backbone , LE , 3:9

bone , 1CH , 11:1

bone , 2SA , 5:1 , 2SA , 19:13

bone , EX , 12:46

bone , EZE , 37:7 , EZE , 37:7 , EZE , 39:15

bone , GE , 2:23 , GE , 29:14

bone , JG , 9:2

bone , JOB , 2:5 , JOB , 19:20 , JOB , 31:22

bone , JOH , 19:36

bone , NU , 9:12 , NU , 19:16 , NU , 19:18

bone , PR , 25:15

bone , PS , 3:7

bones , 1CH , 10:12

bones , 1KI , 13:2 , 1KI , 13:31 , 1KI , 13:31

bones , 1SA , 31:13

bones , 2CH , 34:5

bones , 2KI , 13:21 , 2KI , 23:14 , 2KI , 23:16 , 2KI , 23:18
, 2KI , 23:18 , 2KI , 23:18 , 2KI , 23:20

bones , 2SA , 19:12 , 2SA , 21:12 , 2SA , 21:12 , 2SA , 21:13
, 2SA , 21:13 , 2SA , 21:13 , 2SA , 21:14

bones , AC , 3:7

bones , AM , 2:1 , AM , 6:10

bones , DA , 6:24

bones , EC , 11:5

bones , EPH , 5:30

bones , EX , 13:19 , EX , 13:19

bones , EZE , 6:5 , EZE , 24:4 , EZE , 24:5 , EZE , 24:5 ,
EZE , 24:10 , EZE , 32:27 , EZE , 37:1 , EZE , 37:3 , EZE ,
37:4 , EZE , 37:4 , EZE , 37:5 , EZE , 37:7 , EZE , 37:11 ,
EZE , 37:11

bones , GE , 2:23 , GE , 50:25

bones , HAB , 3:16

bones , HEB , 11:22

bones , ISA , 38:13 , ISA , 58:11 , ISA , 66:14

bones , JER , 8:1 , JER , 8:1 , JER , 8:1 , JER , 8:1 , JER ,
8:1 , JER , 20:9 , JER , 23:9 , JER , 50:17

bones , JG , 19:29

bones , JOB , 4:14 , JOB , 10:11 , JOB , 20:11 , JOB , 21:24 ,
JOB , 30:17 , JOB , 30:30 , JOB , 33:19 , JOB , 33:21 ,
JOB , 40:18 , JOB , 40:18

bones , JOS , 24:32

bones , LA , 1:13 , LA , 3:4 , LA , 4:8

bones , LU , 24:39

bones , MIC , 3:2 , MIC , 3:3

bones , MT , 23:27

bones , NU , 24:8

bones , PR , 3:8 , PR , 12:4 , PR , 14:30 , PR , 15:30 , PR ,
16:24 , PR , 17:22

bones , PS , 6:2 , PS , 22:14 , PS , 22:17 , PS , 31:10 , PS
, 32:3 , PS , 34:20 , PS , 35:10 , PS , 38:3 , PS , 42:10 ,
PS , 51:8 , PS , 53:5 , PS , 102:3 , PS , 102:5 , PS , 109:
18 , PS , 141:7

bones , ZEP , 3:3

jawbone , JG , 15:15 , JG , 15:16 , JG , 15:17


bone 3747 # osteon {os-teh'-on}; or contracted ostoun {os-
toon'}; of uncertain affinity; a bone: -- {bone}.[ql

bone 4974 # sphuron {sfoo-ron'}; neuter of a presumed
derivative probably of the same as sphaira (a ball, "sphere";
compare the feminine sphura, a hammer); the ankle (as globular):
-- ancle {bone}.[ql


bone Interlinear Index Study

bone GEN 002 023 And Adam <00120 +>adam > said <00559 +>amar > ,
This <02063 +zo>th > [ is ] now <06471 +pa {bone} <06106
+ of my bones <06106 + , and flesh <01320 +basar
> of my flesh <01320 +basar > : she shall be called <07121
+qara> > Woman <00802 +>ishshah > , because <03588 +kiy > she
was taken <03947 +laqach > out of Man <00376 +>iysh > .

