English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number.

English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number
abstain - 0567 {abstain},

achaia - 0882 {achaia},

achaicus - 0883 {achaicus},

acquaintance - 2398 {acquaintance}, alone, apart, aside, business, company, due, home, own, private, privately, proper, several, severally, your,

affairs - 2596 about, according, {affairs}, after, against, alone, among, at, before, cause, concerning, covered, down, every, into, matter, on, over, own, particularly, respect, state, through, throughout, touching, toward, yet,

affairs - 4012 about, above, {affairs}, against, at, behalf, company, concern, concerning, estate, how, manner, on, over, pertaining, state, touching,

affairs - 4230 {affairs},

afraid - 1168 {afraid},

afraid - 1630 {afraid}, exceedingly, sore,

afraid - 1719 affrighted, {afraid},

afraid - 5141 {afraid}, trembling,

afraid - 5399 {afraid}, fear, feared, feareth, fearing, reverence,thither,

again - 0313 {again}, begotten, born,

again - 0321 {again}, bring, brought, depart, departed, forth, launched, led, loosed, loosing, offered, sail, sailed, set,

again - 0326 {again}, lived,

again - 0330 {again}, flourished,

again - 0364 {again}, remembrance,

again - 0375 {again}, sent,

again - 0386 {again}, raised, resurrection, rise,

again - 0450 {again}, arise, ariseth, arose, lifted, raise, raised, rise, risen, rising, rose, stand,stood,

again - 0456 {again}, build,

again - 0467 {again}, recompense,render,

again - 0483 {again}, against, blameless, contradicting, gainsayers, spake, speaketh, spoken,

again - 0486 {again}, reviled,

again - 0488 {again}, answering, measured,

again - 0509 above, {again}, beginning, top,

again - 0518 {again}, bring, declare, report, reported, shew, shewed, tell, told, word,

again - 0600 {again}, restore, restored, restoreth,

again - 0654 {again}, away, brought, put, turn, turned,turning,

again - 1208 afterward, {again}, second, secondarily, time,

again - 1364 {again}, twice,

again - 1453 {again}, arise, ariseth, arose, awake, awoke, lift, lifted, raise, raised, raiseth, rear, rise, risen, riseth, rose, stand, took,

again - 1515 {again}, one, peace, quietness, rest,

again - 1994 about, {again}, convert, converted, converteth, go, return, returned, turn, turned, turning,

again - 3825 {again},

again - 4762 {again}, back, converted, turn, turned,

again - 5290 {again}, come, return, returned,returning,

against - 0210 {against}, will,

against - 0368 {against}, cannot,

against - 0471 {against}, say,

against - 0481 {against}, over,

against - 0483 again, {against}, blameless, contradicting, gainsayers, spake, speaketh, spoken,

against - 0561 {against}, before, contrary, over, presence,

against - 1519 {against}, among, at, became, become, before, concerning, creep, end, insomuch, into, on, so, throughout, till, took, toward, until,

against - 1690 {against}, charged, groaned, groaning, murmured,

against - 1693 {against}, mad,

against - 1715 {against}, at, before, presence, sight,

against - 1722 after, {against}, among, at, because, before, believe, between, into, on, over, sake, through, throughout, toward, under, used, way, wholly, within,

against - 1727 {against}, contrary, over,

against - 1909 about, above, {against}, among, anointed, at, because, before, beside, charge, days, into, long, on, over, space, through, throughout, time, touching, toward, under,

against - 2018 add, {against}, bring, brought, taketh,

against - 2019 {against}, cried, shout,

against - 2596 about, according, affairs, after, {against}, alone, among, at, before, cause, concerning, covered, down, every, into, matter, on, over, own, particularly, respect, state, through, throughout, touching, toward, yet,

against - 2620 {against}, glory, rejoiceth,

against - 2649 {against}, witness,

against - 2691 {against}, begun, wanton, wax,

against - 2702 {against}, fallen, gave, sunk,

against - 2713 {against}, before, over,

against - 2729 {against}, secret,

against - 3326 after, {against}, among, between, followed, setting, since, when, without,

