abide thou with me                        <1SA22  -:23 >

about which thou cursedst                <JUG17  -:2 >

according as thou hast spoken                <NUM14  -:17 >

according as thou hast vowed unto        <DEU23  -:23 >

add thou not unto his words                <PRO30  -:6 >

afflicted people thou wilt save        <2SA22  -:28 >

after many days thou shalt be visited        <EZE38  -:8 >

after thou hast lost                        <ISA49  -:20 >

after whom dost thou pursue                <1SA24  -:14 >

afterward shalt thou be gathered unto thy people  <NUM31  -:2 >

afterward thou shalt be called                <ISA1  -:26 >

afterward thou shalt eat                <LUK17  -:8 >

again thou showest thyself marvellous upon me  <JOB10  -:16 >

against which thou hast had indignation these threescore  <ZEC1  

-:12 >

against whom hast thou exalted                <2KI19  -:22 >

against whom hast thou exalted                <ISA37  -:23 >

against whom thou hast dealt treacherously  <MAL2  -:14 >

all before thou camest                        <GEN27  -:33 >

all nations whom thou hast made shall come  <PSA86  -:9 >

all places whither thou goest                <JER45  -:5 >

all thine abominations which thou hast done  <EZE16  -:51 >

all things whatsoever thou hast given me are  <JOH17  -:7 >

almost thou persuadest me                <ACT26  -:28 >

also thou hast delivered thy soul        <EZE3  -:21 >

also thou shalt be cut down                <JER48  -:2 >

also thou shalt lie down                <JOB11  -:19 >

also thou shalt not approach unto        <LEV18  -:19 >

also thou shalt not oppress                <EXO23  -:9 >

also thou shalt read them                <JER36  -:6 >

also thou shalt take                        <EXO29  -:22 >

also unto thy maidservant thou shalt do likewise  <DEU15  -:17 >

although thou movedst                        <JOB2  -:3 >

although thou sayest thou shalt not see him  <JOB35  -:14 >

ammon thou camest not                        <DEU2  -:37 >

among these nations shalt thou find no ease  <DEU28  -:65 >

an ass thou shalt redeem with                <EXO13  -:13 >

an ass thou shalt redeem with                <EXO34  -:20 >

ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke  <ISA47  -:6 >

another young bullock shalt thou take for  <NUM8  -:8 >

answer thou me                                <JOB13  -:22 >

answer thou me                                <JOB38  -:3 >

answerest thou not                        <1SA26  -:14 >

answerest thou nothing                        <MAR14  -:60 >

answerest thou nothing                        <MAR15  -:4 >

answerest thou nothing                        <MAT26  -:62 >

any case thou shalt deliver him        <DEU24  -:13 >

appeared unto thee when thou fleddest from  <GEN35  -:1 >

arise thou therefore                        <1KI14  -:12 >

ark shalt thou set                        <GEN6  -:16 >

ark thou shalt put                        <EXO25  -:21 >

art not thou also                        <JOH18  -:17 >

art not thou also                        <JOH18  -:25 >

art thou able                                <DAN2  -:26 >

art thou also                                <JOH7  -:52 >

art thou also become weak as we        <ISA14  -:10 >

art thou become like unto us                <ISA14  -:10 >

art thou better than populous no        <NAH3  -:8 >

art thou bound unto                        <1CO7  -:27 >

art thou called                        <1CO7  -:21 >

art thou come                                <EZE38  -:13 >

art thou come                                <LUK4  -:34 >

art thou come                                <MAR1  -:24 >

art thou come hither                        <MAT8  -:29 >

art thou come unto me                        <1KI17  -:18 >

art thou cut down                        <ISA14  -:12 >

art thou disquieted                        <PSA42  -:5 >

art thou elias                                <JOH1  -:21 >

art thou greater than our father abraham  <JOH8  -:53 >

art thou greater than our father jacob        <JOH4  -:12 >

art thou he                                <LUK7  -:19 >

art thou he                                <LUK7  -:20 >

art thou he                                <MAT11  -:3 >

art thou loosed from                        <1CO7  -:27 >

art thou made                                <2CH25  -:16 >

art thou only                                <LUK24  -:18 >

art thou then                                <LUK22  -:70 >

as if thou hadst not received                <1CO4  -:7 >

as many as thou hast given him                <JOH17  -:2 >

as much as thou shalt need                <2CH2  -:16 >

as soon as thou art departed from me        <1KI20  -:36 >

as thou art                                <LUK12  -:58 >

as thou comest                                <GEN10  -:19 >

as thou comest unto zoar                <GEN13  -:10 >

as thou diddest                        <ACT7  -:28 >

as thou didst anoint their father        <EXO40  -:15 >

as thou didst deal with david my father  <2CH2  -:3 >

as thou didst rejoice at                <EZE35  -:15 >

as thou goest                                <1SA27  -:8 >

as thou goest                                <GEN10  -:19 >

as thou goest toward assyria                <GEN25  -:18 >

as thou goest unto sephar                <GEN10  -:30 >

as thou hast believed                        <MAT8  -:13 >

as thou hast done                        <EZE16  -:48 >

as thou hast done                        <OBA1  -:15 >

as thou hast done unto me for all my transgressions  <LAM1  -:22


as thou hast forgiven this people        <NUM14  -:19 >

as thou hast given him power over all flesh  <JOH17  -:2 >

as thou hast heard                        <DEU4  -:33 >

as thou hast loved me                        <JOH17  -:23 >

as thou hast said                        <EST6  -:10 >

as thou hast said                        <EZR10  -:12 >

as thou hast said                        <GEN18  -:5 >

as thou hast said                        <JUG6  -:36 >

as thou hast said                        <JUG6  -:37 >

as thou hast sent me into                <JOH17  -:18 >

as thou killedst                        <EXO2  -:14 >

as thou knowest not what                <ECC12  -:5 >

as thou seest                                <DAN1  -:13 >

as thou spakest by                        <1KI8  -:53 >

as thou swarest unto our fathers        <DEU26  -:15 >

as thou usest                                <PSA119  -:132 >

as thou valuest it                        <LEV27  -:12 >

as thou very well knowest                <ACT25  -:10 >

as thou wast ashamed                        <JER2  -:36 >

as yet exaltest thou thyself against my people  <EXO9  -:17 >

ask how thou doest                        <JER15  -:5 >

asses which thou wentest                <1SA10  -:2 >

at even thou shalt say                        <DEU28  -:67 >

at his day thou shalt give                <DEU24  -:15 >

at mealtime come thou hither                <RUT2  -:14 >

be clear when thou judgest              <PSA51  -:4 >

be greater than thou                    <GEN41  -:40 >

be it unto thee even as thou wilt       <MAT15  -:28 >

be not thou                             <PRO22  -:26 >

be not thou afraid when one is made rich  <PSA49  -:16 >

be not thou envious against evil men    <PRO24  -:1 >

be not thou rebellious like             <EZE2  -:8 >

be not thou therefore ashamed           <2TI1  -:8 >

be not thou united                      <GEN49  -:6 >

be thou                         <EZE38  -:7 >

be thou                         <GEN24  -:60 >

be thou                         <ISA16  -:4 >

be thou                         <JOB37  -:6 >

be thou                         <JUG17  -:2 >

be thou                         <NUM16  -:16 >

be thou                         <PRO23  -:17 >

be thou also over five cities           <LUK19  -:19 >

be thou an help                 <DEU33  -:7 >

be thou ashamed                 <ISA23  -:4 >

be thou cast into                       <MAR11  -:23 >

be thou cast into                       <MAT21  -:21 >

be thou clean                           <LUK5  -:13 >

be thou clean                           <MAR1  -:41 >

be thou clean                           <MAT8  -:3 >

be thou confounded also         <EZE16  -:52 >

be thou diligent                        <PRO27  -:23 >

be thou exalted                 <PSA108  -:5 >

be thou exalted                 <PSA21  -:13 >

be thou exalted                 <PSA57  -:11 >

be thou exalted                 <PSA57  -:5 >

be thou faithful unto death             <REV2  -:10 >

be thou for                             <EXO18  -:19 >

be thou free from this bitter water     <NUM5  -:19 >

be thou here present                    <2SA20  -:4 >

be thou instructed                      <JER6  -:8 >

be thou laid with                       <EZE32  -:19 >

be thou like                            <SON2  -:17 >

be thou like                            <SON8  -:14 >

be thou my helper                       <PSA30  -:10 >

be thou my strong habitation            <PSA71  -:3 >

be thou my strong rock                  <PSA31  -:2 >

be thou our ruler                       <ISA3  -:6 >

be thou perfect                 <GEN17  -:1 >

be thou planted                 <LUK17  -:6 >

be thou plucked up by                   <LUK17  -:6 >

be thou prepared                        <EZE38  -:7 >

be thou ravished always with her love   <PRO5  -:19 >

be thou removed                 <MAR11  -:23 >

be thou removed                 <MAT21  -:21 >

be thou strong therefore                <1KI2  -:2 >

be thou their arm every morning <ISA33  -:2 >

be thou there until                     <MAT2  -:13 >

beast which thou hast                   <EXO13  -:12 >

beaten work shalt thou make them        <EXO25  -:18 >

because by this deed thou hast given great occasion  <2SA12  -:

14 >

because thou                            <1CH28  -:3 >

because thou                            <2SA16  -:8 >

because thou                            <GEN29  -:15 >

because thou                            <GEN39  -:9 >

because thou                            <GEN46  -:30 >

because thou                            <PSA86  -:17 >

because thou art an austere man <LUK19  -:21 >

because thou art polluted with their idols  <EZE23  -:30 >

because thou barest                     <1KI2  -:26 >

because thou believest not my words     <LUK1  -:20 >

because thou canst not make one hair white or black  <MAT5  -:36


because thou closest                    <JER22  -:15 >

because thou defendest them             <PSA5  -:11 >

because thou desiredst me               <MAT18  -:32 >

because thou didst                      <PSA39  -:9 >

because thou didst rely on              <2CH16  -:8 >

because thou didst trust                <HOS10  -:13 >

because thou hadst                      <PSA44  -:3 >

because thou hast asked this thing      <1KI3  -:11 >

because thou hast been faithful <LUK19  -:17 >

because thou hast been my help          <PSA63  -:7 >

because thou hast clapped               <EZE25  -:6 >

because thou hast defiled my sanctuary with all thy detestable

things  <EZE5  -:11 >

because thou hast despised me           <2SA12  -:10 >

because thou hast destroyed thy land    <ISA14  -:20 >

because thou hast done                  <PSA52  -:9 >

because thou hast done this             <GEN3  -:14 >

because thou hast done well             <2KI10  -:30 >

because thou hast forgotten             <ISA17  -:10 >

because thou hast forgotten me          <JER13  -:25 >

because thou hast forgotten me          <EZE23  -:35 >

because thou hast gone                  <EZE23  -:30 >

because thou hast had                   <EZE35  -:5 >

because thou hast heard         <JER4  -:19 >

because thou hast hearkened unto        <GEN3  -:17 >

because thou hast hid these things from  <MAT11  -:25 >

because thou hast humbled her           <DEU21  -:14 >

because thou hast joined thyself with ahaziah  <2CH20  -:37 >

because thou hast judged thus           <REV16  -:5 >

because thou hast kept                  <REV3  -:10 >

because thou hast left thy first love   <REV2  -:4 >

because thou hast let go out            <1KI20  -:42 >

because thou hast lifted up thyself     <EZE31  -:10 >

because thou hast made                  <PSA91  -:9 >

because thou hast mocked me             <NUM22  -:29 >

because thou hast not given him warning  <EZE3  -:20 >

because thou hast not kept              <1SA13  -:14 >

because thou hast not obeyed            <1KI20  -:36 >

because thou hast not remembered        <EZE16  -:43 >

because thou hast not walked            <2CH21  -:12 >

because thou hast obeyed my voice       <GEN22  -:18 >

because thou hast put thy trust <JER39  -:18 >

because thou hast rejected              <1SA15  -:23 >

because thou hast rejected knowledge    <HOS4  -:6 >

because thou hast relied on             <2CH16  -:7 >

because thou hast said                  <EZE35  -:10 >

because thou hast seen me               <JOH20  -:29 >

because thou hast sent letters          <JER29  -:25 >

because thou hast set thine heart as    <EZE28  -:6 >

because thou hast shed much blood upon  <1CH22  -:8 >

because thou hast sold thyself          <1KI21  -:20 >

because thou hast spoiled many nations  <HAB2  -:8 >

because thou hast striven against       <JER50  -:24 >

because thou hast taken         <REV11  -:17 >

because thou hast taught rebellion against  <JER28  -:16 >

because thou hast there them            <REV2  -:14 >

because thou hast thought               <ACT8  -:20 >

because thou hast wholly followed       <JOS14  -:9 >

because thou hearkenedst not unto       <DEU28  -:45 >

because thou knewest not                <LUK19  -:44 >

because thou obeyedst not               <1SA28  -:18 >

because thou saidst                     <EZE25  -:3 >

because thou sayest                     <JER2  -:35 >

because thou sayest                     <REV3  -:17 >

because thou servedst not               <DEU28  -:47 >

because thou shalt forget               <JOB11  -:16 >

because thou sore longedst after thy father's house  <GEN31  -:

30 >

because thou sufferest                  <REV2  -:20 >

because thou wast                       <DEU23  -:7 >

because thou wast then born             <JOB38  -:21 >

because thou wast unsatiable            <EZE16  -:28 >

because thou wentest up         <GEN49  -:4 >

because thou wilt not leave my soul     <ACT2  -:27 >

because thou wouldest not obey          <DEU28  -:62 >

bed on which thou art gone up           <2KI1  -:4 >

before our brethren discern thou what   <GEN31  -:32 >

before thou camest forth out            <JER1  -:5 >

before whom thou hast begun             <EST6  -:13 >

begat thee thou art unmindful           <DEU32  -:18 >

believest thou                          <ACT26  -:27 >

believest thou                          <JOH1  -:50 >

believest thou not                      <JOH14  -:10 >

believest thou this                     <JOH11  -:26 >

betrayest thou                          <LUK22  -:48 >

better than thou                        <1SA15  -:28 >

beware lest thou forget         <DEU6  -:12 >

bless thou                              <PSA104  -:35 >

blessed art thou                        <MAT16  -:17 >

body hast thou prepared me              <HEB10  -:5 >

bonnets shalt thou make for them        <EXO28  -:40 >

both drink thou                 <GEN24  -:44 >

both thou                               <DEU30  -:19 >

both thou                               <EXO18  -:18 >

both thou                               <JUG8  -:22 >

break thou                              <PSA10  -:15 >

bring thou me out                       <PSA25  -:17 >

bring thou with thee                    <NUM18  -:2 >

build thou                              <PSA51  -:18 >

but as thou                             <MAT26  -:39 >

but be not thou far from me             <PSA22  -:19 >

but be thou an example                  <1TI4  -:12 >

but be thou partaker                    <2TI1  -:8 >

but bless thou                          <PSA109  -:28 >

but continue thou                       <2TI3  -:14 >

but do not thou yield unto them <ACT23  -:21 >

but do thou for me                      <PSA109  -:21 >

but fear not thou                       <JER46  -:27 >

but fear thou god                       <ECC6  -:7 >

but for them which thou hast given me   <JOH17  -:9 >

but go thou                             <LUK9  -:60 >

but go thou thy way till                <DAN12  -:13 >

but his hoar head bring thou down       <1KI2  -:9 >

but if from thence thou shalt seek      <DEU4  -:29 >

but if thou                             <GEN23  -:13 >

but if thou be                          <ROM2  -:25 >

but if thou boast                       <ROM11  -:18 >

but if thou canst do any thing          <MAR9  -:22 >

but if thou do                          <ROM13  -:4 >

but if thou fear                        <JUG7  -:10 >

but if thou hast gone aside             <NUM5  -:20 >

but if thou judge                       <JAM4  -:11 >

but if thou mayest be made free <1CO7  -:21 >

but if thou refuse                      <JER38  -:21 >

but if thou return                      <2SA15  -:34 >

but if thou say                 <ISA36  -:7 >

but if thou shalt forbear               <DEU23  -:22 >

but if thou shalt indeed obey his voice  <EXO23  -:22 >

but if thou wilt enter into life        <MAT19  -:17 >

but if thou wilt go                     <2CH25  -:8 >

but if thou wilt not go forth           <JER38  -:18 >

but if thou wilt not go with me <JUG4  -:8 >

but if thou wilt not redeem             <RUT4  -:4 >

but if thou wilt not send               <GEN43  -:5 >

but know thou                           <ECC12  -:9 >

but lift thou up thy rod                <EXO14  -:16 >

but make thou                           <1KI12  -:10 >

but make thou                           <2CH10  -:10 >

but my horn shalt thou exalt like       <PSA92  -:10 >

but put thou on thy robes               <1KI22  -:30 >

but put thou on thy robes               <2CH18  -:29 >

but return not thou unto                <JER15  -:19 >

but speak thou                          <TIT2  -:1 >

but stand thou still                    <1SA9  -:27 >

but this day thou shalt bear no tidings  <2SA18  -:20 >

but this thou hast                      <REV2  -:6 >

but thou                                <1KI18  -:18 >

but thou                                <1TI6  -:11 >

but thou                                <DAN12  -:4 >

but thou                                <DAN4  -:18 >

but thou                                <EST4  -:14 >

but thou                                <EZE2  -:8 >

but thou                                <EZE28  -:9 >

but thou                                <EZE3  -:25 >

but thou                                <ISA41  -:8 >

but thou                                <JER12  -:3 >

but thou                                <MAT6  -:17 >

but thou                                <MAT6  -:6 >

but thou                                <MIC5  -:2 >

but thou                                <NEH9  -:17 >

but thou                                <NUM18  -:2 >

but thou                                <PSA102  -:12 >

but thou                                <PSA102  -:27 >

but thou                                <PSA22  -:3 >

but thou                                <PSA22  -:9 >

but thou                                <PSA3  -:3 >

but thou                                <PSA41  -:10 >

but thou                                <PSA55  -:23 >

but thou                                <PSA59  -:8 >

but thou                                <PSA6  -:3 >

but thou                                <PSA71  -:7 >

but thou                                <PSA86  -:15 >

but thou                                <PSA92  -:8 >

but thou art                            <HEB1  -:12 >

but thou art cast out                   <ISA14  -:19 >

but thou art rich                       <REV2  -:9 >

but thou broughtest us out into <PSA66  -:12 >

but thou didst laugh                    <GEN18  -:15 >

but thou didst trust                    <EZE16  -:15 >

but thou doest me wrong         <JUG11  -:27 >

but thou excellest them all             <PRO31  -:29 >

but thou feignest them out              <NEH6  -:8 >

but thou givest thy gifts               <EZE16  -:33 >

but thou hast                           <ISA38  -:17 >

but thou hast been weary                <ISA43  -:22 >

but thou hast cast off                  <PSA44  -:9 >

but thou hast cast off                  <PSA89  -:38 >

but thou hast delivered thy soul        <EZE3  -:19 >

but thou hast delivered thy soul        <EZE33  -:9 >

but thou hast fulfilled         <JOB36  -:17 >

but thou hast fully known my doctrine   <2TI3  -:10 >

but thou hast made me                   <ISA43  -:24 >

but thou hast multiplied thine abominations more than they  

<EZE16  -:51 >

but thou hast not called upon me        <ISA43  -:22 >

but thou hast played                    <JER3  -:1 >

but thou hast saved us from our enemies  <PSA44  -:7 >

but thou hast spoken also               <2SA7  -:19 >

but thou hast utterly rejected us       <LAM5  -:22 >

but thou hearest not                    <PSA22  -:2 >

but thou makest this people             <JER28  -:15 >

but thou must eat them before           <DEU12  -:18 >

but thou observest not                  <ISA42  -:20 >

but thou remainest                      <HEB1  -:11 >

but thou saidst                 <JER2  -:25 >

but thou shalt                          <DEU21  -:23 >

but thou shalt appoint                  <NUM1  -:50 >

but thou shalt be called hephzibah      <ISA62  -:4 >

but thou shalt be desolate for ever     <JER51  -:26 >

but thou shalt bear tidings another day  <2SA18  -:20 >

but thou shalt call thy walls salvation  <ISA60  -:18 >

but thou shalt conceive         <JUG13  -:3 >

but thou shalt endure                   <PSA102  -:26 >

but thou shalt fear thy god             <LEV25  -:17 >

but thou shalt follow me afterwards     <JOH13  -:36 >

but thou shalt give                     <1SA2  -:16 >

but thou shalt go unto my country       <GEN24  -:4 >

but thou shalt go unto my father's house  <GEN24  -:38 >

but thou shalt know hereafter           <JOH13  -:7 >

but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself  <LEV19  -:18 >

but thou shalt make for them yokes      <JER28  -:13 >

but thou shalt meditate therein day     <JOS1  -:8 >

but thou shalt not anoint               <DEU28  -:40 >

but thou shalt not anoint thee with oil  <MIC6  -:15 >

but thou shalt not borrow               <DEU15  -:6 >

but thou shalt not enjoy them           <DEU28  -:41 >

but thou shalt not go over thither      <DEU34  -:4 >

but thou shalt not go thither unto      <DEU32  -:52 >

but thou shalt not move         <DEU23  -:25 >

but thou shalt not put                  <DEU23  -:24 >

but thou shalt not reap         <MIC6  -:15 >

but thou shalt not sell her at all for money  <DEU21  -:14 >

but thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him  <DEU15  -:8 >

but thou shalt put away         <DEU19  -:13 >

but thou shalt remember         <DEU24  -:18 >

but thou shalt remember         <DEU8  -:18 >

but thou shalt say unto them            <JER7  -:28 >

but thou shalt surely drink             <JER49  -:12 >

but thou shalt surely kill him          <DEU13  -:9 >

but thou shalt utterly destroy them     <DEU20  -:17 >

but thou shalt utterly overthrow them   <EXO23  -:24 >

but thou shouldest not have looked on   <OBA1  -:12 >

but thou wast cast out                  <EZE16  -:5 >

but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury  <DEU23  -:

20 >

but watch thou                          <2TI4  -:5 >

but what hast thou lacked with me       <1KI11  -:22 >

but what sayest thou                    <JOH8  -:5 >

but what thou wilt                      <MAR14  -:36 >

but when thou art bidden                <LUK14  -:10 >

but when thou doest alms                <MAT6  -:3 >

but when thou makest                    <LUK14  -:13 >

but when thou shalt be old              <JOH21  -:18 >

but why dost thou judge thy brother     <ROM14  -:10 >

but wilt thou know                      <JAM2  -:20 >

but with me thou                        <1SA22  -:23 >

by this means thou shalt have no portion on this side  <EZR4  -:

16 >

by thy favour thou hast made my mountain  <PSA30  -:7 >

by thy messengers thou hast reproached  <2KI19  -:23 >

by thy servants hast thou reproached    <ISA37  -:24 >

by thy sword shalt thou live            <GEN27  -:40 >

by thy traffic hast thou increased thy riches  <EZE28  -:5 >

by thy words thou shalt be condemned    <MAT12  -:37 >

by what authority doest thou these things  <MAT21  -:23 >

by what authority doest thou these things  <MAR11  -:28 >

by what authority doest thou these things  <LUK20  -:2 >

by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me  <MAT15  -:5 >

by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me  <MAR7  -:11 >

call not thou common                        <ACT10  -:15 >

call not thou common                        <ACT11  -:9 >

camest thou not from                        <2SA11  -:10 >

cannot do any thing till thou be come thither  <GEN19  -:22 >

canst thou bind                        <JOB38  -:31 >

canst thou bind                        <JOB39  -:10 >

canst thou bring forth mazzaroth        <JOB38  -:32 >

canst thou bring me down                <1SA30  -:15 >

canst thou by searching find out god        <JOB11  -:7 >

canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook  <JOB41  -:1 >

canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons  <JOB41  -:7 >

canst thou find out                        <JOB11  -:7 >

canst thou lift up thy voice                <JOB38  -:34 >

canst thou make him afraid as                <JOB39  -:20 >

canst thou mark when                        <JOB39  -:1 >

canst thou number                        <JOB39  -:2 >

canst thou put an hook into his nose        <JOB41  -:2 >

canst thou send lightnings                <JOB38  -:35 >

canst thou set                                <JOB38  -:33 >

canst thou speak greek                        <ACT21  -:37 >

carest thou not                        <MAR4  -:38 >

child thou hast known                        <2TI3  -:15 >

children which thou shalt have                <ISA49  -:20 >

city which thou hast                        <2CH6  -:38 >

city which thou hast chosen                <1KI8  -:48 >

city which thou hast chosen                <1KI8  -:44 >

cleanse thou me from secret                <PSA19  -:12 >

come not thou into their secret        <GEN49  -:6 >

come thou over with me                        <2SA19  -:33 >

come thou with us                        <NUM10  -:29 >

comest thou peaceably                        <1KI2  -:13 >

comest thou peaceably                        <1SA16  -:4 >

command thee thou shalt speak                <JER1  -:7 >

consent thou not                        <PRO1  -:10 >

consider what thou wilt do                <1SA25  -:17 >

contend thou before                        <MIC6  -:1 >

couldest not thou watch one hour        <MAR14  -:37 >

countries which thou hast not known        <EZE32  -:9 >

cover not thou my blood                <JOB16  -:18 >

cried thou answeredst me                <PSA138  -:3 >

cubit shalt thou finish it above        <GEN6  -:16 >

cunning work shalt thou make them        <EXO26  -:1 >

damsel thou shalt do nothing                <DEU22  -:26 >

day shalt thou be with me                <LUK23  -:43 >

day shalt thou make thy plant                <ISA17  -:11 >

day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings  <ZEP3  -:11 >

day thou goest out                        <1KI2  -:37 >

day thou goest out                        <1KI2  -:42 >

day thou seest my face thou shalt die        <EXO10  -:28 >

day thou shalt say                        <ISA12  -:1 >

day thou wast born thy navel was not cut  <EZE16  -:4 >

day when thou camest forth out deu        <DEU16  -:3 >

day when thou heardest them not        <ISA48  -:7 >

day when thou shalt go into an inner chamber  <2CH18  -:24 >

declare if thou knowest it all                <JOB38  -:18 >

declare thou unto me                        <JOB40  -:7 >

declare thou unto me                        <JOB42  -:4 >

declare unto us now what thou hast said unto  <JER38  -:25 >

deeper speech than thou canst perceive        <ISA33  -:19 >

deliver thou before                        <EZR7  -:19 >

deliver thou me                        <PSA109  -:21 >

destroy thou them                        <PSA5  -:10 >

didst not thou agree with me for        <MAT20  -:13 >

didst not thou sow good seed                <MAT13  -:27 >

didst thou not go down unto thine house  <2SA11  -:10 >

dig thou through                        <EZE12  -:5 >

do as thou hast said                        <1CH17  -:23 >

do as thou hast said                        <1KI17  -:13 >

do as thou hast said                        <2SA7  -:25 >

do not thou this folly                        <2SA13  -:12 >

do thou knowest not now                <JOH13  -:7 >

do thou likewise                        <LUK10  -:37 >

do thou unto us whatsoever seemeth good unto thee  <JUG10  -:15 >

do thou worthily                        <RUT4  -:11 >

doest thou well                        <JON4  -:4 >

doest thou well                        <JON4  -:9 >

doing this thou shalt both save thyself  <1TI4  -:16 >

done evil things as thou couldest        <JER3  -:5 >

dost not thou fear god                        <LUK23  -:40 >

dost thou believe on                        <JOH9  -:35 >

dost thou certainly know                <JER40  -:14 >

dost thou commit adultery                <ROM2  -:22 >

dost thou commit sacrilege                <ROM2  -:22 >

dost thou go                                <DEU9  -:5 >

dost thou know                                <JOB37  -:16 >

dost thou know when god disposed them        <JOB37  -:15 >

dost thou not care                        <LUK10  -:40 >

dost thou not judge                        <REV6  -:10 >

dost thou not watch over my sin        <JOB14  -:16 >

dost thou now govern                        <1KI21  -:7 >

dost thou open thine eyes upon such an one  <JOB14  -:3 >

dost thou restrain wisdom                <JOB15  -:8 >

dost thou steal                        <ROM2  -:21 >

dost thou still retain thine integrity        <JOB2  -:9 >

dost thou teach us                        <JOH9  -:34 >

dost thou wash my feet                        <JOH13  -:6 >

dragon shalt thou trample under feet        <PSA91  -:13 >

drink offering shalt thou prepare with        <NUM15  -:5 >

drink offering thou shalt offer        <NUM15  -:7 >

drink thou also                        <HAB2  -:16 >

dust shalt thou eat all                <GEN3  -:14 >

earth thou shalt make unto me                <EXO20  -:24 >

eat thou honey                                <PRO24  -:13 >

eat thou not                                <PRO23  -:6 >

eighth day thou shalt give it me        <EXO22  -:30 >

either how canst thou say                <LUK6  -:42 >

eleven curtains shalt thou make        <EXO26  -:7 >

else when thou shalt bless with        <1CO14  -:16 >

encourage thou him                        <2SA11  -:25 >

end thou mayest know                        <EXO8  -:22 >

enter thou into                        <MAT25  -:21 >

enter thou into                        <MAT25  -:23 >

enter thou into thy chambers                <ISA26  -:20 >

enviest thou for my sake                <NUM11  -:29 >

envy thou not                                <PRO3  -:31 >

ephod thou shalt make it                <EXO28  -:15 >

ere thou be quiet                        <JER47  -:6 >

ere thou bid                                <2SA2  -:26 >

even as thou walkest                        <3JO1  -:3 >

even so thou knowest not                <ECC12  -:5 >

even thither wentest thou up                <ISA57  -:7 >

even till thou come                        <JUG11  -:33 >

every clean beast thou shalt take        <GEN7  -:2 >

except thou bless me                        <GEN32  -:26 >

except thou first bring michal saul's daughter  <2SA3  -:13 >

except thou hadst hasted                <1SA25  -:34 >

except thou make thyself altogether        <NUM16  -:13 >

except thou repent                        <REV2  -:5 >

except thou take away                        <2SA5  -:6 >

famine thou shalt laugh                <JOB5  -:22 >

fast which thou hast                        <REV3  -:11 >

fat land which thou gavest before them        <NEH9  -:35 >

fear thou not                                <ISA41  -:10 >

fear thou not                                <JER46  -:28 >

fear thou not                                <ZEP3  -:16 >

few thou shalt give                        <NUM26  -:54 >

fifty loops shalt thou make                <EXO26  -:5 >

fifty loops shalt thou make                <EXO26  -:5 >

fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away  <MAR11  -:21 >

first month shalt thou set up                <EXO40  -:2 >

first tables which thou brakest        <DEU10  -:2 >

follow thou me                                <JOH21  -:22 >

for aaron's sons thou shalt make coats        <EXO28  -:40 >

for as thou hast testified                <ACT23  -:11 >

for because thou hast done this thing        <GEN22  -:16 >

for because thou hast trusted                <JER48  -:7 >

for by thy words thou shalt be justified  <MAT12  -:37 >

for by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war  <PRO24  -:6 >

for if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time  <EST4  -:

