brands , JG , 15:5

firebrands , ISA , 7:4

firebrands , JG , 15:4

firebrands , PR , 26:18



brands Interlinear Index Study

brands JUDG 015 005 And when he had set the {brands} <03940
+lappiyd > on fire <00784 +>esh > , he let [ them ] go <07971
+shalach > into the standing <07054 +qamah > corn <07054 +qamah
> of the Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > , and burnt <01197
+ba up both the shocks <01430 +gadiysh > , and also <05704
+ the standing <07054 +qamah > corn <07054 +qamah > , with
the vineyards <03754 +kerem > [ and ] olives <02132 +zayith > .


brands on fire

these smoking firebrands

took firebrands

who casteth firebrands

- brands , 3940 ,

- firebrands , 0181 , 2131 , 3940 ,



brands -3940 {brands} , burning , firebrand , firebrands , lamp
, lamps , lightnings , torch , torches ,

firebrands -0181 brand , firebrand , {firebrands} ,

firebrands -2131 chains , fetters , {firebrands} , sparks ,

firebrands -3940 brands , burning , firebrand , {firebrands} ,
lamp , lamps , lightnings , torch , torches ,






brands 015 005 Jug /^{brands /on fire , he let
them go into the standing corn of the Philistines , and burnt up
both the shocks , and also the standing corn , with the
vineyards and olives .

firebrands 015 004 Jug /^{firebrands /and turned
tail to tail , and put a firebrand in the midst between two
tails .

firebrands 026 018 Pro /^{firebrands /arrows , and
death ,

firebrands 007 004 Isa /^{firebrands /for the
fierce anger of Rezin with Syria , and of the son of Remaliah .


firebrands 3 -


brands And when he had set the {brands} on fire, he

[them] go into the standing corn of the Philistines, and burnt up

both the shocks, and also the standing corn, with the vineyards

[and] olives.