bone GEN 029 014 And Laban <03837 +Laban > said <00559 +>amar >
to him , Surely <00389 +>ak > thou [ art ] my {bone} <06106
+ and my flesh <01320 +basar > . And he abode <03427
+yashab > with him the space <03117 +yowm > of a month <02320
+chodesh > .

bone EXO 012 046 In one <00259 +>echad > house <01004 +bayith >
shall it be eaten <00398 +>akal > ; thou shalt not carry <03318
+yatsa> > forth <03318 +yatsa> > ought of the flesh <01320
+basar > abroad <02351 +chuwts > out of the house <01004 +bayith
> ; neither <03808 +lo> > shall ye break <07665 +shabar > a
{bone} <06106 + thereof .

bone NUM 009 012 They shall leave <07604 +sha>ar > none <03808
+lo> > of it unto the morning <01242 +boqer > , nor <03808 +lo>
> break <07665 +shabar > any {bone} <06106 + of it :
according to all <03605 +kol > the ordinances <02708 +chuqqah >
of the passover <06453 +pecach > they shall keep <06213 +
it .

bone NUM 019 016 And whosoever toucheth <05060 +naga< > one that
is slain <02491 +chalal > with a sword <02719 +chereb > in the
open <06440 +paniym > fields <07704 +sadeh > , or a dead <04191
+muwth > body <05315 +nephesh > , or a {bone} <06106 +
of a man <00120 +>adam > , or a grave <06913 +qeber > , shall be
unclean <02930 +tame> > seven <07651 +sheba< > days <03117 +yowm
> .

bone NUM 019 018 And a clean <02889 +tahowr > person shall take
<03947 +laqach > hyssop <00231 +>ezowb > , and dip <02881 +tabal
> [ it ] in the water <04325 +mayim > , and sprinkle <05137
+nazah > [ it ] upon the tent <00168 +>ohel > , and upon all
<03605 +kol > the vessels <03627 +k@liy > , and upon the persons
<05315 +nephesh > that were there <08033 +sham > , and upon him
that touched <05060 +naga< > a {bone} <06106 + , or one
slain <02491 +chalal > , or <00176 +>ow > one dead <04191 +muwth
> , or <00176 +>ow > a grave <06913 +qeber > :

bone JUDG 009 002 Speak <01696 +dabar > , I pray <04994 +na> >
you , in the ears <00241 +>ozen > of all <03605 +kol > the men
<01167 +ba of Shechem <07927 +Sh@kem > , Whether <04100
+mah > [ is ] better <02896 +towb > for you , either that all
<03605 +kol > the sons <01121 +ben > of Jerubbaal <03378
+Y@rubba , [ which are ] threescore <07657 +shib
and ten persons <00376 +>iysh > , reign <04910 +mashal > over
you , or that one <00259 +>echad > reign <04910 +mashal > over
you ? remember <02142 +zakar > also that I [ am ] your {bone}
<06106 + and your flesh <01320 +basar > .

bone 2SA 005 001 . Then came <00935 +bow> > all <03605 +kol >
the tribes <07626 +shebet > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > to
David <01732 +David > unto Hebron <02275 +Chebrown > , and spake
<00559 +>amar > , saying <00559 +>amar > , Behold <02005 +hen > ,
we [ are ] thy {bone} <06106 + and thy flesh <01320
+basar > .

bone 1CH 011 001 . Then all <03605 +kol > Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > gathered <06908 +qabats > themselves to David <01732
+David > unto Hebron <02275 +Chebrown > , saying <00559 +>amar >
, Behold <02009 +hinneh > , we [ are ] thy {bone} <06106 + > and thy flesh <01320 +basar > .

bone JOB 002 005 But put <07971 +shalach > forth <07971 +shalach
> thine hand <03027 +yad > now <04994 +na> > , and touch <05060
+naga< > his {bone} <06106 + and his flesh <01320 +basar
> , and he will curse <01288 +barak > thee to thy face <06440
+paniym > .

bone JOB 019 020 My {bone} <06106 + cleaveth <01692
+dabaq > to my skin <05785 + and to my flesh <01320 +basar
> , and I am escaped <04422 +malat > with the skin <05785 + > of my teeth <08127 +shen > .

