birds Lev_14_04 /^{birds /alive and clean ,
and cedar wood , and scarlet , and hyssop :

birds Lev_14_49 /^{birds /and cedar wood , and
scarlet , and hyssop :

birds Rom_01_23 /${birds /and fourfooted
beasts , and creeping things .

birds Jam_03_07 /${birds /and of serpents ,
and of things in the sea , is tamed , and hath been tamed of
mankind :

birds Lev_14_05 /^{birds /be killed in an
earthen vessel over running water :

birds Jer_12_04 /^{birds /because they said ,
He shall not see our last end .

birds Dan_04_33 /^{birds /claws.

birds Gen_40_17 /^{birds /did eat them out of
the basket upon my head .

birds Gen_15_10 /^{birds /divided he not.

birds Isa_31_05 /^{birds /flying , so will the
LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem ; defending also he will deliver
it; and passing over he will preserve it.

birds Lev_14_50 /^{birds /in an earthen vessel
over running water :

birds Son_02_12 /^{birds /is come , and the
voice of the turtle is heard in our land ;

birds Psa_104_17 /^{birds /make their nests :
as for the stork , the fir trees are her house .

birds Eze_39_04 /^{birds /of every sort , and
to the beasts of the field to be devoured .

birds Mat_13_32 /${birds /of the air come and
lodge in the branches thereof .

birds Mat_08_20 /${birds /of the air have
nests ; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head .

birds Luk_09_58 /${birds /of the air have
nests ; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head .

birds 2Sa_21_10 /^{birds /of the air to rest on
them by day , nor the beasts of the field by night .

birds Jer_04_25 /^{birds /of the heavens were
fled .

birds Jer_12_09 /^{birds /round about are
against her; come ye, assemble all the beasts of the field ,
come to devour .

birds Gen_40_19 /^{birds /shall eat thy flesh
from off thee.

birds Jer_05_27 /^{birds /so are their houses
full of deceit : therefore they are become great , and waxen
rich .

birds Ecc_09_12 /^{birds /that are caught in
the snare ; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time , when
it falleth suddenly upon them.

birds Deu_14_11 /^{birds /ye shall eat .
