Greek Cross References that shows all the ways the Greek is translated from the English word.

Greek Cross References translated from English

bow 2578 kampto * {bow} , {2578 kampto } , 5115 toxon ,

bow 5115 toxon * {bow} , 2578 kampto , {5115 toxon } ,

bowed 1120 gonupeteo * {bowed} , {1120 gonupeteo } , 2827 klino ,

bowed 2827 klino * {bowed} , 1120 gonupeteo , {2827 klino } ,

bowels 4698 splagchnon * {bowels} , {4698 splagchnon } ,

bowing 5087 tithemi * {bowing} , {5087 tithemi } ,

rainbow 2463 iris * {rainbow} , {2463 iris } ,