bone JOB 031 022 [ Then ] let mine arm <03802 +katheph > fall
<05307 +naphal > from my shoulder <07929 +shikmah > blade <07929
+shikmah > , and mine arm <00248 +>ezrowa< > be broken <07665
+shabar > from the {bone} <07070 +qaneh > .

bone PSA 003 007 Arise <06965 +quwm > , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
; save <03467 +yasha< > me , O my God <00430 +>elohiym > : for
thou hast smitten <05221 +nakah > all <03605 +kol > mine enemies
<00341 +>oyeb > [ upon ] the cheek <03895 +l@chiy > {bone} ;
thou hast broken <07665 +shabar > the teeth <08127 +shen > of
the ungodly <07563 +rasha< > .

bone PRO 025 015 . By long <00753 +>orek > forbearing <00639
+>aph > is a prince <07101 +qatsiyn > persuaded <06601 +pathah >
, and a soft <07390 +rak > tongue <03956 +lashown > breaketh
<07665 +shabar > the {bone} <01634 +gerem > .

bone EZE 037 007 So I prophesied <05012 +naba> > as I was
commanded <06680 +tsavah > : and as I prophesied <05012 +naba> >
, there was a noise <06963 +qowl > , and behold <02009 +hinneh >
a shaking <07494 +ra , and the bones <06106 + came
<07126 +qarab > together , bone <06106 + to his {bone}
<06106 + .

bone EZE 037 007 So I prophesied <05012 +naba> > as I was
commanded <06680 +tsavah > : and as I prophesied <05012 +naba> >
, there was a noise <06963 +qowl > , and behold <02009 +hinneh >
a shaking <07494 +ra , and the bones <06106 + came
<07126 +qarab > together , {bone} <06106 + to his bone
<06106 + .

bone EZE 039 015 And the passengers <05674 + [ that ]
pass <05674 + through the land <00776 +>erets > , when [
any ] seeth <07200 +ra>ah > a man s <00120 +>adam > {bone}
<06106 + , then shall he set <01129 +banah > up a sign
<06725 +tsiyuwn > by it , till <05704 + the buriers <06912
+qabar > have buried <06912 +qabar > it in the valley <01516
+gay> > of Hamongog <01996 +Hamown Gowg > .

bone JOH 019 036 For these <5023 -tauta -> things were done
<1096 -ginomai -> , that the scripture <1124 -graphe -> should
be fulfilled <4137 -pleroo -> , A {bone} <3747 -osteon -> of him
shall not be broken <4937 -suntribo -> .


bone thereof

jawbone out

my bone cleaveth

thy bone <1CH11 -:1 >

touch his bone

your bone jug

- backbone , 6096 ,

- bone , 1634 , 6106 , 7070 ,

* bone , 3747 ,

- jawbone , 3895 ,

backbone LEV 003 009 And he shall offer <07126 +qarab > of the
sacrifice <02077 +zebach > of the peace <08002 +shelem >
offering an offering made by fire unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah
> ; the fat <02459 +cheleb > thereof , [ and ] the whole
<08549 +tamiym > rump <00451 +>alyah > , it shall he take
<05493 +cuwr > off hard <05980 + by the {backbone}
<06096 + ; and the fat <02459 +cheleb > that covereth
<03680 +kacah > the inwards <07130 +qereb > , and all <03605
+kol > the fat <02459 +cheleb > that [ is ] upon the inwards
<07130 +qereb > ,

bone GEN 002 023 And Adam <00120 +>adam > said <00559 +>amar
> , This <02063 +zo>th > [ is ] now <06471 +pa {bone}
<06106 + of my bones <06106 + , and flesh
<01320 +basar > of my flesh <01320 +basar > : she shall be
called <07121 +qara> > Woman <00802 +>ishshah > , because
<03588 +kiy > she was taken <03947 +laqach > out of Man <00376
+>iysh > .

bone GEN 029 014 And Laban <03837 +Laban > said <00559 +>amar
> to him , Surely <00389 +>ak > thou [ art ] my {bone}
<06106 + and my flesh <01320 +basar > . And he abode
<03427 +yashab > with him the space <03117 +yowm > of a month
<02320 +chodesh > .

