Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

breasts 26_EZE_16_07 I have caused (05414 +nathan ) thee to multiply (07233 +r@babah ) as the bud (06779 +tsamach ) of the field (07704 +sadeh ) , and thou hast increased (07235 +rabah ) and waxen great (01431 +gadal ) , and thou art come (00935 +bow) ) to excellent (05716 +(adiy ) ornaments (05716 +(adiy ):[ thy ] {breasts} (07699 +shad ) are fashioned (03559 +kuwn ) , and thine hair (08181 +se(ar ) is grown (06779 +tsamach ) , whereas thou [ wast ] naked (05903 +(eyrom ) and bare (06181 +(eryah ) .

breasts 26_EZE_23_03 And they committed (02181 +zanah ) whoredoms in Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) ; they committed (02181 +zanah ) whoredoms in their youth (05271 +na(uwr ):there (08033 +sham ) were their {breasts} (07699 +shad ) pressed (04600 +ma(ak ) , and there (08033 +sham ) they bruised (06213 +(asah ) the teats (01717 +dad ) of their virginity (01331 +b@thuwliym ) .

breasts 26_EZE_23_08 Neither (03808 +lo) ) left (05800 +(azab ) she her whoredoms (08457 +taznuwth ) [ brought ] from Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ):for in her youth (05271 +na(uwr ) they lay (07901 +shakab ) with her , and they bruised (06213 +(asah ) the {breasts} (01717 +dad ) of her virginity (01331 +b@thuwliym ) , and poured (08210 +shaphak ) their whoredom (08457 +taznuwth ) upon her .

breasts 26_EZE_23_34 Thou shalt even drink (08354 +shathah ) it and suck (04680 +matsah ) [ it ] out , and thou shalt break (01633 +garam ) the sherds (02789 +cheres ) thereof , and pluck (05423 +nathaq ) off thine own {breasts} (07699 +shad ):for I have spoken (01696 +dabar ) [ it ] , saith (00559 +)amar ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) .

breasts 01_GEN_49_25 [ Even ] by the God (00410 +)el ) of thy father (1) , who shall help (05826 +(azar ) thee ; and by the Almighty (07706 +Shadday ) , who shall bless (01288 +barak ) thee with blessings (01293 +B@rakah ) of heaven (08064 +shamayim ) above (05921 +(al ) , blessings (01293 +B@rakah ) of the deep (08415 +t@howm ) that lieth (07257 +rabats ) under (08478 +tachath ) , blessings (01293 +B@rakah ) of the {breasts} (07699 +shad ) , and of the womb (07356 +racham ) :

breasts 28_HOS_02_02 Plead (07378 +riyb ) with your mother (00517 +)em ) , plead (07378 +riyb ):for she [ is ] not my wife (00802 +)ishshah ) , neither (03808 +lo) ) [ am ] I her husband (00376 +)iysh ):let her therefore put (05493 +cuwr ) away (05493 +cuwr ) her whoredoms (02183 +zanuwn ) out of her sight (06440 +paniym ) , and her adulteries (05005 +na)aphuwph ) from between (00996 +beyn ) her {breasts} (07699 +shad ) ;

breasts 28_HOS_09_14 Give (05414 +nathan ) them , O LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ):what (04100 +mah ) wilt thou give (05414 +nathan ) ? give (05414 +nathan ) them a miscarrying (07921 +shakol ) womb (07358 +rechem ) and dry (06784 +tsamaq ) {breasts} (07699 +shad ) .

breasts 23_ISA_28_09 . Whom shall he teach (03384 +yarah ) knowledge (01844 +de(ah ) ? and whom shall he make to understand (00995 +biyn ) doctrine (08052 +sh@muw(ah ) ? [ them that are ] weaned (01580 +gamal ) from the milk (02461 +chalab ) , [ and ] drawn (06267 +attiyq ) from the {breasts} (07699 +shad ) .

breasts 23_ISA_66_11 That ye may suck (03243 +yanaq ) , and be satisfied (07646 +saba( ) with the {breasts} (07699 +shad ) of her consolations (08575 +tanchuwm ) ; that ye may milk (04711 +matsats ) out , and be delighted (06026 +(anag ) with the abundance (02123 +ziyz ) of her glory (03519 +kabowd ) .

breasts 18_JOB_03_12 Why (04069 +madduwa( ) did the knees (01290 +berek ) prevent (06923 +qadam ) me ? or why (04069 +madduwa( ) the {breasts} (07699 +shad ) that I should suck (03243 +yanaq ) ?

breasts 18_JOB_21_24 His {breasts} (05845 +(atiyn ) are full (04390 +male) ) of milk (02461 +chalab ) , and his bones (06106 +(etsem ) are moistened (08248 +shaqah ) with marrow (04221 +moach ) .

breasts 29_JOE_02_16 Gather (00622 +)acaph ) the people (05971 +(am ) , sanctify (06942 +qadash ) the congregation (06951 +qahal ) , assemble (06908 +qabats ) the elders (02205 +zaqen ) , gather (00622 +)acaph ) the children (05768 +(owlel ) , and those that suck (03243 +yanaq ) the {breasts} (07699 +shad ):let the bridegroom (02860 +chathan ) go (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) of his chamber (02315 +cheder ) , and the bride (03618 +kallah ) out of her closet (02646 +chuppah ) .

