Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
bread ^ 46_1CO_10_17 For <3754> we <2070> <0> being many <4183> are <2070> (5748) one <1520> {bread} <0740>, and one <1520> body <4983>: for <1063> we are <3348> <0> all <3956> partakers <3348> (5719) of <1537> that one <1520> bread <0740>.

bread ^ 46_1CO_11_23 For <1063> I <1473> have received <3880> (5627) of <0575> the Lord <2962> that which <3739> also <2532> I delivered <3860> (5656) unto you <5213>, That <3754> the Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> the same night <3571> in <1722> which <3739> he was betrayed <3860> (5712) took <2983> (5627) {bread} <0740>:

bread ^ 46_1CO_11_26 For <1063> as often as <0302> <3740> ye eat <2068> (5725) this <5126> {bread} <0740>, and <2532> drink <4095> (5725) this <5124> cup <4221>, ye do shew <2605> (5719) the Lord's <2962> death <2288> till <0891> <0302> he <3739> come <2064> (5632).

bread ^ 46_1CO_11_27 Wherefore <5620> whosoever <3739> <0302> shall eat <2068> (5725) this <5126> {bread} <0740>, and <2228> drink <4095> (5725) this cup <4221> of the Lord <2962>, unworthily <0371>, shall be <2071> (5704) guilty <1777> of the body <4983> and <2532> blood <0129> of the Lord <2962>.

bread ^ 46_1CO_05_08 Therefore <5620> let us keep the feast <1858> (5725), not <3361> with <1722> old <3820> leaven <2219>, neither <3366> with <1722> the leaven <2219> of malice <2549> and <2532> wickedness <4189>; but <0235> with <1722> the unleavened <0106> {bread} of sincerity <1505> and <2532> truth <0225>.

bread ^ 46_1CO_11_28 But <1161> let <1381> <0> a man <0444> examine <1381> (5720) himself <1438>, and <2532> so <3779> let him eat <2068> (5720) of <1537> that {bread} <0740>, and <2532> drink <4095> (5720) of <1537> that cup <4221>.

bread ^ 46_1CO_10_17 For <3754> we <2070> <0> being many <4183> are <2070> (5748) one <1520> bread <0740>, and one <1520> body <4983>: for <1063> we are <3348> <0> all <3956> partakers <3348> (5719) of <1537> that one <1520> {bread} <0740>.

bread ^ 46_1CO_10_16 The cup <4221> of blessing <2129> which <3739> we bless <2127> (5719), is it <2076> (5748) not <3780> the communion <2842> of the blood <0129> of Christ <5547>? The {bread} <0740> which <3739> we break <2806> (5719), is it <2076> (5748) not <3780> the communion <2842> of the body <4983> of Christ <5547>?

bread ^ 47_2CO_09_10 Now <1161> he that ministereth <2023> (5723) seed <4690> to the sower <4687> (5723) both <2532> minister <5524> (5659) {bread} <0740> for <1519> your food <1035>, and <2532> multiply <4129> (5659) your <5216> seed sown <4703>, and <2532> increase <0837> (5659) the fruits <1081> of your <5216> righteousness <1343>;)

bread ^ 53_2TH_03_08 Neither <3761> did we eat <5315> (5627) any man's <3844> <5100> {bread} <0740> for nought <1432>; but <0235> wrought <2038> (5740) with <1722> labour <2873> and <2532> travail <3449> night <3571> and <2532> day <2250>, that <4314> we might <1912> <0> not <3361> be chargeable <1912> (5658) to any <5100> of you <5216>:

bread ^ 53_2TH_03_12 Now <1161> them that are such <5108> we command <3853> (5719) and <2532> exhort <3870> (5719) by <1223> our <2257> Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, that <2443> with <3326> quietness <2271> they work <2038> (5740), and eat <2068> (5725) their own <1438> {bread} <0740>.

bread ^ 44_ACT_20_11 When <1161> he <0305> <0> therefore was come up again <0305> (5631), and <2532> had broken <2806> (5660) {bread} <0740>, and <2532> eaten <1089> (5666), and <5037> talked <3656> (5660) <1909> a long while <2425>, even till <0891> break of day <0827>, so <3779> he departed <1831> (5627).