against - 3844 above, {against}, among, at, before, contrary, friends, had, more, nigh, past, save, side, sight, than,

against - 4012 about, above, affairs, {against}, at, behalf, company, concern, concerning, estate, how, manner, on, over, pertaining, state, touching,

against - 4314 about, according, {against}, among, at, because, before, between, concerning, nigh, toward, whereby, within,

against - 5396 {against}, prating,

air - 0109 {air},

air - 3772 {air}, heaven, heavens,sky,

attain - 2658 {attain}, came,come,

attained - 2983 accepteth, assaying, {attained}, began, call, caught, forgotten, had, have, held, obtain, receive, received, receiveth, receiving, take, taken, taketh, taking, took,

attained - 3877 {attained}, follow, fully, known,

attained - 5348 already, {attained}, come, forth, prevent,

availeth - 2480 able, {availeth}, can, could, couldest, do, good, might, prevailed, righteous, strength, whole, work,

await - 1917 {await}, laying, wait,

bethsaida - 0966 {bethsaida},

bewail - 2799 {bewail}, weep, weepest, weeping, weptbreaking - 2800 {breaking},

bewail - 3996 {bewail}, mourn, mourned, wailing,

bondmaid - 3814 {bondmaid}, bondwoman, damsel, maid, maids,

caiaphas - 2533 {caiaphas},

cain - 2535 {cain},

captain - 0747 author, {captain}, prince,

captain - 4755 {captain}, magistrates,

captain - 4759 {captain},guard,

captain - 5506 {captain}, captains, chief,

captains - 5506 captain, {captains}, chief,

certain - 0444 {certain}, man,men,

certain - 0790 {certain}, dwellingplace, no,

certain - 0804 {certain}, certainty, sure,

certain - 1212 bewrayeth, {certain}, evident, manifest,

certain - 1520 another, any, {certain}, every, man, never, one, only, other, particular, several, some, thing, whether,

certain - 4225 about, {certain},

certain - 5100 any, {certain}, divers, every, kind, man, none, nothing, one, ought, partly, some, somebody, something, somewhat, what, whatsoever, who, whomsoever, whose,

certainty - 0804 certain, {certainty}, sure,

chain - 0254 bonds, {chain}, chains,

chains - 0254 bonds, chain, {chains},

chains - 1199 bands, bonds, {chains}, string,

chains - 4577 {chains},

chamberlain - 2846 {chamberlain},

complainers - 3202 {complainers},

complaints - 0157 {complaints},

constrain - 0315 compelled, compellest, {constrain}, constrained,

constrained - 0315 compelled, compellest, constrain, {constrained},

constrained - 3849 {constrained},

constraineth - 4912 {constraineth}, pressed, stopped, strait,taken,

constraint - 0317 {constraint},

contain - 1467 {contain}, temperate,

contain - 5562 asunder, come, {contain}, containing, depart, departed, goeth, place, put, receive, separate,

contained - 4023 after, {contained},

containing - 5562 asunder, come, contain, {containing}, depart, departed, goeth, place, put, receive, separate,

daily - 1967 {daily},

daily - 2184 {daily},

daily - 2250 alway, {daily}, day, days, judgment, time, while,

daily - 2522 {daily}, fastest,

dainty - 3045 {dainty},

despair - 1820 {despair}, despaired,

despaired - 1820 despair, {despaired},

entertain - 5381 {entertain}, strangers,

entertained - 3579 {entertained}, lodge, lodged, lodgeth, strange,

ephraim - 2187 {ephraim},

esaias - 2268 {esaias},

fail - 1587 {fail},

fail - 1952 {fail},

fail - 2673 abolished, away, become, bring, ceased, come, destroy, destroyed, done, down, effect, {fail}, made, make, no, none, nought, put, vanish, void, without,

fail - 5302 behind, come, destitute, {fail}, lack, lacked, lackest, short, suffer, wanted, worse,

