bits Jam_03_03 /${bits /in the horses mouths
, that they may obey us ; and we turn about their whole body .

cubits Rev_21_17 /${cubits /according to the
measure of a man , that is , of the angel .

cubits 2Ch_02_03 /^{cubits /after the first
measure was threescore cubits , and the breadth twenty cubits .

cubits 2Ch_02_12 /^{cubits /also, joining to the
wing of the other cherub .

cubits Jer_52_21 /^{cubits /and a fillet of
twelve cubits did compass it; and the thickness thereof was four
fingers : it was hollow .

cubits Exo_25_10 /^{cubits /and a half shall be
the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof,
and a cubit and a half the height thereof.

cubits Exo_25_17 /^{cubits /and a half shall be
the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof.

cubits Exo_37_01 /^{cubits /and a half was the
length of it, and a cubit and a half the breadth of it, and a
cubit and a half the height of it:

cubits Exo_37_06 /^{cubits /and a half was the
length thereof, and one cubit and a half the breadth thereof.

cubits 1Ki_07_23 /^{cubits /and a line of
thirty cubits did compass it round about .

cubits 1Sa_17_04 /^{cubits /and a span .

cubits Exo_26_02 /^{cubits /and every one of
the curtains shall have one measure .

cubits Exo_36_15 /^{cubits /and four cubits was
the breadth of one curtain : the eleven curtains were of one
size .

cubits Eze_43_15 /^{cubits /and from the altar
and upward shall be four horns .

cubits Eze_40_49 /^{cubits /and he brought me
by the steps whereby they went up to it: and there were pillars
by the posts , one on this side, and another on that side.

cubits Eze_47_03 /^{cubits /and he brought me
through the waters ; the waters were to the ankles .

cubits 2Ch_02_08 /^{cubits /and he overlaid it
with fine gold , amounting to six hundred talents .

cubits Num_35_05 /^{cubits /and on the north
side two thousand cubits ; and the city shall be in the midst :
this shall be to them the suburbs of the cities .

cubits Num_35_05 /^{cubits /and on the south
side two thousand cubits , and on the west side two thousand
cubits , and on the north side two thousand cubits ; and the
city shall be in the midst : this shall be to them the suburbs
of the cities .

cubits Num_35_05 /^{cubits /and on the west
side two thousand cubits , and on the north side two thousand
cubits ; and the city shall be in the midst : this shall be to
them the suburbs of the cities .

cubits 1Ki_06_26 /^{cubits /and so was it of
the other cherub .

cubits 1Ki_07_10 /^{cubits /and stones of eight
cubits .

cubits Eze_41_09 /^{cubits /and that which was
left was the place of the side chambers that were within .

cubits Eze_41_04 /^{cubits /and the breadth ,
twenty cubits , before the temple : and he said unto me, This is
the most holy place.

cubits Eze_41_02 /^{cubits /and the breadth ,
twenty cubits .

cubits Eze_40_49 /^{cubits /and the breadth
eleven cubits ; and he brought me by the steps whereby they went
up to it: and there were pillars by the posts , one on this side,
and another on that side.

cubits Exo_27_18 /^{cubits /and the breadth
fifty every where , and the height five cubits of fine twined
linen , and their sockets of brass .

cubits Eze_40_25 /^{cubits /and the breadth
five and twenty cubits .

cubits Eze_40_21 /^{cubits /and the breadth
five and twenty cubits .

cubits Eze_40_36 /^{cubits /and the breadth
five and twenty cubits .

cubits Exo_36_21 /^{cubits /and the breadth of
a board one cubit and a half .

cubits Eze_41_05 /^{cubits /and the breadth of
every side chamber , four cubits , round about the house on
every side .

cubits Exo_26_02 /^{cubits /and the breadth of
one curtain four cubits : and every one of the curtains shall
have one measure .

cubits Exo_26_08 /^{cubits /and the breadth of
one curtain four cubits : and the eleven curtains shall be all
of one measure .

cubits Exo_36_09 /^{cubits /and the breadth of
one curtain four cubits : the curtains were all of one size .

cubits Eze_41_03 /^{cubits /and the breadth of
the door , seven cubits .

cubits Eze_43_14 /^{cubits /and the breadth one
cubit .

cubits Eze_43_14 /^{cubits /and the breadth one
cubit ; and from the lesser settle even to the greater settle
shall be four cubits , and the breadth one cubit .

