bind Jer_51_63 /^{bind /a stone to it, and
cast it into the midst of Euphrates :

bind Act_09_14 /${bind /all that call on thy
name .

bind Mat_23_04 /${bind /heavy burdens and
grievous to be borne , and lay them on men's shoulders ; but
they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers .

bind Num_30_03 /^{bind /herself by a bond ,
being in her father's house in her youth ;

bind Mar_05_03 /${bind /him , no, not with
chains :

bind Job_41_05 /^{bind /him for thy maidens ?

Bind Mat_22_13 /${Bind /him hand and foot ,
and take him away , and cast him into outer darkness ; there
shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth .

bind Jud_16_05 /^{bind /him to afflict him:
and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of
silver .

bind Psa_105_22 /^{bind /his princes at his
pleasure ; and teach his senators wisdom .

bind Num_30_02 /^{bind /his soul with a bond ;
he shall not break his word , he shall do according to all that
proceedeth out of his mouth .

bind Job_31_36 /^{bind /it as a crown to me.

bind Eze_30_21 /^{bind /it, to make it strong
to hold the sword .

bind Jud_16_11 /^{bind /me fast with new
ropes that never were occupied , then shall I be weak , and be
as another man .

bind Jud_16_07 /^{bind /me with seven green
withs that were never dried , then shall I be weak , and be as
another man .

bind Mat_16_19 /${bind /on earth shall be
bound in heaven : and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall
be loosed in heaven .

bind Mat_18_18 /${bind /on earth shall be
bound in heaven : and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall
be loosed in heaven .

bind Act_12_08 /${bind /on thy sandals . And
so he did . And he saith unto him , Cast thy garment about thee ,
and follow me .

bind Jud_15_10 /^{bind /Samson are we come up
, to do to him as he hath done to us.

bind Dan_03_20 /^{bind /Shadrach , Meshach ,
and Abednego , and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace .

bind Exo_39_21 /^{bind /the breastplate by
his rings unto the rings of the ephod with a lace of blue , that
it might be above the curious girdle of the ephod , and that the
breastplate might not be loosed from the ephod ; as the LORD
commanded Moses .

bind Exo_28_28 /^{bind /the breastplate by
the rings thereof unto the rings of the ephod with a lace of
blue , that it may be above the curious girdle of the ephod ,
and that the breastplate be not loosed from the ephod .

bind Mic_01_13 /^{bind /the chariot to the
swift beast : she is the beginning of the sin to the daughter of
Zion : for the transgressions of Israel were found in thee.

bind Act_21_11 /${bind /the man that owneth
this girdle , and shall deliver him into the hands of the
Gentiles .

bind Psa_118_27 /^{bind /the sacrifice with
cords , even unto the horns of the altar .

bind Mar_03_27 /${bind /the strong man ; and
then he will spoil his house .

bind Mat_12_29 /${bind /the strong man ? and
then he will spoil his house .

bind Job_38_31 /^{bind /the sweet influences
of Pleiades , or loose the bands of Orion ?

bind Eze_24_17 /^{bind /the tire of thine
head upon thee, and put on thy shoes upon thy feet , and cover
not thy lips , and eat not the bread of men .

bind Job_39_10 /^{bind /the unicorn with his
band in the furrow ? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?

bind Jud_15_13 /^{bind /thee fast , and
deliver thee into their hand : but surely we will not kill thee.
And they bound him with two new cords , and brought him up from
the rock .

bind Eze_03_25 /^{bind /thee with them, and
thou shalt not go out among them:

bind Jud_15_12 /^{bind /thee, that we may
deliver thee into the hand of the Philistines . And Samson said
unto them, Swear unto me, that ye will not fall upon me

bind Job_40_13 /^{bind /their faces in secret

bind Psa_149_08 /^{bind /their kings with
chains , and their nobles with fetters of iron ;

bind Pro_03_03 /^{bind /them about thy neck ;
write them upon the table of thine heart :

Bind Pro_06_21 /^{Bind /them continually upon
thine heart , and tie them about thy neck .

bind Deu_06_08 /^{bind /them for a sign upon
thine hand , and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes .

bind Deu_11_18 /^{bind /them for a sign upon
your hand , that they may be as frontlets between your eyes .

bind Mat_13_30 /${bind /them in bundles to
burn them : but gather the wheat into my barn .

bind Eze_05_03 /^{bind /them in thy skirts .

bind Isa_49_18 /^{bind /them on thee, as a
bride doeth.

Bind Pro_07_03 /^{Bind /them upon thy fingers
, write them upon the table of thine heart .

bind Hos_10_10 /^{bind /themselves in their
two furrows .

bind Jos_02_18 /^{bind /this line of scarlet
thread in the window which thou didst let us down by : and thou
shalt bring thy father , and thy mother , and thy brethren , and
all thy father's household , home unto thee.

bind Eze_34_16 /^{bind /up that which was
broken , and will strengthen that which was sick : but I will
destroy the fat and the strong ; I will feed them with judgment .

bind Isa_61_01 /^{bind /up the brokenhearted ,
to proclaim liberty to the captives , and the opening of the
prison to them that are bound ;

bind Deu_14_25 /^{bind /up the money in thine
hand , and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall
choose :

Bind Isa_08_16 /^{Bind /up the testimony ,
seal the law among my disciples .

bind Hos_06_01 /^{bind /us up .

bindeth Pro_26_08 /^{bindeth /a stone in a sling
, so is he that giveth honour to a fool .

bindeth Job_30_18 /^{bindeth /me about as the
collar of my coat .

bindeth Psa_129_07 /^{bindeth /sheaves his bosom

bindeth Job_28_11 /^{bindeth /the floods from
overflowing ; and the thing that is hid bringeth he forth to
light .

bindeth Job_36_13 /^{bindeth /them.

bindeth Job_05_18 /^{bindeth /up : he woundeth ,
and his hands make whole .

bindeth Isa_30_26 /^{bindeth /up the breach of
his people , and healeth the stroke of their wound .

bindeth Job_26_08 /^{bindeth /up the waters in
his thick clouds ; and the cloud is not rent under them.

bindeth Psa_147_03 /^{bindeth /up their wounds .

binding Act_22_04 /${binding /and delivering
into prisons both men and women .

Binding Gen_49_11 /^{Binding /his foal unto the
vine , and his ass's colt unto the choice vine ; he washed his
garments in wine , and his clothes in the blood of grapes :

binding Num_30_13 /^{binding /oath to afflict
the soul , her husband may establish it, or her husband may make
it void .

binding Exo_28_32 /^{binding /of woven work
round about the hole of it, as it were the hole of an habergeon ,
that it be not rent .

binding Gen_37_07 /^{binding /sheaves in the
field , and, lo, my sheaf arose , and also stood upright ; and,
behold, your sheaves stood round about , and made obeisance to
my sheaf .
