blind Rom_02_19 /${blind /a light of them
which are in darkness ,

blind Joh_09_40 /${blind /also ?

blind 2Pe_01_09 /${blind /and cannot see afar
off , and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins .

blind Mat_12_22 /${blind /and dumb : and he
healed him , insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw

blind Mat_12_22 /${blind /and dumb both spake
and saw .

blind Job_29_15 /^{blind /and feet was I to
the lame .

blind Mat_15_14 /${blind /And if the blind
lead the blind , both shall fall into the ditch .

blind Rev_03_17 /${blind /and naked :

blind Joh_09_18 /${blind /and received his
sight , until they called the parents of him that had received
his sight .

blind Joh_09_24 /${blind /and said unto him ,
Give God the praise : we know that this man is a sinner .

blind Jer_31_08 /^{blind /and the lame , the
woman with child and her that travaileth with child together : a
great company shall return thither.

blind 2Sa_05_06 /^{blind /and the lame , thou
shalt not come in hither: thinking , David cannot come in hither.

blind Mat_21_14 /${blind /and the lame came to
him in the temple ; and he healed them .

blind 2Sa_05_08 /^{blind /and the lame shall
not come into the house .

blind Isa_59_10 /^{blind /and we grope as if
we had no eyes : we stumble at noonday as in the night ; we are
in desolate places as dead men.

blind Isa_42_19 /^{blind /as he that is
perfect , and blind as the LORD'S servant ?

blind Isa_42_19 /^{blind /as the LORD'S
servant ?

blind Mar_10_46 /${blind /Bartimaeus , the son
of Timaeus , sat by the highway side begging .

blind Mat_15_14 /${blind /both shall fall into
the ditch .

blind Isa_42_19 /^{blind /but my servant ? or
deaf , as my messenger that I sent ? who is blind as he that is
perfect , and blind as the LORD'S servant ?

blind Lev_19_14 /^{blind /but shalt fear thy
God : I am the LORD .

blind Isa_42_16 /^{blind /by a way that they
knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known : I
will make darkness light before them, and crooked things
straight . These things will I do unto them, and not forsake

blind Mat_15_30 /${blind /dumb , maimed , and
many others , and cast them down at Jesus feet ; and he healed
them :

blind Isa_42_07 /^{blind /eyes , to bring out
the prisoners from the prison , and them that sit in darkness
out of the prison house .

blind Mal_01_08 /^{blind /for sacrifice , is
it not evil ? and if ye offer the lame and sick , is it not evil
? offer it now unto thy governor ; will he be pleased with thee,
or accept thy person ? saith the LORD of hosts .

blind Mat_23_19 /${blind /for whether is
greater , the gift , or the altar that sanctifieth the gift ?

blind Mat_23_17 /${blind /for whether is
greater , the gold , or the temple that sanctifieth the gold ?

blind Joh_09_01 /${blind /from his birth .

blind Deu_28_29 /^{blind /gropeth in darkness ,
and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways : and thou shalt be only
oppressed and spoiled evermore , and no man shall save thee.

blind Mat_23_16 /${blind /guides , which say ,
Whosoever shall swear by the temple , it is nothing ; but
whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple , he is a debtor

blind Mat_23_24 /${blind /guides , which
strain at a gnat , and swallow a camel .

blind Joh_05_03 /${blind /halt , withered ,
waiting for the moving of the water .

blind Joh_11_37 /${blind /have caused that
even this man should not have died ?

blind Exo_04_11 /^{blind /have not I the LORD ?

blind Luk_07_21 /${blind /he gave sight .

blind Joh_09_19 /${blind /how then doth he now
see ?

blind Mat_15_14 /${blind /lead the blind ,
both shall fall into the ditch .

blind Luk_06_39 /${blind /lead the blind ?
shall they not both fall into the ditch ?

blind Mat_15_14 /${blind /leaders of the blind
. And if the blind lead the blind , both shall fall into the
ditch .

blind Lev_21_18 /^{blind /man , or a lame , or
he that hath a flat nose , or any thing superfluous ,

blind Mar_10_49 /${blind /man , saying unto
him , Be of good comfort , rise ; he calleth thee .

blind Joh_09_17 /${blind /man again , What
sayest thou of him , that he hath opened thine eyes ? He said ,
He is a prophet .

blind Mar_08_23 /${blind /man by the hand ,
and led him out of the town ; and when he had spit on his eyes ,
and put his hands upon him , he asked him if he saw ought .

blind Mar_10_51 /${blind /man said unto him ,
Lord , that I might receive my sight .