faileth - 1601 away, cast, {faileth}, fall, fallen, falleth, fell, off,

faint - 1573 {faint}, weary,

faint - 1590 {faint}, fainted,

fainted - 1590 faint, {fainted},

fainted - 2577 {fainted}, sick, wearied,

fair - 0791 {fair}, proper,

fair - 2105 {fair}, weather,

fair - 2146 {fair}, make, shew,

fair - 2568 {fair}, havens,

faith - 1680 {faith}, hope,

faith - 3640 {faith}, little,

faith - 4102 assurance, belief, believe, believeth, {faith}, fidelity,

faithful - 4103 believe, believed, believers, believeth, believing, {faithful}, faithfully, sure, true,

faithfully - 4103 believe, believed, believers, believeth, believing, faithful, {faithfully}, sure, true,

faithless - 0571 believe, believeth, {faithless}, incredible, infidel, unbelievers, unbelieving,

foreordained - 4267 before, {foreordained}, knew, know,

fountain - 4077 {fountain}, fountains, well, wells,

fountains - 4077 fountain, {fountains}, well, wells,

gain - 2039 craft, {gain}, gains, work,

gain - 2770 {gain}, gained, win, won,

gain - 2771 {gain}, lucre,

gain - 4122 advantage, defraud, defrauded, {gain}, get, make,

gain - 4200 {gain},

gained - 2770 gain, {gained}, win, won,

gains - 2039 craft, gain, {gains}, work,

gainsayers - 0483 again, against, blameless, contradicting, {gainsayers}, spake, speaketh, spoken,

gainsaying - 0369 {gainsaying}, spoken, without,

gainsaying - 0485 contradiction, {gainsaying}, strife,

gaius - 1050 {gaius},

grain - 2848 corn, {grain},

hail - 5463 farewell, glad, greeting, {hail}, joy, joyed, joying, rejoice, rejoiced, rejoiceth, rejoicing, speed,

hail - 5464 {hail},

hair - 2359 {hair}, hairs,

hair - 2863 {hair}, long,

hair - 2864 {hair},

hair - 4117 above, broided, {hair},

hair - 5155 {hair},

hairs - 2359 hair, {hairs},

handmaidens - 1399 {handmaidens},

jailor - 1200 {jailor}, keeper, prison,

jairus - 2383 {jairus},


laid - 0606 appointed, {laid},

laid - 0659 apart, aside, away, {laid}, lay, laying, off, put, putting,

laid - 0906 arose, cast, casteth, casting, {laid}, lieth, lying, poured, poureth, put, putteth, send, strike, threw, thrown, thrust,

laid - 1462 charge, crime, {laid},

laid - 1911 beat, cast, forth, {laid}, on, putteth, stretched, thereon, thought,

laid - 1945 imposed, {laid}, lay, on, thereon,

laid - 2007 add, laded, {laid}, lay, on, put, putting, set,

laid - 2071 have, {laid},

laid - 2698 do, {laid}, shew,

laid - 2749 appointed, {laid}, lain, lay, lie, lieth, lying, made, set,

laid - 3049 account, accounted, accounting, charge, conclude, count, counted, despised, impute, imputed, imputeth, imputing, {laid}, numbered, reasoned, reckoned, suppose, think, thinkest, thinketh, thought,

laid - 4369 add, added, given, {laid}, more, proceeded, spoken,

laid - 5087 advised, appoint, appointed, aside, bowing, committed, conceived, forth, giveth, {laid}, lay, made, make, ordained, purposed, put, putting, set,

laid - 5342 bare, bear, beareth, bearing, bring, bringeth, bringing, brought, came, carry, driven, endure, go, {laid}, leadeth, moved, reach, rushing, upholding,

lain - 2749 appointed, laid, {lain}, lay, lie, lieth, lying, made, set,

maid - 2877 damsel, {maid},

maid - 3814 bondmaid, bondwoman, damsel, {maid}, maids,

maids - 3814 bondmaid, bondwoman, damsel, maid, {maids},

maimed - 2948 {maimed},

mainsail - 0736 {mainsail},

maintain - 4291 {maintain}, over, rule, ruleth, ruling,

mountain - 3735 hill, mount, {mountain}, mountains, which,

mountains - 3735 hill, mount, mountain, {mountains}, which,

nailing - 4338 {nailing},

nails - 2247 {nails},

nicolaitanes - 3531 {nicolaitanes},

obtain - 1653 compassion, mercy, {obtain}, obtained, pity, received, through,

obtain - 2013 {obtain}, obtained,

obtain - 2638 apprehend, apprehended, come, comprehend, comprehended, found, {obtain}, overtake, perceive, perceived, taken, taketh,

