Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

bare 2554 ## chamac {khaw-mas'}; a primitive root; to be violent; by implication, to maltreat: -- make {bare}, shake off, violate, do violence, take away violently, wrong, imagine wrongfully.

bare 2834 ## chasaph {khaw-saf'}; a primitive root; to strip off, i.e. generally to make naked (for exertion or in disgrace), to drain away or bail up (a liquid): -- make {bare}, clean, discover, draw out, take, uncover.

bare 6181 ## `eryah {er-yaw'}; for 6172; nudity: -- {bare}, naked, X quite.

bare 6209 ## `arar {aw-rar'}; a primitive root; to bare; figuratively, to demolish: -- make {bare}, break, raise up [perhaps by clerical error for raze], X utterly.

bare 6544 ## para` {paw-rah'}; a primitive root; to loosen; by implication, to expose, dismiss; figuratively, absolve, begin: -- avenge, avoid, {bare}, go back, let, (make) naked, set at nought, perish, refuse, uncover.

bare 7146 ## qarachath {kaw-rakh'-ath}; from 7139; a bald spot (on the back of the head); figuratively, a threadbare spot (on the back side of the cloth): -- bald head, {bare} within.

higher 6708 ## ts@chiychiy {tsekh-ee-khee'}; from 6706; bare spot, i.e. in the glaring sun: -- {higher} place.

place 6708 ## ts@chiychiy {tsekh-ee-khee'}; from 6706; bare spot, i.e. in the glaring sun: -- higher {place}.

Shepham 8221 ## Sh@pham {shef-awm'}; probably from 8192; bare spot; Shepham, a place in or near Palestine: -- {Shepham}.