bake 0644 ## >aphah {aw-faw'}; a primitive root; to cook,
especially to bake: -- {bake}(-r, [-meats]). [ql

bake 1310 ## bashal {baw-shal'}; a primitive root; properly, to
boil up; hence, to be done in cooking; figuratively to ripen: --
{bake}, boil, bring forth, roast, seethe, sod (be sodden). [ql

bake 5746 ## but used only as a denominative from 5692, to bake (round cakes
on the hearth): -- {bake}.[ql

bake- 3978 ## ma>akal {mah-ak-awl'}; from 398; an eatable
(includ. provender, flesh and fruit): -- food, fruit, ([{bake-
}]) meat(-s), victual. [ql

baked 8601 ## tuphiyn {too-feen'}; from 644; cookery, i.e.
(concretely) a cake: -- {baked} piece.[ql

bakemeat 4639 ## ma (good or bad); generally, a transaction; abstractly, activity;
by implication, a product (specifically, a poem) or (generally)
property: -- act, art, + {bakemeat}, business, deed, do(-ing),
labor, thing made, ware of making, occupation, thing offered,
operation, possession, X well, ([handy-, needle-, net-])work(ing,
-manship), wrought.[ql

baken 3989 ## ma>apheh {mah-af-eh'}; from 644; something baked,

baken 7246 ## rabak {raw-bak'}; a primitive root; to soak (bread
in oil): -- {baken}, (that which is) fried.[ql
