Belteshazzar Interlinear Index Study

Belteshazzar DAN 001 007 Unto whom <01992 +hem > the prince
<08269 +sar > of the eunuchs <05631 +cariyc > gave <07760 +suwm
> names <08034 +shem > : for he gave <07760 +suwm > unto Daniel
<01840 +Daniye>l > [ the name <08034 +shem > ] of {Belteshazzar}
<01095 +Belt@sha>tstsar > ; and to Hananiah <02608 +Chananyah > ,
of Shadrach <07714 +Shadrak > ; and to Mishael <04332
+Miysha>el > , of Meshach <04335 +Meyshak > ; and to Azariah
<05838 + , of Abednego <05664 + .

Belteshazzar DAN 002 026 The king <04430 +melek > answered
<06032 + and said <00560 +>amar > to Daniel <01841
+Daniye>l > , whose <01768 +diy > name <08036 +shum > [ was ]
{Belteshazzar} <01096 +Belt@sha>tstsar > , Art <00383 +>iythay >
thou able <03546 +k@hal > to make known <03046 +y@da< > unto me
the dream <02493 +chelem > which <01768 +diy > I have seen
<02370 +chaza> > , and the interpretation <06591 +p@shar >
thereof ?

Belteshazzar DAN 004 008 But at <05706 + the last <00318
+>ochoreyn > Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > came <05954 + in
before me , whose <01768 +diy > name <08036 +shum > [ was ]
{Belteshazzar} <01096 +Belt@sha>tstsar > , according to the name
<08036 +shum > of my god <00426 +>elahh > , and in whom <01768
+diy > [ is ] the spirit <07308 +ruwach > of the holy <06922
+qaddiysh > gods <00426 +>elahh > : and before <06925 +qodam >
him I told <00560 +>amar > the dream <02493 +chelem > , [
saying ] ,

Belteshazzar DAN 004 009 O {Belteshazzar} <01096
+Belt@sha>tstsar > , master <00729 +>araz > of the magicians
<02749 +chartom > , because <01768 +diy > I know <03046 +y@da< >
that the spirit <07308 +ruwach > of the holy <06922 +qaddiysh >
gods <00426 +>elahh > [ is ] in thee , and no secret <07328 +raz
> troubleth <00598 +>anac > thee , tell <00560 +>amar > me the
visions <02376 +chezev > of my dream <02493 +chelem > that I
have seen <02370 +chaza> > , and the interpretation <06591
+p@shar > thereof .

Belteshazzar DAN 004 018 This <01836 +den > dream <02493 +chelem
> I king <04430 +melek > Nebuchadnezzar <05020 +N@buwkadnetstsar
> have seen <02370 +chaza> > . Now thou , O {Belteshazzar}
<01096 +Belt@sha>tstsar > , declare <00560 +>amar > the
interpretation <06591 +p@shar > thereof , forasmuch as all
<03606 +kol > the wise <02445 +chakkiym > [ men ] of my kingdom
<04437 +malkuw > are not able <03202 +y@kel > to make known
<03046 +y@da< > unto me the interpretation <06591 +p@shar > :
but thou [ art ] able <03546 +k@hal > ; for the spirit <07308
+ruwach > of the holy <06922 +qaddiysh > gods <00426 +>elahh > [
is ] in thee .

Belteshazzar DAN 004 019 . Then <00116 +>edayin > Daniel <01841
+Daniye>l > , whose <01768 +diy > name <08036 +shum > [ was ]
Belteshazzar <01096 +Belt@sha>tstsar > , was astonied <08075
+sh@mam > for one <02298 +chad > hour <08160 +sha , and his
thoughts <07476 +ra troubled <00927 +b@hal > him . The
king <04430 +melek > spake <06032 + , and said <00560
+>amar > , Belteshazzar <01096 +Belt@sha>tstsar > , let not the
dream <02493 +chelem > , or the interpretation <06591 +p@shar >
thereof , trouble <00927 +b@hal > thee . {Belteshazzar} <01096
+Belt@sha>tstsar > answered <06032 + and said <00560
+>amar > , My lord <04756 +mare> > , the dream <02493 +chelem >
[ be ] to them that hate <08131 +s@ne> > thee , and the
interpretation <06591 +p@shar > thereof to thine enemies <06146
+ .

