ?

brought Eze_38_08 /^{brought /forth out of the
nations , and they shall dwell safely all of them.

brought Luk_12_16 /${brought /forth plentifully :

brought Gen_40_10 /^{brought /forth ripe grapes :

brought 2Ch_29_23 /^{brought /forth the he goats
for the sin offering before the king and the congregation ; and
they laid their hands upon them:

brought 2Ki_10_26 /^{brought /forth the images
out of the house of Baal , and burned them.

brought 2Ki_11_12 /^{brought /forth the king's
son , and put the crown upon him, and gave him the testimony ;
and they made him king , and anointed him; and they clapped
their hands , and said , God save the king .

brought Rev_12_13 /${brought /forth the man

brought Exo_03_12 /^{brought /forth the people
out of Egypt , ye shall serve God upon this mountain .

brought Exo_19_17 /^{brought /forth the people
out of the camp to meet with God ; and they stood at the nether
part of the mount .

brought 2Sa_12_31 /^{brought /forth the people
that were therein, and put them under saws , and under harrows
of iron , and under axes of iron , and made them pass through
the brickkiln : and thus did he unto all the cities of the
children of Ammon . So David and all the people returned unto
Jerusalem .

brought Act_05_15 /${brought /forth the sick
into the streets , and laid them on beds and couches , that at
the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some
of them .

brought 2Sa_12_30 /^{brought /forth the spoil of
the city in great abundance .

brought Ezr_01_07 /^{brought /forth the vessels
of the house of the LORD , which Nebuchadnezzar had brought
forth out of Jerusalem , and had put them in the house of his
gods ;

brought Jer_50_25 /^{brought /forth the weapons
of his indignation : for this is the work of the Lord GOD of
hosts in the land of the Chaldeans .

brought 1Ki_09_09 /^{brought /forth their
fathers out of the land of Egypt , and have taken hold upon
other gods , and have worshipped them, and served them:
therefore hath the LORD brought upon them all this evil .

brought Jos_10_23 /^{brought /forth those five
kings unto him out of the cave , the king of Jerusalem , the
king of Hebron , the king of Jarmuth , the king of Lachish , and
the king of Eglon .

brought Jer_32_21 /^{brought /forth thy people
Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs , and with wonders ,
and with a strong hand , and with a stretched out arm , and with
great terror ;

brought Job_21_30 /^{brought /forth to the day
of wrath .

brought Jer_38_22 /^{brought /forth to the king
of Babylon's princes , and those women shall say , Thy friends
have set thee on , and have prevailed against thee: thy feet are
sunk in the mire , and they are turned away back .

brought Isa_05_02 /^{brought /forth wild grapes .

brought Isa_26_18 /^{brought /forth wind ; we
have not wrought any deliverance in the earth ; neither have the
inhabitants of the world fallen .

brought 1Sa_12_08 /^{brought /forth your fathers
out of Egypt , and made them dwell in this place .

brought 1Ch_18_11 /^{brought /from all these
nations ; from Edom , and from Moab , and from the children of
Ammon , and from the Philistines , and from Amalek .

brought Eze_23_08 /^{brought /from Egypt : for
in her youth they lay with her, and they bruised the breasts of
her virginity , and poured their whoredom upon her.

brought Jer_10_09 /^{brought /from Tarshish ,
and gold from Uphaz , the work of the workman , and of the hands
of the founder : blue and purple is their clothing : they are
all the work of cunning men.

brought Eze_23_27 /^{brought /from the land of
Egypt : so that thou shalt not lift up thine eyes unto them, nor
remember Egypt any more.

brought 2Ki_17_27 /^{brought /from thence; and
let them go and dwell there, and let him teach them the manner
of the God of the land .

brought 2Sa_08_02 /^{brought /gifts .

brought 1Ch_18_02 /^{brought /gifts .

brought 2Sa_08_06 /^{brought /gifts . And the
LORD preserved David whithersoever he went .

brought 1Ch_18_06 /^{brought /gifts . Thus the
LORD preserved David whithersoever he went .

brought 2Ch_32_23 /^{brought /gifts unto the LORD
to Jerusalem , and presents to Hezekiah king of Judah : so that
he was magnified in the sight of all nations from thenceforth .

brought 2Ch_09_14 /^{brought /gold and silver to
Solomon .

brought 2Ch_09_10 /^{brought /gold from Ophir ,
brought algum trees and precious stones .

brought 1Ki_10_11 /^{brought /gold from Ophir ,
brought in from Ophir great plenty of almug trees , and precious
stones .

brought 2Sa_04_10 /^{brought /good tidings , I
took hold of him, and slew him in Ziklag , who thought that I
would have given him a reward for his tidings :

brought 1Ki_05_17 /^{brought /great stones ,
costly stones , and hewed stones , to lay the foundation of the
house .

brought Act_21_28 /${brought /Greeks also into
the temple , and hath polluted this holy place .

brought Gen_26_10 /^{brought /guiltiness upon us.

brought Eze_40_02 /^{brought /he me into the
land of Israel , and set me upon a very high mountain , by which
was as the frame of a city on the south .

brought Eze_40_17 /^{brought /he me into the
outward court , and, lo, there were chambers , and a pavement
made for the court round about : thirty chambers were upon the
pavement .

brought Eze_47_02 /^{brought /he me out of the
way of the gate northward , and led me about the way without
unto the utter gate by the way that looketh eastward ; and,
behold, there ran out waters on the right side .

brought Eze_44_04 /^{brought /he me the way of
the north gate before the house : and I looked , and, behold,
the glory of the LORD filled the house of the LORD : and I fell
upon my face .

brought Act_13_17 /${brought /he them out of it .

brought Gen_46_07 /^{brought /he with him into
Egypt .

brought Jud_19_25 /^{brought /her forth unto
them; and they knew her, and abused her all the night until the
morning : and when the day began to spring , they let her go .

brought Gen_24_67 /^{brought /her into his
mother Sarah's tent , and took Rebekah , and she became his wife
; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's

brought 1Ki_03_01 /^{brought /her into the city
of David , until he had made an end of building his own house ,
and the house of the LORD , and the wall of Jerusalem round
about .

brought Act_16_16 /${brought /her masters much
gain by soothsaying :

brought 2Sa_13_18 /^{brought /her out , and
bolted the door after her.

brought Gen_29_23 /^{brought /her to him; and he
went in unto her.

brought 1Ki_01_03 /^{brought /her to the king .

brought Gen_02_22 /^{brought /her unto the man .

brought Dan_11_06 /^{brought /her, and he that
begat her, and he that strengthened her in these times .

brought Joh_07_45 /${brought /him ?

brought 2Sa_03_26 /^{brought /him again from the
well of Sirah : but David knew it not.

brought 2Ch_33_13 /^{brought /him again to
Jerusalem into his kingdom . Then Manasseh knew that the LORD he
was God .

brought 1Ki_13_20 /^{brought /him back :

brought 1Ki_13_26 /^{brought /him back from the
way heard thereof, he said , It is the man of God , who was
disobedient unto the word of the LORD : therefore the LORD hath
delivered him unto the lion , which hath torn him, and slain him,
according to the word of the LORD , which he spake unto him.

brought 1Sa_17_57 /^{brought /him before Saul
with the head of the Philistine in his hand .

brought 1Ki_17_06 /^{brought /him bread and
flesh in the morning , and bread and flesh in the evening ; and
he drank of the brook .

brought Act_23_31 /${brought /him by night to
Antipatris .

brought 1Sa_30_16 /^{brought /him down , behold,
they were spread abroad upon all the earth , eating and drinking
, and dancing , because of all the great spoil that they had
taken out of the land of the Philistines , and out of the land
of Judah .

brought 1Ki_01_53 /^{brought /him down from the
altar . And he came and bowed himself to king Solomon : and
Solomon said unto him, Go to thine house .

brought 1Ki_17_23 /^{brought /him down out of
the chamber into the house , and delivered him unto his mother :
and Elijah said , See , thy son liveth .

brought Gen_39_01 /^{brought /him down thither.

brought Act_09_30 /${brought /him down to
Caesarea , and sent him forth to Tarsus .

brought Jud_16_21 /^{brought /him down to Gaza ,
and bound him with fetters of brass ; and he did grind in the
prison house .

brought 2Ch_17_11 /^{brought /him flocks , seven
thousand and seven hundred rams , and seven thousand and seven
hundred he goats .

brought Gen_19_16 /^{brought /him forth , and
set him without the city .

brought Act_12_06 /${brought /him forth , the
same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers , bound with
two chains : and the keepers before the door kept the prison .

brought Gen_15_05 /^{brought /him forth abroad ,
and said , Look now toward heaven , and tell the stars , if thou
be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed

brought Act_25_26 /${brought /him forth before
you , and specially before thee , O king Agrippa , that , after
examination had , I might have somewhat to write .

brought Act_23_28 /${brought /him forth into
their council :

brought Num_24_08 /^{brought /him forth out of
Egypt ; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn : he shall
eat up the nations his enemies , and shall break their bones ,
and pierce them through with his arrows .

brought Jer_52_31 /^{brought /him forth out of
prison ,

brought Gen_41_14 /^{brought /him hastily out of
the dungeon : and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment ,
and came in unto Pharaoh .

brought 1Sa_16_12 /^{brought /him in . Now he
was ruddy , and withal of a beautiful countenance , and goodly
to look to . And the LORD said , Arise , anoint him: for this is

brought Act_09_08 /${brought /him into Damascus .

brought Jud_19_03 /^{brought /him into her
father's house : and when the father of the damsel saw him, he
rejoiced to meet him.

brought Jud_19_21 /^{brought /him into his house
, and gave provender unto the asses : and they washed their feet
, and did eat and drink .

brought Eze_19_09 /^{brought /him into holds ,
that his voice should no more be heard upon the mountains of
Israel .

brought Son_03_04 /^{brought /him into my
mother's house , and into the chamber of her that conceived me.

brought Num_23_14 /^{brought /him into the field
of Zophim , to the top of Pisgah , and built seven altars , and
offered a bullock and a ram on every altar .

brought Luk_22_54 /${brought /him into the high
priest's house . And Peter followed afar off .

brought Act_09_39 /${brought /him into the upper
chamber : and all the widows stood by him weeping , and shewing
the coats and garments which Dorcas made , while she was with
them .

brought Dan_07_13 /^{brought /him near before

brought 1Sa_10_27 /^{brought /him no presents .
But he held his peace .

brought 2Ch_28_27 /^{brought /him not into the
sepulchres of the kings of Israel : and Hezekiah his son reigned
in his stead.

brought Est_06_11 /^{brought /him on horseback
through the street of the city , and proclaimed before him, Thus
shall it be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour

brought 2Ki_14_20 /^{brought /him on horses : and
he was buried at Jerusalem with his fathers in the city of David

brought Joh_04_33 /${brought /him ought to eat ?