bone EXO 012 046 In one <00259 +>echad > house <01004 +bayith
> shall it be eaten <00398 +>akal > ; thou shalt not carry
<03318 +yatsa> > forth <03318 +yatsa> > ought of the flesh
<01320 +basar > abroad <02351 +chuwts > out of the house
<01004 +bayith > ; neither <03808 +lo> > shall ye break
<07665 +shabar > a {bone} <06106 + thereof .

bone NUM 009 012 They shall leave <07604 +sha>ar > none <03808
+lo> > of it unto the morning <01242 +boqer > , nor <03808
+lo> > break <07665 +shabar > any {bone} <06106 + of
it : according to all <03605 +kol > the ordinances <02708
+chuqqah > of the passover <06453 +pecach > they shall keep
<06213 + it .

bone NUM 019 016 And whosoever toucheth <05060 +naga< > one
that is slain <02491 +chalal > with a sword <02719 +chereb >
in the open <06440 +paniym > fields <07704 +sadeh > , or a
dead <04191 +muwth > body <05315 +nephesh > , or a {bone}
<06106 + of a man <00120 +>adam > , or a grave <06913
+qeber > , shall be unclean <02930 +tame> > seven <07651
+sheba< > days <03117 +yowm > .

bone NUM 019 018 And a clean <02889 +tahowr > person shall
take <03947 +laqach > hyssop <00231 +>ezowb > , and dip
<02881 +tabal > [ it ] in the water <04325 +mayim > , and
sprinkle <05137 +nazah > [ it ] upon the tent <00168 +>ohel
> , and upon all <03605 +kol > the vessels <03627 +k@liy > ,
and upon the persons <05315 +nephesh > that were there <08033
+sham > , and upon him that touched <05060 +naga< > a {bone}
<06106 + , or one slain <02491 +chalal > , or <00176
+>ow > one dead <04191 +muwth > , or <00176 +>ow > a grave
<06913 +qeber > :

bones GEN 002 023 And Adam <00120 +>adam > said <00559 +>amar
> , This <02063 +zo>th > [ is ] now <06471 +pa bone
<06106 + of my {bones} <06106 + , and flesh
<01320 +basar > of my flesh <01320 +basar > : she shall be
called <07121 +qara> > Woman <00802 +>ishshah > , because
<03588 +kiy > she was taken <03947 +laqach > out of Man <00376
+>iysh > .

bones GEN 050 025 And Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > took an oath
<07650 +shaba< > of the children <01121 +ben > of Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > , saying <00559 +>amar > , God <00430
+>elohiym > will surely visit <06485 +paqad > you , and ye
shall carry <05927 + up my {bones} <06106 +
from hence <02088 +zeh > .

bones EXO 013 019 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > took <03947
+laqach > the bones <06106 + of Joseph <03130 +Yowceph
> with him : for he had straitly sworn <07650 +shaba< > the
children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , saying
<00559 +>amar > , God <00430 +>elohiym > will surely visit
<06485 +paqad > you ; and ye shall carry <05927 + up
my {bones} <06106 + away hence <02088 +zeh > with you .

bones EXO 013 019 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > took <03947
+laqach > the {bones} <06106 + of Joseph <03130
+Yowceph > with him : for he had straitly sworn <07650 +shaba<
> the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ,
saying <00559 +>amar > , God <00430 +>elohiym > will surely
visit <06485 +paqad > you ; and ye shall carry <05927 + > up my bones <06106 + away hence <02088 +zeh > with
you .

bones NUM 024 008 God <00410 +>el > brought <03318 +yatsa> >
him forth <04161 +mowtsa> > out of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > ;
he hath as it were the strength <08443 +tow of an
unicorn <07214 +r@>em > : he shall eat <00398 +>akal > up the
nations <01471 +gowy > his enemies <06862 +tsar > , and shall
break <01633 +garam > their {bones} <06106 + , and
pierce <04272 +machats > [ them ] through with his arrows
<02671 +chets > .

