Baasha 1Ki_16_12 /^{Baasha /according to the
word of the LORD , which he spake against Baasha by Jehu the
prophet ,

Baasha 1Ki_16_07 /^{Baasha /and against his
house , even for all the evil that he did in the sight of the
LORD , in provoking him to anger with the work of his hands , in
being like the house of Jeroboam ; and because he killed him.

Baasha 1Ki_16_03 /^{Baasha /and the posterity
of his house ; and will make thy house like the house of
Jeroboam the son of Nebat .

Baasha 1Ki_16_13 /^{Baasha /and the sins of
Elah his son , by which they sinned , and by which they made
Israel to sin , in provoking the LORD God of Israel to anger
with their vanities .

Baasha 1Ki_16_05 /^{Baasha /and what he did ,
and his might , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

Baasha 1Ki_16_12 /^{Baasha /by Jehu the prophet

Baasha 1Ki_15_22 /^{Baasha /had builded ; and
king Asa built with them Geba of Benjamin , and Mizpah .

Baasha 1Ki_16_11 /^{Baasha /he left him not one
that pisseth against a wall , neither of his kinsfolks , nor of
his friends .

Baasha 2Ch_16_05 /^{Baasha /heard it, that he
left off building of Ramah , and let his work cease .

Baasha 1Ki_15_21 /^{Baasha /heard thereof, that
he left off building of Ramah , and dwelt in Tirzah .

Baasha 1Ki_16_04 /^{Baasha /in the city shall
the dogs eat ; and him that dieth of his in the fields shall the
fowls of the air eat .

Baasha 1Ki_15_19 /^{Baasha /king of Israel ,
that he may depart from me.

Baasha 2Ch_16_03 /^{Baasha /king of Israel ,
that he may depart from me.

Baasha Jer_41_09 /^{Baasha /king of Israel :
and Ishmael the son of Nethaniah filled it with them that were
slain .

Baasha 1Ki_15_16 /^{Baasha /king of Israel all
their days .

Baasha 1Ki_15_32 /^{Baasha /king of Israel all
their days .

Baasha 2Ch_16_01 /^{Baasha /king of Israel came
up against Judah , and built Ramah , to the intent that he might
let none go out or come in to Asa king of Judah .

Baasha 1Ki_15_17 /^{Baasha /king of Israel went
up against Judah , and built Ramah , that he might not suffer
any to go out or come in to Asa king of Judah .

Baasha 1Ki_16_01 /^{Baasha /saying ,

Baasha 1Ki_15_28 /^{Baasha /slay him, and
reigned in his stead.

Baasha 1Ki_16_06 /^{Baasha /slept with his
fathers , and was buried in Tirzah : and Elah his son reigned in
his stead.

Baasha 1Ki_15_27 /^{Baasha /smote him at
Gibbethon , which belonged to the Philistines ; for Nadab and
all Israel laid siege to Gibbethon .

Baasha 1Ki_21_22 /^{Baasha /the son of Ahijah ,
for the provocation wherewith thou hast provoked me to anger ,
and made Israel to sin .

Baasha 1Ki_15_27 /^{Baasha /the son of Ahijah ,
of the house of Issachar , conspired against him; and Baasha
smote him at Gibbethon , which belonged to the Philistines ; for
Nadab and all Israel laid siege to Gibbethon .

Baasha 2Ki_09_09 /^{Baasha /the son of Ahijah :

Baasha 1Ki_15_33 /^{Baasha /the son of Ahijah
to reign over all Israel in Tirzah , twenty and four years .

Baasha 1Ki_16_08 /^{Baasha /to reign over
Israel in Tirzah , two years .

Baasha 2Ch_16_06 /^{Baasha /was building ; and
he built therewith Geba and Mizpah .
