Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

Lasha 3962 ## Lesha` {leh'-shah}; from an unused root thought to mean to break through; a boiling spring; Lesha, a place probably East of the Jordan: -- {Lasha}

leaven 2219 # zume {dzoo'-may}; probably from 2204; ferment (as if boiling up): -- {leaven}.

light 6348 ## pachaz {paw-khaz'}; a primitive root; to bubble up or froth (as boiling water), i.e. (figuratively) to be unimportant: -- {light}.

lime 7875 ## siyd {seed}; from 7874; lime (as boiling when slacked): -- {lime}, plaister.

plaister 7875 ## siyd {seed}; from 7874; lime (as boiling when slacked): -- lime, {plaister}.

proud 2121 ## zeydown {zay-dohn'}; from 2102; boiling of water, i.e. wave: -- {proud}.