Belteshazzar DAN 004 019 . Then <00116 +>edayin > Daniel <01841
+Daniye>l > , whose <01768 +diy > name <08036 +shum > [ was ]
Belteshazzar <01096 +Belt@sha>tstsar > , was astonied <08075
+sh@mam > for one <02298 +chad > hour <08160 +sha , and his
thoughts <07476 +ra troubled <00927 +b@hal > him . The
king <04430 +melek > spake <06032 + , and said <00560
+>amar > , {Belteshazzar} <01096 +Belt@sha>tstsar > , let not
the dream <02493 +chelem > , or the interpretation <06591
+p@shar > thereof , trouble <00927 +b@hal > thee . Belteshazzar
<01096 +Belt@sha>tstsar > answered <06032 + and said
<00560 +>amar > , My lord <04756 +mare> > , the dream <02493
+chelem > [ be ] to them that hate <08131 +s@ne> > thee , and
the interpretation <06591 +p@shar > thereof to thine enemies
<06146 + .

Belteshazzar DAN 004 019 . Then <00116 +>edayin > Daniel <01841
+Daniye>l > , whose <01768 +diy > name <08036 +shum > [ was ]
{Belteshazzar} <01096 +Belt@sha>tstsar > , was astonied <08075
+sh@mam > for one <02298 +chad > hour <08160 +sha , and his
thoughts <07476 +ra troubled <00927 +b@hal > him . The
king <04430 +melek > spake <06032 + , and said <00560
+>amar > , Belteshazzar <01096 +Belt@sha>tstsar > , let not the
dream <02493 +chelem > , or the interpretation <06591 +p@shar >
thereof , trouble <00927 +b@hal > thee . Belteshazzar <01096
+Belt@sha>tstsar > answered <06032 + and said <00560
+>amar > , My lord <04756 +mare> > , the dream <02493 +chelem >
[ be ] to them that hate <08131 +s@ne> > thee , and the
interpretation <06591 +p@shar > thereof to thine enemies <06146
+ .

Belteshazzar DAN 005 012 Forasmuch as an excellent <03493
+yattiyr > spirit <07308 +ruwach > , and knowledge <00998
+biynah > , and understanding <07924 +sokl@thanuw > ,
interpreting <06591 +p@shar > of dreams <02493 +chelem > , and
shewing <00263 +>achavah > of hard <00280 +>achiydah > sentences
<00280 +>achiydah > , and dissolving <08271 +sh@re> > of doubts
<07001 +q@tar > , were found <07912 +sh@kach > in the same
Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > , whom <01768 +diy > the king <04430
+melek > named <08036 +shum > {Belteshazzar} <01096
+Belt@sha>tstsar > : now <03705 +k@ let Daniel <01841
+Daniye>l > be called <07123 +q@ra> > , and he will shew <05046
+nagad > the interpretation <06591 +p@shar > .

Belteshazzar DAN 010 001 . In the third <07969 +shalowsh > year
<08141 +shaneh > of Cyrus <03566 +Kowresh > king <04428 +melek >
of Persia <06539 +Parac > a thing <01697 +dabar > was revealed
<01540 +galah > unto Daniel <01840 +Daniye>l > , whose <00834
+>aher > name <08034 +shem > was called <07121 +qara> >
{Belteshazzar} <01095 +Belt@sha>tstsar > ; and the thing <01697
+dabar > [ was ] true <00571 +>emeth > , but the time appointed
<06635 +tsaba> > [ was ] long <01419 +gadowl > : and he
understood <00995 +biyn > the thing <01697 +dabar > , and had
understanding <00998 +biynah > of the vision <04758 +mar>eh > .