* bone , 3747 osteon ,


bone -3747 {bone}, bones,

bones -3747 bone, {bones},

bones -4974 ancle, {bones},


backbone -6096 {backbone} ,

bone -1634 {bone} , bones , strong , top ,

bone -6106 body , {bone} , bones , life , same , strength , very

bone -7070 balance , {bone} , branch , branches , calamus , cane
, reed , reeds , spearmen , stalk ,

bones -1633 {bones} , break , gnaw ,

bones -1634 bone , {bones} , strong , top ,

bones -1635 {bones} ,

bones -6106 body , bone , {bones} , life , same , strength ,
very ,

bones -6242 {bones} , twentieth , twenty ,

jawbone -3895 cheek , cheeks , jaw , {jawbone} , jaws ,


backbone 6096 -- \atseh -- {backbone}.

bone 1634 -- gerem -- {bone}, strong, top.

bone 1635 -- gerem -- {bone}.

bone 3895 -- l@chiy -- cheek (bone), jaw ({bone}).

bone 3895 -- l@chiy -- cheek ({bone}), jaw (bone).

bone 6106 -- \etsem -- body, {bone}, X life, (self-)same,
strength, X very.

bone 7070 qaneh -- -- balance, {bone}, branch, calamus, cane,
reed, X spearman,stalk.

bone 3747 ** osteon ** {bone}.

bone 4974 ** sphuron ** ancle {bone}.

bones 1633 -- garam -- gnaw the {bones}, break.

bones 6105 -- \atsam -- break the {bones}, close, be great, be
increased, be (wax)mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, make)


bone ......... A bone 3747 -osteon->

bones ......... and bones 3747 -osteon->

bones ......... and of his bones 3747 -osteon->

bones ......... bones 4974 -sphuron->

bones ......... his bones 3747 -osteon->

bones ......... men s bones 3747 -osteon->



backbone 6096 ## giving firmness to the body): -- {backbone}.[ql

bone 1634 ## gerem {gheh'-rem}; from 1633; a bone (as the
skeleton of the body); hence, self, i.e. (figuratively) very: --
{bone}, strong, top. [ql

bone 1635 ## gerem (Aramaic) {gheh'-rem}; corresponding to 1634;
a bone: -- {bone}. [ql

bone 3895 ## l@chiy {lekh-ee'}; from an unused root meaning to
be soft; the cheek (from its fleshiness); hence, the jaw-bone: --
cheek (bone), jaw ({bone}). [ql

bone 3895 ## l@chiy {lekh-ee'}; from an unused root meaning to
be soft; the cheek (from its fleshiness); hence, the jaw-bone: --
cheek ({bone}), jaw (bone). [ql

bone 6106 ## extension, the body; figuratively, the substance, i.e. (as pron.
) selfsame: -- body, {bone}, X life, (self-)same, strength, X

bone 7070 ## qaneh {kaw-neh'}; from 7069; a reed (as erect); by
resemblance a rod (especially for measuring), shaft, tube, stem,
the radius (of the arm), beam (of a steelyard): -- balance,
{bone}, branch, calamus, cane, reed, X spearman, stalk.[ql

bone 3747 # osteon {os-teh'-on}; or contracted ostoun {os-toon'};
of uncertain affinity; a bone: -- {bone}.[ql

bone 4974 # sphuron {sfoo-ron'}; neuter of a presumed derivative
probably of the same as sphaira (a ball, "sphere"; compare the
feminine sphura, a hammer); the ankle (as globular): -- ancle

bones 1633 ## garam {gaw-ram'}; a primitive root; to be spare or
skeleton-like; used only as a denominative from 1634;
(causative) to bone, i.e. denude (by extensive, craunch) the
bones: -- gnaw the {bones}, break. [ql

bones 6105 ## i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make)
powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the
bones: -- break the {bones}, close, be great, be increased, be
(wax) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, make) strong(-er).


backbone 003 009 Lev /^{backbone /and the fat
that covereth the inwards , and all the fat that is upon the
inwards ,

bone 002 005 Job /^{bone /and his flesh , and
he will curse thee to thy face .

bone 029 014 Gen /^{bone /and my flesh . And
he abode with him the space of a month .

bone 019 013 IISa /^{bone /and of my flesh ?
God do so to me, and more also, if thou be not captain of the
host before me continually in the room of Joab .