cubits 1Ki_07_02 /^{cubits /and the breadth
thereof fifty cubits , and the height thereof thirty cubits ,
upon four rows of cedar pillars , with cedar beams upon the
pillars .

cubits Dan_03_01 /^{cubits /and the breadth
thereof six cubits : he set it up in the plain of Dura , in the
province of Babylon .

cubits Zec_05_02 /^{cubits /and the breadth
thereof ten cubits .

cubits 1Ki_07_06 /^{cubits /and the breadth
thereof thirty cubits : and the porch was before them: and the
other pillars and the thick beam were before them.

cubits Ezr_06_03 /^{cubits /and the breadth
thereof threescore cubits ;

cubits 2Ch_02_08 /^{cubits /and the breadth
thereof twenty cubits : and he overlaid it with fine gold ,
amounting to six hundred talents .

cubits 1Ki_06_02 /^{cubits /and the breadth
thereof twenty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits .

cubits 2Ch_02_03 /^{cubits /and the breadth
twenty cubits .

cubits 2Ki_25_17 /^{cubits /and the chapiter
upon it was brass : and the height of the chapiter three cubits ;
and the wreathen work , and pomegranates upon the chapiter
round about , all of brass : and like unto these had the second
pillar with wreathen work .

cubits Num_35_05 /^{cubits /and the city shall
be in the midst : this shall be to them the suburbs of the
cities .

cubits Eze_41_22 /^{cubits /and the corners
thereof, and the length thereof, and the walls thereof, were of
wood : and he said unto me, This is the table that is before the

cubits Eze_41_03 /^{cubits /and the door , six
cubits ; and the breadth of the door , seven cubits .

cubits Exo_26_08 /^{cubits /and the eleven
curtains shall be all of one measure .

cubits Gen_06_15 /^{cubits /and the height of
it thirty cubits .

cubits 1Ki_07_16 /^{cubits /and the height of
the other chapiter was five cubits :

cubits 1Ki_07_02 /^{cubits /and the height
thereof thirty cubits , upon four rows of cedar pillars , with
cedar beams upon the pillars .

cubits 1Ki_06_02 /^{cubits /and the height
thereof thirty cubits .

cubits 2Ch_02_04 /^{cubits /and the height was
an hundred and twenty : and he overlaid it within with pure gold

cubits Eze_40_11 /^{cubits /and the length of
the gate , thirteen cubits .

cubits Eze_40_09 /^{cubits /and the porch of
the gate was inward .

cubits 1Ki_07_06 /^{cubits /and the porch was
before them: and the other pillars and the thick beam were
before them.

cubits Eze_40_09 /^{cubits /and the posts
thereof, two cubits ; and the porch of the gate was inward .

cubits Eze_41_02 /^{cubits /and the sides of
the door were five cubits on the one side, and five cubits on
the other side: and he measured the length thereof, forty cubits
: and the breadth , twenty cubits .

cubits Eze_40_07 /^{cubits /and the threshold
of the gate by the porch of the gate within was one reed .

cubits 2Ki_25_17 /^{cubits /and the wreathen
work , and pomegranates upon the chapiter round about , all of
brass : and like unto these had the second pillar with wreathen
work .

cubits 2Ch_02_13 /^{cubits /and they stood on
their feet , and their faces were inward .

cubits 1Ki_07_38 /^{cubits /and upon every one
of the ten bases one laver .

cubits Eze_42_08 /^{cubits /and, lo, before the
temple were an hundred cubits .

cubits Exo_38_18 /^{cubits /answerable to the
hangings of the court .

cubits Eze_41_04 /^{cubits /before the temple :
and he said unto me, This is the most holy place.

cubits 1Ki_06_25 /^{cubits /both the cherubims
were of one measure and one size .

cubits Eze_42_04 /^{cubits /breadth inward , a
way of one cubit ; and their doors toward the north .

cubits 1Ki_06_06 /^{cubits /broad , and the
middle was six cubits broad , and the third was seven cubits
broad : for without in the wall of the house he made narrowed
rests round about , that the beams should not be fastened in the
walls of the house .

cubits 1Ki_06_06 /^{cubits /broad , and the
third was seven cubits broad : for without in the wall of the
house he made narrowed rests round about , that the beams should
not be fastened in the walls of the house .