brought Act_12_17 /${brought /him out of the
prison . And he said , Go shew these things unto James , and to
the brethren . And he departed , and went into another place .

brought 2Sa_02_08 /^{brought /him over to
Mahanaim ;

brought Gen_43_26 /^{brought /him the present
which was in their hand into the house , and bowed themselves to
him to the earth .

brought Luk_10_34 /${brought /him to an inn ,
and took care of him .

brought 2Ch_36_10 /^{brought /him to Babylon ,
with the goodly vessels of the house of the LORD , and made
Zedekiah his brother king over Judah and Jerusalem .

brought 1Sa_30_11 /^{brought /him to David , and
gave him bread , and he did eat ; and they made him drink water ;

brought Psa_78_71 /^{brought /him to feed Jacob
his people , and Israel his inheritance .

brought 1Ki_01_38 /^{brought /him to Gihon .

brought Gen_29_13 /^{brought /him to his house .
And he told Laban all these things .

brought 2Ki_04_20 /^{brought /him to his mother ,
he sat on her knees till noon , and then died .

brought 2Ch_22_09 /^{brought /him to Jehu : and
when they had slain him, they buried him: Because, said they, he
is the son of Jehoshaphat , who sought the LORD with all his
heart . So the house of Ahaziah had no power to keep still the
kingdom .

brought 2Ch_25_23 /^{brought /him to Jerusalem ,
and brake down the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim to
the corner gate , four hundred cubits .

brought 2Ki_23_30 /^{brought /him to Jerusalem ,
and buried him in his own sepulchre . And the people of the land
took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah , and anointed him, and made him
king in his father's stead.

brought 2Ch_35_24 /^{brought /him to Jerusalem ,
and he died , and was buried in one of the sepulchres of his
fathers . And all Judah and Jerusalem mourned for Josiah .

brought Luk_04_09 /${brought /him to Jerusalem ,
and set him on a pinnacle of the temple , and said unto him , If
thou be the Son of God , cast thyself down from hence :

brought Jud_01_07 /^{brought /him to Jerusalem ,
and there he died .

brought Luk_02_22 /${brought /him to Jerusalem ,
to present him to the Lord ;

brought Joh_01_42 /${brought /him to Jesus . And
when Jesus beheld him , he said , Thou art Simon the son of Jona
: thou shalt be called Cephas , which is by interpretation , A
stone .

brought Luk_19_35 /${brought /him to Jesus : and
they cast their garments upon the colt , and they set Jesus
thereon .

brought Jos_08_23 /^{brought /him to Joshua .

brought 1Sa_21_14 /^{brought /him to me?

brought Act_09_27 /${brought /him to the
apostles , and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in
the way , and that he had spoken to him , and how he had
preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus .

brought Act_23_18 /${brought /him to the chief
captain , and said , Paul the prisoner called me unto him, and
prayed me to bring this young man unto thee , who hath something
to say unto thee .

brought Act_06_12 /${brought /him to the council

brought Act_18_12 /${brought /him to the
judgment seat ,

brought Eze_19_09 /^{brought /him to the king of
Babylon : they brought him into holds , that his voice should no
more be heard upon the mountains of Israel .

brought Jer_37_14 /^{brought /him to the princes

brought Mat_17_16 /${brought /him to thy
disciples , and they could not cure him .

brought Act_11_26 /${brought /him unto Antioch .
And it came to pass , that a whole year they assembled
themselves with the church , and taught much people . And the
disciples were called Christians first in Antioch .

brought Act_17_19 /${brought /him unto Areopagus
, saying , May we know what this new doctrine , whereof thou
speakest , is?

brought Act_17_15 /${brought /him unto Athens :
and receiving a commandment unto Silas and Timotheus for to come
to him with all speed , they departed .

brought Mar_09_20 /${brought /him unto him : and
when he saw him , straightway the spirit tare him ; and he fell
on the ground , and wallowed foaming .

brought Jer_26_23 /^{brought /him unto Jehoiakim
the king ; who slew him with the sword , and cast his dead body
into the graves of the common people .

brought Lev_24_11 /^{brought /him unto Moses :

brought Num_15_33 /^{brought /him unto Moses and
Aaron , and unto all the congregation .

brought Exo_02_10 /^{brought /him unto Pharaoh's
daughter , and he became her son . And she called his name Moses
: and she said , Because I drew him out of the water .

brought 1Sa_01_24 /^{brought /him unto the house
of the LORD in Shiloh : and the child was young .

brought Jud_16_31 /^{brought /him up , and
buried him between Zorah and Eshtaol in the buryingplace of
Manoah his father . And he judged Israel twenty years .

brought Jud_15_13 /^{brought /him up from the
rock .

brought Num_22_41 /^{brought /him up into the
high places of Baal , that thence he might see the utmost part
of the people .

brought Jer_39_05 /^{brought /him up to
Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath ,
where he gave judgment upon him.

brought 2Ki_25_06 /^{brought /him up to the king
of Babylon to Riblah ; and they gave judgment upon him.

brought 2Ch_25_28 /^{brought /him upon horses ,
and buried him with his fathers in the city of Judah .

brought Gen_27_25 /^{brought /him wine , and he
drank .

brought Eze_19_04 /^{brought /him with chains
unto the land of Egypt .

brought Num_15_36 /^{brought /him without the
camp , and stoned him with stones , and he died ; as the LORD
commanded Moses .

brought 1Ki_20_09 /^{brought /him word again .

brought Jos_14_07 /^{brought /him word again as
it was in mine heart .

brought Isa_48_15 /^{brought /him, and he shall
make his way prosperous .

brought 1Sa_25_35 /^{brought /him, and said unto
her, Go up in peace to thine house ; see , I have hearkened to
thy voice , and have accepted thy person .

brought Mar_06_28 /${brought /his head in a
charger , and gave it to the damsel : and the damsel gave it to
her mother .

brought Jos_07_18 /^{brought /his household man
by man ; and Achan , the son of Carmi , the son of Zabdi , the
son of Zerah , of the tribe of Judah , was taken .

brought 1Ki_02_40 /^{brought /his servants from
Gath .

brought Psa_89_40 /^{brought /his strong holds
to ruin .

brought Act_19_37 /${brought /hither these men ,
which are neither robbers of churches , nor yet blasphemers of
your goddess .

brought Eze_40_04 /^{brought /hither: declare
all that thou seest to the house of Israel .

brought Exo_09_19 /^{brought /home , the hail
shall come down upon them, and they shall die .

brought Neh_13_09 /^{brought /I again the
vessels of the house of God , with the meat offering and the
frankincense .

brought 2Ch_24_10 /^{brought /in , and cast into
the chest , until they had made an end .

brought Gal_02_04 /${brought /in , who came in
privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus ,
that they might bring us into bondage :

brought Gen_43_18 /^{brought /in ; that he may
seek occasion against us, and fall upon us, and take us for
bondmen , and our asses .

brought Luk_05_18 /${brought /in a bed a man
which was taken with a palsy : and they sought means to bring
him in , and to lay him before him .

brought Mat_14_11 /${brought /in a charger , and
given to the damsel : and she brought it to her mother .

brought 2Sa_03_22 /^{brought /in a great spoil
with them: but Abner was not with David in Hebron ; for he had
sent him away , and he was gone in peace .

brought 2Ch_31_05 /^{brought /in abundance the
firstfruits of corn , wine , and oil , and honey , and of all
the increase of the field ; and the tithe of all things brought
they in abundantly .

brought Num_12_15 /^{brought /in again.

brought 2Ch_05_01 /^{brought /in all the things
that David his father had dedicated ; and the silver , and the
gold , and all the instruments , put he among the treasures of
the house of God .

brought Gen_39_14 /^{brought /in an Hebrew unto
us to mock us; he came in unto me to lie with me, and I cried
with a loud voice :

brought Est_01_17 /^{brought /in before him, but
she came not.

brought Dan_05_15 /^{brought /in before me, that
they should read this writing , and make known unto me the
interpretation thereof: but they could not shew the
interpretation of the thing :

brought Dan_05_13 /^{brought /in before the king
. And the king spake and said unto Daniel , Art thou that Daniel
, which art of the children of the captivity of Judah , whom the
king my father brought out of Jewry ?

brought 2Pe_02_19 /${brought /in bondage .

brought Dan_02_25 /^{brought /in Daniel before
the king in haste , and said thus unto him, I have found a man
of the captives of Judah , that will make known unto the king
the interpretation .

brought 1Ki_10_11 /^{brought /in from Ophir
great plenty of almug trees , and precious stones .

brought Gen_47_07 /^{brought /in Jacob his
father , and set him before Pharaoh : and Jacob blessed Pharaoh .

brought Neh_13_19 /^{brought /in on the sabbath
day .

brought Joh_18_16 /${brought /in Peter .

brought 2Ch_29_31 /^{brought /in sacrifices and
thank offerings ; and as many as were of a free heart burnt
offerings .

brought 1Ki_08_06 /^{brought /in the ark of the
covenant of the LORD unto his place , into the oracle of the
house , to the most holy place, even under the wings of the
cherubims .

brought 2Ch_05_07 /^{brought /in the ark of the
covenant of the LORD unto his place , to the oracle of the house
, into the most holy place, even under the wings of the
cherubims :

brought 2Sa_06_17 /^{brought /in the ark of the
LORD , and set it in his place , in the midst of the tabernacle
that David had pitched for it: and David offered burnt offerings
and peace offerings before the LORD .

brought 2Ch_30_15 /^{brought /in the burnt
offerings into the house of the LORD .

brought Luk_02_27 /${brought /in the child Jesus
, to do for him after the custom of the law ,

brought 2Ch_31_12 /^{brought /in the offerings
and the tithes and the dedicated things faithfully : over which
Cononiah the Levite was ruler , and Shimei his brother was the
next .

brought 2Ch_29_04 /^{brought /in the priests and
the Levites , and gathered them together into the east street ,

brought Psa_78_26 /^{brought /in the south wind .

brought 1Ki_07_51 /^{brought /in the things
which David his father had dedicated ; even the silver , and the
gold , and the vessels , did he put among the treasures of the
house of the LORD .

brought 1Ki_15_15 /^{brought /in the things
which his father had dedicated , and the things which himself
had dedicated , into the house of the LORD , silver , and gold ,
and vessels .

brought 2Ch_31_06 /^{brought /in the tithe of
oxen and sheep , and the tithe of holy things which were
consecrated unto the LORD their God , and laid them by heaps .

brought Lev_16_27 /^{brought /in to make
atonement in the holy place, shall one carry forth without the
camp ; and they shall burn in the fire their skins , and their
flesh , and their dung .

brought Act_07_45 /${brought /in with Jesus into
the possession of the Gentiles , whom God drave out before the
face of our fathers , unto the days of David ;

brought Lev_10_18 /^{brought /in within the holy
place: ye should indeed have eaten it in the holy place, as I
commanded .