bread ^ 44_ACT_27_35 And <1161> when he had thus <5023> spoken <2036> (5631), <2532> he took <2983> (5631) {bread} <0740>, and gave thanks <2168> (5656) to God <2316> in presence <1799> of them all <3956>: and <2532> when he had broken <2806> (5660) it, he began <0756> (5662) to eat <2068> (5721).

bread ^ 44_ACT_20_07 And <1161> upon <1722> the first <3391> day of the week <4521>, when the disciples <3101> came together <4863> (5772) to break <2806> (5658) {bread} <0740>, Paul <3972> preached <1256> (5711) unto them <0846>, ready <3195> (5723) to depart <1826> (5750) on the morrow <1887>; and <5037> continued <3905> (5707) his speech <3056> until <3360> midnight <3317>.

bread ^ 44_ACT_02_42 And <1161> they continued <2258> (5713) stedfastly <4342> (5723) in the apostles <0652> doctrine <1322> and <2532> fellowship <2842>, and <2532> in breaking <2800> of {bread} <0740>, and <2532> in prayers <4335>.

bread ^ 44_ACT_20_06 And <1161> we <2249> sailed away <1602> (5656) from <0575> Philippi <5375> after <3326> the days <2250> of unleavened {bread} <0106>, and <2532> came <2064> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846> to <1519> Troas <5174> in <0891> five <4002> days <2250>; where <3757> we abode <1304> (5656) seven <2033> days <2250>.

bread ^ 44_ACT_12_03 And <2532> because he saw <1492> (5631) it <3754> pleased <2076> (5748) <0701> the Jews <2453>, he proceeded further <4369> (5639) to take <4815> (5629) Peter <4074> also <2532>. (Then <1161> were <2258> (5713) the days <2250> of unleavened {bread} <0106>.)

bread ^ 44_ACT_02_46 And <5037> they, continuing <4342> (5723) daily <2596> <2250> with one accord <3661> in <1722> the temple <2411>, and <5037> breaking <2806> (5723) {bread} <0740> from <2596> house to house <3624>, did eat <3335> (5707) their meat <5160> with <1722> gladness <0020> and <2532> singleness <0858> of heart <2588>,

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_07 Philip <5376> answered <0611> (5662) him <0846>, Two hundred <1250> pennyworth <1220> of {bread} <0740> is <0714> <0> not <3756> sufficient <0714> (5719) for them <0846>, that <2443> every one <1538> of them <0846> may take <2983> (5632) a <5100> little <1024>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_23 (Howbeit <0235> <1161> there came <2064> (5627) other <0243> boats <4142> from <1537> Tiberias <5085> nigh <1451> unto the place <5117> where <3699> they did eat <5315> (5627) {bread} <0740>, after that the Lord <2962> had given thanks <2168> (5660):)

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_31 Our <2257> fathers <3962> did eat <5315> (5627) manna <3131> in <1722> the desert <2048>; as <2531> it is <2076> (5748) written <1125> (5772), He gave <1325> (5656) them <0846> {bread} <0740> from <1537> heaven <3772> to eat <5315> (5629).

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_32 Then <3767> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Moses <3475> gave <1325> (5758) you <5213> not <3756> that bread <0740> from <1537> heaven <3772>; but <0235> my <3450> Father <3962> giveth <1325> (5719) you <5213> the true <0228> {bread} <0740> from <1537> heaven <3772>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_51 I <1473> am <1510> (5748) the living <2198> (5723) bread <0740> which <3588> came down <2597> (5631) from <1537> heaven <3772>: if <1437> any man <5100> eat <5315> (5632) of <1537> this <5127> bread <0740>, he shall live <2198> (5695) for <1519> ever <0165>: and <1161> <2532> the {bread} <0740> that <3739> I <1473> will give <1325> (5692) is <2076> (5748) my <3450> flesh <4561>, which <3739> I <1473> will give <1325> (5692) for <5228> the life <2222> of the world <2889>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_51 I <1473> am <1510> (5748) the living <2198> (5723) bread <0740> which <3588> came down <2597> (5631) from <1537> heaven <3772>: if <1437> any man <5100> eat <5315> (5632) of <1537> this <5127> {bread} <0740>, he shall live <2198> (5695) for <1519> ever <0165>: and <1161> <2532> the bread <0740> that <3739> I <1473> will give <1325> (5692) is <2076> (5748) my <3450> flesh <4561>, which <3739> I <1473> will give <1325> (5692) for <5228> the life <2222> of the world <2889>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_34 Then <3767> said they <2036> (5627) unto <4314> him <0846>, Lord <2962>, evermore <3842> give <1325> (5628) us <2254> this <5126> {bread} <0740>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_32 Then <3767> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Moses <3475> gave <1325> (5758) you <5213> not <3756> that {bread} <0740> from <1537> heaven <3772>; but <0235> my <3450> Father <3962> giveth <1325> (5719) you <5213> the true <0228> bread <0740> from <1537> heaven <3772>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_05 When Jesus <2424> then <3767> lifted up <1869> (5660) his eyes <3788>, and <2532> saw <2300> (5666) <3754> a great <4183> company <3793> come <2064> (5736) unto <4314> him <0846>, he saith <3004> (5719) unto <4314> Philip <5376>, Whence <4159> shall we buy <0059> (5692) {bread} <0740>, that <2443> these <3778> may eat <5315> (5632)?

