Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

a 0332 # anathematizo {an-ath-em-at-id'-zo}; from 331; to declare or vow under penalty of execration: -- (bind under {a}) curse, bind with an oath.

about 0247 ## &azar {aw-zar'}; a primitive root; to belt: -- bind (compass) {about}, gird (up, with).

about 4019 # perideo {per-ee-deh'-o}; from 4012 and 1210; to bind around one, i.e. enwrap: -- bind {about}. ***. peridremo. See 4063. ***.

an 0332 # anathematizo {an-ath-em-at-id'-zo}; from 331; to declare or vow under penalty of execration: -- (bind under a) curse, bind with {an} oath.

be 1210 # deo {deh'-o}; a primary verb; to bind (in various applications, literally or figuratively): -- bind, {be} in bonds, knit, tie, wind. See also 1163, 1189.

be 4887 # sundeo {soon-deh'-o}; from 4862 and 1210; to bind with, i.e. (passively) be a fellow-prisoner (figuratively): -- {be} bound with.

be 5265 # hupodeo {hoop-od-eh'-o}; from 5259 and 1210; to bind under one's feet, i.e. put on shoes or sandals: -- bind on, ({be}) shod.

be 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, close, be great, be increased, be (wax) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, {be}(-come, make) strong(-er).

be 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, close,

be 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, close, {be} great, be increased, be (wax) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, make) strong(-er).

be 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, close, be great, be increased, {be} (wax) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, make) strong(-er).

be 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, close, be great, {be} increased, be (wax) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, make) strong(-er).

bind 0247 ## &azar {aw-zar'}; a primitive root; to belt: -- {bind} (compass) about, gird (up, with).

bind 0332 # anathematizo {an-ath-em-at-id'-zo}; from 331; to declare or vow under penalty of execration: -- (bind under a) curse, {bind} with an oath.

bind 0332 # anathematizo {an-ath-em-at-id'-zo}; from 331; to declare or vow under penalty of execration: -- ({bind} under a) curse, bind with an oath.

bind 0481 ## &alam {aw-lam'}; a primitive root; to tie fast; hence (of the mouth) to be tongue-tied: -- {bind}, be dumb, put to silence.

bind 0631 ## &acar {aw-sar'}; a primitive root; to yoke or hitch; by analogy, to fasten in any sense, to join battle: -- {bind}, fast, gird, harness, hold, keep, make ready, order, prepare, prison(-er), put in bonds, set in array, tie.

bind 0640 ## &aphad {aw-fad'}; a primitive root [rather a denominative from 646]; to gird on (the ephod): -- {bind}, gird.

bind 1195 # desmeuo {des-myoo'-o}; from a (presumed) derivative of 1196; to be a binder (captor), i.e. to enchain (a prisoner), to tie on (a load): -- {bind}.

bind 1196 # desmeo {des-meh'-o}; from 1199; to tie, i.e. shackle: -- {bind}.

bind 1210 # deo {deh'-o}; a primary verb; to bind (in various applications, literally or figuratively): -- {bind}, be in bonds, knit, tie, wind. See also 1163, 1189.

bind 2280 ## chabash {khaw-bash'}; a primitive root; to wrap firmly (especially a turban, compress, or saddle); figuratively, to stop, to rule: -- {bind} (up), gird about, govern, healer, put, saddle, wrap about.

bind 2611 # katadeo {kat-ad-eh'-o}; from 2596 and 1210; to tie down, i.e. bandage (a wound): -- {bind} up.

bind 3256 ## yacar {yaw-sar'}; a primitive root; to chastise, literally (with blows) or figuratively (with words); hence, to instruct: -- {bind}, chasten, chastise, correct, instruct, punish, reform, reprove, sore, teach.

bind 3729 ## k@phath (Aramaic) {kef-ath'}; a root of uncertain correspondence; to fetter: -- {bind}.

bind 4019 # perideo {per-ee-deh'-o}; from 4012 and 1210; to bind around one, i.e. enwrap: -- {bind} about. ***. peridremo. See 4063. ***.

bind 5265 # hupodeo {hoop-od-eh'-o}; from 5259 and 1210; to bind under one's feet, i.e. put on shoes or sandals: -- {bind} on, (be) shod.

