believe 0544 # apeitheo {ap-i-theh'-o}; from 545; to disbelieve
(wilfully and perversely): -- not {believe}, disobedient, obey
not, unbelieving.[ql

believe 4103 # pistos {pis-tos'}; from 3982; objectively,
trustworthy; subjectively, trustful: -- {believe}(-ing, -r),
faithful(-ly), sure, true.[ql

believe 0569 # apisteo {ap-is-teh'-o}; from 571; to be
unbelieving, i.e. (transitively) disbelieve, or (by implication)
disobey: -- {believe} not.[ql

believe 4135 # plerophoreo {play-rof-or-eh'-o}; from 4134 and
5409; to carry out fully (in evidence), i.e. completely assure
(or convince), entirely accomplish: -- most surely {believe},
fully know (persuade), make full proof of.[ql

believe 4100 # pisteuo {pist-yoo'-o}; from 4102; to have faith
(in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit;
by implication, to entrust (especially one's spiritual well-
being to Christ): -- {believe}(-r), commit (to trust), put in
trust with.[ql

believe 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince
(by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or
conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to
assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty):
-- agree, assure, {believe}, have confidence, be (wax) conflent,
make friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield.[ql

believe 4102 # pistis {pis'-tis}; from 3982; persuasion, i.e.
credence; moral conviction (of religious truth, or the
truthfulness of God or a religious teacher), especially reliance
upon Christ for salvation; abstractly, constancy in such
profession; by extension, the system of religious (Gospel) truth
itself: -- assurance, belief, {believe}, faith, fidelity.[ql

disobedient 0544 # apeitheo {ap-i-theh'-o}; from 545; to
disbelieve (wilfully and perversely): -- not believe,
{disobedient}, obey not, unbelieving.[ql

not 0544 # apeitheo {ap-i-theh'-o}; from 545; to disbelieve
(wilfully and perversely): -- not believe, disobedient, obey
{not}, unbelieving.[ql

not 0544 # apeitheo {ap-i-theh'-o}; from 545; to disbelieve
(wilfully and perversely): -- {not} believe, disobedient, obey
not, unbelieving.[ql

not 0569 # apisteo {ap-is-teh'-o}; from 571; to be unbelieving,
i.e. (transitively) disbelieve, or (by implication) disobey: --
believe {not}.[ql

obey 0544 # apeitheo {ap-i-theh'-o}; from 545; to disbelieve
(wilfully and perversely): -- not believe, disobedient, {obey}
not, unbelieving.[ql

unbelieving 0544 # apeitheo {ap-i-theh'-o}; from 545; to
disbelieve (wilfully and perversely): -- not believe,
disobedient, obey not, {unbelieving}.[ql