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_58 This <3778> is <2076> (5748) that bread <0740> which <3588> came down <2597> (5631) from <1537> heaven <3772>: not <3756> as <2531> your <5216> fathers <3962> did eat <5315> (5627) manna <3131>, and <2532> are dead <0599> (5627): he that eateth <5176> (5723) of this <5126> {bread} <0740> shall live <2198> (5695) for <1519> ever <0165>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_33 For <1063> the {bread} <0740> of God <2316> is he <2076> (5748) which <3588> cometh down <2597> (5723) from <1537> heaven <3772>, and <2532> giveth <1325> (5723) life <2222> unto the world <2889>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_41 The Jews <2453> then <3767> murmured <1111> (5707) at <4012> him <0846>, because <3754> he said <2036> (5627), I <1473> am <1510> (5748) the {bread} <0740> which <3588> came down <2597> (5631) from <1537> heaven <3772>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_35 And <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, I <1473> am <1510> (5748) the {bread} <0740> of life <2222>: he that cometh <2064> (5740) to <4314> me <3165> shall never <3364> hunger <3983> (5661); and <2532> he that believeth <4100> (5723) on <1519> me <1691> shall <1372> <0> never <3364> <4455> thirst <1372> (5661).

bread ^ 43_JOH_21_13 Jesus <2424> then <3767> cometh <2064> (5736), and <2532> taketh <2983> (5719) {bread} <0740>, and <2532> giveth <1325> (5719) them <0846>, and <2532> fish <3795> likewise <3668>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_21_09 As soon <5613> then <3767> as they were come <0576> (5627) to <1519> land <1093>, they saw <0991> (5719) a fire of coals <0439> there, and <2532> fish <3795> laid <2749> (5740) thereon <1945> (5740), and <2532> {bread} <0740>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_13_18 I speak <3004> (5719) not <3756> of <4012> you <5216> all <3956>: I <1473> know <1492> (5758) whom <3739> I have chosen <1586> (5668): but <0235> that <2443> the scripture <1124> may be fulfilled <4137> (5686), He that eateth <5176> (5723) {bread} <0740> with <3326> me <1700> hath lifted up <1869> (5656) his <0846> heel <4418> against <1909> me <1691>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_58 This <3778> is <2076> (5748) that {bread} <0740> which <3588> came down <2597> (5631) from <1537> heaven <3772>: not <3756> as <2531> your <5216> fathers <3962> did eat <5315> (5627) manna <3131>, and <2532> are dead <0599> (5627): he that eateth <5176> (5723) of this <5126> bread <0740> shall live <2198> (5695) for <1519> ever <0165>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_51 I <1473> am <1510> (5748) the living <2198> (5723) {bread} <0740> which <3588> came down <2597> (5631) from <1537> heaven <3772>: if <1437> any man <5100> eat <5315> (5632) of <1537> this <5127> bread <0740>, he shall live <2198> (5695) for <1519> ever <0165>: and <1161> <2532> the bread <0740> that <3739> I <1473> will give <1325> (5692) is <2076> (5748) my <3450> flesh <4561>, which <3739> I <1473> will give <1325> (5692) for <5228> the life <2222> of the world <2889>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_48 I <1473> am <1510> (5748) that {bread} <0740> of life <2222>.