breasts 03_LEV_09_20 And they put (07760 +suwm ) the fat (02459 +cheleb ) upon the {breasts} (02373 +chazeh ) , and he burnt (06999 +qatar ) the fat (02459 +cheleb ) upon the altar (04196 +mizbeach ) :

breasts 03_LEV_09_21 And the {breasts} (02373 +chazeh ) and the right (03225 +yamiyn ) shoulder (07785 +showq ) Aaron (00175 +)Aharown ) waved (05130 +nuwph ) [ for ] a wave (08573 +t@nuwphah ) offering before (06440 +paniym ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) ; as Moses (04872 +Mosheh ) commanded (06680 +tsavah ) .

breasts 42_LUK_23_48 And all 3956 -pas - the people 3793 -ochlos - that came 4836 -sumparaginomai - together 4836 -sumparaginomai - to that sight 2335 -theoria - , beholding 2334 -theoreo - the things which were done 1096 -ginomai - , smote 5180 -tupto - their {breasts} 4738 -stethos - , and returned 5290 -hupostrepho - .

breasts 34_NAH_02_07 And Huzzab (05324 +natsab ) shall be led away (01540 +galah ) captive (01540 +galah ) , she shall be brought (05927 +(alah ) up , and her maids (00519 +)amah ) shall lead (05090 +nahag ) [ her ] as with the voice (06963 +qowl ) of doves (03123 +yownah ) , tabering (08608 +taphaph ) upon their {breasts} (03824 +lebab ) .

breasts 20_PRO_05_19 [ Let her be as ] the loving (00158 +)ahab ) hind (00365 +)ayeleth ) and pleasant (02580 +chen ) roe (03280 +ya(alah ) ; let her {breasts} (01717 +dad ) satisfy (07301 +ravah ) thee at all (03605 +kol ) times (06256 +(eth ) ; and be thou ravished (07686 +shagah ) always (08548 +tamiyd ) with her love (00160 +)ahabah ) .

breasts 19_PSA_22_09 But thou [ art ] he that took (01518 +giyach ) me out of the womb (00990 +beten ):thou didst make me hope (00982 +batach ) [ when I was ] upon my mother s (00517 +)em ) {breasts} (07699 +shad ) .

breasts 66_REV_15_06 And the seven (2033 -hepta -) angels (0032 -aggelos -) came (1831 -exerchomai -) out of the temple (3485 -naos -) , having (2192 -echo -) the seven (2033 -hepta -) plagues (4127 -plege -) , clothed (1746 -enduo -) in pure (2513 -katharos -) and white (2986 -lampros -) linen (3043 -linon -) , and having (2192 -echo -) their {breasts} (4738 -stethos -) girded (4024 -perizonnumi -) with golden (5552 -chruseos -) girdles (2223 -zone -) .

breasts 22_SON_01_13 A bundle (06872 +ts@rowr ) of myrrh (04753 +more ) [ is ] my wellbeloved (01730 +dowd ) unto me ; he shall lie (03885 +luwn ) all (03605 +kol ) night betwixt (00996 +beyn ) my {breasts} (07699 +shad ) .

breasts 22_SON_04_05 Thy two (08147 +sh@nayim ) {breasts} (07699 +shad ) [ are ] like two (08147 +sh@nayim ) young (06082 +(opher ) roes (06646 +ts@biyah ) that are twins (08380 +ta)owm ) , which feed (07462 +ra(ah ) among the lilies (07799 +shuwshan ) .

breasts 22_SON_07_03 Thy two (08147 +sh@nayim ) {breasts} (07699 +shad ) [ are ] like two (08147 +sh@nayim ) young (06082 +(opher ) roes (06646 +ts@biyah ) [ that are ] twins (08380 +ta)owm ) .

breasts 22_SON_07_07 This (02063 +zo)th ) thy stature (06967 +qowmah ) is like (01819 +damah ) to a palm (08558 +tamar ) tree , and thy {breasts} (07699 +shad ) to clusters (00811 +)eshkowl ) [ of grapes ] .

breasts 22_SON_07_08 I said (00559 +)amar ) , I will go (05927 +(alah ) up to the palm (08558 +tamar ) tree , I will take (00270 +)achaz ) hold (00270 +)achaz ) of the boughs (05577 +cancin ) thereof:now (04994 +na) ) also thy {breasts} (07699 +shad ) shall be as clusters (00811 +)eshkowl ) of the vine (01612 +gephen ) , and the smell (07381 +reyach ) of thy nose (00639 +)aph ) like apples (08598 +tappuwach ) ;

breasts 22_SON_08_01 . O that thou [ wert ] as my brother (00251 +)ach ) , that sucked (03243 +yanaq ) the {breasts} (07699 +shad ) of my mother (00517 +)em ) ! [ when ] I should find (04672 +matsa) ) thee without (02351 +chuwts ) , I would kiss (05401 +nashaq ) thee ; yea (01571 +gam ) , I should not be despised (00937 +buwz ) .

breasts 22_SON_08_08 . We have a little (06996 +qatan ) sister (00269 +)achowth ) , and she hath no (00369 +)ayin ) {breasts} (07699 +shad ):what (04100 +mah ) shall we do (06213 +(asah ) for our sister (00269 +)achowth ) in the day (03117 +yowm ) when she shall be spoken (01696 +dabar ) for ?

breasts 22_SON_08_10 I [ am ] a wall (02346 +chowmah ) , and my {breasts} (07699 +shad ) like towers (04026 +migdal ):then (00227 +)az ) was I in his eyes (05869 +(ayin ) as one that found (04672 +matsa) ) favour (07965 +shalowm ) .

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