
Bible Phrases for Individual word studies

~ ~ Bible Phrase lists ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
whosoever abideth 1Jo_03_06

whosoever among you feareth god Act_13_26

whosoever beareth Lev_11_25

whosoever believeth 1Jo_05_01

whosoever believeth Joh_03_15

whosoever believeth Joh_03_16

whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed Rom_10_11

whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed Rom_09_33

whosoever believeth on me should not abide Joh_12_46

whosoever cometh 2Ch_13_09

whosoever cometh Luk_06_47

whosoever cometh any thing near unto Num_17_13

whosoever cometh not forth after saul 1Sa_11_07

whosoever committeth sin is Joh_08_34

whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also 1Jo_03_04

whosoever compoundeth Exo_30_33

whosoever curseth his god shall bear his sin Lev_24_15

whosoever denieth 1Jo_02_23

whosoever doeth Exo_31_15

whosoever doeth not righteousness is not 1Jo_03_10

whosoever doeth work therein shall be put Exo_35_02

whosoever doth not bear his cross Luk_14_27

whosoever doth touch them Lev_11_31

whosoever drinketh Joh_04_13

whosoever eateth it shal lev Lev_17_14

whosoever getteth up 2Sa_05_08

whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace Isa_59_08

whosoever had dedicated 1Ch_26_28

whosoever hateth his brother is 1Jo_03_15

whosoever hath any gold Exo_32_24

whosoever hath killed any person Num_31_19

whosoever hath not Luk_08_18

whosoever hath sinned against me Exo_32_33

whosoever hath touched any slain Num_31_19

whosoever he be Gal_05_10

whosoever he be Luk_14_33

whosoever heareth 2Ki_21_12

whosoever heareth it will say 2Sa_17_09

whosoever hideth her hideth Pro_27_16

whosoever is angry with his brother without Mat_05_22

whosoever is born 1Jo_03_09

whosoever is born 1Jo_05_18

whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise Pro_20_01

whosoever is defiled by Num_05_02

whosoever killeth Jos_20_09

whosoever killeth you will think Joh_16_02

whosoever lieth carnally with Lev_19_20

whosoever lieth with Exo_22_19

whosoever liveth Joh_11_26

whosoever looketh on Mat_05_28

whosoever loveth Rev_22_15

whosoever maketh himself Joh_19_12

whosoever marrieth her Luk_16_18

whosoever offereth Lev_22_21

whosoever putteth away his wife Luk_16_18

whosoever receiveth Rev_14_11

whosoever remaineth Ezr_01_04

whosoever saith 2Sa_14_10

whosoever shall alter this word Ezr_06_11

whosoever shall ask Dan_06_07

whosoever shall be wanting 2Ki_10_19

whosoever shall be with thee Jos_02_19

whosoever shall call on Act_02_21

whosoever shall call on Joe_02_32

whosoever shall compel thee Mat_05_41

whosoever shall confess 1Jo_04_15

whosoever shall confess me before men Luk_12_08

whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased Mat_23_12

whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken Mat_21_44

whosoever shall fall upon Luk_20_18

whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake Isa_54_15

whosoever shall give Mat_10_42

whosoever shall go out Jos_02_19

whosoever shall kill shall be Mat_05_21

whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it Luk_17_33

whosoever shall make like unto Exo_30_38

whosoever shall marry her Mat_05_32

whosoever shall not be offended Luk_07_23

whosoever shall not be offended Mat_11_06

whosoever shall not receive Luk_18_17

whosoever shall not receive Mar_10_15

whosoever shall not receive you Mar_06_11

whosoever shall not receive you Mat_10_14

whosoever shall offend one Mar_09_42

whosoever shall put away his wife Mar_10_11

whosoever shall put away his wife Mat_19_09

whosoever shall put away his wife Mat_05_31

whosoever shall put away his wife Mat_05_32

whosoever shall read this writing Dan_05_07

whosoever shall receive me Mar_09_37

whosoever shall receive me receiveth him Luk_09_48

whosoever shall receive one Mar_09_37

whosoever shall receive this child Luk_09_48

whosoever shall say Mat_15_05

whosoever shall say Mat_05_22

whosoever shall say unto this mountain Mar_11_23

whosoever shall seek Luk_17_33

whosoever shall speak Luk_12_10

whosoever shall swear by Mat_23_16

whosoever shall swear by Mat_23_18

whosoever sinneth hath not seen him 1Jo_03_06

whosoever smiteth 1Ch_11_06

whosoever speaketh Mat_12_32

whosoever then first after Joh_05_04

whosoever therefore resisteth Rom_13_02

whosoever therefore shall be ashamed Mar_08_38

whosoever therefore shall break one Mat_05_19

whosoever therefore shall confess me before men Mat_10_32

whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child Mat_18_04

whosoever therefore will be Jam_04_04

whosoever thou art Rom_02_01

whosoever toucheth Exo_19_12

whosoever toucheth Lev_11_24

whosoever toucheth Num_19_13

whosoever toucheth any thing Lev_15_10

whosoever toucheth any thing Lev_15_22

whosoever toucheth her bed shall wash his clothes Lev_15_21

whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until Lev_15_19

whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent Pro_06_29

whosoever toucheth his bed shall wash his clothes Lev_15_05

whosoever toucheth one Num_19_16

whosoever toucheth those things shall be unclean Lev_15_27

whosoever transgresseth 2Jo_01_09

whosoever was not found written Rev_20_15

whosoever will Rev_22_17

whosoever will be chief among you Mat_20_27

whosoever will come after me Mar_08_34

whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it Mat_16_25

whosoever will not do Ezr_07_26

whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak Deu_18_19

whosoever will not receive you Luk_09_05

whosoever would 1Ki_13_33

whosoever would not come within three days Ezr_10_08

whosoever would not seek 2Ch_15_13