bread ^ 43_JOH_06_50 This <3778> is <2076> (5748) the {bread} <0740> which <3588> cometh down <2597> (5723) from <1537> heaven <3772>, that <3363> <0> a man <5100> may eat <5315> (5632) thereof <1537> <0846>, and <2532> not <3363> die <0599> (5632).

bread ^ 42_LUK_04_04 And <2532> Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5662) him <4314> <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), It is written <1125> (5769), That <3754> man <0444> shall <2198> <0> not <3756> live <2198> (5695) by <1909> {bread} <0740> alone <3441>, but <0235> by <1909> every <3956> word <4487> of God <2316>.

bread ^ 42_LUK_07_33 For <1063> John <2491> the Baptist <0910> came <2064> (5754) neither <3383> eating <2068> (5723) {bread} <0740> nor <3383> drinking <4095> (5723) wine <3631>; and <2532> ye say <3004> (5719), He hath <2192> (5719) a devil <1140>.

bread ^ 42_LUK_04_03 And <2532> the devil <1228> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, If <1487> thou be <1488> (5748) the Son <5207> of God <2316>, command <2036> (5628) this <5129> stone <3037> that <2443> it be made <1096> (5638) {bread} <0740>.

bread ^ 42_LUK_22_07 Then <1161> came <2064> (5627) the day <2250> of unleavened {bread} <0106>, when <1722> <3739> the passover <3957> must <1163> (5713) be killed <2380> (5745).

bread ^ 42_LUK_14_15 And <1161> when one <5100> of them that sat at meat with him <4873> (5740) heard <0191> (5660) these things <5023>, he said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Blessed <3107> is he <3739> that shall eat <5315> (5695) {bread} <0740> in <1722> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>.

bread ^ 42_LUK_15_17 And <1161> when he came <2064> (5631) to <1519> himself <1438>, he said <2036> (5627), How many <4214> hired servants <3407> of my <3450> father's <3962> have {bread} <0740> enough and to spare <4052> (5719), and <1161> I <1473> perish <0622> (5731) with hunger <3042>!

bread ^ 42_LUK_09_03 And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, Take <0142> (5720) nothing <3367> for <1519> your journey <3598>, neither <3383> staves <4464>, nor <3383> scrip <4082>, neither <3383> {bread} <0740>, neither <3383> money <0694>; neither <3383> have <2192> (5721) two <1417> coats <5509> apiece <0303>.

bread ^ 42_LUK_22_01 Now <1161> the feast <1859> of unleavened {bread} <0106> drew nigh <1448> (5707), which is called <3004> (5746) the Passover <3957>.

bread ^ 42_LUK_24_30 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), as <1722> he <0846> sat at meat <2625> (5683) with <3326> them <0846>, he took <2983> (5631) {bread} <0740>, and blessed <2127> (5656) it, and <2532> brake <2806> (5660), and gave <1929> (5707) to them <0846>.

bread ^ 42_LUK_24_35 And <2532> they <0846> told <1834> (5711) what things were done in <1722> the way <3598>, and <2532> how <5613> he was known <1097> (5681) of them <0846> in <1722> breaking <2800> of {bread} <0740>.

bread ^ 42_LUK_22_19 And <2532> he took <2983> (5631) {bread} <0740>, and gave thanks <2168> (5660), and brake <2806> (5656) it, and <2532> gave <1325> (5656) unto them <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), This <5124> is <2076> (5748) my <3450> body <4983> which <3588> is given <1325> (5746) for <5228> you <5216>: this <5124> do <4160> (5720) in remembrance <0364> of <1519> me <1699>.

bread ^ 42_LUK_11_11 If <1161> a son <5207> shall ask <0154> (5692) {bread} <0740> of any of you <5216> that is a father <3962> <5101>, will he give <1929> (5692) <3361> him <0846> a stone <3037>? or <1499> if he ask a fish <2486>, will he <1929> <0> for <0473> a fish <2486> give <1929> (5692) <3361> him <0846> a serpent <3789>?

bread ^ 42_LUK_14_01 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), as <1722> he <0846> went <2064> (5629) into <1519> the house <3624> of one <5100> of the chief <0758> Pharisees <5330> to eat <5315> (5629) {bread} <0740> on the sabbath <4521> day, that <2532> they <0846> watched <2258> (5713) <3906> (5734) him <0846>.