cubits 2Ch_06_13 /^{cubits /broad , and three
cubits high , and had set it in the midst of the court : and
upon it he stood , and kneeled down upon his knees before all
the congregation of Israel , and spread forth his hands toward
heaven ,

cubits Eze_40_47 /^{cubits /broad , foursquare ;
and the altar that was before the house .

cubits Eze_40_30 /^{cubits /broad .

cubits Eze_40_33 /^{cubits /broad .

cubits Eze_40_29 /^{cubits /broad .

cubits 1Ki_06_06 /^{cubits /broad : for without
in the wall of the house he made narrowed rests round about ,
that the beams should not be fastened in the walls of the house .

cubits Eze_41_12 /^{cubits /broad ; and the
wall of the building was five cubits thick round about , and the
length thereof ninety cubits .

cubits Exo_27_01 /^{cubits /broad ; the altar
shall be foursquare : and the height thereof shall be three
cubits .

cubits Eze_41_01 /^{cubits /broad on the one
side , and six cubits broad on the other side , which was the
breadth of the tabernacle .

cubits Eze_41_01 /^{cubits /broad on the other
side , which was the breadth of the tabernacle .

cubits Jos_03_04 /^{cubits /by measure : come
not near unto it, that ye may know the way by which ye must go :
for ye have not passed this way heretofore .

cubits 1Ki_07_15 /^{cubits /did compass either
of them about .

cubits 2Ch_03_02 /^{cubits /did compass it round
about .

cubits 1Ki_07_23 /^{cubits /did compass it
round about .

cubits Jer_52_21 /^{cubits /did compass it; and
the thickness thereof was four fingers : it was hollow .

cubits Eze_40_13 /^{cubits /door against door .

cubits Joh_21_08 /${cubits /dragging the net
with fishes .

cubits Eze_40_19 /^{cubits /eastward and
northward .

cubits Eze_40_14 /^{cubits /even unto the post
of the court round about the gate .

cubits 2Ch_03_02 /^{cubits /from brim to brim ,
round in compass , and five cubits the height thereof; and a
line of thirty cubits did compass it round about .

cubits 1Ki_07_23 /^{cubits /from the one brim
to the other : it was round all about , and his height was five
cubits : and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about .

cubits Dan_03_01 /^{cubits /he set it up in the
plain of Dura , in the province of Babylon .

cubits 2Ch_06_13 /^{cubits /high , and had set
it in the midst of the court : and upon it he stood , and
kneeled down upon his knees before all the congregation of
Israel , and spread forth his hands toward heaven ,

cubits 2Ch_02_15 /^{cubits /high , and the
chapiter that was on the top of each of them was five cubits .

cubits Eze_41_22 /^{cubits /high , and the
length thereof two cubits ; and the corners thereof, and the
length thereof, and the walls thereof, were of wood : and he
said unto me, This is the table that is before the LORD .

cubits Est_05_14 /^{cubits /high , and to
morrow speak thou unto the king that Mordecai may be hanged
thereon: then go thou in merrily with the king unto the banquet .
And the thing pleased Haman ; and he caused the gallows to be
made .

cubits Est_07_09 /^{cubits /high , which Haman
had made for Mordecai , who had spoken good for the king ,
standeth in the house of Haman . Then the king said , Hang him

cubits 1Ki_06_23 /^{cubits /high .

cubits 1Ki_06_10 /^{cubits /high : and they
rested on the house with timber of cedar .

cubits 1Ki_07_15 /^{cubits /high apiece : and a
line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about .

cubits Num_11_31 /^{cubits /high upon the face
of the earth .

cubits 1Ch_11_23 /^{cubits /high; and in the
Egyptian's hand was a spear like a weaver's beam ; and he went
down to him with a staff , and plucked the spear out of the
Egyptian's hand , and slew him with his own spear .

cubits 1Ki_06_20 /^{cubits /in breadth , and
twenty cubits in the height thereof: and he overlaid it with
pure gold ; and so covered the altar which was of cedar .

cubits 1Ki_06_20 /^{cubits /in length , and
twenty cubits in breadth , and twenty cubits in the height
thereof: and he overlaid it with pure gold ; and so covered the
altar which was of cedar .

cubits 1Ki_06_20 /^{cubits /in the height
thereof: and he overlaid it with pure gold ; and so covered the
altar which was of cedar .