bone 011 001 ICh /^{bone /and thy flesh .

bone 005 001 IISa /^{bone /and thy flesh .

bone 009 002 Jug /^{bone /and your flesh .

bone 019 020 Job /^{bone /cleaveth to my skin
and to my flesh , and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth .

bone 019 016 Num /^{bone /of a man , or a
grave , shall be unclean seven days .

bone 019 036 Joh /${bone /of him shall not be
broken .

bone 009 012 Num /^{bone /of it: according to
all the ordinances of the passover they shall keep it.

bone 002 023 Gen /^{bone /of my bones , and
flesh of my flesh : she shall be called Woman , because she was
taken out of Man .

bone 019 018 Num /^{bone /or one slain , or
one dead , or a grave :

bone 039 015 Eze /^{bone /then shall he set
up a sign by it, till the buriers have buried it in the valley
of Hamongog .

bone 012 046 Exo /^{bone /thereof.

bone 003 007 Psa /^{bone /thou hast broken
the teeth of the ungodly .

bone 037 007 Eze /^{bone /to his bone .

bones 023 018 IIKi /^{bones /alone , with the
bones of the prophet that came out of Samaria .

bones 031 013 ISa /^{bones /and buried them
under a tree at Jabesh , and fasted seven days .

bones 003 003 Mic /^{bones /and chop them in
pieces , as for the pot , and as flesh within the caldron .

bones 002 023 Gen /^{bones /and flesh of my
flesh : she shall be called Woman , because she was taken out of
Man .

bones 003 016 Hab /^{bones /and I trembled in
myself, that I might rest in the day of trouble : when he cometh
up unto the people , he will invade them with his troops .

bones 020 009 Jer /^{bones /and I was weary
with forbearing , and I could not stay.

bones 001 013 Lam /^{bones /and it prevaileth
against them: he hath spread a net for my feet , he hath turned
me back : he hath made me desolate and faint all the day .

bones 019 012 IISa /^{bones /and my flesh :
wherefore then are ye the last to bring back the king ?

bones 023 027 Mat /${bones /and of all
uncleanness .

bones 024 008 Num /^{bones /and pierce them
through with his arrows .

bones 037 004 Eze /^{bones /and say unto them,
O ye dry bones , hear the word of the LORD .

bones 010 011 Job /^{bones /and sinews .

bones 058 011 Isa /^{bones /and thou shalt be
like a watered garden , and like a spring of water , whose
waters fail not.

bones 040 018 Job /^{bones /are as strong
pieces of brass ; his bones are like bars of iron .

bones 102 003 Psa /^{bones /are burned as an
hearth .

bones 030 030 Job /^{bones /are burned with
heat .

bones 031 010 Psa /^{bones /are consumed .

bones 037 011 Eze /^{bones /are dried , and
our hope is lost : we are cut off for our parts.

bones 020 011 Job /^{bones /are full of the
sin of his youth , which shall lie down with him in the dust .

bones 040 018 Job /^{bones /are like bars of
iron .

bones 021 024 Job /^{bones /are moistened with
marrow .

bones 022 014 Psa /^{bones /are out of joint :
my heart is like wax ; it is melted in the midst of my bowels .

bones 030 017 Job /^{bones /are pierced in me
in the night season : and my sinews take no rest .

bones 141 007 Psa /^{bones /are scattered at
the grave's mouth , as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon
the earth .

bones 037 011 Eze /^{bones /are the whole
house of Israel : behold, they say , Our bones are dried , and
our hope is lost : we are cut off for our parts.

bones 006 002 Psa /^{bones /are vexed .

bones 024 039 Luk /${bones /as ye see me have .

bones 013 019 Exo /^{bones /away hence with

bones 024 010 Eze /^{bones /be burned .

bones 038 003 Psa /^{bones /because of my sin .

bones 037 005 Eze /^{bones /Behold, I will
cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live :

bones 013 031 IKi /^{bones /beside his bones :

bones 037 007 Eze /^{bones /came together ,
bone to his bone .

bones 102 005 Psa /^{bones /cleave to my skin .

bones 011 005 Ecc /^{bones /do grow in the
womb of her that is with child : even so thou knowest not the
works of God who maketh all.