brought Psa_73_19 /^{brought /into desolation ,
as in a moment ! they are utterly consumed with terrors .

brought Neh_13_15 /^{brought /into Jerusalem on
the sabbath day : and I testified against them in the day
wherein they sold victuals .

brought Gen_43_18 /^{brought /into Joseph's
house ; and they said , Because of the money that was returned
in our sacks at the first time are we brought in ; that he may
seek occasion against us, and fall upon us, and take us for
bondmen , and our asses .

brought Eze_44_07 /^{brought /into my sanctuary
strangers , uncircumcised in heart , and uncircumcised in flesh ,
to be in my sanctuary , to pollute it, even my house , when ye
offer my bread , the fat and the blood , and they have broken my
covenant because of all your abominations .

brought Psa_106_42 /^{brought /into subjection
under their hand .

brought Act_22_24 /${brought /into the castle ,
and bade that he should be examined by scourging ; that he might
know wherefore they cried so against him .

brought 2Ch_34_09 /^{brought /into the house of
God , which the Levites that kept the doors had gathered of the
hand of Manasseh and Ephraim , and of all the remnant of Israel ,
and of all Judah and Benjamin ; and they returned to Jerusalem .

brought 2Ch_15_18 /^{brought /into the house of
God the things that his father had dedicated , and that he
himself had dedicated , silver , and gold , and vessels .

brought 2Ki_12_04 /^{brought /into the house of
the LORD , even the money of every one that passeth the account,
the money that every man is set at , and all the money that
cometh into any man's heart to bring into the house of the LORD ,

brought 2Ch_34_14 /^{brought /into the house of
the LORD , Hilkiah the priest found a book of the law of the
LORD given by Moses .

brought 2Ki_22_04 /^{brought /into the house of
the LORD , which the keepers of the door have gathered of the
people :

brought 2Ki_12_09 /^{brought /into the house of
the LORD .

brought 2Ki_12_13 /^{brought /into the house of
the LORD :

brought 2Ki_12_16 /^{brought /into the house of
the LORD : it was the priests .

brought Heb_13_11 /${brought /into the sanctuary
by the high priest for sin , are burned without the camp .

brought Lev_06_30 /^{brought /into the
tabernacle of the congregation to reconcile withal in the holy
place, shall be eaten : it shall be burnt in the fire .

brought Act_21_29 /${brought /into the temple .

brought 2Ki_10_24 /^{brought /into your hands
escape , he that letteth him go, his life shall be for the life
of him.

brought Jos_07_16 /^{brought /Israel by their
tribes ; and the tribe of Judah was taken :

brought Exo_15_22 /^{brought /Israel from the
Red sea , and they went out into the wilderness of Shur ; and
they went three days in the wilderness , and found no water .

brought Hos_12_13 /^{brought /Israel out of
Egypt , and by a prophet was he preserved .

brought Exo_18_01 /^{brought /Israel out of
Egypt ;

brought Gen_43_21 /^{brought /it again in our
hand .

brought 1Ki_13_29 /^{brought /it back : and the
old prophet came to the city , to mourn and to bury him.

brought 1Sa_28_25 /^{brought /it before Saul ,
and before his servants ; and they did eat . Then they rose up ,
and went away that night .

brought Deu_01_25 /^{brought /it down unto us,
and brought us word again , and said , It is a good land which
the LORD our God doth give us.

brought Eze_12_07 /^{brought /it forth in the
twilight , and I bare it upon my shoulder in their sight .

brought Isa_05_04 /^{brought /it forth wild
grapes ?

brought 1Sa_05_01 /^{brought /it from Ebenezer
unto Ashdod .

brought Hag_01_09 /^{brought /it home , I did
blow upon it. Why? saith the LORD of hosts . Because of mine
house that is waste , and ye run every man unto his own house .

brought 1Sa_07_01 /^{brought /it into the house
of Abinadab in the hill , and sanctified Eleazar his son to keep
the ark of the LORD .

brought 1Sa_05_02 /^{brought /it into the house
of Dagon , and set it by Dagon .

brought Num_31_54 /^{brought /it into the
tabernacle of the congregation , for a memorial for the children
of Israel before the LORD .

brought Gen_27_33 /^{brought /it me, and I have
eaten of all before thou camest , and have blessed him? yea, and
he shall be blessed .

brought Gen_27_25 /^{brought /it near to him,
and he did eat : and he brought him wine , and he drank .

brought 2Sa_06_03 /^{brought /it out of the house
of Abinadab that was in Gibeah : and Uzzah and Ahio , the sons
of Abinadab , drave the new cart .

brought 2Sa_06_04 /^{brought /it out of the house
of Abinadab which was at Gibeah , accompanying the ark of God :
and Ahio went before the ark .

brought Jud_06_19 /^{brought /it out unto him
under the oak , and presented it.

brought 2Ch_32_30 /^{brought /it straight down to
the west side of the city of David . And Hezekiah prospered in
all his works .

brought 1Ch_11_18 /^{brought /it to David : but
David would not drink of it, but poured it out to the LORD ,

brought 2Sa_23_16 /^{brought /it to David :
nevertheless he would not drink thereof, but poured it out unto
the LORD .

brought Mat_14_11 /${brought /it to her mother .

brought 1Sa_02_19 /^{brought /it to him from
year to year , when she came up with her husband to offer the
yearly sacrifice .

brought 2Ki_02_20 /^{brought /it to him.

brought 1Sa_17_54 /^{brought /it to Jerusalem ;
but he put his armour in his tent .

brought 1Ki_09_28 /^{brought /it to king Solomon

brought Gen_27_20 /^{brought /it to me .

brought Isa_37_26 /^{brought /it to pass, that
thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced cities into ruinous
heaps .

brought 2Ki_19_25 /^{brought /it to pass, that
thou shouldest be to lay waste fenced cities into ruinous heaps .

brought Isa_23_13 /^{brought /it to ruin .

brought Gen_37_32 /^{brought /it to their father
; and said , This have we found : know now whether it be thy
son's coat or no.

brought Isa_62_09 /^{brought /it together shall
drink it in the courts of my holiness .

brought Gen_27_31 /^{brought /it unto his father
, and said unto his father , Let my father arise , and eat of
his son's venison , that thy soul may bless me.

brought Dan_09_14 /^{brought /it upon us: for
the LORD our God is righteous in all his works which he doeth :
for we obeyed not his voice .

brought Jer_40_03 /^{brought /it, and done
according as he hath said : because ye have sinned against the
LORD , and have not obeyed his voice , therefore this thing is
come upon you.

brought Exo_35_24 /^{brought /it.

brought Mar_12_16 /${brought /it. And he saith
unto them , Whose is this image and superscription ? And they
said unto him , Caesar's .

brought 1Ch_11_19 /^{brought /it. Therefore he
would not drink it. These things did these three mightiest .

brought 2Ch_17_11 /^{brought /Jehoshaphat
presents , and tribute silver ; and the Arabians brought him
flocks , seven thousand and seven hundred rams , and seven
thousand and seven hundred he goats .

brought Joh_19_13 /${brought /Jesus forth , and
sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the
Pavement , but in the Hebrew , Gabbatha .

brought Gen_37_28 /^{brought /Joseph into Egypt .

brought 2Ch_28_19 /^{brought /Judah low because
of Ahaz king of Israel ; for he made Judah naked , and
transgressed sore against the LORD .

brought 2Ti_01_10 /${brought /life and
immortality to light through the gospel :

brought Psa_116_06 /^{brought /low , and he
helped me.

brought Job_14_21 /^{brought /low , but he
perceiveth it not of them.

brought Isa_25_05 /^{brought /low .

brought Isa_02_12 /^{brought /low :

brought Ecc_12_04 /^{brought /low ;

brought Luk_03_05 /${brought /low ; and the
crooked shall be made straight , and the rough ways shall be
made smooth ;

brought Job_24_24 /^{brought /low ; they are
taken out of the way as all other, and cut off as the tops of
the ears of corn .

brought Psa_106_43 /^{brought /low for their
iniquity .

brought Psa_107_39 /^{brought /low through
oppression , affliction , and sorrow .

brought Eze_47_01 /^{brought /me again unto the
door of the house ; and, behold, waters issued out from under
the threshold of the house eastward : for the forefront of the
house stood toward the east , and the waters came down from
under from the right side of the house , at the south side of
the altar .

brought Eze_44_01 /^{brought /me back the way of
the gate of the outward sanctuary which looketh toward the east ;
and it was shut .

brought Eze_40_49 /^{brought /me by the steps
whereby they went up to it: and there were pillars by the posts ,
one on this side, and another on that side.

brought Jer_02_27 /^{brought /me forth : for
they have turned their back unto me, and not their face : but in
the time of their trouble they will say , Arise , and save us.

brought 2Sa_22_20 /^{brought /me forth also into
a large place : he delivered me, because he delighted in me.

brought Psa_18_19 /^{brought /me forth also into
a large place ; he delivered me, because he delighted in me.

brought Eze_46_21 /^{brought /me forth into the
utter court , and caused me to pass by the four corners of the
court ; and, behold, in every corner of the court there was a
court .

brought Eze_42_01 /^{brought /me forth into the
utter court , the way toward the north : and he brought me into
the chamber that was over against the separate place , and which
was before the building toward the north .

brought Job_10_18 /^{brought /me forth out of
the womb ? Oh that I had given up the ghost , and no eye had
seen me!

brought Eze_42_15 /^{brought /me forth toward
the gate whose prospect is toward the east , and measured it
round about .

brought Num_23_07 /^{brought /me from Aram , out
of the mountains of the east , saying, Come , curse me Jacob ,
and come , defy Israel .

brought 2Sa_07_18 /^{brought /me hitherto ?

brought 1Ch_17_16 /^{brought /me hitherto ?

brought Rut_01_21 /^{brought /me home again
empty : why then call ye me Naomi , seeing the LORD hath
testified against me, and the Almighty hath afflicted me?

brought Eze_11_24 /^{brought /me in a vision by
the Spirit of God into Chaldea , to them of the captivity . So
the vision that I had seen went up from me.

brought Eze_08_03 /^{brought /me in the visions
of God to Jerusalem , to the door of the inner gate that looketh
toward the north ; where was the seat of the image of jealousy ,
which provoketh to jealousy .

brought Deu_09_04 /^{brought /me in to possess
this land : but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD
doth drive them out from before thee.

brought Lam_03_02 /^{brought /me into darkness ,
but not into light .

brought Son_01_04 /^{brought /me into his
chambers : we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember
thy love more than wine : the upright love thee.

brought Eze_42_01 /^{brought /me into the
chamber that was over against the separate place , and which was
before the building toward the north .

brought Psa_22_15 /^{brought /me into the dust
of death .

brought Eze_43_05 /^{brought /me into the inner
court ; and, behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house .