obtain - 2983 accepteth, assaying, attained, began, call, caught, forgotten, had, have, held, {obtain}, receive, received, receiveth, receiving, take, taken, taketh, taking, took,

obtain - 4047 {obtain}, obtaining, peculiar, possession, purchased, saving,

obtain - 5177 chance, enjoy, little, {obtain}, obtained, refresh, special,

obtained - 1653 compassion, mercy, obtain, {obtained}, pity, received, through,

obtained - 2013 obtain, {obtained},

obtained - 2174 comfort, {obtained},

obtained - 2816 heir, heirs, inherit, inherited, {obtained},

obtained - 2820 inheritance, {obtained},

obtained - 2902 hands, held, hold, holden, holdest, holdeth, holding, kept, {obtained}, retain, retained, take, took,

obtained - 2932 {obtained}, possess, purchased,

obtained - 2975 cast, lots, {obtained},

obtained - 3140 bare, barest, bear, bearest, beareth, gave, {obtained}, record, report, reported, testified, testifieth, testify, testifying, testimony, well, witness, witnessed, witnesses, witnesseth, witnessing,

obtained - 5177 chance, enjoy, little, obtain, {obtained}, refresh, special,

obtaining - 4047 obtain, {obtaining}, peculiar, possession, purchased, saving,

ordain - 1299 appointed, commanded, commanding, {ordain}, ordained, order, set,

ordain - 2525 appoint, conducted, made, make, maketh, {ordain}, ordained, ruler, set,



ordained - 1299 appointed, commanded, commanding, ordain, {ordained}, order, set,

ordained - 2525 appoint, conducted, made, make, maketh, ordain, {ordained}, ruler, set,

ordained - 2680 builded, built, made, {ordained}, prepare, prepared, preparing,

ordained - 2919 at, called, concluded, condemn, condemned, condemning, damned, decreed, determined, judge, judged, judgest, judgeth, judging, law, {ordained}, question, sentence, sue, thought,

ordained - 3724 declared, determinate, determined, limiteth, {ordained},

ordained - 4270 afore, before, evidently, forth, {ordained}, set, wrote,

ordained - 4282 before, {ordained},

ordained - 4304 {ordained},

ordained - 5021 addicted, appointed, determined, {ordained},

ordained - 5087 advised, appoint, appointed, aside, bowing, committed, conceived, forth, giveth, laid, lay, made, make, {ordained}, purposed, put, putting, set,

ordained - 5500 chosen, {ordained},

overlaid - 4028 cover, {overlaid},

paid - 0591 delivered, gave, give, made, {paid}, pay, payment, perform, render, rendering, reward, rewarded, sold, yielded, yieldeth,

pain - 4192 {pain},pains,

pained - 0928 {pained}, toiling, torment, tormented, tossed, vexed,

painfulness - 3449 {painfulness}, travail,

pains - 4192 pain, {pains},

pains - 5604 {pains}, sorrows, travail,

pair - 2218 {pair}, yoke,

pertaineth - 3348 part, partaker, partakers, {pertaineth}, took, useth,

pertaining - 4012 about, above, affairs, against, at, behalf, company, concern, concerning, estate, how, manner, on, over, {pertaining}, state, touching,

plain - 3723 {plain},

plainly - 1718 appear, appeared, declare, informed, manifest, {plainly}, shewed, signify,

plainly - 3954 bold, boldly, boldness, confidence, freely, openly, {plainly}, plainness, preached,

plainness - 3954 bold, boldly, boldness, confidence, freely, openly, plainly, {plainness}, preached,

