bride 3618 ## kallah {kal-law'}; from 3634; a bride (as if
perfect); hence, a son's wife: -- {bride}, daughter-in-law,
spouse. [ql

bride 3565 # numphe {noom-fay'}; from a primary but obsolete
verb nupto (to veil as a bride; compare Latin "nupto," to marry);
a young married woman (as veiled), including a bethrothed girl;
by implication a son's wife: -- {bride}, daughter in law.[ql

bridechamber 3567 # numphon {noom-fohn'}; from 3565; the bridal
room: -- {bridechamber}.[ql

bridegroom 2860 ## chathan {khaw-thawn'}; from 2859; a relative
by marriage (especially through the bride); figuratively, a
circumcised child (as a species of religious espousal): --
{bridegroom}, husband, son in law. [ql

bridegroom 3566 # numphios {noom-fee'-os}; from 3565; a bride-
groom (literally or figuratively): -- {bridegroom}.[ql
