Bethlehemjudah Jud_17_09 /^{Bethlehemjudah /and I go to
sojourn where I may find a place.

Bethlehemjudah Rut_01_02 /^{Bethlehemjudah /And they
came into the country of Moab , and continued there.

Bethlehemjudah Jud_19_02 /^{Bethlehemjudah /and was
there four whole months .

Bethlehemjudah Jud_19_18 /^{Bethlehemjudah /but I am
now going to the house of the LORD ; and there is no man that
receiveth me to house .

Bethlehemjudah Jud_17_07 /^{Bethlehemjudah /of the
family of Judah , who was a Levite , and he sojourned there.

Bethlehemjudah Jud_17_08 /^{Bethlehemjudah /to sojourn
where he could find a place: and he came to mount Ephraim to the
house of Micah , as he journeyed .

Bethlehemjudah Jud_19_18 /^{Bethlehemjudah /toward the
side of mount Ephraim ; from thence am I: and I went to
Bethlehemjudah , but I am now going to the house of the LORD ;
and there is no man that receiveth me to house .

Bethlehemjudah Rut_01_01 /^{Bethlehemjudah /went to
sojourn in the country of Moab , he, and his wife , and his two
sons .

Bethlehemjudah 1Sa_17_12 /^{Bethlehemjudah /whose name
was Jesse ; and he had eight sons : and the man went among men
for an old man in the days of Saul .