cubits Eze_40_47 /^{cubits /long , and an
hundred cubits broad , foursquare ; and the altar that was
before the house .

cubits Eze_40_33 /^{cubits /long , and five and
twenty cubits broad .

cubits Eze_40_29 /^{cubits /long , and five and
twenty cubits broad .

cubits 2Ch_06_13 /^{cubits /long , and five
cubits broad , and three cubits high , and had set it in the
midst of the court : and upon it he stood , and kneeled down
upon his knees before all the congregation of Israel , and
spread forth his hands toward heaven ,

cubits Eze_40_30 /^{cubits /long , and five
cubits broad .

cubits Exo_27_01 /^{cubits /long , and five
cubits broad ; the altar shall be foursquare : and the height
thereof shall be three cubits .

cubits Exo_27_11 /^{cubits /long , and his
twenty pillars and their twenty sockets of brass ; the hooks of
the pillars and their fillets of silver .

cubits Eze_43_16 /^{cubits /long , twelve broad
, square in the four squares thereof.

cubits 2Ch_02_11 /^{cubits /long : one wing of
the one cherub was five cubits , reaching to the wall of the
house : and the other wing was likewise five cubits , reaching
to the wing of the other cherub .

cubits Eze_41_13 /^{cubits /long ;

cubits Eze_41_13 /^{cubits /long ; and the
separate place , and the building , with the walls thereof, an
hundred cubits long ;

cubits Eze_43_17 /^{cubits /long and fourteen
broad in the four squares thereof; and the border about it shall
be half a cubit ; and the bottom thereof shall be a cubit about ;
and his stairs shall look toward the east .

cubits Eze_46_22 /^{cubits /long and thirty
broad : these four corners were of one measure .

cubits Eze_40_05 /^{cubits /long by the cubit
and an hand breadth : so he measured the breadth of the building
, one reed ; and the height , one reed .

cubits Exo_27_09 /^{cubits /long for one side :

cubits 1Ki_06_17 /^{cubits /long.

cubits Exo_27_16 /^{cubits /of blue , and
purple , and scarlet , and fine twined linen , wrought with
needlework : and their pillars shall be four , and their sockets
four .

cubits Exo_27_18 /^{cubits /of fine twined
linen , and their sockets of brass .

cubits Eze_40_48 /^{cubits /on that side.

cubits Eze_40_12 /^{cubits /on that side.

cubits Eze_40_48 /^{cubits /on that side: and
the breadth of the gate was three cubits on this side, and three
cubits on that side.

cubits Eze_41_02 /^{cubits /on the one side,
and five cubits on the other side: and he measured the length
thereof, forty cubits : and the breadth , twenty cubits .

cubits Eze_41_02 /^{cubits /on the other side:
and he measured the length thereof, forty cubits : and the
breadth , twenty cubits .

cubits 1Ki_06_16 /^{cubits /on the sides of the
house , both the floor and the walls with boards of cedar : he
even built them for it within , even for the oracle , even for
the most holy place.

cubits Neh_03_13 /^{cubits /on the wall unto
the dung gate .

cubits Eze_40_48 /^{cubits /on this side, and
five cubits on that side: and the breadth of the gate was three
cubits on this side, and three cubits on that side.

cubits Eze_40_12 /^{cubits /on this side, and
six cubits on that side.

cubits Eze_40_48 /^{cubits /on this side, and
three cubits on that side.

cubits 2Ch_02_12 /^{cubits /reaching to the wall
of the house : and the other wing was five cubits also, joining
to the wing of the other cherub .

cubits 2Ch_02_11 /^{cubits /reaching to the wall
of the house : and the other wing was likewise five cubits ,
reaching to the wing of the other cherub .

cubits 2Ch_02_11 /^{cubits /reaching to the wing
of the other cherub .

cubits Num_35_04 /^{cubits /round about .

cubits Eze_41_11 /^{cubits /round about .

cubits Eze_45_02 /^{cubits /round about for the
suburbs thereof.

cubits Eze_41_10 /^{cubits /round about the
house on every side .

cubits Eze_41_05 /^{cubits /round about the
house on every side .

cubits Exo_30_02 /^{cubits /shall be the height
thereof: the horns thereof shall be of the same.

