baptize 1Co_01_17 /${baptize /but to preach the
gospel : not with wisdom of words , lest the cross of Christ
should be made of none effect .

baptize Mar_01_04 /${baptize /in the wilderness ,
and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins .

baptize Joh_01_33 /${baptize /with water , the
same said unto me , Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit
descending , and remaining on him , the same is he which
baptizeth with the Holy Ghost .

baptize Joh_01_26 /${baptize /with water : but
there standeth one among you , whom ye know not ;

baptize Mat_03_11 /${baptize /you with the Holy
Ghost , and with fire :

baptize Mar_01_08 /${baptize /you with the Holy
Ghost .

baptize Luk_03_16 /${baptize /you with the Holy
Ghost and with fire :

baptize Luk_03_16 /${baptize /you with water ;
but one mightier than I cometh , the latchet of whose shoes I am
not worthy to unloose : he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost
and with fire :

baptize Mat_03_11 /${baptize /you with water
unto repentance : but he that cometh after me is mightier than I
, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear : he shall baptize you
with the Holy Ghost , and with fire :

baptized 1Co_01_16 /${baptized /also the
household of Stephanas : besides , I know not whether I baptized
any other .

baptized Act_16_15 /${baptized /and her household
, she besought us, saying , If ye have judged me to be faithful
to the Lord , come into my house , and abide there. And she
constrained us .

baptized Luk_03_21 /${baptized /and praying , the
heaven was opened ,

baptized Luk_03_12 /${baptized /and said unto him
, Master , what shall we do ?

baptized Act_02_41 /${baptized /and the same day
there were added unto them about three thousand souls .

baptized Joh_10_40 /${baptized /and there he
abode .

baptized Act_19_03 /${baptized /And they said ,
Unto John's baptism .

baptized Act_22_16 /${baptized /and wash away thy
sins , calling on the name of the Lord .

baptized 1Co_01_16 /${baptized /any other .

baptized Act_08_12 /${baptized /both men and
women .

baptized Act_02_38 /${baptized /every one of you
in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins , and ye
shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost .

baptized 1Co_15_29 /${baptized /for the dead , if
the dead rise not at all ? why are they then baptized for the
dead ?

baptized 1Co_15_29 /${baptized /for the dead ?

baptized Act_16_33 /${baptized /he and all his ,
straightway .

baptized Act_08_13 /${baptized /he continued with
Philip , and wondered , beholding the miracles and signs which
were done .

baptized Act_08_38 /${baptized /him .

baptized 1Co_01_15 /${baptized /in mine own name .

baptized 1Co_01_13 /${baptized /in the name of
Paul ?

baptized Act_10_48 /${baptized /in the name of
the Lord . Then prayed they him to tarry certain days .

baptized Act_08_16 /${baptized /in the name of
the Lord Jesus .

baptized Act_19_05 /${baptized /in the name of
the Lord Jesus .

baptized Gal_03_27 /${baptized /into Christ have
put on Christ .

baptized Rom_06_03 /${baptized /into his death ?

baptized Rom_06_03 /${baptized /into Jesus Christ
were baptized into his death ?

baptized 1Co_12_13 /${baptized /into one body ,
whether we be Jews or Gentiles , whether we be bond or free ;
and have been all made to drink into one Spirit .

baptized Luk_03_21 /${baptized /it came to pass ,
that Jesus also being baptized , and praying , the heaven was
opened ,

baptized Joh_04_01 /${baptized /more disciples
than John ,

baptized 1Co_01_14 /${baptized /none of you , but
Crispus and Gaius ;

baptized Luk_03_07 /${baptized /of him , O
generation of vipers , who hath warned you to flee from the
wrath to come ?

baptized Luk_07_30 /${baptized /of him .

baptized Mat_03_13 /${baptized /of him .

baptized Mat_03_06 /${baptized /of him in Jordan ,
confessing their sins .

baptized Mar_01_05 /${baptized /of him in the
river of Jordan , confessing their sins .

baptized Mar_01_09 /${baptized /of John in Jordan

baptized Mat_03_14 /${baptized /of thee , and
comest thou to me ?

baptized Mar_16_16 /${baptized /shall be saved ;
but he that believeth not shall be damned .

baptized 1Co_10_02 /${baptized /unto Moses in the
cloud and in the sea ;

baptized Mat_03_16 /${baptized /went up
straightway out of the water : and , lo , the heavens were
opened unto him , and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a
dove , and lighting upon him :

baptized Act_10_47 /${baptized /which have
received the Holy Ghost as well as we ?

baptized Mat_20_23 /${baptized /with : but to sit
on my right hand , and on my left , is not mine to give , but it
shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father .

baptized Luk_12_50 /${baptized /with ; and how am
I straitened till it be accomplished !

baptized Mar_10_38 /${baptized /with ?

baptized Mat_20_22 /${baptized /with ? They say
unto him , We are able .

baptized Luk_07_29 /${baptized /with the baptism
of John .

baptized Act_19_04 /${baptized /with the baptism
of repentance , saying unto the people , that they should
believe on him which should come after him , that is , on Christ
Jesus .

baptized Mat_20_23 /${baptized /with the baptism
that I am baptized with : but to sit on my right hand , and on
my left , is not mine to give , but it shall be given to them
for whom it is prepared of my Father .

baptized Mar_10_38 /${baptized /with the baptism
that I am baptized with ?

baptized Mat_20_22 /${baptized /with the baptism
that I am baptized with ? They say unto him , We are able .

baptized Act_11_16 /${baptized /with the Holy
Ghost .

baptized Act_01_05 /${baptized /with the Holy
Ghost not many days hence .

baptized Act_11_16 /${baptized /with water ; but
ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost .

baptized Act_01_05 /${baptized /with water ; but
ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence .

baptized Mar_10_39 /${baptized /withal shall ye
be baptized :

baptized Mar_01_08 /${baptized /you with water :
but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost .

baptizest Joh_01_25 /${baptizest /thou then , if
thou be not that Christ , nor Elias , neither that prophet ?

baptizeth Joh_03_26 /${baptizeth /and all men come
to him .

baptizeth Joh_01_33 /${baptizeth /with the Holy
Ghost .