plaiting - 1708 {plaiting},

praise - 0133 {praise},

praise - 0134 {praise}, praising,

praise - 0136 {praise},

praise - 1391 dignities, glorious, glory, honour, {praise},

praise - 1867 {praise},

praise - 1868 {praise},

praise - 5214 hymn, {praise}, sang, sung,

praises - 0703 {praises},virtue,

praising - 0134 praise, {praising},

prevail - 2720 direct, {prevail},

prevail - 5623 bettered, {prevail}, profit, profited, profiteth,

prevailed - 2480 able, availeth, can, could, couldest, do, good, might, {prevailed}, righteous, strength, whole, work,

prevailed - 3528 conquer, conquering, overcame, overcome, overcometh, {prevailed}, victory,

proclaiming - 2784 preach, preached, preachest, preacheth, preaching, {proclaiming}, publish, published,

ptolemais - 4424 {ptolemais},

railed - 0987 blaspheme, blasphemed, blasphemers, blasphemest, blasphemeth, blaspheming, blasphemy, defamed, evil, {railed}, reported, reviled, slanderously, speak, speaking, spoken,

railer - 3060 {railer}, revilers,

railing - 0988 blasphemies, blasphemy, evil, {railing}, railings, speaking,

railing - 0989 blasphemer, blasphemers, blasphemous, {railing},

railing - 3059 {railing},

railings - 0988 blasphemies, blasphemy, evil, railing, {railings}, speaking,

raiment - 1742 clothing, garment, {raiment},

raiment - 2066 apparel, clothing, {raiment},

raiment - 2440 apparel, cloak, clothes, garment, garments, {raiment}, robe, vesture,

raiment - 4629 {raiment},

rain - 1026 {rain}, rained, sendeth,

rain - 1028 {rain},

rain - 5205 {rain},

rainbow - 2463 {rainbow},

rained - 1026 rain, {rained}, sendeth,

raise - 0450 again, arise, ariseth, arose, lifted, {raise}, raised, rise, risen, rising, rose, stand, stood,

raise - 1453 again, arise, ariseth, arose, awake, awoke, lift, lifted, {raise}, raised, raiseth, rear, rise, risen, riseth, rose, stand, took,

raise - 1817 {raise}, rose,

raise - 1825 {raise},

raised - 0386 again, {raised}, resurrection, rise,

raised - 0450 again, arise, ariseth, arose, lifted, raise, {raised}, rise, risen, rising, rose, stand, stood,

raised - 1326 arose, awake, {raised}, stir,

raised - 1453 again, arise, ariseth, arose, awake, awoke, lift, lifted, raise, {raised}, raiseth, rear, rise, risen, riseth, rose, stand, took,

raised - 1892 {raised}, stirred,

raised - 4891 {raised}, risen, together,

raiseth - 1453 again, arise, ariseth, arose, awake, awoke, lift, lifted, raise, raised, {raiseth}, rear, rise, risen, riseth, rose, stand, took,

raising - 1999 cometh, {raising},

refrain - 0868 away, depart, departed, departing, drew, {refrain}, withdraw,

refrain - 3973 cease, ceased, ceaseth, left, {refrain},

remain - 3062 other, others, {remain}, remnant, residue, rest,

remain - 3306 abide, abideth, abiding, abode, continue, continued, continueth, continuing, dwell, dwellest, dwelleth, dwelt, endureth, enduring, present, {remain}, remained, remaineth, remaining, tarried, tarry,

remain - 4035 {remain},

remain - 4052 abound, abounded, aboundeth, abounding, abundance, abundant, better, exceed, excel, increase, increased, left, make, over, redound, {remain}, remained,

remained - 3306 abide, abideth, abiding, abode, continue, continued, continueth, continuing, dwell, dwellest, dwelleth, dwelt, endureth, enduring, present, remain, {remained}, remaineth, remaining, tarried, tarry,

remained - 4052 abound, abounded, aboundeth, abounding, abundance, abundant, better, exceed, excel, increase, increased, left, make, over, redound, remain, {remained},

remainest - 1265 continue, {remainest},

remaineth - 0620 left, {remaineth},

remaineth - 3063 besides, finally, furthermore, henceforth, moreover, now, {remaineth}, then,

remaineth - 3306 abide, abideth, abiding, abode, continue, continued, continueth, continuing, dwell, dwellest, dwelleth, dwelt, endureth, enduring, present, remain, remained, {remaineth}, remaining, tarried, tarry,