bind 6014 ## `amar {aw-mar'}; a primitive root; properly, apparently to heap; figuratively, to chastise (as if piling blows); specifically (as denominative from 6016) to gather grain: -- {bind} sheaves, make merchandise of.

bind 6029 ## `anad {aw-nad'}; a primitive root; to lace fast: -- {bind}, tie.

bind 6123 ## `aqad {aw-kad'}; a primitive root; to tie with thongs: -- {bind}.

bind 6696 ## tsuwr {tsoor}; a primitive root; to cramp, i.e. confine (in many applications, literally and figuratively, formative or hostile): -- adversary, assault, beset, besiege, {bind} (up), cast, distress, fashion, fortify, inclose, lay siege, put up in bags.

bind 6887 ## tsarar {tsaw-rar'}; a primitive root; to cramp, literally or figuratively, transitive or intransitive (as follows): -- adversary, (be in) afflict(-ion), beseige, {bind} (up), (be in, bring) distress, enemy, narrower, oppress, pangs, shut up, be in a strait (trouble), vex.

bind 7194 ## qashar {kaw-shar'}; a primitive root: to tie, physically (gird, confine, compact) or mentally (in love, league): -- {bind} (up), (make a) conspire(-acy, -ator), join together, knit, stronger, work [treason].

bind 7405 ## rakac {raw-kas'}; a primitive root; to tie: -- {bind}. bind 7573 ## ratham {raw-tham'}; a primitive root; to yoke up (to the pole of a vehicle): -- {bind}.

bind 7576 ## rathaq {raw-thak'}; a primitive root; to fasten: -- {bind}.

bind 8244 ## saqad {saw-kad'}; a primitive root; to fasten: -- {bind}.

bonds 1210 # deo {deh'-o}; a primary verb; to bind (in various applications, literally or figuratively): -- bind, be in {bonds}, knit, tie, wind. See also 1163, 1189.

bones 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the {bones}, close, be great, be increased, be (wax) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, make) strong(-er).

bound 4887 # sundeo {soon-deh'-o}; from 4862 and 1210; to bind with, i.e. (passively) be a fellow-prisoner (figuratively): -- be {bound} with.

break 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- {break} the bones, close, be great, be increased, be (wax) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, make) strong(-er).

close 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, {close}, be great, be increased, be (wax) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, make) strong(-er).

come 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, close, be great, be increased, be (wax) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be({-come}, make) strong(-er).

compass 0247 ## &azar {aw-zar'}; a primitive root; to belt: -- bind ({compass}) about, gird (up, with).

curse 0332 # anathematizo {an-ath-em-at-id'-zo}; from 331; to declare or vow under penalty of execration: -- (bind under a) {curse}, bind with an oath.

for 6960 ## qavah {kaw-vaw'}; a primitive root; to bind together (perhaps by twisting), i.e. collect; (figuratively) to expect: -- gather (together), look, patiently, tarry, wait ({for}, on, upon).

gather 6960 ## qavah {kaw-vaw'}; a primitive root; to bind together (perhaps by twisting), i.e. collect; (figuratively) to expect: -- {gather} (together), look, patiently, tarry, wait (for, on, upon).

gird 0247 ## &azar {aw-zar'}; a primitive root; to belt: -- bind (compass) about, {gird} (up, with).

gird 2224 # zonnumi {dzone'-noo-mi}; from 2223; to bind about (especially with a belt): -- {gird}.

great 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, close, be {great}, be increased, be (wax) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, make) strong(-er).

in 1210 # deo {deh'-o}; a primary verb; to bind (in various applications, literally or figuratively): -- bind, be {in} bonds, knit, tie, wind. See also 1163, 1189.

increased 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, close, be great, be {increased}, be (wax) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, make) strong(-er).

knit 1210 # deo {deh'-o}; a primary verb; to bind (in various applications, literally or figuratively): -- bind, be in bonds, {knit}, tie, wind. See also 1163, 1189.

look 6960 ## qavah {kaw-vaw'}; a primitive root; to bind together (perhaps by twisting), i.e. collect; (figuratively) to expect: -- gather (together), {look}, patiently, tarry, wait (for, on, upon).

make 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, close, be great, be increased, be (wax) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, {make}) strong(-er).

