ball Isa_22_18 /^{ball /into a large country :
there shalt thou die , and there the chariots of thy glory
shall be the shame of thy lord's house .

Sanballat Neh_06_14 /^{Sanballat /according to
these their works , and on the prophetess Noadiah , and the rest
of the prophets , that would have put me in fear .

Sanballat Neh_06_02 /^{Sanballat /and Geshem sent
unto me, saying , Come , let us meet together in some one of the
villages in the plain of Ono . But they thought to do me
mischief .

Sanballat Neh_06_01 /^{Sanballat /and Tobiah , and
Geshem the Arabian , and the rest of our enemies , heard that I
had builded the wall , and that there was no breach left therein;
the doors upon the gates ;

Sanballat Neh_04_07 /^{Sanballat /and Tobiah , and
the Arabians , and the Ammonites , and the Ashdodites , heard
that the walls of Jerusalem were made up , and that the breaches
began to be stopped , then they were very wroth ,

Sanballat Neh_06_12 /^{Sanballat /had hired him.

Sanballat Neh_04_01 /^{Sanballat /heard that we
builded the wall , he was wroth , and took great indignation ,
and mocked the Jews .

Sanballat Neh_06_05 /^{Sanballat /his servant unto
me in like manner the fifth time with an open letter in his hand

Sanballat Neh_02_19 /^{Sanballat /the Horonite ,
and Tobiah the servant , the Ammonite , and Geshem the Arabian ,
heard it, they laughed us to scorn , and despised us, and said ,
What is this thing that ye do ? will ye rebel against the king ?

Sanballat Neh_02_10 /^{Sanballat /the Horonite ,
and Tobiah the servant , the Ammonite , heard of it, it grieved
them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare
of the children of Israel .

Sanballat Neh_13_28 /^{Sanballat /the Horonite :
therefore I chased him from me.