remaining - 3306 abide, abideth, abiding, abode, continue, continued, continueth, continuing, dwell, dwellest, dwelleth, dwelt, endureth, enduring, present, remain, remained, remaineth, {remaining}, tarried, tarry,

restrained - 2664 ceased, rest, {restrained},

retain - 2192 able, accompany, art, been, began, being, could, count, counted, diseased, do, eat, fear, had, hast, hath, have, having, held, hold, holding, lieth, next, possessed, {retain}, took, uncircumcised, using,

retain - 2902 hands, held, hold, holden, holdest, holdeth, holding, kept, obtained, {retain}, retained, take, took,

retained - 2722 accuse, accused, accusing, fast, had, hold, keep, let, letteth, made, possessed, possessing, {retained}, seize, withholdeth,

retained - 2902 hands, held, hold, holden, holdest, holdeth, holding, kept, obtained, retain, {retained}, take, took,

said - 0669 forth, {said}, speak, utterance,

said - 0846 beside, cause, having, herself, himself, itself, jesus, one, ourselves, own, {said}, same, self, selfsame, selves, theirs, themselves, there, thereat, thereby, therein, thereof, thereon, therewith, these, things, this, those, thyself, together,

said - 2036 bade, bid, bring, called, command, commanded, grant, {said}, saith, say, saying, spake, speak, speaketh, spoken, tell, told, word,

said - 2046 called, {said}, saidst, say, spake, speak, spoken, tell, told,

said - 2063 {said},

said - 2980 preach, preached, preaching, {said}, saith, say, spake, speak, speakest, speaketh, speaking, spoken, talk, talked, talkest, talketh, talking, tell, told, utter, uttered,

said - 3004 asked, bid, biddeth, boasting, call, called, callest, calleth, describeth, giving, named, {said}, saith, say, sayest, saying, sayings, shew, spake, speak, speakest, speaketh, speaking, spoken, tell, telleth, told, uttered,

said - 4280 before, foretold, {said}, spoken, told,

said - 4483 commanded, made, {said}, spoken,

said - 5346 affirm, {said}, saith, say,

saidst - 2046 called, said, {saidst}, say, spake, speak, spoken, tell, told,

sail - 0321 again, bring, brought, depart, departed, forth, launched, led, loosed, loosing, offered, {sail}, sailed, set,

sail - 0636 {sail},sailed,

sail - 3896 {sail},

sail - 4126 {sail}, sailed, sailing,

sail - 4632 goods, {sail}, vessel, vessels,

sailed - 0321 again, bring, brought, depart, departed, forth, launched, led, loosed, loosing, offered, sail, {sailed}, set,

sailed - 0636 sail, {sailed},

sailed - 1020 {sailed}, slowly,

sailed - 1277 over, {sailed},

sailed - 1602 away, {sailed},

sailed - 3881 passing, {sailed},

sailed - 4126 sail, {sailed}, sailing,

sailed - 5284 {sailed}, under,

sailing - 1276 gone, over, passed, {sailing},

sailing - 4126 sail, sailed, {sailing},

sailing - 4144 course, {sailing}, voyage,

sailors - 3492 {sailors},shipmen,

saint - 0040 holy, most, {saint}, saints,

saints - 0040 holy, most, saint, {saints},

saith - 2036 bade, bid, bring, called, command, commanded, grant, said, {saith}, say, saying, spake, speak, speaketh, spoken, tell, told, word,

saith - 2980 preach, preached, preaching, said, {saith}, say, spake, speak, speakest, speaketh, speaking, spoken, talk, talked, talkest, talketh, talking, tell, told, utter, uttered,

saith - 3004 asked, bid, biddeth, boasting, call, called, callest, calleth, describeth, giving, named, said, {saith}, say, sayest, saying, sayings, shew, spake, speak, speakest, speaketh, speaking, spoken, tell, telleth, told, uttered,

saith - 5346 affirm, said, {saith}, say,

sinai - 4614 sina, {sinai},

slain - 0337 away, death, diddest, kill, killed, put, {slain}, slay, slew, taketh, took,