mighty 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, close, be great, be increased, be (wax) {mighty}(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, make) strong(-er).

more 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, close, be great, be increased, be (wax) mighty(-ier), be {more}, shut, be(-come, make) strong(-er).

oath 0332 # anathematizo {an-ath-em-at-id'-zo}; from 331; to declare or vow under penalty of execration: -- (bind under a) curse, bind with an {oath}.

on 5265 # hupodeo {hoop-od-eh'-o}; from 5259 and 1210; to bind under one's feet, i.e. put on shoes or sandals: -- bind {on}, (be) shod.

on 6960 ## qavah {kaw-vaw'}; a primitive root; to bind together (perhaps by twisting), i.e. collect; (figuratively) to expect: -- gather (together), look, patiently, tarry, wait (for, {on}, upon).

patiently 6960 ## qavah {kaw-vaw'}; a primitive root; to bind together (perhaps by twisting), i.e. collect; (figuratively) to expect: -- gather (together), look, {patiently}, tarry, wait (for, on, upon).

periello. See 4014. ***. perieltho. See 4022. bind 4385 # proteino {prot-i'-no}; from 4253 and teino (to stretch); to protend, i.e. tie prostrate (for scourging): -- {bind}.

shod 5265 # hupodeo {hoop-od-eh'-o}; from 5259 and 1210; to bind under one's feet, i.e. put on shoes or sandals: -- bind on, (be) {shod}.

shut 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, close, be great, be increased, be (wax) mighty(-ier), be more, {shut}, be(-come, make) strong(-er).

spoke 2840 ## chishshur {khish-shoor'}; from an unused root meaning to bind together; combined, i.e. the nave or hub of a wheel (as holding the spokes together): -- {spoke}.

strong 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, close, be great, be increased, be (wax) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, make) {strong}(-er).

tarry 6960 ## qavah {kaw-vaw'}; a primitive root; to bind together (perhaps by twisting), i.e. collect; (figuratively) to expect: -- gather (together), look, patiently, {tarry}, wait (for, on, upon).

the 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break {the} bones, close, be great, be increased, be (wax) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, make) strong(-er).

tie 1210 # deo {deh'-o}; a primary verb; to bind (in various applications, literally or figuratively): -- bind, be in bonds, knit, {tie}, wind. See also 1163, 1189.

together 6960 ## qavah {kaw-vaw'}; a primitive root; to bind together (perhaps by twisting), i.e. collect; (figuratively) to expect: -- gather ({together}), look, patiently, tarry, wait (for, on, upon).

under 0332 # anathematizo {an-ath-em-at-id'-zo}; from 331; to declare or vow under penalty of execration: -- (bind {under} a) curse, bind with an oath.

up 0247 ## &azar {aw-zar'}; a primitive root; to belt: -- bind (compass) about, gird ({up}, with).

upon 6960 ## qavah {kaw-vaw'}; a primitive root; to bind together (perhaps by twisting), i.e. collect; (figuratively) to expect: -- gather (together), look, patiently, tarry, wait (for, on, {upon}).

wait 6960 ## qavah {kaw-vaw'}; a primitive root; to bind together (perhaps by twisting), i.e. collect; (figuratively) to expect: -- gather (together), look, patiently, tarry, {wait} (for, on, upon).

wax 6105 ## `atsam {aw-tsam'}; a primitive root; to bind fast, i.e. close (the eyes); intransitively, to be (causatively, make) powerful or numerous; denominatively (from 6106) to crunch the bones: -- break the bones, close, be great, be increased, be ({wax}) mighty(-ier), be more, shut, be(-come, make) strong(-er).

wind 1210 # deo {deh'-o}; a primary verb; to bind (in various applications, literally or figuratively): -- bind, be in bonds, knit, tie, {wind}. See also 1163, 1189.

with 0247 ## &azar {aw-zar'}; a primitive root; to belt: -- bind (compass) about, gird (up, {with}).

with 0332 # anathematizo {an-ath-em-at-id'-zo}; from 331; to declare or vow under penalty of execration: -- (bind under a) curse, bind {with} an oath.

with 4887 # sundeo {soon-deh'-o}; from 4862 and 1210; to bind with, i.e. (passively) be a fellow-prisoner (figuratively): -- be bound {with}.