14 >

for if thou deliver                        <PRO19  -:19 >

for if thou lift up thy tool upon it        <EXO20  -:25 >

for if thou refuse                        <EXO9  -:2 >

for if thou serve their gods                <EXO23  -:33 >

for if thou wert cut out                <ROM11  -:24 >

for now shalt thou go forth out        <MIC4  -:10 >

for now thou numberest my steps        <JOB14  -:16 >

for sin thou hast had no pleasure        <HEB10  -:6 >

for sin thou wouldest not                <HEB10  -:8 >

for since thou spakest                        <JER48  -:27 >

for their sakes therefore return thou on high  <PSA7  -:7 >

for then shalt thou have thy delight        <JOB22  -:26 >

for then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot  <JOB11  -:15 >

for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous  <JOS1  -:8 >

for this hast thou chosen rather than affliction  <JOB36  -:21 >

for thou also hast wrought all our works  <ISA26  -:12 >

for thou art                                <MAR14  -:70 >

for thou art much mightier than we        <GEN26  -:16 >

for thou art vile                        <NAH1  -:14 >

for thou beholdest mischief                <PSA10  -:14 >

for thou blessest                        <1CH17  -:27 >

for thou bringest certain strange things  <ACT17  -:20 >

for thou broughtest up this people        <NUM14  -:13 >

for thou calledst me                        <1SA3  -:5 >

for thou camest forth out                <DEU16  -:3 >

for thou chargedst us                        <EXO19  -:23 >

for thou desirest not sacrifice        <PSA51  -:16 >

for thou didst                                <2SA12  -:12 >

for thou didst call me                        <1SA3  -:6 >

for thou didst call me                        <1SA3  -:8 >

for thou didst separate them from among all  <1KI8  -:53 >

for thou dost not inquire wisely concerning this  <ECC8  -:10 >

for thou hadst cast me into                <JON2  -:3 >

for thou hast                                <1CH17  -:17 >

for thou hast                                <DAN2  -:23 >

for thou hast                                <REV3  -:8 >

for thou hast been                        <ISA25  -:4 >

for thou hast been                        <PSA61  -:3 >

for thou hast been my defence                <PSA59  -:16 >

for thou hast borne                        <1SA4  -:20 >

for thou hast broken                        <ISA9  -:4 >

for thou hast brought thy servant into        <1SA20  -:8 >

for thou hast cast all my sins behind thy back  <ISA38  -:17 >

for thou hast confirmed                <2SA7  -:24 >

for thou hast considered my trouble        <PSA31  -:7 >

for thou hast created all things        <REV4  -:11 >

for thou hast declared this day        <2SA19  -:6 >

for thou hast delivered my soul from death  <PSA56  -:13 >

for thou hast delivered my soul from death  <PSA116  -:8 >

for thou hast delivered us from        <JUG8  -:22 >

for thou hast discovered                <ISA57  -:8 >

for thou hast done right                <NEH9  -:33 >

for thou hast done wonderful                <ISA25  -:1 >

for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity        <HOS14  -:1 >

for thou hast filled me with indignation  <JER15  -:17 >

for thou hast found favour with god        <LUK1  -:30 >

for thou hast found grace                <EXO33  -:17 >

for thou hast girded me with strength        <2SA22  -:40 >

for thou hast girded me with strength unto  <PSA18  -:39 >

for thou hast given me                        <JOS15  -:19 >

for thou hast given me                        <JUG1  -:15 >

for thou hast gone                        <1KI14  -:9 >

for thou hast gone                        <HOS9  -:1 >

for thou hast had five husbands        <JOH4  -:18 >

for thou hast heard me                        <PSA118  -:21 >

for thou hast heard me from                <PSA22  -:21 >

for thou hast hid their heart from understanding  <JOB17  -:4 >

for thou hast hid thy face from us        <ISA64  -:7 >

for thou hast lifted me up                <PSA102  -:10 >

for thou hast lifted me up                <PSA30  -:1 >

for thou hast made                        <ISA25  -:2 >

for thou hast made all these                <JER14  -:22 >

for thou hast made him                        <PSA8  -:5 >

for thou hast made him most blessed for ever  <PSA21  -:6 >

for thou hast made me king over        <2CH1  -:9 >

for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name  <PSA138  -:

2 >

for thou hast maintained my right        <PSA9  -:4 >

for thou hast possessed my reins        <PSA139  -:13 >

for thou hast rejected                        <1SA15  -:26 >

for thou hast rewarded me good                <1SA24  -:17 >

for thou hast said                        <ISA14  -:13 >

for thou hast said                        <JOB11  -:4 >

for thou hast smitten all mine enemies        <PSA3  -:7 >

for thou hast strengthened me                <DAN10  -:19 >

for thou hast taken                        <JOB22  -:6 >

for thou hast taught me                <PSA119  -:102 >

for thou hast taught them                <JER13  -:21 >

for thou hast tr                        <2CH26  -:18 >

for thou hast trusted                        <ISA47  -:10 >

for thou heardest                        <JOS14  -:12 >

for thou knewest                        <NEH9  -:10 >

for thou knowest                        <1KI5  -:6 >

for thou knowest my service which        <GEN30  -:26 >

for thou knowest not what                <PRO27  -:1 >

for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon  <ECC12  -:2 >

for thou knowest not whether shall prosper  <ECC12  -:6 >

for thou knowest thy servant                <1CH17  -:18 >

for thou lovedst me before                <JOH17  -:24 >

for thou mayest be no longer steward        <LUK16  -:2 >

for thou mayest eat                        <DEU20  -:19 >

for thou must go with this people unto        <DEU31  -:7 >

for thou only knowest                        <2CH6  -:30 >

for thou preventest him with                <PSA21  -:3 >

for thou regardest not                        <MAR12  -:14 >

for thou regardest not                        <MAT22  -:16 >

for thou renderest                        <PSA62  -:12 >

for thou saidst                        <JOB35  -:3 >

for thou savourest not                        <MAR8  -:33 >

for thou savourest not                        <MAT16  -:23 >

for thou shalt be                        <JOB5  -:23 >

for thou shalt be his witness unto all men  <ACT22  -:15 >

for thou shalt be recompensed at        <LUK14  -:14 >

for thou shalt break forth on                <ISA54  -:3 >

for thou shalt bring                        <DEU31  -:23 >

for thou shalt deal bountifully with me  <PSA142  -:7 >

for thou shalt die                        <2KI20  -:1 >

for thou shalt die                        <ISA38  -:1 >

for thou shalt drive out                <JOS17  -:18 >

for thou shalt eat                        <PSA128  -:2 >

for thou shalt find it after many days        <ECC12  -:1 >

for thou shalt forget                        <ISA54  -:4 >

for thou shalt go                        <JER1  -:7 >

for thou shalt go before                <LUK1  -:76 >

for thou shalt heap coals                <PRO25  -:22 >

for thou shalt inherit all nations        <PSA82  -:8 >

for thou shalt judge                        <PSA67  -:4 >

for thou shalt no more be called        <ISA47  -:5 >

for thou shalt no more be called tender  <ISA47  -:1 >

for thou shalt not be ashamed                <ISA54  -:4 >

for thou shalt not be put                <ISA54  -:4 >

for thou shalt not fear                <ISA54  -:14 >

for thou shalt not go over this jordan        <DEU3  -:27 >

for thou shalt rest                        <DAN12  -:13 >

for thou shalt smite                        <2KI13  -:17 >

for thou shalt surely die                <1SA14  -:44 >

for thou shalt surely overtake                <1SA30  -:8 >

for thou shalt worship no other god        <EXO34  -:14 >

for thou speakest falsely                <JER40  -:16 >

for thou speakest lies                        <ZEC13  -:3 >

for thou verily givest thanks well        <1CO14  -:17 >

for thou wast slain                        <REV5  -:9 >

for thou wilt answer me                <PSA86  -:7 >

for thou wilt hear me                        <PSA17  -:6 >

for thou wilt light my candle                <PSA18  -:28 >

for thou wilt not leave my soul        <PSA16  -:10 >

for thou wilt save                        <PSA18  -:27 >

for thou writest bitter things against me  <JOB13  -:26 >

for though thou wash thee with nitre        <JER2  -:22 >

for thy people israel didst thou make thine own people for ever  

<1CH17  -:22 >

for thy people which thou hast brought forth out  <DEU9  -:12 >

for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance  <JOS1

 -:6 >

for what dost thou make request        <NEH2  -:4 >

for wherein thou judgest another        <ROM2  -:1 >

for which cause thou buildest                <NEH6  -:6 >

for whither thou goest                        <RUT1  -:16 >

for whom thou didst wash thyself        <EZE23  -:40 >

for why shouldest thou bring me        <1SA20  -:8 >

for why shouldest thou meddle                <2KI14  -:10 >

for with them thou hast quickened me        <PSA119  -:93 >

forasmuch as thou art sent                <EZR7  -:14 >

forasmuch as thou hast disobeyed        <1KI13  -:21 >

forasmuch as thou hast sent messengers        <2KI1  -:16 >

forasmuch as thou knowest how we are        <NUM10  -:31 >

forasmuch as thou sawest                <DAN2  -:45 >

forasmuch as thou sawest                <DAN2  -:41 >

foreigner thou mayest exact                <DEU15  -:3 >

former manner when thou wast his butler  <GEN40  -:13 >

forty years didst thou sustain them        <NEH9  -:21 >

friend hast thou put far from me        <PSA88  -:18 >

from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee  <DEU17  -:

15 >

from henceforth thou shalt catch men        <LUK5  -:10 >

from whence thou mayest see them        <NUM23  -:13 >

froward thou wilt show thyself froward        <PSA18  -:26 >

froward thou wilt show thyself unsavoury  <2SA22  -:27 >

furious man thou shalt not go                <PRO22  -:24 >

garden thou mayest freely eat                <GEN2  -:16 >

gather thou all                        <LEV8  -:3 >

gathering where thou hast not strowed        <MAT25  -:24 >

glorify thou me with thine own self with  <JOH17  -:5 >

glory which thou gavest me                <JOH17  -:22 >

go thou after them                        <RUT2  -:9 >

go thou near                                <DEU5  -:27 >

go thou with phurah thy servant down        <JUG7  -:10 >

god which thou didst send come again unto us  <JUG13  -:8 >

goest thou thither again                <JOH11  -:8 >

gold thou shalt make                        <EXO28  -:27 >

golden image which thou hast set up        <DAN3  -:12 >

golden image which thou hast set up        <DAN3  -:18 >

grove which thou shalt cut down        <JUG6  -:26 >

hard bondage wherein thou wast made        <ISA14  -:3 >

harvest thou shalt rest                <EXO34  -:21 >

hast not thou made an hedge about him        <JOB1  -:10 >

hast thou also brought evil upon        <1KI17  -:20 >

hast thou an arm like god                <JOB40  -:9 >

hast thou appealed unto caesar                <ACT25  -:12 >

hast thou but one blessing                <GEN27  -:38 >

hast thou clothed his neck with thunder  <JOB39  -:19 >

hast thou commanded                        <JOB38  -:12 >

hast thou considered my servant        <JOB2  -:3 >

hast thou considered my servant        <JOB1  -:8 >

hast thou done                                <PSA50  -:21 >

hast thou done all these great things        <2SA7  -:21 >

hast thou done all this greatness        <1CH17  -:19 >

hast thou eaten                        <GEN3  -:11 >

hast thou entered into                        <JOB38  -:16 >

hast thou entered into                        <JOB38  -:22 >

hast thou eyes                                <JOB10  -:4 >

hast thou faith                        <ROM14  -:22 >

hast thou found honey                        <PRO25  -:16 >

hast thou found me                        <1KI21  -:20 >

hast thou gathered thy company                <EZE38  -:13 >

hast thou given                        <JOB39  -:19 >

hast thou heard                        <JOB15  -:8 >

hast thou here any besides                <GEN19  -:12 >

hast thou hid                                <JOB10  -:13 >

hast thou killed                        <1KI21  -:19 >

hast thou marked                        <JOB22  -:15 >

hast thou not heard                        <1KI1  -:11 >

hast thou not heard                        <ISA40  -:28 >

hast thou not heard long ago                <2KI19  -:25 >

hast thou not heard long ago                <ISA37  -:26 >

hast thou not known                        <ISA40  -:28 >

hast thou not poured me out as milk        <JOB10  -:10 >

hast thou not procured this unto thyself  <JER2  -:17 >

hast thou not reserved                        <GEN27  -:36 >

hast thou not signed                        <DAN6  -:12 >

hast thou perceived                        <JOB38  -:18 >

hast thou plentifully declared                <JOB26  -:3 >

hast thou said                                <1KI1  -:24 >

hast thou seen                                <EZE47  -:6 >

hast thou seen                                <EZE8  -:15 >

hast thou seen                                <EZE8  -:17 >

hast thou seen                                <JER3  -:6 >

hast thou seen abraham                        <JOH8  -:57 >

hast thou seen all this great multitude  <1KI20  -:13 >

hast thou seen what                        <EZE8  -:12 >

hast thou taken us away                <EXO14  -:11 >

hast thou utterly rejected judah        <JER14  -:19 >

hast thou with him spread out                <JOB37  -:18 >

have been with thee whithersoever thou hast walked  <1CH17  -:8 >

have done according as thou badest me        <GEN27  -:19 >

have done as thou hast commanded me        <EZE9  -:11 >

have heard all thy blasphemies which thou hast spoken against  

<EZE35  -:12 >

have hearkened unto thy words which thou spakest unto me  <1SA28

 -:21 >

have smitten mine hand at thy dishonest gain which thou hast

made  <EZE22  -:13 >

have thou authority over ten cities        <LUK19  -:17 >

have thou nothing                        <MAT27  -:19 >

he shall tell thee what thou oughtest        <ACT10  -:6 >

he whom thou blessest                        <NUM22  -:6 >

he whom thou lovest is sick                <JOH11  -:3 >

he whom thou now hast is not thy husband  <JOH4  -:18 >

he will tell thee what thou shalt do        <RUT3  -:4 >

hear thou from thy dwelling place        <2CH6  -:21 >

hear thou therefore                        <1KI22  -:19 >

hearest thou not                        <RUT2  -:8 >

hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee  

<MAT27  -:13 >

hearest thou what these say                <MAT21  -:16 >

hearken thou also unto                        <1SA28  -:22 >

help thou me                                <PSA119  -:86 >

help thou mine unbelief                <MAR9  -:24 >

her king as thou didst unto jericho        <JOS8  -:2 >

herein thou hast done foolishly        <2CH16  -:9 >

hidest thou thy face from me                <PSA88  -:14 >

high mountain hast thou set thy bed        <ISA57  -:7 >

him as thou didst unto sihon king        <NUM21  -:34 >

him only shalt thou serve                <LUK4  -:8 >

him only shalt thou serve                <MAT4  -:10 >

him shalt thou cleave                        <DEU10  -:20 >

him shalt thou serve                        <DEU10  -:20 >

him shalt thou set by himself                <JUG7  -:5 >

his place which thou hast appointed him  <1SA29  -:4 >

his sons thou shalt bring unto                <EXO29  -:4 >

his youth hast thou shortened                <PSA89  -:45 >

hitherto shalt thou come                <JOB38  -:11 >

hitherto thou hast mocked me                <JUG16  -:13 >

hitherto thou wouldest not hear        <EXO7  -:16 >

hold thou me up                        <PSA119  -:117 >

hollow with boards shalt thou make it        <EXO27  -:8 >

how art thou cut off                        <OBA1  -:5 >

how art thou destroyed                        <EZE26  -:17 >

how art thou fallen from heaven        <ISA14  -:12 >

how canst thou say                        <JER2  -:23 >

how canst thou say                        <JUG16  -:15 >

how didst thou write all these words at his mouth  <JER36  -:17 >

how gracious shalt thou be when pangs come upon thee  <JER22  -:

23 >

how hast thou broken forth                <GEN38  -:29 >

how hast thou counselled                <JOB26  -:3 >

how hast thou helped                        <JOB26  -:2 >

how long dost thou make us                <JOH10  -:24 >

how long wilt thou be angry against        <PSA80  -:4 >

how long wilt thou be drunken                <1SA1  -:14 >

how long wilt thou cut thyself                <JER47  -:5 >

how long wilt thou forget me                <PSA13  -:1 >

how long wilt thou go about                <JER31  -:22 >

how long wilt thou hide thy face from me  <PSA13  -:1 >

how long wilt thou look on                <PSA35  -:17 >

how long wilt thou mourn for saul        <1SA16  -:1 >

how long wilt thou not depart from me        <JOB7  -:19 >

how long wilt thou not have mercy on jerusalem  <ZEC1  -:12 >

how long wilt thou refuse                <EXO10  -:3 >

how long wilt thou sleep                <PRO6  -:9 >

how long wilt thou speak these                <JOB8  -:2 >

how much owest thou unto my lord        <LUK16  -:5 >

how then art thou turned into                <JER2  -:21 >

how then wilt thou turn away                <2KI18  -:24 >

how then wilt thou turn away                <ISA36  -:9 >

how thou canst not bear them which are evil  <REV2  -:2 >

how thou provokedst                        <DEU9  -:7 >

how wast thou not afraid                <2SA1  -:14 >

if now thou do prosper my way which        <GEN24  -:42 >

if so be thou mayest prevail                <ISA47  -:12 >

if so be thou shalt be able                <ISA47  -:12 >

if therefore thou shalt not watch        <REV3  -:3 >

if thou afflict them                        <EXO22  -:23 >

if thou at all take thy neighbour's raiment  <EXO22  -:26 >

if thou be                                <JOH10  -:24 >

if thou be                                <LUK23  -:37 >

if thou be                                <LUK4  -:3 >

if thou be                                <LUK4  -:9 >

if thou be                                <MAT27  -:40 >

if thou be                                <MAT4  -:3 >

if thou be                                <MAT4  -:6 >

if thou be able                        <GEN15  -:5 >

if thou be able on thy part                <2KI18  -:23 >

if thou be able on thy part                <ISA36  -:8 >

if thou be christ                        <LUK23  -:39 >

if thou be defiled                        <NUM5  -:20 >

if thou be kind                        <2CH10  -:7 >

if thou be not                                <JOH1  -:25 >

if thou be not captain                        <2SA19  -:13 >

if thou be righteous                        <JOB35  -:7 >

if thou be surety for thy friend        <PRO6  -:1 >

if thou be willing                        <LUK22  -:42 >

if thou be wise                        <PRO9  -:12 >

if thou believest with all thine heart        <ACT8  -:37 >

if thou bring an oblation                <LEV2  -:4 >

if thou buy an hebrew servant                <EXO21  -:2 >

if thou canst answer me                <JOB33  -:5 >

if thou canst believe                        <MAR9  -:23 >

if thou canst tell                        <PRO30  -:4 >

if thou cast us out                        <MAT8  -:31 >

if thou certainly return                <2CH18  -:27 >

if thou continue                        <ROM11  -:22 >

if thou count me therefore                <PHM1  -:17 >

if thou criest after knowledge                <PRO2  -:3 >

if thou deal thus with me                <NUM11  -:15 >

if thou do at all forget                <DEU8  -:19 >

if thou do these things                <JOH7  -:4 >

if thou doest not well                        <GEN4  -:7 >

if thou doest well                        <GEN4  -:7 >

if thou dost not speak                        <EZE33  -:8 >

if thou forbear                        <PRO24  -:11 >

if thou go not forth                        <2SA19  -:7 >

if thou go with us                        <NUM10  -:32 >

if thou hadst been here                <JOH11  -:32 >

if thou hadst been here                <JOH11  -:21 >

if thou hadst known                        <LUK19  -:42 >

if thou hast any thing                        <JOB33  -:32 >

if thou hast done foolishly                <PRO30  -:32 >

if thou hast not gone aside                <NUM5  -:19 >

if thou hast nothing                        <PRO22  -:27 >

if thou hast run with                        <JER12  -:5 >

if thou hast understanding                <JOB38  -:4 >

if thou have borne him hence                <JOH20  -:15 >

if thou have no delight                <DEU21  -:14 >

if thou hide                                <1SA3  -:17 >

if thou keep                                <ROM2  -:25 >

if thou knewest                        <JOH4  -:10 >

if thou know not                        <SON1  -:8 >

if thou knowest                        <GEN47  -:6 >

if thou knowest                        <JOB38  -:5 >

if thou lend money                        <EXO22  -:25 >

if thou let this man go                <JOH19  -:12 >

if thou marry                                <1CO7  -:28 >

if thou meet any man                        <2KI4  -:29 >

if thou meet thine enemy's ox or his ass going astray  <EXO23  -:

4 >

if thou offer                                <LEV2  -:14 >

if thou passest on with me                <2SA15  -:33 >

if thou prepare thine heart                <JOB11  -:13 >

if thou put                                <1TI4  -:6 >

if thou redeem                                <EXO34  -:20 >

if thou refuse                                <EXO10  -:4 >

if thou refuse                                <EXO4  -:23 >

if thou refuse                                <EXO8  -:2 >

if thou restore                        <GEN20  -:7 >

if thou return                                <JER15  -:19 >

if thou return                                <JOB22  -:23 >

if thou return at all                        <1KI22  -:28 >

if thou save not thy life                <1SA19  -:11 >

if thou say                                <DEU18  -:21 >

if thou say                                <JER13  -:22 >

if thou sayest                                <PRO24  -:12 >

if thou see                                <EXO23  -:5 >

if thou see me                                <2KI2  -:10 >

if thou seek him                        <1CH28  -:9 >

if thou seek him with all thy heart        <DEU4  -:29 >

if thou seekest her as silver                <PRO2  -:4 >

if thou seest                                <ECC6  -:8 >

if thou sell ought unto thy neighbour        <LEV25  -:14 >

if thou shalt afflict my daughters        <GEN31  -:50 >

if thou shalt confess with thy mouth        <ROM10  -:9 >

if thou shalt do this thing                <EXO18  -:23 >

if thou shalt hear                        <DEU13  -:12 >

if thou shalt hearken diligently unto        <DEU28  -:1 >

if thou shalt hearken unto                <DEU30  -:10 >

if thou shalt hearken unto                <DEU28  -:2 >

if thou shalt keep                        <DEU28  -:9 >

if thou shalt keep all these commandments  <DEU19  -:9 >

if thou shalt say                        <DEU7  -:17 >

if thou shalt without fail deliver        <JUG11  -:30 >

if thou sinnest                        <JOB35  -:6 >

if thou take away from                        <ISA58  -:9 >

if thou take forth                        <JER15  -:19 >

if thou takest heed                        <1CH22  -:13 >

if thou therefore wilt worship me        <LUK4  -:7 >

if thou turn                                <DEU4  -:30 >

if thou turn away thy foot from        <ISA58  -:13 >

if thou turn unto                        <DEU30  -:10 >

if thou utter this our business        <JOS2  -:20 >

if thou warn                                <EZE33  -:9 >

if thou weavest                        <JUG16  -:13 >

if thou wilt                                <LUK5  -:12 >

if thou wilt                                <MAR1  -:40 >

if thou wilt                                <MAT17  -:4 >

if thou wilt                                <MAT8  -:2 >

if thou wilt assuredly go forth unto        <JER38  -:17 >

if thou wilt be                        <1KI12  -:7 >

if thou wilt be perfect                <MAT19  -:21 >

if thou wilt diligently hearken        <EXO15  -:26 >

if thou wilt do this thing for me        <GEN30  -:31 >

if thou wilt fall down                        <MAT4  -:9 >

if thou wilt forgive their sin                <EXO32  -:32 >

if thou wilt give me half thine house        <1KI13  -:8 >

if thou wilt go with me                <JUG4  -:8 >

if thou wilt hearken unto all                <1KI11  -:38 >

if thou wilt hearken unto me                <PSA81  -:8 >

if thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my hand  <NUM21  -:

2 >

if thou wilt indeed look on                <1SA1  -:11 >

if thou wilt keep my charge                <ZEC3  -:7 >

if thou wilt make me an altar                <EXO20  -:25 >

if thou wilt not hearken unto                <DEU28  -:15 >

if thou wilt not let my people go        <EXO8  -:21 >

if thou wilt not observe                <DEU28  -:58 >

if thou wilt not redeem it                <EXO13  -:13 >

if thou wilt offer                        <JUG13  -:16 >

if thou wilt put away thine abominations out  <JER4  -:1 >

if thou wilt receive my words                <PRO2  -:1 >

if thou wilt redeem                        <RUT4  -:4 >

if thou wilt return                        <JER4  -:1 >

if thou wilt save israel by mine hand        <JUG6  -:36 >

if thou wilt send our brother with us        <GEN43  -:4 >

if thou wilt take                        <1SA21  -:9 >

if thou wilt walk                        <1KI3  -:14 >

if thou wilt walk                        <1KI6  -:12 >

if thou wilt walk                        <ZEC3  -:7 >

if thou wilt walk before me                <1KI9  -:4 >

if thou wilt walk before me                <2CH7  -:17 >

if thou wouldest believe                <JOH11  -:40 >

if thou wouldest seek unto god betimes        <JOB8  -:5 >

inasmuch as thou followedst not young men  <RUT3  -:10 >

inquire thou whose son                        <1SA17  -:56 >

israel thou shalt speak                <LEV9  -:3 >

it is done as thou hast commanded        <LUK14  -:22 >

it shall be told thee what thou must do  <ACT9  -:6 >

it shalt thou make                        <EXO30  -:4 >

it thou camest out from egypt                <EXO23  -:15 >

it thou shalt make pomegranates        <EXO28  -:33 >

it wast thou taken                        <GEN3  -:19 >

jesus whom thou persecutest                <ACT26  -:15 >

jesus whom thou persecutest                <ACT9  -:5 >

jubilee thou shalt buy                        <LEV25  -:15 >

judge thou my cause                        <LAM3  -:59 >

judgment thou shalt condemn                <ISA54  -:17 >

judgments which thou shalt set before them  <EXO21  -:1 >

just measure shalt thou have                <DEU25  -:15 >

keep not thou silence                        <PSA83  -:1 >

keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me  

<JOH17  -:11 >

keep thy foot when thou goest                <ECC6  -:1 >

king what thou hast seen                <2SA18  -:21 >

kingdoms whither thou passest                <DEU3  -:21 >

kings whom thou hast set over us because  <NEH9  -:37 >

know not what thou sayest                <LUK22  -:60 >

know not what thou sayest                <MAT26  -:70 >

know thee who thou art                        <LUK4  -:34 >

know thee who thou art                        <MAR1  -:24 >

know thou assuredly                        <1SA28  -:1 >

know what thou hast done                <JER2  -:23 >

knowest thou not                        <2SA2  -:26 >

knowest thou not                        <JOH19  -:10 >

knowest thou not                        <JUG15  -:11 >

knowest thou not what these                <ZEC4  -:13 >

knowest thou not what these be                <ZEC4  -:5 >

knowest thou not yet                        <EXO10  -:7 >

knowest thou wherefore                        <DAN10  -:20 >

knowest what thou oughtest                <1KI2  -:9 >

land from whence thou camest                <GEN24  -:5 >

land whence thou broughtest us out say        <DEU9  -:28 >

land wherein thou art                        <GEN17  -:8 >

land wherein thou art                        <GEN28  -:4 >

land wherein thou hast sojour gen        <GEN21  -:23 >

land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness  <DEU8  -:9


land wherein thou swimmest                <EZE32  -:6 >

land whereon thou liest                <GEN28  -:13 >

land which thou gavest                        <2CH6  -:25 >

land which thou gavest unto our fathers  <1KI8  -:40 >

land which thou gavest unto our fathers  <2CH6  -:31 >

land which thou gavest unto their fathers  <1KI8  -:34 >

land which thou hadst sworn                <NEH9  -:15 >

land which thou hast given us                <DEU26  -:15 >

land which thou knowest not                <JER17  -:4 >

land which thou seest                        <GEN13  -:15 >

land which thou shalt see                <DEU3  -:28 >

land which thou swarest unto their fathers  <NUM11  -:12 >

land whither thou g deu                <DEU30  -:16 >

land whither thou goest                <DEU11  -:29 >

land whither thou goest                <DEU23  -:20 >

land whither thou goest                <DEU28  -:63 >

land whither thou goest                <DEU7  -:1 >

land whither thou goest                <EXO34  -:12 >

land whither thou sentest us                <NUM13  -:27 >

latter years thou shalt come into        <EZE38  -:8 >

law dishonourest thou god                <ROM2  -:23 >

lest at any time thou dash thy foot against  <MAT4  -:6 >

lest at any time thou dash thy foot against  <LUK4  -:11 >

lest thou also be like unto him        <PRO26  -:4 >

lest thou also be tempted                <GAL6  -:1 >

lest thou be                                <DEU7  -:26 >

lest thou be consumed                        <GEN19  -:15 >

lest thou be consumed                        <GEN19  -:17 >

lest thou be filled therewith                <PRO25  -:16 >

lest thou be snared therein                <DEU7  -:25 >

lest thou bring me                        <JER10  -:24 >

lest thou come                                <PRO20  -:13 >

lest thou dash thy foot against        <PSA91  -:12 >

lest thou forget                        <DEU4  -:9 >

lest thou give thine honour unto others  <PRO5  -:9 >

lest thou hear thy servant curse thee        <ECC8  -:21 >

lest thou learn his ways                <PRO22  -:25 >

lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven  <DEU4  -:19 >

lest thou make                                <EXO34  -:12 >

lest thou make                                <EXO34  -:15 >

lest thou shouldest ponder                <PRO5  -:6 >

lest thou shouldest say                <GEN14  -:23 >

lest thou shouldest say                <ISA48  -:5 >

lest thou shouldest say                <ISA48  -:7 >

levite as long as thou livest upon        <DEU12  -:19 >

lie thou also upon thy left side        <EZE4  -:4 >

lift thou up                                <PSA4  -:6 >

like manner shalt thou do with his ass        <DEU22  -:3 >

like manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard  <EXO23  -:11 >

likewise shalt thou do with thine oxen        <EXO22  -:30 >

likewise shalt thou make                <EXO26  -:4 >

little which thou hadst before                <GEN30  -:30 >

look not thou upon                        <PRO23  -:31 >

look thou upon me                        <PSA119  -:132 >

lord perform thy words which thou hast prophesied  <JER28  -:6 >

lord thy god hath blessed thee thou shalt give unto him  <DEU15  

-:14 >

lord which thou hast spoken                <2KI20  -:19 >

lord which thou hast spoken                <ISA39  -:8 >

love wherewith thou hast loved me may be  <JOH17  -:26 >

lovest thou me                                <JOH21  -:16 >

lovest thou me                                <JOH21  -:17 >

lovest thou me                                <JOH21  -:17 >

lovest thou me more than these                <JOH21  -:15 >

majesty hast thou laid upon him        <PSA21  -:5 >

man among thy children shalt thou redeem  <EXO13  -:13 >

man shalt thou surely redeem                <NUM18  -:15 >

man whom thou chastenest                <PSA94  -:12 >

man whom thou seekest                        <2SA17  -:3 >

man whom thou seekest                        <JUG4  -:22 >

many thou shalt give                        <NUM26  -:54 >

mayest thou offer                        <LEV22  -:23 >

me thou hast given no seed                <GEN15  -:3 >

me whatsoever thou wilt                <MAR6  -:22 >

meat offering shalt thou offer                <LEV6  -:21 >

men which thou gavest me out                <JOH17  -:6 >

merciful thou wilt show thyself merciful  <2SA22  -:26 >

merciful thou wilt show thyself merciful  <PSA18  -:25 >

mightest overcome when thou art judged        <ROM3  -:4 >

mine ears hast thou opened                <PSA40  -:6 >

ministry which thou hast received        <COL4  -:17 >

month abib thou camest out from egypt        <EXO34  -:18 >

month old shalt thou redeem                <NUM18  -:16 >

more honourable man than thou be bidden  <LUK14  -:8 >

moreover take thou unto thee an iron pan  <EZE4  -:3 >

moreover take thou up                        <EZE19  -:1 >

moreover thou gavest them kingdoms        <NEH9  -:22 >

moreover thou hast not brought us into        <NUM16  -:14 >

moreover thou hast taken thy sons        <EZE16  -:20 >

moreover thou knowest also what joab        <1KI2  -:5 >

moreover thou leddest them                <NEH9  -:12 >

moreover thou shalt make                <EXO26  -:1 >

moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour's wife  

<LEV18  -:20 >

moreover thou shalt provide out        <EXO18  -:21 >

moreover thou shalt say unto them        <JER8  -:4 >

morning shalt thou make thy seed        <ISA17  -:11 >

morning thou shalt say                        <DEU28  -:67 >

morrow speak thou unto                        <EST5  -:14 >

morrow thou shalt be slain                <1SA19  -:11 >

mount whither thou goest up                <DEU32  -:50 >

my hand didst thou require it                <GEN31  -:39 >

my hand shalt thou require him                <GEN43  -:9 >

my head with oil thou didst not anoint        <LUK7  -:46 >

my voice shalt thou hear                <PSA5  -:3 >

nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known  <DEU28  -:

36 >

nation which thou knowest not eat up        <DEU28  -:33 >

nation whose language thou knowest not        <JER5  -:15 >

nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand  <DEU28  -:49 >

nations which thou hast removed        <2KI17  -:26 >

neither be thou confounded                <ISA54  -:4 >

neither be thou dismayed                <JOS1  -:9 >

neither be thou dismayed                <JOS8  -:1 >

neither be thou envious against        <PSA37  -:1 >

neither be thou envious at                <PRO24  -:19 >

neither be thou foolish                <ECC8  -:17 >

neither carest thou for any                <MAT22  -:16 >

neither desire thou his dainty meats        <PRO23  -:6 >

neither didst thou tell me                <GEN21  -:26 >

neither do thou any thing unto him        <GEN22  -:12 >

neither do thou remember                <2SA19  -:19 >

neither for us shalt thou kill any man        <2SA21  -:4 >

neither hast thou delivered thy people at all  <EXO5  -:23 >

neither hast thou filled me with        <ISA43  -:24 >

neither hast thou honoured me with thy sacrifices  <ISA43  -:23 >

neither hast thou taken ought                <1SA12  -:4 >

neither say thou before                <ECC6  -:6 >

neither shalt thou be afraid                <JOB5  -:22 >

neither shalt thou be afraid                <JOB5  -:21 >

neither shalt thou bear                <EZE36  -:15 >

neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour  

<DEU5  -:20 >

neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house  <DEU7  

-:26 >

neither shalt thou cause thy nations        <EZE36  -:15 >

neither shalt thou commit adultery        <DEU5  -:18 >

neither shalt thou conceal him                <DEU13  -:8 >

neither shalt thou countenance                <EXO23  -:3 >

neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house  <DEU5  -:21 >

neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's wife  <DEU5  -:21 >

neither shalt thou gather                <LEV19  -:10 >

neither shalt thou gather                <LEV19  -:9 >

neither shalt thou gather any gleaning        <LEV23  -:22 >

neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar  <EXO20  -:26 >

neither shalt thou have any part among them  <NUM18  -:20 >

neither shalt thou have sons or daughters  <JER16  -:2 >

neither shalt thou lay upon him usury        <EXO22  -:25 >

neither shalt thou lie with any beast        <LEV18  -:23 >

neither shalt thou make marriages with them  <DEU7  -:3 >

neither shalt thou mar                        <LEV19  -:27 >

neither shalt thou profane                <LEV18  -:21 >

neither shalt thou profane                <LEV19  -:12 >

neither shalt thou serve their gods        <DEU7  -:16 >

neither shalt thou set thee up                <DEU16  -:22 >

neither shalt thou spare                <DEU13  -:8 >

neither shalt thou speak                <EXO23  -:2 >

neither shalt thou stand against        <LEV19  -:16 >

neither shalt thou steal                <DEU5  -:19 >

neither shalt thou suffer                <LEV2  -:13 >

neither shalt thou swear by thy head        <MAT5  -:36 >

neither shalt thou take                <LEV18  -:18 >

neither shalt thou take her son's daughter  <LEV18  -:17 >

neither shalt thou worship any strange god  <PSA81  -:9 >

neither shouldest thou have delivered up those  <OBA1  -:14 >

neither shouldest thou have rejoiced over  <OBA1  -:12 >

neither shouldest thou have spoken proudly  <OBA1  -:12 >

neither shouldest thou have stood        <OBA1  -:14 >

neither wast thou washed                <EZE16  -:4 >

neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one  <PSA16  -:10 >

neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one  <ACT2  -:27 >

net shalt thou make four brazen rings        <EXO27  -:4 >

night wilt thou make an end                <ISA38  -:13 >

night wilt thou make an end                <ISA38  -:12 >

nimshi shalt thou anoint                <1KI19  -:16 >

nor faint when thou art rebuked        <HEB12  -:5 >

nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son  <DEU7  -:3 >

nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant  <EXO4  -:10 >

not thou god                                <2CH20  -:6 >

not thou he                                <JER14  -:22 >

not thou our god                        <2CH20  -:7 >

now if thou canst read                        <DAN5  -:16 >

now if thou commit no adultery                <JAM2  -:11 >

now if thou didst receive                <1CO4  -:7 >

now lettest thou thy servant depart        <LUK2  -:29 >

now on whom dost thou trust                <2KI18  -:20 >

now on whom dost thou trust                <ISA36  -:5 >

now shalt thou see what                <EXO6  -:1 >

now speakest thou plainly                <JOH16  -:29 >

now therefore ease thou somewhat        <2CH10  -:4 >

now therefore hearken thou unto        <1SA15  -:1 >

now therefore so shalt thou say unto my servant david  <2SA7  -:

8 >

now therefore thus shalt thou say unto my servant david  <1CH17  

-:7 >

now therefore why hast thou not reproved jeremiah  <JER29  -:27 >

now thou art commanded                        <GEN45  -:19 >

now thou sayest                        <1KI18  -:11 >

now thou sayest                        <1KI18  -:14 >

now walkest thou not charitably        <ROM14  -:15 >

now why dost thou cry out aloud        <MIC4  -:9 >

o thou afflicted                        <ISA54  -:11 >

o thou backsliding daughter                <JER31  -:22 >

o thou daughter dwelling                <JER46  -:19 >

o thou enemy                                <PSA9  -:6 >

o thou fairest among women                <SON6  -:1 >

o thou fairest among women                <SON1  -:8 >

o thou fairest among women                <SON5  -:9 >

o thou god                                <DAN2  -:23 >

o thou holy one                        <PSA71  -:22 >

o thou inhabitant                        <MIC1  -:13 >

o thou king                                <DAN5  -:18 >

o thou man                                <1KI17  -:18 >

o thou most high                        <PSA56  -:2 >

o thou most high                        <PSA9  -:2 >

o thou my god                                <PSA86  -:2 >

o thou oppressed virgin                <ISA23  -:12 >

o thou preserver                        <JOB7  -:20 >

o thou sea                                <PSA114  -:5 >

o thou seer                                <AMO7  -:12 >

o thou son                                <EZE33  -:10 >

o thou sword                                <JER47  -:6 >

o thou whom my soul loveth                <SON1  -:7 >

o thou wicked servant                        <MAT18  -:32 >

o when wilt thou come unto me                <PSA101  -:2 >

offering thou didst not desire                <PSA40  -:6 >

offering thou wouldest not                <HEB10  -:5 >

officers shalt thou make thee                <DEU16  -:18 >

old hast thou laid                        <PSA102  -:25 >

one lamb shalt thou offer                <NUM28  -:4 >

one lamb thou shalt offer                <EXO29  -:39 >

one thing thou lackest                        <MAR10  -:21 >

only be thou strong                        <JOS1  -:7 >

only be thou valiant for me                <1SA18  -:17 >

only divide thou it by lot unto        <JOS13  -:6 >

only if thou carefully hearken unto        <DEU15  -:5 >

only thou shalt not eat                <DEU15  -:23 >

only thou shalt not number                <NUM1  -:49 >

only thy holy things which thou hast        <DEU12  -:26 >

only with thine eyes shalt thou behold        <PSA91  -:8 >

open thou mine eyes                        <PSA119  -:18 >

open thou my lips                        <PSA51  -:15 >

or canst thou guide arcturus with his sons  <JOB38  -:32 >

or canst thou thunder with                <JOB40  -:9 >

or ever thou hadst formed                <PSA90  -:2 >

or hast thou seen                        <JOB38  -:17 >

or hast thou seen                        <JOB38  -:22 >

or hast thou walked                        <JOB38  -:16 >

or how wilt thou say                        <MAT7  -:4 >

or if thou hast thought evil                <PRO30  -:32 >

or if thou know him not                <DEU22  -:2 >

or if thou shalt take                        <GEN31  -:50 >

or seest thou as man seeth                <JOB10  -:4 >

or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us  <GEN37  -:8 >

or thou mayest sell it unto an alien        <DEU14  -:21 >

or wast thou made before                <JOB15  -:7 >

or whether thou choose                        <JOB34  -:33 >

or why dost thou set at nought thy brother  <ROM14  -:10 >

or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens        <JOB41  -:5 >

or wilt thou flee three months before thine enemies  <2SA24  -:

13 >

or wilt thou leave thy labour                <JOB39  -:11 >

other lamb shalt thou offer at even        <NUM28  -:8 >

other lamb shalt thou offer at even        <NUM28  -:4 >

other lamb thou shalt offer at even        <EXO29  -:39 >

other lamb thou shalt offer at even        <EXO29  -:41 >

otherwise thou also shalt be cut off        <ROM11  -:22 >

our hands establish thou it                <PSA90  -:17 >

paps which thou hast sucked                <LUK11  -:27 >

pass when thou shalt have                <GEN27  -:40 >

people which thou hast brought up out        <EXO33  -:1 >

perfume which thou shalt make                <EXO30  -:37 >

place where thou art northward                <GEN13  -:14 >

place where thou didst hide thyself when  <1SA20  -:19 >

place where thou standest is holy ground  <ACT7  -:33 >

place where thou wast created                <EZE21  -:30 >

place whereof thou hast said                <2CH6  -:20 >

place whereon thou standest                <EXO3  -:5 >

place whereon thou standest                <JOS5  -:15 >

place which thou hast founded for them        <PSA104  -:8 >

pleasant thing if thou keep them within thee  <PRO22  -:18 >

posts hast thou set up thy remembrance        <ISA57  -:8 >

prince hast thou power with god        <GEN32  -:28 >

prophesy thou against them                <EZE13  -:17 >

pure gold shalt thou make them                <EXO25  -:29 >

pure thou wilt show thyself pure        <2SA22  -:27 >

pure thou wilt show thyself pure        <PSA18  -:26 >

put thou my tears into thy bottle        <PSA56  -:8 >

quicken thou me                        <PSA119  -:37 >

quicken thou me according                <PSA119  -:25 >

ram which thou sawest having                <DAN8  -:20 >

reaping where thou hast not sown        <MAT25  -:24 >

redeem thou my right                        <RUT4  -:6 >

reign thou over us                        <JUG9  -:8 >

remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom  <LUK23  -:42 >

remember therefore from whence thou art fallen  <REV2  -:5 >

remember therefore how thou hast received  <REV3  -:3 >

respect not thou their offering        <NUM16  -:15 >

return thou after thy sister                <RUT1  -:15 >

revilest thou god's high priest        <ACT23  -:4 >

rewardeth thee as thou hast served us        <PSA137  -:8 >

righteous slay thou not                <EXO23  -:7 >

roll wherein thou hast read                <JER36  -:14 >

rooms shalt thou make                        <GEN6  -:14 >

rose up against me hast thou subdued under me  <2SA22  -:40 >

rule thou over us                        <JUG8  -:22 >

saidst thou not                        <ISA57  -:10 >

saidst thou truly                        <JOH4  -:18 >

saints wilt thou turn                        <JOB5  -:1 >

sanctuary shalt thou take                <NUM3  -:47 >

save thou us out                        <2KI19  -:19 >

say thou thus unto them                <EZE33  -:27 >

say thou unto                                <NUM11  -:18 >

say thou unto them                        <EZE12  -:10 >

say thou unto them                        <EZE13  -:2 >

say thou unto them                        <JER11  -:3 >

sayest thou this thing                        <JOH18  -:34 >

second day thou shalt offer                <EZE43  -:22 >

see not teach thou me                        <JOB34  -:32 >

see thou say nothing                        <MAR1  -:44 >

see thou tell no man                        <MAT8  -:4 >

see what thou doest                        <1KI20  -:22 >

see where thou hast not been lien with        <JER3  -:2 >

seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest  <1CO14  -:16 >

seeing thou art                        <LUK23  -:40 >

seeing thou couldest reveal this secret  <DAN2  -:47 >

seeing thou doest all these                <EZE16  -:30 >

seeing thou hast forgotten                <HOS4  -:6 >

seeing thou hast not withheld thy son        <GEN22  -:12 >

seeing thou hatest instruction                <PSA50  -:17 >

seekest thou great things for thyself        <JER45  -:5 >

seest thou how ahab humbleth himself before me  <1KI21  -:29 >

seest thou how faith wrought with his works  <JAM2  -:22 >

seest thou not what they do                <JER7  -:17 >

seest thou these great buildings        <MAR13  -:2 >

seest thou this woman                        <LUK7  -:44 >

seest thou what they do                <EZE8  -:6 >

sell whatsoever thou hast                <MAR10  -:21 >

send thou men                                <NUM13  -:2 >

serpent shalt thou take                <EXO7  -:15 >

service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years  

<GEN29  -:27 >

seven candlesticks which thou sawest are  <REV1  -:20 >

seven days shalt thou consecrate them        <EXO29  -:35 >

seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread therewith  <DEU16  -:

3 >

seven days shalt thou keep                <DEU16  -:15 >

seven days shalt thou prepare every day  <EZE43  -:25 >

seven days shalt thou tarry                <1SA10  -:8 >

seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread  <EXO13  -:6 >

seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread  <EXO34  -:18 >

seven days thou shalt make an atonement for  <EXO29  -:37 >

seven ewe lambs shalt thou take        <GEN21  -:30 >

seven stars which thou sawest                <REV1  -:20 >

seven weeks shalt thou number unto thee  <DEU16  -:9 >

seven years thou shalt make                <DEU15  -:1 >

seventh day thou shalt rest                <EXO23  -:12 >

seventh day thou shalt rest                <EXO34  -:21 >

seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee  <DEU15  -:12 >

several tenth deal shalt thou offer for every lamb  <NUM28  -:21


shalt thou also speak                        <JER29  -:24 >

shalt thou be delivered                <2KI19  -:11 >

shalt thou be delivered                <ISA37  -:11 >

shalt thou bring into                        <GEN6  -:19 >

shalt thou build me an house for me        <2SA7  -:5 >

shalt thou burn with fire without        <EXO29  -:14 >

shalt thou cause                        <NUM28  -:7 >

shalt thou do                                <NUM22  -:20 >

shalt thou do likewise                        <DEU22  -:3 >

shalt thou dwell                        <PSA37  -:3 >

shalt thou eat it                        <NUM18  -:10 >

shalt thou engrave                        <EXO28  -:11 >

shalt thou give him                        <DEU18  -:4 >

shalt thou indeed reign over us        <GEN37  -:8 >

shalt thou make it                        <EXO28  -:15 >

shalt thou make it                        <GEN6  -:16 >

shalt thou not be accepted                <GEN4  -:7 >

shalt thou not know                        <EZE38  -:14 >

shalt thou not uncover                        <LEV18  -:7 >

shalt thou reign                        <JER22  -:15 >

shalt thou say                                <PRO23  -:35 >

shalt thou take unto thyself                <DEU20  -:14 >

shittim wood shalt thou make it <EXO30  -:1 >

shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant

 <MAT18  -:33 >

shouldest thou help                     <2CH19  -:2 >

shouldest thou possess it               <JUG11  -:23 >

shouldest thou therefore serve me for nought  <GEN29  -:15 >

show me wherefore thou contendest with me  <JOB10  -:2 >

show thee what thou shalt do            <1SA10  -:8 >

sin offering hast thou not required     <PSA40  -:6 >

since thou art laid down                <ISA14  -:8 >

since thou wast precious                <ISA43  -:4 >

sit thou at my right hand               <PSA110  -:1 >

sit thou here                           <JAM2  -:3 >

sit thou on my right hand               <ACT2  -:34 >

sit thou on my right hand               <LUK20  -:42 >

sit thou on my right hand               <MAR12  -:36 >

sit thou on my right hand               <MAT22  -:44 >

sit thou silent                 <ISA47  -:5 >

sith thou hast not hated blood          <EZE35  -:6 >

six days shalt thou labour              <EXO20  -:9 >

six days thou shalt do thy work <EXO23  -:12 >

six days thou shalt eat unleavened bread  <DEU16  -:8 >

six days thou shalt labour              <DEU5  -:13 >

six days thou shalt work                <EXO34  -:21 >

six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard  <LEV25  -:3 >

six years thou shalt sow thy field      <LEV25  -:3 >

six years thou shalt sow thy land       <EXO23  -:10 >

sleepest thou                           <MAR14  -:37 >

so didst thou get thee                  <NEH9  -:10 >

so didst thou lead thy people           <ISA63  -:14 >

so doing thou shalt heap coals          <ROM12  -:20 >

so hast thou also them                  <REV2  -:15 >

so must thou bear witness also at rome  <ACT23  -:11 >

so shalt thou bear                      <EZE4  -:5 >

so shalt thou do with his raiment       <DEU22  -:3 >

so shalt thou drive them out            <DEU9  -:3 >

so shalt thou find                      <EZR4  -:15 >

so shalt thou find favour               <PRO3  -:4 >

so shalt thou put                       <DEU19  -:19 >

so shalt thou put away                  <DEU21  -:9 >

so shalt thou put away evil from israel  <DEU22  -:22 >

so shalt thou put evil away from among you  <DEU21  -:21 >

so shalt thou put evil deu              <DEU22  -:21 >

so then because thou art lukewarm       <REV3  -:16 >

so thou                         <EZE33  -:7 >

so thou shalt do                        <EZE45  -:20 >

so thou shalt eat them                  <DEU12  -:22 >

so thou shalt give                      <NUM20  -:8 >

so thou shalt pu deu                    <DEU22  -:24 >

so thou shalt put                       <DEU17  -:7 >

so will we do as thou sayest            <NEH5  -:12 >

so wilt thou recover me         <ISA38  -:16 >

sojourn wheresoever thou canst sojourn  <2KI8  -:1 >

sorrow shalt thou eat                   <GEN3  -:17 >

sorrow thou shalt bring forth children  <GEN3  -:16 >

south thou hast created them            <PSA89  -:12 >

speak not thou                          <DEU9  -:4 >

speak thou                              <2SA17  -:6 >

speak thou also unto                    <EXO31  -:13 >

speak thou good                 <2CH18  -:12 >

speak thou unto pharaoh king            <EXO6  -:29 >

speak thou unto us all                  <DEU5  -:27 >

speak thou with us                      <EXO20  -:19 >

speakest thou not unto me               <JOH19  -:10 >

speakest thou this parable unto us      <LUK12  -:41 >

stand thou here by me                   <DEU5  -:31 >

stand thou still upon gibeon            <JOS10  -:12 >

stand thou there                        <JAM2  -:3 >

sticks whereon thou writest shall be    <EZE37  -:20 >

stranger thou mayest lend upon usury    <DEU23  -:20 >

sucklings hast thou ordained strength because  <PSA8  -:2 >

sucklings thou hast perfected praise    <MAT21  -:16 >

surely then shalt thou be ashamed       <JER22  -:22 >

surely thou                             <GEN29  -:14 >

surely thou also art                    <MAT26  -:73 >

surely thou art                 <MAR14  -:70 >

surely thou didst set them              <PSA73  -:18 >

surely thou hadst sent me away now empty  <GEN31  -:42 >

surely thou hast greatly deceived this people  <JER4  -:10 >

surely thou hast spoken         <JOB33  -:8 >

surely thou shalt know what thy servant can do  <1SA28  -:2 >

surely thou wilt fear me                <ZEP3  -:7 >

surely thou wilt slay                   <PSA139  -:19 >

take heed what thou doest               <ACT22  -:26 >

take thou also unto thee principal spices  <EXO30  -:23 >

take thou also unto thee wheat          <EZE4  -:9 >

take thou away from me                  <AMO5  -:23 >

take thou heed                          <GEN31  -:29 >

take thou no usury                      <LEV25  -:36 >

take thou now                           <1SA26  -:11 >

take thou thy lord's servants           <2SA20  -:6 >

take thou unto thee                     <GEN6  -:21 >

take thou unto thee aaron thy brother   <EXO28  -:1 >

tarry until thou have weaned him        <1SA1  -:23 >

teach thee what thou shalt say          <EXO4  -:12 >

teachest thou not thyself               <ROM2  -:21 >

tell me now what thou hast done <JOS7  -:19 >

tell me what thou hast done             <1SA14  -:43 >

tell me where thou hast laid him        <JOH20  -:15 >

tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound  <JUG16  -:13 >

ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings  <REV17  -:12 >

ten horns which thou sawest upon        <REV17  -:16 >

thee how thou owest unto me even thine own self besides  <PHM1  -

:19 >

thee turn not thou away         <MAT5  -:42 >

thee what thou thinkest         <ACT28  -:22 >

their children also multipliedst thou as  <NEH9  -:23 >

their fruit shalt thou destroy from     <PSA21  -:10 >

their nakedness thou shalt not uncover  <LEV18  -:10 >

their nakedness thou shalt not uncover  <LEV18  -:9 >

their persecutors thou threwest into    <NEH9  -:11 >

their sight shalt thou bear             <EZE12  -:6 >

their strong holds wilt thou set on fire  <2KI8  -:12 >

their young men wilt thou slay with     <2KI8  -:12 >

them as thou shalt find occasi jug      <JUG9  -:33 >

them hast thou poured                   <ISA57  -:6 >

them when thou sittest                  <DEU11  -:19 >

them when thou sittest                  <DEU6  -:7 >

them which thou gavest me have          <JOH18  -:9 >

then call thou                          <JOB13  -:22 >

then come thou                          <1SA20  -:21 >

then defiledst thou                     <GEN49  -:4 >

then go thou                            <EST5  -:14 >

then hadst thou smitten syria till thou hadst consumed  <2KI13  -

:19 >

then hear thou                          <1KI8  -:34 >

then hear thou                          <1KI8  -:36 >

then hear thou                          <1KI8  -:39 >

then hear thou                          <1KI8  -:45 >

then hear thou                          <1KI8  -:32 >

then hear thou from                     <2CH6  -:39 >

then hear thou from                     <2CH6  -:25 >

then hear thou from                     <2CH6  -:35 >

then hear thou from                     <2CH6  -:33 >

then hear thou from heaven              <2CH6  -:23 >

then hear thou from heaven              <2CH6  -:27 >

then hear thou from heaven thy dwelling place  <2CH6  -:30 >

then hear thou their prayer             <1KI8  -:49 >

then how canst thou contend with horses  <JER12  -:5 >

then how wilt thou do                   <JER12  -:5 >

then mayest thou do                     <JUG9  -:33 >

then mayest thou for me defeat          <2SA15  -:34 >

then say thou                           <2SA11  -:21 >

then say thou                           <EZE22  -:3 >

then shalt thou                 <LUK6  -:42 >

then shalt thou add three cities more for thee  <DEU19  -:9 >

then shalt thou answer them             <JER5  -:19 >

then shalt thou arise                   <DEU17  -:8 >

then shalt thou be clear from           <GEN24  -:41 >

then shalt thou be pleased with <PSA51  -:19 >

then shalt thou break                   <JER19  -:10 >

then shalt thou break his neck          <EXO34  -:20 >

then shalt thou bring forth             <DEU17  -:5 >

then shalt thou bring forth thy stuff by day  <EZE12  -:4 >

then shalt thou call                    <ISA58  -:9 >

then shalt thou cause                   <LEV25  -:9 >

then shalt thou delight thyself <ISA58  -:14 >

then shalt thou go on forward from thence  <1SA10  -:3 >

then shalt thou have worship            <LUK14  -:10 >

then shalt thou inquire         <DEU13  -:14 >

then shalt thou kill                    <EXO29  -:20 >

then shalt thou lay up gold as dust     <JOB22  -:24 >

then shalt thou not remove              <JER4  -:1 >

then shalt thou prosper         <1CH22  -:13 >

then shalt thou say                     <ISA49  -:21 >

then shalt thou say                     <JER51  -:62 >

then shalt thou say unto them           <JER16  -:11 >

then shalt thou say unto them           <JER25  -:28 >

then shalt thou say unto them           <JER13  -:13 >

then shalt thou see clearly             <MAT7  -:5 >

then shalt thou take                    <EXO29  -:7 >

then shalt thou turn                    <DEU14  -:25 >

then shalt thou understand              <PRO2  -:5 >

then shalt thou understand righteousness  <PRO2  -:9 >

then shalt thou walk                    <PRO3  -:23 >

then thou                               <EZE16  -:55 >

then thou consentedst with him          <PSA50  -:18 >

then thou knewest my path               <PSA142  -:3 >

then thou markest me                    <JOB10  -:14 >

then thou mayest eat grapes thy fill at thine own pleasure  

<DEU23  -:24 >

then thou mayest pluck                  <DEU23  -:25 >

then thou rejoicest                     <JER11  -:15 >

then thou scarest me with dreams        <JOB7  -:14 >

then thou shalt also judge my house     <ZEC3  -:7 >

then thou shalt be                      <2SA15  -:33 >

then thou shalt be able         <EXO18  -:23 >

then thou shalt be clear from this my oath  <GEN24  -:8 >

then thou shalt besiege it              <DEU20  -:12 >

then thou shalt bestir thyself          <2SA5  -:24 >

then thou shalt bless                   <DEU8  -:10 >

then thou shalt break his neck          <EXO13  -:13 >

then thou shalt bring her home          <DEU21  -:12 >

then thou shalt bring it unto thine own house  <DEU22  -:2 >

then thou shalt burn                    <EXO29  -:34 >

then thou shalt cut off her hand        <DEU25  -:12 >

then thou shalt find two men by rachel's sepulchre  <1SA10  -:2 >

then thou shalt give life for life      <EXO21  -:23 >

then thou shalt go out                  <1CH14  -:15 >

then thou shalt have                    <JOS1  -:8 >

then thou shalt help me         <1CH19  -:12 >

then thou shalt help me         <2SA10  -:11 >

then thou shalt kill                    <DEU12  -:21 >

then thou shalt let her go whither she will  <DEU21  -:14 >

then thou shalt make                    <DEU22  -:8 >

then thou shalt relieve him             <LEV25  -:35 >

then thou shalt remember thy ways       <EZE16  -:61 >

then thou shalt say                     <GEN32  -:18 >

then thou shalt say                     <JOB22  -:29 >

then thou shalt say before              <DEU26  -:13 >

then thou shalt say unto aaron          <EXO7  -:9 >

then thou shalt say unto them           <JER38  -:26 >

then thou shalt say unto thy son        <DEU6  -:21 >

then thou shalt see                     <ISA60  -:5 >

then thou shalt take an awl             <DEU15  -:17 >

then thou shalt tell them               <JER15  -:2 >

then thou showedst me their doings      <JER11  -:18 >

then thou spakest                       <PSA89  -:19 >

then thou wilt hear                     <2CH20  -:9 >

there also shalt thou have no rest      <ISA23  -:12 >

there are certain jews whom thou hast set over  <DAN3  -:12 >

there are no such things done as thou sayest  <NEH6  -:8 >

there shalt thou be delivered           <MIC4  -:10 >

there shalt thou build an altar unto    <DEU27  -:5 >

there shalt thou bury me                <GEN50  -:5 >

there shalt thou die                    <ISA22  -:18 >

there shalt thou serve other gods       <DEU28  -:36 >

there thou shalt die                    <JER20  -:6 >

there thou shalt do all         <DEU12  -:14 >

there thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings  <DEU12  -:14 >

there thou shalt sacrifice              <DEU16  -:6 >

there thou shalt serve other gods       <DEU28  -:64 >

therefore bear thou also thy lewdness   <EZE23  -:35 >

therefore despise not thou              <JOB5  -:17 >

therefore fear thou not         <JER30  -:10 >

therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars  <2CH16  -:9 >

therefore gavest thou them into <NEH9  -:30 >

therefore go thou                       <JER36  -:6 >

therefore hast thou also taught <JER2  -:33 >

therefore hast thou visited             <ISA26  -:14 >

therefore if thou bring thy gift        <MAT5  -:23 >

therefore leftest thou them             <NEH9  -:28 >

therefore now flee thou         <NUM24  -:11 >

therefore pray not thou for this people  <JER11  -:14 >

therefore pray not thou for this people  <JER7  -:16 >

therefore prophesy thou against them all these words  <JER25  -:

30 >

therefore say thou unto them            <ZEC1  -:3 >

therefore see thou mine affliction      <JOB10  -:15 >

therefore shalt thou fall               <HOS4  -:5 >

therefore shalt thou give presents      <MIC1  -:14 >

therefore shalt thou make them turn their back  <PSA21  -:12 >

therefore shalt thou not exalt          <JOB17  -:4 >

therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants  <ISA17  -:10 >

therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which  <DEU28  -:48 >

therefore speak what thou knowest       <JOB34  -:33 >

therefore thou                          <NUM18  -:7 >

therefore thou art contrary             <EZE16  -:34 >

therefore thou art inexcusable          <ROM2  -:1 >

therefore thou deliveredst them into    <NEH9  -:27 >

therefore thou hast caused all this evil  <JER32  -:23 >

therefore thou hast forsaken thy people  <ISA2  -:6 >

therefore thou shalt deal kindly with thy servant  <1SA20  -:8 >

therefore thou shalt devour men no more  <EZE36  -:14 >

therefore thou shalt have none          <MIC2  -:5 >

therefore thou shalt hear               <EZE33  -:7 >

therefore thou shalt keep               <DEU8  -:6 >

therefore thou shalt love               <DEU11  -:1 >

therefore thou shalt not come down off  <2KI1  -:16 >

therefore thou shalt say this word unto them  <JER14  -:17 >

therefore thou shalt say unto them      <NUM18  -:30 >

therefore thou shalt say unto them      <JER25  -:27 >

therefore thou shalt set thy face toward  <EZE4  -:7 >

therefore thou shalt speak all these words unto them  <JER7  -:

27 >

therefore thou shalt speak unto them this word  <JER13  -:12 >

therefore thou shalt surely rejoice     <DEU16  -:15 >

therefore thou wast not grieved <ISA57  -:10 >

therefore trust thou                    <JOB35  -:14 >

therefore turn thou                     <HOS12  -:6 >

therefore when thou doest               <MAT6  -:2 >

these hast thou sacrificed unto them    <EZE16  -:20 >

these seven ewe lambs which thou hast set by themselves  <GEN21  

-:29 >

these things which thou hast seen       <ACT26  -:16 >

these two thou hast chosen              <ACT1  -:24 >

these which thou hast given me          <1KI9  -:13 >

they are more righteous than thou       <EZE16  -:52 >

they pray unto thee toward this city which thou hast chosen  

<2CH6  -:34 >

they shall pursue thee until thou perish  <DEU28  -:22 >

thine envy which thou hast used out     <EZE35  -:11 >

thine excellency thou hast overthrown them  <EXO15  -:7 >

thine eyes which thou shalt see <DEU28  -:67 >

thine eyes which thou shalt see <DEU28  -:34 >

thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him  

<DEU15  -:10 >

thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear   <DEU28  -:67 >

thine idols which thou hast made        <EZE22  -:4 >

thine oath which thou hast made us      <JOS2  -:20 >

thing which thou hast spoken            <DEU1  -:14 >

things thou canst desire are not        <PRO3  -:15 >

things which thou hast learned          <2TI3  -:14 >

things which thou hast seen             <REV1  -:19 >

things which thou sentest               <1KI5  -:8 >

think thou upon tobiah                  <NEH6  -:14 >

thinkest thou                           <1CH19  -:3 >

thinkest thou                           <2SA10  -:3 >

thinkest thou                           <LUK10  -:36 >

thinkest thou                           <MAT26  -:53 >

thinkest thou this                      <JOB35  -:2 >

thinkest thou this                      <ROM2  -:3 >

third day thou shalt go up unto <2KI20  -:5 >

third part thou shalt scatter           <EZE5  -:2 >

this day thou art become                <DEU27  -:9 >

this house which thou art               <1KI6  -:12 >

this measure shalt thou measure <EZE45  -:3 >

this sign shalt thou have               <2KI20  -:9 >

this thine oath which thou hast made us swear  <JOS2  -:17 >

this thou art not just                  <JOB33  -:12 >

this thou hast done unto me             <GEN29  -:25 >

this thou hast done unto us             <GEN26  -:10 >

this thou knowest                       <2TI1  -:15 >

this thou shalt know                    <EXO7  -:17 >

this wherein thou trustest              <2KI18  -:19 >

this wherein thou trustest              <ISA36  -:4 >

this year thou shalt die                <JER28  -:16 >

thither thou shalt come         <DEU12  -:5 >

those things which thou shalt suffer    <REV2  -:10 >

those whom thou hast wounded            <PSA69  -:26 >

thou abhorrest shall be forsaken        <ISA7  -:16 >

thou affirm constantly                  <TIT3  -:8 >

thou afflicted                          <ISA51  -:21 >

thou alone                              <1SA21  -:1 >

thou alone                              <ISA37  -:16 >

thou alone shalt bear                   <PRO9  -:12 >

thou also                               <EZE16  -:52 >

thou also                               <EZE4  -:1 >

thou also                               <NUM16  -:17 >

thou also hast delivered me from        <2SA22  -:44 >

thou also hast lifted me up on high above them  <2SA22  -:49 >

thou also shalt be ashamed              <JER2  -:36 >

thou also shalt be drunken              <NAH3  -:11 >

thou also shalt be gathered unto thy people  <NUM27  -:13 >

thou also shalt give no hire any more   <EZE16  -:41 >

thou also shalt not go                  <DEU1  -:37 >

thou also shalt seek strength because   <NAH3  -:11 >

thou also wast with jesus               <MAR14  -:67 >

thou also wast with jesus               <MAT26  -:69 >

thou among women                        <LUK1  -:42 >

thou among women                        <LUK1  -:28 >

thou an ephraimite                      <JUG12  -:5 >

thou anointest my head with oil <PSA23  -:5 >

thou answeredst them                    <PSA99  -:8 >

thou answerest                          <JOB16  -:3 >

thou any thing better than balak        <JUG11  -:25 >

thou appear not unto men                <MAT6  -:18 >

thou art                                <2KI19  -:15 >

thou art                                <2SA18  -:3 >

thou art                                <ACT8  -:23 >

thou art                                <DEU2  -:18 >

thou art                                <EXO4  -:26 >

thou art                                <EZE16  -:54 >

thou art                                <HAB1  -:13 >

thou art                                <HOS2  -:23 >

thou art                                <JER2  -:23 >

thou art                                <JOB17  -:14 >

thou art                                <JOB31  -:24 >

thou art                                <JOB34  -:18 >

thou art                                <JOH1  -:49 >

thou art                                <JOH1  -:49 >

thou art                                <JOH11  -:27 >

thou art                                <JOH3  -:2 >

thou art                                <JOH4  -:19 >

thou art                                <JOH6  -:69 >

thou art                                <JOH8  -:48 >

thou art                                <MAR3  -:11 >

thou art                                <MAR8  -:29 >

thou art                                <MAT16  -:14 >

thou art                                <MAT16  -:16 >

thou art                                <PSA10  -:14 >

thou art                                <PSA118  -:28 >

thou art                                <PSA119  -:57 >

thou art                                <PSA68  -:35 >

thou art                                <PSA71  -:5 >

thou art abhorred                       <2SA16  -:21 >

thou art also                           <LUK22  -:58 >

thou art also taken                     <JER50  -:24 >

thou art an hard man                    <MAT25  -:24 >

thou art an offence unto me             <MAT16  -:23 >

thou art become                 <JAM2  -:11 >

thou art become cruel                   <JOB30  -:21 >

thou art become guilty                  <EZE22  -:4 >

thou art beside thyself         <ACT26  -:24 >

thou art called                 <ROM2  -:17 >

thou art called by                      <DEU28  -:10 >

thou art careful                        <LUK10  -:41 >

thou art christ                 <LUK4  -:41 >

thou art clothed with honour            <PSA104  -:1 >

thou art come                           <ACT10  -:33 >

thou art come                           <ACT21  -:22 >

thou art come                           <EZE16  -:7 >

thou art come against me                <JUG11  -:12 >

thou art covered                        <DEU32  -:15 >

thou art ever with me                   <LUK15  -:31 >

thou art exalted as head above all      <1CH29  -:11 >

thou art exalted far above all gods     <PSA97  -:9 >

thou art fairer than                    <PSA45  -:2 >

thou art filled with shame for glory    <HAB2  -:16 >

thou art found                          <JER50  -:24 >

thou art glorified                      <ISA26  -:15 >

thou art god                            <1CH17  -:26 >

thou art gone backward                  <JER15  -:6 >

thou art gone up                        <GEN49  -:9 >

thou art greatly despised               <OBA1  -:2 >

thou art grown thick                    <DEU32  -:15 >

thou art he                             <PSA71  -:6 >

thou art his disciple                   <JOH9  -:28 >

thou art like                           <EZE32  -:2 >

thou art loosed from thine infirmity    <LUK13  -:12 >

thou art mad                            <ACT12  -:15 >

thou art made whole                     <JOH5  -:14 >

thou art mindful                        <HEB2  -:6 >

thou art mindful                        <PSA8  -:4 >

thou art my beloved son         <LUK3  -:22 >

thou art my beloved son         <MAR1  -:11 >

thou art my king                        <PSA44  -:4 >

thou art my son                 <ACT13  -:33 >

thou art my son                 <HEB1  -:5 >

thou art my son                 <HEB5  -:5 >

thou art neither cold nor hot           <REV3  -:15 >

thou art not                            <JAM4  -:11 >

thou art not able                       <1SA17  -:33 >

thou art not able                       <DEU14  -:24 >

thou art not able                       <EXO18  -:18 >

thou art not caesar's friend            <JOH19  -:12 >

thou art not far from                   <MAR12  -:34 >

thou art not yet fifty years old        <JOH8  -:57 >

thou art old                            <JOS13  -:1 >

thou art one                            <JUG11  -:35 >

thou art permitted                      <ACT26  -:1 >

thou art peter                          <MAT16  -:18 >

thou art righteous                      <JOB22  -:3 >

thou art righteous                      <REV16  -:5 >

thou art simon                          <JOH1  -:42 >

thou art snared with                    <PRO6  -:2 >

thou art stronger than                  <JER20  -:7 >

thou art taken with                     <PRO6  -:2 >

thou art tormented                      <LUK16  -:25 >

thou art troubled                       <JOB4  -:5 >

thou art true                           <MAR12  -:14 >

thou art true                           <MAT22  -:16 >

thou art undone                 <NUM21  -:29 >

thou art very great                     <PSA104  -:1 >

thou art very wroth against us          <LAM5  -:22 >

thou art waxen fat                      <DEU32  -:15 >

thou art wearied                        <ISA47  -:13 >

thou art wearied                        <ISA57  -:10 >

thou art weighed                        <DAN5  -:27 >

thou art wholly gone up         <ISA22  -:1 >

thou art worthy                 <REV4  -:11 >

thou art worthy                 <REV5  -:9 >

thou art wretched                       <REV3  -:17 >

thou art wroth                          <ISA64  -:5 >

thou asahel                             <2SA2  -:20 >

thou awakest                            <PRO6  -:22 >

thou backsliding israel         <JER3  -:12 >

thou bald head                          <2KI2  -:23 >

thou bald head                          <2KI2  -:23 >

thou be                         <JUG18  -:19 >

thou be angry with them         <1KI8  -:46 >

thou be angry with them         <2CH6  -:36 >

thou be cast into prison                <MAT5  -:25 >

thou be found                           <PRO30  -:6 >

thou be found guilty                    <PRO30  -:10 >

thou be little among                    <MIC5  -:2 >

thou be not inhabited                   <EZE26  -:20 >

thou be not known                       <1KI14  -:2 >

thou be not snared by following them    <DEU12  -:30 >

thou be silent                          <PSA28  -:1 >

thou bear                               <NUM11  -:17 >

thou bearest not                        <ROM11  -:18 >

thou bearest record                     <JOH8  -:13 >

thou bearest unto                       <PSA106  -:4 >

thou beatest him with                   <PRO23  -:13 >

thou bec                                <EZE16  -:8 >

thou begin with shame                   <LUK14  -:9 >

thou beginnest                          <DEU16  -:9 >

thou believest                          <ACT26  -:27 >

thou believest                          <JAM2  -:19 >

thou bethlehem                          <MAT2  -:6 >

thou blasphemest                        <JOH10  -:36 >

thou blessed                            <GEN24  -:31 >

thou blessest                           <PSA65  -:10 >

thou bloody man                 <2SA16  -:7 >

thou brakest                            <EZE29  -:7 >

thou brakest                            <PSA74  -:13 >

thou brakest                            <PSA74  -:14 >

thou breakest                           <PSA48  -:7 >

thou bring                              <ISA58  -:7 >

thou bring not blood upon thine house   <DEU22  -:8 >

thou bring not my son thither again     <GEN24  -:6 >

thou brought hither                     <EZE40  -:4 >

thou broughtest us into         <PSA66  -:11 >

thou buildest thine eminent place       <EZE16  -:31 >

thou by all this drove which            <GEN33  -:8 >

thou by them mightest war               <1TI1  -:17 >

thou calledst                           <PSA81  -:7 >

thou calledst us not                    <JUG8  -:1 >

thou camest                             <1KI13  -:17 >

thou camest                             <1KI13  -:9 >

thou camest down                        <ISA64  -:3 >

thou camest down also upon mount sinai  <NEH9  -:13 >

thou camest forth from god              <JOH16  -:30 >

thou camest forth out                   <DEU16  -:6 >

thou camest forth with thy rivers       <EZE32  -:2 >

thou camest not within                  <1SA13  -:11 >

thou canst                              <ISA33  -:19 >

thou canst do every                     <JOB42  -:2 >

thou canst find                 <EZR7  -:16 >

thou canst make interpretations <DAN5  -:16 >

thou canst make me clean                <LUK5  -:12 >

thou canst make me clean                <MAR1  -:40 >

thou canst make me clean                <MAT8  -:2 >

thou canst not follow me now            <JOH13  -:36 >

thou canst not know                     <PRO5  -:6 >

thou canst not see                      <JOB22  -:11 >

thou canst not see my face              <EXO33  -:20 >

thou canst not stand before thine enemies  <JOS7  -:13 >

thou canst understand                   <GEN41  -:15 >

thou carriest them away as with <PSA90  -:5 >

thou castedst them down into destruction  <PSA73  -:18 >

thou castest off fear                   <JOB15  -:4 >

thou cause me not                       <JER37  -:20 >

thou causest me                 <JOB30  -:22 >

thou changest his countenance           <JOB14  -:20 >

thou choosest                           <JOB15  -:5 >

thou choosest                           <PSA65  -:4 >

thou christ                             <MAT26  -:68 >

thou comest                             <1SA15  -:7 >

thou comest                             <1SA17  -:43 >

thou comest                             <1SA17  -:45 >

thou comest nigh over against           <DEU2  -:19 >

thou comest with such                   <JUG18  -:23 >

thou comfortedst me                     <ISA12  -:1 >

thou commandedst them                   <JER32  -:23 >

thou commandedst thy servant moses      <NEH1  -:8 >

thou commandest him                     <JOS1  -:18 >

thou commandest us we will do           <JOS1  -:16 >

thou committest whoredom                <HOS5  -:3 >

thou compassest my path         <PSA139  -:3 >

thou condemnest thyself         <ROM2  -:1 >

thou couldest have no power             <JOH19  -:11 >

thou cover him                          <ISA58  -:7 >

thou coveredst it with                  <PSA104  -:6 >

thou crownedst him with glory           <HEB2  -:7 >

thou crownest                           <PSA65  -:11 >

thou cursed from                        <GEN4  -:11 >

thou daughter                           <JER48  -:18 >

thou delightest not                     <PSA51  -:16 >

thou deliver                            <PSA56  -:13 >

thou deliveredst unto me five talents   <MAT25  -:20 >

thou deliveredst unto me two talents    <MAT25  -:22 >

thou depart                             <GEN13  -:9 >

thou desiredst                          <DEU18  -:16 >

thou desirest truth                     <PSA51  -:6 >

thou destroyest                 <JOB14  -:19 >

thou didst                              <1KI2  -:44 >

thou didst afflict                      <PSA44  -:2 >

thou didst among them                   <NEH9  -:17 >

thou didst blaspheme god                <1KI21  -:10 >

thou didst blow with thy wind           <EXO15  -:10 >

thou didst break                        <EZE29  -:7 >

thou didst cause judgment               <PSA76  -:8 >

thou didst cleave                       <HAB3  -:9 >

thou didst cleave                       <PSA74  -:15 >

thou didst deliver them         <PSA22  -:4 >

thou didst depart out                   <DEU9  -:7 >

thou didst divide                       <NEH9  -:11 >

thou didst divide                       <PSA74  -:13 >

thou didst drink                        <DEU32  -:14 >

thou didst drive out                    <PSA44  -:2 >

thou didst eat fine flour               <EZE16  -:13 >

thou didst enrich                       <EZE27  -:33 >

thou didst fast                 <2SA12  -:21 >

thou didst hide thy face                <PSA30  -:7 >

thou didst humble thyself before god    <2CH34  -:27 >

thou didst look                 <ISA22  -:8 >thou didst make me

hope         <PSA22  -:9 >

thou didst march through                <HAB3  -:12 >

thou didst not know them                <ISA48  -:6 >

thou didst not lay these                <ISA47  -:7 >

thou didst not receive                  <1CO4  -:7 >

thou didst not sow                      <LUK19  -:21 >

thou didst prosper into         <EZE16  -:13 >

thou didst ride upon thine horses       <HAB3  -:8 >

thou didst rise                 <2SA12  -:21 >

thou didst say                          <JER45  -:3 >

thou didst send for                     <1KI20  -:9 >

thou didst send me                      <JOH17  -:8 >

thou didst set thine heart              <DAN10  -:12 >

thou didst show them no mercy           <ISA47  -:6 >

thou didst strike through with his staves  <HAB3  -:14 >

thou didst this                 <GEN20  -:6 >

thou didst thresh                       <HAB3  -:12 >

thou didst unto me                      <2SA13  -:16 >

thou didst walk through         <HAB3  -:15 >

thou didst well                 <1KI8  -:18 >

thou didst well                 <2CH6  -:8 >

thou die not by our hand                <JER11  -:21 >

thou displease not                      <1SA29  -:7 >

thou do all those wonders before pharaoh  <EXO4  -:21 >

thou do as occasion serve thee          <1SA10  -:7 >

thou do it                              <REV19  -:10 >

thou do it                              <REV22  -:9 >

thou doest                              <1KI2  -:3 >

thou doest                              <2SA3  -:25 >

thou doest                              <DEU15  -:18 >

thou doest                              <EXO18  -:14 >

thou doest                              <EXO18  -:17 >

thou doest                              <EZE24  -:19 >

thou doest                              <GEN21  -:22 >

thou doest                              <JOH13  -:27 >

thou doest                              <JOH3  -:2 >

thou doest                              <JOH7  -:3 >

thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest  <3JO1  -:5 >

thou doest these things         <JOH2  -:18 >

thou doest well                 <JAM2  -:19 >

thou dost ask after my name             <GEN32  -:29 >

thou dost but hate me                   <JUG14  -:16 >

thou dost dwell among scorpions <EZE2  -:6 >

thou dost establish equity              <PSA99  -:4 >

thou dost not hear me                   <JOB30  -:20 >

thou dost so charge us                  <SON5  -:9 >

thou draw out thy soul                  <ISA58  -:10 >

thou drewest near                       <LAM3  -:57 >

thou driedst up mighty rivers           <PSA74  -:15 >

thou dwellest                           <EZE12  -:2 >

thou earth                              <PSA114  -:7 >

thou eat                                <EXO34  -:15 >

thou eat not                            <DEU12  -:23 >

thou eatest no bread                    <1KI21  -:5 >

thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die  <GEN2  -:17 >

thou exceedest                          <2CH9  -:6 >

thou executest judgment         <PSA99  -:4 >

thou faint                              <PRO24  -:10 >

thou faintest                           <JOB4  -:5 >

thou fallest away                       <JER37  -:13 >

thou false tongue                       <PSA120  -:3 >

thou favourest me                       <PSA41  -:11 >

thou fearest god                        <GEN22  -:12 >

thou fearest me not                     <ISA57  -:11 >

thou feedest them with                  <PSA80  -:5 >

thou filledst many people               <EZE27  -:33 >

thou find none                          <PSA10  -:15 >

thou findest                            <EZE3  -:1 >

thou fleddest                           <PSA114  -:5 >

thou fool                               <MAT5  -:22 >

thou for us                             <JOS5  -:13 >

thou forgavest                          <PSA32  -:5 >

thou forget                             <DEU8  -:14 >

thou forget not                 <DEU8  -:11 >

thou forsake not                        <DEU12  -:19 >

thou fulfil it                          <COL4  -:17 >

thou gavest                             <PSA21  -:4 >

thou gavest also thy good spirit        <NEH9  -:20 >

thou gavest me                          <JOH17  -:12 >

thou gavest me no kiss                  <LUK7  -:45 >

thou gavest me no water for my feet     <LUK7  -:44 >

thou gavest them                        <NEH9  -:35 >

thou gavest them me                     <JOH17  -:6 >

thou gavest unto our fathers            <NEH9  -:36 >

thou girdedst thyself                   <JOH21  -:18 >

thou give me by                 <MAR6  -:25 >

thou givest                             <EZE16  -:34 >

thou givest him not warning             <EZE3  -:18 >

thou givest him nought                  <DEU15  -:9 >

thou givest them their meat             <PSA145  -:15 >

thou givest them they gather            <PSA104  -:28 >

thou givest thy mouth                   <PSA50  -:19 >

thou go                         <2SA17  -:11 >

thou go out with his maidens            <RUT2  -:22 >

thou god                                <PSA51  -:14 >

thou god seest me                       <GEN16  -:13 >

thou goest                              <JUG14  -:3 >

thou goest before them                  <NUM14  -:14 >

thou goest with us                      <EXO33  -:16 >

thou good servant                       <LUK19  -:17 >

thou greatly enrichest it with          <PSA65  -:9 >

thou h                                  <1KI3  -:6 >

thou hadst                              <JER3  -:3 >

thou hadst hearkened                    <ISA48  -:18 >

thou hadst removed                      <ISA26  -:15 >

thou hadst utterly hated her            <JUG15  -:2 >

thou hang him on                        <DEU21  -:22 >

thou harlot                             <ISA23  -:16 >

thou hast                               <1KI2  -:8 >

thou hast                               <1SA25  -:6 >

thou hast                               <EXO9  -:19 >

thou hast                               <GEN45  -:10 >

thou hast                               <GEN45  -:11 >

thou hast                               <JOB34  -:16 >

thou hast                               <JOH6  -:68 >

thou hast                               <JOH7  -:20 >

thou hast                               <JOH8  -:52 >

thou hast                               <LUK18  -:22 >

thou hast                               <MAT19  -:21 >

thou hast                               <MAT25  -:25 >

thou hast                               <PSA110  -:3 >

thou hast                               <PSA89  -:13 >

thou hast                               <REV3  -:1 >

thou hast                               <REV3  -:4 >

thou hast                               <RUT3  -:15 >

thou hast afflicted                     <PSA88  -:7 >

thou hast afflicted us                  <PSA90  -:15 >

thou hast also appointed prophets       <NEH6  -:7 >

thou hast also built unto thee an eminent place  <EZE16  -:24 >

thou hast also committed fornication with  <EZE16  -:26 >

thou hast also found grace              <EXO33  -:12 >

thou hast also given me         <2SA22  -:36 >

thou hast also given me         <2SA22  -:41 >

thou hast also given me         <PSA18  -:40 >

thou hast also given me         <PSA18  -:35 >

thou hast also taken thy fair jewels    <EZE16  -:17 >

thou hast also turned                   <PSA89  -:43 >

thou hast altogether blessed            <NUM24  -:10 >

thou hast answered right                <LUK10  -:28 >

thou hast appointed for thy servant gen  <GEN24  -:14 >

thou hast appointed his bounds          <JOB14  -:5 >

thou hast ascended on high              <PSA68  -:18 >

thou hast asked                 <1SA1  -:17 >

thou hast asked                 <2KI2  -:10 >

thou hast avouched                      <DEU26  -:17 >

thou hast been                          <ACT24  -:10 >

thou hast been                          <EZE28  -:13 >

thou hast been careful for us with all this care  <2KI4  -:13 >

thou hast been faithful over            <MAT25  -:23 >

thou hast been faithful over            <MAT25  -:21 >

thou hast been favourable unto thy land  <PSA85  -:1 >

thou hast been honourable               <ISA43  -:4 >

thou hast been my help                  <PSA27  -:9 >

thou hast been our dwelling place       <PSA90  -:1 >

thou hast been upright                  <1SA29  -:6 >

thou hast been wroth with thine anointed  <PSA89  -:38 >

thou hast begun                 <DEU3  -:24 >

thou hast believed                      <JOH20  -:29 >

thou hast beset me behind               <PSA139  -:5 >

thou hast blessed                       <JOB1  -:10 >

thou hast blessed                       <NUM23  -:11 >

thou hast borne me                      <JER15  -:10 >

thou hast borne thy lewdness            <EZE16  -:58 >

thou hast both seen him         <JOH9  -:37 >

thou hast bought me no sweet cane with money  <ISA43  -:24 >

thou hast broken                        <JER28  -:13 >

thou hast broken                        <PSA3  -:7 >

thou hast broken down all his hedges    <PSA89  -:40 >

thou hast broken it                     <PSA60  -:2 >

thou hast broken may rejoice            <PSA51  -:8 >

thou hast broken rahab                  <PSA89  -:10 >

thou hast brought                       <PSA80  -:8 >

thou hast brought back                  <PSA85  -:1 >

thou hast brought his strong holds      <PSA89  -:40 >

thou hast brought me forth              <JER2  -:27 >

thou hast brought me hitherto           <2SA7  -:18 >

thou hast brought me hitherto           <1CH17  -:16 >

thou hast brought me into               <PSA22  -:15 >

thou hast brought me very low           <JUG11  -:35 >

thou hast brought on me         <GEN20  -:9 >

thou hast brought so great              <EXO32  -:21 >

thou hast brought up my soul from       <PSA30  -:3 >

thou hast brought us up out             <EXO17  -:3 >

thou hast brought us up out             <NUM16  -:13 >

thou hast built thy high place at every head  <EZE16  -:25 >

thou hast burned this roll              <JER36  -:29 >

thou hast called                        <LAM1  -:21 >

thou hast called as                     <LAM2  -:22 >

thou hast cast out                      <PSA80  -:8 >

thou hast cast us off                   <PSA60  -:1 >

thou hast caused men                    <PSA66  -:12 >

thou hast caused thy days               <EZE22  -:4 >

thou hast changed my wages ten times    <GEN31  -:41 >

thou hast chastised me                  <JER31  -:18 >

thou hast chosen                        <1SA20  -:30 >

thou hast clothed me with skin          <JOB10  -:11 >

thou hast clothing                      <ISA3  -:6 >

thou hast comforted me                  <RUT2  -:13 >

thou hast commanded                     <PSA119  -:4 >

thou hast commanded                     <PSA119  -:138 >

thou hast commanded                     <PSA7  -:6 >

thou hast committed more abominable than they  <EZE16  -:52 >

thou hast consulted shame               <HAB2  -:10 >

thou hast consumed them         <JER5  -:3 >

thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason  <EZE28  -:17 >

thou hast covered all their sin <PSA85  -:2 >

thou hast covered him with shame        <PSA89  -:45 >

thou hast covered me                    <PSA139  -:13 >

thou hast covered my head               <PSA140  -:7 >

thou hast covered thyself with          <LAM3  -:44 >

thou hast covered with anger            <LAM3  -:43 >

thou hast dealt well with me            <1SA24  -:18 >

thou hast dealt well with thy servant   <PSA119  -:65 >

thou hast deceived me                   <JER20  -:7 >

thou hast declared thy strength among   <PSA77  -:14 >

thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by    <EZE28  -:18 >

thou hast delivered me from             <2SA22  -:49 >

thou hast delivered me from             <PSA18  -:43 >

thou hast delivered me from             <PSA18  -:48 >

thou hast delivered my soul from        <PSA86  -:13 >

thou hast despised                      <JUG9  -:38 >

thou hast despised mine holy things     <EZE22  -:8 >

thou hast destroyed                     <PSA9  -:5 >

thou hast destroyed all them            <PSA73  -:27 >

thou hast destroyed cities              <PSA9  -:6 >

thou hast destroyed thyself             <HOS13  -:9 >

thou hast done                          <1SA26  -:16 >

thou hast done                          <2SA12  -:21 >

thou hast done                          <EZE16  -:63 >

thou hast done                          <EZE16  -:54 >

thou hast done                          <GEN3  -:13 >

thou hast done                          <LAM1  -:21 >

thou hast done                          <PSA40  -:5 >

thou hast done against                  <2KI23  -:17 >

thou hast done deeds unto me            <GEN20  -:9 >

thou hast done foolishly                <1SA13  -:13 >

thou hast done this thing               <GEN20  -:10 >

thou hast done unto me                  <GEN12  -:18 >

thou hast done unto me this day <1SA24  -:19 >

thou hast done unto thy mother          <RUT2  -:11 >

thou hast done unto us                  <JUG15  -:11 >

thou hast dreamed                       <GEN37  -:10 >

thou hast driven me out this day from   <GEN4  -:14 >

thou hast drunken                       <ISA51  -:17 >

thou hast eaten                 <DEU8  -:12 >

thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up     <PRO23  -:8 >

thou hast enlarged me                   <PSA4  -:1 >

thou hast enlarged my steps under me    <2SA22  -:37 >

thou hast enlarged my steps under me    <PSA18  -:36 >

thou hast enlarged thy bed              <ISA57  -:8 >

thou hast established                   <PSA119  -:90 >

thou hast established them for correction  <HAB1  -:12 >

thou hast even set it before them for   <EZE16  -:19 >

thou hast faith                 <JAM2  -:18 >

thou hast filled me with wrinkles       <JOB16  -:8 >

thou hast followed baalim               <1KI18  -:18 >

thou hast forgiven                      <PSA85  -:2 >

thou hast forsaken                      <JER2  -:17 >

thou hast forsaken                      <JER2  -:19 >

thou hast forsaken me                   <JER15  -:6 >

thou hast found                 <DEU22  -:3 >

thou hast found                 <GEN27  -:20 >

thou hast found                 <ISA57  -:10 >

thou hast founded them                  <PSA89  -:11 >

thou hast founded them for ever <PSA119  -:152 >

thou hast gained thy brother            <MAT18  -:15 >

thou hast gathered                      <DEU16  -:13 >

thou hast given                 <PSA60  -:4 >

thou hast given                 <PSA61  -:5 >

thou hast given commandment             <PSA71  -:3 >

thou hast given him bread               <1SA22  -:13 >

thou hast given him his heart's desire  <PSA21  -:2 >

thou hast given them blood              <REV16  -:6 >

thou hast given this great deliverance into  <JUG15  -:18 >

thou hast given us like sheep           <PSA44  -:11 >

thou hast got                           <JER13  -:4 >

thou hast granted me life               <JOB10  -:12 >

thou hast greedily gained               <EZE22  -:12 >

thou hast guided                        <EXO15  -:13 >

thou hast had pity on                   <JON4  -:10 >

thou hast hated                 <EZE16  -:37 >

thou hast healed me                     <PSA30  -:2 >

thou hast heard                 <2TI2  -:2 >

thou hast heard                 <DEU17  -:4 >

thou hast heard                 <DEU9  -:2 >

thou hast heard                 <ISA37  -:6 >

thou hast heard                 <ISA48  -:6 >

thou hast heard                 <PSA10  -:17 >

thou hast heard me                      <JOH11  -:41 >

thou hast heard my voice                <LAM3  -:56 >

thou hast heard their reproach          <LAM3  -:61 >

thou hast heard what                    <2KI19  -:11 >

thou hast heard what                    <ISA37  -:11 >

thou hast hewed thee out                <ISA22  -:16 >

thou hast hid these things from <LUK10  -:21 >

thou hast holden                        <PSA73  -:23 >

thou hast humbled thyself before        <2KI22  -:19 >

thou hast increased                     <EZE16  -:7 >

thou hast increased                     <ISA26  -:15 >

thou hast increased                     <ISA26  -:15 >

thou hast indeed smitten edom           <2KI14  -:10 >

thou hast instructed many               <JOB4  -:3 >

thou hast is multiplied         <DEU8  -:13 >

thou hast justified thy         <EZE16  -:52 >

thou hast kept                          <JOH2  -:10 >

thou hast kept for him this great kindness  <1KI3  -:6 >

thou hast kept me                       <2SA22  -:44 >

thou hast kept me alive         <PSA30  -:3 >

thou hast killed                        <LAM2  -:21 >

thou hast killed for him                <LUK15  -:30 >

thou hast killed uriah                  <2SA12  -:9 >

thou hast known my reproach             <PSA69  -:19 >

thou hast known my soul         <PSA31  -:7 >

thou hast lacked nothing                <DEU2  -:7 >

thou hast laid me                       <PSA88  -:6 >

thou hast laid thy body as              <ISA51  -:23 >

thou hast led captivity captive <PSA68  -:18 >

thou hast left thy father               <RUT2  -:11 >

thou hast lied                          <ISA57  -:11 >

thou hast loosed my bonds               <PSA116  -:16 >

thou hast lost                          <1KI20  -:25 >

thou hast loved                 <EZE16  -:37 >

thou hast loved                 <HOS9  -:1 >

thou hast loved righteousness           <HEB1  -:9 >

thou hast made                          <JER32  -:17 >

thou hast made                          <PSA104  -:26 >

thou hast made                          <PSA60  -:2 >

thou hast made all his enemies          <PSA89  -:42 >

thou hast made before me                <1KI9  -:3 >

thou hast made desolate all my company  <JOB16  -:7 >

thou hast made for thee         <EXO15  -:17 >

thou hast made heaven                   <2KI19  -:15 >

thou hast made heaven                   <ISA37  -:16 >

thou hast made heaven                   <NEH9  -:6 >

thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance  <PSA21  -

:6 >

thou hast made his glory                <PSA89  -:44 >

thou hast made known                    <ACT2  -:28 >

thou hast made me                       <PSA18  -:43 >

thou hast made me an abomination unto them  <PSA88  -:8 >

thou hast made me as                    <JOB10  -:9 >

thou hast made my days                  <PSA39  -:5 >

thou hast made summer                   <PSA74  -:17 >

thou hast made thee                     <JER2  -:28 >

thou hast made them equal unto us       <MAT20  -:12 >

thou hast made thy servant king instead  <1KI3  -:7 >

thou hast made us                       <LAM3  -:45 >

thou hast made us                       <PSA60  -:3 >

thou hast made void                     <PSA89  -:39 >

thou hast magnified thy mercy           <GEN19  -:19 >

thou hast mocked me                     <JUG16  -:10 >

thou hast mocked me these three times   <JUG16  -:15 >

thou hast moreover multiplied thy fornication  <EZE16  -:29 >

thou hast much goods laid up for many years  <LUK12  -:19 >

thou hast multiplied                    <ISA9  -:3 >

thou hast multiplied thy merchants above  <NAH3  -:16 >

thou hast neither part nor lot          <ACT8  -:21 >

thou hast no healing medicines          <JER30  -:13 >

thou hast no part with me               <JOH13  -:8 >

thou hast no tidings ready              <2SA18  -:22 >

thou hast not asked riches              <2CH1  -:11 >

thou hast not been as my servant david  <1KI14  -:8 >

thou hast not brought me                <ISA43  -:23 >

thou hast not defrauded us              <1SA12  -:4 >

thou hast not found her         <GEN38  -:23 >

thou hast not given water               <JOB22  -:7 >

thou hast not kept                      <1SA13  -:13 >

thou hast not kept my covenant          <1KI11  -:11 >

thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me  <EXO33  -:

12 >

thou hast not lied unto men             <ACT5  -:4 >

thou hast not pardoned                  <LAM3  -:42 >

thou hast not pitied                    <LAM3  -:43 >

thou hast not showed                    <1KI1  -:27 >

thou hast not sinned                    <1CO7  -:28 >

thou hast nothing                       <JOH4  -:11 >

thou hast now done foolishly            <GEN31  -:28 >

thou hast offered                       <ISA57  -:6 >

thou hast opened thy mouth unto <JUG11  -:36 >

thou hast ordained them for judgment    <HAB1  -:12 >

thou hast planted them                  <JER12  -:2 >

thou hast played                        <EZE16  -:28 >

thou hast played                        <EZE16  -:28 >

thou hast pleaded                       <LAM3  -:58 >

thou hast polluted                      <JER3  -:2 >

thou hast polluted it                   <EXO20  -:25 >

thou hast praised                       <DAN5  -:23 >

thou hast prepared                      <PSA74  -:16 >

thou hast profaned his crown            <PSA89  -:39 >

thou hast promised this goodness unto thy servant  <2SA7  -:28 >

thou hast proved mine heart             <PSA17  -:3 >

thou hast purchased                     <EXO15  -:16 >

thou hast purchased                     <PSA74  -:2 >

thou hast put                           <PSA53  -:5 >

thou hast put all                       <PSA8  -:6 >

thou hast put all things                <HEB2  -:8 >

thou hast put away mine acquaintance far from me  <PSA88  -:8 >

thou hast put forth                     <JUG14  -:16 >

thou hast put gladness                  <PSA4  -:7 >

thou hast put off my sackcloth          <PSA30  -:11 >

thou hast put out their name for ever   <PSA9  -:5 >

thou hast ravished my heart             <SON4  -:9 >

thou hast ravished my heart with one    <SON4  -:9 >

thou hast rebuked                       <PSA119  -:21 >

thou hast rebuked                       <PSA9  -:5 >

thou hast received gifts for men        <PSA68  -:18 >

thou hast redeemed                      <EXO15  -:13 >

thou hast redeemed                      <PSA74  -:2 >

thou hast redeemed me                   <PSA31  -:5 >

thou hast redeemed my life              <LAM3  -:58 >

thou hast removed my soul far off from peace  <LAM3  -:17 >

thou hast rightly judged                <LUK7  -:43 >

thou hast said                          <EZE27  -:3 >

thou hast said                          <EZE28  -:2 >

thou hast said                          <ISA47  -:10 >

thou hast said                          <ISA47  -:10 >

thou hast said                          <MAR12  -:32 >

thou hast said                          <MAT26  -:25 >

thou hast said                          <MAT26  -:64 >

thou hast said                          <NUM11  -:21 >

thou hast said unto                     <PSA16  -:2 >

thou hast said unto me                  <JER32  -:25 >

thou hast saved our lives               <GEN47  -:25 >

thou hast scatter                       <PSA60  -:1 >

thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm  <PSA89  -:

10 >

thou hast searched me                   <PSA139  -:1 >

thou hast seen                          <PSA10  -:14 >

thou hast seen                          <PSA35  -:22 >

thou hast seen all their vengeance      <LAM3  -:60 >

thou hast seen me                       <JER12  -:3 >

thou hast seen my wrong         <LAM3  -:59 >

thou hast sent him away         <2SA3  -:24 >

thou hast sent me                       <EXO5  -:22 >

thou hast sent me                       <JOH11  -:42 >

thou hast sent me                       <JOH17  -:21 >

thou hast sent me                       <JOH17  -:23 >

thou hast sent me                       <JOH17  -:25 >

thou hast sent widows away empty        <JOB22  -:9 >

thou hast set                           <PSA104  -:9 >

thou hast set all                       <PSA74  -:17 >

thou hast set mine oil                  <EZE16  -:18 >

thou hast set my feet                   <PSA31  -:8 >

thou hast set our iniquities before thee  <PSA90  -:8 >

thou hast set up                        <PSA89  -:42 >

thou hast shamed this day               <2SA19  -:5 >

thou hast shearers                      <1SA25  -:7 >

thou hast shed                          <EZE22  -:4 >

thou hast shed blood abundantly <1CH22  -:8 >

thou hast shed blood causeless          <1SA25  -:31 >

thou hast showed great mercy unto david my father  <2CH1  -:8 >

thou hast showed more kindness          <RUT3  -:10 >

thou hast showed these things           <ACT23  -:22 >

thou hast showed this day how           <1SA24  -:18 >

thou hast showed thy people hard things  <PSA60  -:3 >

thou hast showed unto thy servant david my father great mercy  

<1KI3  -:6 >

thou hast signed                        <DAN6  -:13 >

thou hast sinned                        <EZE28  -:16 >

thou hast sinned from                   <HOS10  -:9 >

thou hast slain                 <LAM2  -:21 >

thou hast slain                 <LAM3  -:43 >

thou hast slain my children             <EZE16  -:21 >

thou hast smitten                       <2CH25  -:19 >

thou hast smitten me these three times  <NUM22  -:28 >

thou hast so hotly pursued after me     <GEN31  -:36 >

thou hast spoken                        <EST6  -:10 >

thou hast spoken                        <EXO33  -:17 >

thou hast spoken                        <JER3  -:5 >

thou hast spoken against this place     <JER51  -:62 >

thou hast spoken concerning thy servant  <2SA7  -:25 >

thou hast spoken concerning thy servant  <1CH17  -:23 >

thou hast spoken friendly unto thine handmaid  <RUT2  -:13 >

thou hast spoken unto us                <JER44  -:16 >

thou hast spoken well                   <EXO10  -:29 >

thou hast stayed three days             <1SA20  -:19 >

thou hast stolen away unawares          <GEN31  -:26 >

thou hast strengthened                  <JOB4  -:4 >

thou hast strengthened                  <JOB4  -:3 >

thou hast stricken them         <JER5  -:3 >

thou hast stricken thy hand with        <PRO6  -:1 >

thou hast subdued under me those        <PSA18  -:39 >

thou hast taken away                    <2CH19  -:3 >

thou hast taken away all thy wrath      <PSA85  -:3 >

thou hast taken my husband              <GEN30  -:15 >

thou hast taken them captive            <DEU21  -:10 >

thou hast taken usury                   <EZE22  -:12 >

thou hast taught                        <LUK13  -:26 >

thou hast taught me from my youth       <PSA71  -:17 >

thou hast thrust sore at me             <PSA118  -:13 >

thou hast transgressed against          <JER3  -:13 >

thou hast tried me                      <PSA17  -:3 >

thou hast tried them which say they are apostles  <REV2  -:2 >

thou hast tried us                      <PSA66  -:10 >

thou hast trodden down all them <PSA119  -:118 >

thou hast trodden down strength <JUG5  -:21 >

thou hast turned                        <PSA85  -:3 >

thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing  <PSA30  -:11 >

thou hast turned their heart back again  <1KI18  -:37 >

thou hast unto thyself                  <GEN33  -:9 >

thou hast visited                       <PSA17  -:3 >

thou hast walked                        <1KI16  -:2 >

thou hast walked                        <EZE23  -:31 >

thou hast walked up                     <EZE28  -:14 >

thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities  <ISA43  -:24 >

thou hast well done                     <ACT10  -:33 >

thou hast well said                     <JOH4  -:17 >

thou hast well said                     <LUK20  -:39 >

thou hast well seen                     <JER1  -:12 >

thou hast with                          <PSA77  -:15 >

thou hast withholden bread from <JOB22  -:7 >

thou hast wrought for them              <PSA31  -:19 >

thou hast wrought iniquity              <JOB36  -:23 >

thou hatest                             <REV2  -:6 >

thou hatest all workers         <PSA5  -:5 >

thou he                         <1KI18  -:17 >

thou he                         <EZE38  -:17 >

thou he                         <JER49  -:12 >

thou heardest                           <NEH9  -:27 >

thou heardest                           <NEH9  -:28 >

thou heardest his words out             <DEU4  -:36 >

thou heardest me                        <PSA119  -:26 >

thou heardest my voice                  <JON2  -:2 >

thou heardest not                       <ISA48  -:8 >

thou hearest                            <JOH3  -:8 >

thou hearest me always                  <JOH11  -:42 >

thou hearken unto                       <DEU28  -:13 >

thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh  <ISA58  -:7 >

thou hidest thy face                    <PSA104  -:29 >

thou his son                            <DAN5  -:22 >

thou holdest fast my name               <REV2  -:13 >

thou holdest mine eyes waking           <PSA77  -:4 >

thou huntest me as                      <JOB10  -:16 >

thou hurt not                           <REV6  -:6 >

thou hypocrite                          <LUK6  -:42 >

thou hypocrite                          <MAT7  -:5 >

thou incline thine ear unto wisdom      <PRO2  -:2 >

thou inhabitant                 <ISA12  -:6 >

thou inhabitant                 <MIC1  -:11 >

thou inquire not after their gods       <DEU12  -:30 >

thou inquirest after mine iniquity      <JOB10  -:6 >

thou jeroboam                           <2CH13  -:4 >

thou jesus                              <MAR1  -:24 >

thou joab                               <2SA20  -:17 >

thou jordan                             <PSA114  -:5 >

thou judge                              <PSA94  -:2 >

thou keep                               <1TI6  -:14 >

thou killedst me not                    <1SA24  -:18 >

thou king                               <2CH35  -:21 >

thou king                               <REV15  -:3 >

thou king jehoshaphat                   <2CH20  -:15 >

thou knewest                            <LUK19  -:22 >

thou knewest                            <MAT25  -:26 >

thou knewest not                        <ISA48  -:8 >

thou know not                           <PRO25  -:8 >

thou knowest                            <1KI1  -:18 >

thou knowest                            <1KI2  -:15 >

thou knowest                            <EXO32  -:22 >

thou knowest                            <EZE37  -:3 >

thou knowest                            <JER15  -:15 >

thou knowest                            <JER17  -:16 >

thou knowest                            <JOB10  -:7 >

thou knowest                            <JOH21  -:15 >

thou knowest                            <JOH21  -:16 >

thou knowest                            <JOH21  -:17 >

thou knowest                            <JOS14  -:6 >

thou knowest                            <LUK18  -:20 >

thou knowest                            <MAR10  -:19 >

thou knowest                            <PSA40  -:9 >

thou knowest                            <REV7  -:14 >

thou knowest abner                      <2SA3  -:25 >

thou knowest all                        <1KI2  -:44 >

thou knowest all                        <NUM20  -:14 >

thou knowest all their counsel against me  <JER18  -:23 >

thou knowest all things         <JOH16  -:30 >

thou knowest all things         <JOH21  -:17 >

thou knowest how                        <1KI5  -:3 >

thou knowest how                        <GEN30  -:29 >

thou knowest it altogether              <PSA139  -:4 >

thou knowest me                 <LUK22  -:34 >

thou knowest my downsitting             <PSA139  -:2 >

thou knowest my foolishness             <PSA69  -:5 >

thou knowest not                        <ISA55  -:5 >

thou knowest not                        <JER15  -:14 >

thou knowest thy father         <2SA17  -:8 >

thou knowest very well                  <2TI1  -:18 >

thou knowest what saul hath done        <1SA28  -:9 >

thou laidst affliction upon our loins   <PSA66  -:11 >

thou layedst not down                   <LUK19  -:21 >

thou layest                             <NUM11  -:11 >

thou leddest thy people like            <PSA77  -:20 >

thou lettest down                       <JOB41  -:1 >

thou liftest me up                      <JOB30  -:22 >

thou liftest me up above those          <PSA18  -:48 >

thou livest                             <REV3  -:1 >

thou lord                               <NUM14  -:14 >

thou lord art seen face         <NUM14  -:14 >

thou lose thy life                      <JUG18  -:25 >

thou lovedst their bed where thou saw   <ISA57  -:8 >

thou lovest all devouring words <PSA52  -:4 >

thou lovest evil more than good <PSA52  -:3 >

thou lovest righteousness               <PSA45  -:7 >

thou lovest thine enemies               <2SA19  -:6 >

thou madest him                 <HEB2  -:7 >

thou madest him                 <PSA8  -:6 >

thou madest strong for thyself          <PSA80  -:15 >

thou madest strong for thyself          <PSA80  -:17 >

thou magnify his work                   <JOB36  -:24 >

thou maintainest my lot         <PSA16  -:5 >

thou make                               <EXO25  -:40 >

thou make all things according          <HEB8  -:5 >

thou makest                             <PSA65  -:8 >

thou makest account                     <PSA144  -:3 >

thou makest darkness                    <PSA104  -:20 >

thou makest his beauty                  <PSA39  -:11 >

thou makest it soft with showers        <PSA65  -:10 >

thou makest thy ways perfect            <JOB22  -:3 >

thou makest us                          <PSA44  -:10 >

thou makest us                          <PSA44  -:13 >

thou makest us                          <PSA44  -:14 >

thou makest us                          <PSA80  -:6 >

thou man                                <2KI1  -:9 >

thou man                                <2SA16  -:7 >

thou mayest                             <ACT8  -:37 >

thou mayest be                          <GEN28  -:3 >

thou mayest be                          <NUM10  -:31 >

thou mayest be an holy people unto      <DEU26  -:19 >

thou mayest be bound up         <JER30  -:13 >

thou mayest be clothed                  <REV3  -:18 >

thou mayest be delivered from him       <LUK12  -:58 >

thou mayest be feared                   <PSA130  -:4 >

thou mayest be justified                <ISA43  -:26 >

thou mayest be my salvation unto        <ISA49  -:6 >

thou mayest be remembered               <ISA23  -:16 >

thou mayest be rich                     <REV3  -:18 >

thou mayest be righteous                <JOB40  -:8 >

thou mayest be saved                    <JER4  -:14 >

thou mayest be their king               <NEH6  -:6 >

thou mayest be wise                     <PRO19  -:20 >

thou mayest bear thine own shame        <EZE16  -:54 >

thou mayest bring                       <2SA22  -:28 >

thou mayest bring                       <EXO18  -:19 >

thou mayest bring                       <EXO26  -:33 >

thou mayest bring forth my people       <EXO3  -:10 >

thou mayest bury thy dead               <GEN23  -:6 >

thou mayest buy speedily with this money bullocks  <EZR7  -:17 >

thou mayest carry me out                <2CH18  -:33 >

thou mayest certainly recover           <2KI8  -:10 >

thou mayest cleave unto him             <DEU30  -:20 >

thou mayest come                        <GEN38  -:16 >

thou mayest curse me them from thence   <NUM23  -:27 >

thou mayest do                          <1SA24  -:4 >

thou mayest do it                       <DEU30  -:14 >

thou mayest dwell                       <DEU30  -:20 >

thou mayest eat                 <DEU11  -:15 >

thou mayest eat                 <MAR14  -:12 >

thou mayest eat flesh                   <DEU12  -:20 >

thou mayest fear this glorious          <DEU28  -:58 >

thou mayest gather                      <DEU11  -:14 >

thou mayest give                        <PSA104  -:27 >

thou mayest give him rest from          <PSA94  -:13 >

thou mayest go                          <1SA20  -:13 >

thou mayest go                          <DEU27  -:3 >

thou mayest go                          <DEU6  -:18 >

thou mayest go with us                  <JUG11  -:8 >

thou mayest have strength               <1SA28  -:22 >

thou mayest hear                        <NEH1  -:6 >

thou mayest hearken unto                <1KI8  -:29 >

thou mayest inherit                     <GEN28  -:4 >

thou mayest inherit his land            <DEU2  -:31 >

thou mayest judge                       <2CH1  -:11 >

thou mayest keep                        <1CH22  -:12 >

thou mayest know                        <EXO8  -:10 >

thou mayest know                        <EXO9  -:14 >

thou mayest know                        <ISA45  -:3 >

thou mayest know                        <JER6  -:27 >

thou mayest know how                    <EXO9  -:29 >

thou mayest know how thou oughtest      <1TI3  -:15 >

thou mayest learn                       <DEU14  -:23 >

thou mayest live                        <DEU16  -:20 >

thou mayest live                        <DEU30  -:16 >

thou mayest live                        <DEU30  -:6 >

thou mayest live long on                <EPH6  -:3 >

thou mayest look on their nakedness     <HAB2  -:15 >

thou mayest love                        <DEU30  -:20 >

thou mayest not consume them at once    <DEU7  -:22 >

thou mayest not eat                     <DEU12  -:23 >

thou mayest not eat within thy gates    <DEU12  -:17 >

thou mayest not hide thyself            <DEU22  -:3 >

thou mayest not sacrifice               <DEU16  -:5 >

thou mayest not set                     <DEU17  -:15 >

thou mayest obey his voice              <DEU30  -:20 >

thou mayest observe                     <JOS1  -:7 >

thou mayest observe                     <JOS1  -:8 >

thou mayest prolong                     <DEU22  -:7 >

thou mayest prolong                     <DEU4  -:40 >

thou mayest prosper                     <1KI2  -:3 >

thou mayest prosper                     <3JO1  -:2 >

thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest  <JOS1  -:7 >

thou mayest recover him         <2KI5  -:6 >

thou mayest regard discretion           <PRO5  -:2 >

thou mayest reign over all              <2SA3  -:21 >

thou mayest remember                    <DEU16  -:3 >

thou mayest remember                    <EZE16  -:63 >

thou mayest save thine own life <1KI1  -:12 >

thou mayest say                 <ISA49  -:9 >

thou mayest see                 <REV3  -:18 >

thou mayest take away                   <1KI2  -:31 >

thou mayest teach them                  <EXO24  -:12 >

thou mayest tell                        <EXO10  -:2 >

thou mayest understand                  <ACT24  -:11 >

thou mayest use them for                <NUM10  -:2 >

thou mayest walk                        <PRO2  -:20 >

thou meetest him                        <ISA64  -:5 >

thou mightest answer                    <PRO22  -:21 >

thou mightest be justified              <ROM3  -:4 >

thou mightest be justified when thou speakest  <PSA51  -:4 >

thou mightest bring them again unto thy law  <NEH9  -:29 >

thou mightest charge some               <1TI1  -:2 >

thou mightest fear                      <DEU6  -:2 >

thou mightest know                      <DAN2  -:30 >

thou mightest know                      <DEU4  -:35 >

thou mightest know                      <LUK1  -:4 >

thou mightest receive thy sight <ACT9  -:17 >

thou mightest still                     <PSA8  -:2 >

thou mighty man                 <JUG6  -:12 >

thou mourn at                           <PRO5  -:11 >

thou must be brought before caesar      <ACT27  -:24 >

thou must buy                           <RUT4  -:5 >

thou must come                          <GEN30  -:16 >

thou must die                           <DEU31  -:14 >

thou must give us also sacrifices       <EXO10  -:25 >

thou must go                            <1CH17  -:11 >

thou must offer it unto         <JUG13  -:16 >

thou must prophesy again before many peoples  <REV10  -:11 >

thou my very son esau                   <GEN27  -:24 >

thou never barest rule over them        <ISA63  -:19 >

thou not                                <1SA15  -:17 >

thou not                                <2SA19  -:13 >

thou not from everlasting               <HAB1  -:12 >

thou not it                             <ISA51  -:9 >

thou not it which hath dried            <ISA51  -:10 >

thou obeyedst not my voice              <JER22  -:21 >

thou observe diligently         <DEU24  -:8 >

thou observe these things without preferring one before another  

<1TI5  -:21 >

thou offer not thy burnt offerings      <DEU12  -:13 >

thou only                               <1KI8  -:39 >

thou only                               <2KI19  -:19 >

thou only                               <ISA37  -:20 >

thou openest thine hand         <PSA104  -:28 >

thou openest thine hand         <PSA145  -:16 >

thou oughtest therefore         <MAT25  -:27 >

thou our god hast punished us less than our iniquities  <EZR9  -:

13 >

thou our potter                 <ISA64  -:8 >

thou over all                           <2CH20  -:6 >

thou owest                              <MAT18  -:28 >

thou pass not such                      <2KI6  -:9 >

thou preparedst                 <PSA80  -:9 >

thou preparest                          <PSA23  -:5 >

thou preparest them corn                <PSA65  -:9 >

thou preservest man                     <PSA36  -:6 >

thou preservest them all                <NEH9  -:6 >

thou prevailest for ever against him    <JOB14  -:20 >

thou promisedst him                     <1KI8  -:24 >

thou promisedst him                     <1KI8  -:25 >

thou puttest away all                   <PSA119  -:119 >

thou puttest my feet also               <JOB13  -:27 >

thou puttest thine hand unto            <DEU15  -:10 >

thou puttest thy nest                   <NUM24  -:21 >

thou quench not                 <2SA21  -:17 >

thou rebellest against me               <2KI18  -:20 >

thou rebellest against me               <ISA36  -:5 >

thou refusedst                          <JER3  -:3 >

thou regardest me                       <JOB30  -:20 >

thou regardest neither princes nor servants  <2SA19  -:6 >

thou reignest over all                  <1CH29  -:12 >

thou renewest                           <PSA104  -:30 >

thou renewest thy witnesses against me  <JOB10  -:17 >

thou requirest                          <RUT3  -:11 >

thou rode together after ahab his father  <2KI9  -:25 >

thou rulest                             <PSA89  -:9 >

thou s exo                              <EXO13  -:5 >

thou saidst                             <GEN32  -:12 >

thou saidst                             <ISA47  -:7 >

thou saidst                             <JER2  -:20 >

thou saidst                             <JER22  -:21 >

thou saidst                             <JOB35  -:2 >

thou saidst                             <LAM3  -:57 >

thou saidst unto thy servants           <GEN44  -:23 >

thou saidst unto thy servants           <GEN44  -:21 >

thou satest                             <PSA9  -:4 >

thou savest me from violence            <2SA22  -:3 >

thou sawest                             <1SA19  -:5 >

thou sawest                             <2SA18  -:11 >

thou sawest                             <DAN4  -:20 >

thou sawest till                        <DAN2  -:34 >

thou sawest was                 <REV17  -:8 >

thou say                                <DEU8  -:17 >

thou say nothing but                    <2CH18  -:15 >

thou sayest                             <2CH25  -:19 >

thou sayest                             <2KI18  -:20 >

thou sayest                             <AMO7  -:16 >

thou sayest                             <JOB22  -:13 >

thou sayest                             <JOH18  -:37 >

thou sayest                             <JOH8  -:52 >

thou sayest                             <LUK20  -:21 >

thou sayest                             <LUK23  -:3 >

thou sayest                             <MAR15  -:2 >

thou sayest                             <MAT27  -:11 >

thou sayest unto me                     <EXO33  -:12 >

thou sayest unto me                     <RUT3  -:5 >

thou scornest                           <PRO9  -:12 >

thou scornest hire                      <EZE16  -:31 >

thou se                         <EZE40  -:4 >

thou sealest up                 <EZE28  -:12 >

thou see not                            <EZE12  -:6 >

thou seekest                            <1KI11  -:22 >

thou seekest                            <2SA20  -:19 >

thou seest                              <ACT21  -:20 >

thou seest                              <DEU12  -:13 >

thou seest                              <GEN31  -:43 >

thou seest                              <JUG9  -:36 >

thou seest                              <MAR5  -:31 >

thou seest not                          <ISA58  -:3 >

thou sellest thy people for nought      <PSA44  -:12 >

thou sendest                            <2KI1  -:6 >

thou sendest forth thy spirit           <PSA104  -:30 >

thou sentest forth thy wrath            <EXO15  -:7 >

thou settest                            <JOB13  -:27 >

thou settest                            <JOB7  -:12 >

thou settest                            <PSA21  -:3 >

thou settest thine hand         <DEU23  -:20 >

thou settest thine hand unto            <DEU28  -:8 >

thou settest thine hand unto for        <DEU28  -:20 >

thou settlest                           <PSA65  -:10 >

thou sewest up mine iniquity            <JOB14  -:17 >

thou shal                               <JER38  -:17 >

thou shalt                              <DEU17  -:15 >

thou shalt                              <DEU22  -:1 >

thou shalt                              <LEV19  -:17 >

thou shalt abide for me many days       <HOS3  -:3 >

thou shalt accomplish                   <1KI5  -:9 >

thou shalt again be adorned with thy tabrets  <JER31  -:4 >

thou shalt also be                      <ISA62  -:3 >

thou shalt also be taken                <JER48  -:7 >

thou shalt also call unto them          <JER7  -:27 >

thou shalt also consider                <DEU8  -:5 >

thou shalt also decree                  <JOB22  -:28 >

thou shalt also make                    <EXO25  -:23 >

thou shalt also make                    <EXO30  -:18 >

thou shalt also prevail         <2CH18  -:21 >

thou shalt also suck                    <ISA60  -:16 >

thou shalt also take one ram            <EXO29  -:15 >

thou shalt also take thereof            <EZE5  -:3 >

thou shalt anoint                       <EXO30  -:26 >

thou shalt anoint                       <EXO40  -:10 >

thou shalt anoint                       <EXO40  -:11 >

thou shalt anoint aaron         <EXO30  -:30 >

thou shalt anoint him                   <1SA9  -:16 >

thou shalt anoint it                    <EXO29  -:36 >

thou shalt anoint them                  <EXO40  -:15 >

thou shalt anoint unto me               <1SA16  -:3 >

thou shalt answer                       <EZE21  -:7 >

thou shalt appoint                      <1KI5  -:6 >

thou shalt appoint aaron                <NUM3  -:10 >

thou shalt appoint me                   <1KI5  -:9 >

thou shalt arise                        <PSA102  -:13 >

thou shalt ascend                       <EZE38  -:9 >

thou shalt bake it with dung            <EZE4  -:12 >

thou shalt be                           <1SA16  -:16 >

thou shalt be                           <1TI4  -:6 >

thou shalt be                           <2SA5  -:2 >

thou shalt be                           <DEU28  -:44 >

thou shalt be                           <EXO4  -:16 >

thou shalt be                           <EZE24  -:27 >

thou shalt be                           <EZE26  -:14 >

thou shalt be                           <EZE27  -:36 >

thou shalt be                           <EZE28  -:19 >

thou shalt be                           <GEN12  -:2 >

thou shalt be                           <GEN17  -:4 >

thou shalt be above only                <DEU28  -:13 >

thou shalt be as                        <JOB11  -:17 >

thou shalt be as he                     <PRO23  -:34 >

thou shalt be as my mouth               <JER15  -:19 >

thou shalt be as one                    <2SA13  -:13 >

thou shalt be blessed                   <LUK14  -:14 >

thou shalt be blessed above all people  <DEU7  -:14 >

thou shalt be blind                     <ACT13  -:11 >

thou shalt be broken                    <EZE32  -:28 >

thou shalt be broken by         <EZE27  -:34 >

thou shalt be brought down              <ISA29  -:4 >

thou shalt be built                     <ISA44  -:28 >

thou shalt be built                     <JER31  -:4 >

thou shalt be built no more             <EZE26  -:14 >

thou shalt be built up                  <JOB22  -:23 >

thou shalt be buried                    <GEN15  -:15 >

thou shalt be called                    <ISA58  -:12 >

thou shalt be called                    <ISA62  -:12 >

thou shalt be called by         <ISA62  -:2 >

thou shalt be called cephas             <JOH1  -:42 >

thou shalt be clean                     <2KI5  -:10 >

thou shalt be clear from my oath        <GEN24  -:41 >

thou shalt be clothed with scarlet      <DAN5  -:16 >

thou shalt be cut off for ever          <OBA1  -:10 >

thou shalt be cut off from              <EXO9  -:15 >

thou shalt be delivered into            <JER37  -:17 >

thou shalt be desolate                  <EZE35  -:15 >

thou shalt be desolate                  <EZE35  -:4 >

thou shalt be drunken                   <LAM4  -:21 >

thou shalt be dumb                      <EZE3  -:26 >

thou shalt be dumb                      <LUK1  -:20 >

thou shalt be far from oppression       <ISA54  -:14 >

thou shalt be filled with drunkenness   <EZE23  -:33 >

thou shalt be for booties unto them     <HAB2  -:7 >

thou shalt be for fuel                  <EZE21  -:32 >

thou shalt be gathered                  <2CH34  -:28 >

thou shalt be gathered into thy grave   <2KI22  -:20 >

thou shalt be hid                       <NAH3  -:11 >

thou shalt be hid from                  <JOB5  -:21 >

thou shalt be inhabited         <ISA44  -:26 >

thou shalt be king over israel          <1SA23  -:17 >

thou shalt be laughed                   <EZE23  -:32 >

thou shalt be like                      <EZE38  -:9 >

thou shalt be like                      <ISA58  -:11 >

thou shalt be mad for                   <DEU28  -:34 >

thou shalt be missed                    <1SA20  -:18 >

thou shalt be near unto me              <GEN45  -:10 >

thou shalt be no                        <EZE21  -:32 >

thou shalt be no priest         <HOS4  -:6 >

thou shalt be only oppressed            <DEU28  -:33 >

thou shalt be only oppressed            <DEU28  -:29 >

thou shalt be over my house             <GEN41  -:40 >

thou shalt be perfect with              <DEU18  -:13 >

thou shalt be ruler over my people israel  <1CH11  -:2 >

thou shalt be satisfied with bread      <PRO20  -:13 >

thou shalt be saved                     <ACT16  -:31 >

thou shalt be saved                     <ROM10  -:9 >

thou shalt be secure                    <JOB11  -:18 >

thou shalt be spoiled                   <ISA33  -:1 >

thou shalt be stedfast                  <JOB11  -:15 >

thou shalt be their inheritance <EZE36  -:12 >

thou shalt be visited                   <ISA29  -:6 >

thou shalt be wise for thyself          <PRO9  -:12 >

thou shalt bear                 <EZE4  -:6 >

thou shalt beat                 <EXO30  -:36 >

thou shalt beat                 <MIC4  -:13 >

thou shalt beat him with                <PRO23  -:14 >

thou shalt become                       <ZEC4  -:7 >

thou shalt become an astonishment       <DEU28  -:37 >

thou shalt beget sons                   <DEU28  -:41 >

thou shalt bestow                       <DEU14  -:26 >

thou shalt betroth                      <DEU28  -:30 >

thou shalt bid us                       <2KI10  -:5 >

thou shalt bind                 <JER51  -:63 >

thou shalt bind them for                <DEU6  -:8 >

thou shalt bind this line               <JOS2  -:18 >

thou shalt blot out                     <DEU25  -:19 >

thou shalt both do great                <1SA26  -:25 >

thou shalt break                        <EZE23  -:34 >

thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck  <GEN27  -:40 >

thou shalt break them with              <PSA2  -:9 >

thou shalt bring                        <2SA9  -:10 >

thou shalt bring                        <EXO40  -:4 >

thou shalt bring                        <EXO40  -:4 >

thou shalt bring                        <GEN27  -:10 >

thou shalt bring                        <LEV2  -:8 >

thou shalt bring                        <NUM8  -:10 >

thou shalt bring                        <NUM8  -:9 >

thou shalt bring aaron                  <EXO40  -:12 >

thou shalt bring down                   <ISA25  -:5 >

thou shalt bring for                    <NUM15  -:10 >

thou shalt bring forth                  <NUM20  -:8 >

thou shalt bring his sons               <EXO29  -:8 >

thou shalt bring his sons               <EXO40  -:14 >

thou shalt bring it                     <LEV6  -:21 >

thou shalt bring them                   <EXO15  -:17 >

thou shalt bring thy father             <JOS2  -:18 >

thou shalt bruise his heel              <GEN3  -:15 >

thou shalt build                        <DEU27  -:6 >

thou shalt build an house               <DEU28  -:30 >

thou shalt build bulwarks against       <DEU20  -:20 >

thou shalt burn                 <EXO29  -:18 >

thou shalt burn                 <LEV13  -:57 >

thou shalt burn it                      <LEV13  -:55 >

thou shalt burn with fire               <EZE5  -:2 >

thou shalt by no means come out thence  <MAT5  -:26 >

thou shalt call                 <DEU30  -:1 >

thou shalt call                 <ISA55  -:5 >

thou shalt call                 <JOB14  -:15 >

thou shalt call his name isaac          <GEN17  -:19 >

thou shalt call his name jesus          <MAT1  -:21 >

thou shalt call his name john           <LUK1  -:13 >

thou shalt call me                      <JER3  -:19 >

thou shalt call me ishi         <HOS2  -:16 >

thou shalt carry it up                  <2CH2  -:16 >

thou shalt carry me out         <GEN47  -:30 >

thou shalt carry much seed out into     <DEU28  -:38 >

thou shalt cast five sockets            <EXO26  -:37 >

thou shalt cast four rings              <EXO25  -:12 >

thou shalt cast them away as            <ISA30  -:22 >

thou shalt cause                        <EXO29  -:10 >

thou shalt cause                        <NUM27  -:7 >

thou shalt cause them                   <DEU31  -:7 >

thou shalt cause this city              <JER38  -:23 >

thou shalt cleanse                      <EXO29  -:36 >

thou shalt cleanse them         <NUM8  -:15 >

thou shalt come                 <1SA10  -:3 >

thou shalt come                 <1SA10  -:5 >

thou shalt come                 <EXO3  -:18 >

thou shalt come                 <JER20  -:6 >

thou shalt come                 <JOB5  -:26 >

thou shalt come down very low           <DEU28  -:43 >

thou shalt come from thy place out      <EZE38  -:15 >

thou shalt come into                    <GEN6  -:18 >

thou shalt come unto                    <DEU17  -:9 >

thou shalt come up                      <EXO19  -:24 >

thou shalt come up against my people    <EZE38  -:16 >

thou shalt command                      <EXO27  -:20 >

thou shalt command                      <JOS3  -:8 >

thou shalt compass me about with songs  <PSA32  -:7 >

thou shalt conceive                     <JUG13  -:5 >

thou shalt conceive                     <JUG13  -:7 >

thou shalt conceive                     <LUK1  -:31 >

thou shalt consecrate aaron             <EXO29  -:9 >

thou shalt consume all                  <DEU7  -:16 >

thou shalt couple five curtains by themselves  <EXO26  -:9 >

thou shalt cover thy face               <EZE12  -:6 >

thou shalt cry                          <ISA58  -:9 >

thou shalt cut                          <EXO29  -:17 >

thou shalt cut it down                  <JOS17  -:18 >

thou shalt cut it down                  <LUK13  -:9 >

thou shalt daily prepare                <EZE46  -:13 >

thou shalt dash them                    <PSA2  -:9 >

thou shalt deliver it unto him by       <EXO22  -:26 >

thou shalt deliver me thy silver        <1KI20  -:5 >

thou shalt deliver pharaoh's cup into his hand  <GEN40  -:13 >

thou shalt deny me thrice               <LUK22  -:61 >

thou shalt deny me thrice               <MAR14  -:72 >

thou shalt deny me thrice               <MAR14  -:30 >

thou shalt deny me thrice               <MAT26  -:34 >

thou shalt deny me thrice               <MAT26  -:75 >

thou shalt despise their image          <PSA73  -:20 >

thou shalt destroy                      <DEU20  -:20 >

thou shalt destroy their name from under heaven  <DEU7  -:24 >

thou shalt destroy them         <PSA5  -:6 >

thou shalt die                          <AMO7  -:17 >

thou shalt die                          <EZE28  -:10 >

thou shalt die                          <EZE28  -:8 >

thou shalt die                          <JER34  -:5 >

thou shalt dig                          <JOB11  -:18 >

thou shalt dig therewith                <DEU23  -:13 >

thou shalt diligently consider his place  <PSA37  -:10 >

thou shalt do                           <DEU17  -:11 >

thou shalt do                           <DEU6  -:18 >

thou shalt do                           <JOS8  -:2 >

thou shalt do                           <NUM21  -:34 >

thou shalt do according         <DEU17  -:10 >

thou shalt do no murder         <MAT19  -:18 >

thou shalt do no work                   <DEU16  -:8 >

thou shalt do no work with              <DEU15  -:19 >

thou shalt do unto him as thou didst unto sihon king  <DEU3  -:2


thou shalt do unto me                   <GEN21  -:23 >

thou shalt do unto them         <EXO29  -:1 >

thou shalt do well                      <3JO1  -:6 >

thou shalt drink                        <1KI17  -:4 >

thou shalt drink                        <EZE23  -:32 >

thou shalt drink also water by measure  <EZE4  -:11 >

thou shalt drive them out before thee   <EXO23  -:31 >

thou shalt dwell                        <GEN45  -:10 >

thou shalt dwell                        <MIC4  -:10 >

thou shalt eat                          <DEU12  -:21 >

thou shalt eat                          <DEU12  -:27 >

thou shalt eat                          <DEU15  -:20 >

thou shalt eat                          <DEU20  -:14 >

thou shalt eat                          <DEU28  -:53 >

thou shalt eat                          <GEN3  -:18 >

thou shalt eat                          <MIC6  -:14 >

thou shalt eat before                   <DEU14  -:23 >

thou shalt eat bread at my table continually  <2SA9  -:7 >

thou shalt eat it                       <EZE4  -:12 >

thou shalt eat it within thy gates      <DEU15  -:22 >

thou shalt eat no bread nor drink water there  <1KI13  -:17 >

thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it  <DEU16  -:3 >

thou shalt eat there before             <DEU14  -:26 >

thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days  <EXO23  -:15 >

thou shalt embrace                      <2KI4  -:16 >

thou shalt embroider                    <EXO28  -:39 >

thou shalt endamage                     <EZR4  -:13 >

thou shalt entice                       <2CH18  -:21 >

thou shalt escape                       <EST4  -:13 >

thou shalt escape                       <ROM2  -:3 >

thou shalt even drink it                <EZE23  -:34 >

thou shalt even take five shekels apiece by  <NUM3  -:47 >

thou shalt fall upon                    <EZE29  -:5 >

thou shalt fall upon                    <EZE39  -:4 >

thou shalt fall upon                    <EZE39  -:5 >

thou shalt fan them                     <ISA41  -:16 >

thou shalt fasten                       <EXO28  -:25 >

thou shalt fear                 <DEU10  -:20 >

thou shalt fear                 <DEU6  -:13 >

thou shalt fear day                     <DEU28  -:66 >

thou shalt feed my people israel        <2SA5  -:2 >

thou shalt feed my people israel        <1CH11  -:2 >

thou shalt find                 <DEU4  -:29 >

thou shalt find                 <MAT17  -:27 >

thou shalt find them no more at all     <REV18  -:14 >

thou shalt forgive him                  <LUK17  -:4 >

thou shalt furnish him liberally out    <DEU15  -:14 >

thou shalt gather                       <GEN6  -:21 >

thou shalt gather                       <NUM8  -:9 >

thou shalt gather all                   <DEU13  -:16 >

thou shalt gird them with girdles       <EXO29  -:9 >

thou shalt give                 <EZE43  -:19 >

thou shalt give                 <NUM3  -:9 >

thou shalt give                 <NUM3  -:48 >

thou shalt give it unto         <DEU14  -:21 >

thou shalt give me                      <GEN28  -:22 >

thou shalt give them unto               <NUM7  -:5 >

thou shalt glorify me                   <PSA50  -:15 >

thou shalt go                           <DEU21  -:13 >

thou shalt go                           <GEN15  -:15 >

thou shalt go                           <JER34  -:3 >

thou shalt go                           <MIC4  -:10 >

thou shalt go                           <RUT3  -:4 >

thou shalt go down before me            <1SA10  -:8 >

thou shalt go down quickly              <1SA20  -:19 >

thou shalt go forth at even             <EZE12  -:4 >

thou shalt go forth from him            <JER2  -:37 >

thou shalt go no more out with us       <2SA21  -:17 >

thou shalt go out one way against them  <DEU28  -:25 >

thou shalt go out with me               <1SA28  -:1 >

thou shalt go unto                      <DEU26  -:3 >

thou shalt grant it me for              <1CH21  -:22 >

thou shalt grope at noonday             <DEU28  -:29 >

thou shalt guide me with thy counsel    <PSA73  -:24 >

thou shalt hang it upon four pillars    <EXO26  -:32 >

thou shalt hang up                      <EXO26  -:33 >

thou shalt have                 <DEU23  -:12 >

thou shalt have                 <DEU23  -:13 >

thou shalt have                 <DEU25  -:15 >

thou shalt have                 <PRO27  -:27 >

thou shalt have all                     <PSA59  -:8 >

thou shalt have joy                     <LUK1  -:14 >

thou shalt have known                   <DAN4  -:26 >

thou shalt have n deu                   <DEU28  -:31 >

thou shalt have no                      <MIC5  -:12 >

thou shalt have no inheritance          <NUM18  -:20 >

thou shalt have no other gods before me  <EXO20  -:3 >

thou shalt have none other gods before me  <DEU5  -:7 >

thou shalt have olive trees throughout all thy coasts  <DEU28  -:

40 >

thou shalt have plenty                  <JOB22  -:25 >

thou shalt have praise                  <ROM13  -:3 >

thou shalt have this son also           <GEN35  -:17 >

thou shalt have treasure                <LUK18  -:22 >

thou shalt have treasure                <MAR10  -:21 >

thou shalt have treasure                <MAT19  -:21 >

thou shalt hear him                     <ACT25  -:22 >

thou shalt hear what they say           <JUG7  -:11 >

thou shalt hide them                    <PSA31  -:20 >

thou shalt hock their horses            <JOS11  -:6 >

thou shalt increase my greatness        <PSA71  -:21 >

thou shalt keep                 <DEU16  -:10 >

thou shalt keep                 <EXO23  -:15 >

thou shalt keep fast by my young men    <RUT2  -:21 >

thou shalt keep my covenant therefore   <GEN17  -:9 >

thou shalt keep them                    <PSA12  -:7 >

thou shalt keep them secretly           <PSA31  -:20 >

thou shalt keep therefore his statutes  <DEU4  -:40 >

thou shalt kill                 <EXO29  -:11 >

thou shalt kill                 <LEV20  -:16 >

thou shalt kill                 <NUM14  -:15 >

thou shalt know                 <1KI20  -:13 >

thou shalt know                 <EZE16  -:62 >

thou shalt know                 <EZE22  -:16 >

thou shalt know                 <EZE35  -:12 >

thou shalt know                 <EZE35  -:4 >

thou shalt know                 <HOS2  -:20 >

thou shalt know                 <ISA49  -:23 >

thou shalt know                 <ISA60  -:16 >

thou shalt know                 <JOB5  -:24 >

thou shalt know                 <ZEC2  -:11 >

thou shalt know                 <ZEC4  -:9 >

thou shalt know also                    <JOB5  -:25 >

thou shalt know for certain             <1KI2  -:37 >

thou shalt know no god but me           <HOS13  -:4 >

thou shalt know t                       <EZE25  -:7 >

thou shalt l                            <ROM13  -:9 >

thou shalt lay siege against it <EZE4  -:3 >

thou shalt lay them up                  <NUM17  -:4 >

thou shalt leave them for               <LEV19  -:10 >

thou shalt leave them unto              <LEV23  -:22 >

thou shalt lend unto many nations       <DEU15  -:6 >

thou shalt lend unto many nations       <DEU28  -:12 >

thou shalt let him go free from thee    <JER34  -:14 >

thou shalt let it rest                  <EXO23  -:11 >

thou shalt lie                          <EZE31  -:18 >

thou shalt lie down                     <PRO3  -:24 >

thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity  <EZE4  -:

4 >

thou shalt lie upon thy side            <EZE4  -:9 >

thou shalt live                 <GEN20  -:7 >

thou shalt live                 <LUK10  -:28 >

thou shalt love                 <DEU6  -:5 >

thou shalt love                 <LUK10  -:27 >

thou shalt love                 <MAR12  -:30 >

thou shalt love                 <MAT22  -:37 >

thou shalt love him as thyself          <LEV19  -:34 >

thou shalt love thy neighbour           <MAT5  -:43 >

thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself  <MAT19  -:19 >

thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself  <MAT22  -:39 >

thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself  <MAR12  -:31 >

thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself  <GAL5  -:14 >

thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself  <JAM2  -:8 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO25  -:17 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO25  -:37 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO25  -:25 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO25  -:28 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO25  -:29 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO25  -:31 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO26  -:14 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO26  -:18 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO26  -:31 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO27  -:2 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO27  -:9 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO28  -:15 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO28  -:36 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO28  -:39 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO28  -:39 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO28  -:31 >

thou shalt make                 <EXO30  -:5 >

thou shalt make an altar                <EXO27  -:1 >

thou shalt make an altar                <EXO30  -:1 >

thou shalt make an hanging for          <EXO26  -:36 >

thou shalt make bars                    <EXO26  -:26 >

thou shalt make boards for              <EXO26  -:15 >

thou shalt make curtains                <EXO26  -:7 >

thou shalt make fifty loops on          <EXO26  -:10 >

thou shalt make fifty taches            <EXO26  -:6 >

thou shalt make fifty taches            <EXO26  -:11 >

thou shalt make for                     <EXO26  -:37 >

thou shalt make for it                  <EXO27  -:4 >

thou shalt make for it four rings       <EXO25  -:26 >

thou shalt make for them girdles        <EXO28  -:40 >

thou shalt make forty sockets           <EXO26  -:19 >

thou shalt make his pans                <EXO27  -:3 >

thou shalt make holy garments for aaron thy brother for glory  

<EXO28  -:2 >

thou shalt make it                      <EXO30  -:35 >

thou shalt make it an oil               <EXO30  -:25 >

thou shalt make loops                   <EXO26  -:4 >

thou shalt make me                      <PSA51  -:6 >

thou shalt make me full         <ACT2  -:28 >

thou shalt make no covenant with them   <EXO23  -:32 >

thou shalt make no covenant with them   <DEU7  -:2 >

thou shalt make ouches                  <EXO28  -:13 >

thou shalt make ready                   <PSA21  -:12 >

thou shalt make staves                  <EXO25  -:13 >

thou shalt make staves for              <EXO27  -:6 >

thou shalt make streets for thee        <1KI20  -:34 >

thou shalt make thee fringes upon       <DEU22  -:12 >

thou shalt make thee no molten gods     <EXO34  -:17 >

thou shalt make them                    <EXO28  -:11 >

thou shalt make them as         <PSA21  -:9 >

thou shalt make them drink              <PSA36  -:8 >

thou shalt make them linen breeches     <EXO28  -:42 >

thou shalt make thy prayer unto him     <JOB22  -:27 >

thou shalt make two cherubims           <EXO25  -:18 >

thou shalt make two rings               <EXO28  -:26 >

thou shalt make unto it         <EXO25  -:25 >

thou shalt make unto it         <EXO30  -:3 >

thou shalt make upon                    <EXO28  -:22 >

thou shalt make upon                    <EXO28  -:23 >

thou shalt mark                 <RUT3  -:4 >

thou shalt meet                 <1SA10  -:5 >

thou shalt neither sow thy field        <LEV25  -:4 >

thou shalt neither vex                  <EXO22  -:21 >

thou shalt never wash my feet           <JOH13  -:8 >

thou shalt no more be haughty because   <ZEP3  -:11 >

thou shalt no more be termed forsaken   <ISA62  -:4 >

thou shalt no more drink it again       <ISA51  -:22 >

thou shalt no more henceforth bereave them  <EZE36  -:12 >

thou shalt no more rejoice              <ISA23  -:12 >

thou shalt no more worship              <MIC5  -:13 >

thou shalt not abhor an edomite <DEU23  -:7 >

thou shalt not abhor an egyptian        <DEU23  -:7 >

thou shalt not add thereto              <DEU12  -:32 >

thou shalt not also go into             <JER16  -:8 >

thou shalt not approach         <LEV18  -:14 >

thou shalt not avenge                   <LEV19  -:18 >

thou shalt not be                       <EXO22  -:25 >

thou shalt not be able                  <ISA47  -:11 >

thou shalt not be affrighted at them    <DEU7  -:21 >

thou shalt not be afraid                <DEU18  -:22 >

thou shalt not be afraid                <DEU7  -:18 >

thou shalt not be afraid                <PRO3  -:24 >

thou shalt not be afraid for            <PSA91  -:5 >

thou shalt not be as                    <MAT6  -:5 >

thou shalt not be beneath               <DEU28  -:13 >

thou shalt not be brought together      <EZE29  -:5 >

thou shalt not be burned                <ISA43  -:2 >

thou shalt not be cured         <JER46  -:11 >

thou shalt not be established           <1SA20  -:31 >

thou shalt not be for                   <HOS3  -:3 >

thou shalt not be forgotten             <ISA44  -:21 >

thou shalt not be given into            <JER39  -:17 >

thou shalt not be joined with them      <ISA14  -:20 >

thou shalt not be purged from thy filthiness any more  <EZE24  -:

13 >

thou shalt not bear false witness       <MAT19  -:18 >

thou shalt not bear false witness       <ROM13  -:9 >

thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour  <EXO20  

-:16 >

thou shalt not bear tidings this day    <2SA18  -:20 >

thou shalt not borrow                   <DEU28  -:12 >

thou shalt not bow down         <EXO23  -:24 >

thou shalt not bow down thyself <EXO20  -:5 >

thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them  <DEU5  -:9 >

thou shalt not bring                    <DEU23  -:18 >

thou shalt not build an house for my name  <1CH28  -:3 >

thou shalt not build an house unto my name  <1CH22  -:8 >

thou shalt not build it         <EXO20  -:25 >

thou shalt not build me an house        <1CH17  -:4 >

thou shalt not call her name sarai      <GEN17  -:15 >

thou shalt not carry forth ought        <EXO12  -:46 >

thou shalt not cause                    <DEU24  -:4 >

thou shalt not come                     <2SA5  -:6 >

thou shalt not come down from           <2KI1  -:4 >

thou shalt not come hither              <1CH11  -:5 >

thou shalt not commit adultery          <EXO20  -:14 >

thou shalt not commit adultery          <MAT5  -:27 >

thou shalt not commit adultery          <MAT19  -:18 >

thou shalt not commit adultery          <ROM13  -:9 >

thou shalt not commit this lewdness above all thine  <EZE16  -:

43 >

thou shalt not compel him               <LEV25  -:39 >

thou shalt not consent unto him <DEU13  -:8 >

thou shalt not covet                    <ROM13  -:9 >

thou shalt not covet                    <ROM7  -:7 >

thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house  <EXO20  -:17 >

thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife  <EXO20  -:17 >

thou shalt not curse                    <LEV19  -:14 >

thou shalt not curse                    <NUM22  -:12 >

thou shalt not cut off thy kindness from my house for ever  

<1SA20  -:15 >

thou shalt not cut them down            <DEU20  -:19 >

thou shalt not decline from             <DEU17  -:11 >

thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour    <LEV19  -:13 >

thou shalt not delay                    <EXO22  -:29 >

thou shalt not deliver unto his master  <DEU23  -:15 >

thou shalt not depart thence            <LUK12  -:59 >

thou shalt not desire                   <DEU7  -:25 >

thou shalt not destroy                  <DEU20  -:19 >

thou shalt not die                      <1SA20  -:2 >

thou shalt not die                      <2SA12  -:13 >

thou shalt not die                      <2SA19  -:23 >

thou shalt not die                      <JER38  -:24 >

thou shalt not die                      <JUG6  -:23 >

thou shalt not die by                   <JER34  -:4 >

thou shalt not do any work              <DEU5  -:14 >

thou shalt not do any work              <EXO20  -:10 >

thou shalt not do so unto               <DEU12  -:31 >

thou shalt not do this thing            <JER40  -:16 >

thou shalt not dwell therein            <DEU28  -:30 >

thou shalt not eat                      <GEN2  -:17 >

thou shalt not eat                      <GEN3  -:17 >

thou shalt not eat any abominable thing  <DEU14  -:3 >

thou shalt not eat it                   <DEU12  -:25 >

thou shalt not eat it                   <DEU12  -:24 >

thou shalt not eat thereof              <DEU28  -:31 >

thou shalt not escape out               <JER34  -:3 >

thou shalt not escape out               <JER38  -:18 >

thou shalt not escape out               <JER38  -:23 >

thou shalt not excel                    <GEN49  -:4 >

thou shalt not fall by                  <JER39  -:18 >

thou shalt not follow                   <EXO23  -:2 >

thou shalt not forsake him              <DEU14  -:27 >

thou shalt not forswear thyself <MAT5  -:33 >

thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury  <LEV25  -:37 >

thou shalt not give me any thing        <GEN30  -:31 >

thou shalt not glean                    <DEU24  -:21 >

thou shalt not glean thy vineyard       <LEV19  -:10 >

thou shalt not go again         <DEU24  -:19 >

thou shalt not go aside from any        <DEU28  -:14 >

thou shalt not go forth         <2SA18  -:3 >

thou shalt not go into his house        <DEU24  -:10 >

thou shalt not go out among them        <EZE3  -:25 >

thou shalt not go over                  <DEU24  -:20 >

thou shalt not go over this jordan      <DEU31  -:2 >

thou shalt not go through               <NUM20  -:20 >

thou shalt not go unpunished            <JER49  -:12 >

thou shalt not go up                    <2SA5  -:23 >

thou shalt not go up                    <LEV19  -:16 >

thou shalt not go with them             <NUM22  -:12 >

thou shalt not harden thine heart       <DEU15  -:7 >

thou shalt not hate thy brother <LEV19  -:17 >

thou shalt not have                     <DEU25  -:14 >

thou shalt not have                     <DEU25  -:13 >

thou shalt not have one lot             <JOS17  -:17 >

thou shalt not hearken unto             <DEU13  -:3 >

thou shalt not inherit                  <JUG11  -:2 >

thou shalt not kill                     <DEU5  -:17 >

thou shalt not kill                     <EXO20  -:13 >

thou shalt not kill                     <MAT5  -:21 >

thou shalt not kill                     <ROM13  -:9 >

thou shalt not know                     <ISA47  -:11 >

thou shalt not know from whence it riseth  <ISA47  -:11 >

thou shalt not know what hour           <REV3  -:3 >

thou shalt not lack any         <DEU8  -:9 >

thou shalt not learn                    <DEU18  -:9 >

thou shalt not lend                     <DEU28  -:44 >

thou shalt not lend upon usury          <DEU23  -:19 >

thou shalt not let any                  <LEV18  -:21 >

thou shalt not let him go away empty    <DEU15  -:13 >

thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with  <LEV19  -:19 >

thou shalt not lie with mankind <LEV18  -:22 >

thou shalt not lift up                  <DEU27  -:5 >

thou shalt not lift up thine eyes unto them  <EZE23  -:27 >

thou shalt not live                     <ZEC13  -:3 >

thou shalt not make clean riddance      <LEV23  -:22 >

thou shalt not make merchandise <DEU21  -:14 >

thou shalt not make thee                <DEU5  -:8 >

thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image  <EXO20  -:4 >

thou shalt not muzzle                   <1CO9  -:9 >

thou shalt not muzzle                   <1TI5  -:18 >

thou shalt not muzzle                   <DEU25  -:4 >

thou shalt not offer                    <EXO23  -:18 >

thou shalt not offer                    <EXO34  -:25 >

thou shalt not only while yet           <1SA20  -:14 >

thou shalt not oppress an hired servant  <DEU24  -:14 >

thou shalt not oppress him              <DEU23  -:16 >

thou shalt not pass by me               <NUM20  -:18 >

thou shalt not pass over this heap      <GEN31  -:52 >

thou shalt not pervert                  <DEU24  -:17 >

thou shalt not plant thee               <DEU16  -:21 >

thou shalt not play                     <HOS3  -:3 >

thou shalt not plow with an ox          <DEU22  -:10 >

thou shalt not prevail aga              <EST6  -:13 >

thou shalt not prosper                  <DEU28  -:29 >

thou shalt not prosper                  <JER2  -:37 >

thou shalt not raise                    <EXO23  -:1 >

thou shalt not redeem                   <NUM18  -:17 >

thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's landmark  <DEU19  -:14 >

thou shalt not respect                  <LEV19  -:15 >

thou shalt not respect persons          <DEU16  -:19 >

thou shalt not revile                   <EXO22  -:28 >

thou shalt not rule over him with rigour  <LEV25  -:43 >

thou shalt not sacrifice it unto        <DEU15  -:21 >

thou shalt not sacrifice unto           <DEU17  -:1 >

thou shalt not see                      <ISA33  -:19 >

thou shalt not see deu                  <DEU14  -:21 >

thou shalt not see evil any more        <ZEP3  -:15 >

thou shalt not see my face              <2SA3  -:13 >

thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall down by  

<DEU22  -:4 >

thou shalt not see thy brother's ox or his sheep go astray  

<DEU22  -:1 >

thou shalt not see thy brother's ox or his sheep go astray  

<DIR\DEU.DIR  -:22 >

thou shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy

days for ever  <DEU23  -:6 >

thou shalt not seethe                   <EXO23  -:19 >

thou shalt not seethe                   <EXO34  -:26 >

thou shalt not slack                    <DEU23  -:21 >

thou shalt not sleep with his pledge    <DEU24  -:12 >

thou shalt not smite                    <2KI6  -:22 >

thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed  <LEV19  -:19 >

thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds  <DEU22  -:9 >

thou shalt not speak evil               <ACT23  -:5 >

thou shalt not steal                    <EXO20  -:15 >

thou shalt not steal                    <MAT19  -:18 >

thou shalt not steal                    <ROM13  -:9 >

thou shalt not stumble                  <PRO4  -:12 >

thou shalt not suffer                   <EXO22  -:18 >

thou shalt not suffer thine holy one    <ACT13  -:35 >

thou shalt not take                     <DEU22  -:6 >

thou shalt not take                     <DEU5  -:11 >

thou shalt not take                     <EXO20  -:7 >

thou shalt not take                     <GEN24  -:3 >

thou shalt not take                     <GEN24  -:37 >

thou shalt not take                     <GEN28  -:1 >

thou shalt not take                     <GEN28  -:6 >

thou shalt not take thee                <JER16  -:2 >

thou shalt not tempt                    <LUK4  -:12 >

thou shalt not tempt                    <MAT4  -:7 >

thou shalt not turn thee from one side  <EZE4  -:8 >

thou shalt not uncover                  <LEV18  -:16 >

thou shalt not uncover                  <LEV18  -:14 >

thou shalt not uncover                  <LEV18  -:12 >

thou shalt not uncover                  <LEV18  -:13 >

thou shalt not uncover                  <LEV18  -:15 >

thou shalt not uncover                  <LEV18  -:17 >

thou shalt not uncover                  <LEV20  -:19 >

thou shalt not uncover her nakedness    <LEV18  -:11 >

thou shalt not uncover her nakedness    <LEV18  -:7 >

thou shalt not uncover her nakedness    <LEV18  -:15 >

thou shalt not wear                     <DEU22  -:11 >

thou shalt not wholly reap              <LEV19  -:9 >

thou shalt not wrest                    <EXO23  -:6 >

thou shalt not wrest judgment           <DEU16  -:19 >

thou shalt number seven sabbaths        <LEV25  -:8 >

thou shalt number them after their families  <NUM4  -:29 >

thou shalt observe                      <DEU16  -:13 >

thou shalt observe                      <DEU16  -:12 >

thou shalt observe                      <DEU17  -:10 >

thou shalt observe                      <EXO34  -:22 >

thou shalt offer                        <EZE43  -:23 >

thou shalt offer                        <NUM28  -:8 >

thou shalt offer                        <NUM8  -:12 >

thou shalt offer burnt offerings thereon unto  <DEU27  -:6 >

thou shalt offer every day              <EXO29  -:36 >

thou shalt offer for                    <LEV2  -:14 >

thou shalt offer peace offerings        <DEU27  -:7 >

thou shalt offer them before            <EZE43  -:24 >

thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings    <DEU12  -:27 >

thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother  <DEU15  -:11 >

thou shalt overlay                      <EXO26  -:29 >

thou shalt overlay                      <EXO26  -:29 >

thou shalt overlay it with brass        <EXO27  -:2 >

thou shalt overlay it with pure gold    <EXO25  -:11 >

thou shalt overlay it with pure gold    <EXO25  -:24 >

thou shalt overlay it with pure gold    <EXO30  -:3 >

thou shalt part it                      <LEV2  -:6 >

thou shalt pay thy vows         <JOB22  -:27 >

thou shalt persuade                     <1KI22  -:22 >

thou shalt plant                        <DEU28  -:30 >

thou shalt plant vineyards              <DEU28  -:39 >

thou shalt plaster them with plaster    <DEU27  -:4 >

thou shalt possess it                   <DEU30  -:5 >

thou shalt possess them         <DEU31  -:3 >

thou shalt pour it upon         <DEU12  -:24 >

thou shalt pour it upon         <DEU15  -:23 >

thou shalt prepare                      <EZE46  -:14 >

thou shalt prepare                      <NUM15  -:6 >

thou shalt prepare it every morning     <EZE46  -:13 >

thou shalt prepare thee         <DEU19  -:3 >

thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith  <EZE4  -:15 >

thou shalt preserve me from trouble     <PSA32  -:7 >

thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever  <PSA12  -

:7 >

thou shalt prophesy against it          <EZE4  -:7 >

thou shalt prophesy with them           <1SA10  -:6 >

thou shalt purge them away              <PSA65  -:3 >

thou shalt put                          <DEU11  -:29 >

thou shalt put                          <EXO25  -:14 >

thou shalt put                          <EXO25  -:21 >

thou shalt put                          <EXO26  -:34 >

thou shalt put                          <EXO26  -:35 >

thou shalt put                          <EXO28  -:12 >

thou shalt put                          <EXO28  -:24 >

thou shalt put                          <EXO28  -:30 >

thou shalt put                          <EXO29  -:6 >

thou shalt put                          <NUM27  -:20 >

thou shalt put all                      <EXO29  -:24 >

thou shalt put away                     <DEU17  -:12 >

thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles  <JOB22  -:

23 >

thou shalt put evil away from among you  <DEU24  -:7 >

thou shalt put into                     <EXO25  -:16 >

thou shalt put it before                <EXO30  -:6 >

thou shalt put it between               <EXO30  -:18 >

thou shalt put it on                    <EXO28  -:37 >

thou shalt put it under         <EXO27  -:5 >

thou shalt put oil upon it              <LEV2  -:15 >

thou shalt put pure frankincense upon   <LEV24  -:7 >

thou shalt put them                     <DEU10  -:2 >

thou shalt put them into one basket     <EXO29  -:3 >

thou shalt put them upon                <EXO28  -:26 >

thou shalt put them upon aaron thy brother  <EXO28  -:41 >

thou shalt put therein                  <EXO40  -:3 >

thou shalt put upon aaron               <EXO40  -:13 >

thou shalt put water therein            <EXO30  -:18 >

thou shalt quite take away their murmurings from me  <NUM17  -:

10 >

thou shalt raise up                     <ISA58  -:12 >

thou shalt read this law before all israel  <DEU31  -:11 >

thou shalt rear up                      <EXO26  -:30 >

thou shalt receive                      <1KI5  -:9 >

thou shalt receive them         <EXO29  -:25 >

thou shalt reign according              <1KI11  -:37 >

thou shalt reign over many nations      <DEU15  -:6 >

thou shalt rejoice                      <DEU14  -:26 >

thou shalt rejoice                      <DEU16  -:14 >

thou shalt rejoice                      <DEU26  -:11 >

thou shalt rejoice                      <ISA41  -:16 >

thou shalt rejoice bef deu              <DEU12  -:18 >

thou shalt rejoice before               <DEU16  -:11 >

thou shalt remember                     <DEU15  -:15 >

thou shalt remember                     <DEU16  -:12 >

thou shalt remember                     <DEU24  -:22 >

thou shalt remember all         <DEU8  -:2 >

thou shalt remove from thy place        <EZE12  -:3 >

thou shalt restore it                   <DEU22  -:2 >

thou shalt return                       <DEU30  -:8 >

thou shalt rise early                   <JUG9  -:33 >

thou shalt rise up before               <LEV19  -:32 >

thou shalt roast                        <DEU16  -:7 >

thou shalt rule over him                <GEN4  -:7 >

thou shalt sanctify                     <EXO29  -:27 >

thou shalt sanctify him therefore       <LEV21  -:8 >

thou shalt sanctify them                <EXO30  -:29 >

thou shalt save alive nothing           <DEU20  -:16 >

thou shalt save israel from             <JUG6  -:14 >

thou shalt say                          <1SA3  -:9 >

thou shalt say                          <DEU12  -:20 >

thou shalt say                          <EZE38  -:11 >

thou shalt say                          <EZE44  -:6 >

thou shalt say                          <JER36  -:29 >

thou shalt say                          <JER51  -:64 >

thou shalt say                          <JUG4  -:20 >

thou shalt say                          <LEV20  -:2 >

thou shalt say unto him         <EXO13  -:14 >

thou shalt say unto him         <EXO7  -:16 >

thou shalt say unto it                  <ISA30  -:22 >

thou shalt say unto pharaoh             <EXO4  -:22 >

thou shalt say unto them                <EZE2  -:4 >

thou shalt say unto them                <EZE3  -:27 >

thou shalt say unto them                <JER26  -:4 >

thou shalt say unto them                <LEV17  -:8 >

thou shalt say unto them                <NUM28  -:3 >

thou shalt see                          <1KI22  -:25 >

thou shalt see                          <2KI7  -:2 >

thou shalt see                          <PSA128  -:5 >

thou shalt see                          <PSA37  -:34 >

thou shalt see an enemy         <1SA2  -:32 >

thou shalt see but                      <NUM23  -:13 >

thou shalt see greater abominatio       <EZE8  -:6 >

thou shalt see greater abominations     <EZE8  -:13 >

thou shalt see greater abominations than these  <EZE8  -:15 >

thou shalt see greater things than these  <JOH1  -:50 >

thou shalt see it no more again <DEU28  -:68 >

thou shalt see it with thine eyes       <2KI7  -:19 >

thou shalt see my back parts            <EXO33  -:23 >

thou shalt see now whether my word shall come  <NUM11  -:23 >

thou shalt see on                       <2CH18  -:24 >

thou shalt see thy children's children  <PSA128  -:6 >

thou shalt seek me                      <JOB7  -:21 >

thou shalt seek them                    <ISA41  -:12 >

thou shalt sell me meat for money       <DEU2  -:28 >

thou shalt send them                    <2CH6  -:34 >

thou shalt separate three cities for thee  <DEU19  -:2 >

thou shalt separate three cities for thee  <DEU19  -:7 >

thou shalt set                          <EXO26  -:35 >

thou shalt set                          <EXO28  -:17 >

thou shalt set                          <EXO40  -:5 >

thou shalt set                          <EXO40  -:6 >

thou shalt set                          <EXO40  -:7 >

thou shalt set                          <NUM8  -:13 >

thou shalt set apart unto               <EXO13  -:12 >

thou shalt set aside                    <2KI4  -:4 >

thou shalt set bounds unto              <EXO19  -:12 >

thou shalt set it before                <DEU26  -:10 >

thou shalt set thee up great stones     <DEU27  -:2 >

thou shalt set them                     <LEV24  -:6 >

thou shalt set up                       <EXO40  -:8 >

thou shalt set upon                     <EXO25  -:30 >

thou shalt shine forth                  <JOB11  -:17 >

thou shalt show her all her abominations  <EZE22  -:2 >

thou shalt show thy son         <EXO13  -:8 >

thou shalt shut                 <2KI4  -:4 >

thou shalt slay                 <EXO29  -:16 >

thou shalt sleep with thy fathers       <DEU31  -:16 >

thou shalt sleep with thy fathers       <2SA7  -:12 >

thou shalt smite                        <2KI9  -:7 >

thou shalt smite                        <EXO17  -:6 >

thou shalt smite                        <JUG6  -:16 >

thou shalt smite every male thereof with  <DEU20  -:13 >

thou shalt smite them                   <DEU7  -:2 >

thou shalt sow                          <ISA30  -:23 >

thou shalt sow                          <MIC6  -:15 >

thou shalt speak                        <DEU26  -:5 >

thou shalt speak                        <EZE24  -:27 >

thou shalt speak                        <NUM22  -:35 >

thou shalt speak all                    <EXO7  -:2 >

thou shalt speak my words unto them     <EZE2  -:7 >

thou shalt speak unto                   <EXO30  -:31 >

thou shalt speak unto                   <LEV24  -:15 >

thou shalt speak unto                   <NUM27  -:8 >

thou shalt speak unto all               <EXO28  -:3 >

thou shalt speak unto him               <1KI21  -:19 >

thou shalt speak unto him               <1KI21  -:19 >

thou shalt speak unto him               <EXO4  -:15 >

thou shalt spread abroad                <GEN28  -:14 >

thou shalt sprinkle their blood upon    <NUM18  -:17 >

thou shalt stand abroad         <DEU24  -:11 >

thou shalt stand before me              <JER15  -:19 >

thou shalt stand by                     <EXO7  -:15 >

thou shalt stand upon                   <EXO33  -:21 >

thou shalt stone him with stones        <DEU13  -:10 >

thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against  <PSA138  -:7 >

thou shalt stretch forth thy hands      <JOH21  -:18 >

thou shalt surely be king               <1SA24  -:20 >

thou shalt surely bring it back <EXO23  -:4 >

thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all  <ISA49  -:18 >

thou shalt surely die                   <1KI2  -:42 >

thou shalt surely die                   <1KI2  -:37 >

thou shalt surely die                   <1SA22  -:16 >

thou shalt surely die                   <EZE3  -:18 >

thou shalt surely die                   <EZE33  -:8 >

thou shalt surely die                   <EZE33  -:14 >

thou shalt surely die                   <GEN20  -:7 >

thou shalt surely die                   <JER26  -:8 >

thou shalt surely give him              <DEU15  -:10 >

thou shalt surely give them             <NUM27  -:7 >

thou shalt surely help him              <DEU22  -:4 >

thou shalt surely help with him <EXO23  -:5 >

thou shalt surely smite         <DEU13  -:15 >

thou shalt swear                        <JER4  -:2 >

thou shalt take                 <DEU12  -:26 >

thou shalt take                 <DEU26  -:2 >

thou shalt take                 <EXO29  -:12 >

thou shalt take                 <EXO29  -:19 >

thou shalt take                 <EXO29  -:21 >

thou shalt take                 <EXO29  -:5 >

thou shalt take                 <EXO29  -:26 >

thou shalt take                 <EXO29  -:31 >

thou shalt take                 <EXO30  -:16 >

thou shalt take                 <EXO4  -:9 >

thou shalt take                 <EXO40  -:9 >

thou shalt take                 <EZE43  -:20 >

thou shalt take                 <EZE43  -:21 >

thou shalt take                 <EZE45  -:18 >

thou shalt take                 <EZE5  -:2 >

thou shalt take                 <GEN24  -:40 >

thou shalt take                 <NUM3  -:41 >

thou shalt take all                     <EXO29  -:13 >

thou shalt take fine flour              <LEV24  -:5 >

thou shalt take gen                     <GEN24  -:7 >

thou shalt take him from mine altar     <EXO21  -:14 >

thou shalt take his blood               <EXO29  -:16 >

thou shalt take hold                    <MIC6  -:14 >

thou shalt take no gift         <EXO23  -:8 >

thou shalt take one portion             <NUM31  -:30 >

thou shalt take thine inheritance       <EZE22  -:16 >

thou shalt take this rod                <EXO4  -:17 >

thou shalt take thy rest                <JOB11  -:18 >

thou shalt take two onyx stones <EXO28  -:9 >

thou shalt take up this proverb against  <ISA14  -:4 >

thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children  <DEU6  -:7 >

thou shalt teach them ordinances        <EXO18  -:20 >

thou shalt tell                 <2SA15  -:35 >

thou shalt then say unto them           <JER23  -:33 >

thou shalt therefore keep               <DEU7  -:11 >

thou shalt therefore keep               <DEU26  -:16 >

thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance  <EXO13  -:10 >

thou shalt therefore obey               <DEU27  -:10 >

thou shalt therefore sacrifice          <DEU16  -:2 >

thou shalt think an evil thought        <EZE38  -:10 >

thou shalt this day be my son           <1SA18  -:21 >

thou shalt thresh                       <ISA41  -:15 >

thou shalt thrice deny                  <LUK22  -:34 >

thou shalt tread                        <MIC6  -:15 >

thou shalt tread upon                   <PSA91  -:13 >

thou shalt tread upon their high places  <DEU33  -:29 >

thou shalt truly tithe all              <DEU14  -:22 >

thou shalt turn                 <DEU16  -:7 >

thou shalt utterly abhor it             <DEU7  -:26 >

thou shalt utterly detest it            <DEU7  -:26 >

thou shalt visit thy habitation <JOB5  -:24 >

thou shalt wash                 <LEV6  -:27 >

thou shalt weep no more         <ISA30  -:19 >

thou shalt worship                      <LUK4  -:8 >

thou shalt worship                      <MAT4  -:10 >

thou shalt write aaron's name upon      <NUM17  -:3 >

thou shalt write them upon              <DEU6  -:9 >

thou shalt write them upon              <DEU11  -:20 >

thou shalt write upon                   <DEU27  -:8 >

thou shalt write upon them all          <DEU27  -:3 >

thou shalt yet plant vines upon <JER31  -:5 >

thou shouldest be                       <2KI19  -:25 >

thou shouldest be                       <ISA37  -:26 >

thou shouldest be afraid                <ISA51  -:12 >

thou shouldest be for salvation unto    <ACT13  -:47 >

thou shouldest be my servant            <ISA49  -:6 >

thou shouldest be put lower             <PRO25  -:7 >

thou shouldest be ruler over my people israel  <1CH17  -:7 >

thou shouldest come under my roof       <MAT8  -:8 >

thou shouldest despise                  <JOB10  -:3 >

thou shouldest do for us whatsoever we shall desire  <MAR10  -:

35 >

thou shouldest enter into covenant with  <DEU29  -:12 >

thou shouldest enter under my roof      <LUK7  -:6 >

thou shouldest fall                     <2CH25  -:19 >

thou shouldest fall                     <2KI14  -:10 >

thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants  <REV11  -:18 >

thou shouldest go                       <ISA48  -:17 >

thou shouldest have brought guiltiness upon us  <GEN26  -:10 >

thou shouldest have smitten five or six times  <2KI13  -:19 >

thou shouldest keep them from           <JOH17  -:15 >

thou shouldest know                     <JOB38  -:20 >

thou shouldest know his will            <ACT22  -:14 >

thou shouldest look upon such           <2SA9  -:8 >

thou shouldest magnify him              <JOB7  -:17 >

thou shouldest not eat                  <GEN3  -:11 >

thou shouldest not have entered into    <OBA1  -:13 >

thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction  <OBA1  -:13 >

thou shouldest not vow                  <ECC6  -:5 >

thou shouldest oppress                  <JOB10  -:3 >

thou shouldest put him                  <JER29  -:26 >

thou shouldest receive him for ever     <PHM1  -:15 >

thou shouldest say                      <DEU30  -:13 >

thou shouldest say                      <DEU30  -:12 >

thou shouldest say unto me              <NUM11  -:12 >

thou shouldest see                      <JOH11  -:40 >

thou shouldest set                      <TIT1  -:5 >

thou shouldest set thine heart upon him  <JOB7  -:17 >

thou shouldest surely recover           <2KI8  -:14 >

thou shouldest take hold                <ECC8  -:18 >

thou shouldest take it                  <JOB38  -:20 >

thou shouldest take knowledge           <RUT2  -:10 >

thou shouldest take my covenant <PSA50  -:16 >

thou shouldest take them out            <JOH17  -:15 >

thou shouldest tell them who shall sit on  <1KI1  -:20 >

thou shouldest visit him every morning  <JOB7  -:18 >

thou shouldest vow                      <ECC6  -:5 >

thou showest lovingkindness unto thousands  <JER32  -:18 >

thou sittest                            <PSA50  -:20 >

thou skippedst for joy                  <JER48  -:27 >

thou slanderest thine own mother's son  <PSA50  -:20 >

thou sluggard                           <PRO6  -:6 >

thou son                                <1CH12  -:18 >

thou son                                <1SA20  -:30 >

thou son                                <EZE12  -:3 >

thou son                                <EZE13  -:17 >

thou son                                <EZE21  -:19 >

thou son                                <EZE21  -:6 >

thou son                                <EZE22  -:2 >

thou son                                <EZE24  -:25 >

thou son                                <EZE27  -:2 >

thou son                                <EZE33  -:12 >

thou son                                <EZE33  -:30 >

thou son                                <EZE36  -:1 >

thou son                                <EZE37  -:16 >

thou son                                <EZE39  -:17 >

thou son                                <EZE39  -:1 >

thou son                                <EZE43  -:10 >

thou son                                <EZE7  -:2 >

thou son                                <JUG5  -:12 >

thou son                                <MAT1  -:20 >

thou son                                <MAT8  -:29 >

thou son                                <NUM23  -:18 >

thou south                              <SON4  -:16 >

thou sowest not                 <1CO15  -:37 >

thou spakest also with thy mouth        <1KI8  -:24 >

thou speak not                          <GEN31  -:24 >

thou speak not                          <GEN31  -:29 >

thou speakest                           <2KI6  -:12 >

thou speakest as one                    <JOB2  -:10 >

thou speakest falsely                   <JER43  -:2 >

thou standest by faith                  <ROM11  -:20 >

thou stillest them                      <PSA89  -:9 >

thou stir up                            <2TI1  -:6 >

thou stoodest                           <NUM22  -:34 >

thou stoodest before                    <DEU4  -:10 >

thou stoodest on                        <OBA1  -:11 >

thou stretchedst out thy right hand     <EXO15  -:12 >

thou subduedst before them              <NEH9  -:24 >

thou succeedest them                    <DEU12  -:29 >

thou succeedest them                    <DEU19  -:1 >

thou succour us ou                      <2SA18  -:3 >

thou swarest by                 <1KI1  -:17 >

thou swarest unto david         <PSA89  -:49 >

thou take                               <EXO34  -:16 >

thou takest away their breath           <PSA104  -:29 >

thou takest knowledge                   <PSA144  -:3 >

thou takest no knowledge                <ISA58  -:3 >

thou takest shall not be for thine honour  <JUG4  -:9 >

thou takest up                          <LUK19  -:21 >

thou talkest with me                    <JUG6  -:17 >

thou teach them                 <1KI8  -:36 >

thou teachest all                       <ACT21  -:21 >

thou tell me nothing but                <1KI22  -:16 >

thou tell us whether thou be            <MAT26  -:63 >

thou tellest my wanderings              <PSA56  -:8 >

thou therefore                          <2SA9  -:10 >

thou therefore                          <2TI2  -:1 >

thou therefore                          <EZE21  -:14 >

thou therefore                          <PSA59  -:5 >

thou therefore endure hardness          <2TI2  -:3 >

thou therefore gird up thy loins        <JER1  -:17 >

thou therefore receive him              <PHM1  -:12 >

thou therefore which teachest another   <ROM2  -:21 >

thou thoughtest                 <PSA50  -:21 >

thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine

enemies  <PSA119  -:98 >

thou thyself also walkest orderly       <ACT21  -:24 >

thou thyself art                        <ROM2  -:19 >

thou thyself likewise hast cursed others  <ECC8  -:22 >

thou thyself wouldest have set thyself against  <2SA18  -:13 >

thou torment me not                     <MAR5  -:7 >

thou triest                             <1CH29  -:17 >

thou trustedst                          <JER12  -:5 >

thou trustest                           <ISA36  -:6 >

thou trustest upon                      <2KI18  -:21 >

thou turnest man                        <PSA90  -:3 >

thou turnest thy spirit against god     <JOB15  -:13 >

thou understandest my thought afar off  <PSA139  -:2 >

thou upholdest me                       <PSA41  -:12 >

thou upon earth                 <ECC6  -:2 >

thou visitest                           <PSA65  -:9 >

thou visitest him                       <HEB2  -:6 >

thou visitest him                       <PSA8  -:4 >

thou washest away                       <JOB14  -:19 >

thou wast                               <2SA1  -:25 >

thou wast                               <DEU15  -:15 >

thou wast                               <DEU16  -:12 >

thou wast                               <DEU24  -:18 >

thou wast                               <DEU24  -:22 >

thou wast                               <DEU5  -:15 >

thou wast                               <PSA99  -:8 >

thou wast altogether born               <JOH9  -:34 >

thou wast born                          <EZE16  -:5 >

thou wast corrupted more than they      <EZE16  -:47 >

thou wast created                       <EZE28  -:15 >

thou wast driven back                   <PSA114  -:5 >

thou wast exceeding beautiful           <EZE16  -:13 >

thou wast he                            <2SA5  -:2 >

thou wast not aware                     <JER50  -:24 >

thou wast not purged                    <EZE24  -:13 >

thou wast not salted at all             <EZE16  -:4 >

thou wast pleased with me               <GEN33  -:10 >

thou wast replenished                   <EZE27  -:25 >

thou wast upon                          <EZE28  -:14 >

thou waterest                           <PSA65  -:10 >

thou wentest                            <ACT11  -:3 >

thou wentest                            <ISA57  -:9 >

thou wentest                            <JER31  -:21 >

thou wentest forth for                  <HAB3  -:13 >

thou which hast kept with thy servant david my father  <2CH6  -:

15 >

thou whom                               <ISA23  -:2 >

thou wife                               <1KI14  -:6 >

thou wilt also do more than             <PHM1  -:21 >

thou wilt bring                 <LAM1  -:21 >

thou wilt bring me                      <JOB30  -:23 >

thou wilt build him an house            <1CH17  -:25 >

thou wilt cast all their sins into      <MIC7  -:19 >

thou wilt cause thine ear               <PSA10  -:17 >

thou wilt debate with it                <ISA27  -:8 >

thou wilt do unto                       <2KI8  -:12 >

thou wilt do us no hurt         <GEN26  -:29 >

thou wilt have                          <JOB14  -:15 >

thou wilt hear                          <PSA38  -:15 >

thou wilt keep                          <ISA26  -:3 >

thou wilt make all his bed              <PSA41  -:3 >

thou wilt manifest thyself unto us      <JOH14  -:22 >

thou wilt neither kill me               <1SA30  -:15 >

thou wilt not acquit me from mine iniquity  <JOB10  -:14 >

thou wilt not cut off my seed after me  <1SA24  -:21 >

thou wilt not deal falsely with me      <GEN21  -:23 >

thou wilt not deliver him unto          <PSA41  -:2 >

thou wilt not despise                   <PSA51  -:17 >

thou wilt not destroy my name out       <1SA24  -:21 >

thou wilt not hear                      <DEU30  -:17 >

thou wilt not hear                      <HAB1  -:2 >

thou wilt not hold me innocent          <JOB9  -:28 >

thou wilt not let them go               <EXO9  -:17 >

thou wilt not require                   <PSA10  -:13 >

thou wilt not save                      <HAB1  -:2 >

thou wilt ordain peace for us           <ISA26  -:12 >

thou wilt perform                       <MIC7  -:20 >

thou wilt prepare their heart           <PSA10  -:17 >

thou wilt prolong                       <PSA61  -:6 >

thou wilt receive instruction           <ZEP3  -:7 >

thou wilt revive me                     <PSA138  -:7 >

thou wilt save israel by mine hand      <JUG6  -:37 >

thou wilt say then                      <ROM11  -:19 >

thou wilt say then unto me              <ROM9  -:19 >

thou wilt send                          <EXO4  -:13 >

thou wilt show me                       <PSA16  -:11 >

thou wilt surely wear away              <EXO18  -:18 >

thou wilt take                          <GEN13  -:9 >

thou worm jacob                 <ISA41  -:14 >

thou wouldest appoint me                <JOB14  -:13 >

thou wouldest bless me indeed           <1CH4  -:10 >

thou wouldest bring down paul           <ACT23  -:20 >

thou wouldest come down         <ISA64  -:1 >

thou wouldest deal very treacherously   <ISA48  -:8 >

thou wouldest deliver thy servant into  <1KI18  -:9 >

thou wouldest have asked                <JOH4  -:10 >

thou wouldest have her                  <DEU21  -:11 >

thou wouldest hear us                   <ACT24  -:4 >

thou wouldest hide me                   <JOB14  -:13 >

thou wouldest keep                      <1CH4  -:10 >

thou wouldest keep me secret            <JOB14  -:13 >

thou wouldest needs be gone             <GEN31  -:30 >

thou wouldest not suffer                <2SA14  -:11 >

thou wouldest put thy name there        <2CH6  -:20 >

thou wouldest rend                      <ISA64  -:1 >

thou wouldest send him                  <LUK16  -:27 >

thou wouldest send me unto judah        <NEH2  -:5 >

thou woundedst                          <HAB3  -:13 >

thou ziba                               <2SA9  -:2 >

though thou                             <HOS4  -:15 >

though thou be sought for               <EZE26  -:21 >

though thou clothest thyself with crimson  <JER4  -:30 >

though thou deckest thee with ornaments  <JER4  -:30 >

though thou detain me                   <JUG13  -:16 >

though thou exalt                       <OBA1  -:4 >

though thou givest many gifts           <PRO6  -:35 >

though thou hast not known me           <ISA45  -:5 >

though thou hast not known me           <ISA45  -:4 >

though thou hast sore broken us <PSA44  -:19 >

though thou knewest all this            <DAN5  -:22 >

though thou rentest thy face with painting  <JER4  -:30 >

though thou set thi                     <EZE28  -:2 >

though thou set thy nest among          <OBA1  -:4 >

though thou shouldest bray              <PRO27  -:22 >

though thou shouldest make thy nest as high as  <JER49  -:16 >

though thou tookest vengeance           <PSA99  -:8 >

though thou wast angry with me          <ISA12  -:1 >

three times thou shalt keep             <EXO23  -:14 >

three years thou shalt bring forth all  <DEU14  -:28 >

thus saying thou reproachest us also    <LUK11  -:45 >

thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured  

<ISA47  -:15 >

thus shalt thou answer                  <2CH10  -:10 >

thus shalt thou cleanse         <EZE43  -:20 >

thus shalt thou do six days             <JOS6  -:3 >

thus shalt thou do unto         <NUM8  -:26 >

thus shalt thou do unto aaron           <EXO29  -:35 >

thus shalt thou do unto all             <DEU20  -:15 >

thus shalt thou do unto them            <NUM8  -:7 >

thus shalt thou make for all            <EXO26  -:17 >

thus shalt thou say                     <EXO19  -:3 >

thus shalt thou say                     <JER23  -:37 >

thus shalt thou say unto                <EXO3  -:15 >

thus shalt thou say unto                <EXO3  -:14 >

thus shalt thou say unto her            <1KI14  -:5 >

thus shalt thou say unto him            <JER45  -:4 >

thus shalt thou say unto joab           <2SA11  -:25 >

thus shalt thou say unto them           <1KI12  -:10 >

thus shalt thou say unto them           <2CH10  -:10 >

thus shalt thou separate                <NUM8  -:14 >

thus shalt thou speak unto this people  <1KI12  -:10 >

thus thou calledst                      <EZE23  -:21 >

thus thou shalt say unto                <EXO20  -:22 >

thus thou shalt speak                   <NUM23  -:5 >

thus wast thou decked with gold <EZE16  -:13 >

thy book which thou hast written        <EXO32  -:32 >

thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son  <DEU7  -:3 >

thy face shalt thou eat bread           <GEN3  -:19 >

thy faithfulness shalt thou establish   <PSA89  -:2 >

thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover  <LEV18  -:8 >

thy field when thou reapest             <LEV23  -:22 >

thy flock thou shalt sanctify unto      <DEU15  -:19 >

thy garments thou didst take            <EZE16  -:16 >

thy god whom thou servest continually   <DAN6  -:16 >

thy harvest thou shalt not reap <LEV25  -:5 >

thy kindness which thou shalt show unto me  <GEN20  -:13 >

thy king which thou shalt set over thee  <DEU28  -:36 >

thy labour which thou takest under      <ECC10  -:9 >

thy land thou shalt bring into          <EXO23  -:19 >

thy land thou shalt bring unto          <EXO34  -:26 >

thy lips thou shalt keep                <DEU23  -:23 >

thy manifold mercies thou gavest them saviours  <NEH9  -:27 >

thy meat offering shalt thou season with salt  <LEV2  -:13 >

thy meat which thou shalt eat           <EZE4  -:10 >

thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness' sake  <PSA25  -:7 >

thy messengers which thou sentest unto me  <NUM24  -:12 >

thy people which thou hast chosen       <1KI3  -:8 >

thy power preserve thou those           <PSA79  -:11 >

thy seed which thou hast sown           <DEU22  -:9 >

thy sight when once thou art angry      <PSA76  -:7 >

thy sons shalt thou give unto me        <EXO22  -:29 >

thy sons thou shalt redeem              <EXO34  -:20 >

thy vows which thou vowest              <DEU12  -:17 >

thy whoredoms thou hast not remembered  <EZE16  -:22 >

till thou be destroyed                  <DEU28  -:45 >

till thou come unto gaza                <JUG6  -:4 >

till thou hast denied me thrice <JOH13  -:38 >

till thou hast ended                    <EZE4  -:8 >

till thou hast paid                     <LUK12  -:59 >

till thou hast paid                     <MAT5  -:26 >

till thou hav                           <2KI13  -:17 >

till thou know                          <DAN4  -:25 >

till thou return unto                   <GEN3  -:19 >

till thou send                          <GEN38  -:17 >

time shalt thou drink                   <EZE4  -:11 >

time shalt thou eat it                  <EZE4  -:10 >

time when thou mayest be found          <PSA32  -:6 >

trees which thou knowest                <DEU20  -:20 >

triumph thou because                    <PSA60  -:8 >

trust thou                              <PSA115  -:9 >

truth thou art                          <MAT14  -:33 >

turn thou                               <1SA22  -:18 >

turn thou me                            <JER31  -:18 >

turn thou unto me                       <JER3  -:7 >

turn thou us unto thee                  <LAM5  -:21 >

two boards shalt thou make for          <EXO26  -:23 >

two golden rings shalt thou make        <EXO30  -:4 >

unclean beasts shalt thou redeem        <NUM18  -:15 >

under every green tree thou wanderest        <JER2  -:20 >

under his wings shalt thou trust        <PSA91  -:4 >

under whose wings thou art come        <RUT2  -:12 >

unless thou hadst spoken                <2SA2  -:27 >

until thou be destroyed                <DEU28  -:61 >

until thou be destroyed                <DEU28  -:20 >

until thou be destroyed                <DEU28  -:51 >

until thou be destroyed                <DEU28  -:24 >

until thou be increased                <EXO23  -:30 >

until thou come                        <1SA17  -:52 >

until thou hast finished all                <1CH28  -:20 >

until thou have consumed them                <1KI22  -:11 >

until thou have destroyed them                <DEU7  -:24 >

until thou know                        <DAN4  -:32 >

until thou know how                        <RUT3  -:18 >

until thou perish quickly                <DEU28  -:20 >

unto caesar shalt thou go                <ACT25  -:12 >

unto dust shalt thou return                <GEN3  -:19 >

unto this people thou shalt say        <JER21  -:8 >

upon thy belly shalt thou go                <GEN3  -:14 >

upon which thou hast caused me                <PSA119  -:49 >

upon which thou hast ridden ever since        <NUM22  -:30 >

upon whom thou shalt see                <JOH1  -:33 >

upright man thou wilt show thyself upright  <2SA22  -:26 >

upward even unto fifty years old shalt thou number them  <NUM4  -

:30 >

upward shalt thou number them                <NUM3  -:15 >

upward until fifty years old shalt thou number them  <NUM4  -:23


vagabond shalt thou be                        <GEN4  -:12 >

vain shalt thou make thyself fair        <JER4  -:30 >

vain shalt thou use many medicines        <JER46  -:11 >

verily thou shalt be fed                <PSA37  -:3 >

very pleasant hast thou been unto me        <2SA1  -:26 >

vessels thereof thou shalt make        <EXO27  -:3 >

vesture shalt thou change them                <PSA102  -:26 >

vesture shalt thou fold them up        <HEB1  -:12 >

wait thou only upon god         <PSA62  -:5 >

walk not thou                           <PRO1  -:15 >

walkedst whither thou wouldest          <JOH21  -:18 >

was with thee whithersoever thou wentest  <2SA7  -:9 >

water which thou takest out             <EXO4  -:9 >

waters which thou sawest                <REV17  -:15 >

way as thou camest                      <ACT9  -:17 >

way by which thou camest                <2KI19  -:28 >

way by which thou camest                <ISA37  -:29 >

way which thou shalt go         <PSA32  -:8 >

ways hast thou sat for them             <JER3  -:2 >

we know not whither thou goest          <JOH14  -:5 >

what begettest thou                     <ISA45  -:10 >

what canst thou do                      <JOB11  -:8 >

what canst thou know                    <JOB11  -:8 >

what day thou buyest                    <RUT4  -:5 >

what doest thou                 <DAN4  -:35 >

what doest thou                 <ECC9  -:4 >

what doest thou                 <EZE12  -:9 >

what doest thou                 <JOB9  -:12 >

what doest thou against him             <JOB35  -:6 >

what doest thou here                    <1KI19  -:13 >

what doest thou here                    <1KI19  -:9 >

what doest thou unto him                <JOB35  -:6 >

what dost thou work                     <JOH6  -:30 >

what givest thou him                    <JOB35  -:7 >

what hast thou                          <1CO4  -:7 >

what hast thou                          <2KI4  -:2 >

what hast thou                          <2KI9  -:18 >

what hast thou                          <2KI9  -:19 >

what hast thou                          <JUG11  -:12 >

what hast thou                          <PSA50  -:16 >

what hast thou brought forth            <ISA45  -:10 >

what hast thou done                     <1SA13  -:11 >

what hast thou done                     <2SA3  -:24 >

what hast thou done                     <GEN31  -:26 >

what hast thou done                     <GEN4  -:10 >

what hast thou done                     <JOH18  -:35 >

what hast thou done unto me             <NUM23  -:11 >

what hast thou done unto us             <GEN20  -:9 >

what hast thou found                    <1SA29  -:8 >

what hast thou found                    <GEN31  -:37 >

what hast thou here                     <ISA22  -:16 >

what hast thou here                     <JUG18  -:3 >

what knowest thou                       <JOB15  -:9 >

what makest thou                        <ISA45  -:9 >

what makest thou                        <JUG18  -:3 >

what meanest thou                       <JON1  -:6 >

what meanest thou by these              <2SA16  -:2 >

what sawest thou                        <GEN20  -:10 >

what sayest thou                        <JOH1  -:22 >

what sayest thou                        <JOH9  -:17 >

what seekest thou                       <GEN37  -:15 >

what seekest thou                       <JOH4  -:27 >

what seest thou                 <AMO7  -:8 >

what seest thou                 <AMO8  -:2 >

what seest thou                 <JER1  -:11 >

what seest thou                 <JER1  -:13 >

what seest thou                 <JER24  -:3 >

what seest thou                 <ZEC4  -:2 >

what seest thou                 <ZEC5  -:2 >

what sign showest thou then             <JOH6  -:30 >

what sign showest thou unto us          <JOH2  -:18 >

what thing soever thou shalt hear out   <2SA15  -:35 >

what thinkest thou                      <MAT17  -:25 >

what thinkest thou                      <MAT22  -:17 >

what thou hast seen                     <ACT22  -:15 >

what thou hast spoken is come           <JER32  -:24 >

what thou sayest                        <MAR14  -:68 >

what thou seest                 <REV1  -:11 >

what wilt thou                          <EST5  -:3 >

what wilt thou                          <JUG1  -:14 >

what wilt thou                          <LUK18  -:41 >

what wilt thou                          <MAR10  -:51 >

what wilt thou                          <MAT20  -:21 >

what wilt thou do                       <JER4  -:30 >

what wilt thou do unto thy great name   <JOS7  -:9 >

what wilt thou give                     <HOS9  -:14 >

what wilt thou give me                  <GEN15  -:2 >

what wilt thou give me                  <GEN38  -:16 >

what wilt thou have me                  <ACT9  -:6 >

what wilt thou say when he shall punish thee  <JER13  -:21 >

what wouldest thou                      <1KI1  -:16 >

what wouldest thou                      <JOS15  -:18 >

wheaten flour shalt thou make them      <EXO29  -:2 >

when camest thou hither         <JOH6  -:25 >

when thou                               <1SA15  -:17 >

when thou                               <DEU25  -:18 >

when thou afflictest them               <1KI8  -:35 >

when thou art                           <DEU4  -:30 >

when thou art athirst                   <RUT2  -:9 >

when thou art bidden                    <LUK14  -:8 >

when thou art come                      <2KI4  -:4 >

when thou art come into         <DEU18  -:9 >

when thou art come into         <PRO6  -:3 >

when thou art come thither              <1SA10  -:5 >

when thou art come unto         <DEU17  -:14 >

when thou art converted         <LUK22  -:32 >

when thou art departed from me          <1SA10  -:2 >

when thou art passed over               <DEU27  -:3 >

when thou awakest                       <PSA73  -:20 >

when thou beatest thine olive tree      <DEU24  -:20 >

when thou broughtest our fathers out    <1KI8  -:53 >

when thou buildest                      <DEU22  -:8 >

when thou comest                        <1KI19  -:15 >

when thou comest                        <2SA3  -:13 >

when thou comest                        <2TI4  -:13 >

when thou comest                        <DEU28  -:19 >

when thou comest                        <DEU28  -:6 >

when thou comest                        <GEN24  -:41 >

when thou comest                        <JER51  -:61 >

when thou comest into                   <DEU23  -:25 >

when thou comest into thy neighbour's vineyard  <DEU23  -:24 >

when thou comest nigh unto              <DEU20  -:10 >

when thou comest thither                <2KI9  -:2 >

when thou criest                        <ISA57  -:13 >

when thou cuttest down thine harvest    <DEU24  -:19 >

when thou didst march through           <PSA68  -:7 >

when thou didst terrible things <ISA64  -:3 >

when thou doest                 <DEU12  -:28 >

when thou doest evil                    <JER11  -:15 >

when thou doest well                    <PSA49  -:18 >

when thou dost afflict them             <2CH6  -:26 >

when thou dost embrace her              <PRO4  -:8 >

when thou dost lend thy brother any thing  <DEU24  -:10 >

when thou dost overtake them            <GEN44  -:4 >

when thou fastest                       <MAT6  -:17 >

when thou gatherest                     <DEU24  -:21 >

when thou goest                 <EXO4  -:21 >

when thou goest                 <PRO4  -:12 >

when thou goest                 <PRO6  -:22 >

when thou goest forth                   <DEU21  -:10 >

when thou goest on thy way              <1SA28  -:22 >

when thou goest out                     <DEU20  -:1 >

when thou goest out                     <DEU28  -:19 >

when thou goest out                     <DEU28  -:6 >

when thou goest with thine adversary    <LUK12  -:58 >

when thou hast accomplished them        <EZE4  -:6 >

when thou hast brought forth            <EXO3  -:12 >

when thou hast circumcised him          <EXO12  -:44 >

when thou hast eaten                    <DEU8  -:10 >

when thou hast found                    <PRO24  -:14 >

when thou hast gathered         <EXO23  -:16 >

when thou hast it by thee               <PRO3  -:28 >

when thou hast made an atonement for it  <EXO29  -:36 >

when thou hast made an end              <2SA11  -:19 >

when thou hast made an end              <DEU26  -:12 >

when thou hast made an end              <EZE43  -:23 >

when thou hast made an end              <JER51  -:63 >

when thou hast opened his mouth <MAT17  -:27 >

when thou hast seen it                  <NUM27  -:13 >

when thou hast shut thy door            <MAT6  -:6 >

when thou hast so provided for it       <PSA65  -:9 >

when thou hast taught me thy statutes   <PSA119  -:171 >

when thou hast taught them              <2CH6  -:27 >

when thou heardest his words against this place  <2CH34  -:27 >

when thou heardest what         <2KI22  -:19 >

when thou hearest                       <1KI8  -:30 >

when thou hearest                       <2CH6  -:21 >

when thou hearest                       <2SA5  -:24 >

when thou liest down                    <DEU11  -:19 >

when thou liest down                    <DEU6  -:7 >

when thou liest down                    <PRO3  -:24 >

when thou lightest                      <NUM8  -:2 >

when thou makest                        <LUK14  -:12 >

when thou marchedst out         <JUG5  -:4 >

when thou mockest                       <JOB11  -:3 >

when thou numberest them                <EXO30  -:12 >

when thou passest through               <ISA43  -:2 >

when thou perceivest not                <PRO14  -:7 >

when thou prayest                       <MAT6  -:5 >

when thou prayest                       <MAT6  -:6 >

when thou preparest                     <NUM15  -:8 >

when thou risest up                     <DEU11  -:19 >

when thou risest up                     <DEU6  -:7 >

when thou runnest                       <PRO4  -:12 >

when thou saidst                        <PSA27  -:8 >

when thou sawest                        <PSA50  -:18 >

when thou seest                 <DEU4  -:19 >

when thou seest                 <ISA58  -:7 >

when thou sendest him away free from thee  <DEU15  -:18 >

when thou sendest him out free from thee  <DEU15  -:13 >

when thou shalt beget children          <DEU4  -:25 >

when thou shalt besiege         <DEU20  -:19 >

when thou shalt bring                   <JER18  -:22 >

when thou shalt cease                   <ISA33  -:1 >

when thou shalt do                      <DEU12  -:25 >

when thou shalt do                      <DEU21  -:9 >

when thou shalt enlarge my heart        <PSA119  -:32 >

when thou shalt go into an inner chamber  <1KI22  -:25 >

when thou shalt go up                   <EXO34  -:24 >

when thou shalt have eaten              <DEU6  -:11 >

when thou shalt hear                    <1CH14  -:15 >

when thou shalt hearken         <DEU13  -:18 >

when thou shalt make an end             <ISA33  -:1 >

when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin  <ISA53  -:10 >

when thou shalt receive thy sisters     <EZE16  -:61 >

when thou shalt say                     <ECC13  -:1 >

when thou shalt show this people all these words  <JER16  -:10 >

when thou shalt vow                     <DEU23  -:21 >

when thou sittest                       <PRO23  -:1 >

when thou sleepest                      <PRO6  -:22 >

when thou takest                        <EXO30  -:12 >

when thou thyself beholdest not <LUK6  -:42 >

when thou tillest                       <GEN4  -:12 >

when thou vowest                        <ECC6  -:4 >

when thou walkest by                    <DEU11  -:19 >

when thou walkest by                    <DEU6  -:7 >

when thou walkest through               <ISA43  -:2 >

when thou wast                          <EZE16  -:6 >

when thou wast                          <EZE16  -:6 >

when thou wast naked                    <EZE16  -:22 >

when thou wast refused                  <ISA54  -:6 >

when thou wast under                    <JOH1  -:48 >

when thou wast young                    <JOH21  -:18 >

when thou wentest                       <JUG8  -:1 >

when thou wentest after me              <JER2  -:2 >

when thou wentest forth before thy people  <PSA68  -:7 >

when thou wentest out                   <JUG5  -:4 >

when thou wilt ease thyself abroad      <DEU23  -:13 >

when thou with rebukes dost correct man for iniquity  <PSA39  -:

11 >

when wilt thou arise out                <PRO6  -:9 >

when wilt thou comfort me               <PSA119  -:82 >

when wilt thou execute judgment on them  <PSA119  -:84 >

when wilt thou return                   <NEH2  -:6 >

whence art thou                 <JOH19  -:9 >

whence camest thou                      <GEN16  -:8 >

whence comest thou                      <JOB1  -:7 >

whence comest thou                      <JON1  -:8 >

whence comest thou                      <JUG17  -:9 >

whence comest thou                      <JUG19  -:17 >

whence knowest thou me                  <JOH1  -:48 >

where dwellest thou                     <JOH1  -:38 >

where hast thou gleaned         <RUT2  -:19 >

where thou anointedst                   <GEN31  -:13 >

where thou diest                        <RUT1  -:17 >

where thou dwellest                     <REV2  -:13 >

where thou feedest                      <SON1  -:7 >

where thou hast seen how                <DEU1  -:31 >

where thou lodgest                      <RUT1  -:16 >

where thou makest                       <SON1  -:7 >

where thou sowedst thy seed             <DEU11  -:10 >

where thou vowedst                      <GEN31  -:13 >

where wast thou when                    <JOB38  -:4 >

where wilt thou                 <LUK22  -:9 >

where wilt thou                 <MAR14  -:12 >

where wilt thou                 <MAT26  -:17 >

where wroughtest thou                   <RUT2  -:19 >

whereas now thou shalt smite syria      <2KI13  -:19 >

whereas thou                            <EZE16  -:7 >

whereas thou camest                     <2SA15  -:20 >

whereas thou hast been forsaken <ISA60  -:15 >

whereas thou hast prayed                <ISA37  -:21 >

whereas thou hast searched all my stuff  <GEN31  -:37 >

whereas thou sawest                     <DAN2  -:41 >

whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay  <DAN2  -:43 >

whereby thou                            <ACT11  -:14 >

whereby thou didst confirm thine inheritance  <PSA68  -:9 >

whereby thou hast forsaken me           <DEU28  -:20 >

wherefore art thou come         <MAT26  -:50 >

wherefore camest thou not unto me       <NUM22  -:37 >

wherefore criest thou unto me           <EXO14  -:15 >

wherefore dealest thou thus with thy servants  <EXO5  -:15 >

wherefore didst thou doubt              <MAT14  -:31 >

wherefore didst thou flee away secretly  <GEN31  -:27 >

wherefore didst thou marvel             <REV17  -:7 >

wherefore dost thou forget us for ever  <LAM5  -:20 >

wherefore dost thou prophesy            <JER32  -:3 >

wherefore gloriest thou         <JER49  -:4 >

wherefore goest thou also with us       <2SA15  -:19 >

wherefore hast thou                     <EXO5  -:22 >

wherefore hast thou afflicted thy servant  <NUM11  -:11 >

wherefore hast thou at all brought this people over jordan  

<JOS7  -:7 >

wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us  <EXO14  -:11 >

wherefore hast thou despised            <2SA12  -:9 >

wherefore hast thou done so             <2SA16  -:10 >

wherefore hast thou gone                <2SA3  -:7 >

wherefore hast thou made all men        <PSA89  -:47 >

wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes    <2KI5  -:8 >

wherefore hast thou smitten thine ass these three times  <NUM22  

-:32 >

wherefore hast thou stolen my gods      <GEN31  -:30 >

wherefore hearest thou men's words      <1SA24  -:9 >

wherefore hidest thou thy face          <JOB13  -:24 >

wherefore hidest thou thy face          <PSA44  -:24 >

wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face  <JOS7  -:10 >

wherefore lookest thou upon them        <HAB1  -:13 >

wherefore passedst thou over            <JUG12  -:1 >

wherefore shut thou up                  <DAN8  -:26 >

wherefore sighest thou                  <EZE21  -:7 >

wherefore smitest thou thy fellow       <EXO2  -:13 >

wherefore standest thou without <GEN24  -:31 >

wherefore then didst thou not obey      <1SA15  -:19 >

wherefore then dost thou ask            <1SA28  -:16 >

wherefore then gavest not thou my money into  <LUK19  -:23 >

wherefore then hast thou beguiled me    <GEN29  -:25 >

wherefore then hast thou brought me forth out  <JOB10  -:18 >

wherefore then hast thou not kept thy lord  <1SA26  -:15 >

wherefore then hast thou thought such   <2SA14  -:13 >

wherefore then layest thou              <1SA28  -:9 >

wherefore then speakest thou so <1SA9  -:21 >

wherefore then wilt thou sin against innocent blood  <1SA19  -:5


wherefore thou art great                <2SA7  -:22 >

wherefore thou art no more              <GAL4  -:7 >

wherefore wentest not thou with me      <2SA19  -:25 >

wherefore wilt thou go                  <2KI4  -:23 >

wherefore wilt thou run         <2SA18  -:22 >

wherein hast thou loved us              <MAL1  -:2 >

wherein thou                            <JER5  -:17 >

wherein thou hast been instructed       <LUK1  -:4 >

wherein thou hast dwelt         <PSA74  -:2 >

wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth  <ISA47  -:12 >

wherein thou hast transgressed against me  <ZEP3  -:11 >

wherein thou trustedst                  <DEU28  -:52 >

whereof thou canst not be healed        <DEU28  -:27 >

whereof thou speakest                   <ACT17  -:19 >

whereunto thou art also called          <1TI6  -:12 >

whereunto thou hast attained            <1TI4  -:6 >

whereupon thou hast set mine incense    <EZE23  -:41 >

wherewith thou coverest         <DEU22  -:12 >

wherewith thou didst testify against them  <NEH9  -:34 >

wherewith thou mightest be bound        <JUG16  -:6 >

wherewith thou mightest be bound        <JUG16  -:10 >

wherewith thou saidst                   <JUG9  -:38 >

wherewith thou shalt do signs           <EXO4  -:17 >

wherewith thou smotest                  <EXO17  -:5 >

whether thou                            <GEN27  -:21 >

whether thou refuse                     <JOB34  -:33 >

whether thou shalt save         <1CO7  -:16 >

whether thou shalt save         <1CO7  -:16 >

whether thou wouldest keep his commandments  <DEU8  -:2 >

which is altogether just shalt thou follow  <DEU16  -:20 >

which neither thou nor thy fathers have known  <DEU28  -:64 >

which thou                              <DEU26  -:10 >

which thou begettest after them <GEN48  -:6 >

which thou brakest                      <EXO34  -:1 >

which thou broughtest forth out <1KI8  -:51 >

which thou broughtest out               <EXO32  -:7 >

which thou broughtest out by thy mighty power  <DEU9  -:29 >

which thou buildedst not                <DEU6  -:10 >

which thou commandedst thy servant moses  <NEH1  -:7 >

which thou deliverest will              <MIC6  -:14 >

which thou didst give unto them <EZE16  -:36 >

which thou didst swear                  <JER32  -:22 >

which thou diggedst not         <DEU6  -:11 >

which thou filledst not         <DEU6  -:11 >

which thou gavest unto their fathers    <1KI8  -:48 >

which thou gavest unto their fathers    <2CH6  -:38 >

which thou hast brought forth out       <EXO32  -:11 >

which thou hast brought forth out       <DEU9  -:26 >

which thou hast brought unto us <GEN39  -:17 >

which thou hast built                   <1KI9  -:3 >

which thou hast commanded by thy servants  <EZR9  -:11 >

which thou hast done                    <GEN27  -:45 >

which thou hast given                   <1KI8  -:36 >

which thou hast given me                <JOH17  -:24 >

which thou hast given unto thy people for an inheritance  <2CH6  

-:27 >

which thou hast given us                <2CH20  -:11 >

which thou hast heard                   <2TI1  -:13 >

which thou hast laboured                <ISA62  -:8 >

which thou hast laid up for them        <PSA31  -:19 >

which thou hast not asked               <1KI3  -:13 >

which thou hast not known               <DEU13  -:6 >

which thou hast not known               <DEU13  -:2 >

which thou hast not laboured            <JON4  -:10 >

which thou hast ordained                <PSA8  -:3 >

which thou hast prayed                  <2KI19  -:20 >

which thou hast prepared before <LUK2  -:31 >

which thou hast promised him            <2CH6  -:15 >

which thou hast promised him            <2CH6  -:16 >

which thou hast promised with thy mouth  <DEU23  -:23 >

which thou hast provided                <LUK12  -:20 >

which thou hast redeemed                <PSA71  -:23 >

which thou hast redeemed through thy greatness  <DEU9  -:26 >

which thou hast said                    <1KI8  -:29 >

which thou hast showed unto me          <GEN19  -:19 >

which thou hast showed unto thy servant  <GEN32  -:10 >

which thou hast sown                    <EXO23  -:16 >

which thou hast spoken                  <GEN19  -:21 >

which thou hast spoken unto thy servant david  <2CH6  -:17 >

which thou hast sworn unto our fathers from  <MIC7  -:20 >

which thou hast toward                  <PHM1  -:5 >

which thou hast vowed                   <ECC6  -:4 >

which thou hast written from my mouth   <JER36  -:6 >

which thou hast wrought for us          <PSA68  -:28 >

which thou knewest not                  <DEU8  -:3 >

which thou knowest                      <DEU7  -:15 >

which thou knowest not                  <JER33  -:3 >

which thou plantedst not                <DEU6  -:11 >

which thou puttest on me will           <2KI18  -:14 >

which thou redeemed                     <2SA7  -:23 >

which thou sacrificedst         <DEU16  -:4 >

which thou shalt beget                  <2KI20  -:18 >

which thou shalt beget                  <ISA39  -:7 >

which thou shalt bring                  <DEU26  -:2 >

which thou shalt give                   <DEU16  -:10 >

which thou shalt have                   <LEV25  -:44 >

which thou shalt have occasion          <EZR7  -:20 >

which thou shalt inherit                <DEU19  -:14 >

which thou shalt make it                <GEN6  -:15 >

which thou shalt make thee              <DEU16  -:21 >

which thou shalt offer upon             <EXO29  -:38 >

which thou shalt possess                <DEU18  -:14 >

which thou shalt receive                <1SA10  -:4 >

which thou shalt teach them             <DEU5  -:31 >

which thou shalt wash                   <LEV13  -:58 >

which thou sowest                       <1CO15  -:37 >

which thou sowest is not quickened      <1CO15  -:36 >

which thou spakest unto thy servant david my father  <1KI8  -:26


which thou spreadest forth              <EZE27  -:7 >

which thou wast afraid                  <DEU28  -:60 >

while thou yet talkest there with       <1KI1  -:14 >

whiles thou art                 <MAT5  -:25 >

whither goest thou                      <GEN32  -:17 >

whither goest thou                      <JOH13  -:36 >

whither goest thou                      <JOH16  -:5 >

whither goest thou                      <JUG19  -:17 >

whither goest thou                      <ZEC2  -:2 >

whither thou goest                      <DEU11  -:10 >

whither thou goest                      <DEU12  -:29 >

whither thou goest                      <DEU28  -:21 >

whither thou goest                      <ECC10  -:10 >

whither thou goest                      <GEN28  -:15 >

whither thou passest over jordan        <DEU30  -:18 >

whither thou shalt go forth abroad      <DEU23  -:12 >

whither thou wouldes                    <JOH21  -:18 >

whither wilt thou go                    <GEN16  -:8 >

who art thou                            <ACT22  -:8 >

who art thou                            <ACT26  -:15 >

who art thou                            <ACT9  -:5 >

who art thou                            <JAM4  -:12 >

who art thou                            <JOH1  -:19 >

who art thou                            <JOH1  -:22 >

who art thou                            <JOH21  -:12 >

who art thou                            <JOH8  -:25 >

who art thou                            <ROM14  -:4 >

who art thou                            <ROM9  -:20 >

who knoweth whether thou art come       <EST4  -:14 >

whole piece shalt thou make them        <NUM10  -:2 >

whom art thou like                      <EZE31  -:2 >

whom art thou thus like         <EZE31  -:18 >

whom be thou ware also                  <2TI4  -:15 >

whom dost thou pass                     <EZE32  -:19 >

whom hast thou been afraid or feared    <ISA57  -:11 >

whom hast thou here                     <ISA22  -:16 >

whom hast thou reproached               <2KI19  -:22 >

whom hast thou reproached               <ISA37  -:23 >

whom hast thou uttered words            <JOB26  -:4 >

whom if thou bring forward on their journey after  <3JO1  -:6 >

whom makest thou thyself                <JOH8  -:53 >

whom seekest thou                       <JOH20  -:15 >

whom thou                               <JER39  -:17 >

whom thou art afraid                    <DEU7  -:19 >

whom thou barest witness                <JOH3  -:26 >

whom thou didst command         <LAM1  -:10 >

whom thou didst prove at massah <DEU33  -:8 >

whom thou didst send                    <1SA25  -:25 >

whom thou didst strive at               <DEU33  -:8 >

whom thou dost lend shall bring out     <DEU24  -:11 >

whom thou hast anointed         <ACT4  -:27 >

whom thou hast borne unto me            <EZE16  -:20 >

whom thou hast defied                   <1SA17  -:45 >

whom thou hast done this                <LAM2  -:20 >

whom thou hast given me         <JOH17  -:24 >

whom thou hast learned                  <2TI3  -:14 >

whom thou hast prophesied lies          <JER20  -:6 >

whom thou hast redeemed         <DEU21  -:8 >

whom thou hast redeemed by thy great power  <NEH1  -:10 >

whom thou hast redeemed out             <1CH17  -:21 >

whom thou hast sent                     <JOH17  -:3 >

whom thou hast smitten                  <PSA69  -:26 >

whom thou hatest                        <EZE23  -:28 >

whom thou knowest                       <DEU9  -:2 >

whom thou knowest                       <NUM11  -:16 >

whom thou lovest                        <GEN22  -:2 >

whom thou mayest make princes           <PSA45  -:16 >

whom thou persecutest                   <ACT22  -:8 >

whom thou rememberest no more           <PSA88  -:5 >

whom thou saidst                        <HOS13  -:10 >

whom thou servest continually           <DAN6  -:20 >

whom thou shalt come                    <EXO23  -:27 >

whom thou slewest                       <1SA21  -:9 >

whom thou swarest by thine own self     <EXO32  -:13 >

whom thou trustest                      <ISA37  -:10 >

whom thou trustest deceive thee <2KI19  -:10 >

whom thou wouldest not let israel invade  <2CH20  -:10 >

whose belly thou fillest with thy hid   <PSA17  -:14 >

whose face thou fearest         <JER22  -:25 >

whose heart thou knowest                <1KI8  -:39 >

whose heart thou knowest                <2CH6  -:30 >

whose hills thou mayest dig brass       <DEU8  -:9 >

whose stead thou hast reigned           <2SA16  -:8 >

whose words thou canst not understand   <EZE3  -:6 >

whosoever thou art                      <ROM2  -:1 >

why abodest thou among                  <JUG5  -:16 >

why art thou cast down                  <PSA42  -:5 >

why art thou cast down                  <PSA42  -:11 >

why art thou cast down                  <PSA43  -:5 >

why art thou disquieted within me       <PSA43  -:5 >

why art thou disquieted within me       <PSA42  -:11 >

why art thou so                 <PSA22  -:1 >

why art thou wroth                      <GEN4  -:6 >

why askest thou me                      <JOH18  -:21 >

why askest thou thus after my name      <JUG13  -:18 >

why baptizest thou then         <JOH1  -:25 >

why beholdest thou                      <LUK6  -:41 >

why beholdest thou                      <MAT7  -:3 >

why boastest thou thyself               <PSA52  -:1 >

why callest thou me good                <LUK18  -:19 >

why callest thou me good                <MAR10  -:18 >

why callest thou me good                <MAT19  -:17 >

why camest thou down hither             <1SA17  -:28 >

why castest thou off my soul            <PSA88  -:14 >

why compellest thou                     <GAL2  -:14 >

why criest thou for thine affliction    <JER30  -:15 >

why didst thou not smite him there      <2SA18  -:11 >

why didst thou not tell me              <GEN12  -:18 >

why dost thou ask abishag               <1KI2  -:22 >

why dost thou cast me off               <PSA43  -:2 >

why dost thou glory                     <1CO4  -:7 >

why dost thou not pardon my transgression  <JOB7  -:21 >

why dost thou show me iniquity          <HAB1  -:3 >

why dost thou strive against him        <JOB33  -:13 >

why eatest thou not                     <1SA1  -:8 >

why feignest thou thyself               <1KI14  -:6 >

why gaddest thou about so much          <JER2  -:36 >

why hast thou                           <PSA80  -:12 >

why hast thou cast                      <PSA74  -:1 >

why hast thou conceived this thing      <ACT5  -:4 >

why hast thou deceived me               <1SA28  -:12 >

why hast thou deceived me so            <1SA19  -:17 >

why hast thou disquieted me             <1SA28  -:15 >

why hast thou done so                   <1KI1  -:6 >

why hast thou done this         <JON1  -:10 >

why hast thou forgotten me              <PSA42  -:9 >

why hast thou forsaken me               <MAR15  -:34 >

why hast thou forsaken me               <MAT27  -:46 >

why hast thou forsaken me               <PSA22  -:1 >

why hast thou given me                  <JOS17  -:14 >

why hast thou made me thus              <ROM9  -:20 >

why hast thou made us                   <ISA63  -:17 >

why hast thou not required              <2CH24  -:6 >

why hast thou prophesied                <JER26  -:9 >

why hast thou served us thus            <JUG8  -:1 >

why hast thou set me as         <JOB7  -:20 >

why hast thou smitten us                <JER14  -:19 >

why hast thou sought after              <2CH25  -:15 >

why hast thou thus dealt with us        <LUK2  -:48 >

why hast thou troubled us               <JOS7  -:25 >

why hast thou written therein           <JER36  -:29 >

why persecutest thou me         <ACT22  -:7 >

why persecutest thou me         <ACT26  -:14 >

why persecutest thou me         <ACT9  -:4 >

why saidst thou                 <GEN12  -:19 >

why sayest thou                 <ISA40  -:27 >

why shouldest thou be as                <JER14  -:9 >

why shouldest thou be as                <JER14  -:8 >

why shouldest thou be smitten           <2CH25  -:16 >

why shouldest thou destroy thyself      <ECC8  -:16 >

why shouldest thou die before thy time  <ECC8  -:17 >

why shouldest thou meddle               <2CH25  -:19 >

why sittest thou thyself alone          <EXO18  -:14 >

why sleepest thou                       <PSA44  -:23 >

why smitest thou me                     <JOH18  -:23 >

why speakest thou any more              <2SA19  -:29 >

why speakest thou unto them             <MAT13  -:10 >

why standest thou afar off              <PSA10  -:1 >

why talkest thou with her               <JOH4  -:27 >

why then hast thou not kept             <1KI2  -:43 >

why transgressest thou                  <EST3  -:3 >

why trimmest thou thy way               <JER2  -:33 >

why troublest thou                      <MAR5  -:35 >

why weepest thou                        <1SA1  -:8 >

why weepest thou                        <JOH20  -:13 >

why weepest thou                        <JOH20  -:15 >

why wentest thou not with thy friend    <2SA16  -:17 >

why wilt thou                           <PRO5  -:20 >

why wilt thou swallow up                <2SA20  -:19 >

why withdrawest thou thy hand           <PSA74  -:11 >

wife whom thou lovest all               <ECC10  -:9 >

will do as thou hast said               <GEN47  -:30 >

will do whatsoever thou sayest unto me  <NUM22  -:17 >

will even deal with thee as thou hast done  <EZE16  -:59 >

will follow thee whithersoever thou goest  <MAT8  -:19 >

will follow thee whithersoever thou goest  <LUK9  -:57 >

will show thee what thou shalt do       <1SA16  -:3 >

will tarry until thou come again        <JUG6  -:18 >

wilt not thou                           <PSA108  -:11 >

wilt not thou possess                   <JUG11  -:24 >

wilt thou                               <LUK9  -:54 >

wilt thou also destroy                  <GEN18  -:24 >

wilt thou also destroy                  <GEN18  -:23 >

wilt thou also disannul my judgment     <JOB40  -:8 >

wilt thou at this time restore again    <ACT1  -:6 >

wilt thou be altogether unto me as      <JER15  -:18 >

wilt thou be angry for ever             <PSA79  -:5 >

wilt thou be angry with us for ever     <PSA85  -:5 >

wilt thou be grieved                    <JOB4  -:2 >

wilt thou be made whole         <JOH5  -:6 >

wilt thou be wroth with all             <NUM16  -:22 >

wilt thou believe him                   <JOB39  -:12 >

wilt thou break                 <JOB13  -:25 >

wilt thou bring me into dust again      <JOB10  -:9 >

wilt thou call this                     <ISA58  -:5 >

wilt thou condemn him                   <JOB34  -:17 >

wilt thou condemn me                    <JOB40  -:8 >

wilt thou deliver them into             <1SA14  -:37 >

wilt thou deliver them into mine hand   <2SA5  -:19 >

wilt thou deliver them into mine hand   <1CH14  -:10 >

wilt thou destroy all                   <EZE9  -:8 >

wilt thou destroy all                   <GEN18  -:28 >

wilt thou draw out thine anger          <PSA85  -:5 >

wilt thou give                          <GEN38  -:17 >

wilt thou go up                 <ACT25  -:9 >

wilt thou go with me                    <1KI22  -:4 >

wilt thou go with me                    <2CH18  -:3 >

wilt thou go with me against moab       <2KI3  -:7 >

wilt thou go with this man              <GEN24  -:58 >

wilt thou hide thyself for ever <PSA89  -:46 >

wilt thou hold thy peace                <ISA64  -:12 >

wilt thou hunt                          <JOB38  -:39 >

wilt thou judge                 <EZE20  -:4 >

wilt thou judge                 <EZE22  -:2 >

wilt thou judge                 <EZE22  -:2 >

wilt thou judge aholah                  <EZE23  -:36 >

wilt thou judge them                    <EZE20  -:4 >

wilt thou kill me                       <ACT7  -:28 >

wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake  <JOH13  -:38 >

wilt thou make                          <EZE11  -:13 >

wilt thou not be made clean             <JER13  -:27 >

wilt thou not cease                     <ACT13  -:10 >

wilt thou not from this time cry unto me  <JER3  -:4 >

wilt thou not hearken unto me           <JER38  -:15 >

wilt thou not judge them                <2CH20  -:12 >

wilt thou not revive us again           <PSA85  -:6 >

wilt thou not show us what thou <EZE37  -:18 >

wilt thou not surely put me             <JER38  -:15 >

wilt thou not tell me                   <2SA13  -:4 >

wilt thou not tell us what these        <EZE24  -:19 >

wilt thou play with him as              <JOB41  -:5 >

wilt thou pursue                        <JOB13  -:25 >

wilt thou put out                       <NUM16  -:14 >

wilt thou rear it up                    <JOH2  -:20 >

wilt thou refrain thyself for these     <ISA64  -:12 >

wilt thou set thine eyes upon           <PRO23  -:5 >

wilt thou show wonders                  <PSA88  -:10 >

wilt thou slay also                     <GEN20  -:4 >

wilt thou take him for                  <JOB41  -:4 >

wilt thou then                          <MAT13  -:28 >

wilt thou then not be afraid            <ROM13  -:3 >

wilt thou trust him                     <JOB39  -:11 >

wilt thou yet say before him            <EZE28  -:9 >

window shalt thou make                  <GEN6  -:16 >

window which thou didst let us down by  <JOS2  -:18 >

wisdom hast thou made them all          <PSA104  -:24 >

wise as thou                            <GEN41  -:39 >

with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt  <LEV2  -:13 >

with an upright man thou wilt show thyself upright  <PSA18  -:25


with favour wilt thou compass him as    <PSA5  -:12 >

with thee whithersoever thou goest      <JOS1  -:9 >

with these shalt thou push              <1KI22  -:11 >

with these thou shalt push syria until they be consumed  <2CH18  

-:10 >

with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches  <EZE28  -:

4 >

with thy strong hand thou opposest thyself against me  <JOB30  -:

21 >

with whom hast thou left those few sheep  <1SA17  -:28 >

with whom thou hast taken pleasure      <EZE16  -:37 >

with whomsoever thou findest thy gods   <GEN31  -:32 >

with whose maidens thou wast            <RUT3  -:2 >

withhold not thou thy tender mercies from me  <PSA40  -:11 >

without shalt thou overlay it           <EXO25  -:11 >

woman which thou hast taken             <GEN20  -:3 >

woman which thou sawest is              <REV17  -:18 >

woman whom thou gavest                  <GEN3  -:12 >

words which thou gavest me              <JOH17  -:8 >

words which thou hast heard             <2KI19  -:6 >

words which thou hast heard             <2KI22  -:18 >

words which thou hast heard             <2CH34  -:26 >

words which thou shalt speak unto       <EXO19  -:6 >

work thou didst                 <PSA44  -:1 >

work which thou gavest me               <JOH17  -:4 >

worship thou him                        <PSA45  -:11 >

would thou wert cold or hot             <REV3  -:15 >

wouldest not thou be angry with us till thou hadst consumed  

<EZR9  -:14 >

wouldest thou be spoken for             <2KI4  -:13 >

wouldest thou not have done             <2KI5  -:13 >

wouldest thou smite those whom thou hast taken captive with thy

sword  <2KI6  -:22 >

wouldest thou take away my son's mandrakes also  <GEN30  -:15 >

wrath shalt thou restrain               <PSA76  -:10 >

wreathen work shalt thou make them      <EXO28  -:14 >

write thou every man's name upon his rod  <NUM17  -:2 >

write thou these words                  <EXO34  -:27 >

years thou shalt diminish                <LEV25  -:16 >

years thou shalt increase                <LEV25  -:16 >

yet didst thou set thy servant among them  <2SA19  -:28 >

yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption  <JON2  -:6 >

yet hast thou not known me                <JOH14  -:9 >

yet hast thou not walked after their ways  <EZE16  -:47 >

yet have thou respect unto                <1KI8  -:28 >

yet if thou kill                        <JAM2  -:11 >

yet if thou warn                        <EZE3  -:19 >

yet lackest thou one thing                <LUK18  -:22 >

yet many years didst thou forbear them        <NEH9  -:30 >

yet neither shalt thou mourn nor weep        <EZE24  -:16 >

yet shalt thou be brought down with        <EZE31  -:18 >

yet shalt thou never be found again        <EZE26  -:21 >

yet shalt thou plunge me                <JOB9  -:31 >

yet thou dost destroy me                <JOB10  -:8 >

yet thou hast said                        <EXO33  -:12 >

yet thou must do it again                <PRO19  -:19 >

yet thou never gavest me                <LUK15  -:29 >

yet thou sayest                        <JER2  -:35 >

yet thou shalt be brought down                <ISA14  -:15 >

yet thou shalt see                        <DEU32  -:52 >

yet thou wast not satisfied herewith        <EZE16  -:29 >

