blow Eze_21_31 /^{blow /against thee in the
fire of my wrath , and deliver thee into the hand of brutish men
, and skilful to destroy .

blow Num_10_05 /^{blow /an alarm , then the
camps that lie on the east parts shall go forward .

blow Num_10_06 /^{blow /an alarm for their
journeys .

blow Num_10_06 /^{blow /an alarm the second
time , then the camps that lie on the south side shall take
their journey : they shall blow an alarm for their journeys .

blow Num_10_09 /^{blow /an alarm with the
trumpets ; and ye shall be remembered before the LORD your God ,
and ye shall be saved from your enemies .

blow Psa_147_18 /^{blow /and the waters flow .

blow Num_10_04 /^{blow /but with one trumpet,
then the princes , which are heads of the thousands of Israel ,
shall gather themselves unto thee.

blow Num_10_07 /^{blow /but ye shall not
sound an alarm .

blow Num_31_06 /^{blow /in his hand .

blow Psa_78_26 /^{blow /in the heaven : and
by his power he brought in the south wind .

blow Eze_33_06 /^{blow /not the trumpet , and
the people be not warned ; if the sword come , and take any
person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity ; but
his blood will I require at the watchman's hand .

blow Psa_39_10 /^{blow /of thine hand .

blow Rev_07_01 /${blow /on the earth , nor on
the sea , nor on any tree .

blow Eze_22_20 /^{blow /the fire upon it, to
melt it; so will I gather you in mine anger and in my fury , and
I will leave you there, and melt you.

blow Zec_09_14 /^{blow /the trumpet , and
shall go with whirlwinds of the south .

blow Eze_33_03 /^{blow /the trumpet , and
warn the people ;

blow Jer_51_27 /^{blow /the trumpet among the
nations , prepare the nations against her, call together against
her the kingdoms of Ararat , Minni , and Ashchenaz ; appoint a
captain against her; cause the horses to come up as the rough
caterpillers .

blow Jer_06_01 /^{blow /the trumpet in Tekoa ,
and set up a sign of fire in Bethhaccerem : for evil appeareth
out of the north , and great destruction .

Blow Joe_02_15 /^{Blow /the trumpet in Zion ,
sanctify a fast , call a solemn assembly :

Blow Psa_81_03 /^{Blow /up the trumpet in the
new moon , in the time appointed , on our solemn feast day .

blow Hag_01_09 /^{blow /upon it. Why? saith
the LORD of hosts . Because of mine house that is waste , and ye
run every man unto his own house .

blow Son_04_16 /^{blow /upon my garden , that
the spices thereof may flow out . Let my beloved come into his
garden , and eat his pleasant fruits .

blow Isa_40_24 /^{blow /upon them, and they
shall wither , and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble

blow Eze_22_21 /^{blow /upon you in the fire
of my wrath , and ye shall be melted in the midst thereof.

blow Jud_07_18 /^{blow /with a trumpet , I
and all that are with me, then blow ye the trumpets also on
every side of all the camp , and say , The sword of the LORD ,
and of Gideon .

blow Jos_06_04 /^{blow /with the trumpets .

blow Num_10_08 /^{blow /with the trumpets ;
and they shall be to you for an ordinance for ever throughout
your generations .

blow 1Ch_15_24 /^{blow /with the trumpets
before the ark of God : and Obededom and Jehiah were doorkeepers
for the ark .

blow Num_10_10 /^{blow /with the trumpets
over your burnt offerings , and over the sacrifices of your
peace offerings ; that they may be to you for a memorial before
your God : I am the LORD your God .

blow Num_10_03 /^{blow /with them , all the
assembly shall assemble themselves to thee at the door of the
tabernacle of the congregation .

blow Exo_15_10 /^{blow /with thy wind , the
sea covered them: they sank as lead in the mighty waters .

blow Jud_07_20 /^{blow /withal: and they
cried , The sword of the LORD , and of Gideon .

blow Luk_12_55 /${blow /ye say , There will
be heat ; and it cometh to pass .

Blow Hos_05_08 /^{Blow /ye the cornet in
Gibeah , and the trumpet in Ramah : cry aloud at Bethaven ,
after thee, O Benjamin .

Blow Jer_04_05 /^{Blow /ye the trumpet in the
land : cry , gather together , and say , Assemble yourselves,
and let us go into the defenced cities .

Blow Joe_02_01 /^{Blow /ye the trumpet in
Zion , and sound an alarm in my holy mountain : let all the
inhabitants of the land tremble : for the day of the LORD cometh
, for it is nigh at hand ;

blow Jud_07_18 /^{blow /ye the trumpets also
on every side of all the camp , and say , The sword of the LORD ,
and of Gideon .

blow 1Ki_01_34 /^{blow /ye with the trumpet ,
and say , God save king Solomon .

bloweth Isa_18_03 /^{bloweth /a trumpet , hear

bloweth Isa_54_16 /^{bloweth /the coals in the
fire , and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work ; and
I have created the waster to destroy .

bloweth Isa_40_07 /^{bloweth /upon it: surely
the people is grass .

bloweth Joh_03_08 /${bloweth /where it listeth ,
and thou hearest the sound thereof , but canst not tell whence
it cometh , and whither it goeth : so is every one that is born
of the Spirit .

blowing Lev_23_24 /^{blowing /of trumpets, an
holy convocation .

blowing Num_29_01 /^{blowing /the trumpets unto

blowing Jos_06_13 /^{blowing /with the trumpets .

blowing Jos_06_09 /^{blowing /with the trumpets .

blown Isa_27_13 /^{blown /and they shall come
which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria , and the
outcasts in the land of Egypt , and shall worship the LORD in
the holy mount at Jerusalem .

blown Amo_03_06 /^{blown /in the city , and
the people not be afraid ? shall there be evil in a city , and
the LORD hath not done it?

blown Job_20_26 /^{blown /shall consume him;
it shall go ill with him that is left in his tabernacle .

blown Eze_07_14 /^{blown /the trumpet , even
to make all ready ; but none goeth to the battle : for my wrath
is upon all the multitude thereof.
