briers Isa_09_18 /^{briers /and thorns , and
shall kindle in the thickets of the forest , and they shall
mount up like the lifting up of smoke .

briers Isa_07_24 /^{briers /and thorns .

briers Isa_07_23 /^{briers /and thorns .

briers Isa_07_25 /^{briers /and thorns : but it
shall be for the sending forth of oxen , and for the treading of
lesser cattle .

briers Isa_05_06 /^{briers /and thorns : I will
also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it.

briers Isa_27_04 /^{briers /and thorns against
me in battle ? I would go through them, I would burn them
together .

briers Eze_02_06 /^{briers /and thorns be with
thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions : be not afraid of
their words , nor be dismayed at their looks , though they be a
rebellious house .

briers Jud_08_16 /^{briers /and with them he
taught the men of Succoth .

briers Isa_10_17 /^{briers /in one day ;

briers Heb_06_08 /${briers /is rejected , and
is nigh unto cursing ; whose end is to be burned .

briers Isa_32_13 /^{briers /yea, upon all the
houses of joy in the joyous city :