blind Luk_18_35 /${blind /man sat by the way
side begging :

blind Mar_08_22 /${blind /man unto him , and
besought him to touch him .

blind Joh_09_06 /${blind /man with the clay ,

blind Zep_01_17 /^{blind /men , because they
have sinned against the LORD : and their blood shall be poured
out as dust , and their flesh as the dung .

blind Mat_09_28 /${blind /men came to him :
and Jesus saith unto them , Believe ye that I am able to do this
? They said unto him , Yea , Lord .

blind Mat_09_27 /${blind /men followed him ,
crying , and saying , Thou Son of David , have mercy on us .

blind Lam_04_14 /^{blind /men in the streets ,
they have polluted themselves with blood , so that men could not
touch their garments .

blind Mat_20_30 /${blind /men sitting by the
way side , when they heard that Jesus passed by , cried out ,
saying , Have mercy on us , O Lord , thou Son of David .

blind 1Sa_12_03 /^{blind /mine eyes therewith?
and I will restore it you.

blind Act_13_11 /${blind /not seeing the sun
for a season . And immediately there fell on him a mist and a
darkness ; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the
hand .

blind Joh_09_25 /${blind /now I see .

Blind Lev_22_22 /^{Blind /or broken , or
maimed , or having a wen , or scurvy , or scabbed , ye shall not
offer these unto the LORD , nor make an offering by fire of them
upon the altar unto the LORD .

blind Deu_15_21 /^{blind /or have any ill
blemish , thou shalt not sacrifice it unto the LORD thy God .

blind Isa_43_08 /^{blind /people that have
eyes , and the deaf that have ears .

blind Mat_23_26 /${blind /Pharisee , cleanse
first that which is within the cup and platter , that the
outside of them may be clean also .

blind Mat_11_05 /${blind /receive their sight ,
and the lame walk , the lepers are cleansed , and the deaf hear
, the dead are raised up , and the poor have the gospel preached
to them .

blind Joh_09_08 /${blind /said , Is not this
he that sat and begged ?

blind Luk_07_22 /${blind /see , the lame walk ,
the lepers are cleansed , the deaf hear , the dead are raised ,
to the poor the gospel is preached .

blind Isa_35_05 /^{blind /shall be opened ,
and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped .

blind Isa_29_18 /^{blind /shall see out of
obscurity , and out of darkness .

blind Luk_06_39 /${blind /shall they not both
fall into the ditch ?

blind 2Sa_05_08 /^{blind /that are hated of
David's soul , he shall be chief and captain. Wherefore they
said , The blind and the lame shall not come into the house .

blind Isa_42_18 /^{blind /that ye may see .

blind Deu_16_19 /^{blind /the eyes of the wise
, and pervert the words of the righteous .

blind Psa_146_08 /^{blind /the LORD raiseth
them that are bowed down : the LORD loveth the righteous :

blind Isa_56_10 /^{blind /they are all
ignorant , they are all dumb dogs , they cannot bark ; sleeping ,
lying down , loving to slumber .

blind Mat_15_31 /${blind /to see : and they
glorified the God of Israel .

blind Luk_04_18 /${blind /to set at liberty
them that are bruised ,

blind Deu_27_18 /^{blind /to wander out of the
way . And all the people shall say , Amen .

blind Joh_09_41 /${blind /ye should have no
sin : but now ye say , We see ; therefore your sin remaineth .

blinded 2Co_03_14 /${blinded /for until this day
remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old
testament ; which vail is done away in Christ .

blinded 1Jo_02_11 /${blinded /his eyes .

blinded 2Co_04_04 /${blinded /the minds of them
which believe not , lest the light of the glorious gospel of
Christ , who is the image of God , should shine unto them .

blinded Joh_12_40 /${blinded /their eyes , and
hardened their heart ; that they should not see with their eyes ,
nor understand with their heart , and be converted , and I
should heal them .

blindeth Exo_23_08 /^{blindeth /the wise , and
perverteth the words of the righteous .

blindfolded Luk_22_64 /${blindfolded /him , they
struck him on the face , and asked him , saying , Prophesy , who
is it that smote thee ?

blindness 2Ki_06_18 /^{blindness /according to the
word of Elisha .

blindness Deu_28_28 /^{blindness /and astonishment
of heart :

blindness 2Ki_06_18 /^{blindness /And he smote them
with blindness according to the word of Elisha .

blindness Gen_19_11 /^{blindness /both small and
great : so that they wearied themselves to find the door .

blindness Rom_11_25 /${blindness /in part is
happened to Israel , until the fulness of the Gentiles be come
in .

blindness Eph_04_18 /${blindness /of their heart :