slain - 0599 dead, death, die, died, dying, perished, {slain},

slain - 0615 death, kill, killed, killest, killeth, killing, put, {slain}, slay, slew,

slain - 4968 beasts, {slain},

slain - 4969 kill, {slain}, slew, wounded,

stairs - 0304 {stairs},

straight - 2113 came, course, {straight},

straight - 2116 governor, make, {straight},

straight - 2117 anon, forthwith, immediately, right, {straight}, straightway,

straight - 3717 {straight}, upright,

straightway - 1824 aside, immediately, presently, {straightway}, turned,

straightway - 2112 anon, forthwith, immediately, shortly, soon, {straightway},

straightway - 2117 anon, forthwith, immediately, right, straight, {straightway},

straightway - 3916 forthwith, immediately, presently, soon, {straightway}, wintered,

strain - 1368 at, {strain},

strait - 4728 {strait},

strait - 4912 constraineth, pressed, stopped, {strait}, taken,

straitened - 4730 anguish, distresses, {straitened},

straitest - 0196 {straitest},

straitly - 0547 {straitly}, threatening, threatenings,

straitly - 4183 abundant, altogether, common, far, great, greatly, long, many, much, oft, sore, {straitly},

tail - 3769 {tail}, tails,

tails - 3769 tail, {tails},

traitors - 4273 betrayers, {traitors},

travail - 3449 painfulness, {travail},

travail - 5088 bearest, born, bring, bringeth, brought, child, delivered, forth, {travail},

travail - 5604 pains, sorrows, {travail},

travail - 5605 being, birth, {travail}, travailest, travailing,

travailest - 5605 being, birth, travail, {travailest}, travailing,

travailing - 5605 being, birth, travail, travailest, {travailing},

twain - 1417 both, {twain}, two,

uncertain - 0082 {uncertain},

uncertain - 0083 {uncertain},

uncertainly - 0084 {uncertainly},

upbraid - 3679 cast, reproach, reproached, revile, reviled, teeth, {upbraid}, upbraided, upbraideth,

upbraided - 3679 cast, reproach, reproached, revile, reviled, teeth, upbraid, {upbraided}, upbraideth,

upbraideth - 3679 cast, reproach, reproached, revile, reviled, teeth, upbraid, upbraided, {upbraideth},

vail - 2571 {vail},

vain - 1432 cause, freely, nought, {vain}, without,

vain - 1500 cause, {vain}, vainly, without,

vain - 2755 desirous, glory, {vain},

vain - 2756 empty, {vain},

vain - 2757 babblings, {vain},

vain - 2761 {vain},

vain - 2788 harp, harps, {vain},

vain - 3150 jangling, {vain},

vain - 3151 talkers, {vain},

vain - 3152 {vain}, vanities,

vain - 3154 became, {vain},

vain - 3155 {vain},

vainglory - 2754 {vainglory},

vainly - 1500 cause, vain, {vainly}, without,

wail - 2875 cut, down, lament, lamented, mourn, {wail},

wailed - 0214 tinkling, {wailed},

wailing - 2805 {wailing}, weeping, wept,

wailing - 3996 bewail, mourn, mourned, {wailing},

wait - 0362 {wait},

wait - 0553 absent, look, {wait}, waiting,

wait - 1747 {wait},

wait - 1748 {wait},

wait - 1917 await, laying, {wait},

wait - 3180 lie, {wait}, wiles,

wait - 4037 {wait},

wait - 4332 {wait},

wait - 4342 continually, continue, continued, continuing, give, on, stedfastly, {wait}, waited,

waited - 1551 expecting, look, looked, tarry, {waited}, waiteth, waiting,

waited - 4327 accepting, allow, looking, receive, took, {waited},

waited - 4328 expecting, look, looked, looketh, looking, tarried, {waited},

waited - 4342 continually, continue, continued, continuing, give, on, stedfastly, wait, {waited},

waiteth - 1551 expecting, look, looked, tarry, waited, {waiteth}, waiting,

waiting - 0553 absent, look, wait, {waiting},

waiting - 1551 expecting, look, looked, tarry, waited, waiteth, {waiting},