bones 015 030 Pro /^{bones /fat .

bones 038 013 Isa /^{bones /from day even to
night wilt thou make an end of me.

bones 050 025 Gen /^{bones /from hence .

bones 037 004 Eze /^{bones /hear the word of
the LORD .

bones 006 024 Dan /^{bones /in pieces or ever
they came at the bottom of the den .

bones 019 029 Jug /^{bones /into twelve pieces
, and sent her into all the coasts of Israel .

bones 004 008 Lam /^{bones /it is withered ,
it is become like a stick .

bones 037 003 Eze /^{bones /live ? And I
answered , O Lord GOD , thou knowest .

bones 042 010 Psa /^{bones /mine enemies
reproach me; while they say daily unto me, Where is thy God ?

bones 034 020 Psa /^{bones /not one of them is
broken .

bones 013 021 IIKi /^{bones /of Elisha , he
revived , and stood up on his feet .

bones 053 005 Psa /^{bones /of him that
encampeth against thee: thou hast put them to shame , because
God hath despised them.

bones 008 001 Jer /^{bones /of his princes ,
and the bones of the priests , and the bones of the prophets ,
and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem , out of their
graves :

bones 024 005 Eze /^{bones /of it therein .

bones 021 013 IISa /^{bones /of Jonathan his
son ; and they gathered the bones of them that were hanged .

bones 021 012 IISa /^{bones /of Jonathan his
son from the men of Jabeshgilead , which had stolen them from
the street of Bethshan , where the Philistines had hanged them,
when the Philistines had slain Saul in Gilboa :

bones 027 032 Jos /^{bones /of Joseph , which
the children of Israel brought up out of Egypt , buried they in
Shechem , in a parcel of ground which Jacob bought of the sons
of Hamor the father of Shechem for an hundred pieces of silver :
and it became the inheritance of the children of Joseph .

bones 013 019 Exo /^{bones /of Joseph with him:
for he had straitly sworn the children of Israel , saying , God
will surely visit you; and ye shall carry up my bones away hence
with you.

bones 023 014 IIKi /^{bones /of men .

bones 021 014 IISa /^{bones /of Saul and
Jonathan his son buried they in the country of Benjamin in Zelah
, in the sepulchre of Kish his father : and they performed all
that the king commanded . And after that God was intreated for
the land .

bones 021 013 IISa /^{bones /of Saul and the
bones of Jonathan his son ; and they gathered the bones of them
that were hanged .

bones 021 012 IISa /^{bones /of Saul and the
bones of Jonathan his son from the men of Jabeshgilead , which
had stolen them from the street of Bethshan , where the
Philistines had hanged them, when the Philistines had slain Saul
in Gilboa :

bones 008 001 Jer /^{bones /of the inhabitants
of Jerusalem , out of their graves :

bones 002 001 Amo /^{bones /of the king of
Edom into lime :

bones 008 001 Jer /^{bones /of the kings of
Judah , and the bones of his princes , and the bones of the
priests , and the bones of the prophets , and the bones of the
inhabitants of Jerusalem , out of their graves :

bones 008 001 Jer /^{bones /of the priests ,
and the bones of the prophets , and the bones of the inhabitants
of Jerusalem , out of their graves :

bones 034 005 IICh /^{bones /of the priests
upon their altars , and cleansed Judah and Jerusalem .

bones 023 018 IIKi /^{bones /of the prophet
that came out of Samaria .

bones 008 001 Jer /^{bones /of the prophets ,
and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem , out of their
graves :

bones 021 013 IISa /^{bones /of them that were
hanged .

bones 006 010 Amo /^{bones /out of the house ,
and shall say unto him that is by the sides of the house , Is
there yet any with thee? and he shall say , No . Then shall he
say , Hold thy tongue : for we may not make mention of the name
of the LORD .

bones 023 016 IIKi /^{bones /out of the
sepulchres , and burned them upon the altar , and polluted it,
according to the word of the LORD which the man of God
proclaimed , who proclaimed these words .

bones 003 007 Act /${bones /received strength .

bones 006 005 Eze /^{bones /round about your
altars .