brought Eze_08_16 /^{brought /me into the inner
court of the LORD'S house , and, behold, at the door of the
temple of the LORD , between the porch and the altar , were
about five and twenty men , with their backs toward the temple
of the LORD , and their faces toward the east ; and they
worshipped the sun toward the east .

brought Eze_40_32 /^{brought /me into the inner
court toward the east : and he measured the gate according to
these measures .

brought Isa_43_23 /^{brought /me the small
cattle of thy burnt offerings ; neither hast thou honoured me
with thy sacrifices . I have not caused thee to serve with an
offering , nor wearied thee with incense .

brought Eze_40_03 /^{brought /me thither, and,
behold, there was a man , whose appearance was like the
appearance of brass , with a line of flax in his hand , and a
measuring reed ; and he stood in the gate .

brought Eze_40_01 /^{brought /me thither.

brought Eze_47_04 /^{brought /me through ; the
waters were to the loins .

brought Eze_46_19 /^{brought /me through the
entry , which was at the side of the gate , into the holy
chambers of the priests , which looked toward the north : and,
behold, there was a place on the two sides westward .

brought Eze_47_03 /^{brought /me through the
waters ; the waters were to the ankles .

brought Eze_47_04 /^{brought /me through the
waters ; the waters were to the knees . Again he measured a
thousand , and brought me through ; the waters were to the loins

brought Son_02_04 /^{brought /me to the
banqueting house , and his banner over me was love .

brought Eze_08_07 /^{brought /me to the door of
the court ; and when I looked , behold a hole in the wall .

brought Eze_08_14 /^{brought /me to the door of
the gate of the LORD'S house which was toward the north ; and,
behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz .

brought Eze_43_01 /^{brought /me to the gate ,
even the gate that looketh toward the east :

brought Eze_40_28 /^{brought /me to the inner
court by the south gate : and he measured the south gate
according to these measures ;

brought Eze_40_35 /^{brought /me to the north
gate , and measured it according to these measures ;

brought Eze_40_48 /^{brought /me to the porch of
the house , and measured each post of the porch , five cubits on
this side, and five cubits on that side: and the breadth of the
gate was three cubits on this side, and three cubits on that

brought Eze_41_01 /^{brought /me to the temple ,
and measured the posts , six cubits broad on the one side , and
six cubits broad on the other side , which was the breadth of
the tabernacle .

brought Eze_40_24 /^{brought /me toward the
south , and behold a gate toward the south : and he measured the
posts thereof and the arches thereof according to these measures

brought Eze_11_01 /^{brought /me unto the east
gate of the LORD'S house , which looketh eastward : and behold
at the door of the gate five and twenty men ; among whom I saw
Jaazaniah the son of Azur , and Pelatiah the son of Benaiah ,
princes of the people .

brought Psa_40_02 /^{brought /me up also out of
an horrible pit , out of the miry clay , and set my feet upon a
rock , and established my goings .

brought Jud_11_35 /^{brought /me very low , and
thou art one of them that trouble me: for I have opened my mouth
unto the LORD , and I cannot go back .

brought Eze_47_06 /^{brought /me, and caused me
to return to the brink of the river .

brought 2Ki_17_24 /^{brought /men from Babylon ,
and from Cuthah , and from Ava , and from Hamath , and from
Sepharvaim , and placed them in the cities of Samaria instead of
the children of Israel : and they possessed Samaria , and dwelt
in the cities thereof.

brought Jud_16_18 /^{brought /money in their
hand .

brought 1Ch_22_04 /^{brought /much cedar wood to
David .

brought 1Sa_21_08 /^{brought /my sword nor my
weapons with me , because the king's business required haste .

brought Mat_16_08 /${brought /no bread ?

brought 2Ki_17_04 /^{brought /no present to the
king of Assyria , as he had done year by year : therefore the
king of Assyria shut him up , and bound him in prison .

brought Act_19_24 /${brought /no small gain unto
the craftsmen ;

brought Act_25_18 /${brought /none accusation of
such things as I supposed :

brought 1Ch_13_13 /^{brought /not the ark home
to himself to the city of David , but carried it aside into the
house of Obededom the Gittite .

brought Num_09_13 /^{brought /not the offering
of the LORD in his appointed season , that man shall bear his
sin .

brought Gen_31_39 /^{brought /not unto thee; I
bare the loss of it; of my hand didst thou require it, whether
stolen by day , or stolen by night .

brought 1Ti_06_07 /${brought /nothing into this
world , and it is certain we can carry nothing out .

brought Gen_04_04 /^{brought /of the firstlings
of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect
unto Abel and to his offering :

brought Gen_04_03 /^{brought /of the fruit of
the ground an offering unto the LORD .

brought Num_13_23 /^{brought /of the
pomegranates , and of the figs .

brought Gen_20_09 /^{brought /on me and on my
kingdom a great sin ? thou hast done deeds unto me that ought
not to be done .

brought Rom_15_24 /${brought /on my way
thitherward by you , if first I be somewhat filled with your

brought 2Co_01_16 /${brought /on my way toward
Judaea .

brought Act_15_03 /${brought /on their way by
the church , they passed through Phenice and Samaria , declaring
the conversion of the Gentiles : and they caused great joy unto
all the brethren .

brought Exo_35_27 /^{brought /onyx stones , and
stones to be set , for the ephod , and for the breastplate ;

brought Mat_25_20 /${brought /other five talents
, saying , Lord , thou deliveredst unto me five talents : behold
, I have gained beside them five talents more .

brought Jos_06_23 /^{brought /out all her
kindred , and left them without the camp of Israel .

brought Num_17_09 /^{brought /out all the rods
from before the LORD unto all the children of Israel : and they
looked , and took every man his rod .

brought 2Ch_29_16 /^{brought /out all the
uncleanness that they found in the temple of the LORD into the
court of the house of the LORD . And the Levites took it, to
carry it out abroad into the brook Kidron .

brought Psa_136_11 /^{brought /out Israel from
among them: for his mercy endureth for ever :

brought 2Ch_01_16 /^{brought /out of Egypt , and
linen yarn : the king's merchants received the linen yarn at a
price .

brought 1Ki_10_28 /^{brought /out of Egypt , and
linen yarn : the king's merchants received the linen yarn at a
price .

brought Gen_43_02 /^{brought /out of Egypt ,
their father said unto them, Go again , buy us a little food .

brought Dan_05_13 /^{brought /out of Jewry ?

brought Eze_27_06 /^{brought /out of the isles
of Chittim .

brought Jos_06_23 /^{brought /out Rahab , and
her father , and her mother , and her brethren , and all that
she had; and they brought out all her kindred , and left them
without the camp of Israel .

brought 2Ch_16_02 /^{brought /out silver and gold
out of the treasures of the house of the LORD and of the king's
house , and sent to Benhadad king of Syria , that dwelt at
Damascus , saying ,

brought 2Ch_23_14 /^{brought /out the captains of
hundreds that were set over the host , and said unto them, Have
her forth of the ranges : and whoso followeth her, let him be
slain with the sword . For the priest said , Slay her not in the
house of the LORD .

brought 2Ki_23_06 /^{brought /out the grove from
the house of the LORD , without Jerusalem , unto the brook
Kidron , and burned it at the brook Kidron , and stamped it
small to powder , and cast the powder thereof upon the graves of
the children of the people .

brought 2Ch_23_11 /^{brought /out the king's son ,
and put upon him the crown , and gave him the testimony , and
made him king . And Jehoiada and his sons anointed him, and said
, God save the king .

brought 2Ch_34_14 /^{brought /out the money that
was brought into the house of the LORD , Hilkiah the priest
found a book of the law of the LORD given by Moses .

brought 1Ch_20_03 /^{brought /out the people
that were in it, and cut them with saws , and with harrows of
iron , and with axes . Even so dealt David with all the cities
of the children of Ammon . And David and all the people returned
to Jerusalem .

brought 2Sa_10_16 /^{brought /out the Syrians
that were beyond the river : and they came to Helam ; and
Shobach the captain of the host of Hadarezer went before them.

brought Jos_10_24 /^{brought /out those kings
unto Joshua , that Joshua called for all the men of Israel , and
said unto the captains of the men of war which went with him,
Come near , put your feet upon the necks of these kings . And
they came near , and put their feet upon the necks of them.

brought Ezr_04_10 /^{brought /over , and set in
the cities of Samaria , and the rest that are on this side the
river , and at such a time .

brought Act_14_13 /${brought /oxen and garlands
unto the gates , and would have done sacrifice with the people .

brought Act_22_30 /${brought /Paul down , and
set him before them .

brought Exo_32_06 /^{brought /peace offerings ;
and the people sat down to eat and to drink , and rose up to
play .

brought 1Ki_04_21 /^{brought /presents , and
served Solomon all the days of his life .

brought Psa_105_40 /^{brought /quails , and
satisfied them with the bread of heaven .

brought Num_11_31 /^{brought /quails from the
sea , and let them fall by the camp , as it were a day's journey
on this side , and as it were a day's journey on the other side ,
round about the camp , and as it were two cubits high upon the
face of the earth .

brought Eze_23_42 /^{brought /Sabeans from the
wilderness , which put bracelets upon their hands , and
beautiful crowns upon their heads .

brought Isa_59_16 /^{brought /salvation unto him;
and his righteousness , it sustained him.

brought Isa_63_05 /^{brought /salvation unto me;
and my fury , it upheld me.

brought 2Ch_29_21 /^{brought /seven bullocks ,
and seven rams , and seven lambs , and seven he goats , for a
sin offering for the kingdom , and for the sanctuary , and for
Judah . And he commanded the priests the sons of Aaron to offer
them on the altar of the LORD .

brought 2Ch_15_11 /^{brought /seven hundred oxen
and seven thousand sheep .

brought Gen_43_23 /^{brought /Simeon out unto

brought Exo_32_21 /^{brought /so great a sin
upon them?

brought Psa_78_16 /^{brought /streams also out
of the rock , and caused waters to run down like rivers .

brought Lev_09_05 /^{brought /that which Moses
commanded before the tabernacle of the congregation : and all
the congregation drew near and stood before the LORD .

brought Exo_35_25 /^{brought /that which they
had spun , both of blue , and of purple , and of scarlet , and
of fine linen .

brought Mal_01_13 /^{brought /that which was
torn , and the lame , and the sick ; thus ye brought an offering
: should I accept this of your hand ? saith the LORD .

brought Exo_40_21 /^{brought /the ark into the
tabernacle , and set up the vail of the covering , and covered
the ark of the testimony ; as the LORD commanded Moses .

brought 1Ch_16_01 /^{brought /the ark of God ,
and set it in the midst of the tent that David had pitched for
it: and they offered burnt sacrifices and peace offerings before
God .

brought Mat_21_07 /${brought /the ass , and the
colt , and put on them their clothes , and they set him thereon .