bread ^ 42_LUK_11_03 Give <1325> (5720) us <2254> day <2596> by day <2250> our <2257> daily <1967> {bread} <0740>.

bread ^ 40_MAT_16_05 And <2532> when his <0846> disciples <3101> were come <2064> (5631) to <1519> the other side <4008>, they had forgotten <1950> (5633) to take <2983> (5629) {bread} <0740>.

bread ^ 40_MAT_16_11 How <4459> is it that <3754> ye do <3539> <0> not <3756> understand <3539> (5719) that I spake <2036> (5627) it not <3756> to you <5213> concerning <4012> {bread} <0740>, that ye should beware <4337> (5721) of <0575> the leaven <2219> of the Pharisees <5330> and <2532> of the Sadducees <4523>?

bread ^ 40_MAT_16_12 Then <5119> understood they <4920> (5656) how that <3754> he bade <2036> (5627) them not <3756> beware <4337> (5721) of <0575> the leaven <2219> of {bread} <0740>, but <0235> of <0575> the doctrine <1322> of the Pharisees <5330> and <2532> of the Sadducees <4523>.

bread ^ 40_MAT_26_17 Now <1161> the first <4413> day of the feast of unleavened {bread} <0106> the disciples <3101> came <4334> (5656) to Jesus <2424>, saying <3004> (5723) unto him <0846>, Where <4226> wilt thou <2309> (5719) that we prepare <2090> (5661) for thee <4671> to eat <5315> (5629) the passover <3957>?

bread ^ 40_MAT_26_26 And <1161> as they <0846> were eating <2068> (5723), Jesus <2424> took <2983> (5631) {bread} <0740>, and <2532> blessed <2127> (5660) it, and brake <2806> (5656) it, and <2532> gave <1325> (5707) it to the disciples <3101>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627), Take <2983> (5628), eat <5315> (5628); this <5124> is <2076> (5748) my <3450> body <4983>.

bread ^ 41_MAR_08_04 And <2532> his <0846> disciples <3101> answered <0611> (5662) him <0846>, From whence <4159> can <1410> (5695) a man <5100> satisfy <5526> (5658) these <5128> men with {bread} <0740> here <5602> in <1909> the wilderness <2047>?

bread ^ 40_MAT_15_02 Why <1302> do thy <4675> disciples <3101> transgress <3845> (5719) the tradition <3862> of the elders <4245>? for <1063> they wash <3538> (5731) not <3756> their <0846> hands <5495> when <3752> they eat <2068> (5725) {bread} <0740>.

bread ^ 40_MAT_16_07 And <1161> they reasoned <1260> (5711) among <1722> themselves <1438>, saying <3004> (5723), It is because <3754> we have taken <2983> (5627) no <3756> {bread} <0740>.

bread ^ 41_MAR_08_14 Now <2532> the disciples had forgotten <1950> (5633) to take <2983> (5629) {bread} <0740>, neither <2532> <3756> had <2192> (5707) they in <1722> the ship <4143> with <3326> them <1438> more than <1508> one <1520> loaf <0740>.

bread ^ 40_MAT_06_11 Give <1325> (5628) us <2254> this day <4594> our <2257> daily <1967> {bread} <0740>.

bread ^ 40_MAT_15_26 But <1161> he answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627), It is <2076> (5748) not <3756> meet <2570> to take <2983> (5629) the children's <5043> {bread} <0740>, and <2532> to cast <0906> (5629) it to dogs <2952>.

bread ^ 40_MAT_15_33 And <2532> his <0846> disciples <3101> say <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Whence <4159> should we <2254> have so much <5118> {bread} <0740> in <1722> the wilderness <2047>, as <5620> to fill <5526> (5658) so great <5118> a multitude <3793>?

bread ^ 40_MAT_16_08 Which when <1161> Jesus <2424> perceived <1097> (5631), he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, O ye of little faith <3640>, why <5101> reason ye <1260> (5736) among <1722> yourselves <1438>, because <3754> ye have brought <2983> (5627) no <3756> {bread} <0740>?

bread ^ 41_MAR_14_12 And <2532> the first <4413> day <2250> of unleavened {bread} <0106>, when <3753> they killed <2380> (5707) the passover <3957>, his <0846> disciples <3101> said <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Where <4226> wilt thou <2309> (5719) that we go <0565> (5631) and prepare <2090> (5661) that <2443> thou mayest eat <5315> (5632) the passover <3957>?