bones 023 009 Jer /^{bones /shake ; I am like
a drunken man , and like a man whom wine hath overcome , because
of the LORD , and because of the words of his holiness .

bones 013 002 IKi /^{bones /shall be burnt
upon thee.

bones 066 014 Isa /^{bones /shall flourish
like an herb : and the hand of the LORD shall be known toward
his servants , and his indignation toward his enemies .

bones 035 010 Psa /^{bones /shall say , LORD ,
who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that
is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that
spoileth him?

bones 023 018 IIKi /^{bones /So they let his
bones alone , with the bones of the prophet that came out of
Samaria .

bones 033 021 Job /^{bones /that were not seen
stick out .

bones 022 017 Psa /^{bones /they look and
stare upon me.

bones 032 027 Eze /^{bones /though they were
the terror of the mighty in the land of the living .

bones 003 003 Zep /^{bones /till the morrow .

bones 004 014 Job /^{bones /to shake .

bones 024 005 Eze /^{bones /under it, and make
it boil well , and let them seethe the bones of it therein .

bones 010 012 ICh /^{bones /under the oak in
Jabesh , and fasted seven days .

bones 023 020 IIKi /^{bones /upon them, and
returned to Jerusalem .

bones 032 003 Psa /^{bones /waxed old through
my roaring all the day long.

bones 051 008 Psa /^{bones /which thou hast
broken may rejoice .

bones 033 019 Job /^{bones /with strong pain:

jawbone 015 015 Jug /^{jawbone /of an ass , and
put forth his hand , and took it, and slew a thousand men

jawbone 015 016 Jug /^{jawbone /of an ass ,
heaps upon heaps , with the jaw of an ass have I slain a
thousand men .

jawbone 015 017 Jug /^{jawbone /out of his hand ,
and called that place Ramathlehi .


jawbone 3 -


bone And Adam said, This [is] now {bone} of my bones,

flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was

out of Man.

bone And Laban said to him, Surely thou [art] my

and my flesh. And he abode with him the space of a month.

bone In one house shall it be eaten; thou shalt not

carry forth ought of the flesh abroad out of the house; neither

shall ye break a {bone} thereof.

bone They shall leave none of it unto the morning, nor

break any {bone} of it: according to all the ordinances of the

passover they shall keep it.

bone And whosoever toucheth one that is slain with a

sword in the open fields, or a dead body, or a {bone} of a man,
or a

grave, shall be unclean seven days.

bone And a clean person shall take hyssop, and dip

in the water, and sprinkle [it] upon the tent, and upon all the

vessels, and upon the persons that were there, and upon him that

touched a {bone}, or one slain, or one dead, or a grave:

bone Speak, I pray you, in the ears of all the men of

Shechem, Whether [is] better for you, either that all the sons of

Jerubbaal, [which are] threescore and ten persons, reign over

or that one reign over you? remember also that I [am] your

{bone} and your flesh.


one <2SA5 -1> Then came all the tribes of Israel to David unto

Hebron, and spake, saying, Behold, we [are] thy {bone} and thy


bone <2SA19 -13> And say ye to Amasa, [Art] thou not of my

and of my flesh? God do so to me, and more also, if thou be not

captain of the host before me continually in the room of Joab.

bone <1CH11 -1> Then all Israel gathered themselves to David unto

Hebron, saying, Behold, we [are] thy {bone} and thy flesh.

bone But put forth thine hand now, and touch his {bone}

and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face.

bone My {bone} cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh,

I am escaped with the skin of my teeth.

bone Then] let mine arm fall from my shoulder blade,

mine arm be broken from the {bone}.

bone Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast

smitten all mine enemies [upon] the cheek {bone}; thou hast

the teeth of the ungodly.

bone By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, and a

soft tongue breaketh the {bone}.

bone So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I

prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the

came together, bone to his {bone}.

bone So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I

prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the

came together, {bone} to his bone.

bone And the passengers [that] pass through the land,

when [any] seeth a man's {bone}, then shall he set up a sign by

till the buriers have buried it in the valley of Hamongog.

bone For these things were done, that the scripture

should be fulfilled, A {bone} of him shall not be broken.