cubits Exo_26_16 /^{cubits /shall be the length
of a board , and a cubit and a half shall be the breadth of one
board .

cubits Exo_25_23 /^{cubits /shall be the length
thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half
the height thereof.

cubits Gen_06_15 /^{cubits /the breadth of it
fifty cubits , and the height of it thirty cubits .

cubits Deu_03_11 /^{cubits /the breadth of it,
after the cubit of a man .

cubits 2Ch_03_01 /^{cubits /the breadth thereof,
and ten cubits the height thereof.

cubits 1Ki_07_27 /^{cubits /the breadth thereof,
and three cubits the height of it.

cubits Exo_38_01 /^{cubits /the breadth thereof;
it was foursquare ; and three cubits the height thereof.

cubits Eze_43_13 /^{cubits /The cubit is a
cubit and an hand breadth ; even the bottom shall be a cubit ,
and the breadth a cubit , and the border thereof by the edge
thereof round about shall be a span : and this shall be the
higher place of the altar .

cubits Exo_36_09 /^{cubits /the curtains were
all of one size .

cubits 1Ki_07_27 /^{cubits /the height of it.

cubits 2Ch_03_01 /^{cubits /the height thereof.

cubits Exo_38_01 /^{cubits /the height thereof.

cubits 2Ch_03_02 /^{cubits /the height thereof;
and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about .

cubits 2Ch_03_01 /^{cubits /the length thereof,
and twenty cubits the breadth thereof, and ten cubits the height

cubits 1Ki_06_24 /^{cubits /the other wing of
the cherub : from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the
uttermost part of the other were ten cubits .

cubits Exo_27_12 /^{cubits /their pillars ten ,
and their sockets ten .

cubits Exo_38_12 /^{cubits /their pillars ten ,
and their sockets ten ; the hooks of the pillars and their
fillets of silver .

cubits Exo_38_14 /^{cubits /their pillars three
, and their sockets three .

cubits Exo_27_14 /^{cubits /their pillars three
, and their sockets three .

cubits Exo_27_15 /^{cubits /their pillars three
, and their sockets three .

cubits Exo_38_15 /^{cubits /their pillars three
, and their sockets three .

cubits Exo_38_11 /^{cubits /their pillars were
twenty , and their sockets of brass twenty ; the hooks of the
pillars and their fillets of silver .

cubits Eze_41_12 /^{cubits /thick round about ,
and the length thereof ninety cubits .

cubits 1Ki_07_02 /^{cubits /upon four rows of
cedar pillars , with cedar beams upon the pillars .

cubits Gen_07_20 /^{cubits /upward did the
waters prevail ; and the mountains were covered .

cubits Exo_36_15 /^{cubits /was the breadth of
one curtain : the eleven curtains were of one size .

cubits 1Ki_06_03 /^{cubits /was the breadth
thereof before the house .

cubits Exo_37_25 /^{cubits /was the height of
it; the horns thereof were of the same.

cubits Exo_38_18 /^{cubits /was the length ,
and the height in the breadth was five cubits , answerable to
the hangings of the court .

cubits 1Ki_07_27 /^{cubits /was the length of
one base , and four cubits the breadth thereof, and three cubits
the height of it.

cubits 1Ki_06_03 /^{cubits /was the length
thereof, according to the breadth of the house ; and ten cubits
was the breadth thereof before the house .

cubits Exo_37_10 /^{cubits /was the length
thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half
the height thereof:

cubits Exo_38_01 /^{cubits /was the length
thereof, and five cubits the breadth thereof; it was foursquare ;
and three cubits the height thereof.

cubits Deu_03_11 /^{cubits /was the length
thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a
man .

cubits Eze_42_02 /^{cubits /was the north door ,
and the breadth was fifty cubits .

cubits 1Ki_06_24 /^{cubits /was the one wing of
the cherub , and five cubits the other wing of the cherub : from
the uttermost part of the one wing unto the uttermost part of
the other were ten cubits .

cubits Eze_42_03 /^{cubits /which were for the
inner court , and over against the pavement which was for the
utter court , was gallery against gallery in three stories.

cubits Jer_52_22 /^{cubits /with network and
pomegranates upon the chapiters round about , all of brass . The
second pillar also and the pomegranates were like unto these.

cubits Eze_41_15 /^{cubits /with the inner
temple , and the porches of the court ;