bread ^ 40_MAT_07_09 Or <2228> what <5101> man <0444> is <2076> (5748) there of <1537> you <5216>, whom <3739> if <1437> his <0846> son <5207> ask <0154> (5661) {bread} <0740>, will he give <3361> <1929> (5692) him <0846> a stone <3037>?

bread ^ 41_MAR_14_01 After <1161> two <1417> days <2250> was <2258> (5713) the feast of the passover <3957>, and <2532> of <3326> unleavened {bread} <0106>: and <2532> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> the scribes <1122> sought <2212> (5707) how <4459> they might take <2902> (5660) him <0846> by <1722> craft <1388>, and put him to death <0615> (5725).

bread ^ 40_MAT_04_04 But <1161> he answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627), It is written <1125> (5769), Man <0444> shall <2198> <0> not <3756> live <2198> (5695) by <1909> {bread} <0740> alone <3441>, but <0235> by <1909> every <3956> word <4487> that proceedeth <1607> (5740) out of <1223> the mouth <4750> of God <2316>.

bread ^ 41_MAR_07_27 But <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto her <0846>, Let <0863> (5628) the children <5043> first <4412> be filled <5526> (5683): for <1063> it is <2076> (5748) not <3756> meet <2570> to take <2983> (5629) the children's <5043> {bread} <0740>, and <2532> to cast <0906> (5629) it unto the dogs <2952>.

bread ^ 41_MAR_08_16 And <2532> they reasoned <1260> (5711) among <4314> themselves <0240>, saying <3004> (5723), It is because <3754> we have <2192> (5719) no <3756> {bread} <0740>.

bread ^ 41_MAR_07_02 And <2532> when they saw <1492> (5631) some <5100> of his <0846> disciples <3101> eat <2068> (5723) {bread} <0740> with defiled <2839>, that is to say <5123> (5748), with unwashen <0449>, hands <5495>, they found fault <3201> (5662).

bread ^ 41_MAR_03_20 And <2532> the multitude <3793> cometh together <4905> (5736) again <3825>, so that <5620> they <0846> could <1410> (5738) not <3361> so much as <3383> eat <5315> (5629) {bread} <0740>.

bread ^ 41_MAR_08_17 And <2532> when Jesus <2424> knew <1097> (5631) it, he saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Why <5101> reason ye <1260> (5736), because <3754> ye have <2192> (5719) no <3756> {bread} <0740>? perceive ye <3539> (5719) not yet <3768>, neither <3761> understand <4920> (5719)? have ye <2192> (5719) your <5216> heart <2588> yet <2089> hardened <4456> (5772)?

bread ^ 41_MAR_06_36 Send <0630> <0> them <0846> away <0630> (5657), that <2443> they may go <0565> (5631) into <1519> the country <0068> round about <2945>, and <2532> into the villages <2968>, and buy <0059> (5661) themselves <1438> {bread} <0740>: for <1063> they have <2192> (5719) nothing <5101> <3756> to eat <5315> (5632).

bread ^ 41_MAR_14_22 And <2532> as they <0846> did eat <2068> (5723), Jesus <2424> took <2983> (5631) {bread} <0740>, and blessed <2127> (5660), and brake <2806> (5656) it, and <2532> gave <1325> (5656) to them <0846>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627), Take <2983> (5628), eat <5315> (5628): this <5124> is <2076> (5748) my <3450> body <4983>.

bread ^ 41_MAR_06_08 And <2532> commanded <3853> (5656) them <0846> that <2443> they should take <0142> (5725) nothing <3367> for <1519> their journey <3598>, save <1508> a staff <4464> only <3440>; no <3361> scrip <4082>, no <3361> {bread} <0740>, no <3361> money <5475> in <1519> their purse <2223>:

bread ^ 41_MAR_06_37 He answered <0611> (5679) and <1161> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Give <1325> (5628) ye <5210> them <0846> to eat <5315> (5629). And <2532> they say <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Shall we go <0565> (5631) and buy <0059> (5661) two hundred <1250> pennyworth <1220> of {bread} <0740>, and <2532> give <1325> (5632) them <0846> to eat <5315> (5629)?