brought Lev_09_09 /^{brought /the blood unto him:
and he dipped his finger in the blood , and put it upon the
horns of the altar , and poured out the blood at the bottom of
the altar :

brought Lev_08_14 /^{brought /the bullock for
the sin offering : and Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon
the head of the bullock for the sin offering .

brought Lev_09_16 /^{brought /the burnt offering
, and offered it according to the manner .

brought Num_31_12 /^{brought /the captives , and
the prey , and the spoil , unto Moses , and Eleazar the priest ,
and unto the congregation of the children of Israel , unto the
camp at the plains of Moab , which are by Jordan near Jericho .

brought 1Sa_01_25 /^{brought /the child to Eli .

brought Mar_11_07 /${brought /the colt to Jesus ,
and cast their garments on him ; and he sat upon him .

brought Jos_07_17 /^{brought /the family of
Judah ; and he took the family of the Zarhites : and he brought
the family of the Zarhites man by man ; and Zabdi was taken :

brought Jos_07_17 /^{brought /the family of the
Zarhites man by man ; and Zabdi was taken :

brought 1Ch_14_17 /^{brought /the fear of him
upon all nations .

brought Deu_26_10 /^{brought /the firstfruits of
the land , which thou, O LORD , hast given me. And thou shalt
set it before the LORD thy God , and worship before the LORD thy
God :

brought 2Ch_25_14 /^{brought /the gods of the
children of Seir , and set them up to be his gods , and bowed
down himself before them, and burned incense unto them.

brought Dan_05_03 /^{brought /the golden vessels
that were taken out of the temple of the house of God which was
at Jerusalem ; and the king , and his princes , his wives , and
his concubines , drank in them.

brought 2Sa_04_08 /^{brought /the head of
Ishbosheth unto David to Hebron , and said to the king , Behold
the head of Ishbosheth the son of Saul thine enemy , which
sought thy life ; and the LORD hath avenged my lord the king
this day of Saul , and of his seed .

brought Jud_07_25 /^{brought /the heads of Oreb
and Zeeb to Gideon on the other side Jordan .

brought 2Ki_10_08 /^{brought /the heads of the
king's sons . And he said , Lay ye them in two heaps at the
entering in of the gate until the morning .

brought 2Sa_19_41 /^{brought /the king , and his
household , and all David's men with him, over Jordan ?

brought 2Ki_22_09 /^{brought /the king word again
, and said , Thy servants have gathered the money that was found
in the house , and have delivered it into the hand of them that
do the work , that have the oversight of the house of the LORD .

brought 1Ki_02_30 /^{brought /the king word
again , saying , Thus said Joab , and thus he answered me.

brought 2Ch_34_28 /^{brought /the king word again

brought 2Ki_22_20 /^{brought /the king word again

brought 2Ch_34_16 /^{brought /the king word back
again, saying , All that was committed to thy servants , they do

brought Neh_08_02 /^{brought /the law before the
congregation both of men and women , and all that could hear
with understanding , upon the first day of the seventh month .

brought 2Ki_05_06 /^{brought /the letter to the
king of Israel , saying , Now when this letter is come unto thee,
behold, I have therewith sent Naaman my servant to thee, that
thou mayest recover him of his leprosy .

brought Exo_10_13 /^{brought /the locusts .

brought Exo_35_24 /^{brought /the LORD'S
offering : and every man, with whom was found shittim wood for
any work of the service , brought it.

brought Exo_35_21 /^{brought /the LORD'S
offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation , and
for all his service , and for the holy garments .

brought 2Ki_04_42 /^{brought /the man of God
bread of the firstfruits , twenty loaves of barley , and full
ears of corn in the husk thereof. And he said , Give unto the
people , that they may eat .

brought Lev_09_17 /^{brought /the meat offering ,
and took an handful thereof, and burnt it upon the altar ,
beside the burnt sacrifice of the morning .

brought Gen_43_24 /^{brought /the men into
Joseph's house , and gave them water , and they washed their
feet ; and he gave their asses provender .

brought Gen_43_17 /^{brought /the men into
Joseph's house .

brought Act_04_37 /${brought /the money , and
laid it at the apostles feet .

brought Gen_47_14 /^{brought /the money into
Pharaoh's house .

brought Lev_08_22 /^{brought /the other ram ,
the ram of consecration : and Aaron and his sons laid their
hands upon the head of the ram .

brought Lev_09_15 /^{brought /the people's
offering , and took the goat , which was the sin offering for
the people , and slew it, and offered it for sin , as the first .

brought Jud_03_17 /^{brought /the present unto
Eglon king of Moab : and Eglon was a very fat man .

brought Act_04_34 /${brought /the prices of the
things that were sold ,

brought Lev_08_18 /^{brought /the ram for the
burnt offering : and Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon
the head of the ram .

brought 2Ch_24_14 /^{brought /the rest of the
money before the king and Jehoiada , whereof were made vessels
for the house of the LORD , even vessels to minister , and to
offer withal, and spoons , and vessels of gold and silver . And
they offered burnt offerings in the house of the LORD
continually all the days of Jehoiada .

brought 027 007 Jos /^{brought /the sea upon
them, and covered them; and your eyes have seen what I have done
in Egypt : and ye dwelt in the wilderness a long season .

brought 2Ki_20_11 /^{brought /the shadow ten
degrees backward , by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz

brought Lev_23_15 /^{brought /the sheaf of the
wave offering ; seven sabbaths shall be complete :

brought 2Ch_28_08 /^{brought /the spoil to
Samaria .

brought Exo_39_33 /^{brought /the tabernacle
unto Moses , the tent , and all his furniture , his taches , his
boards , his bars , and his pillars , and his sockets ,

brought Dan_01_02 /^{brought /the vessels into
the treasure house of his god .

brought Dan_05_23 /^{brought /the vessels of his
house before thee, and thou , and thy lords , thy wives , and
thy concubines , have drunk wine in them; and thou hast praised
the gods of silver , and gold , of brass , iron , wood , and
stone , which see not , nor hear , nor know : and the God in
whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways , hast thou
not glorified :

brought 2Ki_04_05 /^{brought /the vessels to her;
and she poured out .

brought Act_20_12 /${brought /the young man
alive , and were not a little comforted .

brought Oba_01_07 /^{brought /thee even to the
border : the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee,
and prevailed against thee; they that eat thy bread have laid a
wound under thee: there is none understanding in him.

brought Eze_27_15 /^{brought /thee for a present
horns of ivory and ebony .

brought Son_08_05 /^{brought /thee forth : there
she brought thee forth that bare thee.

brought Deu_16_01 /^{brought /thee forth out of
Egypt by night .

brought Deu_06_12 /^{brought /thee forth out of
the land of Egypt , from the house of bondage .

brought Deu_08_14 /^{brought /thee forth out of
the land of Egypt , from the house of bondage ;

brought Son_08_05 /^{brought /thee forth that
bare thee.

brought Deu_08_15 /^{brought /thee forth water
out of the rock of flint ;

brought Jud_18_03 /^{brought /thee hither ? and
what makest thou in this place? and what hast thou here?

brought Deu_11_29 /^{brought /thee in unto the
land whither thou goest to possess it, that thou shalt put the
blessing upon mount Gerizim , and the curse upon mount Ebal .

brought Eze_27_26 /^{brought /thee into great
waters : the east wind hath broken thee in the midst of the seas

brought Deu_06_10 /^{brought /thee into the land
which he sware unto thy fathers , to Abraham , to Isaac , and to
Jacob , to give thee great and goodly cities , which thou
buildedst not,

brought Num_16_10 /^{brought /thee near to him,
and all thy brethren the sons of Levi with thee: and seek ye the
priesthood also?

brought Deu_07_19 /^{brought /thee out : so
shall the LORD thy God do unto all the people of whom thou art
afraid .

brought Deu_04_37 /^{brought /thee out in his
sight with his mighty power out of Egypt ;

brought Exo_13_09 /^{brought /thee out of Egypt .

brought Deu_13_10 /^{brought /thee out of the
land of Egypt , from the house of bondage .

brought Deu_05_06 /^{brought /thee out of the
land of Egypt , from the house of bondage .

brought Exo_20_02 /^{brought /thee out of the
land of Egypt , out of the house of bondage .

brought Psa_81_10 /^{brought /thee out of the
land of Egypt : open thy mouth wide , and I will fill it.

brought Gen_15_07 /^{brought /thee out of Ur of
the Chaldees , to give thee this land to inherit it.

brought Deu_05_15 /^{brought /thee out thence
through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm : therefore the
LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day .

brought Neh_09_18 /^{brought /thee up out of
Egypt , and had wrought great provocations ;

brought Mic_06_04 /^{brought /thee up out of the
land of Egypt , and redeemed thee out of the house of servants ;
and I sent before thee Moses , Aaron , and Miriam .

brought 1Ki_12_28 /^{brought /thee up out of the
land of Egypt .

brought Deu_20_01 /^{brought /thee up out of the
land of Egypt .

brought Exo_32_08 /^{brought /thee up out of the
land of Egypt .

brought Exo_32_04 /^{brought /thee up out of the
land of Egypt .

brought Act_19_19 /${brought /their books
together , and burned them before all men: and they counted the
price of them , and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver .

brought Gen_47_17 /^{brought /their cattle unto
Joseph : and Joseph gave them bread in exchange for horses , and
for the flocks , and for the cattle of the herds , and for the
asses : and he fed them with bread for all their cattle for that
year .

brought Num_27_05 /^{brought /their cause before
the LORD .

brought Neh_04_15 /^{brought /their counsel to
nought , that we returned all of us to the wall , every one unto
his work .

brought Gen_46_32 /^{brought /their flocks , and
their herds , and all that they have.

brought 1Sa_18_27 /^{brought /their foreskins ,
and they gave them in full tale to the king , that he might be
the king's son in law . And Saul gave him Michal his daughter to
wife .

brought Num_07_03 /^{brought /their offering
before the LORD , six covered wagons , and twelve oxen ; a wagon
for two of the princes , and for each one an ox : and they
brought them before the tabernacle .

brought Luk_05_11 /${brought /their ships to
land , they forsook all , and followed him .

brought Act_05_27 /${brought /them , they set
them before the council : and the high priest asked them ,

brought Eze_39_27 /^{brought /them again from
the people , and gathered them out of their enemies lands , and
am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations ;

brought 2Ch_12_11 /^{brought /them again into the
guard chamber .

brought 1Ki_14_28 /^{brought /them back into the
guard chamber .

brought 2Ch_19_04 /^{brought /them back unto the
LORD God of their fathers .

brought 1Sa_22_04 /^{brought /them before the
king of Moab : and they dwelt with him all the while that David
was in the hold .

brought Num_07_03 /^{brought /them before the
tabernacle .

brought 1Ki_18_40 /^{brought /them down to the
brook Kishon , and slew them there.

brought Lam_02_02 /^{brought /them down to the
ground : he hath polluted the kingdom and the princes thereof.

