bindeth Pro_26_08 /^{bindeth /a stone in a sling
, so is he that giveth honour to a fool .

bindeth Job_30_18 /^{bindeth /me about as the
collar of my coat .

bindeth Psa_129_07 /^{bindeth /sheaves his bosom

bindeth Job_28_11 /^{bindeth /the floods from
overflowing ; and the thing that is hid bringeth he forth to
light .

bindeth Job_36_13 /^{bindeth /them.

bindeth Job_05_18 /^{bindeth /up : he woundeth ,
and his hands make whole .

bindeth Isa_30_26 /^{bindeth /up the breach of
his people , and healeth the stroke of their wound .

bindeth Job_26_08 /^{bindeth /up the waters in
his thick clouds ; and the cloud is not rent under them.

bindeth Psa_147_03 /^{bindeth /up their wounds .
