Baalberith Jud_08_33 /^{Baalberith /their god .

Baalberith Jud_09_04 /^{Baalberith /wherewith
Abimelech hired vain and light persons , which followed him .

Beri 1Ch_07_36 /^{Beri /and Imrah ,

Beriah 1Ch_08_13 /^{Beriah /also, and Shema ,
who were heads of the fathers of the inhabitants of Aijalon ,
who drove away the inhabitants of Gath :

Beriah 1Ch_07_30 /^{Beriah /and Serah their
sister .

Beriah Gen_46_17 /^{Beriah /and Serah their
sister : and the sons of Beriah ; Heber , and Malchiel .

Beriah 1Ch_07_23 /^{Beriah /because it went
evil with his house .

Beriah 1Ch_23_11 /^{Beriah /had not many sons ;
therefore they were in one reckoning , according to their
father's house .

Beriah 1Ch_07_31 /^{Beriah /Heber , and
Malchiel , who is the father of Birzavith .

Beriah Gen_46_17 /^{Beriah /Heber , and
Malchiel .

Beriah Num_26_45 /^{Beriah /of Heber , the
family of the Heberites : of Malchiel , the family of the
Malchielites .

Beriah Num_26_44 /^{Beriah /the family of the
Beriites .

Beriah 1Ch_23_10 /^{Beriah /These four were the
sons of Shimei .

Berites 2Sa_20_14 /^{Berites /and they were
gathered together , and went also after him.

chambering Rom_13_13 /${chambering /and wantonness ,
not in strife and envying .

Heberites Num_26_45 /^{Heberites /of Malchiel ,
the family of the Malchielites .

numbering Gen_41_49 /^{numbering /for it was
without number .

numbering 2Ch_02_17 /^{numbering /wherewith David
his father had numbered them; and they were found an hundred and
fifty thousand and three thousand and six hundred .

Remembering Lam_03_19 /^{Remembering /mine
affliction and my misery , the wormwood and the gall .

Remembering 1Th_01_03 /${Remembering /without
ceasing your work of faith , and labour of love , and patience
of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ , in the sight of God and our
Father ;

slumberings Job_33_15 /^{slumberings /upon the bed ;

tabering Nah_02_07 /^{tabering /upon their
breasts .

Tiberias Joh_21_01 /${Tiberias /and on this wise
shewed he himself.

Tiberias Joh_06_23 /${Tiberias /nigh unto the
place where they did eat bread , after that the Lord had given
thanks :

Tiberius Luk_03_01 /${Tiberius /Caesar , Pontius
Pilate being governor of Judaea , and Herod being tetrarch of
Galilee , and his brother Philip tetrarch of Ituraea and of the
region of Trachonitis , and Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene ,