brought Act_05_19 /${brought /them forth , and
said ,

brought Eze_20_22 /^{brought /them forth .

brought Gen_19_17 /^{brought /them forth abroad ,
that he said , Escape for thy life ; look not behind thee ,
neither stay thou in all the plain ; escape to the mountain ,
lest thou be consumed .

brought Psa_105_37 /^{brought /them forth also
with silver and gold : and there was not one feeble person among
their tribes .

brought 2Ch_07_22 /^{brought /them forth out of
the land of Egypt , and laid hold on other gods , and worshipped
them, and served them: therefore hath he brought all this evil
upon them.

brought Jer_11_04 /^{brought /them forth out of
the land of Egypt , from the iron furnace , saying , Obey my
voice , and do them, according to all which I command you: so
shall ye be my people , and I will be your God :

brought Jer_34_13 /^{brought /them forth out of
the land of Egypt , out of the house of bondmen , saying ,

brought Exo_29_46 /^{brought /them forth out of
the land of Egypt , that I may dwell among them: I am the LORD
their God .

brought Deu_29_25 /^{brought /them forth out of
the land of Egypt :

brought 2Ki_10_22 /^{brought /them forth
vestments .

brought 1Sa_15_15 /^{brought /them from the
Amalekites : for the people spared the best of the sheep and of
the oxen , to sacrifice unto the LORD thy God ; and the rest we
have utterly destroyed .

brought 2Sa_01_10 /^{brought /them hither unto my
lord .

brought Dan_01_18 /^{brought /them in before
Nebuchadnezzar .

brought Act_16_34 /${brought /them into his
house , he set meat before them , and rejoiced , believing in
God with all his house .

brought Jer_34_16 /^{brought /them into
subjection , to be unto you for servants and for handmaids .

brought Jer_34_11 /^{brought /them into
subjection for servants and for handmaids .

brought 2Sa_13_10 /^{brought /them into the
chamber to Amnon her brother .

brought Jer_35_04 /^{brought /them into the
house of the LORD , into the chamber of the sons of Hanan , the
son of Igdaliah , a man of God , which was by the chamber of the
princes , which was above the chamber of Maaseiah the son of
Shallum , the keeper of the door :

brought Eze_20_28 /^{brought /them into the land
, for the which I lifted up mine hand to give it to them, then
they saw every high hill , and all the thick trees , and they
offered there their sacrifices , and there they presented the
provocation of their offering : there also they made their sweet
savour , and poured out there their drink offerings .

brought Lev_26_41 /^{brought /them into the land
of their enemies ; if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled
, and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity :

brought Deu_31_21 /^{brought /them into the land
which I sware .

brought Deu_31_20 /^{brought /them into the land
which I sware unto their fathers , that floweth with milk and
honey ; and they shall have eaten and filled themselves, and
waxen fat ; then will they turn unto other gods , and serve them,
and provoke me, and break my covenant .

brought 1Sa_09_22 /^{brought /them into the
parlour , and made them sit in the chiefest place among them
that were bidden , which were about thirty persons .

brought Ezr_05_14 /^{brought /them into the
temple of Babylon , those did Cyrus the king take out of the
temple of Babylon , and they were delivered unto one, whose name
was Sheshbazzar , whom he had made governor ;

brought Eze_20_10 /^{brought /them into the
wilderness .

brought Gen_48_13 /^{brought /them near unto him.

brought Gen_48_10 /^{brought /them near unto him;
and he kissed them, and embraced them.

brought Act_07_36 /${brought /them out , after
that he had shewed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt , and
in the Red sea , and in the wilderness forty years .

brought Act_16_39 /${brought /them out , and
desired them to depart out of the city .

brought Act_16_30 /${brought /them out , and
said , Sirs , what must I do to be saved ?

brought Eze_20_14 /^{brought /them out .

brought Gen_48_12 /^{brought /them out from
between his knees , and he bowed himself with his face to the
earth .

brought Psa_107_14 /^{brought /them out of
darkness and the shadow of death , and brake their bands in
sunder .

brought Num_23_22 /^{brought /them out of Egypt ;
he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn .

brought Jud_02_12 /^{brought /them out of the
land of Egypt , and followed other gods , of the gods of the
people that were round about them, and bowed themselves unto
them, and provoked the LORD to anger .

brought Jer_07_22 /^{brought /them out of the
land of Egypt , concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices :

brought 1Ki_08_21 /^{brought /them out of the
land of Egypt .

brought Lev_23_43 /^{brought /them out of the
land of Egypt : I am the LORD your God .

brought Deu_09_28 /^{brought /them out to slay
them in the wilderness .

brought Jer_24_01 /^{brought /them to Babylon .

brought 2Ch_28_05 /^{brought /them to Damascus .
And he was also delivered into the hand of the king of Israel ,
who smote him with a great slaughter .

brought 2Ki_11_04 /^{brought /them to him into
the house of the LORD , and made a covenant with them, and took
an oath of them in the house of the LORD , and shewed them the
king's son .

brought Gen_27_14 /^{brought /them to his mother
: and his mother made savoury meat , such as his father loved .

brought 1Ch_10_12 /^{brought /them to Jabesh ,
and buried their bones under the oak in Jabesh , and fasted
seven days .

brought 2Ch_28_15 /^{brought /them to Jericho ,
the city of palm trees , to their brethren : then they returned
to Samaria .

brought 1Ch_18_07 /^{brought /them to Jerusalem .

brought 2Sa_08_07 /^{brought /them to Jerusalem .

brought 2Ch_08_18 /^{brought /them to king
Solomon .

brought Psa_78_54 /^{brought /them to the border
of his sanctuary , even to this mountain , which his right hand
had purchased .

brought Jer_52_26 /^{brought /them to the king
of Babylon to Riblah .

brought 2Ki_25_20 /^{brought /them to the king of
Babylon to Riblah :

brought Act_16_20 /${brought /them to the
magistrates , saying , These men , being Jews , do exceedingly
trouble our city ,

brought Exo_32_03 /^{brought /them unto Aaron .

brought Gen_02_19 /^{brought /them unto Adam to
see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every
living creature , that was the name thereof .

brought 1Ch_05_26 /^{brought /them unto Halah ,
and Habor , and Hara , and to the river Gozan , unto this day .

brought Luk_04_40 /${brought /them unto him ;
and he laid his hands on every one of them , and healed them .

brought 2Sa_13_11 /^{brought /them unto him to
eat , he took hold of her, and said unto her, Come lie with me,
my sister .

brought Gen_30_14 /^{brought /them unto his
mother Leah . Then Rachel said to Leah , Give me , I pray thee,
of thy son's mandrakes .

brought Jos_07_23 /^{brought /them unto Joshua ,
and unto all the children of Israel , and laid them out before
the LORD .

brought Jud_21_12 /^{brought /them unto the camp
to Shiloh , which is in the land of Canaan .

brought 2Ch_25_12 /^{brought /them unto the top
of the rock , and cast them down from the top of the rock , that
they all were broken in pieces .

brought Jos_07_24 /^{brought /them unto the
valley of Achor .

brought Num_32_17 /^{brought /them unto their
place : and our little ones shall dwell in the fenced cities
because of the inhabitants of the land .

brought 2Ki_10_06 /^{brought /them up .

brought 1Sa_08_08 /^{brought /them up out of
Egypt even unto this day , wherewith they have forsaken me, and
served other gods , so do they also unto thee.

brought Jer_11_07 /^{brought /them up out of the
land of Egypt , even unto this day , rising early and protesting
, saying , Obey my voice .

brought 2Ki_17_07 /^{brought /them up out of the
land of Egypt , from under the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt ,
and had feared other gods ,

brought Isa_63_11 /^{brought /them up out of the
sea with the shepherd of his flock ? where is he that put his
holy Spirit within him?

brought Jos_02_06 /^{brought /them up to the
roof of the house, and hid them with the stalks of flax , which
she had laid in order upon the roof .

brought Act_05_26 /${brought /them without
violence : for they feared the people , lest they should have
been stoned .

brought Jos_22_32 /^{brought /them word again .

brought Neh_08_16 /^{brought /them, and made
themselves booths , every one upon the roof of his house , and
in their courts , and in the courts of the house of God , and in
the street of the water gate , and in the street of the gate of
Ephraim .

brought Exo_35_23 /^{brought /them.

brought Mar_10_13 /${brought /them.

brought Dan_03_13 /^{brought /these men before
the king .

brought 2Ch_31_05 /^{brought /they in abundantly .

brought 2Ch_01_17 /^{brought /they out horses for
all the kings of the Hittites , and for the kings of Syria , by
their means .

brought Psa_45_15 /^{brought /they shall enter
into the king's palace .

brought 1Ki_04_28 /^{brought /they unto the
place where the officers were, every man according to his charge

brought Jud_14_11 /^{brought /thirty companions
to be with him.

brought 1Sa_21_15 /^{brought /this fellow to
play the mad man in my presence? shall this fellow come into my
house ?

brought Luk_23_14 /${brought /this man unto me ,
as one that perverteth the people : and , behold , I , having
examined him before you , have found no fault in this man
touching those things whereof ye accuse him :

brought Jos_07_07 /^{brought /this people over
Jordan , to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites , to
destroy us? would to God we had been content , and dwelt on the
other side Jordan !

brought 1Sa_30_07 /^{brought /thither the ephod
to David .

brought 1Ki_06_07 /^{brought /thither: so that
there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in
the house , while it was in building .

brought Dan_06_24 /^{brought /those men which
had accused Daniel , and they cast them into the den of lions ,
them , their children , and their wives ; and the lions had the
mastery of them, and brake all their bones in pieces or ever
they came at the bottom of the den .

brought Dan_09_15 /^{brought /thy people forth
out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand , and hast gotten
thee renown , as at this day ; we have sinned , we have done
wickedly .

brought 1Sa_20_08 /^{brought /thy servant into a
covenant of the LORD with thee: notwithstanding, if there be in
me iniquity , slay me thyself; for why shouldest thou bring me
to thy father ?

brought Jer_20_15 /^{brought /tidings to my
father , saying , A man child is born unto thee; making him very
glad .

brought Pro_06_26 /^{brought /to a piece of
bread : and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life .

brought Mat_01_12 /${brought /to Babylon ,
Jechonias begat Salathiel ; and Salathiel begat Zorobabel ;

brought 2Ch_36_18 /^{brought /to Babylon .

brought Mar_04_21 /${brought /to be put under a
bushel , or under a bed ? and not to be set on a candlestick ?

brought Psa_35_04 /^{brought /to confusion that
devise my hurt .

brought Psa_35_26 /^{brought /to confusion
together that rejoice at mine hurt : let them be clothed with
shame and dishonour that magnify themselves against me.

brought Luk_11_17 /${brought /to desolation ;
and a house divided against a house falleth .

