Bethuel 1Ch_04_30 /^{Bethuel /and at Hormah ,
and at Ziklag ,

Bethuel Gen_24_50 /^{Bethuel /answered and said ,
The thing proceedeth from the LORD : we cannot speak unto thee
bad or good .

Bethuel Gen_22_23 /^{Bethuel /begat Rebekah :
these eight Milcah did bear to Nahor , Abraham's brother .

Bethuel Gen_24_47 /^{Bethuel /Nahor's son , whom
Milcah bare unto him: and I put the earring upon her face , and
the bracelets upon her hands .

Bethuel Gen_24_15 /^{Bethuel /son of Milcah ,
the wife of Nahor , Abraham's brother , with her pitcher upon
her shoulder .

Bethuel Gen_24_24 /^{Bethuel /the son of Milcah ,
which she bare unto Nahor .

Bethuel Gen_28_05 /^{Bethuel /the Syrian , the
brother of Rebekah , Jacob's and Esau's mother .

Bethuel Gen_25_20 /^{Bethuel /the Syrian of
Padanaram , the sister to Laban the Syrian .

Bethuel Gen_28_02 /^{Bethuel /thy mother's
father ; and take thee a wife from thence of the daughters of
Laban thy mother's brother .
