archi , Concordance Study

archi , JOS , 16:2



Archi Interlinear Index Study

Archi JOS 016 002 And goeth <03318 +yatsa> > out from Bethel
<01008 +Beyth - >El > to Luz <03870 +Luwz > , and passeth <05674
+ along unto the borders <01366 +g@buwl > of {Archi}
<00757 +>Arkiy > to Ataroth <05852 + ,


- archi , 0757 ,

searching NUM 013 025 And they returned <07725 +shuwb > from
{searching} <08446 +tuwr > of the land <00776 +>erets > after
<07093 +qets > forty <00705 +>arba days <03117 +yowm > .


archippus -0751 {archippus},

searching -2045 search, searcheth, {searching},


archi -0757 {archi} , archite ,

archite -0757 archi , {archite} ,

searching -2664 changed , disguise , disguised , hidden , search
, searched , searchest , {searching} ,

searching -2714 finding , held , number , search , searched ,
{searching} , searchings ,

searching -8446 descry , espied , excellent , merchantmen ,
search , searched , {searching} , seek , sought , spy ,

searchings -2714 finding , held , number , search , searched ,
searching , {searchings} ,


Archi 0757 -- /Arkiy -- {Archi}, Archite.

Archippus 0751 ** Archippos ** {Archippus}.

Archite 0757 -- /Arkiy -- Archi, {Archite}.

Zarchite 2227 -- Zarchiy -- {Zarchite}.


-archieratikos- ......... priest 0748 -archieratikos- >

-archiereus- ......... an high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... and chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... and High 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... and of the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... And the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... and the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... And the high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... and the high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... And when the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... as the high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... bread : and the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... But the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... But the high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... by the high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... from the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... not an high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... Now the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... of the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... of the high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... of the priests 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... of them and of the chief 0749 -archiereus-

-archiereus- ......... Priest 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... priest 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... priest s 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... priests 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... that he was the high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... that the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... The chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... The high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... the high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... thou the high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... to him the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... to the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... to the high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... unto the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... unto the high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... was the high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... went the high 0749 -archiereus- >

-archiereus- ......... with the chief 0749 -archiereus- >

-archipoimen- ......... And when the chief 0750 -archipoimen- >

-archipoimen- ......... Shepherd 0750 -archipoimen- >

-Archippos- ......... and Archippus 0751 -Archippos- >

-Archippos- ......... to Archippus 0751 -Archippos- >

-archisunagogos- ......... And the ruler 0752 -archisunagogos- >

-archisunagogos- ......... from the ruler 0752 -archisunagogos- >

-archisunagogos- ......... of the ruler 0752 -archisunagogos- >

-archisunagogos- ......... of the rulers 0752 -archisunagogos- >

-archisunagogos- ......... of the synagogue 0752 -archisunagogos-

-archisunagogos- ......... of the synagogue s 0752 -
archisunagogos- >

-archisunagogos- ......... ruler 0752 -archisunagogos- >

-archisunagogos- ......... the chief 0752 -archisunagogos- >

-archisunagogos- ......... the rulers 0752 -archisunagogos- >

-archisunagogos- ......... unto the ruler 0752 -archisunagogos- >

-architekton- ......... masterbuilder 0753 -architekton- >

-architelones- ......... among the publicans 0754 -architelones-

-architelones- ......... was the chief 0754 -architelones- >

-architriklinos- ......... of the feast 0755 -architriklinos- >

-architriklinos- ......... the governor 0755 -architriklinos- >

-architriklinos- ......... the ruler 0755 -architriklinos- >

-architriklinos- ......... unto the governor 0755 -
architriklinos- >

-eparchia- ......... into the province 1885 -eparchia- >

-eparchia- ......... province 1885 -eparchia- >

Archippus ......... and Archippus 0751 -Archippos->

Archippus ......... to Archippus 0751 -Archippos->

Searching ......... Searching 2045 -ereunao->



Zarchite 2227 ## Zarchiy {zar-khee'}; patronymically from 2226;
a Zarchite or descendant of Zerach: -- {Zarchite}. [ql

Archi 0757 ## >Arkiy {ar-kee'}; patrial from another place (in
Palestine) of similar name with 751; an Arkite or native of Erek:
-- {Archi}, Archite. [ql

Archippus 0751 # Archippos {ar'-khip-pos}; from 746 and 2462;
horse-ruler; Archippus, a Christian: -- {Archippus}.[ql

Archite 0757 ## >Arkiy {ar-kee'}; patrial from another place (in
Palestine) of similar name with 751; an Arkite or native of Erek:
-- Archi, {Archite}. [ql


Archi 016 002 Jos /^{Archi /to Ataroth ,

Archippus 001 002 Phm /${Archippus /our
fellowsoldier , and to the church in thy house :

Archippus 003 017 Col /${Archippus /Take heed to
the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord , that thou
fulfil it .

Archite 017 005 IISa /^{Archite /also, and let us
hear likewise what he saith .

Archite 015 032 IISa /^{Archite /came to meet him
with his coat rent , and earth upon his head :

Archite 016 016 IISa /^{Archite /David's friend ,
was come unto Absalom , that Hushai said unto Absalom , God save
the king , God save the king .

Archite 017 014 IISa /^{Archite /is better than
the counsel of Ahithophel . For the LORD had appointed to defeat
the good counsel of Ahithophel , to the intent that the LORD
might bring evil upon Absalom .

Archite 027 033 ICh /^{Archite /was the king's
companion :

searching 020 027 Pro /^{searching /all the inward
parts of the belly .

searching 011 007 Job /^{searching /find out God ?
canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection ?

searching 040 028 Isa /^{searching /of his
understanding .

searching 013 025 Num /^{searching /of the land
after forty days .

Searching 001 011 IPe /${Searching /what , or what
manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did
signify , when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ ,
and the glory that should follow .

searchings 005 016 Jug /^{searchings /of heart .


searching 5 -

searchings 1 -


archi And goeth out from Bethel to Luz, and passeth

unto the borders of {Archi} to Ataroth,