brought Mat_12_25 /${brought /to desolation ;
and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand :

brought Eze_30_11 /^{brought /to destroy the
land : and they shall draw their swords against Egypt , and fill
the land with the slain .

brought Mat_09_32 /${brought /to him a dumb man
possessed with a devil .

brought Mat_09_02 /${brought /to him a man sick
of the palsy , lying on a bed : and Jesus seeing their faith
said unto the sick of the palsy ; Son , be of good cheer ; thy
sins be forgiven thee .

brought 2Ch_17_05 /^{brought /to Jehoshaphat
presents ; and he had riches and honour in abundance .

brought Job_04_12 /^{brought /to me, and mine
ear received a little thereof.

brought Isa_29_20 /^{brought /to nought , and
the scorner is consumed , and all that watch for iniquity are
cut off :

brought Act_05_36 /${brought /to nought .

brought Eze_21_07 /^{brought /to pass , saith
the Lord GOD .

brought 1Co_15_54 /${brought /to pass the saying
that is written , Death is swallowed up in victory .

brought 1Ki_22_37 /^{brought /to Samaria ; and
they buried the king in Samaria .

brought Isa_15_01 /^{brought /to silence ;

brought Isa_15_01 /^{brought /to silence ;
because in the night Kir of Moab is laid waste , and brought to
silence ;

brought Job_21_32 /^{brought /to the grave , and
shall remain in the tomb .

brought Joh_09_13 /${brought /to the Pharisees
him that aforetime was blind .

brought Jer_11_19 /^{brought /to the slaughter ;
and I knew not that they had devised devices against me, saying,
Let us destroy the tree with the fruit thereof, and let us cut
him off from the land of the living , that his name may be no
more remembered .

brought Gen_33_11 /^{brought /to thee; because
God hath dealt graciously with me , and because I have enough .
And he urged him, and he took it.

brought Eze_29_05 /^{brought /together , nor
gathered : I have given thee for meat to the beasts of the field
and to the fowls of the heaven .

brought 2Ch_13_18 /^{brought /under at that time ,
and the children of Judah prevailed , because they relied upon
the LORD God of their fathers .

brought 1Co_06_12 /${brought /under the power of
any .

brought Lev_13_02 /^{brought /unto Aaron the
priest , or unto one of his sons the priests :

brought Ezr_06_05 /^{brought /unto Babylon , be
restored , and brought again unto the temple which is at
Jerusalem , every one to his place , and place them in the house
of God .

brought Neh_05_05 /^{brought /unto bondage
already: neither is it in our power to redeem them; for other
men have our lands and vineyards .

brought Mat_18_24 /${brought /unto him , which
owed him ten thousand talents .

brought Luk_18_40 /${brought /unto him : and
when he was come near , he asked him ,

brought Mat_22_19 /${brought /unto him a penny .

brought Joh_08_03 /${brought /unto him a woman
taken in adultery ; and when they had set her in the midst ,

brought Mat_04_24 /${brought /unto him all sick
people that were taken with divers diseases and torments , and
those which were possessed with devils , and those which were
lunatick , and those that had the palsy ; and he healed them .

brought Mar_01_32 /${brought /unto him all that
were diseased , and them that were possessed with devils .

brought Mat_14_35 /${brought /unto him all that
were diseased ;

brought Luk_18_15 /${brought /unto him also
infants , that he would touch them : but when his disciples saw
it, they rebuked them .

brought Mat_19_13 /${brought /unto him little
children , that he should put his hands on them , and pray : and
the disciples rebuked them .

brought Mat_08_16 /${brought /unto him many that
were possessed with devils : and he cast out the spirits with
his word , and healed all that were sick :

brought Mat_12_22 /${brought /unto him one
possessed with a devil , blind , and dumb : and he healed him ,
insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw .

brought Num_25_06 /^{brought /unto his brethren
a Midianitish woman in the sight of Moses , and in the sight of
all the congregation of the children of Israel , who were
weeping before the door of the tabernacle of the congregation .

brought Gen_37_02 /^{brought /unto his father
their evil report .

brought Exo_18_26 /^{brought /unto Moses , but
every small matter they judged themselves.

brought 1Sa_25_27 /^{brought /unto my lord , let
it even be given unto the young men that follow my lord .

brought Psa_71_24 /^{brought /unto shame , that
seek my hurt .

brought 2Ch_09_28 /^{brought /unto Solomon horses
out of Egypt , and out of all lands .

brought Num_06_13 /^{brought /unto the door of
the tabernacle of the congregation :

brought Exo_22_08 /^{brought /unto the judges ,
to see whether he have put his hand unto his neighbour's goods .

brought 2Ch_09_12 /^{brought /unto the king . So
she turned , and went away to her own land , she and her
servants .

brought Psa_45_14 /^{brought /unto the king in
raiment of needlework : the virgins her companions that follow
her shall be brought unto thee.

brought 2Ch_24_11 /^{brought /unto the king's
office by the hand of the Levites , and when they saw that there
was much money , the king's scribe and the high priest's officer
came and emptied the chest , and took it, and carried it to his
place again . Thus they did day by day , and gathered money in
abundance .

brought Isa_18_07 /^{brought /unto the LORD of
hosts of a people scattered and peeled , and from a people
terrible from their beginning hitherto ; a nation meted out and
trodden under foot , whose land the rivers have spoiled , to the
place of the name of the LORD of hosts , the mount Zion .

brought Lev_14_02 /^{brought /unto the priest :

brought Lev_13_09 /^{brought /unto the priest ;

brought Act_19_12 /${brought /unto the sick
handkerchiefs or aprons , and the diseases departed from them ,
and the evil spirits went out of them .

brought Mar_09_17 /${brought /unto thee my son ,
which hath a dumb spirit ;

brought Psa_45_14 /^{brought /unto thee.

brought Gen_39_17 /^{brought /unto us, came in
unto me to mock me:

brought 1Pe_01_13 /${brought /unto you at the
revelation of Jesus Christ ;

brought Nah_02_07 /^{brought /up , and her maids
shall lead her as with the voice of doves , tabering upon their
breasts .

brought Isa_51_18 /^{brought /up .

brought Luk_04_16 /${brought /up : and , as his
custom was , he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day , and
stood up for to read .

brought 2Ki_10_01 /^{brought /up Ahab's children,
saying ,

brought Deu_22_19 /^{brought /up an evil name
upon a virgin of Israel : and she shall be his wife ; he may not
put her away all his days .

brought Num_13_32 /^{brought /up an evil report
of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel ,
saying , The land , through which we have gone to search it, is
a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the
people that we saw in it are men of a great stature .

brought Jer_23_08 /^{brought /up and which led
the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country , and
from all countries whither I had driven them; and they shall
dwell in their own land .

brought Isa_01_02 /^{brought /up children , and
they have rebelled against me.

brought 1Ti_05_10 /${brought /up children, if
she have lodged strangers , if she have washed the saints feet ,
if she have relieved the afflicted , if she have diligently
followed every good work .

brought 2Sa_21_08 /^{brought /up for Adriel the
son of Barzillai the Meholathite :

brought Exo_08_07 /^{brought /up frogs upon the
land of Egypt .

brought Ezr_01_11 /^{brought /up from Babylon
unto Jerusalem .

brought 2Ch_01_04 /^{brought /up from
Kirjathjearim to the place which David had prepared for it: for
he had pitched a tent for it at Jerusalem .

brought Amo_03_01 /^{brought /up from the land
of Egypt , saying ,

brought 2Sa_21_13 /^{brought /up from thence the
bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son ; and they
gathered the bones of them that were hanged .

brought Est_02_07 /^{brought /up Hadassah , that
is, Esther , his uncle's daughter : for she had neither father
nor mother , and the maid was fair and beautiful ; whom Mordecai
, when her father and mother were dead , took for his own
daughter .

brought Lam_02_22 /^{brought /up hath mine enemy
consumed .

brought Lam_04_05 /^{brought /up in scarlet
embrace dunghills .

brought Act_22_03 /${brought /up in this city at
the feet of Gamaliel , and taught according to the perfect
manner of the law of the fathers , and was zealous toward God ,
as ye all are this day .

brought 1Sa_10_18 /^{brought /up Israel out of
Egypt , and delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians , and
out of the hand of all kingdoms , and of them that oppressed you:

brought Amo_09_07 /^{brought /up Israel out of
the land of Egypt ? and the Philistines from Caphtor , and the
Syrians from Kir ?

brought 1Ch_17_05 /^{brought /up Israel unto
this day ; but have gone from tent to tent , and from one
tabernacle to another.

brought Jon_02_06 /^{brought /up my life from
corruption , O LORD my God .

brought Psa_30_03 /^{brought /up my soul from
the grave : thou hast kept me alive , that I should not go down
to the pit .

brought Eze_19_03 /^{brought /up one of her
whelps : it became a young lion , and it learned to catch the
prey ; it devoured men .

brought 027 032 Jos /^{brought /up out of Egypt ,
buried they in Shechem , in a parcel of ground which Jacob
bought of the sons of Hamor the father of Shechem for an hundred
pieces of silver : and it became the inheritance of the children
of Joseph .

brought Exo_33_01 /^{brought /up out of the land
of Egypt , unto the land which I sware unto Abraham , to Isaac ,
and to Jacob , saying , Unto thy seed will I give it:

brought 2Ch_05_05 /^{brought /up the ark , and
the tabernacle of the congregation , and all the holy vessels
that were in the tabernacle , these did the priests and the
Levites bring up .

brought 2Sa_06_12 /^{brought /up the ark of God
from the house of Obededom into the city of David with gladness .

brought 1Ch_15_28 /^{brought /up the ark of the
covenant of the LORD with shouting , and with sound of the
cornet , and with trumpets , and with cymbals , making a noise
with psalteries and harps .

brought 1Ki_08_04 /^{brought /up the ark of the
LORD , and the tabernacle of the congregation , and all the holy
vessels that were in the tabernacle , even those did the priests
and the Levites bring up .

brought 2Sa_06_15 /^{brought /up the ark of the
LORD with shouting , and with the sound of the trumpet .

brought Jer_16_15 /^{brought /up the children of
Israel from the land of the north , and from all the lands
whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into
their land that I gave unto their fathers .

brought 2Sa_07_06 /^{brought /up the children of
Israel out of Egypt , even to this day , but have walked in a
tent and in a tabernacle .

brought Jer_23_07 /^{brought /up the children of
Israel out of the land of Egypt ;

brought Jer_16_14 /^{brought /up the children of
Israel out of the land of Egypt ;

brought Num_20_04 /^{brought /up the
congregation of the LORD into this wilderness , that we and our
cattle should die there?

brought 2Ch_08_11 /^{brought /up the daughter of
Pharaoh out of the city of David unto the house that he had
built for her: for he said , My wife shall not dwell in the
house of David king of Israel , because the places are holy ,
whereunto the ark of the LORD hath come .