bread ^ 40_MAT_04_03 And <2532> when the tempter <3985> (5723) came <4334> (5631) to him <0846>, he said <2036> (5627), If <1487> thou be <1488> (5748) the Son <5207> of God <2316>, command <2036> (5628) that <2443> these <3778> stones <3037> be made <1096> (5638) {bread} <0740>.

bread ^ 41_MAR_07_05 Then <1899> the Pharisees <5330> and <2532> scribes <1122> asked <1905> (5719) him <0846>, Why <1302> walk <4043> (5719) not <3756> thy <4675> disciples <3101> according <2596> to the tradition <3862> of the elders <4245>, but <0235> eat <2068> (5719) {bread} <0740> with unwashen <0449> hands <5495>?

breadth ^ 66_REV_21_16 And <2532> the city <4172> lieth <2749> (5736) foursquare <5068>, and <2532> the length <3372> <0846> is <2076> (5748) as large <5118> as <3745> <2532> the breadth <4114>: and <2532> he measured <3354> (5656) the city <4172> with the reed <2563> <1909>, twelve <1427> thousand <5505> furlongs <4712>. The length <3372> and <2532> the {breadth} <4114> and <2532> the height <5311> of it <0846> are <2076> (5748) equal <2470>.

breadth ^ 66_REV_21_16 And <2532> the city <4172> lieth <2749> (5736) foursquare <5068>, and <2532> the length <3372> <0846> is <2076> (5748) as large <5118> as <3745> <2532> the {breadth} <4114>: and <2532> he measured <3354> (5656) the city <4172> with the reed <2563> <1909>, twelve <1427> thousand <5505> furlongs <4712>. The length <3372> and <2532> the breadth <4114> and <2532> the height <5311> of it <0846> are <2076> (5748) equal <2470>.

breadth ^ 66_REV_20_09 And <2532> they went up <0305> (5627) on <1909> the {breadth} <4114> of the earth <1093>, and <2532> compassed <2944> <0> the camp <3925> of the saints <0040> about <2944> (5656), and <2532> the beloved <0025> (5772) city <4172>: and <2532> fire <4442> came down <2597> (5627) from <0575> God <2316> out of <1537> heaven <3772>, and <2532> devoured <2719> (5627) them <0846>.

breadth ^ 49_EPH_03_18 May be able <1840> (5661) to comprehend <2638> (5641) with <4862> all <3956> saints <0040> what <5101> is the {breadth} <4114>, and <2532> length <3372>, and <2532> depth <0899>, and <2532> height <5311>;

shewbread ^ 58_HEB_09_02 For <1063> there was <2680> <0> a tabernacle <4633> made <2680> (5681); the first <4413>, wherein <1722> <3739> <5037> was the candlestick <3087>, and <2532> the table <5132>, and <2532> the {shewbread} <4286> <0740>; which <3748> is called <3004> (5743) the sanctuary <0039>.

shewbread ^ 41_MAR_02_26 How <4459> he went <1525> (5627) into <1519> the house <3624> of God <2316> in the days <1909> of Abiathar <8> the high priest <0749>, and <2532> did eat <5315> (5627) the {shewbread} <0740> <4286>, which <3739> is <1832> <0> not <3756> lawful <1832> (5748) to eat <5315> (5629) but for <1508> the priests <2409>, and <2532> gave <1325> (5656) also <2532> to them which were <5607> (5752) with <4862> him <0846>?

shewbread ^ 40_MAT_12_04 How <4459> he entered into <1525> (5627) <1519> the house <3624> of God <2316>, and <2532> did eat <5315> (5627) the {shewbread} <0740> <4286>, which <3739> was <2258> (5713) not <3756> lawful <1832> (5752) for him <0846> to eat <5315> (5629), neither for <3761> them which <3326> were with him <0846>, but <1508> only <3441> for the priests <2409>?

shewbread ^ 42_LUK_06_04 How <5613> he went <1525> (5627) into <1519> the house <3624> of God <2316>, and <2532> did take <2983> (5627) and <2532> eat <5315> (5627) the {shewbread} <0740> <4286>, and <2532> gave <1325> (5656) also <2532> to them that were with <3326> him <0846>; which <3739> it is <1832> <0> not <3756> lawful <1832> (5748) to eat <5315> (5629) but for <1508> the priests <2409> alone <3441>?