Barnabas Gal_02_13 /${Barnabas /also was carried
away with their dissimulation .

Barnabas Act_15_02 /${Barnabas /and certain other
of them , should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders
about this question .

Barnabas Act_13_50 /${Barnabas /and expelled them
out of their coasts .

Barnabas Act_15_25 /${Barnabas /and Paul ,

Barnabas Act_15_12 /${Barnabas /and Paul ,
declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the
Gentiles by them .

Barnabas Act_14_14 /${Barnabas /and Paul , heard
of, they rent their clothes , and ran in among the people ,
crying out ,

Barnabas Act_13_07 /${Barnabas /and Saul , and
desired to hear the word of God .

Barnabas Act_11_30 /${Barnabas /and Saul .

Barnabas Act_13_02 /${Barnabas /and Saul for the
work whereunto I have called them .

Barnabas Act_12_25 /${Barnabas /and Saul returned
from Jerusalem , when they had fulfilled their ministry , and
took with them John , whose surname was Mark .

Barnabas Act_13_01 /${Barnabas /and Simeon that
was called Niger , and Lucius of Cyrene , and Manaen , which had
been brought up with Herod the tetrarch , and Saul .

Barnabas Gal_02_01 /${Barnabas /and took Titus
with me also .

Barnabas Act_04_36 /${Barnabas /being interpreted
, The son of consolation , a Levite , and of the country of
Cyprus ,

Barnabas Col_03_10 /${Barnabas /commandments : if
he come unto you , receive him ;

Barnabas Act_15_35 /${Barnabas /continued in
Antioch , teaching and preaching the word of the Lord , with
many others also .

Barnabas Act_15_37 /${Barnabas /determined to
take with them John , whose surname was Mark .

Barnabas Act_15_02 /${Barnabas /had no small
dissension and disputation with them , they determined that Paul
and Barnabas , and certain other of them , should go up to
Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question .

Barnabas 1Co_09_06 /${Barnabas /have not we power
to forbear working ?

Barnabas Act_14_12 /${Barnabas /Jupiter ; and
Paul , Mercurius , because he was the chief speaker .

Barnabas Act_15_36 /${Barnabas /Let us go again
and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the
word of the Lord , and see how they do .

Barnabas Act_15_22 /${Barnabas /namely, Judas
surnamed Barsabas , and Silas , chief men among the brethren :

Barnabas Act_11_22 /${Barnabas /that he should go
as far as Antioch .

Barnabas Gal_02_09 /${Barnabas /the right hands
of fellowship ; that we should go unto the heathen , and they
unto the circumcision .

Barnabas Act_14_20 /${Barnabas /to Derbe .

Barnabas Act_11_25 /${Barnabas /to Tarsus , for
to seek Saul :

Barnabas Act_09_27 /${Barnabas /took him , and
brought him to the apostles , and declared unto them how he had
seen the Lord in the way , and that he had spoken to him , and
how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus .

Barnabas Act_15_39 /${Barnabas /took Mark , and
sailed unto Cyprus ;

Barnabas Act_13_46 /${Barnabas /waxed bold , and
said , It was necessary that the word of God should first have
been spoken to you : but seeing ye put it from you , and judge
yourselves unworthy of everlasting life , lo , we turn to the
Gentiles .

Barnabas Act_13_43 /${Barnabas /who , speaking to
them , persuaded them to continue in the grace of God .