brought 1Sa_02_14 /^{brought /up the priest took
for himself. So they did in Shiloh unto all the Israelites that
came thither.

brought Neh_12_31 /^{brought /up the princes of
Judah upon the wall , and appointed two great companies of them
that gave thanks , whereof one went on the right hand upon the
wall toward the dung gate :

brought Isa_49_21 /^{brought /up these? Behold,
I was left alone; these, where had they been?

brought Jud_16_08 /^{brought /up to her seven
green withs which had not been dried , and she bound him with

brought Gen_50_23 /^{brought /up upon Joseph's
knees .

brought Act_13_01 /${brought /up with Herod the
tetrarch , and Saul .

brought 2Ch_10_10 /^{brought /up with him spake
unto him, saying , Thus shalt thou answer the people that spake
unto thee, saying , Thy father made our yoke heavy , but make
thou it somewhat lighter for us; thus shalt thou say unto them,
My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins .

brought 2Ch_10_08 /^{brought /up with him, that
stood before him.

brought Est_02_20 /^{brought /up with him.

brought Pro_08_30 /^{brought /up with him: and I
was daily his delight , rejoicing always before him;

brought Job_42_11 /^{brought /upon him: every
man also gave him a piece of money , and every one an earring of
gold .

brought Eze_14_22 /^{brought /upon it.

brought Jer_44_02 /^{brought /upon Jerusalem ,
and upon all the cities of Judah ; and, behold, this day they
are a desolation , and no man dwelleth therein,

brought Eze_14_22 /^{brought /upon Jerusalem ,
even concerning all that I have brought upon it.

brought Exo_15_26 /^{brought /upon the Egyptians
: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

brought Jer_15_08 /^{brought /upon them against
the mother of the young men a spoiler at noonday : I have caused
him to fall upon it suddenly , and terrors upon the city .

brought 1Ki_09_09 /^{brought /upon them all this
evil .

brought 2Ch_33_11 /^{brought /upon them the
captains of the host of the king of Assyria , which took
Manasseh among the thorns , and bound him with fetters , and
carried him to Babylon .

brought 2Ch_36_17 /^{brought /upon them the king
of the Chaldees , who slew their young men with the sword in the
house of their sanctuary , and had no compassion upon young man
or maiden , old man , or him that stooped for age : he gave them
all into his hand .

brought Neh_09_33 /^{brought /upon us; for thou
hast done right , but we have done wickedly :

brought Ezr_08_18 /^{brought /us a man of
understanding , of the sons of Mahli , the son of Levi , the son
of Israel ; and Sherebiah , with his sons and his brethren ,
eighteen ;

brought Exo_16_03 /^{brought /us forth into this
wilderness , to kill this whole assembly with hunger .

brought Exo_13_16 /^{brought /us forth out of
Egypt .

brought Num_20_16 /^{brought /us forth out of
Egypt : and, behold, we are in Kadesh , a city in the uttermost
of thy border :

brought Deu_26_08 /^{brought /us forth out of
Egypt with a mighty hand , and with an outstretched arm , and
with great terribleness , and with signs , and with wonders :

brought Deu_01_27 /^{brought /us forth out of
the land of Egypt , to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites ,
to destroy us.

brought 1Th_03_06 /${brought /us good tidings of
your faith and charity , and that ye have good remembrance of us
always , desiring greatly to see us , as we also to see you :

brought Num_16_14 /^{brought /us into a land
that floweth with milk and honey , or given us inheritance of
fields and vineyards : wilt thou put out the eyes of these men ?
we will not come up .

brought Deu_26_09 /^{brought /us into this place
, and hath given us this land , even a land that floweth with
milk and honey .

brought Act_21_05 /${brought /us on our way ,
with wives and children , till we were out of the city : and we
kneeled down on the shore , and prayed .

brought Exo_13_14 /^{brought /us out from Egypt ,
from the house of bondage :

brought Deu_06_23 /^{brought /us out from thence,
that he might bring us in , to give us the land which he sware
unto our fathers .

brought Deu_06_21 /^{brought /us out of Egypt
with a mighty hand :

brought Act_07_40 /${brought /us out of the land
of Egypt , we wot not what is become of him .

brought Num_14_03 /^{brought /us unto this land ,
to fall by the sword , that our wives and our children should
be a prey ? were it not better for us to return into Egypt ?

brought 027 017 Jos /^{brought /us up and our
fathers out of the land of Egypt , from the house of bondage ,
and which did those great signs in our sight , and preserved us
in all the way wherein we went , and among all the people
through whom we passed :

brought Ezr_04_02 /^{brought /us up hither .

brought Num_16_13 /^{brought /us up out of a
land that floweth with milk and honey , to kill us in the
wilderness , except thou make thyself altogether a prince over

brought Exo_17_03 /^{brought /us up out of Egypt
, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst ?

brought Num_21_05 /^{brought /us up out of Egypt
to die in the wilderness ? for there is no bread , neither is
there any water ; and our soul loatheth this light bread .

brought Jer_02_06 /^{brought /us up out of the
land of Egypt , that led us through the wilderness , through a
land of deserts and of pits , through a land of drought , and of
the shadow of death , through a land that no man passed through ,
and where no man dwelt ?

brought Exo_32_01 /^{brought /us up out of the
land of Egypt , we wot not what is become of him.

brought Exo_32_23 /^{brought /us up out of the
land of Egypt , we wot not what is become of him.

brought Deu_01_25 /^{brought /us word again ,
and said , It is a good land which the LORD our God doth give us.

brought Psa_79_08 /^{brought /very low .

brought Psa_142_06 /^{brought /very low :
deliver me from my persecutors ; for they are stronger than I.

brought 2Ch_29_32 /^{brought /was threescore and
ten bullocks , an hundred rams , and two hundred lambs : all
these were for a burnt offering to the LORD .

brought 2Ki_20_20 /^{brought /water into the city
, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the
kings of Judah ?

brought Isa_21_14 /^{brought /water to him that
was thirsty , they prevented with their bread him that fled .

brought Est_06_08 /^{brought /which the king
useth to wear , and the horse that the king rideth upon, and the
crown royal which is set upon his head :

brought 2Sa_08_10 /^{brought /with him vessels of
silver , and vessels of gold , and vessels of brass :

brought Act_21_16 /${brought /with them one
Mnason of Cyprus , an old disciple , with whom we should lodge .

brought Exo_36_03 /^{brought /yet unto him free
offerings every morning .

brought Exo_16_32 /^{brought /you forth from the
land of Egypt .

brought Jud_06_08 /^{brought /you forth out of
the house of bondage ;

brought Deu_04_20 /^{brought /you forth out of
the iron furnace , even out of Egypt , to be unto him a people
of inheritance , as ye are this day .

brought Lev_26_13 /^{brought /you forth out of
the land of Egypt , that ye should not be their bondmen ; and I
have broken the bands of your yoke , and made you go upright .

brought Lev_25_38 /^{brought /you forth out of
the land of Egypt , to give you the land of Canaan , and to be
your God .

brought Jer_02_07 /^{brought /you into a
plentiful country , to eat the fruit thereof and the goodness
thereof; but when ye entered , ye defiled my land , and made
mine heritage an abomination .

brought 027 008 Jos /^{brought /you into the
land of the Amorites , which dwelt on the other side Jordan ;
and they fought with you: and I gave them into your hand , that
ye might possess their land ; and I destroyed them from before

brought 027 005 Jos /^{brought /you out .

brought Exo_16_06 /^{brought /you out from the
land of Egypt :

brought Exo_13_03 /^{brought /you out from this
place: there shall no leavened bread be eaten .

brought Deu_13_05 /^{brought /you out of the
land of Egypt , and redeemed you out of the house of bondage ,
to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded
thee to walk in . So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst
of thee.

brought Lev_22_33 /^{brought /you out of the
land of Egypt , to be your God : I am the LORD .

brought Num_15_41 /^{brought /you out of the
land of Egypt , to be your God : I am the LORD your God .

brought Lev_19_36 /^{brought /you out of the
land of Egypt .

brought Deu_07_08 /^{brought /you out with a
mighty hand , and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen ,
from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt .

brought Exo_19_04 /^{brought /you unto myself.

brought Jud_02_01 /^{brought /you unto the land
which I sware unto your fathers ; and I said , I will never
break my covenant with you.

brought Jud_06_08 /^{brought /you up from Egypt ,
and brought you forth out of the house of bondage ;

brought Amo_02_10 /^{brought /you up from the
land of Egypt , and led you forty years through the wilderness ,
to possess the land of the Amorite .

brought 2Ki_17_36 /^{brought /you up out of the
land of Egypt with great power and a stretched out arm , him
shall ye fear , and him shall ye worship , and to him shall ye
do sacrifice .

brought Eze_37_13 /^{brought /you up out of your
graves ,

brought Mar_10_13 /${brought /young children to
him , that he should touch them : and his disciples rebuked
those that brought them.

brought Exo_12_17 /^{brought /your armies out of
the land of Egypt : therefore shall ye observe this day in your
generations by an ordinance for ever .

brought 027 006 Jos /^{brought /your fathers out
of Egypt : and ye came unto the sea ; and the Egyptians pursued
after your fathers with chariots and horsemen unto the Red sea .

brought 1Sa_12_06 /^{brought /your fathers up
out of the land of Egypt .

broughtest 1Ki_08_51 /^{broughtest /forth out of
Egypt , from the midst of the furnace of iron :

broughtest Neh_09_15 /^{broughtest /forth water for
them out of the rock for their thirst , and promisedst them that
they should go in to possess the land which thou hadst sworn to
give them.

broughtest Neh_09_07 /^{broughtest /him forth out
of Ur of the Chaldees , and gavest him the name of Abraham ;

broughtest 2Sa_05_02 /^{broughtest /in Israel : and
the LORD said to thee, Thou shalt feed my people Israel , and
thou shalt be a captain over Israel .

broughtest 1Ch_11_02 /^{broughtest /in Israel : and
the LORD thy God said unto thee, Thou shalt feed my people
Israel , and thou shalt be ruler over my people Israel .

broughtest 1Ki_08_53 /^{broughtest /our fathers out
of Egypt , O Lord GOD .

broughtest Deu_09_29 /^{broughtest /out by thy
mighty power and by thy stretched out arm .

broughtest Exo_32_07 /^{broughtest /out of the land
of Egypt , have corrupted themselves:

broughtest Neh_09_23 /^{broughtest /them into the
land , concerning which thou hadst promised to their fathers ,
that they should go in to possess it.

broughtest Psa_66_11 /^{broughtest /us into the net
; thou laidst affliction upon our loins .

broughtest Psa_66_12 /^{broughtest /us out into a
wealthy place.

broughtest Deu_09_28 /^{broughtest /us out say ,
Because the LORD was not able to bring them into the land which
he promised them, and because he hated them, he hath brought
them out to slay them in the wilderness .
